What To Do With A Box of Broken Glass?!

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nathan that idea gives me an idea and i think we need to try it so this is 12 inches squared 10 inches squared 8 inches squared and 6 inches square [Music] [Music] i am out of wood glue weird looks like i ran out of wood glue at the exact right moment oh my gosh i think i made an accidental robot the closer i'm getting the more i'm wondering if i want to stop i think if i go too far down i might lose it i think the proportions of it i think it looks pretty good right now i don't know if i want to lose any of the diameter so this is going to be the platform that the mold will go on top of but it needs to be the inverse so that the mold can be the actual thing [Music] so one of the nice things about doing this on the lathe is we know that we've got a symmetrical object i don't need to make a mold of 360 degrees i can just make a mold of 180 of it so what i'm using for silicone is this silicone paste it's basically silicone that's been thickened and its application is for architectural objects things that things that usually stay on walls so you can get a casting of them without having to remove it and i think it should work pretty well for our application enough for this [Applause] so you just want to get rid of the streaks of blue and the streaks of white until you get a nice consistent color i can't tell if this is going to be enough or not but we'll see i want to just spread it on i guess it's not unlike cake decorating it's the forbidden frosting and i didn't even look to see what the working time was and since i don't know i'll pretend that i don't have to panic you seem to trust your instincts but my instincts can be super bad sometimes i don't know if it's a good idea to risk trusting them i think it looks good i i guess we're done because we're all out of silicone i'm about to put my respirator on which means we won't be able to chit chat so let me quickly lay out what the next steps are while the silicone should be ready to come off it has no structure so it won't hold the object in the proper shape so we're going to put resin and fiberglass over the outside i've never done this before but i i believe that i understand the process we're going to be mixing up some resin and i'm going to be tearing and laying fiberglass patches into that resin i basically want two to three layers of fiberglass completely coated in resin over the top of this silicone to make our mother mold it's my mother mold and i'm i'm i've never done this so i have knowledge of what to do but i don't have any experience so um i think i did what i was supposed to do but we won't find out until it cures and it's probably pretty obvious why we need the fiberglass and resin mother mold there's a little bit of flex but i don't know i don't know i think it's going to be able to remember back in august when we made the fortune cookie and i said that the broken glass was from a door in flyleaf's recording studio so i actually got to chat with james who's the drummer in the band and he said it was from a four foot by nine foot window that separated the control room from the live room i think you said so i've decided to do something extremely tedious and i'm gonna try to get them as close together as possible all right we're definitely gonna have to figure out the rocking so it took us about an hour to get to this point three quarters of the way done with half of the shade it's getting pretty high on the sides here and i'm worried about it doing an avalanche and then sort of cascading but what i'm thinking is i'm going to mix up some resin and do a light coat on top of the glass that we have here i tried my best to fill all the holes but i i mean i don't know if it's realistic to believe that i could do that you guys hear that i had a piece just pull itself out i'm wondering if it's maybe the foam brush that's causing that so i grabbed a more of a standard paint brush here you can see that the glass just keeps sticking to the brush there we go and with the mold on its side here this is mostly level where it was poured before and here's the section that needs to be glued together and i should just be able to mix up a small amount of resin and all i want is to basically adhere all these blocks together it doesn't need to be a thick coating this seems to be working where you just sort of blot it on again it doesn't need oh yeah i just ripped out another one it doesn't need a huge amount of resin it's a hole right there see if i've got a piece here that'll fit this looks like a good fit there you go yeah i think that looks pretty good okay let's see if any of that footage is actually usable and once we're all done with the first one we start the process all over again if i had known what was involved in this process when i first saw this comment i might not have been so enthusiastic about it a couple things i've learned having a nice base like this works really well to keep it from rocking i'm gonna pour resin in one section let that cure do another section let that cure do the last section let that cure i think that will be the easier method take this first one that i did and kind of try my best to line it up it's hard to tell exactly but somewhere somewhere around here is where it looks like they're going to meet up i think i'm going to go right up here to this line and if there's a tiny bit of wiggle room between the two that actually would be a good thing after this i'm going to have to figure out how to join the two halves together i i honestly haven't really thought probably should spend some time thinking about that like this piece here yeah fits into that piece there pretty well i see that and then this half i mean this half there's almost there's a pretty big gap over here together too though yeah there's like almost no gap over here no it's like one piece yeah away one width thick it's really close planned this out better i probably should have given this some consideration before getting to this stage that's not how you roll an idea i've got blue tape back here and that's going to allow me to stick these pieces into place i feel like it's pretty good actually and i'm just going to go ahead and do the same thing on the other side the joining of the two halves went well it looks pretty seamless to me this is the mold so you can actually see the plywood from the mold as i said earlier i have knowledge but not experience with experience i would have known to do a better job of sanding and sealing the mold so that i wouldn't have these lines while i'm happy with the amount of resin that's on the outside i'm not happy with the way that it looks so i'm going to start sanding it back and then i'll add another coat of resin after that to get it a nice gloss finish i think i'm getting close to the end on this one this shouldn't exist um it was a pile of broken glass and it is now its own object i'm frankly surprised that it worked obviously i cannot drop this but it is not fragile in my hand and i love the way that the glass plays off the light and you get all these blues and purples and reds in here and as you move it around and have it hit the light it hits the edges of the broken glass and it is actually more whole than it was it actually shines it is also speaking to me of tragedy because it is possible to take something broken and in pieces and return it to something that has value i think that is a hopeful thing to think i love it i think it's fantastic i'm super happy with it i tried things i've never tried before it took me a while to get this all together and honestly i don't know if there's a better testament to the strength and versatility of the total boat resin that i use today i definitely want to give a thank you to totalboat for helping with this project i fully intend to follow up this video with making a lamp that this will go on top of if it is not the next video i make then know that it will happen at some point in the future thank you very much for watching i hope you enjoyed this episode i really enjoyed making this and sharing this with you and i hope you have a very merry christmas and a happy holiday wherever you are at [Music] glue and non-glue and unbroken glass
Channel: Peter Brown
Views: 528,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dipit, shop time, epoxy
Id: HK4_YFPw-34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 25 2020
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