Commercial Pilot Oral Exam - Checkride - Full Version w/ Chapters

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so um he's going to start out paperwork let me see your logbook license that is you looks like me the address is fake that's that don't worry about that don't worry about that two different addresses here yeah yeah yeah i'm just glad you've already notified the faa yes how long do you have to do that 30 days okay through this so what is the total time you need to actually start 250 okay i know you need any help there mr gordon how much pse time do you need to talk you need a hundred hours of phd cross structure 50 hours of cross country and 100 hours of pace can you show me that in your frame real quick or 61 there we go all right so just read it to me all the experience we need 100 hours in a power aircraft of which 50 must be in airplanes which i might all mind are 100 hours of pac time which at least 50 have to be in airplanes and 50 has to be cross countries okay uh 20 hours of training 10 must be with using an instrument tray of training view limited device but i have my fr training so i have way more than that 10 hours of complex or taa i did mine on a taa they are there too they're towards one page before last uh two hours cross country in a single engine airplane with an instructor obviously daytime which at least has to be 100 miles away and then one two hour same thing but it has to be nighttime i did both of them to seven and then three hours of uh practice with an instructor before taking the test two months before taking the check right i mean uh ten hours of solid flight time in a single engine airplane performing duties of pac uh if you're with an instructor you have to be performing duties of a pac or you can do them solo uh one cross country out of those 10 one construct cross country of at least 300 nautical miles in total distance with landings at a minimum of three points one of which is a straight line distance of at least 250 nautical miles from the original departure point mine was to charleston is 253 nautical miles okay and i stopped that as the side of the waiter which makes the three points uh five hours in nine pfr conditions with ten takeoffs and ten landings i have about fifteen okay uh at an airport with an operating tower i did all of them here at zamford while it was still open i don't want to do multi-engine so that's it and that's it okay very good so let's see is this sva that you have in here daytime is this your savannah day i got your night savannah right there this is the same we did uh we did them all today we came back at night period yeah i didn't go farther to the right so knight two point three very good yep we're doing both at the same time okay taking money off that looks good and your medical looks good let me see the date on your medical real quick april i think it is the same religious best see so um with this date how long is this this is the first class how long is this good for me twelve colleague per month okay how long is it to operate atp privileges good for for me first class for me yes 12 calendar months what happens after six isn't six that you're over 40 okay like oh do you think i am tom yeah come on okay very good so what happens after 12 calendar months what is it it becomes the third for four more years okay so me i'm 50. so say i got this how long is this good for six months okay and then what does it turn into into a third four four months i'm sorry not a second for six months okay and then it turns into a third for four years okay so after one year this drops to a third for you how long is it good for in total is good for five years okay what about me it's still oh no no no no no no for you it's two years right because you're over four right because it's yeah yeah it's all right yes fair enough everybody on board with that excellent so um we're going to do a cross country today are we going from no well i it's from turkey west we're not here we're in a space so from a space post did you do away from battles i did a weight unboxing so there's two of us right through your bus okay good yeah we're taking another friend we're going fishing and diving okay we got a 120 a 110 and a 150 friend okay we'll call him alexa the 150 friend but bevin just showed up yeah of course and i want you to let me know and this looks good this is all within limits take off and landing very good this will get a lot of people just do the take off cg right show them both just like that because you know one of yeah them so at bevin she weighs 169. okay we add in bib and on the back i'm guessing because uh you could do it on full flight if you want that's totally up to you i mean i just i like you so either one but when that comes knocking around i have proof if if we're overweight i want you to tell me and i want you to tell me how much gas we can take out okay so i know that already how much gas we can take out so it's on here that's the required that we need required 30 gallons to get there right 30 gallons would be at firing everything very good what what does that mean we got to land there with how much gas at least 30 minutes of uh because this day bfr it's going to be 30 minutes of cruise time extra but it's me i do one hour okay so i have one hour of extra fuel in case something goes wrong you never know okay it's florida you get thunderstorms so um so that means i can take 10 gallons out which is 60 pounds that's what's more just i can't think very good i'm assuming with her we're going to be overweight probably yeah okay and then uh tell me if you can take some fuel out how low you can go and be safe which you've got here 30 gallons so i should have a 40 gallon tank that means i can take out 10 gallons okay all right so wait and balance on that and then we'll see if we can't lose some stuff we might get rid of some scuba gear your trips just yeah i have 30 pounds of uh of luggage that we can get rid of right that's so tell me what you can do you know to really try to see if we if she can go that's what you're telling in other words you can also taking gas out you can hit that 30 gallons right take take some of that out don't play with your stock we can also make this now not not a non-stop flight okay i can't stop somewhere in the middle so that's you see what i'm trying to see exactly how much how low can we go on the gas to take bevin and your equipment and then where are we going to stop for gas all right hold on does bedding have a penalty yeah and or how many times do we have to stop i left home sorry all right let's see i need my calculator where's my so put this stuff with that i want you to lose that either this is all good yeah okay i'll kill him here i'll get him later okay all right later here it shouldn't take you too long but i'll take five minutes and uh don't take too long moving okay all right so fuel i'm gonna go the lowest i can and try with that so fuel we're gonna go down to 30 gallons which is okay i'm gonna also tell them what i did there all right we're good okay all right so just dumping the 10 extra gallons of fuel and putting her in the bag you said she's 160 right 150 for 150 here that's fine uh we're within limits so we will our new cg will be our new one will be this we're still within them okay so even with two people in the backseat correct but we have to dump the 10 pounds of fuel so i can only take 30 gallons now okay and the bag the baggage is still fine i made this little are we still gonna make it all the way without doing a fuel stop yep okay i have the 30 gallons that gives me an extra hour of flying okay fair enough now the way this came let me get my i made my list of questions of course of course i want to try to stay in the line with um not going to squirt a lot of it all right here's my test just in case you don't need to look at it even though it's electronic nowadays ah very good i didn't forget that so one two three four very kind of 93 excellent did you shepherd here of course that's great what do you take me aside so good um so the way this was set up okay you guys are going on a scuba diving trip is that right yes we're going fishing and scuba diving what kind of equipment do they have uh they take in a couple things but no oxygen they're not they're not taking any of oxygen they're not i cuz the only oxygen allowing my plane is aviation oxygen which the scuba diving is not because it contains some type of crystals molecules on it okay and it can explode there you go that's good that's that was my next question now they came to you and they're like cool either um we're gonna pay you to do this and you're using the club airplane you're renting the airplane and they're going to pay you a thousand bucks to be their pilot right is this legal no it's a dry use where they don't do a dry piece there okay that's what i like to hear that's a dry lease so what i would do since my friends will do a program just as they will as if i was a private pilot okay and then we're good to go such as splitting the costs between the three i'm on the three of us and very well call it a day okay so um with that being said try at least okay the word there's and i'll just give you a little bit of tidbits that i talked to czech airmen about this the reason they're so tight about this now is because it comes down to a word that you'll learn in the airlines when you're in there operational control who has operational control over that airplane we have a dispatch you know so we can do this you know but really if you're renting a plane from uh who you don't know anything about the plane you're renting it where's you know is this your plane what do you know about it are you actually dispatching it do you know it and you're right there's a dry lease and that's the trick people are trying to get around you know to do the charge the answer always messes up but i like this enough for everybody else black and white the answer is no and so what kind of carriage does that call uh that would be come up here if i do it if i were to do it okay so you're like okay the feds say no and then all of a sudden bevin bevin she owns an airplane okay and she's like dude how about this i am done flying and i don't want to study anymore but i still want to go to key west so can you just be my pilot and i'll pay you a salary to do this me and you personally yes that's a private character okay because there's a contract just between her and i and it's just her all right so she gets you get a little crazy you're like i'm making dope money and i got total control of this plane i'm just going to throw up a billboard and i'm going to start giving tours holding out yeah okay good so that's that's another yeah very good all right so you're going to do here because when you're becoming a private commercial pilot everybody's like oh you can get paid now no i know you really can't oh so everything's good cross country looks good the weather let me see your weather pack uh so i have it on that but i run out of ink okay so i know i need to go by so i made it for today at 11. because you know i told the overall and everything so my brief here so this is way too high for us so this doesn't apply to us for all the way to the truffle plus which doesn't really do much bro so we're going to have a headwind all the way there and it's going to be a pretty hefty headway it's going to be about 12 to 13 knots the entire way here because we're going south and obviously it's coming from the south all right um we do have a convective segment okay and what is a convective signal uh bad weather for everybody not just general aviation just everybody in general so we definitely want to stay away from the convective segment so that convective segment is going to be valid from august 12 to uh at 1200 sudo time okay and it's going to be just clear clear air turbulence the entire way okay [Music] then we have some metars everything is on the green the problem is when you start getting to the tap it starts becoming a little uh okay i see that now how how often do those taps come out the tap comes out every six hour ballot for 24 hours very good man you're killing that okay and then it's just all the way down uh as you start getting to the south stars obviously it's all green it's just coming out of here but this is for later in the afternoon so as long as we come out of 11 we're fine okay and then everything is going all the way down there so we are fine to make it there as well okay whoa what is that what's an airbag airmen it's uh it's it's bad weather but just for general aviation okay so there's different types of helmets and they're just mostly affect generally what are those different so you have sulu you have sierra and you have tango there are icing they're uh they're turbulence and then there are uh what is a bad visibility okay which one is which which one okay so so sulu it's gonna be your icing one then you have sierra sierra it's all gonna be your um your mist and your bad visibility one and then time is all about turbulence yeah that's good team for turbulence s here sierra mountains foggy uh yep and then it's florida come on okay good so that that looks good so we're rolling along with uh so you're about to load in the airplane you decided no auction we've talked about oh bevin just told you man she went scuba diving yesterday and had a blast so she can't wait to get down here today so what are you happy for what are you gonna tell us it depends so at what time yesterday what type of scuba diving did she do she did um actually no it doesn't matter we're going at eight thousand five hundred that was my plan altitude we can now go she has to wait 24 hours okay very good never mind we're 8 500. um what if she you said okay so what if she uh what if you were planning eleven thousand five hundred nine thousand twelve thousand five don't matter anything above eight thousand is still 24 hours all right um what if you're going to 3 500. it depends what type of scuba diving she did whether it was a control center or uncontrollable center if it was on control be 12 hours if it was out of control that would be uh 24 hours as well man i told you i went back in very good very good so um with that being said some weather well i'll get to that in a minute as we take off and stuff so okay you're alive very good so is she going with us or not on camera what'd you tell me uh uh if we're going 8 500 she's not she gotta wait 24 hours okay you know what she just told you she's like i didn't do that yesterday i forgot it was the day before okay no we're fine okay so um you're getting in the airplane and you're doing your you know paved checklist and you're checking like i do wallet keys id right pen passport what do you what do you need to carry on you so for me as a pilot i just need three things i need my medical certificate i need my photo id so i carry my driver license with me all the time and then i need my pilot's uh certificate okay good um so you're gonna load up and take off very good and um let's see i want to stay so i don't get to the straight path all right so oh of course um i heard you failed your instrument rating so you're still i did you're not internet rated so um bevan has hired you now as your personal pilot are you able to do this trip to kiko yeah no why not 50 nautical miles during the day nothing at night okay very good very good i'm saying that i don't bring the feeling around here in fact i retract it don't bring the more failing around here um you go and uh you're doing your payoff checklist and you pull out your your license and all of a sudden augusta wind comes and grabs it and can you still go so yes but before i do that i need a temporary urban certificate that i can print from my iacra i just need to go in there and print it okay what else can you do uh if i have a picture of it i'm still good to go i i i would say yes i have a picture of my three things actually so because nowhere on the frame says that i need to actually present the actual physical copy just as i need to present my my certificate picture okay um can you call the faa get a letter or anything yeah i kind of call the fisto and that letter that will serve as your license to then get until i get my license good um we actually made some changes to the archer i know we put a uh 250 horsepower engine on the computer so what does that make that airplane now that will kind of change does he have a retractable gear as well no dang it's just a high performance airplane okay so now we just changed it and now it is retractable here and the big thing it's high performance um also added some pressurization in there of course you did yeah so are you good no because i don't i want i don't have my complex tool i don't have my high performance on three i don't have my high altitude so um there's a king air 350 out there yes you've got your say you've got a bubbling engine rating can you just go out there and fly it i know why i well i do i have all my complex high performance yeah am i proficient on that airplane though um you could you could do it do you need any sort of special license of anything on your license it's over twelve thousand five hundred pounds oh yeah you need a anything over 12.5 you get hydrating for it he's not hungry i am i am not i am not i have breakfast because i have no thanks yeah so actually you're out there this whole trip you're trying to get the key west and you run into that king air captain he's like hey man you got multi injury you say yes and he's like i need an fo for this company would you be interested in taking this job on this king air 350 which he's like i need a co-pilot second in command cool so are you legal to do that like right on this plot right on the spot no why because but within the last 12 proceeding calendar months you need to be familiar with the airplane and there's a few other things that you need to do what are they of course uh it's you get you have to take uh it's like a kind of a check check right but it's not a check price just you have to be familiar with that airplane and make sure that you can perform as a pac because you don't know if you will become a pic if something were to happen to the car okay can you log second command time in that airplane yes okay when can you log second one when it's required when that second person is required for the airplane you've been through training and all that good stuff yeah try to think of it like this your psc in the archer yes single pilot airplane you can't go to the seven three at southwest and logs second to command until they train you it's a two pilot airplane okay um all right so the delays we're going back to the archer we're getting into some delays and i saw you have sev i think you've got some night time i can't remember when i looked in your logbook but uh it's been a while since your phone at night um actually let's say it's been about a year so you're going to go to key west and you're sitting here and the weather has you delayed until like 6 p.m tonight are you going to go tomorrow sure yeah tomorrow okay why because i'm not proficient at that what do you need to be proficient right uh well you need first you need your take-ups and landings which is three within 90 days uh to a full stop and then not just landing i'm not it's not that i'm going to feel comfortable about how long that you're a negative fly okay so what are the legalities of nighttime so you know you can let's say you are comfortable and you're like you're legal um and you're going to head down there and how are you going to split that day and nighttime up in your logbook so nighttime begins one hour after sunset which is twilight and then one hour before sunrise okay so at that point becomes 19. i was trying to come up with this question and i couldn't find a way to well it was i had sunset and twilight civil twilight as two separate words but actually it's just nighttime i mean night time and several twilight just separate words i was driving myself and then i caught it so uh legally can you fly there if you're gonna if let's say sunset is 7 p.m and you're scheduled to get there at 7 35 and you're in wrap are you legal to go ahead and just continue in like i'm still not current oh you're not currently yeah i am nightcare yeah yeah i'm fine okay now you're not that current so i have to be wheels down at 7 59 pm okay very good it's one hour plus 59. all right so what is civil tower you said so twilight what is that uh civil twilight's the one hour after sunset always exactly the same no it changes when uh how do you find out what civil twilight is is that what you're asking when it is how do you find out when it is yeah that's what i'm asking if you want to clear it up well no i said how it changes every day so how do you find out it does change so it's not in the uh foreign so how do you find out the silver twilight that's right it's one that once the sun is like done you can't see it anymore and where you looking what what am i looking yeah i'm just curious where you're looking right now yeah very good so you can look hey siri what is simple twilight it changes it she'll say yes it's exactly at the same time 60 degrees down so it won't be visible anymore so i still haven't left the ground yet and you're you're going through your paycheck less than your stamina card and my current level what else do you need to be legal to take that flight i mean just you know currency wise tell me my certificate has to be people yeah it has to be current i mean it's not that it's illegal it's just it has to be current so i need 20 i need to check every 24 calendar once and then i need my take-ups online obviously are the same in the days at night no days can be touching goes don't have to be a full stop do the days when you get current can it does that the other way around okay oh in the airplane what needs to be visible for uh your um airworthiness certificate has to be visible to the to the passengers how long does that go for whatever as long as as long as the maintenance of the airplane is done so what else you have an acronym for that right for what what needs to be visible what certification does your plan need with it with you to go on this flight oh yeah yeah yeah we got arrow so uh we're going to key west which is in the united states so we just need our air worthless certificates we need our registration we need our weight and balance and we need our poh okay how long is that registration good for three years damn hell he said you were solid i thought um you said something about international is there something different i got a radio license for me and a radio license for the airplane awesome cool yeah two separate things right all right so getting into the airplane i'm looking over there and i look at this and i'm like i'm a dummy and i'm just like what is this and it's a transponder and it's mode c right sure um how can you tell if it's mode c it's an altitude encoding you'll have the altitude that is sending to the atc rather than right but how do you know i'm a dummy oh uh you can just go to the paperwork of the transplunder uh-huh basically it's an arrow go to the weight and balance section and everything's in the airplane so look up transponder would be like 2.1 pounds both seats oh and now you're cool so um we take off and you're trying to show off and yank back on the controls and um we pull some some g's okay um what kind of category are we in if you really yank it back and you're pulling like four g straight up because we just got an afterburner on the archer you got a lot of things in there right now uh what do you mean i i don't understand the question though what do you mean with your weight and balance there's a couple categories in there are we legal to pull 4gs in that airplane oh no okay no because then you go over there uh you will over stress the airplane okay is that broken down in different categories on the weight and balance yeah it's either normal or utility okay utility you i think it's 4.2 and then uh normal it's just like a 2.5 g you can do it it's um 3.8 normal 4.4 util there you go but that's nitpicking yeah so write that down 0.8 4.4 so i'm fast forwarding a little bit we get down to key west and uh something i'm trying to think something breaks off you know uh let's say an antenna breaks off sure are we illegal to just come on back on antenna yes okay what about a portion of the airplane you know it's still flyable but it's like that doesn't sound reliable say actually let's just say it goes out of 100 hours okay it's you're at 101. can we bring it back yes why i mean how uh we need a special permit from the bill there you go and then what is that usually what kind of limitations is he gonna give you with that problem he has to come straight here okay because he needs to get his manual obviously cool do you have to log this trip no or no no you only have to load what keeps you current okay the uh oil gauge takes crap okay can we go no you need an oil uh you need oil pressure sure you need a bowl all right the autopilot takes crap okay so we look at it are we good you just blast now you need to make the market in up and then we're good to go good good right above it and you need to pull the fuse as well another fuse though is there anywhere else that should be noted that it's in on oh yeah and uh if you have the logbook no luck with a maintenance record with you but most of the time we don't have it so you're going through um your paved checklist and you're doing your double check like i said i do wallet keys in the pen paper passport um and you're what do you need maintenance wise to be on the airplane i mean to be tell me about the maintenance rep oh okay okay okay do you have any pictures of them or anything either or we'll just pretend it's okay yeah sure yeah that won't be much fun i don't have them yet because they're all the airplanes are only on the one hundred right now this is the story that we tried so yeah we need you need your ads obviously then you need your annual inspection if you're flying ifr you need your vor instructions every 30 days okay you need your uh transponder 24 calendar months you need your altimeter 24 calendar months you need your elt every 12 calendar months and uh you need your 100 hours for higher every hour so you said ads or what are those it's like recalls pretty much faa sends them out either you got to do them now or you have to steal a certain date to do them are they recurring they're recurring some of them are yeah very good like a cessnas so the wings don't fall apart like they didn't they tell me you said annual what is that every 24 caliber months airplane has to be checked an annual i'm sorry 24. so i'm kind of good once yeah the airplane has to be shaped all right very far remember when you're showing the maintenance stuff there's two annuals engine aircraft right now i'm gonna when we decide what aircraft's going i'll go and do the same thing that i did with you just take your first version okay so then we did uh ads annual what's the vor i mean uh every 30 days if you're gonna fly be a part of er has to be tested you can just be it's tested by us okay it's 100 hour every 100 now if you do the 100 hour that mine just went in early 95 and because i had to get that strut fixed and we're just like it's five hours and we'll knock it out quick um does that give me an extra five hours up to the next hundred hour you're a funny guy yeah same way that if you go over to 10 it doesn't give you an extra 10 either it's very good so uh transformer 24 calories at once elt 12. okay now or one hour or half the battery has been consumed how do you know if half the battery has been used they test the battery i'm guessing i don't know yeah i know what this is it's hard to stoke them isn't it i got it i know the answer do you want her to join yes sir you have to uh listen on the first five minutes of the hour you listen to the elt you can turn it on first five minutes of the hour but how do you know that half the battery has been used you listening to the elt or whatever oh i don't know that i'm holding it oh my gosh how do you how do you listen to the eop right hey elt you have to turn it on i just want to know how do you know 50 of the battery has been used there's gonna be a beep or a clicking noise oh okay there you go okay there you go right before we go you realize man this thing before i go i'm not comfortable it really needs to have an oil change can you do that an oil change can he do it as a pilot yes preventive maintenance yes it's nothing too crazy just while you're there you should like screw it i'm gonna do the full hundred hour can you do that oh yeah that's cute he got a sense of humor today that he's full now so he's gonna send me humor now no you know that there's some thunderstorms around can you define different kinds of thunderstorms major classifications i mean thunderstorms yeah i'm just this is a red it's hard to put this into a question unless we're sitting there uh are we talking about clouds or just thunderstorms in general uh thunderstorms there's just a couple of couple of types there is i know the stages but i don't know right i don't are you talking uh uh you got the mature you got the chemo for them yeah the cumulus part and then you got the dissipating part yeah three staples it's a hard question to ask if i had to and get this stuff category one category isn't there embedded thunderstorms right oh yeah yeah okay single sales multi-sales is that what you're talking about no it's hard for me to ask i'll just give you the answer there's air mass thunderstorms a steady state where's my where am i writing over here what is it air mass of studies steady state or mass not a steady state okay the air mass are random in the steady state is florida yeah so they spend those they're usually working with the frontal lines you know like you know what's coming you know you see it but uh air mass just pops up you know like florida boom yeah i don't know beautiful day we're gonna do this flight and get out here getting into the airplane um size engine do we have well what what size engine what kind of engine do we have oh we have a 180 horsepower uh light coming in okay um is it how's it put into the engine is it vertically horizontally it's a vertical line vertical engine vertically fixed horizontally post right that means what to you it's what vertically fixed horizontally opposed suddenly okay since you're writing that down um probably blows the next question why is it like that better power it's put in sideways so you can get to the spark plugs what are the four phases of the engine uh to make the engine work in the cylinders yeah the combustion those stuff yeah yeah it brings the fuel i know how it works it brings the fuel in bring the air in mixes them and then combust them on what's the acronym i gave you for it's power suck squeeze bang blow yeah so it's intake compression power exhaust okay so how many how many cylinders do we have how many cylinders oh i want to break four okay is that how many spark plugs does that make eight you know where they're located yeah top and bottom okay okay um what's the oh okay so do we have fuel injection no carburetor okay how does that work uh that's what the carburetor controls through the venturi controls the amount of fuel and um an air that goes into the certain direction for compression all right so then um thanks after the pictures i'll tell you one more question no just i'm gonna be okay so sounds like you know how it works anyways though yeah the magnetos have you ever heard of those no what are those do they do the magnetos produce their own spark in order to keep the engine running if you were to have a failure on your alternator they will your engine will still run no issues they create their own sparks okay so if i'm tooling along and i'm just crazy and i just reach over turn the key off are we fuk yeah yeah what if i just reach over i don't do that i just i i'm like hey isla when i turn the master switch off forward that's fine that's cool we're just going to lose the power but that's all okay like electrical power so what if i just reach over and turn the right side of remember the arch or the right side of the battery off the right side is just the battery okay what about the left sides alternator so that's right yeah so it doesn't matter though everything will still run it's just the battery won't charge so how long do you have let's say i did that and i broke the switch and i can't turn supposedly one hour i'll go with 30 minutes to be safe all right and i started shutting things off so it's a little bit longer all right good so um we're getting freezing in florida and uh cold yeah i want to uh warm up the cabin to warm up the cabin you can open the the heat that comes from the carburetor you just have to be real careful right why uh hypoxia you can get some carbon monoxide if they're from uh what is a good way to maybe have avoid that or detect it uh we have a little detection patch in there probably way expired you know my plane let's say that yeah why would you say that you're tuning along and uh suddenly a very strong cold front hits florida in your route and you're an ifr guy and you're tuning along and it's minus uh no it's eight degrees let's call it two degrees celsius okay so you're starting to lose power you're like you've got a firewall and you're thinking what do you think what carbides carburetor ice okay so what are you gonna do carbide's on and get ready because the engine is gonna go crazy what other kind of icing can you possibly expect uh structural eyes okay when you're doing some stuff what kind of different kinds of ice are there there's clear there's rhyme and there's mixed okay very good i don't know how i remember that that's good and you you real clear it's so simple it's clear it's like you cannot see it right rime is like you could see it yeah nasty yeah nasty and then mix this kind of you'll pick a point on your airplane like in the 73 when i'm flying along you know we don't throw wing ice just because we're picking up a little eyes we put your engine anti-ice on yes and then we'll you'll find a spot that's good for you to determine because sometimes you can't see the wind you're in such a big plane right so i look at my uh windshield wiper yeah they said that's the first the little things are the first right i don't know enough we got a little ice there and then i'll start monitoring and there's a bolt on the windshield wiper when it gets to be above half an inch i'll throw the wing in with this on so those are just tips what other kind of icing for the engine can you expect this is an alexa question she got you might have got it on your instrument uh instrument icing on your instruments in the engine in the engine uh as the air is going in on the venturi well we already covered that with the carburetor right right you ever heard of an induction icing oh okay yes okay yeah i will be acting inside the actual engine though yeah yeah from the air going in it's still it's too hot it's too cold and you don't have enough time to warm it up let's see yeah okay induction so we've just rolled there's ryan we rolled into those systems um i mean into the icing we back up to the system so we're talking about the battery okay um and we just we're using my plane you still remember so you can answer it to the 172. i keep forgetting um what kind of battery do you have uh yours is 12 volts all right what about the alternator 14 volts why are they different so you can charge it right okay how many amps 60 amps 60 amps um do we have hydraulics to manipulate our flight controls no flight controls now how do they move right uh cables yeah rods and cables yeah very good and this is this commercial is just the beginning to teach you you're going to leave as you get more time you get into king airs jets you're leaving are they obviously hydraulic hydraulics and cables and uh nothing the airbus doesn't have anything but a computer it's uh there's a name for it i don't know that's not as scary at all yeah there's nothing that's just it just sends a message back you know so that's why we're getting into that um kind of flap stool i have in the archer do you remember my new flaps very good um what about the 172. they're electric so if you lose your electro electrics what's the difference between the two that you're going to be flat right um let me go here since we added to your weight and balance we added all right yeah yeah we're a little heavier so what's that going to do to your maneuvering speed uh the heavier you get the uh the higher the amount of range no weight the way around the lower the maneuvering speed becomes right no no no no higher higher the lower you get the lower remember the speech like no i didn't do i have a speech during the private commercial we demonstrate stuff and the speech goes like this today we're going to do eight on eight times we'll do i don't know uh steep turns we're going to do about maneuvering speed maneuvering speed in this plane is anywhere from 89 to 113 based on weight with the two of us let's cut it down the middle we'll call it 105. so 89 being empty and one thirteen foot two totally full okay so it does change with what with the weight yeah um what did your c g do did it move when we added uh my cg yes it moved which way uh can i use your forehead obviously since i added the passenger in the back you know yeah yeah of course the bike is good is that is that good or bad uh cg on the back is not it's not a bad thing now i'd rather have it a little bit towards the back and towards the front why uh it's uh more stable right and then for the landing it's less pressure to flirt because your your your weight is in the back already just have to be careful with the tail strike did you gain or lose efficiency when you move more weight to the smooth cg to the back i lose efficiency oh wait no no i mean it's the motor right yeah faster can you define true air speed what is our i don't know what's our true air speed going out there [Music] you have microscopes oh 103. how did you come up with that yeah it's on the poh on my cruise based on my uh temperature density altitude and all kinds of stuff all right it tells you based on that how fast you're going to be going ooh density what is that that's the reality to this pressure altitude corrected for an understandable temperature what the hell pressure i'll choose set your altimeter to two nine or nine or two and you're gonna find out that's what you get it but what is it oh okay is the altitude from the diamond plate the altitude from the datum plane oh what the furniture what um uh so they hide it from above the standard airplane you you nailed that's the altitude there's a stan what is the standard 15 and two nine or nine are two right so you get density altitude when temperature is not as tangled correct which is 15. so the other half is pressure hence pressure altitude it's you get the pressure altitude when it's not a standard so that's how the plane feels you know we get to if we go to 3000 feet right and it's 30 21 altimeter setting we're indicating 3 000 but the plane actually is not going to feel doesn't feel like it's a 3.00 that's why we figure it out so we come up with these performances such as true airspeed fuel flow right okay cool okay so that's a big one pressure altitude density out to when it's not 2992 that's but it's not 15 degrees density both of those are how the plane is going to react right when it's really freaking hot have you ever noticed the radiation climbs it's like yeah they're telling you right off the bat pressure altitude's already at 2 000 feet so you're like on the ground you're climbing if you were at 2 000 that's how can you actually set the airplane for a high density altitude takeoff uh actually lean the mixture a little bit more output now you know the steps to do that sure you leave the mixture how do you do it i mean what do you look for you bring the red level back [Music] to have a question eight a question in that time come on so i know that was coming yeah what do you mean how do i do that there's a way to do it you got to find out where to set it because you put full mixture for us here full power you're dumping all that gas in there right right you get into a high density altitude you're just blogging the engine down so you got to get rid of some of that gas okay so you can go just like we burned the max the egt yeah go full power and if you don't have an egt you can use your ear pull the mixture back a little bit watch the egt it's called top of peak back back back and then boom it drops that push it back up okay right so you get rising rpms and then when he goes back yeah now leave the mixture right there that's how you go and that's your okay okay what's your max flap speed in the 172 one time oh very good um can you explain how the vsi works in the airplane say the vertical speed indicator or vsi okay sure uh it works through the through the static system right he has already some air in there because he has a little pressure bulb that lets air out and then the new air that is coming in he measures it expand the wafer very good you can yeah that's right that's what makes it rotate they will always wait for something android android there you go guys have you studied any systems like retractable angular or anything like that i mean i'm not the basics of it tell me what you know because you don't we don't really have one so i'm not going to dig too deep i mean some of them are hydraulics some of them are actually hand retractable like flaps and then the hand retractable works by cables as well it's good because less chance to fail and you're otherwise hydraulic it has there is a chance that it will fail what about constant speed propeller what are you doing with that yeah you're changing the angle of the blade to uh to get more uh performance out of your uh propeller so the that controls the rpms and then the throttle the throttle controller controls your microphone pressure so you're changing the byte angle that's correct you know the prop is doing this so you're changing that you know so you want on the bottom bigger grip bigger bite yeah and then when you climb you want a little bit lower so less rotation more angle of attack okay what can you talk about load factor uh based on where your sitting people has to do with your cg where that load is going to be up on the wings if your cg moves does your load factor change yes before i ask just tell me how to explain it to me i'm a dummy what does it do sure yeah uh wait which one does it what do what the what does what tell me go for draft whichever one you want what's it gonna do oh okay um if you go wait a second no it does now the low factor has to do with your weight very good yeah yeah it doesn't change what you see i'm like wait that makes sense it has to do with how heavy you are right now okay where you have that weight so are we going to increase our load factor if we turn yes of course good um anybody else want to join in on load factor questions because uh in a 60 degree bank how much twice very good um that's the question everybody i remember doctor yeah all right let me come back to them um tell me about the brakes in the 172. sure what would you like to know about how what are they what kind of break do they do you know how they operate oh yeah they're pads and they work by uh hydraulics right so we do have a little bit of hydraulics not a lot you did a gas which we had yeah i'm not going to tell you what you ask um okay so we're doing the pre-flight okay walking around the airplane and the right nav light is out sure are we legal to go it depends tell me why if we going at night are we going at night day time right now yeah we're good okay how do you know yeah it's not required for daytime is there a list of show sure yeah what is it it's on the uh on the forum where in the book [Laughter] uh sure okay okay so what you got airspeed indicator uh what the hell did i just write there oh it's a commodore yeah i'll pressure manifold but that doesn't apply to us anti-collision light temperature or like regular temperature uh oil temperature fuel oil pressure landing gear articulation lights magnetic compass elt and a safety belt for daytime okay there you go and then you want to know the knight yes i did how did you know i was going to go there fuses but again that doesn't apply to us because we don't use fuses uh landing lighting for higher anti-collision light position lights and a source of power and then why don't we use fuses because we have um a knife really didn't work right um something that pops up what's the minimum uh oil you're allowed to 172. uh five we do six okay just to be still the same maximum eight okay let's get into your cross country sure thing uh pull up your sectional that's 2000 feet what kind of airspeed face are you in echo okay where does echo extend if you froze in space right there walk me from the ground up up to a ground to 12 well take me all the way to 18 1100 or 11 wait 1999 feet we got class gold at 1200 feet becomes classic all the way to 18 000 feet okay really though 100 percent you're 100 wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait which side of the magenta is that never mind up to set golf goes to seven and then now i've done that and as instructors be careful because you'll have your ipad like that and you don't see that so yeah here's where here's where it got me almost i was leaving spruce creek right about here but my pad was like that so i was like all right clown maintain 3 000 and then i was like stop so be careful with that do not go above 12. okay so the problem starts as you go south okay so where's that first check point so you got that what what was that what what are those for what the magenta you were talking about that's that g goes from this oh that's uh that's a transition area that's to uh airspace or atc i'm sorry to have control over you for a little bit longer as you're shooting uh instrument approaches control fields what is this crap what's that what oh that's a warning area are you glad to fly in there sure can you just well you can't go there what if you want to go over there to cape canaveral just hang a left can you just blast in there uh that's restricted airspace you need permission before you go out before you go in there where are you gonna get it uh the controlling agency for this one it's gonna be request out of the warning area activated uh okay there you go orlando approach okay so you would ask them for permission you just climb up and say hey can i get a little fly blah blah blah i've done it before over there on nasa and they say yeah no problem or they'll say what no we're busy there or there because they can either so restrict the airspace either it's called it's cold or hot right so if it's hot you're not getting it right right if it's cold then you're good to uh so what is this dashed line around that then yeah because i let me back up i didn't tell you i wanted you to fly me down the shuttle runway and uh are they just going to take it and say go ahead no no so they can up to 1 901 feet and then it becomes a class delta belongs to the tower has to give you permission okay gotcha all right so oh um what are these dark blue lines right here those they look like telephones but not really but you know backwards those little jagged look like razor wire blue lines uh that's uh this military activity right i don't know you telling me are you asking me oh no that's uh where he changes uh you go from one controller to the next right i don't know um since you don't know you do know uh where can you find those if you don't know uh in the supplemental show do you have one sure there you go there it is so the supplemental huh that's is that the supplemental yeah that's the short supplemental for what let me see for the southeast u.s yeah obviously not that page right okay we need to find all right go ahead and show me the week if you're gonna go with that the chart supplemental telly oh no no i'm not looking here now i'm just kidding just kidding oh okay okay that's not what i'm looking at just kidding no i'm back i'm back sorry i lost the door for a second now i'm looking at the legend right he's gotta find their stupid legend somewhere here that's why i'm going there because you gotta have that sound okay legend here we go for flight mobile legends sure go with that no that's weather [Music] agent that's got attack is that the same sure okay i found it okay there you go differential floors of class echo airspace greater than seven hundred the french differentiates floors of classic water space greater than 700 so class april starts at that altitude yeah okay so out here the class echo starts at where's the altitude though i don't see royalty too 1300 there you go instead of so it doesn't start 1200 there it starts at 13 right oh okay cool cool awesome trying what is this thing um it's that's as soon as you enter there you're entering a united states airspace so you better be talking to atc or you're going to have an f18 talking to you real soon leaving no they don't hurt you leave they care when you come back in okay they need to know who you are when you're coming in and exactly at which point you're coming can you go out and then just call them or under approach two three two six victory i'm outside the eight is gonna come in no you need a bfr flight minimum on uh on file okay and you can activate it with flight service station and they'll give you a squad code and then you need to talk to miami if you're an ifr fighter you don't care excellent because you will be talking to them so if you're going to exit the country you're fine if you come back and you it's easier to be in an ifr flight plan gotcha those blue lines problem starting from where it depends here six thousand to ten thousand here's three thousand to ten thousand here's two thousand to ten thousand what is this twenty one hundred that is the safest altitude actually now there is an obstacle in that area that is two thousand one hundred feet tall right there is an obstacle in the area but it's one thousand one hundred feet long too tall so so if we're gonna do maneuvers we're just like i don't know that is the safest lowest altitude that you should be doing that man okay and that's because there is the antenna there's an antenna here there's an antenna somewhere in here i mean you have obviously the beautiful antennas but there is that's it somewhere other is that and then down here chanel there's wherever it is chanel uh that's a vfr checkpoint point so when you call atc you can tell them you're over the stanton power plant and they will know exactly where you are okay cool and then chanel chanel there's chanel the chanel 43 yeah we almost [Music] i was going with it and then i decided to look on my ipad and i was like wait a minute is that a channel who is one of chanel oh what is this 12 000 above what are those arrows that's a great question i've never seen those ever in my life but we're going to find out if you know if this was oh there you go i have our departure rounds remember now i'm just shooting from the hip here shooting from the hip good way to do it oh man what is that that's another transition area yeah why is that around okay what's what's it let's signify that there is um instrument approaches in there yeah but what kind of airspace is it oh that's classic all the way from the surface good what's this line right here the multi-trend of the multivalve do i have to be talking to somebody to be in there just you got to have a dsb and you got to have modes okay cool all right moa we did we did some deviating around there of course and we're in there are we do we have to call anybody for that no well okay how about what are the parameters of the marion moa like where does extension 5000 agl or 500 gl to 5000 feet okay if you don't know how can you figure out uh oh who's that would be right let me ask that question a little bit later what is this one right here that's the question that dark blue what what dark blue this right here this it's a warning area that is this you're talking about yeah that yeah okay like that's how the other morning very good uh what is this how do you how can you figure out if it's hot or cold and you asked atc or or you asked like service station or are you look i'm sure they're not bombing the volume range right see it says jacksonville jacksonville and you just touch it and then touch 29b and then details it uh well this one isn't tournament so central florida trade con so approach just like you said operational nodes hours intermittent blah blah blah so that's right yeah exactly this circle what is that with the numbers on it oh it's a br that's the radials on the b water oh how come it's offset like that you know zero shouldn't that be straight up oh yeah that's magnetic zero though oh okay so it's not true no no okay very good um oh what's this so we are just frequently you can transmit on the br to say petersburg fss but they will receive you have to uh to listen back to them you have to be on one two two point one you got it backwards 122.1 tune in your radio right and you talk over wr no no you talk over 122.1 you listen on the br yes so they receive yes 2.1 oh so you got to go like this 122.1 turn in the melbourne vor turn on your nav you don't have to id just turn it up right because you're gonna they'll say st petersburg radio 2326 victor transmating 122.1 receiving melbourne vor 110.0 uh okay so you've got to talk with 122.1 cool okay okay right is that our p stands for whatever rp oh right pattern or that wrong way okay cool do you want to write 30 uh what is that star uh that means the tower closes right that is correct you have part-time operation okay um i always look at it as limitations exist yeah very good that's exactly what it says it's in the legend too yeah because that's the same for the lighting what is speaking of lighting what is that what's that number uh that's the airport elevation okay and then uh it's final control lighting after the tower closes okay seven thousand three hundred foot i can see your fingers yes she was asking let's go there what's that what is that that's a military route what if it says v it's a that's the instrument route and then a visual route okay okay okay too bad and then the four digit ones are from four digits are lower it's below one thousand out of below one thousand five hundred and then the three digits out or above yes what's that box contact west convention on that okay in that area that's right can you fly right over the top of that with uh without a mode c transponder over the top yeah it depends how high or where the top you go anything over ten thousand you need a monster transponder there we go very good very good what about this class b don't even worry about that seven thousand feet only i think what if we would if we're at nine thousand with no transponder can we do it legally no you're we'll be inside the multivator very good okay here's nathan georgia sure say you're told you're flying me and bevan we're going to the ball game what are these circles right there oh that's a thirst okay what's that mean it's like a class bravo no class bravo that you'll need to talk to okay so you don't need it but they don't need to participate in it but yes that will be smarter it's currency just using yeah you're getting radio vectors yeah talk me through a spin recovery sure power to idle uh opposite router uh once you're stopped spinning okay uh bring your uh air on to neutron then i'll slowly recover because you have a lot of g's on that airplane would you prefer a four to f set cg on that what would if you had a choice in a spin if i had a choice i'll go without four after will make it harder for you to get that tail on the control well um in your airplane um do you have a vacuum system in the cessna yeah and the one you're using yeah okay so if it goes out what are you gonna lose i'm to use my heading indicator on my attitude indicator um is there any backup in the 172. backup uh vacuum okay max speed air uh class d max speed under cosby 200 knots max speed under class b 230 knots no 200 knots as well i'm sorry no 200 knots as well next speed class b uh in the class b under 10 000 feet obviously 250 knots when do you have to this is a tough one immediately notify the f i mean the ntsb of an uh of a situation it depends on the type of situation right tell me what kind of can you bring so yeah a crew member that cannot uh do his duties okay tsb has to be uh notified immediately an accident yeah a great battle injury okay they have to be notified immediately any loss of uh flight controls they have to be notified immediately and any info in flight fire they have to be notified immediately [Music] she's been sitting on that one i forgot to ask it she wanna do [Music] you
Channel: Bevin and Tom Aviation
Views: 44,586
Rating: 4.8631697 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, Aviation, pilot, atbataviation, student pilot, commercial pilot, piper, piper archer, airplane, future pilot, instrument rating, commercial rating, fly the skies, single engine, lycombing, Bevin and tom aviation, study buddies, ground school, oral exam, practical exam, commercial pilot oral exam, DPE, CFI, CFII, MEI, DESIGNATED PILOT EXAMINER, sanford florida, million air
Id: iZBKsxBrweI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 40sec (4120 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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