Chasing Evil S2EP1 Vanished... Missing Marina Boelter

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on December 31st 2014 having just moved into the city of Bloomfield Indiana eighteen-year-old marina bolter disappeared this is the IGA that marina bolter when she got off work at 6 o'clock december 31st 2014 she entered into this parking lot witnesses say marinas ex-boyfriend DJ lockhart accompanied by three mutual friends pulled into the parking lot shortly after somewhere here they confronted each other we know that there was a confrontation here because marina was on the phone with Toby and Toby said that marina responded by saying a DJ from what we could tell is Toby was married her apartment was a couple blocks away from Toby's house Toby was the last person that she was on the phone with marina then got into a unknown vehicle at the time witnesses say marina got into a vehicle of an unknown male a few weeks after marina went missing the driver of this car came forward according to the police the driver had nothing to do with marinas disappearance witnesses state that the car DJ was in went in one direction while the man who drove marina went into the direction of her apartment from what DJ told law enforcement the guy had dropped Breen off at the pizza place parking lot which was just right across the street from her apartment cell tower pings explained that shortly after the time marina would be dropped off her cellphone no longer accesses the cellphone towers anything that someone may have destroyed the phone there's no proof that marina even made it back to her apartment and from what we know that's the last time anybody ever seen marina alive my brothers and I we decided that it'd be best to head to the local IgA and kind of retrace the steps that marina took that night we're on a spirit box session and just see if we're able to pick up any information on what may have happened to Marina the spirit box that my brothers and I used was developed by a researcher over in the UK the closer we get to where a crime was committed or something tragic took place the stronger the responses are through the spirit box June 3rd spirit box session marina bolter marina if you can hear us we're at the IgA that you love to work at and you see us yes or no Maryna Balter can you communicate with us yes or no we're trying to help your mom find answers during the spirit box session at the IGA the one thing that we kept getting over and over again was go left repeatedly and that's the one thing that we look for when we're running these sessions is things that are more repetitive we're looking for things that repeat consistently over a long period of time what is interesting about go left is in order to get to marinas apartment you would have to pull out of the parking lot and turn left Marina can you still hear us yes or no like it said marina laughs the man's responding so I think that's just why he's talking to us keep talking to him who is this that we're talking to did you know a little bit more time ask again who will be talking to me where were we talking to viewer marina just let me try something real quick I just want to see this is just test if it's just this can you hear us better who is the man that we're speaking with right now is this DJ with DJ you know he would have been the one person that we really really wanted to speak with unfortunately six weeks after marinas disappearance while attending a party DJ was stabbed to death during an altercation as marinas body on land River what's the name of the river his marinas body in the water or is it near the water I think we should head over in the pond now where he wanted to go look around there for a rena then you want to swing by her apartment oh did you want ever the pond so we can have as closure or you want go straight to the apartment after we wrapped up the spirit box session of the IGA I thought it would be best for us to go to Tracy's house marinas mother and see if we can uncover any more additional information on marinas case meeting with the family the first time you really never know what to expect hey Tracy come on you guys it was New Year's Eve 2014 when she went missing can you kind of walk me through those steps you know where she got off work and try to be the specific as you can my daughter's marina bolter and she came up missing on December 31st 2014 during the day right before her shift was over or whatever um I was getting ready go to Terre Haute so I stopped in to see Marina at the deli at IgA and told her happy her Happy New Year's and I loved her hit him then I went headed up to Terre Haute Indiana a phone call from my father he asked me if I'd heard or seen from Marina so Dino asked him why and he said because her boss even reported her missing so I did drive here from Terre Haute which is like about an hour they come down here and find out she's not been heard from since she got off work at 6 o'clock and she was headed across the parking lot to get in his car with this man that I do not the cops won't tell me his name but I know he's local does she know the guys got the car well um dad I don't know the cops like I said the cops won't tell me what his name is but I know that he's local usually Marina would have taken a ride from the same people so her just getting in this guy's car was it was weird right there anyways within five minutes after she got out of that parking lot there were no more pings off her phone the last ping was right there by her apartment there's nothing nothing since the last words she said over her phone was did its DJ so she hung up the phone we got in the car and five minutes later no more pings on her phone nobody's heard from her since just nothing I pray all the time it was so bad that I was praying to God somebody feel her arms come out of the posters I'm at pictures I have a marina wall in my bedroom there's our cross but this is her totally there anytime you're in this room especially at night sleeping and stuff you're just surrounded completely surrounded by her and I will say this card right here marina gave it to me and I was crying one day in this other room over here and it fell so it was kind of like you know Marina telling me that it was okay and this picture here kind of hit me when I first walked in yeah that was the day that Landon was born and you can see the look on her face here when everything changed - and she was really scared of having a baby but right here you can see the look in her eyes she wasn't scared anymore she knew she was blessed to have him and then he was a beautiful who loved a baby it was amazing side I missed the birth but I came in after that it's a sweet you look at a smile at me when it's in 33 that's mean and I was wishing that I can hear my dogs have a mommy again being a boy and if he does that it's bad for Ginny's healing in Richland and out of nowhere this card fell out of the top of the closet and hit me in the head and it says there's no such thing it's too much magic too much pixie dust or too much fun and no such thing as too many happy wishes for a birthday girl like you and it says happy birthday I love you mommy she always called me Mommy I love you mommy just hearing those words I love you mommy I knew she was always telling the truth what we want to do right now is we'll go do a juice box session you know we'd love to have you join us I can't you know promise what will come through and how it may affect you but I just want you to be open to you know what answers we do get I would love to you and like I said before I don't care how we find her but however it works and I'm up for anything to to just get her back I need your back however she is she needs to be laid to rest I greatly appreciate you guys coming into my life because no one else and I really appreciate it it gets really really lonely out here and it makes me look down that driveway and go why isn't anybody care why won't anybody join up and you guys drove up it you guys are amazing and I'm so grateful for you so find some answers I had I'm ready for him and I love you sometimes it can be very helpful to have the family members there with you when you're doing the spirit box session because they'll have that stronger connection with the victim the drawback is they hear everything as it happens live right there so there are things that come over the spirit box that are very emotional to the family but we know in order to get the information that we need we have to ask the tough questions all right trustees house right now BJ do you know what happened to Marina you have anything that you want to say to Tracy to hear that female voice came across it I love you known how bad trustee wanted to hear marina say I love you one more time when I came across the spirit box it just validated that she was still with her mom if nothing else we provided trustee with that one last moment with her daughter this is what pushes us so hard or day and night on these cases and let them hear their loved ones maybe one last time did you tell us where he took marina did you tell us where he took marina DJ if you did something bad right now it's the time to come clean Jesus feels compelled to help with cases and typically she helps detectives I sent her a photo of the person who I'm meeting her help with in this case it was marina she said that she could see marina walking home crossing the road and it was it was really dark and she said that she saw this man forced her into his car and she said that marina was was passed out and then she started coming to and she could look out of the window and she saw trees on both sides telling me the direction but they went and immediately she started saying he drove south so we started going south on this map and eventually it led in to a covered bridge she could see a brown shed and she said that this man continues to use that shut as a placeholder so he will return to the area and ensure that no one has been there from the brown shed there are trees around and there's an opening and she said that's that's where marina is she's in that opening once we wrapped up the spirit box session at trustees house we decided to drive in town to see if we could document any more information on marinas case so for right now let's just go to the IGA and we'll kind of go through what we know happened that night she got in a car right here I don't know what fine if we knew the man I know he's local but the cops won't tell me his name she's got a car here where do they think that she went after that straight to her apartment okay kids show us we are it's like two minutes away okay show us which way to go I'm gonna go back left towards the gas station that we just came from and I think I don't believe my daughter is alive I like little lights in my heart for my children cars is out this is the parking lot that my daughter got out of the car on this is the apartment building right here that my daughter lived in apartment B I tell myself what if he's holding her you know captive and but he lets her see the things that people do for her so I tell myself that because I can get lost in these woods out here and just never talk to anybody again but I can't do that for her somebody's gotta stand up for her so we know that she left the IGA came here and supposedly this is where he dropped her off there was no further pings after this area no no I hope somebody they know something we'll just be like dang her mom won't stop cuz I won't I don't care she's she's somewhere and she deserves to be brought home and be laid to rest now marinas apartment with part was B I'm not sure which one that is known back however she is we ended up driving with Tracy over two marinas apartment we weren't in the parking lot more than 10 minutes and we noticed the same truck kept circling the apartment at that point I felt that I needed to get the guys and get everybody out of the area for safety reasons so we left marinas apartment and we drove to more secluded locations by person that there that was coming at that Bloomfield what's marina small and I know the cops had the dogs out here so they search this area yeah I don't know how far over they went from the tracks I think you know enemy as far as I know I don't know if they came over this far I don't want to find my dog my daughter's dead body get me wrong I don't want to be the one but if nobody else is gonna be looking I'm Belle widow so somebody wants to give me that information am I here give it's me we had looked on the map and we'd found a remote area that was more secluded about a quarter mile from marinas apartment and our hope was that we could run a session and get some more information this area was definitely a remote and close to marinas apartment I think if we stay away stay outside the no trespassing sign this would be all right we're trying to figure out what happened to Marina bolter you know what happened to her did you tell us where she's at djay Lockhart you know what happened to Marina yes or no at the same lboys keeps coming across can you tell us where she's at and you don't believe DJ had anything to do with us not one single part of me believes it if anything would happen if it would have been like accidental DJ would've been the first one to call the cops I'd be like oh my gosh we got to fight she fell hit her head or whatever and he just wouldn't I could just tell like being a mom they all think you know that the truth died with DJ you know what hop this my daughter you know I thought the marina booster biz tell me how far south do we need to go you hear that covered bridge swear to god it's a covered bridge I've heard something but I couldn't make it out do you know who took her can you give us a name can you give us a road okay DJ did you have anything to do with the disappearance of marina can you tell me who took marina is it close to the bridge so yes how did you hurt her Stampin Up DJ if this is really you how did you die I asked how to DJ die and it came across direct and clear stabbed in the heart from hearing the response that DJ died from being stabbed in the heart really helped validate for me that we was on the right track autopsy reports show that DJ's fatal wound was a stab wound to the heart from everyone that we spoke with DJ seemed to be a really good kid just made a lot of really bad choices with drugs and alcohol DJ and all three of his friends were given polygraph tests which law enforcement said there was no signs of deception that's the same voice you get the same male voice that keeps coming over and over and over yes DJ do you want us to go down the bridge yes or now right we're gonna find it okay how long it takes don't want it bad I just need her found but this is probably what a mile from marinas apartment where she's abducted from we keep getting the same male voice over and over again I say we just head down to the bridge there is a covered bridge if you go south from her apartment when like covered bridge kind of famous around here a lot of people go there to smoke a lot of people say if DJ did it he's not gonna take me you know where she's at no that's wrong too because she went everywhere I said we're going and I don't ask to go one place and that was a cover bridge because they found blood out there after we wrapped up the spirit box session over by marinas apartment we ended up leaving and going south of town to a covered bridge so what we'll do is we'll get down there I think there's a pull-off on the other side of that bridge I mean don't you find it weird that that's the one place he would point out hey can we get a search here it didn't seem weird to me because it seems like it was finally summer week ago as a point you don't ask to go one place and that was the camera bridge because they found blood out there the only place he ever requested that we go search other than that he didn't care he knew I was driving somewhere and we were gonna search it's something like that happens you're not gonna drive all over the place looking for an area you're gonna wanna you gonna go to somewhere you're familiar well yeah and that would be covered bridge I'm to the point now I just want to find out who this bastard is right that way they get their punishment amen so we wanted to run down to the covered bridge run another session and see if we could uncover any more information on what may have happened to Marina so if we go to the right right here you can't drive it though we have to go to it like a little game see but we can go back there yeah I know other people are praying for her but like I said when you lose something what'd he do you look for it how far do you know where they serve I wasn't allowed to be part of the cops attitude I know but I keep getting feedback whoever was speaking with us earlier we're at the covered bridge now is this the right area yes or no I keep getting that boy but it's so faint do you think these power lines could be doing ground up I'm getting static from these lines let's try to move away from these lines should we get down there DJ it's just the right area yes or no hey you might want to go that way is it in this area DJ are we in the right area yes or now you tell us which direction to go do you know at that time that was their snow and stuff on the ground there was no snow but it was like it was like this cold but then it rained really hard or if they could even drive back this area the day of whatever happened to Marina it's awful but if I she she'd open our heart to God so God gave us His only begotten Son hey he needed my daughter then he was saving her from a whole lot of ugly and I just pray that went fast so I want her back that's kind of selfish if God has her that would be very selfish because his world is ugly it's ugly it's evil and all around us can somebody please tell me if we're in the right area she said right area area was real loud we need to go closer to the bridge come closer and ask something just ask the four in the right area right here we need to go closer to the bridge Joey walk farther on the path do we need to go back marina you can hear me can you give me a sign DJ are we getting close don't feel like we're in the right spot doing it keep walking are we getting close to morena can you say that again which way djay were you with Dustin and James at night I was let's go back to the bridge and see what we get better responses back there because that'd be the most obvious thing to search I've been out here in the woods search and hoping to come across something yes I'm just cold and tired now and just you know still hoping and praying that well me and my two brothers are doing we're going to end up finding something sad to say you know if marina is passed away maybe we'll build a contact or we're gonna go ahead and meet back up regroup and see where the next bumps gonna take us you tell us what way to go is this the right area yes or now you tell us which direction to go DJ are you still with us alright now this'll be an area to drive - are we in a better spot now we need to go back this path and as soon as I walk out the clearing and one of those deer hunters to take me out after the first day of our investigation in Bloomfield we had ran several hours of spiritbox sessions we had done several interviews so we wanted to go back home go over all of the information go over all the video footage and spiritbox sessions and see what information that we had so we've been back from Bloomfield for a couple days now I'm just going over some of the footage and the sessions that we did that is where we did the first spiritbox session over by marinas apartment I really feel that were as close right now as we've ever been to finding out what happened to Marina I'm gonna get this stuff printed off meet with the guys we'll head back to Bloomfield the next couple days do a few more sessions and then hopefully our next trip out there will be meeting with law enforcement hi Tracy this is Josh and it just so happens that there is two registered sex offenders that live within a mile a mile and a half of that trestle and both of them would fit the description that DJ gave of the guys she got in the car with that night okay so we just trekked up the side of a mountain we're at the trestle now just outside of Bloomfield so we figured this would be a good spot to come out and try a Ghost Box session a man that lived in the same apartment building was once in prison after being charged with murder after he raped and tortured a young girl including removing her eyeballs and lighting her body on fire that a guy abduct you from the IGA parking lot Maryna bolts or is your body out here yes or no marina we need you to try really hard to communicate with us who did you get in the car with that night as marina Baltar's body out here at the trestle yes or now Sanctus had died yeah where do we need to go which direction Maryna do we need to keep going down which way do we need to go how do we know for sure that one area we were at the first place with a Ghost Box session we were getting good responses there yeah I don't think this right here is the right area our main goal is to find out what happened to Marina some of you stand up and speak out if you know something let me know somebody knows something there's no way there are little small community that nobody knows anything somebody knows something hey she deserves the respect should be brought huh so far the trust will strike it out continue on County Road 400 north for one mile so I'm thinking with DJ with him being stabbed maybe that's what we were picking off picking up along with the stabbing his chances are this guy could have been stalking her maybe that's why her cell phone went off so fast see now that we're closer to her apartment if we start pick up that just helps thala date that maybe that trust will just wasn't the right area you know what we should do is turn around and park or right here so we can see if somebody's coming down and then we can jump in the car and take office got back here to a secluded location chances are nobody back here in the middle of winter time we drive back through here there's walked off from the main road you're not gonna drag a woman lifeless body across the creek I hope is that they would be open to the idea of what we were able to document and the areas that we feel are most important to be checked out we've spent a couple days out here working the marina bolter case so far this is the one area that we've gotten the most compelling spiritbox communications and this is action area that to me feels weird just walking around it like you get that feeling that something bad happened here so hopefully we can convince the detectives to come back here and search this area - DK bring your body on her you help guideth myself afraid left or right go back the chances are that she might be over somewhere near the car it's not like she's a little kid that you can just drag around DJ can you hear us yes for now Maryna can you hear us yes or no are you close to the railroad tracks Maryna we need to find out where you're at you've got to give us a sign oh [ __ ] go go you're not thinking how close they are it's just time to get the count of the whole situation that's cute yeah once we heard the first shot my reaction was just wrong it's like all hell broke loose got fired they was running I was running through the cameras for everything all I could think about was let's just get out of here yes you know tunnel you knew you came out on top so run for the tunnel go go go wait hide right here hi twice shooters said I was shoot after hearing the gunshots my brothers and I decided to leave town so what we need to do is we get up here turn the car around so its face and how so we need to get out of here quick we can jump in the car can yell out of here this is not a place you walk around the wood right here yeah we can't shut up again this being this way you guys won't you shut up determined to find answers as to what happened to Marina bolter a few weeks later we decided to head back to Bloomfield I'm getting anxiety standing here DJ we're back down here in this area down by the trestle can you hear us yes or no DJ you tell me is marinas body buried down here yes or no Elena is your body down here next to the forest which direction we need to go marina when you take into the quarry what is your body by what was there if there's a wooden fence you're thinking about doing this in the middle of winter time you don't have all the bugs marina can you hear us is this the right area marina we're by a bunch of rocks right now which way do we need to go set up push yeah I want to see what's down in that hole that hurt but I would think maybe anywhere you'd think I'd be closer to the path the body ready to get towards the pouring big white sign yeah are you near plumbers rally I think I broke my ankle if they didn't know we're here they know now marina walk hauler vehicle where they driving there we get in the car I say we head further down just see if there's a white sign and a wooden gate I don't feel safe in this place at all I mean you just ride down there see if the wooden gate we all find the body we're gonna find malaria here this one your body from here so she had a pair of glasses that she wore so she finally got these brand new glasses and they were purple purple rims and then she had a blue purse that had the Paris love on it with the only things missing from her apartment the coat she was wearing and her purse on her cell phone hey guys josh here with living dead paranormal due to the recent kovat 19 pandemic that's been sweeping across much of the world my brothers and I were forced to put a stop to all production of season 2 chasing evil once a lot of these restrictions are lifted and we can get back out and safely start filming we will do so we're gonna meet up with the k-9 team and go search many of these areas we appreciate all of your guys's patience and support and we hope that all of you guys are staying safe thank you for watching and like I said we'll update each and every one of these episodes and and be safe and stay healthy thanks marina bolter was last seen wearing a black and purple plaid coat white Nike Shox and her cross necklace if you have any information on the disappearance of marina Bolton police contacted the Greene County Sheriff's Department anonymous tip can be left with Crime Stoppers marinas young little boy will never get to know his father but because of the action of an unknown person he too will not get to know his mother when someone makes the decision to interfere with the lives of another by taking them away from those who love them it leaves behind many victims this is true evil
Channel: Paranormal Nightmare TV Series
Views: 374,898
Rating: 4.8525128 out of 5
Keywords: living dead paranormal, chasing evil, paranormal nightmare, missing, vanished, scary, sad, scariest video on youtube, fourman brothers, marina boelter, missing person, cold case, ghost, spiritbox session, spirits, demon, ghost adventures, most haunted, ghost hunters
Id: -vwe39fFU_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 39sec (2679 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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