GGN News with Gabriel Iglesias | FULL EPISODE

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that's the chaplet um that's my [ __ ] get turned up with this [ __ ] right here walk a layer so what he's like what about drugs and yeah yeah yeah yeah he thought into the love him and he's talking about driver to another problem he's that one word he ran with it [Music] ladies and gentlemen boys and girls you inside the GG a new special I'm your host with the most Finding Nemo aka Nemo holes and today I got a very special guest the one and only God it is why is it the way that you said it you made me sound like a villain because I love it yes and I'm going with ya are you related are you related to Julio Iglesias uh I think everybody is related to Julio man I do his horn he made a lot of people he really has the Iglesias name comes from Spain as a story we're all all people with Alaska me glaciers are from the original one and Iglesias was because a orphan was left on the step of a church church in Spanish is Iglesias yeah or iglesia illegally are they put the last name on everyone but yeah do I ever see them at cookouts no a salut I'm looking around that you employ a lot of Mexicans dude they moved all I'm ready you gotta probably I grew up on what the hell is not a forest and if there's no dog and I already know there's no data ha everybody you gotta like what a Mexican manager work in the bag so like speaking of the change or yeah oh my god what do this Trump know about you never know why we say [ __ ] the wall but that day was like without LBC so it was closely knit it with blacks Latinos Asians and we all grew up together and I was right there with you you know I'm saying it so it's a it's a friendship when you grow up with people you don't really look at what they background or what they nationality is you look at people and up I just love people and if I go there on what a fun them I'm down with people very cool Oh a dress not everybody gonna be the spanish be freaky cool and they're your fans that love your shirt when I see all the employees and all the people that I [ __ ] with that Latino when energy was coming today they really wanted to show up today like they was here on time and all kinds of right they was here on time today issue you're here yes he's here San Diego California that's where you from no man well that's where I was born and then my mom and I headed north and we stopped the long beach I know that it'll be safe he's another one from the LBC only great was coming up out of the LBC to insure elementary school Hill junior high and then your crosstown rival Wilson High School what's a Wilson yeah I know right you were brewing mad when I had Tommy burgers dough that's all we had that [ __ ] was all we had every year man would say Spa oh here we go and the coaches are always pump us up at our high school you know the like job like it it really matter you could reach any championship but when you face poly high school you want to win this is for Long Beach and every year we're like no they won again I want to see like 40 people come out of the rear but NFL and poly yeah 40:14 NFL yeah I mean that's cool just it's just there's Pro you're just playing a protein not to mention John Wayne Billy Jane King Carl Weathers Willie McGinest Snoop Dogg Cameron Diaz shall I go on oh I don't have to oh that's probably hi focals baby yeah sorry you know who went to my high school the kid that was on mr. Belvedere and me what's up right back oh hey miss a girl would be met Joe used to be the [ __ ] it was you Dee so what what's your favorite place to travel to old stage which economy and what's the favorite city to go favorite scene yeah man probably between El Paso Texas and San Antonio Texas you will received very well received the game the key to the city and El Paso and San Antonio is just like you know you go outside and everybody thinks it's beautiful man or you to get to Jesus a [ __ ] ass in key to the city I mean you can open up any store I thought that for it man you know program or any cool you want to do shut up I got the [ __ ] key shut up what's your badge nothing I get your ass locked up I got the key the key to the city that's being there so what about you're not fat you're fluffy tell us about that oh just well just the whole thing of a the whole thing of I'm not fat and fluffy or just the nickname fluffy because it all comes from one word fluffy it was a nickname I got a long time ago for my mom because I called myself fat around her and she's like Miko you're not fat you're flappy special and so you know I would incorporate it into my show and at the end of the night people come out to me and they you know nobody would say nice show Gabriel they're just like you know logo and I start fluffy although half my name is already famous I'm just working on the first half yeah but Fluffy's what stuck and and I didn't like it but eventually I learned to embrace it and I ran with it and now like if you google it it's the first thing that comes it pops up before bunnies well [ __ ] right comforters is talking about you fluffing them out on your head fluffy you slap on the love right make sure you fat my fluffy not fluffer cuz that's apparently a different definition that's a ball fluffer for a porno movie you know what yeah that's when they cry in the fluffer I need my boss fluffed you know what that night we share don't get your mother gave you that name because my mother gave me my name is Snoopy but I just put the doggie dog and all the other [ __ ] on the end of it but she gave me that name Snoopy and all of my real friends who know me if they see me kid is dead anything what's up Snoopy and it's like it's like the fluffy thing instead of saying it takes me back to an adolescent but I'm thankful that my mother gave me that name because I made that [ __ ] pop yeah he gonna make fluffy pop I see by the popcorn I say fluffy popping everything like that keep it already a product I'm not like you gonna do it oh yeah I'll be sitting on a little bit different alumni heard of that so you got a comedy special that you show 6/1 you've got to pull out yeah and all right yes it looks like real it's a 6-1 yeah I'm saying well you do those specials is it is it harder when you have to prepare to put together your dialogue or is it like harder when you write in front of the people but sometimes operation is harder than actual performance so what is it for you uh what's not the preparation because I hard for me to plan I'd rather just go up in front of the crowd right now yeah I'll freestyle it the first time and then if it get to laugh I'll remember it now repeat Oh Kyle you know step repeat and stuff until I have a whole set but everything that I say on stage was said in the moment at that time you know so it's not pre per hour I didn't write stuff like imma try this tonight I got you know if I got shot there's a foot you know I bet there's no you know comedians usually have a [ __ ] wrote down right I wasn't very good in school leave it I was a freestyle run for that reason because I didn't want to write [ __ ] I write it down yeah I say that I would remember it or he did that they'd take me that's it so I get it but a lot of comedians based a [ __ ] off of written material or something that they you know practice and performed over and over again so when they finally get in front of the crowd is perfect but your thing is a free staff the first time out the first time yeah so it's not like every single show is brand new it's you know like I said whatever works I keep them whatever doesn't I'll try again until I make it work are you afraid when you up there on stage do you ever get nervous it's funny we said are you afraid as you reach for another joint I'm like oh you can oh you can I hear some more [ __ ] hope that's what you go do that's what mountainy you would have black a back would man oh man I'm [ __ ] us today fluffy you know I'm fluffing you up today oh okay fluffy it'd be a lot of fun big shout-out to everybody are you ever nervous onstage I'm nervous now okay on stage no I don't get nervous in him a lesson I'm in a situation where I have to perform a timed set oh wait I'm doing it like a Tonight Show or something you only got four and a half minutes you got to make sure that you don't go along because it interferes with the show so I have that nervousness of I hope I hope I get my time is it harder for you to clean material or dirty material I think it's easier to do dirty material that's why I try to keep the shows as friendly as I can so I try to keep at night I don't want say squeaky clean but you know you leave a couple words out you're considered a clean show it was the best concert than your family oh I know you got a few of ice you're making that bang hmm probably my mom mama probably my mom yeah but she was like a like a self cusser like she wouldn't like yell it out she's lucky she's got a mother that's keeps it mr. book better spot beat you know she's keeper to herself so she wasn't interfering with people's realized man well that special man mom's is his mom's the the reason why you do what you do one of the reasons aspiring reasons oh you know you want to make it sound nice and say oh yeah was all for her but that had to be for me too but she encouraging to you when you told her that you weren't a big comedian uh she wasn't encouraging but she wasn't discouraged okay so she never said well you know you can't do that what are you thinking you're stupid her thing was more like well if that's what you want to do then that's what you want to do got it but she in your color though she got you to life she had one hi I'm strong my friends and I'm reporting live from till I come I mean Tilikum Washington as you can see it's really cold outside so you're going to be expecting some rain which means I'm going to get all wet so make sure you stay inside with someone to get you all nice and cuddly super warm hey what's up step baby okay [Music] at 2006 you want a fourth season of Last Comic Standing and you didn't win what happened Wow um Last Comic Standing is the for those of you that don't know it's kind of like the American Idol like like a battle like that right yeah it commented stuff like that anyways they put us on the Queen Mary in Long Beach to stay for about a week and they took away all of our access to the outside world so you can't call anybody because they think the TV show thinks you might call to get jokes okay so you have no access to the outside world and for me like to lose access for a week I'm like are you kidding me they took your phone so they took my phone but I had a second phone so I how about the second one in like restricted prison right a California hey I play with you go say hi all right now if they come hold on so I didn't lose touch with the outside world I got caught using a blackberry a blackberry and that's how long ago if it was a white bear they wouldn't say jester [ __ ] up he gets wrong with a blackberry y'all going off the [ __ ] show how races you races [ __ ] that [ __ ] up the black moment [ __ ] up you have to get you a white berry [ __ ] oh my goodness I'm gonna get me a wife Mary yes so what you're gonna do about that you gonna come back and make you all a show like that uh I think a reality or show reality shows up my fatty no I'd rather just help the comics produce other specials that help them showcase what they're really you know really good at shrinks guys there's a lot of comics that are really good on stage but then you try to put them on a sitcom and maybe their acting is not the best or maybe you try to put them in this different situation you know I help them to just focus on that one thing that makes them and what about your yogi Oh show which a camera crew today what is your show about for those who may not know what time is it come on with Network etc don't get your plug in wha well I have a show it's on the fuse network it's called a fluffy breaks even and the concept of the show well at least when we first started it was you go out you enjoy a nice meal somewhere at some restaurant that's really popular and you try another restaurant then another one and then once you're done you got to figure out how many calories you took in and the next day you have to do an activity to burn off all those calories so what goes up must come down so though even that's dope yeah I would never be on your [ __ ] let's say that right now my weight is not gonna do all that up and down [ __ ] you see this it is this is only some years I was living right right right unitary now when yo when your grand prize winner we should have them come cheer with me so I can show my stay like this understand this our art to this [ __ ] party oh man I was the winner Nora enjoy that [ __ ] I'm gonna lose some talk while you enjoyed that [ __ ] smuggler because your boys gonna change this really for another octave you all watch it boys go up oh yeah thanks up I hear you sorry snoop is it is it any of your dreams that you haven't accomplished yet this is definitely off the list I mean just believe in make a dreams come true we're not getting there but we're dogging like I just want to get pulled over on the way home so it shows the officer can look at me what the hell you know what do you have to do I'll get high with no I just know I want to hear the cop at least acknowledge how cool that there you go say get your ass out the car now why didn't you bring me nothing yeah then get back in the kid I'll get back in the car great day now this this is awesome right here I appreciate your heaven on your show I'll [ __ ] with you if I do get in man up you know I'm a fan of what you do and how you do anything anytime somebody comes on my show we make sure it's a family bandage you can come back again and that you can promote what you promote and at the same time feel comfortable year a lot of times when you go on shows or do interviews you can't be comfortable like you are right now you're having a great time you relax you smoke and you're chilling and you're not being asked questions to harm you this is all fun [ __ ] I appreciate the way you just were too bad because a lot of times people will ask you questions with that intent oh man what the [ __ ] we're gonna try to harm before you came on the show you here for us we're here for you if anything that you like doing with the kids that you want to speak on because you know I got a football league so I do that oh my spare times anything you I can do with the kids well right now I have my son so I have my kids right yeah yo Frankie what if yo Frankie young Frankie I will what do you do Frankie yeah he's home he's home that's right yeah he's he sinks at least yeah he got a dad just in the game man that's a good thing I got him and then all of his friends come over the house so you cooperate oh yeah they're they're all good and if there were bad influences and I'd be like nah you know I don't want you in the house I said I would rent it yeah you care you got that yeah my team is right that must get your ass out of here yeah I do that with my kids with a friends - like if I see one of the friends on Instagram doing too much of my car you'll need to be hanging with him or what do you want but as far as they're having girls Frankie do your thing man that's from your uncle don't care what your mama says now it could be yeah Frank you make us proud baby make me proud me cool we inside the smoker studio everyday people AKA real [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm asking some questions you can answer to the best of your ability okay what's the first thing you do it think of when you wake up where am i hot or cold cold tacos or burgers burgers [ __ ] no for real man yo family go beat Joe has the you ask that I didn't make him say that he said it was a lie just you know and that's okay Ron I love tacos with burgers for some reason okay it is one play I'm a late-night jack-in-the-box guy so first a sort a tease ass what are your favorite pair of shoes of alter we hold I can't believe answer that so quickly yeah you yes you knew that it didn't change a bit retriever Yannick Hulu and man zero hesitation I need you prepare you are cold took me for second here you were joking or that word what is your favorite pair of shoes of all time ooh Jordan sixes join sixes yes what color are those white white uh I wants a white gray okay what's your favorite thing to cook I don't cook but if boiled or fried fried I what's your worst job you ever had digging ditches for well yeah we're bodies coming in the old nose intestine okay you know usually when you say it this is usually a body that falls in after the mouth like but yeah I dug ditches man if you were stuck solid went out guys if you were stuck on the island for a whole year and it can only listen to three albums what would they be Eagles hell freezes over whoo what is it the despereaux's greatest hits and by Johnny Cash that stuff if you could remake any movie aesthetic what would it be the first thing I thought to myself was Back to the Future but you're not getting my ass in that DeLorean Hale if you could have a superpower what would the ability to go back in time 10 seconds kind of like a restart or you say like right now oh yeah just perfect well 10 seconds usually you could tell what kind of a situation you're in when okay kind of like an alarm I like if something happens at all messed things up booth take it back you a cold never die oh no believe me I don't follow for the shoot you right and I'm not gonna go down that Street drive and a street right there real quick just a matter of 10 seconds to change a lot collected I've no more absolutely reverse power has anyone ever said that on the show so what would that turn for that superpower be caught you know what I call I call deja vu I like that these hovels I like that cuz you say that yeah that's dope I like I like deja vu deja vu because you've been here it's not just a strip club it is a nice dribbler that it is okay now this is called finish the sentence I'm gonna start that you finish it I always wake up in the morning if I could work with anybody dead or alive I want to work with Frank Sinatra if I could see anybody perform dead or alive I'd want to see who James Brown I look for blank and a woman me best answer that best and then if I wasn't a comedian I'd be a teacher my favorite position is of Willie on top I was talking about sports like Oh point guard Y receiver tackle Oh left wing centerfield you just had to go cyclones yeah name asked if my name is blank and I'm uh my name is Gabriel and I'm a comedian ladies and gentlemen give it up for the one and only Gabriel [Applause]
Views: 892,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: merry jane, mary jane, snoop dogg, SNOOP, DOGG, GABRIEL, iglesias, fluffy, gabriel iglesias, comedian, comedy, last comic standing, comic, stand up, mexican, weed, blunt, joint, herb, marijuana, cannabis, stoned, baked, high, lit, ggn, interview, celebrity, fuse, merry, jane
Id: jpdsiQNMKKY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 3sec (1263 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 03 2017
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