GIANT FIRE Outside Of My House! I'M SUPER SCARED! California Wildfire 2020

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so guys guess what's happening the craziness of california it's 9 21 we get this alert on our phone that says immediate evacuation on mars creek road near deer valley and brentwood our neighborhood deer valley this is right down the street for us so you know what most people are probably panicking now but maybe the idiot side i'm going to say the youtuber side of me says that we should get on our car and go look at the fire maybe i'm crazy i don't know i never seen a big forest fire you know let's go get in the car let's see if we can see a giant fire oh [Music] look at that it's doing it again it must be bad this might be dumb but let's go see if we can find it all right it's a night outside so we get good shots of it you might have to see it in night vision depending on how bright it is it is fire now fire's pretty bright so let's go see if we can find a fire guys this is a night night shot mode if you look over here you see the two pieces of heat that's where the fire is at see we're going down this road right here let's go down here and take a left and that's where you're gonna be able to start to see it at but even over the mountains over there you can already start to see the flames coming this way it's kind of scary guys the freaking camera does not do this justice holy crap the whole mountain is burning you can't see it right now let me go to night shot oh my god look at that the person behind me i think has a high views on it blinding crap out of me look at that holy you know what the whole mountain is on fire i smell it now oh wow all right guys so above this hill right here we just saw a bunch of police cars right down here and i'm gonna guess they probably have this road blocked off for obvious reasons so once we get over here yeah look at this i think we're probably gonna have to you know turn around down here because obviously you know why it's blocked we all know why it's blocked guys this is a mountain in front of us what you're seeing up there that is not lights it's so hard to see on the camera it just doesn't do it justice look in the night shot that's all fire this whole mountain is burning and those are all fire trucks you see up there that is just madness [Music] [Music] so we found another road after the last roadblock but it looks like this road up here might also be blocked off so we're gonna keep trying and seeing get the best footage we can and staying safe at the same time guys so let's see what happens we just realized we're actually fi following a fire department vehicle so we know we're definitely going towards it oh wow look at that off to the right guys you see all that light right there that is not light that is fire that is burning let's see watch only turn this one let me take it off night shot you see that it doesn't look as big as it is on camera but i'm telling you that is a huge mountain huge mountain all burning over there wild here's a little bit of an even better shot check this out up here you can just see that looks like a short distance but i'm telling you that is like legit a mile up there because that mountain is huge look how small it is from back here it looks like nothing i think that might be the best shot we're going to get let's zoom in some because we're going to stop here the police have it blocked off but look at that fire it's like a ring of fire [Music] just absolute insanity is it blocked off we're having mandatory evacuations on both sides okay so turn around here then yeah okay thank you well i'm looking pretty ghosty here but i tried my best to record that but the police officer they now have the road we just came down completely blocked off because the thing is continuing to spread it's like a ring of fire that just keeps spreading and it's getting bigger and bigger despite their best effort so we have to turn around and i'll try to find some weird mystery way home because i don't know how to do it our gps keeps telling us the u-turn but we can't go that way so let's find a way home and maybe we'll be able to see it from another shot more emergency vehicles look at all the police coming guys here's one two more added to the probably 100 out there already crazy so i want to point something out our gps just finally rerouted and whatnot look how close this is to our house now this is including traffic lights right now seven minutes from where we live that's a little sketchy a little scary so we finally made it home guys everything seems to be good here but i'm thinking it's like 10 30 at night let's go to sleep when we wake up the following day see how it is if it's still growing i think we should be able to see it i think you'll be able to see it a lot better during the daytime than at night so let's sleep it off and let's see how it goes all right so it's the next morning now and i checked my phone just to get some updates and apparently overnight they thought they were gonna be able to shut the fire down but it's grown even bigger now into the morning so let's drive back that same way see if the roads are blocked off and whatnot and let's see if we can get a good view in a daytime so you can really see just how wild this thing is now that it's daytime we're approaching the fire again but look at mount diablo over there so pretty it's one of the only things i'm gonna miss about this state when we leave all right so we came around that corner and look already we're only about three minutes from our house and you can already start to see the smoke right there coming out from behind the mountain so i think when we get up here if that fire's still burning where it was you should be able to see it good this is what we're afraid of look the road is closed they have police right here so we're not gonna be able to get there this way maybe we'll try another way and try to get behind it look at that smoke now that we can see it from this angle i think they have a very good reason to have that road blocked off down there but we're still stupidly enough gonna try to find another way over there because i really want to see the fire in the daylight so let's see if we can figure that out check it out from this angle we still can only see the smoke but the scary part is like guys literally this line of houses is right where our house is we're right there and there's the smoke right there so we're trying to come up behind it let's see if we can find the fire once again guys road is completely blocked off here you can't get past it check that out right by where they closed the road that's smoke cloud that fire's gotten even bigger but we just can't see it so now it seems the police have every single entrance of every single road blocked off near there but there were some people that think that lived back there that were able to post some pictures of this fire because obviously if you live back there they can't tell you no you can't go home but they posted some of these pictures so check these out as i'm talking right now the fire has now gotten to over 1 000 acres it's massive and apparently they're having very little success with destroying it or getting rid of it right now so i am hoping that they're able to stop it before it comes this way honestly it's kind of scary now but you never really know if we have to evacuate we have to evacuate we'll grab what we need to get and we'll get on out of here and try to make videos some other out but let's just hope it doesn't come to that two things before we go number one i just bought something yesterday that i've been wanting for a very long time i'm not going to tell you what that is yet but there's going to be some super cool videos coming up number two you guys know we're leaving in about a month so we just went to the post office our po box is shut down as of the end of this month so if you guys are trying to send us stuff hold off for now don't send nothing else to california because that p.o box is shut down they refuse to give us one month they're like three or six like i'm leaving in one like okay middle finger to you guys then we're just not gonna keep it open so that's gone cool thing coming up let's hope the fire doesn't hit us if you enjoyed the video leave it a thumbs up subscribe if you're new and until next time peace out you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 23,782
Rating: 4.812068 out of 5
Keywords: california wildfire 2020, california wildfire, california wildfire aftermath, california wildfire documentary, california wildfire evacuation, california wildfire footage, california wildfire footage 2020, california wildfire highway, california wildfire live, california wildfire response, california wildfire vlog, wildfire california, wildfire california 2020, wildfire california footage, wildfire california now, wildfire california vlog, southern california, brush fire
Id: 5NIki7EUv5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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