DipIt #16: Resin vs. Aluminum: My Horrible Gift to Carl Jacobson!

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Carl Jacobson is the one that gave me these cool for tide chips a while back and he is probably one of the nicest guys on YouTube so what do you get the nicest guy on YouTube a bowl of pure evil [Music] okay so this is the object we're going to be casting today eight and a half inches in diameter and about four and a half inches high it's just such a satisfying process who would trash man I hear the trash man favorite time of the week and we're just going to start assembling it it's not the only way to do it but this is the way that I'm doing it will it work if you've been watching for any period of time you know I don't know yet and I reinforced all the edges and seams with some packing tape and it feels much more rigid now that that packing tape has been added the item that we're going to be taking the shape of it fits well in here Wilson silicone get underneath there I mean it might if you actually protect against that all right let's get a little bit of clay here when I was a kid they had us make ashtrays for our parents that's how old I am you can tell remember bring it home and I was like uh thanks what am I supposed to do with an ashtray we just press down and give ourselves a nice good bond alright next step let's actually mix up the silicone I'm going to guess that I'm going to need at least two quarts if I need more I can mix more okay so I got another one of these these plastic buckets and zeroed out my scale the weight of the silicone is five pounds nine ounces and I need a tenth of that in the other stuff so that's what like just a little over half a pound and I'm going to grab my catalyst and I'm going to add it until it says so once that says 5.5 we've added enough catalyst okay that's more than I wanted I got excited I guess this is mold release you can buy it online or in a plastic store and so what you have to do you have to get it on all the surfaces and then you have to wait for it to dry we'll set that aside and let it dry while it's drying we're going to mix this I like with anything you just want a consistent color throughout that is our goal I think I spent a hundred bucks on the silicone so it's not a cheap process to pour this much silicone if I ever want to make another resin bowl I'll be able to use this mold is so much better than the urethane which is what I use on the gummy bear acts [Music] we've got some more in the container I'm going to try to scrape it out cut a couple days to set up and we are good now let's see if we can't Oh free this sucker okay come on baby so yeah that clay stuck really well all right should just pop right out look at that the next thing we care about is how much this holds I filled up the mold with water and I'm just going to pour that into a measured container that would be 75 ounces which is gigantic 75 ounces of resin is an enormous amount and I don't even have that much in the shop so let me introduce you to my Dippet box these are all the things that either people have sent me or I've collected to at some point get in resin packing peanuts the micarta shavings from the paper pen all of my failures from trying to make colored pencil rings some resin shavings these styrofoam bricks I already did this one but I had some extra what is this this is milli putt shavings these are some leather scraps that I got anyway so the box is just full of stuff but I was thinking about these aluminum shavings and these actually came from my friend Mike Warren when I did the instructables tour there was a CNC machine that was cutting aluminum shavings and he put a bunch of em in a bag for me and sent him up I think these could look really neat cast resin let's go with the aluminum shavings so this will definitely take up some volume which is nice and that should hopefully offset the amount of resin that we're going to need okay that is a lot of aluminum shavings I'm going to be using polyester resin just because close to 60 ounces of it in the shop at the moment I was experimenting with different colors of castings just to see what what I liked this is translucent Green is an opaque it's a shiny red a blue with aluminum shavings not really thinking that looks very good so the wife suggested instead of trying to match the aluminum to an actual color to just go with black and that might look really cool and it would make the aluminum pop I think she might be right oh right and it smells hold on let me put on my mask since we're going to be pouring multiple layers we're going to do five drops of catalyst per ounce so 5 times 20 is 100 drops of catalyst 1 2 3 4 5 6 97 98 99 100 okay we got our capping in for the day we're going to add our pigment powder and we're going to add a lot okay how do we all feel about that that good I think there might be good so 20 ounces just disappeared into nothingness like we didn't even pour it set timer 1 hour and I'm mixing up another 20 ounces and again you've got that crazy black look to it super deep black so this time since we're doing another layer you actually use less hardener or catalyst so this was four drops per ounce which means 80 drops for 20 ounces so much sure how far up that's going and how much we're going to have to put in I'm going to wait and then we'll put in some more all right so I got a little nervous there after pouring in 40 ounces and not being able to see it so what I've done here is I've just kind of dug a little hole so got this block of wood and we're going to turn that down to this shape and we're going to fill up this center section with a block of wood so as we don't use up resin that we don't need let's see if that fits okay so let's mix up another batch of resin and hope that that's the last one see what kind of volume this takes up I feel like this is an endless pit but we know how big it is we know it's 75 ounces and we've already put 40 in 40 plus 16 that's 56 ounces this should be visible I have to say I'm a little surprised that it didn't go up a little higher like the aluminum doesn't even take up any room why is the aluminum not taking up space with a huge volume of aluminum I don't know which is I got to be honest surprising I got to go to the store and get some more polyester resin I know that this mold is 75 ounces and I know that it is more or less full aluminum and I get it there's spaces between the aluminum but that should take up some amount of the space right now I got this giant block here as well which has to take up some of the space as well so how is it with 56 ounces of resin in the mold it is still not visible yet so I've got another 20 ounces of resin there is no way that I'll be able to pour all of this in there unless my math is just so bad and I am totally misunderstanding this whole process okay now look here this is Rito apparently I'm just stupid because I have now poured 76 ounces of resin into a mold that I've got labeled as only holding 75 ounces but I've also filled the whole thing with aluminum and a giant plug of wood so clearly I measured this wrong I mean there's got that's the only explanation as I measured it wrong there is no way that I poured I don't I don't know anyway I'm going to wait for this to cure and I'm going to pour another layer on top because there's some room and yeah what up it doesn't matter at this point it's like a black hole just a it's just it's not a mold it's like frickin black hole so I'm just going to keep pouring stuff into it associate its resin gulping needs all right and so there get are the final ten ounces and ooh yuck and a little unmixed a little bit that didn't pour out from the last mix that's that's pretty nasty this is full to the top it's going to be a really cool blank for Carl and I think it's going to be if I'm honest it's going to be a beautiful bowl if he's able to turn it without I don't know killing himself hopefully a whole look at them totally [Music] will you look at that this is a murder bowl this is a horrible thing to send to somebody take a picture and send it to Carl Carl I made a murder bowl this is the nastiest thing I have ever made somebody aluminum shavings and polyester resin it weighs a ton and it hurts just to touch it Thank You Carl for being my friend for being nice for helping me out I got you [Music] I'm going to be sending this up to Oregon to Carl and he's going to try to turn on the lathe he's arguably one of the best Turner's on YouTube so if anybody can do this it's going to be Carl but um he's not gonna like it's not gonna be fun I'm mostly sorry alright so I'm going to put a link to that video right over here go ahead and check that out and at this point I have no idea what it's going to look like but here it is in the raw form and here it is in the finish for thank you very much for watching I hope you enjoyed this episode and I will catch you guys on the next one
Channel: Peter Brown
Views: 5,153,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dipit, shop time, epoxy, Aluminum, bowl, casting, mold making, silcone mold, resin casting
Id: ssaYktaIrTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2017
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