Gift Academy Inc Mock Checkride with Mary Latimer full length

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just walking first of all for the camera this is a much check right this isn't an actual check ride I am NOT currently a designated pilot examiner okay this Megan is this is for training purposes only mm-hmm okay not an evaluation we do know each other ordinarily you would have walked in I would have introduced myself please feel free to call me Mary okay okay as we go through this process you know where to get something to drink if you need something if you need to use the restroom you know where the facilities are so just make yourself comfortable let me know if you need to do anything okay I've turned my phone off I hope that no double-checking - - actually I typically don't turn mine off so if if somebody calls me with an emergency then that's one thing but typically I'm not gonna answer am I gonna be looking at my phone mm-hmm we'll leave those emergencies so the phone's off let's see I've gotten your information you've emailed that to me so I hand of your eye a crow right here and I've got your test results from your premium the tests that you've taken right okay so in a moment we'll get into the computer and shine you in but for the moment my briefing to you is the end of the day three things can happen okay you can walk out of here with a private pilot certificate and that's what we both want to happen mm-hmm okay if for any reason one of us or the airplane is not air worthy so if you start feeling bad or something changes if I start feeling bad or something happens if we have a problem with the airplane or if the weather deteriorates right now it's forecast to be good for us to be able to fly this afternoon but Mother Nature doesn't always read the forecast so if the wind conditions weather conditions are suitable then we can call a discontinuance okay in a discontinuance you will get credit for everything that you've done up to that point okay you'll have 60 days to reschedule and finish whatever we didn't complete okay we can do this discontinuance at any point during the oral or even during the flight okay okay so and either one of us can make that call the third thing that can happen is what neither one of us wants and that's what we would call a disapproval notice okay if you didn't meet the standards then I'm required as the examiner to issue that disapproval notice doesn't mean it just means you've made a mistake okay I like to think of it as I'm the last line of defense to make sure that you're safe to carry yourself your family your friends without making deadly mistakes hmm so the FAA are you familiar with the airman certification standards yes so they set the standards it's not arbitrary I followed those standards you know what they are if we have any discussion about that we can talk about it but if you don't understand what I'm asking you please ask me to rephrase the question okay okay and I'm gonna allow you to kind of search your brain sometimes or your reference materials if that's appropriate okay okay so let's pull up the eye Accra and get you signed in okay simulating reason to pretend that today yeah so simulating man all right I've got it pulled up and then I need your driver's license or your whatever you're using for a photo ID and your medical and your student pilot certificate so I've got those documents verifying here I would turn the computer around and then at this point in time are you ready to like once you sign in the test begins okay you have any questions before we start the test I'm all set okay so you have signed in now the test has begun one of those three outcomes is our options okay all right so all right did you do your cross planning for me let's pretend that I did okay so we went from I had to we were here down here at Red Bird and I had you coming over here - OH - Tyler Tyler you via Cedar Creek so we can use of you are okay very good so we've got that okay so oh let me ask you a few things kind we're gonna go through this is that we were planning to take this flight okay all right and you've got a couple of friends with you if you left your wallet in at home on the dresser you showed if the airport and realize you don't have your wallet with you can you take your friend's flight not supposed to have photo ID with me okay what else are we required to have with you so you're supposed to have your photo ID and your pilot certificate and your I would have my third class medical currently as a student pilot right now I carry my logbook I know that the private pilots are not required to have that with them at all times okay all right what if your driver's license expired last month there it is the first week of June and it's expired at the end of May I could double-check the far aim but I would say that if it's expired that doesn't sound like that would be a valid government-issued ID so an alternative for me is I could use my my passport for example exactly perfect okay when does your medical expire so since I am under 40 years old my medical lasts for five years mine was issued in March of 2018 so it would be good to the end of March 5 years from 2018 so 2023 okay very good all right oh now you're gonna you got two friends that are gonna go with you on this trip okay and one of them has really relatively deeper pockets than the rest of you okay so she's offered to pay for the entire flight and that's not allowed so per they regulations as a private pilot I have to pay the pro rata share so I have to pay my portion of the rental expenses for the plane of the fuel and airport expenses so for example so I couldn't let someone else pay for all of it okay okay shall we engine pro riders here all right um you're planning the one over there at Tyler and you're planning on being there all day okay okay and you're leaving probably a couple hours after nightfall okay to return so does that change anything on your return flight it does so in a couple ways so one is I'd have to make sure that I was current for a night flight so to make sure that I was current I would have to have had three full-stop landings at the night time hours so an hour after Sun set to an hour before sunrise within the last 90 days so I'd have to make sure that I was current for that flight home and then also I'd have to be thinking about my my reserve fuel would be different so during the daytime I could have a minimum of 30 minutes at nighttime it would be 45 those are the key things that that are coming to mind is there something else that maybe I could talk about the ear let me put a little twist on it okay okay you were intending to leave well before sundown and be back in back at home well before sundown mm-hmm okay and based on those intentions you expected to be back in red bird or I'm sorry Dallas executive no later than 4:00 p.m. okay but one of your passengers had something came up and now we're not gonna leave until six o'clock okay and it's gonna be full-on dark before you get home okay but you're not nine current okay well then I wouldn't be current to take the flight I guess one option a practical option could be that I could leave the passengers at the airport and I could do so I could do the require three landings at the airport if it was just me and the plane and then that would make me current to then proceed with the flight exactly yeah very first look those three take off what if those three tonight landings or the first one just was scared you well then that would be the difference between being current and proficient so proficient means that you're actually safe to fly current means you're just legal and so in that case it would not be a good idea so maybe do a couple more rounds in the pattern and make sure that I felt comfortable or just wait to the next day and make other arrangements very good yeah say there's always enough to make your arrangements okay let's talk about the airplane a little bit what are the what are the documents that you need to verify that or in the airplane before we leave okay so that has the acronym of arrow so the first is the airworthiness certificate so that would be on display in the cockpit of the plane I would also need the registration document would also need to be up-to-date and visible in the plane I would need to have the operating information so that would include the Poh and any other placards or relevant information and then I would need the the current weight imbalance okay all right and I just realized I'm taking notes here right and didn't brief you I will be taking notes as we go through this okay so don't let that rattle you I know where anything sure we've covered everything and I would have also had your written test results and I would be reviewing that as we go through this oral I have to review every question that you missed so whether usually only sometimes I can may incorporate that into the normal oral and okay or I may do that separately okay it's an option so understanding I'm verify I have to do each thing that you missed on there okay so I've got to have the arrow what other equipment is required based on this particular flight so which flight in question okay I'm leaving here and going there boy that kind of knowing them and I have required to have okay so it depends if so I will be a VFR pilot so let's assume is it fair to assume this is a VFR flight absolutely and during the daytime first nighttime is slightly different so the daytime flight over you'd have the the acronym the tomato flames and then if it was the nighttime like we talked about coming back at night you have the additional flaps requirements you want me to go through each of those ones I think we're good on there what about radio equipment what am i required to have so let's see so we're going from the Dallas Executive and we're gonna come over to to Tyler so let's see Dallas executive and Tyler are both showing that they are classed the airport's they have the blue dotted line I noticed that that is within the Class B area here and it's within the mode C Vale of this Class B airport so because of that I would say that I would want to I want to have a two-way radio because I need to be able to talk to the towers on both ends now because part of my flights going to be within the mode C Vail I would definitely need to make sure I have the the mode C and the plane as well what inspections are required on that transponder any well transponders are required to be inspected and let me think about that for a minute so the ELT is every 12 months the transponder is every 24 months so it would have to have been inspected within the last 24 exactly so okay what's that I said what's the difference between let's say coming out of this class Delta versus this class Delta and your knee difference water has what are the differences well let's see are you thinking like what are the differences maybe in terms of airspace yes maybe that's the way to answer it okay so the first class Delta Dallas executive that has a class Bravo shelf above it okay and so in this case the Dallas Executive Airport goes up to and not including the the 3,000 and then above it it has class Bravo from 3000 to 110 now the airport over here majors is a Class D Airport it also goes up to but it includes 3,000 here since doesn't have the negative sign and then it is surrounded by Class E airspace which is inside the the the the magenta here and so that's going to have Class E airspace starting at 700 because it's within that that space okay so what's the difference from you from a flying standpoint between Class E or Class G high or even class Bravo oh okay so well bra let me start with Bravo maybe first but Bravo is the most restrictive it's like busiest airports we talked about you would have to have the mode C transponder in Class B and I think one of the most important distinctions that stands out to me and class Bravo is that you have to have approval to enter the airspace and specifically they have to say you're clear to enter the airspace okay so it's the most restrictive in terms of there's also some differences as far as vor flight so you just need to have three miles clear of clouds in the class Bravo that's different between the other airspace so maybe going to the other extreme is class golf so that would be the most the the one of the least restrictive air spaces so down at the the surface just one mile clear of clouds during the day for for golf and then that golf airspace has different restrictions between day and night and the different elevations when we get above 1200 and 10,000 for example echo is more restrictive it's generally a busier air air space than than classical so it has higher requirements as far as visibility you know it's not as restrictive as Class B so you don't have to be talking to a tower have clearance the way you do in class Bravo so the big distinctions are whether in class Bravo you have to have the two-way radio and you have to have clearance to enter where you don't for the other two and and different restrictions as far as the the visibility is concerned okay so I mean you touched on it the visibility what are the cloud clearances again for which airspace for the class echo okay so class echo is one of the more complicated ones so when we start at the when we start at the from oh gosh this one if you mind if I just do a quick double check on my notes okay so this one you have okay below 10,000 feet you have the five mile visibility excuse me three mile visibility and the the five one two so 500 below a thousand above and two thousand horizontal from clouds and then when we get above ten thousand that's where we want to have the five mile visibility and the the one one one so how am I going to determine on five hundred people of the clouds it's it's the judgment it's estimation okay so what are your resources to find out how to worry where you start do you have a calibrated I know yes I guess you do you go on the you err on the side of safety you want to stay far below the clouds so somebody was to come through say an IFR flight that's really the concern you want to make sure you have enough time to see and avoid them okay so if we get the weather report for Dallas Executive and they say the the clouds are at 3500 however would I expect those clubs that what would I expect my maximum altitude to be so the clouds are at 3500 so the max you could be at is 3000 but you're realistically probably going to want to be a little bit far below that for me I have as a new private pilot I would have my own minimums and I would want to stay are further below that ok safety and it's at 3500 is at AGL or a missile on the clouds how are my clouds reported at my airport let me think about that for a moment I believe that it's msl but I could double-check in the aeronautical handbook but my my gut would tell me that it would be at what's the feel elevation so field elevation for Dallas Executive is 600 because of how would the clouds at 400 feet be reported so if they were at 400 feet you mean 400 feet above the field elevation right so then they would be reported as III so I think it's MSL so I think they'd be reported as 1010 so I think you have to take into account the field elevation when you're thinking of ceilings okay welcome back and let's see your reactions telling you really I got that one wrong right I could double-check that in the handbook right well it'll clarify that okay because it is it's important for you to understand exactly what they're measuring okay okay so because you can see that they could make some serious that's a big difference and if I'm not sure I really should look it up in the hand right and we obviously need you know that before you there are certain things that you can look up because they're part of your pre-flight yeah and some things are going to be necessary for you to know it like instantly in flight if you can look it up on the ground certainly you can look it up okay it during here but if you can't look it up in flight then um we'll leave those clinics at the moment okay all right so we'll come back and look at that one um so what else do did you choose to go on this trip and can you tell me why you chose that altitude okay so a couple things that I'd be considering for altitude first I want to make sure that I stay out of the bravo airspace until I leave the leave the class bravo airspace so when I'm first leaving staying at about 2000 would be suitable to avoid any obstacles and stay out of that Bravo and then when I'm actually going on my cross-country and airspace is no longer a concern by Cedar Creek for example I'm going to be going east so I'm gonna want odd plus 500 ok so give me a specific number so 3,500 seems seems reasonable 3,500 or 5,500 I would have actually planned this out in the cross country shirt specifically but I would say just 3,500 3,500 all over this area this is a my this is even an odd always employee is it always in play can you help me I'm not sure okay I mean do I always have to worry about the even and odd or should I be aware that maybe sometimes someone might be going the opposite direction and they're not at the appropriate altitude okay okay so I better thank you clarifying so I mean I always will have seen a void so if someone is is occupying that I'd obviously I'd have to go higher or lower to avoid them and let's say I was using like flight following and I was told specifically to be at a different altitude that I would also I would comply with the instructions I was giving you know that my following is not going to give you specific information like that I guess to avoid traffic even when they'll give you an information to avoid trap they might ask you they're not they're not going give you that sign heading or altitude typically winter in the class Bravo that's different okay what I'm asking is if if somebody was going from here down to here and they were at 3,500 feet would they be in violation of that even an odd rule would they be violation so basically if the clouds were at 3,000 feet our radars say 4000 feet so they can't climb up to 45 okay so they could go at 2,500 could they go at 2500 would that be safe in this airspace well it looks yes because I mean for example 1200 is the highest elevation in this entire quadrant if you're over here no because that's 2,000 but but in this space you could be that low and how much clearance would they have between themselves okay in the ground and who you're saying to be it would be potentially a little bit low they need to be mindful of yeah of the the potential higher el you know higher points because there are some some towers and things in this area so they have to be careful with that I would say for your original question though that that's a that's a general my understanding is that's the best practice on a guideline but that you have to make sure you're accounting for obviously terrain or clouds or other traffic would would take precedence on your your choice of altitude and my understanding is the purpose of it is so that you it's helping with seeing a void you're helping traffic of in different directions be at different altitudes they have better chances the weather yeah what I'm trying to fish at is when is Italy when is it legal when is it mandatory when is it not lit when is it not mandatory for me even do that even an odd thing or is that is it always mandatory I don't think it's mandatory I thought it was good practice I'd have to double-check the far aim for that okay all right a little weakness in our information there okay we're going to clarify that during the oral I am not supposed to be teaching mmm-hmm okay so understanding we're gonna clarify these okay just because you made a mistake doesn't mean and in the mock ones you want me to actually take time to look it up don't full if I did or okay yeah yeah by all means good yeah look this okay let's see if I can find that oh you know what I was gonna say is it just because you make a mistake doesn't mean we're done okay okay essentially on the oral within reason I'm looking for a 70% comprehension you know that being said certain questions might be to present 50 point questions you don't know what a whole short line is on the airport markings we might be done okay let's see this is one unfortunately I don't have tabs I thought I'd be able to find it quickly I guess if I'm not able to find it quickly let me just check the index maybe it'll jump out it'd be be if our cruising altitude flight levels I believe it's at 1 189 okay so here is the accepting so it has to be a flight more than 3,000 feet so that was one point that I was in right wasn't see that was what I was okay so that was really what you're asking for so it's really if you're above 3,000 feet then it's at 3,000 in Michigan over 3,000 hgo above the surface so AGL and this makes a distinction when you're below 18,000 feet MSL which I would be if I'm doing a VFR flight right mm-hmm okay so that was really the point that I was missing right okay got it and there again look safe looking it up that's fine there's certain things and again we'll make notations on the things that I want to hit on in the debrief okay so that I don't want you to walk out of here not comprehending where those deficiencies are and how underwent meeting them okay okay oh well we're on the map what's the difference between this Airport and say this Airport this van der Poe and Nuala well they're both non-towered airports the big thing is that this one has these little hash marks that are sticking out so that means that it has services that are available like if I needed fuel or something like that okay all right can you do me with the star by the L means yes the star by the L means that if I'm flying at nighttime they're gonna have lights that are activated by the radio in the plane okay so let's shift it where we're not going here where we decided to go here okay it's gonna be dark in about 15 minutes out from here so 15 minutes before we got there when wherever we are we have a total electrical failure in the airplane okay now what boss well and so if I if I lose electrical then my radios won't be working and the big problem with that is I won't be able to activate the LAN date the lights on the runway and I probably won't be able to see it because we're out kind of in the middle nowhere so in this case I'm 15 minutes out and if I have enough fuel I think the the most the safest decision would be to still look to land to Tyler because that would be a tower at Airport so I could potentially call them they'd have light guns for example anyone would be like well you if maybe there's a passenger that has a cellphone in the plane that could be a backup obviously we build use my radios okay but in worst case they that would be a safer I think bet than a non-towered airport in this area because the runways would be lit and you might potentially get some assistance from the tower so now this kind of brings up a little bit of a tricky scenario okay all right so how is the tower going to assuming we didn't have a cellphone mm-hmm or didn't weren't able to make direct communications with them so how are they going to clear me to land well in this case they should be able to clear you to land with the light gun signal okay all right and so the big trick is how they gonna see me how are they gonna see um great that's a very fair question well if I have the the mode see the ats-v they should be able to pick me up on their radar hopefully and hopefully they can have radar and hopefully they would I guess the other option is to maybe buy in the pattern and maybe there would be a possibility it's you at nighttime that see maybe a little unlikely but maybe your best bet yeah and if and obviously you're going to have to be super vigilant to see it avoid because essentially you're invisible right and you don't have any communication you have any yeah so let's assume that they did see you and they gave you a green light what does that mean okay well one thing I have on my and I think in reality in an emergency if you're nervous that my board has the the green light but the green is is a good sign to see so that would mean that I'd be clear to land but if it wasn't sure I could ignore his glance so they gave me the green light and this is a very rare thing but if all they gave you the green light and then the next thing you see you see the alternating red and green okay so red and green I believe is caution and I just want to just double check that warning so warning use caution so they're trying to get my attention about something so maybe for example if I was I typically fly a Cessna 172 that has fixed landing gear but maybe if I was flying in a plane that didn't they might be trying to get my attention say hey you've got to put your landing gear down okay that would maybe be something but I'd be thinking about maybe going through the gums checklists and other checklists just to say is there something or is there something on the runway they're trying to get my attention to but obviously they're trying to alert me to something going on okay and in her 172 what would be the most logical mistake you'd be making in this situation well my landing gear is fixed so that's already down I could be maybe landing on the wrong runway maybe there was an Odom and the runways closed or I'm lined up in the wrong direction that would be probably the most likely for me wrong wrong direction yeah you're coming in downwind and not to not to worry about it okay okay some of these antennas we got lots of antennas on here why are some of them like this and some of them are like this I believe that's a difference of whether they are lit but I'm going to just not guess and double-check the legend it's either that or it's the height okay so it's a height so below 1000 AGL is the the triangle and the larger ones have a different symbol kind of a shortcut to tell you which ones you got to be most concerned about right and they all have the the height listed there but just visually let you know that it's a bigger obstacle okay all right did you get a weather briefing before yes right yes for my cross-country I have a weather briefing okay so what are some specific elements that you're always looking for weather briefing okay so when I do my wedded reefing let me walk through it sort of systematically so I would be definitely checking to make sure that it was a VFR day so I'm looking for what the ceilings of the clouds are and what the visibility and making sure that's within my own personal minimums list which I have written down I'm also going to be looking for for me I'd be looking to avoid precipitation and regardless of whether the visibility was was good or not as a new pilot I'm also going to be looking for what the winds are so and I'm going to be looking at those forecasts I should say at both my where I'm taking off and where I'm planning to land and along the route and I'd be looking for also so in addition to the to the meet ours I'm looking for the the forecast and so I'm going to look for the weather currently now as well as in the next couple hours make sure that there's obviously that there's no there's any air mats or Signet so I'm going to take those into account very seriously I think that's probably at a high level are there any other specific questions I could okay now all right well let's go with that what's different from your madness segment so they're both issued for observed whether that's of significance that could be an issue for safety air met is lower lower levels of concerns Sigma kind of by their name they're more significant so more higher degrees of sate turbulence or something else was observed so we've got some potential for thunderstorms this afternoon okay how do you feel about thunderstorms not good I would avoid them as a problem in my personal minimums I would make sure that there are no wear forecasted within 25 nautical miles of my route I would want to stay very far away from them there might be down drafts they're very significant turbulence in the area wind shear so I would really want to stay away from anything that looks convective okay all right and what am I you know I have to ask this one sharing a personal thing is the difference between what I can see out my window versus what I see on my g1000 or on my pad well what you can see is definitely happening right now and and and that's a distinction between say a forecast but also when I'm getting the the weather say on the on the screen that has delays and so I have to account for that could be have you ever seen any of those delays yes I've seen that in the ground school here examples of that where it the real weather might not match up at all with and that's because of the delay of having to go between the satellites and actually transmit it to your equipment so my personal thing is it's a very vital piece of information right know that there they could be old and delayed and the weather especially in this area in Texas it can develop really fast exactly are you familiar at all with dry lines no I don't believe I've heard the term dry line okay all right and that's it's critical in this area in this area okay okay it's it's not it doesn't affect people from other parts of the country so it's very common for people not to have that information okay so if you'll remind me when we're done with that we will discuss and talk about dry lines okay how how they can affect you okay okay but again that's gonna be part of the deep or not part of the brief but okay Oh that'd be good yeah that's a new term to me yes so I'm I'd like for you to leave knowing that information okay all right okay we there's certain things we talk about thunderstorms when and how is fog likely to develop in this part of the country so there's different parts different reasons that fog develops I'm most familiar with flying out by the ocean so we have different factors we have that effect coming in off the ocean but here inland and Texas I would stand if you don't have mountains so you don't get up slope fog like we do in California so I would say in this area you're probably the biggest concern is keeping an eye on the temperature and dew point and when that gets too close you can get visible moisture so that's probably just from the the lakes and also from irrigation and things like that so that moisture so I be probably most I would be guessing that here in Texas that temp actual temperature and dew point getting too close is probably a good sign that that fogs occurring very good oh how much icing can you tolerate on your airplane none okay so that being said what's our most common form of icing that we get in a 172 so the the main different types of icing I can have induction icing or I can have structural icing I don't have a carburetor in my 172 so I don't have to worry about part of heat okay aware of it okay for me it would be structural icing okay to be most common okay all right and so and again once you get your certificate you're not going to be limited to that particular airplane right exactly fly one with the carburetor when it when it is cover eight or icing likely to form it's likely to form when you have a higher amount of moisture in the air and I dunno obviously if it's a lower temperature you might be susceptible but I do know that you can have it and higher higher temperatures so I've even up in seventy degrees or even ninety degrees Fahrenheit I understand carb carb icing can occur okay it's typically more the moisture the humidity and the cooler temperatures people are likely okay if we're flying along on this flight and there's just this one little small random cloud out there okay okay what are you what are you gonna do well I would avoid it okay I would I would not fly in it that would be the first part okay buy into the clouds when I'm gonna be a fire pilot okay and alright if like say we switch back to that night flying and you inadvertently at night it's sometimes it's hard to see the clouds okay I mean it's almost impossible yeah so all of a sudden you find yourself in a cloud at night what are you gonna do so if you're in a cloud the very first thing that I would do would be turn on my pedo pedo heat that would protect the the pitot-static system from freezing and then I would to get out of the cloud it seems like the best thing to do would basically be to do a 180 and I want to keep an eye close eye on my instruments to make sure I stay in a coordinated flight and try to exit and get out of the out of the cloud okay and we'll do that on the flight portion we will that'll be part of the hood work that we do okay I think it's very important for someone to be able to demonstrate that a stay out of the cloud yeah but be if bad things happen you can can deal with those all right got your did you do a waiting balance for us in the simulated version I didn't but let's pretend I did and like I do it alright would have in my in my preparation okay so if my passengers show up and based you know okay now all of a sudden they showed up with 50 pounds of baggage beyond my exit more than them say I'm gonna be 50 pounds overweight based on their way to the fuel I've already got the airplane full of fuel and they showed up with 50 extra pounds baggage that I didn't expect okay to do well I would double check my my weight imbalance so I would hopefully I would have some some margin in my weight balance I certainly in my personal minimums when we mine I would totally I could bring 50 pounds of baggage and they brought 100 they brought 100 okay so I would want to double check so I'd be adjusting this weight in balance I would change my the baggage area to account for the additional weight and I would recheck now we're beyond our maximum gross okay so in this case we're beyond it so we would either need to take some some weight out from the baggage so we may be to reevaluate and say is all of this necessary to take that would I gotta have it all that would probably be the easiest that heaven I can't leave anything behind I could leave you behind that's one option if you're a difficult passenger I might be considering that I could also evaluate if I'm flying with full fuel that might not be necessary I might be able to adjust that but I would be very careful to make sure that I'm not compromising safety so I need to make sure for my day VFR I have a minimum of thirty minutes of additional fuel from my personal safety limits I would want more than that okay all right and so instead if we're going like I'm a short trip if we were going to a to Albuquerque okay I've got if they only brought 50 pounds I have and fuel to get me from here to Albuquerque without having to make a fuel stop I have plenty of fuel but if when I have to offload 50 pounds of fuel that changes my might plan maybe I need to stop pick a waypoint in between Albuquerque and and that might be the compromise is I don't go all the way there I stop for fuel along the way right okay so we can always adjust our plan but the passengers are really honoring when it's kind of like when I fluid my brother Bob the same airplane mm-hmm he didn't have a problem he's bigger mm-hmm well I think in that point at the end of the day as the pilot in command it's my responsibility to make sure that everybody gets there safely and I think at this point in my flying if somebody was being that difficult passenger I wouldn't feel Panthro flying with them in the plane okay honest answer very good okay and so now we're dead heavily loaded airplane oh and we want to go to this little airport right here okay okay we've got permission to private Airport how long is their runway this one right here this private K mm-hmm so three 315 feet runway that's not very long really do 3150 sorry see so no no I'm sorry hold on I'm answering too quickly let me pause for a second I'm mistaking okay I'm I apologize I I know that an answer but I'm answering too quickly so that's the field elevation so the runway length is is the 25 so 250 foot runway hold on sorry two zeros I need to add two zeros so I couldn't go back to one that I dunno and I could also look on my airport facilities diagram but it does show it on the chart so it'd be a 2500 foot runway it's important to know this because even though I intended to go here something changes and I have to make a decision so I need to be able to read those exactly okay yeah very quickly REM so there's no I very few people have a 319 foot runway yes a 2500 foot runway is that within your comfort level I I think that's short I probably wouldn't and I'd also have to look up on the performance diagram for landing distances if I'm full weight I also need to account for that so for me I've been applying more and longer runways so at my home airport so I personally would be hesitant to tool and especially fully loaded on on a short runway like that okay and does it matter whether it's winter day or a summer hot summer day yes the air performance of the engine will be different and also the air density is different so density altitude so I might need to calculate what the density altitude is if it's a real hot day 90s or 100 degree weather for example and the plane will think it's at a higher altitude so okay you've got it turn to your short field landing distance okay so we're at maximum gross weight on the airplane okay and let's go at 40 degrees Celsius okay this is a strange airport so we don't know whether we have obstacles or not so let's assume we have an obstacle okay so what do you think we need for this Airport so their altitudes that they're they're 325 so they'd be below in between so this is saying I would need a minimum of 14 of 1450 for a ground roll okay I'd have to adjust that if I depending on the wind for example but that would be the the minimum that's not how much I would need so this is going to be the best performance of this airplane in a top professional pilot so I would need to add margin on to that number for myself okay and so if we were planning on going there how would you determine whether your skill set would allow you to do that well so one one safe way to do that would be to be on the airport here for example which is a lot longer and I could do a couple practice runs and see how long it actually is taking me to land then I would know with my plane and myself as a pilot I can use the the runway the lights for example and have a passenger count or I could touch that and notice what my touchdown point is and that would give me a rule of we add a little bit of margin on to it for different conditions like wind and other things okay very good see there's always see book is not yes but it gives you a ballpark I think is the key right um like she I know I won't do any better than this very unlikely but know what your limitations are that's the it's a very very critical element okay there are some other do you drink alcohol at all no but I do know what the rules are if that's you want me to explain the rules from the frame okay well I mean if you don't drink alcohol at all it's not necessarily a valid thing it's good to know that you okay but if somebody gave you a frothy drink and it tasted pretty good you know so your advantage with these ladies that you've gone on this trip with and they just brought out all the punch yeah that would be a big problem so lunch would definitely be a big problem because you can't drink alcohol within eight hours of flying so that would ground me it did you just took one ship and then they told you that there was alcohol in it I well then that unfortunately teams taste the the day for all of us right so for the regulations out and that's it I think it really is strict an important ones like within eight hours and then they also have blood-alcohol limits that are in there as well but that would be something that you wouldn't want to fly okay now kind of a luster known thing have you ever taken a Tylenol PM yes and so that has a similar rule in the Far game if you're taking anything that could affect your faculty so that Tylenol PM or sudafed definitely affects your your can make you kind of cloudy brain so you wouldn't wouldn't want to fly if you have anything in your system that's Jr your judgement okay um where would I find that list of things that are allowed or not allowed well there's a general there's a general regulation in the far aim that that talks about medication let me just double check that that that doesn't give you specific specific medications so if I'm taking the Tylenol PM specifically yeah so I think when in doubt you could contact one of the medical so for example the person that did my my class I'm a medical could give me the best answer to that we can actually even go on the FAA website or AOPA has a website and find out that information okay do you have a clue on specifically how long after I take a Tylenol PM before I fly I don't know specifically my guess is it's I think it was some some in the bar ballpark of like 36 hours but I'd have to double-check it okay that specific one is 60 hours okay okay again most of them are more reasonable amounts I do know that it's longer than let's say if you took it every 24 hours the time that you have to wait is longer than what the medication right at those so you can't go back by the hours on the on the pill but it's exactly I think it's certainly certain medications you know stay in your body for an extended period of time and so they are you know so if you're taking anything just make sure that you verify that it's on that list that it's a legal medication and how and how long the timeline is okay okay certain things are just you're not allowed to do a period okay okay um kind of in keep them going through here talk about like on signals you know I would have had my chart here to give you the runway markings so we've got this this Airport here and I would have kind of okay this particular runway has yellow X's on it what do those mean that's closed and we can't use that thing would also show up in a note okay Oh or if we have a displaced threshold you would have information on those and again this is a simulation I don't have that with me okay if we're getting ready to take back off from Tyler and there's someone taken off in there privately-owned 737 okay okay that's a big plane it's me it's a pretty big airplane okay maybe wait wait turbulent wake turbulence is on the issue how do I avoid wake turbulence well one safe thing is to wait an appropriate amount of time but you can also visualize the vortexes but you don't want to fly anywhere in that area because you can hit some real serious turbulence and down draws okay all right proper separation is one all right see so let's talk about some of the systems in our airplane for a moment okay okay what are some of the potential problems you have with your fuel system my pele system okay so possible problems with my fuel system so one for example fuel can have debris or water in it and that's very serious so every time during a pre-flight I always check in the sums both under the wings and under the nose of the airplane to be visually checking for any kind of visible debris or or water that's in the in the fuel because that could be the water for example could cause the engine to to freeze up so that's very significant there is a filter there to try to stop any kind of debris but that can settle into the bottom of the tanks okay obviously running out of fuel is a problem I guess I'm not sure if I'd call it a issue the fuel but you could have I so I have two tanks in my Cessna of fuel in either wing so for some reason there could be an issue with one tank I have a fuel selector valve that could let me switch it allows me to be on both left or right and I know that a common problem so in my checklist I always make sure that it's on both so that I'm drawing fuel from both if for some reason your plane was acting like it ran out of fuel it could be because you forgot and you were only headed on left or right and so you're only drawing fuel from one tank that could be a pilot error but one that could be something to always double check the there could be an issue with with one of the the vowels for example there is a an engine-driven fuel pump in my system so that while it's gravity fed from the tanks there could be a failure in that in that fuel then two German fuel pump that could pose a problem it's possible I suppose that there you could get ice in the in the fuel lines they're very thin so if you had water for example that could potentially freeze and cause a blockage and the in the fuel those are the things that are coming to mind okay all right if again your certificate is not limited to a 172 so if you went out and bought a lowing airplane whether to Cherokee or a banana or a cirrus or whatever else what comes to mind on the problems with those airplanes well those ones are probably going to have more significant problems with the the fuel pump itself so they're gonna need to be able to pump the fuel into the system regardless of the airplane type you need to make sure you're using the right fuel and so making sure that you've got the right fuel that's in the plane so in in mine 100 low lead would be the appropriate fuel to use okay and I guess we're on a session uh typically feel gravity doesn't fail so you people run out of gas right okay because they just blew four and a half hours on fourth tank okay but in a cherokee they typically forgot to move the fuel selector right and so that so that's unknown and not that one i have heard as a warning so if they need to switch between the tanks and you can have a problem you can have a failure when you're switching between tanks so good cautionary rule of thumb is making sure that you're near a runway or an airport just in case you did have a failure when you're switching we're on the left to the right tank and the number one failure is that you know the winner one failure is them keeping track of the time okay okay so understanding I like to I mean you're not we're not need airplane way that's an issue but I need you very much aware that that's a netting that you would potentially have okay okay you're set so let's talk about what instruments are run by our vacuum pump so our vacuum pump it creates the the vacuum for the instruments that need to be able to freely rotate and the gyroscopic so our attitude indicator that shows our fault of the horizon and the attitude of the plane and then also the HDI so our the direction that I'm flying in okay the heading indicator okay so what ruins your back in poem so it's engine-driven so when the engines running that will run that will power the the vacuum pump so I know that if I'm for example at the run-up and I put it up to 18 that's 100 rpm that's when I'll be able to make verify that the vacuum pump is working if I pull it back to idle I might see that I'll lose the vacuum because of that relationship with the engine okay what happens to those instruments when the vacuum fails you know like when you're killing the engine you ever pay attention let me think about that so when it fails they might they might not go to zero because it's like you have something that needs to be able to freely spin and all of a sudden you've lost the vacuum so they might actually get stuck at the value that they were at when it failed would be my expectation okay did you look loan VFR on top of the clouds no is it legal well it's legal but it's not safe so you would legally be out of the clouds okay or and we can we see that there's this large area of clouds and we're above them mm-hmm but we know that it's absolutely clear over here mm-hmm so are we in an unsafe situation so you're legal but I would say it's not safe to fly above the clouds so it is legal if you're clear the clouds and you have the appropriate amount of separation but me personally I would say it's unsafe for two to obvious reasons come to mind one is you're actually three you're not able to see the ground so I couldn't have any way of really confirming you know visually where I'm flying and that could be unsafe but then also I could be wrong about it clearing up and having a problem actually I think that's that's risky but then also kind of tour our last conversation about the the vacuum pumps if I had an engine failure those are the the instruments that I need if I found myself in the clouds to be able to make sure that I don't have a problem you know keeping my my plane coordinated so I think that would be really risky because I wouldn't I wouldn't know what direction I have my magnetic compass but I'd be relying on that and I wouldn't have my attitude indicator so I wouldn't know that I'm not falling victim into getting into a spiral or something really right so I would say it's not like risky and it's a green but not extraordinarily risky I agree with that like see okay um we've gotten over here too when we were landing at Tyler with these ladies mm-hmm we realized when we got ready to land that the flaps didn't extend when we were coming in to land okay so obviously we're in the air so we go ahead and make a landing mm-hmm so now we get ready to leave that affect our ability to leave and come back over here to executive if our flaps are not functioning I would I would not that that would not be a safe thing to do so as a pilot pilot in command I would be responsible for the air worthiness of that flight and I should know that in my pre-flight that the flaps aren't functioning and that would be on my required equipment list in my 172 so that would not be a the right decision to me okay all right there's a lot people like well I can land the airplane without flaps right but it's not not something you should be taking off knowing that they're not functioning right and so you'll get people it will argue that it's not on that a tomato flames or whatever list you're using when it is in my required exactly yes per my Chili's so very good like say we want to make sure you understand those what I'm gonna do if I have inoperative items and so alright if I have the flaps inoperative and and is there any way possible for me to come back to executive to get it repaired yeah there is so I would have to have the special flight permission so I could request that from the Fisto and get this specific so if I determine that it was safe for that flight they could give me permission to make that flight to ferry the plane to get it in maintenance but I'd have to make sure I had that can you bring your friends with you when you do this I would not say that that's a good idea because you should not be doing a flight for other purposes it's only the permissions only for the specific purpose of ferrying the airplane so I would say also it would just it's a higher risk flight so it would be probably not the right judgment call to be having passengers for that cousin also it's the correct information okay you're not allowed to carry only required crew members only okay so we don't have anybody besides one one required crew member on 172 okay we we touched a little I didn't mention it when we were talking about our DNS cue it's kinda like okay when we we couldn't get the lights on at that Airport what other thing would happen when we couldn't get the lights on there we had this total electrical failure I'm not okay when I have a total electrical failure what what other things in the planer effect exactly oh okay so what's running on electric so there's a couple of things in equipment in my plane that run off the electrical system so my my fuel gauges for example are not gonna display correctly without power I won't have lights so any of those anti-collision beacon lights none of those will function my avionics are affected my radios and my turn coordinator in my plane is also electric in some planes that I have rented I do know that sometimes the the heading indicator it can either be vacuum or electric so in some of the planes I fly not the one today but I do know that that could possibly be electric and in my plane my flaps also are run off the electric okay all right a couple other things let's talk about you know Oh Kruger's recruit resource management or those kinds of things okay you're flying along and you're kind of getting tasks saturated can you ask your passengers to do anything for you well so for example if the if I had another pilot flying with me in the plane I could have them take over the radios or the navigation for example if I needed their help to to look up what was the right frequency for the ADIS or for that Airport so I could certainly ask them to do some of those tasks that might help allow me to fly the plane and be safe okay the lady sitting next to you is not a pilot this is her first time in an airplane do we have any what can we ask her to do for us I think in that case I would be pretty cautious there are things that I suppose I could ask her to do I certainly wouldn't ask her to use the radios that would be pretty inappropriate I could ask her to read a frequency maybe number to me but I would probably be very hesitant there and I would probably be double-checking everything I think in that situation if it was a pilot on board that would be one thing but I don't think I would ask a passenger today old man for you they could hold something they could help with other passengers if there was an issue with other passengers in that case I also probably would be asking them to not talk to not add additional burden to be not asking any questions so that's something in the pre-flight the briefing that I would talk to them about right okay you know so be very thoughtful of what we can ask them to do and what we but what are their within their skill set the if it's winter time and one of them starts to express that they're feeling bad mm-hmm and then the other lady in the back says you know I don't feel very good either so I think the key there is if it's wintertime you might have the the cabin heat on and you could potentially be getting carbon monoxide coming in from the exhaust gases and so in that case you probably want to turn off the close the vents maybe open the windows if it's supplemental oxygen I suppose that could be a back-up plan landing the plane probably would be prudent just I can absolutely swear that look say oh you're right here and you're this is your destination but you're right over this airport I would want to I would want to land soon rather later because if they're feeling it I'm not immune to carbon monoxide and and if I got affected I would be able to fly the plane so I would land it well will opening the vents and even breathing oxygen eliminate the effects of carbon dioxide would it eliminate the effects of it well if you changed your air source so if you were a hundred percent breathing off of a supplemental oxygen then you're not taking in any additional but it probably would take some time you can still have cloudy judgment and be feeling unwell right you know carbon dioxide is very similar to alcohol mm-hmm once it's ingested in your body it's a period of time it's gonna be in there for a period of time and nothing you can do is going to low intestine reversing right where it's not hypoxia way as soon as I give give them oxygen you feel better we're done right yeah yeah we're very good to go okay and so understanding the difference of those is kind of critical all right the even an emergency what's your first strategy when you have okay we had okay we have a lot of different kinds of emergency we had weather emergencies but if you have an engine failure would yeah first thing to do first thing I would I would trim the airplane I would get to max the glide speed for my Cessna and I would trim it so that it's at that and then I would be looking for a suitable if there's a runway that I could make or looking for an alternative off runway a field or something safe and once I had established those two then I could consider depending on my altitude and the situation I could look at the checklist and see if I might be able to diagnose the problem like for example the fuel and maybe it's not on both and if I switch to the fuel selector valve that could help but I wouldn't start going into problem-solving mode until I was sure that I had the airplane and best glide speed and had picked an appropriate landing spot okay there's one thing I would like for you to do that I think you would do but you haven't mentioned there always well you could also declare an emergency on the radios you would want to do that so you would want to tell people in the area if you're already talking to someone obviously you'd want to let them know if not you'd want to make a general mayday call so that people in the area know and also that people would then know where to come look for you if you had to make it off airport and we're in Texas and there's a lot of Ag operations going on right now mm-hmm so I've chosen a really nice feel to land in but there's this big yellow airplane diving in and out of said field mmm protesters but you know but ultimately when when can I stop scanning for traffic never you always need to be doing scene avoid and a plane that is in a declarative see has has right-of-way technically you still have an obligation to see and avoid and they might not be on their radios they're not required if it's class golf airspace so they might not hear you but it's always best to try surely then be aware that someone just might not know looks like but there's never a situation we skip pavement the worst emergency or those night landings any of those we're still always always always scanning for traffic and looking for that see I think I've and I guess that would have been a good answer to what you can have your passengers help with they can all yes that's handy yeah I think they can always help with scanning for traffic if they see like say somebody at 35,000 feet leaving contrails it's a good call on their part I'm not necessarily a factor a factor okay and so when we let me go out to the airplane you'll do a complete pre-flight on the airplane and then we're gonna take off on that cross country did you choose your points to do your to give me a ten-speed problem I would have it in a real check ride right so I would have my Waypoint so in this example maybe the Cedar Creek vor would be a really good choice and typically on this we would have chosen something ten to fifteen miles apart because this is not an endurance test it is simply can you do the procedure so we would have done that and I'm asking this because making no use going out the airplane if you're not prepared mmm-hmm all right so we would have kind of what are we looking at and I would have looked over your weather briefing I would have looked over your pre-flight planning and then a couple of things we didn't talk about the class charlie airspace that we have over here because mother what kinds of airspace is on this map particularly huh flip the map over okay you may or may not have ever seen these um we got a blue box over here good ear space so we dealing with there so this blue box with the hashes so that's a prohibitive area so that's a space that you're not allowed to to fly into for sake of national security generally where would I get it help I'm not uh what are the dimensions of this box besides the ladder was we have information on the vertical dimensions yes so I would look up the so the number this is p-47 so I would look that up on the sectional chart have it on the edge so this will tell me the information about that p-47 prohibited areas towers prohibitive airspace of p-47 so it goes to four thousand eight hundred and it's active time to use this continuous all the time so it's not terribly high I came fie above it I fly above it that would be allowed and so once we understand okay I can fly above it that's not a big issue and I have another one right here what's the difference between a prohibited area in a restricted area unique lose yes so prohibitive area you can never fly in restrictive in astronaut generally it's protecting national security restrictive areas are ones that they could have some unforeseen some safety issues so they could have like artillery firing or other types of firing so you again can also find the information of when that's active but you wouldn't want to fly into that area without permission because they would need to cease all kind of activity it could just be very dangerous if you were to fly into that very very good exhale most of our most heart airplane accidents are caused essentially for people making bad decisions okay running out of fuel obviously it's a bad decision flying into the clouds another bad decision a lot of them are our peer pressure people okay so we're back over here at Tyler getting ready to come home and those thunderstorms started popping and the other ladies kind of like nothing that we've got to go back because I've got tickets that Paul McCartney concert tonight so once-in-a-lifetime event mm-hmm really really really got to get back how do you how do you convince her that you're not taking her back so that's kind of a classic get their itis pressure I think that for me the most I think a real important thing is to if you have passengers and also for yourself has set the expectations ahead of time so if you had something that you actually had to get back to maybe that's not a good day to be doing a general aviation flight so just knowing and making sure people are prepared ahead of time that that there is a real serious chance if there is weather if there's anything that goes wrong with the planes that people have the right expectations and then I think the other two things are to have a back-up plan so in that case you know know the cutoff time maybe you could rent a car and drive back or there's an alternative way of getting back so leaving yourself some alternatives and a real big buffer not going on a day where you're going to have those pressures that you're not willing to do and then I think for me also having I've gotten my my written personal minimums and so something like a weather event like thunderstorms I'm not gonna make I'm not gonna change my personal minimums before a specific flight I'm gonna say that those are what they are and if it doesn't fall within I just won't find making sure that people are briefed on that before we ever even go on the journey I think is probably the way to to do it yeah I don't think anybody's going to ever okay do you have any questions for me on anything that we've talked about or you have anything that you'd like to ask me well maybe afterwards we can talk about the dry line and those other questions maybe after we're done but otherwise no all right well let's take a break and then we will go out and I'll watch you brief like the airplane and let's go fly it sounds good thank you
Channel: Gift Academy inc
Views: 58,359
Rating: 4.8180194 out of 5
Keywords: aviator, checkride, mockcheckride, femalepilots, aviation, privatepilot, studentpilot, ladiesinflighttraining, aviatrix, Flighttraining, pilotcheckride, giftacademyinc, giftacademy, pilottesting, pilot, femalepilot, general aviation, pilotlife, flying, womeninaviation, learntofly, aircraft, flightschool, becomeapilot, flightinstructor, flyinglessons, generalaviation, getproficient
Id: cDONX7yGbvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 23sec (4823 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2019
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