Gill & Gilbert Want to Apologize For Dying in LoZ: Breath of the Wild ā€” Gill & Gilbert, Episode 3

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(start at 8:11 if the video isn't taking you there straight away)

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 17 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Dexav šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jan 08 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

Seems like Iā€™m not the only one on a Gill and Gilbert binge right now.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 16 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/threeg40 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jan 09 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

eagle eyed

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 4 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/esvco šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jan 09 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies

I just watched this the other day how did I not notice?! Nice catch.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 3 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/SpookyVoidCat šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jan 09 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] like and subscribe the mics are live for another Gil and Gilbert it's time to do to do to do to do the show that we're about to do it is time for Gil and Gilbert [Music] hi everybody its Galen Gilbert I only get a nice loping rhythm for us going for the opening here please hmm I can get into that hey welcome welcome to our musical stream that we have today we're so happy you could join us on this journey we're about to take in breath of the wild Lynx style what we have for our stream today is a very special game called apology songs basically how this works is that we're gonna be playing the master trials which is DLC for a Legend of Zelda breath of the wild so if you haven't played don't worry there are no real spoilers weird it's basically a nude link fighting some people it's not going to be an issue everything's gonna be okay it's gonna be fine no I wanted to have a quick quick chat with you for a moment because excuse me I wanted to get a couple things out of the way for you first of all last time I asked you if you're drinking anything you say do you have anything I do have something today but yeah it's approximately two ounces of that that sweet breath of life we call water and sweet sweet h2 mmm-hmm what have you got today so today I'm once again doing the teas tea organic which teas tea organic it's delicious but [ __ ] teas tea to get me out of the mud oh we've got a little we're not going with a cup of the mud this time I went with a big old Red Bull the number one choice of the extreme sportsmen and businessmen yes and I feel like my whole thing is sort of extreme businessman extreme businessman yeah oh yeah we'll probably move the mics closer to the instruments when we get once we get into that portion of the streamer that's more relevant so last time we did this the last two times we did this involve things that I'm mildly allergic to first we did strawberries yes which I you know give me a bit of a mouth tingle that I don't like then we did balloons latex gives me a bit of a skin tingle I don't like and I was like aw it's great that we're not doing anything it's it's that's it we're not doing anything that I'm allergic to but then I realized just about 10 minutes ago that we are absolutely doing something that I am emotionally allergic to yeah which is which is like public music performance yeah like it's literally it feels like the world is gonna end okay if I've ever thought about like like I've never done karaoke okay really never done karaoke it is that level of paralyzing fear all right well hey we're easing you into it here in in front of 1,000 people thousands just a camera and that's all just a camera there's only a camera here it's only you me and our good friend link yeah so that's all you need to sing for and hopefully you won't be doing that much singing cuz we're gonna rock it we're not gonna die at all during this stream we're gonna have to apologize for dying so I think it's great let's go ahead and hop right into the game you want to go first yeah absolutely so what we've done is made it a little bit more a bit faster for us to die by by lowering our health down to three hearts yes which is I think a good choice here so the way the master trials work is you don't get any items you come in naked and you have to fight your way through and accumulate more wealth as you go along yeah much like the American experience mm-hmm so I'm just gonna play very cautiously here very that's some good caution right there oh nice tree branches gonna get there we go that's what I'm talking about oh it's ah there we go oh very nice maybe collect that man's axe as what I should have done that that's okay you know what let's oh no I got blindsided on that she's already one heart down over one hurting to get it back you're gonna get that heart back somehow hop down a tree find a cherry eat the cherry it's gonna be and get 1/4 of a heart back its Kirk so I've got next now just a nice blind swing ah there we go green and clear sit friend under control so good so once you've once you've cleared out the level you can go down into the second level which is a nice thing to know there's a nice bump right that will give smack on that that beautiful now here's the big question is do I say that until I have half I think you should I think you should play hard I think it's it's much better and I think you could always break apart some of these boxes and get some things I think - I mean like you were saying yes sorry I don't know if everybody excuse-me heard but yes we cashed in all of my hearts for for stamina yeah yes this this link might die with a paper cut but at least he can run a marathon he's got a very strong grip yes so that's very nice should we just should we just head straight down yeah let's head to the next day let's go for it I'm gonna fix my glasses while it's loading Oh get those glasses fixed Patrick you gotta get new glasses man you've gotta it's hurting me now I'm gonna wrap tape around him that's I didn't understand that we've got some really good but before we go before we dive into this second level yeah do we want to do want to take a small break and maybe and do something special for our audience should we should we should we say what we're gilling in the name of I think that's a great idea because we forgot to do that up top today we are gilang in the name of four special people we've got oh is it not coming up on the screen right now I'll throw it up there it is alright at Miggs boson at gem Rees at pet vet em at raccoon bones they sent in some lovely things we it was a bit there was a whole lot of things that you guys sent in this week it was hard to narrow it down so that way our faces could be seen you got to move over to the right so you can be seen there pat but this lovely beautiful hedgehog was also sent in when we asked you to tweet your pets so thank you all so much and look at these great artwork I'm I'm a big fan of the this one right here cuz I think that really captures my my good I like this one and this I love all of them there's also actually everything that came in was amazing christ almighty you guys sent in like just dozens of fan art so thank you so much it was really it was overwhelming if you like killing your name send us send us some more stuff all right let me get there we go okay and while we're out here yeah you know I think I'm feeling let's do a segment it's so easy to move around without having a bunch of balloons on you pat I mean liberated I feel I feel physically liberated but emotionally enslaved I understand that feeling 90s Pikachu says oh this is a segment called is where we get segments we don't know what they are they are in the comments section and then we do those segments regardless of what they are so this segment is called Pokemon I would eat again sent in by 90s Pikachu mister mine just the most anthropomorphic of all Pokemon you would go for that one mhm I think I'd also stick in in first gen I think I think Jigglypuff would be kind of like a nice choux pastry ooh sort of sort of a macaron texture I could yeah wait wait which one is the one that made out of like shitty coconut and which ones like that beautiful little like I think are the good ones there's macaroons which are coconut macaroons I think and I think that's what I so Jigglypuff is the one that I would eat yes okay cool what else do we have actually let's go and more and then a double segment complete after this Mars Gordon says high fantasy tree names ooh oh yeah I see I'm not used to yeah I just realized that I forgot segment complete but we'll do two in a row segment within a segment exactly my high fantasy tree name is do you have one mine would be else more mine would be a thorough thorough drisana mole mmm that's good in the deep tongue yes there Drossel mmm yeah that's very nice so that is [Music] [Music] alright get back on this horse let's hop back into that sweet sweet gameplay alright so we are in the second floor of the underground lair we have not died yet that is an archer there okay oh we got a big fire man to that you got to watch out for so don't get too close maybe I can disguise myself as a rock oh that's how you do it I like to do that in real life too when I see someone from my high school that I don't want to talk to I pick up a big rock I have footsteps did you hear footsteps I just saw this rock I heard footsteps just a rock just a rock oh no you couldn't make it yeah I'm gonna try again Wow oh he's starting fires no and only he could prevent them do you think that this guman oh my god that was a powerful rock you just threw it was heavy but I think they're Tooting there are their horns at me because they have discovered and I'm up to no good yeah you are in their hood out doing all but a mischief doing some hooligan working out here and now oh it's okay I was just faking him just he's dead do a little jook jook Newcomb hey there isn't any nothing that's fine I got a Boko Bono do I have any arrows for it noise no you don't you're gonna have to collect some in my shield oh yes that's a good way to do it oh well that's not a but it is a rock and you've done pretty well with those right so I need to snap that down I think there may be in those barrels there might be some some arrows okay yep that's not gonna break is it bash it oh yeah she kind of really they got good Cooper's there in this venus world these goblin Cooper's are they really know how to how to make a nice barrel a good cask oh god damn it alright now got now I got five arrows with which to do my murder crimes oh yeah okay we go here we go now come up there and do murder crime oh man real snipe work right there oh oh and you even managed to cut that out of my peripheral that was impressive well done right into it a whole bunch of friends coming out coming out swinging but yeah they're you good thing I got all hit all that stamina you can really do it here oh good again with the Juke over here yeah here we go very impressive different let me ask you a question who loves that joke right before he perishes he's having a bit of a gaggle of La Trobe cool nicely done and that's another that's another whole level done that's no other level down I think that uh well while I move to the next area maybe it's time for all right so that's that's getting us getting this prepped to go into the next place so we are going to oh this is a segment called apologize to a brand we all need to do this sometimes I think I think you know what I feel really bad for social media managers yeah so I'm gonna go ahead I'm gonna tweet an apology and you all should join in everyone everyone at home you know like the Wendy's of the worlds they got to fight it and people want to get roasted or whatever that's not what I'm into I'm into them apologizing to brands for things that we've done wrong sorry yeah sorry for yeah so whether it's something you did to their social media account mmm-hmm or whether it's like for just you know maybe the way that they are yeah exactly and I'm gonna okay so of the brands that I've chosen to go ahead and apologize to is our biscotti box Nonnie's food we're gonna I'm gonna apologize to them so let me do them first because I think that's the greatest apology yeah and so I'll just tweet at nannies food hey sorry I only had biscotti box and now you are associated with Tagg Gil and Gilbert because it's very important to get that branding on there so because he's the thing I apologize to them but I do also want them to know where I'm coming from and you should pause pat because you're about to die oh geez oh good lord good thing I have these apples and bananas and steaks can see that but yes so let me just do that and everyone at home you should you should you should tweet at a brand's that you won't need to apologize to maybe also include hashtag Gil and Gilbert because we are looking for sponsors maybe T's T cuz we did we did it don't tell him I said don't tell they said [ __ ] you don't don't tell him about that part but do apologize to a brand so here's my brand I'm apologizing to is a the the the pizza frozen pizza brand DiGiorno is quite often up in my men cheese yeah yeah honestly they reach out to me buddy often and I've never responded to them why not just cuz it's like you know I'm busy like I honestly you know like I I've had many a du jour now yeah but I've never responded to them so I'm just gonna say sorry I don't answer any of your tweets you're very nice yeah that's so good and I appreciate it that's really nice right that's a good apology and I can't wait to read everyone else's apologies to the brands that they have wronged but I do I'm very excited for that so this is a segment complete but mostly just for us at the moment yeah okay we've really we've really done it all right back to gameplay back to the gameplay and you'll notice that he is now I'm a half a part it's because he was not like he was too busy apologizing to a branch to notice that this big old GU man was coming up to get him and it is a mistake we all have made get that new man out of here so I think whoa oh hey there you're doing really well right now which is good no no no no I'll put this away though there we go save it save the old club and travelers sword hello traveler greetings traveler traveler have you got a sword explosions traveling my Boko shield broke know you can you can get them I should use range box there we go that's one one in the backs beautiful no more we've done it we've made it we've cleared this level too we're doing so well right now we haven't had to sing a singular song yet yeah I feel a little bit bad that's okay you know what we can do I'm gonna I'm gonna make it so that that's the next level you can only use bombs in oh damn it okay you're gonna be your demolitions expert link and that's the only way you can get through this next level so I don't know what the next that's literally impossible well you're gonna die I suppose at that point and then we'll have to face your fear okay so it should be good yeah it seems like people are on online with the bomb train alright so all aboard the bomb Express we're going up a tree house alright so what do it's scout out the sitch here got ya I gotta fight my way up the treehouse using the power of bombs you sing with only the power of bond link has scaled the mountaintop alright there you go you got a really you got a oops I hope that's not a bomb Pat how does just drop it if you if you left trigger no yeah hey I think there I know it's X Oh X whatever there you go yeah oh now they're shooting arrows at me if you accidentally slice with your with your sword you have to get rid of it okay okay all right you have to throw it and you can throw it at someone but you do have to throw it and you can't or gonna pick this up just in case I need it later that's good there you go Bomberman oh that's that doesn't do very much damage to that it does all its gonna is gonna take a while to chip it down this might actually slow us down well I don't know it might slow you down until you think he's gonna catch me is what you think yeah that's what I think I don't think he's gonna catch you I think he's gonna step on bomb oh well done that was clean anyway I've got another type of bomb oh you could do two bombs the old double bomb trick hey enjoy that bomb you think that these buckle blimp eventually they will start kicking them back at me Oh for real yeah I've never I've never gone oh no bombs enough to realize that hey come step on this bomb [ __ ] oh yeah nicely done switch to the other bomb get never ending bomb cycle you didn't count on me being this smart oh [ __ ] it looks like someone someone in the chat has mentioned that DiGiorno has already responded to you so yeah tell me what that response is I'm a little bit busy yeah now you you keep working on that I'm gonna I'm gonna look that up right now for you can you respond to them for me and say sorry that's busy Pat can't come to the phone right now the old tailor can't come to the phone right now why cuz she's dead Oh dijanna says it's dot dot dot okay dot dot dot dot sad face sorry Pat can't respond anymore he is busy and then just maybe what kind of emojis do I want to put in this tweet probably the that Australia or New Zealand's flag one of them one of the Australian or New Zealand's flag rock star and clap sounds good alright can I can I stop using bombs yeah no you can stop using bombs I guess but you I'm also I do want you to die a little bit Patrick see I think I'm gonna start dying pretty soon here when it gets difficult okay that's fair and then or we'll just work through this first level and we'll get to the hardened second level Oh speak of the devil Pat I I think it's time for you to to say some some words that you might be you might be sorry okay I might sir just yeah I keep me some cords let me get a feel for them let me do what all great singers do before they sing and drink a sugary glass of Red Bull I've made some mistakes I've made some bad mistakes I was killed by a goblin did he hit me with a sword and now I'm dead thank you everybody sorry for dying oh wait no I don't have to do it you have to play right now it's because it's my turn to get real into it okay and that is a speaking of which why don't we um while I get this baby I'll set up you you pull some segments this time so once again to recap the rules of segments complete or sorry this is the rules of this is a segment called you send us segment titles in the comments of these videos we um we come up with segments to match them and this one comes from a baku master and it is contemplative silence which I think sort of we did just with that song we can give them another one yeah hmm all right that's a segment completes the segment complete right there and we're back into it so here's the thing is that we're back at the beginning of where we were in this link gonna tell you something he don't give a good gosh darn we must be going like four of of the people oh well he's doing great because of it but that's part of that cuz that there goes that glasses piece again all right there we go oh I'm getting really close in to it I think the part of the problem is that I'm yet a speedrun it I think it's exactly doing but I'm trying to get the flurry rushes yeah oh yeah cuz you got a lot of good damage out of those you got to maximize your DPS so we're still we're not on you don't even see the gameplay you know hi we're professional video game producers video game video producers and we like to let people look at our faces more than we like to let people see the gameplay that we are playing on our video game website this is so [ __ ] good I'm so happy that happened I'm actually you know what I'm not I'm not mad I've never been owned do you know what just to just to really switch things up a bit a bit could we do a segment while we're in gameplay mode just so that way and people can can see unfortunately I can't officer I can't fire a segment you know I can we can still do while while while we're here this is a very special segment within a segment Oh stop dropping this is a segment called so this is a segment called harmonized from Lee Contreras okay Thank You Lee for that segment suggestion if you want to suggest a segment do it in the comments in the VOD in the video we don't we don't check the live chat very much worried okay so harmonized I think when I'm literally the only way I can I've been over this I have tried to harmonize with people okay my problem is if I hear you singing a note I'm just gonna start singing I'm gonna just have to plug my ears alright I'm not gonna harmonize with me all right sounds good all right go for dad dad da-da-da-da-da-da-da no but you were doing the fight that was harmonized how about that segment complete I didn't know I need to I need to go get some some arrows you know what I'm gonna do save save my I'm playing oh well now I don't know where the arrows are okay there they are so it's good that we've I've seen your techniques so I can really try my best to not do any of them yes I wanna I want I want people to see the variety of in game play here with with Legend of Zelda so whereas I'm forced you to do all bombs all time I choose to do that oh and you know what you live by the bomb you die by the bomb okay [Music] thought I couldn't make it thought I could hold that's okay thought I could make it without going to explode but you live by the bomb you die by the bomb I should have listened to my this one's for all the mothers out there love you mom Brian how the [ __ ] did you just do that you piece of [ __ ] go back to gameplay we have to I'm sorry I didn't even get our get our thing queued up all right while you while you're while you're getting it set up because you got to put a sword back I'm mad at you no you're not this be mad at me Patrick it's okay it's literally the only thing I can do is music stuff I don't it's not like people are like oh you can do music I'm like nah man it's a crutch I got nothing else to okay so this is a good this is a good segment from saw is RSA a is our it's this is a segment called hardcore peekaboo okay peekaboo holy [ __ ] I'm gonna shoutcast you peekaboo in okay so here we've got Brian he's setting up for the peekaboo he's looking around he listen capiz looking for his opportunity here he's got a climate as soon as he sees it there no that was a false start here we go we got Brian is reka boo good lord what a beautiful peekaboo that was thank you my name is YouTube YouTube this has been extreme peekaboo hardcore peekaboo tune back into twitch twitch twitch twitch twitch TV slash YouTube and my name is Clive alright okay so what's your technique this time around so my technique is I'm gonna light a fire under my ass as it were okay and I'm just gonna go for it I'm just gonna whenever I am NOT hitting I am going to be running cuz I have a lot of stamina and I want to use it all up this boy's got a hot stick and out of the way then it's got a hot stick ready to oh oh no oh no oh no oh no Pat all right here we go I'm gonna switch things up a little bit okay whoa new instrument new instrument ready yes okay all right so I have diagonals again this is my fate to die as is the fate of all mortal men to be hit by a stick from a goblin and that's a song I guess right that's a sec that's a song it's a song I should have made a song completely humbly but we did a song why not why not two birds this hmm draw drainer says this is a segment called IKEA furniture names hmm I think we can fire off a couple of years I'll go right now hustle bro oh there's definitely the the nice cabinet set the schnapps skin III personally sleep on a hogs in foot problem yeah and you know my favorite thing to do though this isn't necessarily in a furniture brand but I go to Ikea I get the meats fonskin z' and i eat that in the cafeteria it's delicious beautiful I believe that is all right back to it I guess yeah your turn so what yeah you know I'll fire off another set go do another second and this time Weezer remember to go back to gameplay yeah this is the segment called and this one comes from you know I'm gonna pass this one because it's very close to what we've been doing bunch of good old things but so oh God okay this one is really good this one comes from shadow this one is pulled two more segments out and combine them alright so I got to do two of whatever comes out here okay so arts you oh my god damnit okay so these two the first one comes from cap Keegan yeah captain Keegan cap Keegan and the second one comes from a llama first honest reasons I love my dentist second one is definitely real British slang alright yeah so the thing what I love about my dentists right is that when she asked me what color I love for my toothbrush she says oh oh I might what kind of Fingal you want to have with the with the Chrome's you know and I'm always like oh I love turquoise you know and when I say single for those of you who don't know that mean toothbrush we say that around here and when I say crimes that just is another word for color it's all not normal real British stuff that we say yeah oh no thing I like to say it's when I go into my dentist now I've got a bit of oh I've got a bit of it uh my meat knives but Aiken the dentist says I'll come right over here I'll give you some of the the giggle sauce which is what we call laughing gas over our way he puts a try to think of a finger like of British food would call like a drill you know yeah yeah well you got it all right there I think thank you you've pretty much said all the good dentist stuff you could do and I think that's the segment complete profit I think you're a probe I need to make a special cockney version of the segment compared yeah that's a very that's a different one one with like Big Ben in it would be nice oh so let's go back into game play did I turn Australian sorry sometimes we all turn Australia and I definitely turn Australia go that comes so I didn't I didn't mean to start playing but I did start playing because I'd skipped the the the stuff a little bit too quickly all right please give me something thank you and so as a result I I've already put myself in a bit of a pinch here but I'm gonna get this guy real quick get his nice Boko spear and put that away good work there all right we're clear through the first one I this is I don't want to jinx it but I did die in the second level last time so hopefully that doesn't happen again Bonnie so tells us this stream should be called giggle sauce I don't know you know what everyone's trying to Brants things giggle sauce these days and I don't want to jump on that train yeah necessarily so am I think I already told the giggle milk story I'm not gonna tell the giggle no story did you oh you know on this stream I don't I don't I'd certainly don't remember it oh oh that's a mistake on my part huh hey what's up bozos it's me and I'm coming in hot Chapas hog off just chopped his whole hog oh no I can't get the other guy until I get this guy now but doing okay all things considered apparently DiGiorno is like still real thirsty for me manda Jorn de jour du jour n-- this was a we were we're trying to just like reach out to you if that being said if de jour know if you're watching this stream yeah I I wouldn't say no to a couple frozen pizzas it may be a sponsorship if you want to if you want to line polygons pocket with a couple greenbacks or my personal freezer with a couple of ice-cold pies I would not I would not say no to that that's all I'm saying yeah as that being said I do also want nannies and I don't know if that's an issue because they're both they both got that Italian what's Nonie's nonny's nonny's food does Biscotti's and so that I think that's all they might do I don't know maybe that being said I be willing to learn more about other nannies foods if they were to pay us money and yeah we do a sponsorship this is a segment called we get paid now until you to purchase a thing so we do it I guess I'd do it in a heartbeat there's there's no doubt about that all right everybody wants the giggle milk story okay hit me with that story I used to I used to when I first started drinking which was pretty late in life I really like White Russians so I would I would call them giggle milk because I would drink when I get all giggly and silly because on account of the vodka in there so it we used to make my friends really really mad and then when I was moving away from main because I got this job I went to my favorite bar where like I knew everybody and they had they had a drink for me on the menu and it was called giggle no and nobody ordered one of the entire night yeah oh yeah that's a good its giggle milk is nice it's a good thing I just wanted to hear one other human being walk up to the bar and tell the bartender one giggle milk please that would have been grand a good going-away present for you but you know what if I would if you gave me if you promise to purchase it for me I'd go to a bar with you an order giggle milk kind of a person yeah okay think about it I don't know I wouldn't do it if I were you man even for that free giggle milk alright so know how we doing on how we doing on link stuff link stuff things are going better than they have mom and I think do you have any requirements for me like bombs only do you have anything I'm gonna say you got a throw although you can't swing your weapon together throw so they're gonna they're gonna die immediately right because that's how throwing things work okay good let's talk about this my friends whoo-hoo that's some falling damage right there yeah that is this is this right yes that's definitely a TRO you Troy come on that only works for a little bit of the thing whoa well here we go so what else can I throw right now go throw that stick oh you got in the way of where I was trying to throw that but not opposed to it alright so you're out of things to throw so you gotta throw a bomb I got up throw a bomba oh but now it looks like looks like brian is up it back one more time or up at pitch what do they call it when you're a pitcher you're at bat okay okay well we did it cheerfully baseball I didn't see boo hoo that's the way the cookie crumbles Pat alright okay I'm very sorry about that and I'm gonna sing about why I'm sorry hang on hang on let me hang on hang on it as soon as that let me fix my glasses success broken throw those glasses away don't look the only thing that additional challenge run without my glasses oh that's a good job I could be able to read anything that happen the test they say anything mean I will not point just Eve what do you want you want just a little uh just a little bit of magic [Music] it's a weird progression I love that progression don't worry you doing great this is what I want to sing sometimes when you're on fire you forget to look around and sometimes a vocal Blinn will come and knock you to the ground and that's what happened to my friend link so I guess you could say I stink and I'm sorry for dying sorry for and I am that is approximately how you play guitar and that is how you sing there we go we've done it we've done it that's a that's a good one well we're again remembering to to get this set up why don't we why don't we go straight to it oh this is a segment called yes this is a segment called that's what we're doing right now this comes from some guy and tons of others yeah there's just a whole bunch of people who sent us in but some guy was one of the people who sent it in and it is impromptu secret handshake okay so just kidding just kidding all right so see if we can do it again okay ready yeah just kidding all right there we go that's our new secret handshake and that [Music] is a segment complete all right get into it Pat okay so my strat this time is gonna be just not dying I'm gonna do a really good job okay that's a really solid strat all things considered again with the glasses it's very tough should I take off my glasses too no someone has to hear this cannot be done mm-hmm I liked it link can like okay link gets tired if he runs for too long oh I'm so tired but look what you can do forever but that's but that's what they've they teach you in marathon school is that you lose less stamina if you just backflip for a second oh you're okay you're okay surviving is my stick so I'm gonna need to get another stick yeah it's me up here Hey look chill chill for a second we're grabbing a stick if I throw this at him he'll drop his oh no he won't but you can blow them up that's the method or I can use this rock oh there you go the rock tactic oh the rock has failed me behind the rock Johnson has failed me again four bombs look there we go bum mmm that was a double kill yes that was really really clean I'm proud of you all right and there's our next mark I'm gonna go for the sneak attack the sneak attack just came back there we go nice and nice and slow oh he's just taking a wee over there it doesn't even notice you so come on by you having a bit of wee inning I just I'm gonna um surprise man hope you hope you like a I want to go to the club with me it's two-for-one special a plus well done cool all right we've got some let's let's play for the rest of for when it comes to a lot of people are enjoying the the stick game here in the chat so I think from once you hit level three or maybe even from right now if you're not using a stick so you can't use the woodcutters axe but you can use like the the boku club and you can use the spear and you can use tree sticks but those are the only weapons you can use only use wooden weapons or say wooden weapons okay so keep that in mind about my bow the bow is wooden enough I suppose so that's fine oh he does not get the height he needs on there no you did not did not quite make that right there hey hey there we go that was bad I did not take the meet Association I don't have anything to dig into me with my meat knives no no no that's that's no way to be okay all right I need to what do I need to do I need to stop panic I need to break one of these to get the delicious arrows from within that's important gotta keep got to keep calm we've got five arrows now so now I can get access to these guys so I can do a murder on them mm-hmm a lot of people you said that I shouldn't tell you if you have any any any mean things to say but a lot of people are saying you have lovely eyes Pat thank you I'll let you I'll let you know about that do I have anything okay I can use this wood stick there we go that's that's a method oh and that's a stick you could also use at some point I'm gonna go get that Oh someone's throwing rocks at me that is that is a root oh dear oh good good good good pick this up there you are everything's gonna be just okay beautiful work beautiful work right there really clean really concise and just say hello to your mother for me oh it does that imply that I already killed the screw that Mullins mother aiiow Majan that when they poof they just go home I think they kind of do because they come back every Blood Moon yes so they just they just go home for a rest get to get their mom like gives them some macaroni and cheese to bring home put in the freezer and then they're good to go I just really don't want to die again because the two times I've had to sing on stream have been extreme trauma floor done so well I don't know what you're talking about that and next time how about next time it's it's only spoken word for you beat for you yeah it's sort of sort of a Rocketman type of a yes that's kind of what I just went to on my second try but you know what it's who says that the rocket man thing is wrong I think it's the right way you know maybe yeah maybe um old William Shatner was was he's the only person who knows what good music is that's what I always have heard the Beatles who are they honestly who are there right right I don't trust him name is yourself after a bug bug sir do you know what [ __ ] this bat that's gonna do a chain reaction right no no apparently not okay well I've got bows bows got five bullets in this bows mm-hmm you know welcome to yourself into his house a flame all right hmm I'm gonna break this I'm gonna break this baby apart okay yeah yeah what no what you're doing is impossible you got it [Music] hot fire it's what killed me and just listen to this this is I died in a fire I died in a fire he died in a fire we're very sorry that we died you time how did this happen I will never know the answer to that question I where did he go I couldn't ever oh I got you Brian I wasn't actually a ghost the whole time he wasn't a ghost too the whole time No then what was the case it was it was just uh it was just a bit of the old movie magic that's amazing have you seen the film ghosts starring Patrick Swayze have seen that film was that what you do is that how they did it - yeah movie what was it Patrick Swayze I think it was Patrick Swayze so what happened in ghosts is yeah they just they were doing this they're doing an online gaming stream you want to get us back to being around a segment please they were doing an online gaming stream in the movie ghost with Patrick Swayze and what they did was they just put up a transition scene and then Patrick Swayze jumped out of the scene oh and then he came back in that's how they did it that's how they do he never actually became a ghost wow I thought he did but now I suppose that is in real life but anyway love you Patrick's so this is a segment called other names for fashion shows and this comes to us from cipher Jem Thank You cypher gym if you have a segment you'd like on Gil and Gilbert mm-hmm you can do it nice and easily by just submitting it in the comments when this is a video on demand so let's come up with some other names for fashion show segments the name of a real fashion I don't like things like maybe Vogue or some yeah I guess what I would call a fashion show if you were to if you were to blindfold me yeah and then and then open my eyes and then I was in a fashion show I'd say whoa tall lady's wearing strong clothes okay so I think that's what I would call it yeah I think I would just call mine something really provocative like ass we just say ass and really big letters that would on a billboard hey city whatever it takes to sell those those tickets am i right and to bring in the good fashion ass this fall coming this fall again we might have it doesn't matter though productions rough this week it's time he doesn't have glasses on he's a ghost I don't know my glasses yeah that's okay I'm trying to do more eye contact too because that's the thing people notice in the last stream that's because you have to do your you're a man of many hats where's yeah I job is to do is to do nothing except look at the camera I suppose sometimes like I'm like looking like over there a lot yeah I'm looking over here a lot let's go back to games let's get back to that gameplay I'm in the thick of it I'm thinking thieves with these thieves think of Steve I'm thinking Steve's over here oh no oh well I've done a bad over here not too bad though apparently because I made it through I'm so concentrated on making eye contact I can't engage with you that's okay I'll make it up for the both yes because you've got to make that real sensual intense i console know that I'm connecting with them so have you ever Bryan done the thing where maybe not maybe you don't have the same sort of social anxiety the thing we're like you're talking to somebody and you realize part of the way through the conversation that you should be making eye contact and then you could become so focused it's a it's a I've done that but especially it happens in like like interviews or like job prospects talking I'm like I have to make a good impression I get interested firm handshake and then I'm like I'm sorry did you just explain what this job entails cuz I have no idea I have no idea Oh get out of here my Finn there's so many times one time I got I got interviewed getting the job but I got interviewed by an organization and it turns out okay so it's calm I guess it's a little complicated because there's like a job at a university and I thought I knew who I was working for and they're like what do you know about X yeah and I was like honestly nothing and like I mean that's the name of our division whose fire in the air no psych and then they just cuz I was [ __ ] good candidate it is you're so spot-on for what they needed so I've made it through this through the second level which is good yeah so you've made it through the second level and I was able to maintain eye contact that's good when you said - I'm making a make you're making strides maybe my rule for this level is that I also have to maintain I can't okay great I like this alright so hey everyone it's me Brian I'm talking directly to you and all of my focus is on you am I on fire right now I can't tell I don't think you are well now I am I think I know you got died and that's it for me I suppose I mean technically I did maintain eye contact that entire time I should have tuned this guitar before we went lies okay I'm gonna give you a couple more chords in the same sort of milieu please let me try to find him real quick [Music] yeah no not yeah yeah yeah that's what I want that's what I want to be up to GFE okay [Music] everyone clap along at home film yourself clapping and then send it in everyone clap is this really will not work if you don't clap YES on the two and the four not on the one and three hey whoa it's links time to go I was looking in the camera seeing my friends and it made link meet a terrible end and now it's time for you to clap on with the show [Music] I'm sorry [Music] I'm sorry thank you yeah and then that song always ends with the comical oh yeah boy boy and then someone throws a pie in my face mm-hmm it's a it's how it works in show business you might not know about it shall we do a segment well again once this is loading this is also similar to what we're doing right now so we're gonna we have we've had a lot of song related segments and then we didn't realize that we were doing a song related show so yeah sorry about that Hannah Jane says this is a segment called review each other socks hmm oh ooh you know what I love about this is it's the classic black it's it it never goes out of style and it just works you know people see Pat and they say that's a fashion icon because he's he's making the the construction the foundation work in a way that has never worked before all right I didn't realize that we would be doing hmm also my my green shoes strong showing from I'm currently birth so I'll just do what was good I mean honestly I would say sort of obviously the sophomore slump is sort of in effect here not coming out as strongly as Brian's previous pair of socks but still sort of a workman like effort like if you're a fan of the genre I think you'll get into it it sort of feels like previous attempts at these socks but sort of you know those were outlines now it's colored in the smell I can't smell them from here so that's pretty good good sign so yeah that's I'd say um eight point five out of ten all right that's a second called jeez Louise it's you who's going to alright get into it Pat we're gonna we're gonna be so good at these first time is it it's it's five - its oh my goodness it's almost seven o'clock time flies when you're having the fun so should we should we see this one through yeah and then maybe just do a good we're on gameplay yeah we're doing it game player did you put it on gameplay this whole time no I don't think so okay I checked that you're fine yeah you're getting too good at that I'm starting to just produce automatic it's kind of like you know highway hypnosis what is this do you not have no system they're not like in in main driving school did they not like hammer that home whether like no make sure when you're on the highway that you don't get into highway hypnosis where you forget where what's going on you're you driving on the same road for 20 miles and you just going too quick and you can't remember maybe just because people in Maryland suck at driving yeah no they did not teach us that um okay so okay oh no the one thing I will tell you they teach us because I went to driver's ed in Maine they go out of their way to teach you about the danger of moose okay and mooses and they show you this video where like somebody who survived a moose attack in a car crash most people who hit moose and their cars don't live but we're talking about how violent and mean the moose was and it was like the moose got on top of the car and you started jumping up and down oh yeah oh that's terrifying I don't yeah you gotta watch out for those Meese I also remember the no zone do you remember the nose stay out of the no zone stay out of that zone at least i still stay out of the nose and i never a terrified okay so how about when we did it this time we'll do a little we'll do a little encore sort of a group do a yeah i think that's a really good idea to just take things home yeah it's interesting that most your songs sort of incorporated things like melody and rhyme how did you pick up that skill you're still alive oh well not you're not but that's okay I did a lot of improv music growing up really I did really yeah we're sort of we're sort of meeting you on your own turf here yes so this is this is okay for me should i what do you choose I think maybe the melodica would really would really fit well with with the guitar it matches nicely yeah then let me try to think little only think of some some chords that'll work okay together sure that sounds good you want to keep it in like in some like just you know what we've been doing really sad songs up until this point can we just do like a C major an F major and a G can always do that yeah does that seem okay just like a real one four five very simple yeah happy it's a weed progression we're going to get it you know start this again okay so what order do you want those cords in point of point of order your point of order it's gonna be how about just a nice guy see a little la Bamba to fit in with our Bamba for the day you want to see a see so nice you know you're just playing whatever and I'll do I'll do some real hard jazz for everyone how does that sound [ __ ] good I'm gonna throw down the thing that I can play with the most chords in it and then you play over yeah I'm gonna play the most okay sounds good I'm ready [Music] all right and that's it y'all y'all this has been so difficult why don't we erase his horrible taste from our mouth with a little thing called segments we're not complete well the segment of our songs are complete now yeah we're no longer doing songs but that was good try that that was beautiful all right well why are you doing that I'm gonna go ahead and start our segment lightning rounds because it's almost time for us to go there it is all right this one is anime voiceover sent in by a Zhang goose okay so here you know what I need you to stay where you are okay oh [ __ ] we're gonna do an animation voiceover so give me a give me a really good intense like like you just did something ready seems like this time we i've really got him on the ropes the crystals are in my pocket and i feel them there hey take that Mobius Mahoney all right cool that was a that was part of part of that here we go he's such a powerful warrior I can't believe it [ __ ] that is they say okay gem of the night says this is a segment called path tricks tricks emphasized so you got anything you want to show us yeah definitely um let's let's see what which the best angle to do this from is yeah let me um here do you want me to do this yeah go ahead and zoom out for us Yazoo mount for us let me see if I can still do this I think so I didn't actually land to Patrick but it was an attempted Patrick it was a good it was at Patrick if you had done multiple it would have been a hat-trick three namely all right here's another and we haven't been throwing segments this is a segment called after before everyone halfway yeah we did oh we did okay cool this is this one is sloppy my dude I love this I think the more public service we are the the more it's a public service to everyone so Everest farmer says this is a segment called yeah that's probably an anime Oh another anime one oh yeah it's it's about six teenagers and they all have to get through the trials of high school but surprise they're all squirrels dad that is probably an anime it's it's about a 14 year old girl who turns into a sword yeah no that's probably an anime this is a segment called invisible bees you said I was gonna have some bees this time I'm gonna eat all the bees so they can't sting me [Music] [Music] grape grapes this one comes from Adam Johnson and this one is grape grapes grape grapes you know sometimes they got seeds in them and it's like why yeah I'd say my like authentic grape grape is just a sort of textural thing like a lot of times they just feel kind of gritty in a weird way in your mouth and I think I sort of internalized a lot of that like oh this is this is a witch's eyeballs stuff like from from scary Halloween party so I can't eat a grape without thinking I'm eating a witch's eye yeah that's a grape that's a great Oh [Music] I deserve this one this one is this one comes in from John dude bro thanks John dude bro and it's just chill for a second no man just can you chill for just like a second yeah all right super lightning around super light as fast as possible cuz we got a whole bunch of these to burn through it would you remember all of these come from viewers like you submitting these in video on-demand this one comes from sympathy plan wistful looks comes from this one comes from Sarah abou its seats dancing seat dancing alright complete this one comes from Carly Zoe and it is seven more deadly sins yeah okay so well obviously you've heard of sloth but have you heard of broth that was a new seven deadly sins cranking it too much I give it too much slipping on ice and then pretending like you didn't not owning it yes uh just like eating no there's already have one about eating too there's one about eating too much eating eating too much of your roommates food yes yeah that's it for trying and failing to get into a sport like football oh that's definitely a deadly sin you know just like overthinking the social interactions you have I think we could all like that's actually I should you put that in the box because we got killed yeah it's not that big of a deal and I'd say streaming streaming there you go that's seven [Music] okay we're good this actually comes from segment title this is a segment called shout outs to old friends you haven't talked to sue in a while Ian my dude how's it going been a while dan love you hope everything's going now yeah TJ haven't chatted with you since like high school hope you're doing well I feel like we left on a bad note but yeah I still care about you I hope you're doing well TJ all right Nick sorry I've told a whole bunch of people you're a big piece of [ __ ] it's just the way I feel and the way I still feel yeah so there's some shout outs more stereo says this is a segment respectful nicknames so what's a nickname you have for I'm gonna give you a respectful neck okay yeah hmm how about I mean I feel like if I just start calling you chief like sort of that's a good one yeah that's a when you say like Laura like boss boss know what I'm gonna call you all the Ironsides that's a that's a very nice one I'm gonna I'm gonna call you lustrous that too no it's it's it's sort of objectifying a little bit okay well okay how about I just call you luster luster sounds really good this is a segment called figures of speech but badness from comes from Cal Sims oh that's the way the cookie crumbles okay well you can't you can't build a wall in six days you probably could you could it's true yes okay I think I feel like these are like you know a stitch in time saves limes I mean okay I think a stitch in time saves nine is the least it's already the least expression out there because I don't know how to make a stitch in time to save nine here's this a sexist fault Ellen Erez sex numbers that aren't 69 sex numbers that aren't 69 I think like 71 looks like somebody bending over and flunking somebody else yeah how about like like this like the square root of three yeah that's pretty sexual that is a sexual number so just two more after this one so three more but a high octave low octave this is a segment called in high octave and a low octave [Music] all right second a complete oh this one is called Brian's time to shine from mint Jan all right Brian Sam shine fired off it's my time to shine it's my time hey move over Rover it's my time to shine uh can I tell you the next story real quick yeah please okay so I was living in Texas and there was this kid called Nick and he had a French last name and I don't remember it yeah but it has a really good ending because he told me that the Nazis invented a supersonic plane traveling before America so we should sort of respect them for that oh and then there is this time so we were at this playground me and my sister we were eight or ten years old and he was crawling around on the ground like a little worm okay and he was like throwing rocks at us that's what it was he was throwing handfuls of pebbles at us at my friend Quentin and the best thing in the world ever happened so there's my sister's on the swing and she's going up and she's going down and she's going up and down he's crawling under her and Quentin picks up a rock and throws it at him and it hits him in the eye as he's under her and he goes amazingly perfectly dramatic reaction of him just like whipping up into the air geez and then just my sister like drop kicking him in the back of the head that's yeah it happens when someone says you should respect that well thank you for clearing that up I think that counts as a segment right there so it's a good one but I think that kind of that kind of makes it up for our stream right now I love seeing you all here today thanks for tuning in we'll see you next Wednesday at 6:00 make sure to LIKE and subscribe to polygon definitely like this and then make sure to come back when this video is on demand and leave comments saying segment suggestion : and then whatever it is I or if you have a stream stream ideas - or a thing we need let's not do anything that involves emotional trauma for me things that I'm allergic to yeah just good feelings and great times yeah we're gonna take it out right now thank you once again for tuning into killing Gilbert see y'all next week see you next week [Music]
Channel: Polygon
Views: 343,837
Rating: 4.9625897 out of 5
Keywords: video games, videogames, games, gameplay, polygon, news, review, overview, walkthrough, lets play, music, improv, patrick gill, brian gilbert, gill and gilbert, guitar, the legend of zelda, master trials, talk show, variety show, fun, funny, bad, gaming, stream, balloon, balloons, link, switch, nintendo
Id: Jd1ZdgWT3jA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 21sec (4281 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 14 2018
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