Playing Splatoon 2 and Making Art — Gill & Gilbert, Episode 4

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[Music] like and subscribe prepare your body to be streamed I've fallen into the drift I am ready to flow to you like a stream the stream begins then then hello everyone stream began then hi everybody welcome to Gillan Gilbert welcome to Galen Gilbert this time on a Friday because Wednesday the weather was real bad it was a rough time on Wednesday so we rescheduled and but we're here together hey what's you sippin on Pat let me tell you I'm sippin on unnamed tea I'm also sipping on a very lovely unnamed tea one that has yet to sponsor us and so we've decided to stop mentioning its name we're not we're not yours Cheers mmm what a good tea don't you wish you knew what it was the thing I like about it is like sometimes I I'm wanting to keep my mouth wet but I don't want sweetness I don't want artificial sweetness I don't want fitness but yes I'm gonna do stream that's gonna make me burp no way Jose so we love this specific type of tea yes that we won't mention that we sponsor exactly no more from here on out yep welcome to a special art stream that we have here today you've most likely noticed our easel in front of us you have not noticed our palette but we have that too come come join us in a very relaxing nice paint along stream here as we play a special game I like to call splatoon - so the excuse me everyone the chat is just saying piss because it looks like piss it looks like piss tea but you know what we won't we won't say we won't say negative things about the new teas the tea is not like this no it's a very nice that should actually be their tagline that whatever this brandy is there tagging I should be the tea is not like piss yeah again when you sponsor us will probably throw in that marketing tagline for free yeah so should we tell people what we're doing today yes so so what we're doing is a very special boss rush of splatoon to a game I have definitely played more than an hour and a half this past weekend but the way that this the rules are is that we're going to be painting things that you in the chat decide we should be painting and then it'll be kind of a little a friendly competition about our art skills but what is also important is depending on how long it takes for us to beat the specific boss yes that's gonna be how long the other person has to paint that thing so you got to keep that in mind as you're painting you got to got to be on the very process as soon as I finish this boss I think I'll go first just to show you the road that would be great as soon as I finish this boss you have to stop painting okay and that's it and then and then after that we will show our paintings to you the audience and of course you should join in and draw and paint whatever way you want to do along with whatever we are painting and tweeted at us at our hashtag Gil and Gilbert just so that way we can see or lovely paintings as you've joined in this very relaxing so chill stream this is gonna be the nation ASMR type of relaxation so yeah so yeah I just draw along at home just like that television show pappy drew-it that we all grew up watching and tweet your drawings at Gillen Gilbert yeah well and we don't have Gil and Gilbert we should probably guess that yeah yeah do you want to um let's see I see cats and cats and bees yeah okay well let's do a cat be a cat be a cat be will be the first the first painting of this day will be a cat beat but before we get to the painting should we talk about a very special group of people that we might we might be giling in the name of that's great today we are gilling in a name of a bunch of really awesome people who do we put together a bunch of art that I really really like this art is so lovely we have to we have to scoot our faces around because there's so much of it and you all are so lovely thank you so much but at Kazuma cat squill at underscore walker with two A's and no e and then at Avery underscore helm y'all did some lovely artwork and we we can't thank you enough this is so beautiful thank you we are gilang in your name today thank you again Kosmic who did did this anime Pat yes it's amazing and I love it so much nice I like my chibi Brian - so of that but I love all of these beautiful things thank you again to everyone y'all y'all are so so so lovely but let's let's hop right into the gameplay and let me let me get my palette and your palette ready so you will be drawing a be a cat be a cat be a cat be okay I've got all the important painting colors that we could possibly need yeah we've really got all of them so let me just let me just get right into a so when I get off this launch pad that's when you can start there okay ready all right chill stream paint okay oh [ __ ] yeah skipping the cutscenes skip that cutscene because that's that would be too long for for me to have so I'm using the splat Dooley's which is my most used weapon okay in splatoon I'm gonna probably do you do you have a main in splatoon wait long enough to develop a main weapon well I've played long enough to have about four different weapons one of which is the splat Dooley's so I think I'll I'll probably stick with that - if you think that even though it's one of the earlier weapons yeah it's still a good one it's a great weapon it's adaptable it's good my my artwork is nuanced I really like it so far actually I've got I've got a lot of a lot of pressure on me right now - I haven't I haven't quite gotten into my like cubist phase but maybe halfway through this stream I will yeah I'm keeping it all open I got I got it you got it taken I'm in the second phase of this boss right now you already are maybe three phases oh Christ but I think youyou you're gonna do okay cuz the next phase gets cool all right good oh Jesus are you were on the final phase then I think unless it's a four phase yeah I've done a thing which I'm happy about I'm liking what I'm seeing it's a very good I'm doing some interesting color work some some let's say this Cathy is it might be the best thing I've ever made and now it kinda has a mustache instead of but I'm working with it and maybe I'll just give it a little little tongue a little black to go along oh no no no no no no come on you're almost got to get the last alright and is that it hang on hang on okay and that's it is that final fight that's final phase okay so your time is up alright well time is now looks great so let me just go ahead and rip this baby off we won't we won't I'm sorry there we go we're not gonna show you what it is but while we're here while we're here in this phase before I start playing do we want to do a little segment this is a segment call so if this is your first time watching Gillian Gilbert yeah thanks we take um we take submissions for segment titles from the chat or the VOD actually not the chat so after the video is over there's a VOD which is separate from the live chat and that is where you leave suggestions for segments that you'd like us to do and it's not a description of what we do in this segment is just a title for the second yeah that's up first um this comes from Quinn Jones yeah this is a segment called see if you remember the handshake from last week oh I think I might okay yeah so there's something like wasn't that just kidding somebody go back to the last one and tell us if we did that right I think yeah I think I think we did see if we could do it so I think that might be a I press the button this time and I'll fire it again to unload you gotta do that cool alright so I'm gonna grab my art supply okay get yourself prepped gotta get get your brush and let's hop into gameplay gameplay that's the one right there got it okay let me see if I remember in my in my like a little bit of practicing okay I remember how to go down and shoot and okay alright you ready yeah so I'm gonna dampen my dampen my brush real quick to get a good get this paint moving nice and freely and we're drawing a cat beat mm-hm a cat be okay Oh Patrick you clever devil no come on okay I don't know if if I'm doing the leap strats right now but I think I'm doing well enough that I don't really care what the chat says of my my work okay alright not too bad I'm on to the second one already perfect oh you already in the second one you piece it yeah oh I got a skip I got a remember I can skip things oh hey all right let's make sure I'm not screwing up this is I mean really how all the greats worked was under pressure under pressure if you ever heard of da Vinci that guy heard of his code you've heard of his code well did you hear of his boat that was always sinking and he was on it when he was painting and so you had to finish it before he before he did before he fell into the watery depths and that's how he made sure phase are you on right not three now are you so this one I have played I've played through this boss at the very least oh yeah Ike's on bikes I gotta watch out for this thing that's doing a thing right now what is what's the whole deal about that doubt of that getting the hey what all right there we go what it she'll stream what a good chill art stream for everybody to enjoy what a chill stream this stream is this out just get a little quick to just beat the devil out of the real quick gotta beat the devil right out of that heap the day I need a little bit of nice light orange really almost wrap things out and once a pop out perfect call it is that it that's it whoo okay we slid under that we slid right under we put a parkour move right under thee right under that that was beautiful well done okay so so what should we head to the Art Gallery let's well yeah let's let's head right over to the Art Gallery and I'll get out of this section for us well while you're doing that great so let's first of all let's head to the camera zone yeah so now we want all of you all of you beautiful people in the chat to just give us a nice how you how this art makes you feel we don't want you to necessarily rate it but we would love to hear about how what it evokes in you okay so I'll go first since I was first there's my cat B so how do you how do you feel about that chat that's just give it a thought hey that's cheating okay and and now it's time for and now we're gonna find out if this camera is mirroring or not oh wow a lot of people are saying lust for mine which I understand that's what my intention was and a good mustache on mine as well so so we've really we've really I think hid that all of the important things let me take your art and go put it over to dry yeah that would be wonderful and while you're doing that I'm gonna go ahead and cue us up another segment yeah thanks just yeah just rip that baby off really getting the most out of this art supplies we bought today we have some fear maybe for Pat snow abstract a lot of wonderful things coming out of that one but [Music] I press it and then I also unarmed it so that's good so this is a segment called mm-hmm this this comes from synthetic sneakers this is a segment called a haiku about the other person [ __ ] is haiku 4/7 for setting a source I think it's five seven five six five so let me about the other person Brian my dude hey how's it going today there's only six but one more man Brian my dude eh how's it going today man my dude so cool yeah but that's really I've that was a beautiful pump okay yeah Pat Gil Pat Gil Pat I feel like you're cheating what can I say that hasn't already been said I think that's a good haiku tube all right I accidentally access the same one so we've got a good octo Canyon well then we'll just do another segment how does that sound yeah do another second while I get us tonight okay this one comes from what sorry we forgot there this comes from mint Jan this is a segment called smash that proverbial like button hmm so I'm gonna - I'm gonna say something to you and I'm Ken I I want you to smash that proverbial like button if you think it's good I spent Saturday really really cleaning up my house just doing a deep clean and it made me feel very good at the end of it did you just smash that proverbial light but like button I did I think high-fiving is sort of the proverbial I think that's good but while you're here you might as well smash that literal like button on the video that's actually a good idea if you're not ready subscribers if you're for some reason if you're watching and you're not subscribed just [ __ ] subscribe yeah might as well this is the weirdest stuff that we have on our channel so you're already in the deep end yeah Michelle we head straight yes go to gameplay so I would you like to go first on this one so we trade off or do you want to know that sounds a good idea you're now facing down the octo samurai and I'm seeing seeing paint Waluigi okay okay I'm just prepping my my brush because I forgot to wipe off the like a bad artist I didn't get the paint off of it last time yeah my my high school art teacher is yelling at me sorry miss Myers bond getting that right off there so did you ever want to be an artist when you're younger uh that well the first thing I ever wanted to be when I was six years old was a barber and then the second thing I wanted to be was an artist mm-hmm so that was which I mean barbers are artists yeah their hair artist exactly all right you ready so paint Waluigi yes on your marks get set go oh geez that paint has dried up a bit we're fine okay skip skip skip skip skip me some of those all right let's talk about it boy oh yeah I wanted to do art really badly that was actually one of my plans as I was like I want to do comic books when I grow up I used to spend a lot of time drawing but I never got good at drawing oh yeah no neither did I anything I even I would always forget it this one I have not played this one so um I'm learning his his attack formations as we're going alright okay oh alright that seems good that seems like a good thing that I've done go for a sort of gouge technique is that yeah I think so yeah there's a there's a bit more Impressionism I gotta remember to skip so that way we've got more oh hey yo what's going on up here buddy buckaroo buckaroo banzai oh hey all right I'm not so bad at this right now alright and that's third are you already on third phase yeah I've only barely finished his overalls this is the the joy of this one of this very difficult hope what colors waluigi shirt um you know i'd like to tell me it's okay i'm gonna make it a nice green yeah i don't know i treat them all the way dream oh did him all wrong he does he has black pants in the purple food oh no i've really i've given you a lot more time right now slide screwed up hard okay um i was too busy thinking about waluigi don't think about that we don't think about that we'd that's sweet weeds Oh yikes hey buckaroo Wow I'm bad at this so we don't say one thing that we don't have what you mentioned is white and we don't have the color white so I'm not gonna be able to do as gloves really no so you're gonna have to get an idea of his blood yeah which is a shadow of your smile sort of you know when it comes to waluigi oh you've got the you've got the alright hey buckaroo let's go let's go and almost once once this thing is done [ __ ] that's it he spends down okay that picture follow eg once once Bryan's finished it is okay so let me do we want to do a segment in between yes get my art let me get let me get this all sorted alright so restarting this fight well oh yeah we're gonna do a save new segment right now so this is a segment called Michael moon sends in this is a segment called taste with haste I didn't get any taste oh you didn't you're too hasty with any one that one magenta magenta I'm gonna no you know what it's still pretty wet on this okay okay so back to gameplay okay so once again to reiterate the rules of the game I am gonna fight this boss and Bryan has until I complete the boss to finish his painting of Waluigi Wow okay it is it's so hard to capture a man and in just five minutes you know what I mean yeah what's that if you were to commissioned a portrait of waluigi what sort of said i guess we're gonna find out oh yeah you're gonna you're gonna because this is this is my fantasy waluigi painting this is your dream waluigi yeah which is i think whoa what waluigi isn't my dream waluigi and i okay I gotta hit him in the gotta hit him right in the buns there we go I get that some mustache really kind of it's easy I kind well no spoilers but I made some mustache mistakes oh [ __ ] it's been a long time since I bought this boss that's fair no I had some trouble with this boyo so no need to worry get that ass oh damn sweeping Zeca it's like the dark soils of Nintendo Power hmm Wow what art I like what I'm seeing thank you yeah I mean I'm seeing a lot of things that maybe I should have done in mine that's okay um but they say that artist is good artists you know good artists imitate great artists deal yeah and you're stealing my heart with a strong and I believe my friend that has pencils down Oh pencils down the most important features in Hey right yeah that's it all right alrighty let's get on over to the art gallery and see what what what joys are in store for us oh no that is your tasty yeah we're all good okay I mean sorry your unnamed T brand no no no we were just using the initials of it so you couldn't possibly understand what we were so here's Patrick's waluigi what's good about this one is that it harkens back to the original mario - you get the idea of like how they designed him to be instantly recognizable just the way this waluigi is instantly recognizable what's beautiful for my from my portrait i focused on the things that i think really make waluigi waluigi so we've got i mean really you got everything that I forgot to get maybe the mustache and the face and the luscious lips yes pacifically so there we go how about that friends that's another that's another two beautiful paintings done by whatever this one yeah with from from Gillen Gilbert there are two beautiful over to dress works go ahead and bring that over those over to the UM the the Preservation Society so I'm we only we had to run over to an art supply store to get these and we've got one two three four five six things left so that means we've got three more big drawings we can do do we want to make it a bit longer for our drawing to really really get into it for the next three yeah okay okay so so while we're while we're getting some some segments up right now go ahead and put in the chat what you think we should draw what we should paint next yes please okay yes some Sega men certainement please this comes from mayhem this is a segment called fully work with friends mmm here at here I go into my your go I'm walking into my old house that is very old oh there's my dog and let's get up yeah you got to get on with Foley is that you have to it has to be yeah you can't see the person doing the Foley okay so okay it's good okay you get you get it alright I'm gonna use supplies like a real um the artist would alright wow what a cold day it is for me to start my Ford Taurus wait wait you think I'm gonna find something in this room that's gonna make the noise of a Ford Taurus I that's what Foley artists do they make it work you know okay switch out it's your turn to give me a paint a scene for me but yeah look at my watch show it's broken the watch is broken huh well time to walk oh you're doing this let me zoom on here okay go walk and that's that's a segment complete I used to love when I was a young man one of my favorite things is like watching shows about Foley mmm-hmm and just the idea of it and just like I loved watching the footage of just the men would like their the the shoes with nothing in them just sort of like watching a screen very intently just sort of like patting the shoes along it's such a good it's such a good form of art that I feel like we don't get to do I'm just doing another segment cuz we're here and we might as well so this comes from shadows this is a segment called tweet with your nose so I'm gonna do that right now everybody to go ahead and off everyone go ahead and tweet actually you should not you should use hashtag Gil and Gilbert but don't tweet that with your nose actually make that one work so that way we can find your beautiful nose tweets so let me get a little bit on this please okay I'm gonna try to I'm gonna try to are you gonna actually say what are you I'm tweeting I'm tweeting about the the big sports game that I watched last night okay I'm gonna tweet about my breakfast okay and also before you send these make sure there's no swears in them yeah don't put any swears okay ba-ba-ba-ba-bom know what's gonna tack my location yeah okay okay so I'm gonna go ahead and hashtag the skill and Gilbert I can't wait to see her to meet Bryan whoops I thought I thought that OTO contracted it would help me here but it seems as though it didn't hmm all right let's go ahead and we're excited to see all of your nose - yeah trying to say don't [ __ ] cheat don't cheat you have to use your actual nose don't cheat when you tweet when you tweet what were the I think one of the things I stopped pop up for um for the thing that we want is frogs and toads frogs and toads okay big papa sorry that was loud I apologize I was just getting into my into my gaming mode and we've got should we I mean let's just let's lean into it we're only how many minutes that were only 26 minutes in where I guess I mean I guess Gen through this one another scorcher another scorcher you said you'd call Sears I'll call tomorrow you'll call today I'll call today you'll call now that's for all you all you folks out there who don't understand that reference good congratulations on not dying soon all right all right let me get back to games get back to the gameplay we're ready to go I know this one I def not have like I don't even I've never even seen this being played before so this is gonna be I'm gonna be trying - all right we're going in we're frogs and toads frogs and toads oh this is a really good I thought we weren't gonna use this color very much today more like [ __ ] sorry I was too entranced by your art when I mean I'm not not surprised by that but gotta get your get your head in the game to quote our wonderful man Troy Bolton who's that Troy Bolton I haven't heard of that no you never you never heard of Troy Bolton no that's that's Shane I'm very sad that you haven't watched all of the high school musicals I haven't so what's this oh you know you don't know no no okay well that's all I got I shoot them buckle all right I'm getting a lot of a lot of good text clues there yeah right yeah um you're gonna kill me um maybe I might even be able to get to get some shading in this time depending on how things go some sha did some Sharda show me your face repugnant cube that's how my when I when I got my school portraits in high school they said to me to get me to smile so once again if you're just tuning in folks this is Gil and Gilbert it's a stream that we normally do Wednesdays at six right now we're doing speed painting mm-hmm brian has until I finish this boss fight to do his best drawing of frogs and toads and then get that get that get that get that get that get out of there and then I have the same amount of time - till he finishes the boss do the same thing you know I mean these boss designs are just so fun and silly and lovely I love the stupid little legs on this oh wow okay I have not been learning the rules of this one which I know will come back to hurt me and if this is a three-phase or just like everybody else that is it oh come on there we go all right I got to comfortable with where I ended up let me get this brush all yikes okay I really love what you're doing here and I love the message as well is you've started to maybe see my my style yeah it's starting to form tonight which is what it's all about really no spoilers don't look don't look don't chat don't ruin the surprise okay all right so let me um restart yep here you go oh do we want to do a segment while we rock out a segment so this segment comes in from redox thanks for donks it's called palm reading okay would you like to read mine first sure that's pretty good oh that's nice here let me read yours Pat you just wrote [ __ ] on your palm yeah all right OOP that's killing me we got it that's a segment complete okay be cool - would it be cool to have [ __ ] written on your palm probably in like you mean tattooed like yeah yeah nice what would you what's the rudest tattoo you would get the rudest tattoo I would get yeah just uh just a butt on your butt no my neck right there I don't need any more jobs and then on so yeah let's go get started it's weird you're on frogs and toads all right frogs and toads and here we go Thaksin froze that paint dried up real real good that's pretty much a balloon got a skip alright so what does this guy do I'm not gonna tell you all right this is gonna go well for me Oh get the ladies it's not what I got to do so uh I think you should you should go ahead and do that you should get the tattoo of a butt on your neck and then there should be a tattoo on the butt mm-hmm it says mom oh that's a good good idea just so it's respectful ya know so that way people know that that you value your mother yeah I'm gonna get a tattoo of mom on my butt first and then I'll ask the tattoo artist so then since most people won't see my butt because I'm a very proper man say can I can I get it no can I get all or one of these oh my my neck so that people know what I have attached oh are you are you old enough to remember when like butt tattoos were like a funny joke uh I'm no I don't know I maybe it's not just um did you live in Florida yeah no I've just I've always everyone in my family has butt tattoos is the thing Pat so I respected the butt tattoo get him getting right when you pop out there we go all right second one down skip it uh-oh you what you got three whole babies when did this happen somebody explain that to me who you are already on Phase three of this big boy yeah this is very bad what's his deal what's your modus operandi damn what is that toads eyes look like oh hey ho oh man you don't have white [ __ ] that's [ __ ] you have to think about that before cuz the the canvas is white so you have to like you have to think about that before you start making things sure there we go oh thank you okay all right oh I have time to rapidly add an addition we don't white [ __ ] come on come on come on small friends all right and once I pop off that is the business done this is a bad drawing all right I tried certainly tried all right so chat let's go on over into the art gallery give us the thoughts give us your art critiques about what you think are our art is so I'll go first since I painted first this this is going into my into my luscious face much like how Picasso had his blue phase I have my luscious phase which is all about the tenderest of lips and I think it fits I think it's really good yeah um I was trying to go for I am a big fan of the Muppets I was what that is just completely green screened out I've made a bit of a mistake - let me go disable the green-screen role okay here I'll hold this up for you so that they can they can see the transformation because it's actually it's an interactive art piece is what it is all right so you've you can see what we've got right here oh and well now how about that what uh what a beautiful piece of art we'll keep the green screen stuff because I'm a big fan of the Muppets and I really wanted to draw Kermit the Frog and then I drew most of the Kermit the Frog and yeah it's like well now it's you know I need a toad as well because he's Kermit the Frog and not Kermit the toad yeah so I decided to draw a little toad companion whistle that this is this is a Jim Henson Oh see this is Kermit's toad friend Clive yeah Clive the toad Clive the toad that says that's him the the pal yeah so that we have I do need to go turn that green screen back on OBS works that's that's how it works so we got to go do that right now sorry give us like two seconds but you can look at my face while I'm doing it wow what a green screen effect oh all right there we go and we're back to just cam because I think it's time for another segment don't you yes cam yeah this is a segment called can I can you put your art in the drawing zone oh yeah please let me take it to the museum real quick segment we've got a lot of segments in here do we want to do a small mid mid game lightning rounds ready some mid game lightning rounds here we go um from wave what I think I can't read my own handwriting this is a segment called cool stunts done slightly off screen ready watch this he's doing it no you can't do that in the office man what no he's here too are you seeing this [ __ ] oh man it's been a while since I've done that but that was great I think that's a segment let's do another segment please this one is called this one comes from mg and this is a segment called jazzer sysm okay I'm trying to try to think that so which one of us wants to be possessed I'll be possessed okay I'm trying to remember Jazzercise looks like Jazzercise okay here we go that was me doing jazz cuz I was possessed by a jazz DJ buzzer sysm is about the demons you don't exercise Victoria says I still don't know what this video is about yeah no I don't think anyone's Victoria you are not in the minority at this point we okay so I'm gonna give this one to you okay Eli Glickman says this is a segment called Jerry Seinfeld reviews Kingdom Hearts should I pull up a picture of Jerry Seinfeld over there yeah you should do that okay that's I think that's worth it you go ahead and fire off some segments segments while he works on that so this is this is what I got this is when I got a shine while he does his production so this this is a segment called barbecue dad impressions from Samantha Nicole been a rough been a rough week at work there Paul but Samantha Samantha I told you no more Tang Samantha Samantha you know what Tang does to you Samantha come back here get off the jungle gym [Music] all right and so back to back that you like Lichtman Jerry Seinfeld movies Kingdom Hearts what's the deal with the darkness I know the key masters and now now now Goofy's they should call this some King Kingdom no brains yeesh wait Jerry Seinfeld catchphrase sheesh that's that's a segment complete it's not gonna show up and I'm just gonna do one more one more segment well well Pat's fixing what he what he has wrought so this one just keep him back there he's just part the stream now this comes from milk ghosts this is a segment called terrible last names for a doctor doctor Nick but tattoo that's a reference to a joke we made earlier in the stream you might have missed a cult and a callback that's a callback do you have a doctor name that you think is a bad one dr. Jerry Seinfeld do not trust that doctor I'm sorry for the many people out there who are named Jerry Seinfeld and probably doctors let's get back to what we do best here on this I'm going to go ahead and get rid of that Seinfeld it is a bit concerning isn't it I think get Nix the Seinfeld's back back to the back to the drawing board literally so I also went ahead and I completely deleted it from the computer just to make sure first boy it's you go first this time I just thought dry your favorite wrestler Oh may i yes please I'm I will also think of my favorite wrestler and this is the next one I'm assuming while we get over into I mean okay so he's gonna get over to the to the good things I'm gonna practice my tweet my dualies or whatever these are called hey ho wow this is this is some new new space for me oh hey that's something so if you hit X on the controller you can just skip right then oh yeah I did but I just I just was lazy and wanted to let you get more read who's my favorite wrestler definitely alright okay ready alright any marks get set go yeah just blobs and red chunks big chunks are red okay so what is this guy's a big old deal so oh okay what's your so have you thought of your favorite wrestler yet I don't need it but yeah I think I do have my favorite wrestler and it's gonna be an interesting one mm-hmm it's gonna be a little fanservice here maybe really whatever that means into this term maybe no I'm gonna think and we also have so much purple so I do think this is a good idea oh whoa what did I just do is this a good thing Pat you're gonna have so much time to really work on this wrestler cuz I still haven't figured out how this freaking guy works hey uh Wow so do I want to get up like on to the business what is that what is Gil is what's your deal how do I win available colors to me this wrestler is not this color okay well that's okay because again I'm how do I have to knock off his his his helicopter dudes is that what the deal is I'm not even looking them I'm too busy drawing this is busy getting his wrestler looking right okay this might be the right way no tell me the truth if we weren't here right now I'd just be doing this anyways but the normal Friday night wrestle drop normal Friday night wrestle draw for all Patrick Yale which is completely a fair thing to do what did that not hit any of you jabronis what's your deal why do I teach at I don't know how to play this game I'm like charlie how oh hey that's something that I did do I want to go up into the middle section is that what it some might be maybe maybe you want to get yeah I think you want to shoot those little jugs up there you may have a bad weapon selected for this so do I have to yeah go ahead and go back to octo Canyon and choose your weapons which means I have a little you're gonna have too much time you're gonna be like oops well I mean we're kind of a mistake there that's okay oh no [ __ ] I forgot to change my weapon first so much time to really focus on this wrestle man can I can I change my weapon while I'm here I don't believe you can ah I'm just gonna take my time because it seems like I got plenty you really do if in your in your own personal opinion yes um what's the gun that I should be using I would go for one of the snipers probably like this yeah yeah yeah yeah that's the only one that I've maybes and love to do art this is some really good art but the folks at home who are drawing along they also have a lot of time right now so how do I make like a black you know I hang on let me let me I think it's um first I mean so the thing is no I'm too far away alright well shoot shoot to boot huh no it's still too far away alright so I'm just gonna take a dab of every color and hope it comes out kind of black okay oh what's the what's going on over here I don't actually I'm not focused on so we will timeout at some point I will just say hey your time is up my time is now I'm John Cena well yes now no I which is the right thing to do in all situations I'm not good at this game huh I'm getting it I'm getting it though stop die now you dumb stupid thing alright I'm on the second segment now who you are making headway now I am making headway so maybe you should just keep doing what you're doing okay and I will see if I can be competent at this game whoa that's a thing that he can do I guess I have time to I guess add some accentuation yeah you definitely I would say you you have all the time in the world right now it's really again you want to maybe focus on shading maybe maybe think about what your what your person is feeling put a nice Mona Lisa smile on that face you know let people think about it for years to come okay perfect loving it naari that's living it loving it number two out and about so if you're just tuning in folks this is Gil and Gilbert it's a weekly live stream where we play games with fun fun relaxing requirements right now we're doing a speed painting challenge mm-hmm we're um I have until Bryan finishes his boss fight to finish a painting of my favorite wrestler so thanks for tuning in I'm gonna grab some yellow they got time cuz you got so much time well not not so much time here I'm on the third you're on the third face I really want to get this last accent in there oh you gotta got to do it quickly huh Oh what in the hey ho I can't I aim right now what don't straight that's not a little [ __ ] on it and the game yet you're done pencils down pencils down alright I can't wait to show it I am genuinely proud of this is a I understand well I do not think I'm going to win this art competition just just a little little note to the to those at home take a look at our beautiful palette and how we've really really used to the whole space and and really made sure we haven't blended any colors that shouldn't be blended together I'm gonna give you a chance to restock your palette I'll rip this and then you go ahead and restock the palette let me get that okay don't look don't look Chen so um if this is your first time watching or if you're just not good at retaining information like myself this is a segment called where we take segment names from people and then we answer it this one is bands I want to be a part of and this room comes from C HUDs and thank you see Hudson so I have some I have like anxieties and chief among them are aging I mean we're all scared of aging but I to how this ties in to the question is I recently got to go see Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds and they look just like a bunch of dirty old perverts but they all wear really nice suits so my hope is that I can join Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds so that when I'm old and gross I can afford nice suits yes this is a segment this one comes in from from Alexis cursed this one is this is a segment called angry Winx okay do we want to go into gallery mode real quick yeah go ahead I I gave one on the other side because I realize my casting on the hair there maybe just one more yeah one both all right that's good that's that good [ __ ] okay let's go back to a cam right yeah oh yeah okay so now it's time for you to draw your favorite wrestler while I play the game so you have until I finish this boss fight to draw your favorite wrestler all right I'm ready to do it I think I've got a reasonable one to choose okay well wow it's been a while since I've since I played this boss fight so hopefully remember how it is done swam up the wall you dingus all right phase two you are quite the artist I've no idea what you're drawing I don't really I'm trying to do something but what it's turning out to be I think I'm just gonna come oh [ __ ] Bob where is he bum bum bum bum bum is he running from me so yeah how do you like splatoon in general it's good I'm still like learning the ropes but I do love the the at like the fact that it's like you know I'm all I'm all about games that work like have mobility involved with your like attack or whatever where it feels really nice to like move around yes you're [ __ ] come on now good okay face face - yeah you know what I didn't have the colors that I needed for this for this character but I'm making it work in a different way and I've decided that I've stopped trying to paint the came character I was trying to paint and I'm making a new IP you're making an OC I'm making you know see I'm making a wrestler OCW WOC yeah and so if that if the commissioner who's the guy who runs WWE Vincent McMahon yeah if mr. McMahon is trying to hop in on what the what's hip with the kids yeah he's got one right here he's got one right here my my dude Vince McMahon loves to be called my dude yeah yeah hey my dude oh my dude got off Zeke alright alright come on now come on baby yeah yeah gone road I've gone rogue here we have got nice on road but it's it's definitely for the best I think oh come on you dumb ass I'm talking to myself not you he's like a [ __ ] idiot and you know what I really think I'm really excited for those of you who've been painting along with us at home I'm so excited to see everybody else's art your beautiful art but if you could go ahead and throw away whatever your wrestling art is and instead make fan art of the IOC that I'm creating right now because it's definitely the next big thing I can't wait to tell you the lore that I've created you dumbass octopus bastard I hate you there we go I think that's it oh yeah pencils all right I kind of don't want you to put the pencil down I've done it I've really done it Pat I'll tell you what I was going for at the beginning so that way you know that I I wasn't just just mucking about the whole time you know what I mean mm-hmm but let's go to the gallery head to the gallery uh you go up first right yeah the first cuz I went first so I I drew my favorite wrestler let me get that centered now that's if I can if I can judge from the hair and the fact that I only know maybe one wrestler is that schinsky my friend that is schinsky Nakamura look at how good that art is that I could immediately tell that even not being a good wrestling friend there is no Pat I just want to let you know that I was originally trying to make there's a character of Steven universe called the purple Puma maybe I don't remember I have it's been a while since I've watched Steven universe but amethyst becomes a wrestler and and so I was going for that with the purple but what I've instead created is the best new wrestler of all time and I don't know I don't know if you could clear this up for me are you allowed to have swords in wrestling that so steve blackman used those the Filipino fighting sticks okay all right I don't believe he ever used a sword but this I think there's a precedent here that you could cite if you wanted to use these swords yeah are these swords covered in blood or a big laser sword no no no those those swords aren't tinted red because they've been gifted to him from an angry god so they're their mythical swords and you see he's got a good blue beard and a powerful orange speedo which matches his chest hair which is orange too and so I just just go ahead and think about this and that's that's my character I haven't named I haven't named them yet but you could maybe in the chat you can help me with the name and there you go that's them those are some wrestlers right let's go back to be a camera zone leave the art gallery q my man says Kevin hunt yeah are you familiar with Puma man no okay it's the best episode of Mystery Science Theater oh yeah very good here would you take this away while I fish us out another segment from the lovely biscotti box we're down to is our last one yeah I think we're on to our last paintings which is right because that's almost seven so that makes sense so we're gonna we're gonna lightning around some segments cuz we again have a ton in here and we're all very good thank you all and of course you can comment after this goes on to video-on-demand you can leave a comment in our comment section in order to leave us a segment idea for the next week we love reading through them there were like nine hundred and fifty of them this past week it was very hard to go through god dammit this is a signal Brian needs to roll from the dark night could you this is dangerous there's a lot of painter right there's a lot of paint could you hold this paint yes and I'm just gonna I'm just gonna yes I'll just try your best look out for the laptops and expensive equipment as well yeah I'll work on it going in the name but it's only right my favorite thing is on every stream is that we are going to hit gilang in the name of at least and I will not move the button somebody maybe should know the button that makes killing in the name of happening I will not our Kevin hunt says I just hit this is a cycle NER Kevin hunt is the Puma man friend anyways anyway this is a segment called NPR voice off okay today on NPR a story in five acts Kristopher Kringle mister Christmas Santa Claus he goes by many names and now he's dead is that is that good he's good nothing good will be returning to how my dog learns how to skateboard but now it's time for the weather if you take a look down on st. Paul it's pouring once again you are listening to 98.1 w NYC hmm that was it and as we say over at NPR segment complete lua 263 has this is a segment called consider your joints [Music] they don't I'm saying at home a bit see you know I'm saying when I when I look at these cuz they're also called junks I'm just kidding you shouldn't do drugs we don't do drugs another one before we get back into it for our final drawing I just realize that now there's entirely its entire possible that somebody will make a gift with me doing the incredibly lame like hey you want us a motion has anybody ever done that to you and ironically uh no I think people have done that to me in the past like you wanna get high like no not if you're gonna do that not if that's what motion is hyper object says and this is a segment called sea of Jeeves are you matey what do you think about who's Becka Stan what do you have any questions for me out here on the high seas I'm sorry I was just thinking about we this is the same called CFG see if Jeeves how about talking do you have a third grade history project what are you doing here I'm the butler Jeeves is that his name yeah oh yeah Uncle Phil will be tremendously I'm set with you you vile pirate yo do you think Ask Jeeves sorry sorry I'm sorry too for Dee railing one more time yeah what's up do you think Ask Jeeves came first or Jeeves the butler from Fresh Prince of bel-air and who should sue who in that situation I got I feel like Jeeves has always been the name of every Butler forever right yeah for sure everyone is always well I don't know since I was alive everyone was talking about Jeeves as a butler so okay okay America green and I need this this is a segment called take a lap go for it I don't know if that picked up in the microphone we've just been informed by the chat that it's Jeffrey not Jeeves never watch Carlton say what you didn't watch Fresh Prince I never never once okay cuz the thing is it is literally on all the time if you I don't know if you you're a millennial you're a cable cutter yeah you probably don't have cable no you're I'm guessing maybe your family does yeah probably so if you go home and they have the television stay station TV land or Nick or Nick at night if you put that channel on there is a coin flip you flip a coin and it's either gonna be friends reruns yeah or it's gonna be fresh prints reruns yeah and it's a very good show and just for your personal cultural enrichment as a millennial who is entering a world where people are going to expect you to know about Joffrey they're gonna expect you to know about Uncle Phil they're going to expect you to know about the episode of Fresh Prince where will gets household down at the pool hall so Uncle Phil goes down to the pool hall and then Uncle Phil gets hustled but oops turns out he was hustling the other guy mm-hmm because that came up that came up on our on our espy nation stream oh yeah so like you need to be equipped for this this I feel like I understand a lot of culture that I've never seen before but Fresh Prince is one that I just don't have the the vocabulary for I'm thinking maybe that might be you need to become a recurring segment then as Patrick Patrick teaches Brian about the Fresh Prince of bel-air well we'll make a good segment title for that one yeah I think I think it's time for us to get to our final thing I'm sorry chat we are actually going to be doing a special thing for our final painting of the night as we go through do you want to am I going first in my painting first yes yes first so the important thing to note is that in this final boss painting we will be painting the other person so I will be painting Pat Pat will be painting me and pardon me Liz K says that Fresh Prince is on Netflix well I'm not gonna seek it out I'm gonna be honest with you but why would you watch The Fresh Prince of bel-air put it on in the background you're doing laundry all right I'll do that let me think of a good what's a good flush talent for no you know what no I'm gonna I'm busting out of my cage I've been doing just fine yeah I'm going into my new my new my new ready so get ready for the most could you hand me all the colors yeah before we start I have to get a good painting I need to paint with all the colors of the winds to capture Pat's village so this is the final boss actually and it is pretty far I remember yeah sorry solar alert this is the final boss yes boiler alert for splatoon including me it's because I did not ever know this change weapons yeah good good call thank you chat yeah it's a good point good point eleven looking right [Music] you got a good idea do you know what weapon works the best it's been a long time since I do this Bostaph I'm just gonna take this level to splattershot okay water shock it's just like the standard like SMG or assault rifle okay paint assault rifle good alright I've got the three three colors let me just let me um see it in my mind's eye okay I got it okay here we go hey cool it's been a while since I done this love and hate like the tattooed fists this game is very good I'm really excited for that this is actually a good primer for me because I'm very excited for the DLC the octoling DLC oh yeah like the octo lanes are good and they deserve all the credit that they're gonna get yeah checks switching collars so once again if you are playing along at home and you would like to paint a portrait of me and or Brian or you can even go back and do any of the segments you missed the first one we did was cat bees yes then we did what else did we do we did wrestler favorite wrestler yeah we did frogs and toads whoopsie doodles alright so I've died oh I have three lives she got three lives that's good like a cat who's already died six there you go just like I'm really expression oh my canvas has done a thing to me get away you [ __ ] if I die I guess you get a bunch of time yeah no I really couldn't are you doing this just because you want a good portrait of you yeah it's this really I'm cheating I don't blame you once you've seen I'm gonna sell this on the black market it's gonna be priceless understandable I gotta remember these gotta remember these boss patterns that's that's bad I got to get out of the way when does that good when it's an interesting take up I'm doing right here very impressionist way of sort of preparing me for it being bad no no no look wow it might not be your no oh ho looks like I've got a little bit of time to go that being said it is 7 o'clock we can go we can go long if we have to that's another shot is your painting as far from done yeah that's not fair to you no exactly so well the skeleton so I'm working on I'm working on a very again it's I want you to see what it says to you more than what it looks like yeah you know I'm prepared so if you're just tuning in too late you missed most the show but uh this is this is a excuse me this is going Gilbert yeah usually happens Wednesdays at 6 o'clock it's an after-hours stream where me and Brian play games together and we make up ways to make those games more relaxing for ourselves I see I got a hide in this puddle of my own fluid until I feel better and right now we are doing competitive painting I have to beat this boss brian has till I finished to finish a portrait of me and I'd say we should do you want to open this one up to a vote yeah and I think that might be a good artistic integrity yeah for sure so the vote isn't which painting is best it's who which one of us has the most artistic integrity yeah okay there we go all right we got this I'm talking to myself but yeah I have this yeah I hope so I'm not I'm not looking at all get out of the problem is he gonna charge again these really smart boss fights in this year game I almost all right so now we're in phase I think I don't know how many phases okay there's still another phase oh my god this long we might end up timing out okay well you just tell me when you I you know what to be honest I feel like I've got a lot done here okay whoo my goodness this is unrelated to the stream but my sister my wonderful cat Zuko had to go in for some dental work today and they took out 12 of his teeth because he had some real troubles with his teeth before so now my my lovely wonderful cat Zuko is very gummy I suppose his front chompers I have no idea I can't wait for you to get in that mouth and see what's going on okay I will say that my cat had all his teeth taken out a couple months ago yeah he's like a year or two ago now his breath has been much better since then that's the thing Zuko's mouth smells are bad they're bad smells yeah we got this feller when he was pretty old his teeth were all rotted and mashed up in there so he took most of them out he still has his front teeth he only eats wet food now which he loves but now when he opens his mouth it looks like the inside of Kermit the frog's mouth it's just smooth in there there's nothing good all right well I think I'm timing out now this is my portrait of Patrick is done and let's I will I'll go ahead and place some of this game now you can you can go ahead and set up your palate because it's gonna take such a long time to play the shirt anyway so [Applause] okay I'm not gonna go watch this because I want oh geez Louise what's your business here friend so do I have to have to punch the punchers I think that's what you have to do yeah I'll just I'll figure it out as it goes along huh Oh yikes I can't wait to see now now that you've you've had it you've had a glance at mine which is I mean a good thing so you kind of kind of get what's what's happening with my work of art here oh I can't punch that one it's spinning put the spinning punches there it is yeah get that yellow oh that exploded me bah bah bah bah let's go splatoon oh and art and art what color your eyes never notice yeah I'll just keep them really wide open for you so you can oh yeah it's on bikes so yank some bikes where did you pick this up right I don't know I think it's a reference to something that I'm unaware of which is most of my life isn't it I heard it some some person said it and then I picked it up oh that's a bad thing there we go we're back serious right there double punchers skip wait are you unfaithful to you I think so I did then and I am only just getting started that's fair don't worry you've got time time the wood are these shrimp puffs of calamari bombs I wasn't too far off oh wait da ba Papa man this is you've got a really solid basis already Pat I'm very impressed by by what you've what you've got to work with on your canvas here yeah I mean start big get small after that that's what I learned from the candy Tartakovsky mm-hmm I'm gonna take a little bit of artistic liberty with no color of your eyes yeah no that's a color I envision your eyes to be yes Oh oh these are spinning punches I can't get can't do anything with those punches what is going on here huh Oh what have you gone much better man it's you know there's a lot more introspection in this in this one where even when we die we don't have to sing so we much more much quieter but that's kind of the there's the quiet okay yeah much like bob ross leave space for those to fill in their creative endeavors I genuinely want to thank Bob Ross incredible like what he did like people like talk [ __ ] about his art but he like really really democratized the idea of art and other people have done that too like he doesn't get all the credit for sure but it was really cool to have like somebody out there being like hey art is not like not art all has to be high art yeah some art can be fun some art can just be about you enjoying yourself exactly that's a good art right there that's what I say to Bob Ross hey Bob Bob Ross thanks for the guitar thanks for the good art buddy there you are okay I'm assuming there's a third because everything comes in threes everything comes in threes yeah the threes in comedy and Nintendo I'll get ye I like it I'm kind of scared of ruining really done I I like your work a little bit yours is perhaps a bit more true to life than mine was again I was going for the emotive aspect of it but I do like what you've done yeah and see what else I can add I'm just sort of looking at it real quick you're wearing a blue shirt today unfortunately I can't a tonne of blue that we have that's okay let's go let's go so we get a nice spin and see now I feel like I did the thing every time I do every time I'm drawing where I reach a point of the drawing room I know that's good I just do this since I oh now I'm gonna throw this in a fire I'm gonna jump into the fire after it no this is a very good art that I'm I'm a fan of this I'd hang this up in my in my home in my abode I maybe I wouldn't though because it's so true to life people would be like why do you just have a very big picture of your selfie on the wall a photograph of yourself younger apartment would you do that like if somebody drew a really good fan art of Ryan and you're like this really speaks to me did you put it up on your wall I don't know if I would I think there's I think there's a limit to that I have like so when my mom moved she was like hey Brian why don't you take these these art things you did from high school like your self-portraits and things and i my self portrait my senior self portrait was like a four by four huge like stencil work and I was like mom I'm not gonna have space for this Jim New York I'm also never going to hang up a 4-foot picture of myself because that's absurd put it put it on the ceiling over your bed that's what I need - yep people maybe right in my right as you're opening the door maybe on the door so you can when when people like hey which which apartment near you and I just be like go on into into my apartment complex and find the one that's the big picture of Brian okay almost there oh I'm not doing the best with these punch is that suspending I think I would um I would I probably wouldn't no no I would maybe I put it in a book for me to look at occasionally yeah once once or twice a good a good picture book of you so I really like where this is that right now I don't know if I want to touch it well I'm almost am I almost done I don't actually know if I'm almost at you like dude you do some sick jet grinding I haven't done these sick Jack Ryan okay so we're gonna be done we're gonna be done with this goodbye friend you won this time so let's take one more trip to the Art Gallery yes please if you'll hand me my art I will let people see what the what the plan is so this is my this is my take on Patrick now you'll see it's Patrick from the profile and he's spitting some flames because I wanted you to I wanted you to know that Pat can he speaks truths like fire and and he's got a fiery wit and so I wanted that to be seen in the in the portrait of him and I put some stubble in there even though you don't have stubble right now but thank you for acknowledging that I normally do yeah so I just wanted to and there's a purple shirt I gave you a purple shirt because I thought you'd look good in purple I don't know any purple shirts but now I kind of want to go buy one yeah so here's my Brian there we go the thing I think I just wanted to mostly capture was sort of the warmth I couldn't make the I couldn't you know give you the inside of your master the inside your mouth is the same color as your skin just like my normal mouth yeah when whenever when I opened my mall you can just get a release of just more skin yeah but I added the hand waving because I wanted to get across that like you're a welcoming person you're friendly I did the upturned eyebrows because from what I've read in books that usually indicates like friendliness or kindness or that's a lovely portrait Patrick thank you so much for for that wonderful beautiful portrait I think we've done some great art today I hope you at home have done some great art we'd love to see it again if you want to use hashtag Gil and Gilbert you can send that right over we'll get to take a look at your beautiful artwork from this great thing if you want to leave a comment for some segments which I think we're gonna just end out with with a couple final segment but you can always come back since this is a video on demand and leave a comment there did you do killing in the night again and I just got a little excited got a little excited but yeah make sure to leave a comment make sure to LIKE and subscribe to polygon if you haven't done that already hopefully you've liked what you've seen today I don't see why you wouldn't have so let's just go ahead and let's let's finish strong shall we mm-hmm Cedar's ghee or GE so G start a new fashion trend so sure um let me just let me just this is acrylic paint just to let you know that's okay that works for me and that's the fashion trend you'll see from here on that's cool mine is gonna be I'm gonna sort of do a sort of a cuff boot cuff to boot like a pirate that's a good fashion trend you want to hop you want to be an early adopter of both of these fashion trends so your friends know that you are a taste maker and not a taste breaker so that's that's a segment complete it's funny that taste makers a cool thing when like smell maker would be alright now we have from Big E three six one eight this is a segment called inappropriate eyebrow wiggling so do we want to go back into in some portrait yeah sure I'll let you fire this one off first Wow Eddie now there's the Wiggles and there's the Wiggles and they were seeing the Wiggles just disgusting cool that was inappropriate but there's also a second let's do it I just realized how Howard is okay this is a good segment this is a segment called the most mediocre dream you can recall this comes from roon III so I had a dream there is a British sort of equivalent of Walmart called Tesco mmm-hmm where I would shop with my family we would go visit over there the other day I tweeted I had a like a two hour stress dream where I was just walking around Tesco looking for razors and I could not find them anywhere and every time I approached somebody who looked like an employee of Tesco to say hey where can I get some razors they would walk with a do some other thing or I would get shy and I ended up in like I had the toy I was in the toy section and they had like rare Ninja Turtles action figures but they did not have they did not have razor it's pretty mediocre dream back when I was looking for jobs I had a stress dream kind of thing where I was just like eating lunch and a guy came up to me and said hey Bryan I'm sorry but I don't think we're hiring right now we can't let you into the company and I was like I don't know what company you work for I didn't apply for you and he was like I'm really sorry but maybe next time and then he left and I was like I can't [ __ ] rejected from jobs in my dreams well is this the case that was my mystery [Music] but this one comes from I'm gonna deck ready from joy roar Joe Royer and this is deep-sea carnival barkers this is a segment called favourite bird from k-8 here we go my favourite bird is the chickadee that the the the the bird of Maine it goes it's got a really good cry goes that's a good one wait is that anyways that's a nice one I think well if we're gonna do state birds I'll go with Maryland's Oriole and I love the Oriole it's a nice one so that's the segment complete robocop exclamation point says unprofessional email addresses I mean the stink house at Taylor Swift dot biz yeah I was I was gonna go the like dr. piss at well I'd love Forbes column dr. pissed [Music] here's another segment this this comes from EB it's this is a segment called unconventional zombie noises what's your old blues musician name from Patrick Noland I think it's Kia Sorento yeah and I'm Dodge Neon [Music] that thing was called name a car right and you know what this is a great one to end this comes from B mix C this is a segment called invent a yoga pose so I'll go ahead and zoom out okay oh yeah we're doing the zoom out do you wanna go first do you want me to do this first so I'll just I'll just stand I'll sit right here and I'll talk about what your pose is okay okay [ __ ] hold on I'm trying to think of wood here you know what I'll go first I'm not gonna dab okay don't dab cuz that's double appropriations don't do it that's a good yoga pose it's uh it's releases the stresses in the neck ball also causing the strategy but it's a it's a good one and like that yoga pose here's mine all right you're at boss and Brian is I think that's an actual yoga pose see here's the problem with making up a yoga pose is there's they already thought of all of them Yoga has been around for thousands of years no that's a real one - yeah okay well sorry guys they've all been made but I'm still gonna say segment complete thank you all so much for watching Gil and Gilbert today yeah hey hang on let me let me take a quick quick sip of this yes an unnamed tea this unnamed tea yeah this has been building Gilbert this happens normally on Wednesdays not on Fridays when we've been working all week and we're very tired yeah so we will see you next Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. Eastern once again make sure to LIKE and subscribe to polygon for more strange content like this yeah and make sure to leave a comment about what segments or perhaps stream ideas you have for our next kill in Gilbert and sometimes we'll do that and we'll Gil in your name for for the next stream thanks so much for tuning in and we will see you Wednesday [Music] like and subscribe [Music]
Channel: Polygon
Views: 420,668
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video games, videogames, games, gameplay, polygon, news, review, overview, walkthrough, lets play, gill and gilbert, gill, gilbert, this is a segment called, segments, segment complete, splatoon, nintnedo, splatoon 2, painting, bob ross, improvs, improv, goofs
Id: 4TBwiLTesFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 43sec (5503 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 23 2018
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