Ranking EVERY Anime in Spring 2023

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I actually think that the concept that a main character being the final boss of a previous fantasy world is one of the least crazy characters in the cast members show good morning my weebs and Gamers it's been a while since I did a tier list of all of my favorite anime of the season I believe the last one I did was fall I did not do winter 2023 so what we're going to be doing today is we are going to be doing just a tier list of all of the spring anime 2023 anime that I have been watching now I'm not gonna lie guys haven't seen all of these anime that's a lot of anime look look at that list every one of these shows is a 12 to 13 episode show I can't watch all of these shows that's too much even for me and it's my job to watch anime I have been watching quite a lot or if I haven't been watching it I've redhead in the manga what can I say that's the same as watching the anime right but before we move on a quick word from today's sponsor mad tale Idol RPG Madel is an idol RPG title where you can enjoy an exhilarating roguelike Adventure in a new dog take on a fairy tale world where you battle the enemies with the help of your partners oh you're a fairy tale expert tell me more because you might think you know fairy tale characters until you meet them in Mad tail or Snow White always this manipulative how about the gold worshiping Cinderella in Mattel each fairy tale character has a reverse personality putting their own twists on the characters you thought you knew collect from a massive amount of characters from your favorite fairy tales that you can enhance by unlocking specialized paragenetic weapons exclusive to Mad tail you have Partners from six camps and five professionals all of their own unique skills and Buffs add to this 10 sets of Secrets and 30 plus sets of Gears to allow you to strategically make your own ultimate combination oh God I don't have time to play video games no times no worries you can establish your team in one tap and wait for victory while 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anime of the season and you know what I came into this thinking this was gonna be some trashy Harem rom-com with you know a lot of etchy scenes and a lot of slip over main character sees panties and stuff but you know what it is but it's not that bad part of the reason I like this one is because I'm not gonna lie kind of reminds me of Love Hina it gave me a lot of good nostalgic Vibes in terms of just being a teenager again and enjoying a trashy Harem but what I actually liked about this was the main character feels a little bit more interesting than your kataros okay because I love Love Hina but kataro was a little bit of a wet bag of a protagonist for a lot of it it was only up until like volume 10 or some that he started to change the main character's a little bit rough around the edges but he shows up when he needs to they're giving like a taste that there's going to be actual character development between the girls and the guy and it's not just your fan service but but there is I am going to give this one a b the reason I'm putting it at a B is because there are some really really strong contenders this season B to me is actually pretty damn good a is really good and S tier is like God's here and there are actually like one or two god tier shows this season B is not bad B is like a solid show which I am also going to give to this one the dangers in my heart I feel would be a for a lot of people watching this as a Critic objectively it is one of the best romances airing this season it is definitely awoken something in me in mukbang wifus why is it when the main girl is eating something or chewing something it's so goddamn cute every girl needs a cute Trope to make them stand up from the rest and it's gone to the point where like sometimes you see this one Trope a million times you're like okay I get it you do this uh main goal does this and then for some reason I've never seen a waifu just look so cute when just eating a son and God knows how she eats as much as she does and doesn't gain weight my girl leads more than the average American I wish I had her metabolism man oh I enjoy this especially the die dynamic between the main girl and the main guy you see the character development of the main guy being this let's say really creepy kind of like in silly kid the kind of kid who would tell you not to come to school the next day you know really that kind of like Vibes to just a uh more functional human being my problem with this is that it's not really a problem it's just a preference I've just kind of had enough of these kind of shows I would have enjoyed this way more if this was like 10 years ago if I was like in my mid-20s or something I need a little bit more than just cute high school couples doing cute high school couple things all right moving on to Hell's Paradise I'm kind of glad that there aren't many Shonen Jump shows watched like airing the season because otherwise I would have to like compare a lot of them against each other hell's Paradise at this moment is I am having a ton of fun with it it is to me not the deepest Shonen Jump show it is not the most original one but it is one where from the get-go it kind of has the rule of cool going for it I'm still waiting for it to really find its identity because I still don't know what kind of show it is going to be but until we get to like the later plot developments about finding more about the actual paradise and what the backstory of the world is I'm just having fun with it it is kind of like one of those shows where you introduce a lot of characters and all of these characters are like Larger than Life badass characters you know that Trope where you can tell who the NPCs are based on their character designs uh they basically introduced like 12 characters and every character looked like a supporting or main character and they killed off half of them which was impressive because I was like damn all right I thought this person was going to be around like until at least like episode 8 or something one one of the things that really keeps you coming back every episode is the mystery aspect of it basically just the feeling of exploring this world where the rules just don't make any sense you can't take for granted anything you know about the laws of the land and I kind of like that it makes it so that pretty much anything you encounter on the islands could be a danger anything could potentially kill you with one missteps yes this is the Elden ring of anime guys yes it sounds like Australia but for now I am still very very much enjoying Hills Paradise it is an a it's going to take to I think the end of the season for me to fully form my opinion on what kind of story this is going to be but right now I'm still having a lot of fun moving on to my home hero I feel like this one it's a little disappointing actually not because I think that it is inherently a bad show I just think it's the most mediocre adaptation I've ever seen in my life yeah I watched a few episodes of the anime and I'm like this is a read the Manga show and I think I've made the right decision I ended up reading further ahead in the manga it still is kind of enjoyable I haven't fully sold myself on it yet because one of the big things that is preventing me from fully getting into the story of my home hero it's that uh you really have to suspend your disbelief a lot with what people can get away with in the show I thought that it would be a lot more of a slow burn than what it actually is but some pretty big plot developments happen pretty fast and I'm like how are they gonna get out of this conundrum that they've gotten themselves in it kind of makes sense in the logic of its own world but at the same time I can't actually imagine humans acting this way it's basically a murder Thriller where a married couple a father and a mother accidentally murders their daughter's boyfriend who happens to be in the Yakuza and they have to hide the fact that they murdered ayak as a member from the Yakuza and everyone involved and my guy knows way too much about how to get rid of a dead body this is sasa's man he knows everything because guys he's a he's a mystery author that's not even the most sus thing about this entire situation because throughout this entire thing his wife walks in on him finds out he's just killed a man doesn't ask any questions and is like honey we're hiding this body don't worry about it I'm not gonna ask any questions I'm a ride or die I'm with you all the way I'm like holy this couple is right or die it's one of those shows where I read it because I don't have anything better to do yeah I wasn't super sold on like the first 25 chapters all right moving on to Heavenly delusion Heavenly delusion kind of came out of no I had never heard of the show before I saw it on the seasonal chart stream never saw any hype from it at all it is far and Beyond one of the best shows this season I actually think this is the highest production show this season it is movie quality animation at points this is one of production ig's best look Y show like period not only is the animation really really good I know I put this at s but it's kind of like here right now it's like between an S and an a because they are still cooking I don't know everything that they are cooking in this show but what they've cooked so far has been pretty damn tasty we've got on the starter and the starter has been God damn that's been a good starter we're still going through the main course because one of the big things and one of the things I've enjoyed the most about this show is that we are presented this world we have presented this post-apocalyptic world and we're basically told nothing that's happened we're told nothing about what's happened why there are monsters roaming the world why there's a disease going around why there are doppelgangers how people can can transfer Consciousness or whatever there's so many things going on and we have no idea how it all connects together and we're not treated like idiots the real reason it is not fully asked here yet I'm still waiting to see how it all comes together because that's going to be a very very important aspect to me because the only downside I have with this show so far is just the amount of things that are going on if it does not come together I can see that this has the potential to be an extraordinary car crash there is one show that this kind of reminds me of in terms of the vibe darling in the Franks one of the best shows this season one of the ones I'm enjoying the most this season and another downside it's available on Disney plus so I couldn't actually watch if I was in America moving on to Yuri is my job I mean what can I say guys cute girls do gay things it's Yuri bait the show and I'm not gonna lie I sometimes like my Yuri bait shows this one was just boring to me some people found it fun but you're gonna have to do more to sell me on a show than gay girls alone I know I know it's a Meme here guys don't have too much to say about it I thought it was pretty damn forgettable the entire Cafe felt like a Reddit discussion thread oh the girl the girl looked at her like this oh they definitely oh they oh they they gonna move on my fellow men of culture we have my one hit kill sister the show that has the least subtle incest bait I've ever seen since possibly domestic girlfriend that wasn't even incest bait what am I talking about that was just straight up incest the sister is not subtle at all with having the hearts for her brother in fact this is the suicided this is the only girl I've seen that is suicided for incest I have a really hard time writing this one it is bad it is I did not enjoy the mother isakai it is honestly around that same kind of level you're gonna need more than incest and fan service to sell me on the show but holy why do the action scenes go so hard anime why why why this why why did you decide to make this one look so good could have gone to Lucifer and the biscuit Hammer he could have made that one amazing animation but not you give it to the sister he said God I want to hate this show completely but I have to admit the action scenes do go pretty hard in this one what is the state of the anime industry the sister incest isagayaname is one of the best animated shows why why how did we get here holy uh this is a high C there is no way I'm putting this on the same level as these two shows for the action alone the action goes pretty hard all right Tony Kaku season two has just been more wholesome married life fun I don't have too much to add on this it's just like wholesome romance it's kind of like there's a lot of romances like this that are coming out now that I think do it right to me it's on the same level as something like horimia I'm biased as well this show is also cute but this show has a married couple who relates guys couldn't be me couldn't be me guys moving on to what the is this one the aristocrats otherworldly Adventure surfing gods blah I'm not gonna read the full name this one's detail this does the cardinal sin for a fantasy kind of generic light novel show it is completely forgettable it's not even like entertain any bad or entertainingly trashy it's just meh we found a rating worse than mid that is the worst rating you can give an anime because even if something is bad I feel like there is inherently some value if something is like super bad there is absolutely nothing the worst thing an anime can make me do is feel nothing and that's what this anime did that is not actually the worst show of all because it's this show genuinely think the kizner eye anime is the worst airing show of the season it's awful okay it's it's not like I said it does the exactly the same thing it's not bad bad it's even more meh than the uh Aristocrat isaka except the thing that's worst about this is that I actually feel like the concept has potential I feel like a YouTuber Academy could obviously be interesting if done right you know you have a different angle you can take from most other Idol shows you have like the v-tube aspect but they don't do anything with that the best animated scenes in this show are the MMD dancers how does the Vichy with 3D models look better than most of your shows that you actually paid for cool it's I think the worst show that's air in the season let me let me skip a few because we're talking about Banger openings right now so the hero is already dead something with hero and something with dead and uh something with it doesn't matter first impressions of this show was actually really good I like the concept of this so the concept of this is that the legendary hero that is meant to save the world he accidentally dies uh one of his party members is a necromancer who basically revives him and is kind of like a fantasy light novel show but it's a bit more of a comedy kind of show I really like the concept and unironically the opening is one of my favorite openings to air this season the opening was the best part of the show I gave it a few more episodes after that but I was trying to find where the comedy was in all of this I wanted to really like this show you know when you watch a comedy anime and the comedy is just typical anime there's a girl who gets naked and uh that's that's the punch line and I don't know who finds that actually funny this one gets a low C just just for the opening if this one gets a c for the animation this one gets a Losi for the opening I love good fan service all right I I am a man of culture but if the fan service does nothing from the show in fact if the fan service is the butt of a joke or detracts from other cool things that could be happening with the show and it makes me it doesn't piss me it makes me roll my eyes to be like ah really I like fan service but I want to see fan service done right is that too much of us if you're gonna put titty in my anime put it where it belongs all right okay moving on I don't think I watched blue Orchestra uh so that goes there dead Mount death play this one was a curveball of a show I he had no idea what to expect from the show and I still am not too sure like where the story is going but episode 1 starts off like your generic Issa guy I thought it was going to be your generic isekai fantasy I kind of like zoned out a bit and then it hits you at the end with this twist where the main character in dead man death play is basically the final boss of this fantasy world and the way he portrays it at the beginning it portrays it to make you think that the protagonist of this fantasy world got isakai to the real world in modern day like Shibuya and then he wakes up in the body of a young boy and he's already been murdered once by a yandere girl and I thought it was going to be some kind of like death game the more I watched and I did also read further ahead in the manga the more I realized it is not it is not that at all I don't even know why they spent so much time building up this isikai aspect of the main character character because it is right in the middle between bakino and which makes sense because it's from the author of both of them it takes place in a modern setting like but I think the characters in dead man death play are all like kind of like Larger than Life like they are in bacono it is just fun and then as The Story Goes On more crazy characters get introduced and then instead of everyone being introduced at once you get introduced like one at a time slowly but surely which I think actually is a good thing so the first Arc is a bit of a slow burn but I think that's to its benefits and I don't even know how I can describe some of these crazy characters I actually think that the concept that a main character being a corpse Master the final boss of a previous fantasy world is uh one of the least crazy characters in the cast members of this show uh this one's an eight here for me genuinely if you like barceno if you like dude which I do this is more of the sound of my elf I think it's this one here's here's the thing guys here's the thing I want to like this one it has a beautifully thick elf girl but kind of Remind Me of You Mario a lot I don't know I had to ask the question of can umari Chan be replaced by a thick onechan elf girl and I would enjoy it and the answer is no did not really enjoy this one I was like if I don't enjoy this one with this is the main girl there's absolutely no shots there's no chance I'm going to enjoy this one how I like to put this there's a category that is just neck bed waifus she's a neckbeard waifu all right moving on to skip and loafer [Music] this one currently not asked here just yet but it is a high a and I enjoy the out of it one of those shows I didn't expect to like this much in fact I'm going to skip forward with two of them because I both have very very similar things to say about both of these shows but I'll start to skip and loafer there has been few shows that I feel have such authenticity to them and Skip and loafer is one of those shows it reminds me of kind of like the best part of your teenage years the best part of just adolescents and youth you come out of every episode feeling so good so wholesome and I don't even fully understand why or how it's hitting so hard something about the vibe of this show it hits that kokoro man it hits that coke Road you remember back in your high school years I didn't even have the best time in high school the best time in like middle school there are some moments in my high school years where I think back to and I'm like damn I missed the time when my biggest problems was trying to get my crush's attention and trying to pass my exams and that weird thing I did in class because at the time they did feel like problems but you look back and you're like none of that actually mattered but I missed that I missed the innocence of that that is this show in a nutshell you're just seeing teenagers trying to adapt to high school life and it's just a Vibe I don't know it's it's such a good vibe such a good show and every episode just leaves you with the warmest feeling you could possibly ask for and I'm not 100 sure what their secret is I just think PA Works have given this adaptation exactly what it needs it's not gone like amazingly above and beyond with this animation or anything but like that but it's still pretty damn good and that reminds me a lot of uh the insomniacs after school that's the one insomniacs after school also I am drawn to it for a lot of the same reasons one of those reasons is not only is it comfy fee like skip to loafer it's a different kind of comfy it has more of a romance aspect so both these shows I adore enjoy just about as much right now I think if I'm speaking in terms of potential I think insomniac's after school has a bit more potential to hit harder because it's a really cozy it's a really nice Vibe right now but I can tell that if it chooses to do something dramatic with its plot line be really hard I don't know if I'm prepared for that it hasn't happened yet which is why at this moment it is high eight here like Skip and loafer if it chooses to have some hard-hitting moments in it which I can see it doing I can see myself being a complete mess one thing that I like about it above other kind of romances that are airing this season is I don't know what let's take insomniacs after school and compare it to something like the dangers in my heart even though both of the sets of characters are around the same age something about the romance in insomnia school just feels more mature I said that I couldn't really invest myself in this romance because I'm kind of like above that age right now but the characters in insomniacs after school they don't feel like anime characters they feel way more grounded it feels way more like a human connection being made as opposed to cute anime characters doing cute things I don't know even though they're both the same age this one just feels way more mature I want more modern romances where characters talk to each other like human beings maybe I've grown up Cuts moving on two the reason why raelina ended up at the Duke's Mansion oh it's Ray Liana sorry I don't know I don't know why I said Ray Lina this is kind of like another anime in the villain show and I thought to myself you'd seen like one villainous show you've kind of seen them all it's kind of like the isekai of Jose and Shojo manga in my eyes because that's exactly what it is but you know what I really like this this is probably my favorite otome isakai show I've watched It's like a low a for me or high B somewhere in between I came into this thinking I was going to drop it at episode 2. I'm just really enjoying the out of it because one of the things that stood out to me about this compared to every other villainous anime manga so it's kind of like the same concept what I really liked about this is that it felt like the stakes were higher uh instead of being more commonly based like all Roots lead to Doom which I felt was more light-hearted in comedy this one actually feels like the stakes are a lot higher with which it really like should be if she doesn't get it all sorted she's going to die it really felt more like a drama another thing is that I was surprised at how much politics there was in this anime I think the big difference is the fact that this is a manwa instead of a manga because it definitely felt way more dramatic the reason I put it at low 80 instead of like High beat it is because I came into this expecting to drop it I I'm enjoying the out of it because of these surprising expectations it gets an a tier the marginal service this is Far and Beyond my biggest disappointment of the season I really really wanted to like this I wanted to like this so much it has one of the craziest Concepts that's airing this season right it is literally weebs rise up being an otaku and being a weeb has been made illegal which it should be they are right one of the reasons I wanted to like this so much is because it has such a banger op and has such a banger Edie as well and the animation goes goddamn hard it has one of the strongest visual identities of like any show of the season it's like a mix between Trigger gynax Dead Leaves the people working on this actually give a so it hurts that after episode two it just gets really stale and boring and it kind of feels like all style and not really much substance in it it feels like it's just you know oh here's this quirky weird show and then it doesn't do anything aside from be quirky and weird it doesn't have anything after that it hurts me because I could tell that the people working on this actually care about this show but it's just not that interesting it's like a seat here for me quick fire ones that I want to get out the way kawasuki crisis is cute it's an alien girl falling in love with how cute cats are I would rather just go to a real Cat Cafe if I'm being honest it was cute if you like that kind of thing three episodes for me this one was sent to another world for a second time I genuinely thought that this one had an interesting concept it really could have been way more interesting than it was but this is the prime example of when you have an interesting concept but the most boring execution of all time so you have a guy going through a new game plus for a world he's already saved so I was like that's pretty interesting I haven't really seen this concept done in an isakai before and the execution is just dog boring he just goes around finding party members and finding the connections that he had made previously when he previously saved the world which I thought could be actually interesting but no it's it's just boring it's detier for me level 999 what the is the name for this one my fellow Gamers we finally have a romance this one is a solid romance it is a solid romance I feel like people like it a lot just because we have been so starved of good Shoujo romances but I don't think it does anything too much to go above and beyond for me it is a solid shot I look at this compared to some other top tier Shoujo romances and I'm like I I still would put it below a lot of the below I don't think it's incredible it's just nice it's it's just nice I kind of like that the girl is a hot mess in real life that would probably put me off a lot but the girl is a hot mess and I kind of dig it you're showing up in my door at God knows what time it is you are literally a random girl who trauma dumped on me you married her hey man hey hey my wife isn't that much of a hot mess all right I'm enjoying this one I feel like people like this because it's got a gamer in this all right moving on to oh God I got a cheat skill in another world and became unrivaled I thought I was going to enjoy this one I thought this was going to be my pick for the Trashy isekai of the Season that I liked but it goes too far I realized watching this show that even my trashy wish fulfillment isakai has a cap even that has a bar where if it goes above that bar I cannot take this seriously this is basically oh that really happened as an anime a lot of isekai are your trashy wish fulfillment kind of shows this takes your General Normal wish fulfillment and amps it up to a hundred every single scene every single episode ends with and then they collapse every episode I swear to God like in episode two he stands up to his bullies and then a hot girl who he stood up for before shows up at his door turns out she's a rich girl who enrolls in a really prestigious school and she wants him to enroll in that procedure school and no somebody else and everyone claps every problem in his life is solved by him suddenly becoming good looking one of the compliments that one of the girls gives him is oh my God his legs are so long that was it that's why he's a popular dude now oh his legs are so long I'm sorry I'm sorry where where is my compliments my legs are long look how long these legs are that's how I got Sydney you know when we met up for the first time and on the altar she's like oh my God still can't handle your long legs man your long legs is why this marriage is working so I can attest that you know it does actually work yeah this this one's detailed for me all right oshinoko is this even a question guys is this even a question all right I hate to say it but sometimes anime meets the hype I can already tell because it's like one of the top rated anime on male people are gonna be like oh well it's it's overrated it's overrated that's just your average my animeless user busting and not too early like they always do of course that is going to uh get your typical Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood fan to be like oh but it's it's overrated oh oh can we just say it's a good show it's a great show without taking it 10 steps too far I don't have anything more to say about the show that I haven't already said in fact I believe that my words have been put on High dive's website to sell this show I've already sold it enough if you're not watching oshinoko what are you doing go watch it this season it's really good moving on Gundam the witch from Mercury this is how you know this is how you know this is a season full of bangers this is how you know this is a season full of bangers oh wish for mercury has been so good oh my God gundam's back baby Gundam is bad I have never been more happy to see war crimes being committed man I haven't been this happy since Attack on Titan which isn't actually that you don't go that's it that's just like uh war crimes are happening oh let's go high war crimes the wish for mercury season 2 has been slapping harder at the ending of season one of which for mercury it is gone back to what I feel like is let's say more traditional pure Gundam the first season kind of focused on a lot of the the corporate and high school politics with their world and I feel like after it sets everything up season two has just gone off the rails and it kind of reminds you oh oh this is this is a Gundam okay oh we got another bad parent this has been one of my favorite shows airing this season it has hit the hype I thought it would hit at the end of season one and I honestly hope it continues my biggest thing is that I don't know if this is going to be a two season kind of thing I mean what I will say is that I would be kind of surprised if they resolved everything within the season actually and I'd actually be kind of this pointed because the world that they've set up the characters that they've set up all the character developments that they've set up in this cast so far I don't think can be or should be fully resolved in the next coming five episodes or something gun and witch for mercury has been the show I've wanted it to be it's going to be the show I recommend new anime fans watch to get into Mecca perhaps even above 86. those gun plus sales bandai's been like yo is it payday I think it's payday moving on connoisseur spin-off has honestly been good it's been solid it's not been anything more than solid I still would prefer OG connoisseuba to this one but as a spin-off it's done its job Demon Slayer I needed the time for the soul hold on let me let me run through the rest of these so far before I get to the real big hitters body Wing season two more great birdy wink what can I say I'm not completely up to date with it right now but I know our body wings one of those shows that I'm going to just Marathon through I would give the last season AST I think so far I'll give him I'll give another a biggest W of Buddy Wing season two they have kept penis lying oh I was so happy Big W magic and muscle is also ate it and like I said there is a lot of good shows this season this is another show that I don't really have much to say because it's exactly what it says on the tip you have a giga Chad Gym Bro beating up on Harry Potter nerds and that's pretty much the shot and that's pretty much all I need it hasn't done anything extraordinary but the concept alone has sold me on the show it's one of those shows that's kind of like I need to Marathon this show because one episode is not enough it's a mix between like mob cycle 100 and one punch man and Harry Potter and it takes a amalgamation of all of those different shows and it puts its own spin on it I will say it's funny how much this is basically Harry Potter I mean we've seen wizard schools before it's so unapologetically Hogwarts that is kind of funny yeah I'm enjoying this a lot it's a name for me I'm up to date with this I catch up to it because it's just that much fun is I think it has potential to have really good action that comes out of nowhere and again gut feeling if it does then I will love this show even more as it stands it's just a nice turn your brain off here's some Shonen junk food you can eat and just enjoy yourself and have a good time all right before we get to the final two I really really want to start Magus Bride season two I don't remember anything that's happened in the first season so this is one of those shows where I want to re-watch the first season before I start the second season because it's not a long time since I watched the first season but I'm definitely gonna be watching it this this has been my biggest surprise this season I remember when I said that I got a cheese skill in another world and became unrivaled in the real world as well I thought that was going to be my trashy pick of the Season turns out it was this this has been my trashy isakai pick of the Season people are saying s when go that far but for me it's a high beat I did not enjoy the show this much so bad it's good kind of show it has got some of the worst CG I've ever seen in an anime I'm not joking it has got some of the worst CG I have ever seen in an anime the more you watch the more you realize I think it's kind of bad on purpose there is this one scene where there's like this guy farming on a tractor and it's literally they literally put a filter like out of nowhere they put a Tick Tock filter over a guy on a tractor and they have like an anime filter on his face and they just called that animation and it got it got a laugh out of me kamikazu is what happens when a studio knows what their strengths are and they play to those strengths they knew that maybe they couldn't get amazing looking CG so they just put the worst CG imaginable and they put all their efforts into making the comedy hit to me it's it's genuinely funny it's the punch lines actually hit it is a show that has a really creative use of its budget and when the animation does need to hit it's not like the most amazing animation in the world but it definitely doesn't look as bad as a bad looking CG this is basically what happens if a studio just posts and I kind of dig it you would think that a show that looks this bad kind of has us laughing at the show but the most amazing thing about this I'm never laughing at the show I'm laughing with the show last two and these are two big ones this is what I've been waiting for Demon Slayer the swordsmith village Arc so every season every single season I come in wanting to think I've sussed you out I know everything to expect but every season so far it's gone and done something that has dropped my jaw to the floor it's gone and surprised me and gone and given me unbelievably high levels hype this is the first season that so far has not done that yet it has not done that it has been solid and good but I would be lying if it's been anything but a high b or low 80. animation is again really really freaking good and for that reason I'm gonna give it a low 80. I've enjoyed it more than all of these shows it's more like a B plus for me or an A minus for me that looks more about right to me if it follows previous Seasons Demon Slayer has always ended on an absolute Banger and the one thing that I've learned is you should never discount Demon Slayer okay you should never ever discount Demon Slayer so far we are Nine episodes in and I haven't really had a holy moment season two had some amazingly cool fight scenes with three things going on at once and I think this one has just been Demon Slayer always been simple but it's not really done anything new for demons layer at all so we finally get to end things off with villain Saga if you have disagreed with anything I've said today if you have thoughts I've misplaced one of your favorite anime or if you think I have just made a bad list in general it's okay you know my enemy I have no enemies all water under the bridge I bear no hatred towards you if you want to put Demon Slayer in s tier if you want to put oshinoko in detail I bear no hatred towards you you are not my enemy because we can all agree villain Saga is Esther it is continuing to be an absolute Masterpiece no one here is my enemy and that's because Finland Saga season 2 is airing Farmland Saga I thought would be slower which it is it is very slow but what I didn't remember was still how engaging it was and that's a testament to how good the writing is because even though it is slower I have never been bored in Finland Saga season 2. I've always felt engaged in the story being told And the emotions being portrayed in this story and it makes me realize that all the more because the last few episodes it's kind of like picked up a bit it's just been looking incredible and it just continues to get better and better it is my favorite anime this area in the season even above oshinoko I'm already waiting for a season three it is a Masterpiece of a show seeing thorofin's development has been as much of a treat as I remember it being in the manga and seeing his journey and seeing the juxtaposition between knut's journey and decisions that he's made during story during his own personal story has been such a joy to see you will not see many stories many anime in your lives that hit an emotion and give you a story that has such a beautiful meaning behind it as much as villain Saga I have a feeling that once again it's going to be one of the best stories told this decade and if you disagree with that it's okay we have no enemies here you are fine to do so I think regardless of if you agree to my rankings or not this has been an incredible season and I hope that kind of reflects in all of the rankings I've given today but if you enjoy whatever comment on what has been this season and if you don't know I'm streaming this all on Twitch twitch.tv gigock if you want to check me out sometimes I've been live quite a lot more this season this season but anyway that's been it for me I've been gig up and I'll see you all next time bye bye [Music] foreign
Channel: Garnt
Views: 538,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gK8ciw4ad9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 35sec (2555 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2023
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