Getting Your Life Together: The Best Life Advice You'll Ever Hear

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in any relationship where there are two parties two independent parties the met the method by which they communicate and get together come together involves three steps thinking speaking and doing those are the three garments of the soul as they're called in hasidic texts garments of the soul garments are not connected and not part of your body you wear them as you need them and then you take them off you exchange them you can wear one garment one day a completely different garment the next day or even the same day they're called garments both for their for their virtues what makes them really great even more important than the emotions that they express and also because of their faults what is right with garments and what is wrong with garments what is right with garments is that you can wear garments that make you look better than you are and they can give you a dignity that you don't have because you're wearing a uniform they can make you they can bring out your your natural beauty because the colors are right there on your palette and they uh they can do many many good things to enhance who you are the problem with them is that you can be wearing somebody else's garments you can put on a uniform that isn't yours you can impersonate a soldier or a policeman so in order for the garments to be to be proper like the physical garments they need to fit they need to be your size tailored to you then they're honest they're real and they do the job the job is to connect to people how do i connect with you how do i even know you it's not simple not simple at all because no matter how much i study you no matter how much i try to understand and no matter how well i understand it may not be you at all because what i think of you which is the garment of thought what i think of you is my business not yours it's my thoughts this is what i think so spare me the facts i don't care whether my thoughts are right it's what i think it's what i see it's what appeals to me so when i'm thinking i'm talking to myself so even if i'm thinking of you but i'm not talking to you talking to myself i'm telling myself how you appear to me now it's a beginning i at least i know you exist without thought i wouldn't even know you exist but do i know who you are probably not because the way you make sense to me that's how i will think of you it's the only way i can think of you thought serves me it's an inner garment an inner garment is not meant to make an impression on others the inner garment is for my purposes so thought being an inner garment has two features first of all you can't stop thinking can stop speaking in the middle of a sentence middle of a word you change your mind you don't want to say it so at the drop of a hat arbitrarily you cut off the word you stop in actions certainly you just stop it's just a garment so it's completely detached from you and therefore you can detach from it no matter how long you've been talking at any moment you can stop talking no matter how long you've been acting on something doing some job digging a well at any moment you stop it's not like if you've been doing it for an hour you can't stop you got attached it doesn't get attached it's a garment thought is a little different it's still a garment but it's an internal garment which means you can't not be thinking why is it still a garment because you can change the subject at will you can be thinking about one subject for hours and hours and hours and then decide enough of that i'm going to think about something else or if you're if you're a little add you don't even have to decide your thoughts will change every 10 minutes like changing a garment the other feature of thought is that it is silent no one knows what you're thinking like a garment that you're wearing but nobody sees so the reason that thinking is silent unexpressed is because it it's meant to serve you not to serve anyone else so it's communicating to yourself that's what people say you know i dress in order to express myself not really because as soon as you're expressing yourself to others it's not yourself anymore the only time you really express yourself is to yourself in privacy in what is not said in thought so you think of it this way we are two separate beings we have separate drives separate sensations i don't feel when you're cold you don't feel when i'm hungry i don't know if you're angry unless you tell me so i don't know what you're feeling i don't know what you're sensing i i don't know what's going on with you and often i'm surprised when i find out because why would you do that i never do that i never think that i never feel that so your experiences are not only independent of me but they're a little uh surprising to me because i don't have those feelings at least not the way you do so how is this ever going to be bridged how will i ever really reach you by knowing you i'm never sure that what i know about you is really you so we need a bridge a bridge is composed of three parts a base on this side of the river a base on the other side of the river which means two distant realities and then a span that connects the two bases that's a bridge if you know the letter hey the hebrew letter hey the way it is written it has a horizontal line that flows downward into a leg on the right side so the horizontal line continuous uninterrupted flows downward into a vertical line which is its right leg but then it looks like a dalid the letter dalid or the letter rich in order for it to become a hay you have to add a second leg because a hay has two legs the left leg has to be disconnected from the horizontal from the head then it's a hay if the left leg is as connected as the right leg then it's the letter s and has a completely different meaning like in the word matzah you have the letter mem and sadiq and then the hay the opposite of matzah is hamitz the leavened what is forbidden on pesach it also has a mam and it also has its attic the difference is in the third letter in the chametz instead of a hay there's a fes so the fes represents forbidden food the hay represents holy food obviously the hay and the s have very different meaning and yet their difference in in the way they're written is that tiny separation that tiny space between the second leg and the head or the horizontal line but you have three strokes which is the bridge so here's how it works there is the fact the base the reality on my side of the river there's what i am there's me on the other side of the river there's another reality and that's you now how do we bring the two together we have to have a span that bridges them those are the three garments of the soul thought my thought is my side of the river my base my reality action is your side of the river if i do for you then it's all about you the span is speech so in thought i am on my side of the river i am thinking what i think and how it appears to me and how it makes sense to me it's all my opinion it's the world according to me that's the function of thought there's nothing wrong with that because i started off being me completely independent and separate of you that's the reality so i discover that you exist but you're on the other side of the river so i have to decide in my own mind who you are what you are friend or foe it's all in my mind so i think of you the way it appears to me i am not compromising myself in any way i'm not stepping out of my reality at all i'm indulging myself but in the awareness of you some people think that thought is harmless what i think of you is none of your business i'm just thinking harmless not that harmless what i think of you is powerful it creates vibes positive vibes or negative vibes so if i think of you negatively i'm using you in an abusive way i'm using you for my entertainment if i think of you in a positive way that sends off positive vibes so it does make a difference subtly whether i'm thinking positive or negative but it's my thought it doesn't really tell me what you are but when i look at how i think i know something about myself because thought is from myself so if i catch myself thinking negative critical jealous lustful and i know my thoughts are not healthy if i find myself thinking positive respectful admirable admiringly my i'm relieved to find out that my thoughts are healthy but it's all about me even when i'm thinking about you now speech is very different speech is a little complex because it's 50 percent about me but 50 percent about you in speech i can't just say to you whatever i want to say and call it communication speech is supposed to be communication but communication means two things i reveal something of myself something of my feelings or my knowledge what i know or what i feel is communicated in speech so i am revealing something about myself if i'm just squawking to let you know that there's danger in the area that's not really communication animals do that why is it not real communication it's not telling you anything about me so speech has to be re revelation of self something of me has to escape from me into my words so it's got to be about me i don't mean in a selfish narcissistic way about telling you how important i am not about my importance but something of my experience either intellectual or emotional on the other hand in order for communication to be communication i have to speak your language it's got to be your language or i'm not communicating so if i decide to tell you something really significant about me but i say it in yiddish i am not communicating because you don't speak yiddish so i have to step out of my reality and make concessions so to speak to your reality and even when i'm speaking your language i have to say things in a way that makes sense to you if i can't make sense to you then i'm not communicating so yes it's about me that's real communication but it has to be your way your language and in a way that makes sense to you because very often you hear somebody speaking english and you have no idea what in the world he's saying so that is the power of speech then there's the power of action the power of action is your side of the river it's not fifty percent me fifty percent you it's all you so thought is all me speech 50 you action 100 you like in the classical example of a couple who are not getting along she says he's not there for me he says i'm the best husband anyone could ever want she asked for a flower to put in the in the uh on the table he bought a dozen he says you see i'm a great husband she says you see he's not there for me when i ask for one flower he comes up with a better idea why just one let's have a dozen it's never about me it's always about him see this is tricky he is convinced that he heard his wife she wanted a flower he brought flowers what could possibly be wrong with that he went beyond the call of duty he went beyond what she wanted and asked for he got a dozen now once in a while that could be nice but if you do this consistently it's very frustrating every time the wife has a suggestion he has a better one doesn't hear her to him one flower is not satisfying a dozen feels like something so he brings a dozen she doesn't want a dozen so we see when it comes to action you can't do what she asks but your way that's totally frustrating this is not speech which can be 50 50. me partly you no action means are you going to do for me what i ask if you don't do what i ask then then then you're doing something other then it's not about me at all so when it comes to action i have to put myself aside completely there's no part of me in the act for example a poor man knocks on your door he says i need something to eat you say what you really need is a job go get a job support yourself be a mensch now your idea is very good makes a lot of sense but you didn't do what he needed the action is missing he didn't come asking for an opinion he came asking for an act of kindness so you see how the second leg of the hay which is the action leg must be disconnected from the horizontal line which is your thinking your thought and your speech even though they're different they must be connected thought is all about you speech is about you communicating with somebody else you should be thinking what you say and you should be saying what you think if there's a distance or a separation even a crack between the ink of the horizontal line and the ink of the right leg the letter is invalid so the right leg must be connected the left leg the action the deed must be disconnected it's got to be all about the recipient not about you at all that's what completes the cur the bridge and the connection between two beings now when it comes to serving god these these three faculties or these three garments take on additional significance thought means what i think of god what i think of god is important to me it tells me how my mind works it reveals to me something about me even if i never communicated to anybody else but the way i think of god pretty skimpy even the greatest of scholars who knows much about god it's the human being viewing something way too big for his mind to fully grasp and so in the end we admit we'll never completely understand god because although we think about him and we have some pretty good ideas but that's how he appears to us don't know if that's really the truth of him so what we really know about god is what he tells us if he says it's true then it's then i know it's true but my thoughts can't take me there because that's just my opinion of god like the god i created in my image that's why god had to speak at mount sinai he had to reveal himself in order for us to know him so when i think of god that's good for my soul it's good for me to have thoughts of god to have an image a picture an understanding of what god is who god is then there's speech i speak to god i express myself i pray to him not to get stuff i pray to him to express myself in his language communicate when god reveals himself to us he speaks to us that's how revelation happens in speech thought does not reveal so it begins with speech what does god actually tell us he tells us what he needs done his commandments i need you to do this and i need you to do that i need you to repair the world fix the world elevate the world refine the world and make the world godly then we can both share this world in an intimate close relationship so now we know what we need to do the doing is what really creates the bridge so far there is the part of me that is just me does not really connect me to god at all those are my thoughts then there's the speech in which i'm expressing my needs myself my thoughts my feelings about god but that's only 50 me it's not all of me and it's only 50 you it's not all of you that's how speech works so it's an amazing thing to be able to speak god's language to be able to say his words that's really a profound experience in itself which is the experience of true prayer and although we're using words that are not even our own but they're his words so it's really good communication only when it comes to action when i do the mitzvah when i do the mitzvah i have crossed the bridge i've crossed the river i am now on his side completely because when it comes to action it's all him when i put on film for example there's no part of that that is about me none it's his mitzvah and when we say his mitzvah we mean the power of the act the power of the deed so when it comes to a relationship this is really amazing when it comes to a relationship my wisdom doesn't help me much [Applause] [Music] unless you need my advice my wisdom doesn't do anything for you you may admire my wisdom but that's not a relationship my love my compassion all of my emotions don't do much for you they're my emotions i'm in love i am feeling compassion yes i'm in love with you but that's me the relationship begins when i put on my garments in thought i am inviting you into my world i'm thinking about you in speech i'm communicating to you and in action i am there for you those are the three steps the three garments and they can be more valuable and more powerful in our relationship than how smart i am or how much i love you very smart people who very much love their spouse can have a miserable marriage on the other hand the person is not that bright and not that emotional but he thinks about his wife he communicates to his wife and he's there for her pretty good marriage sure the love would spice it up but it's a good marriage there's a relationship there that can be spiced up but the love without the garments is just a spice and there's nothing to put it on so that is the power of the action but even within ourselves if you want to change something in yourself you want to improve something in yourself where do you begin where do you begin i want to be more considerate of others how do i start i want to be friendlier because i want to have friends how do i start i want to be more responsible i've been reckless i need to be more responsible how do i begin you would assume start with thinking hey think about it give it a lot of thought until you're thoroughly convinced that you really do need to become friendlier or more responsible or more compassionate and then talk about it talk about it to a therapist talk about it to your friends to your spouse talk about it you want to be friendlier say friendly things you want to be more responsible speak responsibly and then you'll do the responsible thing you can assume that that is the process from the top down start with the higher faculty or the higher garment which is thought bring it down to speech and eventually you'll get your act together it can also work the other way get your act together the act will bring the communication and the communication will bring the thought work your way up from the bottom up your actions will affect your emotions your actions will affect everything you even start to understand things differently when you act differently i read somewhere where the part of the brain that controls depression sadness or depression is the same part of the brain that controls hand activity so if you do handy work it can it can protect you from a depression even get you out of a depression you need to work with your hands in order to get yourself out of your head where the depression sits so action can have an effect on the brain one of our teachers once said i went to a doctor complaining about headaches and after examining me he said your shoes are too tight and that's causing your headache he thought that was amazing if your shoes are tight it can affect your head in other words if your actions the feet are action if your actions are not correct then your head is off if your actions are correct your head is on right so you can start from the action and that will affect the more subtle or higher parts of yourself simple example do you give charity in order to become a more generous person or should you be a more generous person so that you will give charity what is the project what's the end goal to make you a better person or to make sure that nobody goes hungry so giving charity doesn't mean ennoble your character it means somebody needs to eat give him some food it's not about you ah way back in the first generation of khabad teachings came to the first chabad rebel the author of the tanya and he said something's bothering me i give a lot of charity he was a wealthy man back in russia and he says i give a lot of charity a lot of hospitality there are people in my house all the time i feed them well my problem is how can i ever be sure that all this generosity is sincere how do i know i'm sincere how do i know i'm not doing it for some ulterior motive some hidden motive it's a pretty sensitive person to ask a question like that most people would just be very proud of themselves and content knowing that they'd do good but this man was bothered am i sincere after a few moments of thought that ebba's answer to him was the hungry man when you feed him enjoys the food sincerely what more do you want in other words even the question am i sincere is inappropriate this is not about you when a poor person needs to be fed your sincerity is of no value of no relevance and should not be distracting you from the sincere enjoyment that that poor man has when you when you take away his hunger when it comes to action it's all about the other not about you at all so what would be the ultimate act of charity a poor man comes to your kitchen to your house he's hungry he asks you for some soup you say sure you're a good man you're not going to turn them away the guy needs a little soup you give him some soup but the ultimate in action would be if you would ask him what soup would you prefer what's your favorite soup because this is all about you not about me so on a subtle level if i say the guy says i need some soup and i say oh i happen to have some potato soup that's what i happen to have so that's what you're gonna get pretty decent but how much more beautiful is it when you say well which which soup would you prefer whatever it is i'll get you some i'll cook it up in other words since i'm doing it for you it should be all about you all your way not my way of course if he's very hungry you don't wait to cook another bowl of soup you give him whatever's ready but not because that's what you have because it's not about you this is a very profound story here the man is trying to be sincere the man is trying to do his mitzvah in the best and finest fashion and that ever says to him your sincerity is of no interest right now worry about your sincerity when nobody is hungry and there's nobody to feed in other words when there is no need for action then you can live in the world of thought and examine your motives and think about your sincerity and and improve if there are ulterior motives get rid of them sure self-improvement is always a good thing but not when an action needs to happen when it comes to action your thoughts your opinions your feelings even your sincerity is of no significance compared to the deed that needs to get done that's the great equalizer when the simple man unlearned out of simplicity give somebody some charity the act is as great as perfect as the act of charity performed by the greatest this most saintly individual the act is the same they each may be experiencing it differently but in the act they are the same because the act is always about the other and so if a poor man gets a bowl of soup from a simple peasant or he gets a bowl of soup from the king himself what difference does it make to his hunger to his ego maybe it makes a difference wow the king is serving me okay that's an ego nurturing to the hunger it's the same when the devil was a young boy just after his third birthday he was wearing his new keeper and it was a hot day back in russia and a man walked by a jewish man who had drifted from jewish observance and he said to the boy to the devil it's so hot and you're wearing this big yamaka this big keeper it's too hot take it off they never said you're not allowed so the man said it's okay i'll take the sin on my account i'll take responsibility for the sin and this young child said to him what difference does it make who does the sin see a sin is an act that god is not comfortable with that's why we don't do it the man said if it's a sin i'll pay for it i'll take i'll take responsibility and if there's any punishment i'll be the one getting punished the devil said to him no it's not about whether you get punished or not it's an act that god doesn't like so what's the difference who does it to him that is quite mature if you're talking about sinful thoughts sinful thoughts really has more to do with me than anybody else because i'm corrupting myself i'm taking myself to some not nice places and what will i become what will that do to me even in speech i am speaking vulgar i'm speaking nasty it's a very strong reflection on me what is happening to me what am i becoming when i when i speak threateningly or vulgarly but when it comes to action you got to get yourself completely out of the way if what you're doing is wrong you are wronging somebody and that's the only thing you should be concerned with yes you're corrupting yourself too if you're robbing banks what are you becoming a bank robber but that is so insignificant compared to the fact that you're depriving people of their money so it's really all about the other person not about yourself that's the beauty of action action is that final step that takes me away from my side of the river and completely into your side of the river i am here for you so when we do a mitzvah or refrain from doing a sin whether i'm putting on that villain or not working on shabbos that's an act it's all about him it's all about god who gave me the mitzvah who asked for this act so here's the beauty of it when god presented the torah to other nations the majority tells us the other nations asked some questions and god said never mind it's not for you when god offered the torah to our ancestors to the jewish people right after they came out of egypt were brought out of egypt our ancestors said we will do and we will hear first we'll do it yes and then we will study it so that we know how to do it properly so what was their first reaction was yes we'll do it where did that come from what inspired that answer and what did the other nations do that was wrong they asked some questions kind of makes sense before you sign on the dotted line find out what you're committing to see because when god came and said i have commandments the nations rationally asked what kind of commandments what's a commandment very rational question but when they asked that question god said never mind you blew it when god came to our ancestors and said i have commandments the first thought that occurred to our ancestors was he's the commander it's his commandment he's the commander well if they're his commandments then then my answer is yes i don't care what the commandments are once i know who the commander is i have no further questions so if they're your commandment yes i'll do them now what's a commandment what are your commandments so what did we say yes to not the commandment the commander we said yes to him if they're your mitzvahs i i i'm in i'm there for you obviously if i'm there for you whatever it is you need that's what i'm going to do you need filling fine i'll get the thrilling frankly i'm not sure what villain are and why you would do that and what meaning it has and but i don't care i'm doing it for you not for me that's why in some way the mitzvahs from which i get no benefit whatsoever no satisfaction whatsoever those are the greatest because that's all for him none at all for me same as seems true in a marriage see that your wife wants a flower you bring a dozen flowers well you figure it's good for her but it's also good for me i like a bunch of flowers one flower looks lonely so what i just did when i bought my wife a dozen flowers i was buying myself the flowers i was entertaining and satisfying myself and of course when it comes to intimacy you can be very selfish and it will affect the relationship if it's about you then it is not a proper act action [Music] if you're doing it for someone else has to be all not partly theirs it's got to be all theirs exactly the way they ask the way they want but what works for them so we want to create a oneness certainly with god the whole purpose of all the commandments is to become one with him he keeps shabbos you keep shabbos with him he is generous and feeds many of the poor you feed the rest join him become one with him through the mitzes but that oneness happens primarily because of the action loving god doesn't really do it i was on a plane long story short sitting next to a missionary woman first half of the flight she did her thing missionarized told me all about christianity second half of the flight i told her a little about judaism towards the end of the flight she said let me ask you a question i had a dilemma and i'm wondering how you would handle it my 14 year old daughter was arrested for shoplifting 400 worth they caught her at the door she says i'm a missionary my husband's a missionary you know how embarrassing it is for us to be called into the police station your daughter was arrested for shoplifting and the worst part of it she says my daughter is not even repentant she's not even apologizing doesn't feel guilty has no conscience so i said why should she feel bad why should she be repentant it's your religion not hers she says that's exactly what my daughter said i said i know many teenagers feel that way it's not their religion it's their parents religion so i asked her did you ever tell your daughter that god objects to stealing god doesn't want her to steal did you ever tell her that she said you know we don't speak like that we don't talk in terms of commandments and laws we taught her to love god the power of action it may very well be that the daughter loves god and assumes that god loves her since she loves god and god loves her god will certainly be understanding if she helps herself to some merchandise why not out of love god will forgive her never even get angry at her in the first place no one ever told her that stealing was objectionable to god so the act of stealing had no recipient there was no one you were doing it for you don't do for yourself you think for yourself you feel for yourself emotions you don't do for yourself real action is for others you make yourself lunch it's not a deed certainly that's something you're gonna write your diary and be proud of the power of the deed is if it's for you then i will do it your way before i ask for any explanations and before i come up with a better idea like that husband i'll do it i'll do what you ask and exactly the way you want it because it's all about you not about me one final thought adam and eve were created in the garden of eden and they were immortal only when they ate from the tree of knowledge did they become mortal now god creates human beings who will live forever and he gives them commandments be fruitful and multiply work the garden and protect it you imagine giving somebody who is immortal a commandment if you're really immature somebody says to you do that don't do that you're immortal i can imagine that your thinking would be i should do that what if i don't what are you gonna do kill me i'm immortal you don't want me to do that well what if i do see when you're immortal you have no ulterior motives because you're not afraid of anything you don't need anything see immortal meant you're not dependent on food because if you're dependent on food here you're mortal just a question of what's going to make you die but if you're dependent on food you're already immortal so when they were immortal means they didn't have to drink they didn't have to eat they didn't have they were going to live forever without any provisions so what was the threat there's no threat when the jews in the desert were given commandments it was like in the garden of eden they had no fears there were no threats god had just taken them out of egypt performed wonders marvelous miracles for them pretty heady stuff split the sea for them spoke to them face to face and yet when god said these are my commandments they said sure no questions because although i have no reason to do them because i'm i'm content being the way i am but if they mean something to you they're your commandments absolutely i will do it not i will study it or i feel for you you've touched me with your words no i will do it this is really about you not about me at all unfortunately over time we developed a religiosity which means spiritual needs i need the mitzvah i need to get to heaven and things like that it's not how it started it's not how it started god said i had commandments and we said your commandments what's the question of course we'll do it then we found out whether there's reward there's punishment you go to heaven you go to hell you go up you go down it was all irrelevant when we said yes because we said yes to him not to the reward so if you want to get closer do something do something completely for the other leave yourself out of it loving the other person has a lot of you in that there's a lot of pleasure and loving intimacy there's a lot of pleasure for you in it cannot claim to be doing it for the other but when you do something that only your spouse wants you don't really enjoy it much at all and without your spouse you would never you would never do that you're doing it just for him or just for her which means you're different from each other that's the best part that's the best part you don't want to become clones you don't want to be married to your shadow you want to be married to someone who needs things you don't need who enjoys things you don't enjoy who has feelings that you don't share fears ambitions that are not yours but if that's what they want and that's what they need that's what i do that is the ultimate bond that bridges the distance between us i still may not understand you properly and i may never understand you properly but i am there for you and that happens in action so that's why god speaks mostly of actions of course there's the mitzvah to love god but that's just one out of 613 there's a commandment to uh to to pray to god to turn to him in a time of need okay that's 2 out of 613 most of the commandments by far are actions not opinions and not feelings and that's why we're going on 3 33 years we've been doing it no not perfectly this is not about my perfection this is about his deeds the deeds that he asks for so we still give charity we still raise our children we still get married we still eat a little matzah on pesa we fast on yom kippur we eat we do the stuff and that's the best that's the ultimate particularly today today more than ever before the world is suffering from narcissism people can't get past themselves they can't and democracy cannot work if it's every man for himself democracy is over then the only way to keep a country together is through a dictatorship because nobody is going to agree with anybody unless forced it's a scary thought democracy is based on selflessness a devotion to an ideal that is bigger than me and more important than me narcissism says there there is nothing else besides me certainly not something more important there's nothing there's just me it's got to be my way it's got to be my way so i cannot tolerate you unless you follow my way marriages are suffering families are suffering communities as is suffering there's no cooperation you gotta either bribe or punish or threaten hopefully the time that we spend alone with a little isolation hopefully we've been thinking about this realizing that it can't be my way what's the virtue of it being my way what's the virtue of it being your way virtue means it's the right way that may not be my way may not be your way but it's the right way so we both have to surrender our narcissism and do what's right of course insisting that your way is right is part of narcissism only you can be right and it's not about the ideal it's about me so the safest place is in the action if i do something for you that's that's the real thing we're seeing a lot of it now people have become more thoughtful of each other people will go out of their way to help another person good things are happening so the narcissism is having a flare-up pretty nasty but what's really going on people are getting better and when people get better the deeds get done that's how we bring mashiach that's how we make the world the physical world a godly place because the physical responds most to activity so let's do the right thing i think abraham lincoln said well done is a bigger compliment than well said and that's well said you for your attention thank you for listening thank you for the opportunity and let's get it done let's get it done an act of charity a deed even if it's a call a phone call even if it's a message even if it's delivered orally but it's the act you you went out of your way and you did something for someone that's where all the power lies so let's make this a better world let's let's do it shalom how are you you know i do a lot of talking a lot of zooming many classes many subjects but that's all formal stuff hopefully good stuff but formal we also have a wednesday night meeting that's more informal and kind of um hamish if you want to join us for that kind of an event um interactive time for questions and so on if you want to join us for this side of conversation click on the link below and join us every wednesday night at nine o'clock well maybe not every wednesday night but we try to make it every wednesday night at nine o'clock a more informal chat which can be more enjoyable at times than the formal stuff so check it out click on the link and join us try it you'll like it [Music] you
Channel: Rabbi Manis Friedman
Views: 28,616
Rating: 4.9197464 out of 5
Keywords: education, educational, training, torah, judaism, chabad, advice, religion, how to, which religion in china, judaism beliefs, judaism definition, manis friedman, rabbi manis friedman, life
Id: Ovbq_4eQUdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 9sec (4449 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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