God Needs You To Stop Being Stressed!

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the chief rabbi of israel rabbi lao was visiting with the rebel years ago and they spoke about all the problems the difficulties and the world particularly in israel and after they discussed all the problems the rabbi rabbi lao said to the nebu so what's going to be so the rebbe said rather than asking what's going to be let's talk about what else we can do [Music] so i heard the story i was trying to understand it's good to talk about what we can do but why not also talk about what's going to be why can't you talk about both so that ever says let's not talk about what's going to be let's talk about what we can do why so one possibility is knowing all the problems and knowing all the taurus let's better not talk about what's what's going to be because it's depressing but that's not the lever style another possibility is practical what's going to be you can't control let's talk about what we can control what more can we do so that is saying let's be practical it's also not it doesn't sound like the devil [Music] i think what the deborah was saying is why do we need to talk about what's going to be we know what's going to be moshiach is going to come and it's going to be wonderful what's the question what we should talk about is until mashiach comes what more can we do that sounds like the debut so what's going to be what is our future what kind of a world will our children live in a beautiful perfect holy world no question no question because moshiach is coming and the world is going to be what it's supposed to be what does it mean what does it mean marshiach is coming we all talk about it but nobody ever explains it somebody is going to come like knock on the door maybe it's him no somebody is going to come and fix the world what what kind of what kind of what does that mean sounds childish that's why if you're careful how you say it you don't say mashiach is going to come you say moshiach is coming what is the difference going to come means you're predicting the future something is going to happen soon and it's going to be very good that's that's childish when you say mashiach is coming you're not predicting the future you're describing life he is coming not he's going to come how long has he been coming since tisha b'av since the destruction of the basal mig-dash [Music] since then 2 000 years ago mashiach is coming the world is moving in that direction every day that goes by certainly every year that goes by he is closer because of what we do so it's not that we're sitting waiting for something to happen [Music] that's irresponsible we're not waiting and we're not sitting what we do is bringing mashiach so let's understand what exactly we're looking forward to rambam says there is no mitzvah in the torah to believe in moshiach there's no mitzvah it's not one of the 613 commandments so what is the belief in moshiach belief in mashiach is really the belief in the torah because it says in the torah that mashiach is going to come so if you believe the torah then you believe mashiach it's not a separate thing but more than that there are so many mitzvoth that we can't do today because moshiach is not here from the 613 mitzvoth since the destruction of the beitan mikdash out of 613 we can do only 270. and that covers every possible mitzvah [Music] like the mitzvah of a farmer the mitzvah of an employer the mitzvah of an employee the mitzvah had to get divorced these are mitzvahs that not everybody has to do but it can be done so of all the mitzvahs that can be done we have 270 out of 613. so what's going to be with the rest of the mitzvoth we know that every mitzvah is eternal forever and ever and ever so it can't be that those other mitzvoth will never be practiced again because we know that all the mitzvoth will be observed that's why we believe in mashiach because what will mashiach do he will make the world safe enough and holy enough to do all the mitzvot what does it take what has to happen that we should be able to live completely according to the torah number one there has to be peace if we're not safe if we're not secure if there are dangers and we have to fight them and we have to worry about them then it's not it's not possible to keep all the mitzvot so number one our enemies have to end either make peace or go away the second thing is all jews have to be together and number three we shouldn't have to work because if you have to work to make a living it doesn't it doesn't allow you to keep all the mitzvoth so what's going to happen when mashiach comes there will be no war there will be no violence there will be no anti-semitism there will be no enemies there will be peace number two all jews will be together and number three and this is the best part you won't have to work the way the navi describes life in israel as it's supposed to be every person will have his date tree and his vineyard and there will be milk and honey it's a good diet very healthy figs grapes dates milk and honey not bad you won't have to work so it's a pretty nice picture how realistic is it we believe mashiach is coming tonight realistic not gonna have to work by [Music] tomorrow realistic if we didn't need oil for energy life would become very comfortable because everything would be cheap i remember listening to a to a scientist who was on the radio years ago years ago 20 years ago he was saying when we have solar energy when factories run on solar heat on solar energy we won't have to go to work so what my suggestion is everybody go out and get a library card because you're going to have a lot of free time to read and study and this is a non-jewish scientist the earth has enough treasures to feed everybody without having to work it's realistic it's only because people don't want to share and it's only because people don't want to see others successful that's why there's hunger that's why there's poverty there's no reason for it there's no need the earth can support everybody we just have to let it so it's completely realistic that we shouldn't have to work [Music] also when mashiach comes we will go back to the reality that was in gan eden they didn't have to work because everything they needed grew on trees only after they ate from the tree now they were cursed that they have to go to work to make bread what about peace is it realistic that by tomorrow we could have peace the world is tired of war war used to be exciting if you went to war it shows that you're a gebor that you're a heverman that you're today war is tiresome we don't understand why what for what are you fighting over it's ridiculous so the tolerance for war is becoming very very low nobody wants it nobody that's why there isn't a war against a country there's a war against terrorists why are they called terrorists because nobody wants war they don't even want to call it a war there are just some people who are annoying who don't realize that we don't want war and and you have to eliminate them or neutralize them so could there be peace tomorrow so easily because nobody really wants a war and there isn't really anything to fight over all jews getting together okay that's not so realistic that would be the biggest miracle of all that jews should actually get along that would be amazing you see in the torah even in the best times even in the best times this tribe didn't get along with that tribe so what would unite us how can realistically how can we expect that all jews would be united here's what we need to talk about in order to be really united we have to have something that binds us together what what really unites us is that god needs from us the same thing what i am here for you are also here for and what god needs from me includes you so if i'm good it's not enough because what i'm trying to do is give god give hashem what he needs well he needs more than me he needs you too so if everybody was trying to be a good jew we would have problems i want to be the good jew i'm better than you no i'm worse than you either way we're not together we're not on the same page but if i want what god wants well what he wants is not only me he wants you too so if i'm very good only a little piece of the job so if i want god to be happy with his people i have to worry about every one of his people because until we're all doing what he wants he is not happy this is a big change in the way that we think because the way we were taught for at least a thousand years i don't know what happened before that for at least a thousand years we were told in the yeshiva in the beta medium the message the lesson the the the torah was always are you doing what you need to do you're not you're bad be good be better be perfect that separated us everybody went home trying to be good by themselves so some person felt yes i have become good you haven't or i see you become good well i don't like you anymore because you make me feel bad so don't be so holy you're annoying me and don't tell me what to do that's the biggest the biggest problem between jews don't tell me what to do i got on a plane years ago i'm getting ready to sit down and the person right next to my seat i said do you know what time it is are we late he says you don't think i'm jewish do you [Laughter] well i don't keep all the rituals but i'm just as jewish let me first criticize you then scream you didn't even give me a chance to say something he was expecting it he was expecting me to say you're not a good jew [Music] because that's what we've been doing to each other for a thousand years and we thought that was good you know if every jew tells every other jew to be good that'll be good right yeah no no it's terrible i thought that's what you have to do this is how we were practicing judaism for a thousand years don't tell me what to do who are you to tell me how is that gonna stop how is that going to stop if everybody stops caring that's not going to help if everybody becomes tolerant that's not good that means you don't care anymore so you have to care you have to take responsibility for another jew but don't tell me what to do so how is this going to work you can feel it in the air when you go to israel the religious the dhati the haredi the the the secular you don't even have to say anything don't tell me what to do and it works both ways how is this going to end it's going to end when we realize in the torah you are not told what you need to do no place in the torah does it say be religious nowhere it says when you eat god needs you to eat like this when you work god needs you to run the business like this and not on shabbat when you get married you have to get married like this because that's what god created that's how he designed the world that's what he needs doesn't say any place you should be religious that we learned from other religions we were influenced by other religions when somebody from another religion comes to you and says i am very religious what are you what are you saying i'm not what you say is i'm trying to do what god wants that make me religious no doesn't make me anything i hope it makes him happy we all thought that way if we wake up every morning thinking what can i do to make god happy with his world we would stop arguing with each other but stop telling each other what to do don't tell me what to do what's going to happen when moshiach comes the biggest most beautiful change that's going to happen in jewish life when moshiach comes is that god won't have to tell us what he wants because we will know it instinctively we will do mitzvot like we breathe nobody ever walked around saying i breathe very well i'm the best breather in this community nobody says that nobody says i'm so tired i'm out of breath because it's been a long day i got up very early and i've been breathing since this morning without a stop [Laughter] you don't get tired from breathing why nobody has to tell you to breathe [Music] why because it's natural why does god have to tell us to keep shabbat why does he have to tell us to go to the mikvah why does he have to tell us to keep kosher why because he has his thoughts we have different thoughts so he has to communicate he has to command us to do a mitzvah so we call it ten commandments when mashiach comes there will be no commandments we will keep kosher we will keep shabbat we'll go to the mikvah we'll light shabbos candles we'll we'll do all the mitzvoth and there'll be no commandments because we will do them the way we breathe you don't need a commandment to breathe if that's how it's going to be after mashiach comes we have to start practicing it now got to get ready otherwise it'll be a culture shock getting ready for mashiach means understand how you're going to be after mashiach comes and start acting that way after mashiach comes we will all be healthy nobody will be sick so how do we get ready for that sounds like a joke but i'm serious to get ready for mashiach stop being sick be healthy expect to be healthy stop worrying about your health worrying about your health is fine when you're in galut but when mashiach comes and you have google no worry about health the most unhealthy thing is worrying about your health like one doctor said you know anxiety is a terrible thing the worst part of anxiety it makes you anxious stop being anxious start expecting good health that's this is going to be a really hard change for us to make because we love to complain about our our aches and our pains and our soreness and our oh yeah yeah this week okay slowly slowly don't shock the system but slowly cut back on that a little bit don't get old when mashiach comes we won't get old so stop stop getting old what it means is stop convincing yourself how old you are you're making yourself old is coming you got to be healthy stop another thing when mashiach comes there will be no threat there'll be no threat there will be no ghenam nobody's gonna go to hell there'll be no help so what will you be afraid of what's gonna scare you nothing so stop stop scaring yourself stop motivating yourself with fear i better get the job done i better get up early i better why because if not no it's gonna be good and don't threaten your children and you know it's not working anyway you can't threaten children today did you notice it doesn't work you scream at them you tell them you're gonna punish them and they're gonna suffer that they look at you like what are you saying this boy came from india he made friends with some american boys and they got into trouble so the indian boy said oh i'm afraid to go home my father is going to whip me and the american boy said my father's going to send me to my room and the indian boy said you have a room this is your punishment you can't threaten children anymore their room is nicer than yours what kind of threat is that threats don't work anymore they don't work don't even try all threats they don't work [Music] they used to the whole world for 5 000 years was motivated by fear and threat what a miserable world people were so miserable everything was a threat the farmer gets up early in the morning wakes up his 11 year old boy got to go to work milk the cow plow the fields and the boys said why do we have to well because if we don't we'll miss the season and nothing will grow we're going to starve we're going to die so the kid got up [Music] everything was because of a threat [Music] that is not a happy way to live everything you did from morning to night was because you didn't want to die what a depressing wife then religion came along and said you think dying is going to end your problems [Music] you're going to have problems after you die thank you good to know meshiach coming means life will become good you know what that means you don't have to threaten me i'm not going to live because i'm afraid of dying i'm going to live because life is good don't threaten me today if you want to motivate somebody you have to show them the beauty the importance and the truth if you threaten they lose respect for you and they're right because why are you threatening why are you threatening because you don't have an explanation don't know what else to say you say to your child it's time to go to sleep child says i don't want to no you have to go to sleep now i don't want to what's the next thing you say you're gonna suffer oh in other words you really don't know why i should go to sleep either do you you have no explanation for why i need to go to sleep that's why you're threatening me is god doing the same is judaism doing the same thing be careful what you eat it must be kosher really why it must be why it better be why you want to burn in hell i see you don't have an explanation life is good it doesn't need a threat and what is so good about life you're here to do something for him he needs you to serve him he created you to serve him not to worry about yourself so why do we grow up with all these worries am i good am i good am i good enough am i better than what's his name the answer to that is no you're not good you're never going to be good nobody cares nobody cares the only time anybody asks is he good is if they want to marry him right the only time you wha what's the difference whether he's good or not good if you're thinking of marrying him you want to find out if he's good you find out he's good you marry him and now you don't care if he's good you don't care anymore so really how important is it that you be good who's gonna care we don't need to be good we need to do what we were created to do and everyone can do that you don't have to be a genius you don't have to be a tadiq you don't have to be special everyone can do what they were created to do in fact if you can do what you were created to do without being smart you're lucky you can fulfill your purpose without being a genius that is so lucky it's like your your washing machine breaks down and you call the mechanic he pulls up with a truck a big truck full of tools you say wow this is a mechanic you call another mechanic he comes in with a screwdriver that's all whatever is wrong with your machine he can fix with one screwdriver that's a mechanic the guy who needs a whole truck he's just learning if you need to be a genius and it's and rich and famous in order to fulfill your purpose your truck is too big if you can fulfill the purpose for which you were created and you don't need a truck you just wake up in the morning and you do what you're supposed to do you're such a genius a genius in simple god is telling us what i need from you you don't need a truck full of tools you don't need talents and you don't need to be a genius and you don't need to work hard and you don't need to go to school to know what i need from you you can be perfect with the tools you already have and this you say to a 13 year old boy or to a 12 year old girl you can serve god and fulfill your purpose and you haven't even started learning yet so who's good who's not good who's better who's worse it doesn't matter that can unite us that does unite us [Music] we're sitting here tonight it's not shabbat it's not yumtov it's not yom kippur why are we sitting here tonight why [Music] to find out what we need to do not to find out how to become better and that's true of a husband and wife you want to be a better husband stop it you're making your wife miserable the more you want to be a good husband the more miserable your wife is going to be guaranteed [Music] any man who ever said to me i'm a good husband i immediately called up the wife hello you bleeding are you alive what did he do to you any man who wants really to be a good husband is going to make his wife miserable any woman who wants to be a good mother your children are not going to like you stop it stop being good it's annoying don't be a good husband just make your wife happy what kind of talent do you need for that none none she married you because you are you not because someday you're gonna become a genius you want to be a good mother take care of the kids don't be a good mother nobody really knows what a good mother is anyway nobody knows what a good husband is what's a good husband if your wife is happy you're a good husband what's a good jew that's a terrible question any jew who says i'm a good jew okay i get the picture maybe someday you'll do chuva you're a good jew what does that mean you've done everything god needs from you i want to share with you a piece of wisdom that i just heard recently i think it's amazing especially if you're a grandmother or a grandfather listen to this brilliant if you raise your children if you teach your children then you can spoil your grandchildren but if you spoil your children you're going to have to teach your grandchildren isn't that true yeah you can spoil your grandchildren because you taught your children but if you spoil your children you're gonna have to raise your grandchildren and it's very hard because you're not the same age so raise your children don't be a good mother raise your children if you raise them well then then you'll be a good mother they will think you're a good mother good enough so take the burden off this is mashiach means a world that works you don't need threats you don't need to be a hero you don't need to be a genius life works why is it so complicated why do i have to put in so much effort just to make life work life doesn't need that much effort when mashiach comes we will see how natural how easy how how pleasant life really is so we got to start practicing that somebody comes i'm trying so hard to be a good jew i don't know i'm tired because what you're doing is wrong just do it don't try so hard and if you're trying hard then you must be doing something that is not your job if you're doing your job it should come natural that's why trying to be a good mother is so exhausting trying to be a good jew is so discouraging why because you're not supposed to be doing that don't be a good mother it's too hard just enjoy your children don't be a good jew put on it villain well if i put on trillion every day will i be a good jew who cares probably not i know you who cares here's my final little story in minnesota there was a man who really really wanted to be good he wrote to the devil and he said i'm very depressed i'm very discouraged because i sin so badly terrible it ever writes back to him you have to serve god with joy stop thinking about all the bad things and serve god with joy doom its vote and do it happily [Music] he writes back to the heaven he says if you knew how bad i was am if you knew how bad i am you wouldn't tell me to be happy listen to what that ever answered him trevor said i doubt that you know how bad you are [Music] you have no idea how bad you are and i'm still telling you stop thinking about it and serve god with joy what made the rebels suspect that he doesn't know how bad he is i mean it's true of most people right most people don't realize how bad they are but when a person says i am so bad you obviously don't know how bad you are because if you knew how bad you were you would stop you would stop when a person knows that he's very bad he stops being bad but when a person says i'm depressed i can't help it i don't know i'm so bad no you don't know how bad you are because you keep doing it if you really knew how bad it was you would stop so the problem with being bad is that it makes you feel bad don't do that yeah the sin is bad it's very bad it's much worse than you think but if you start to feel bad you're going down not up so anxiety makes you anxious sadness makes you sad that's the problem with it guilt makes you feel guilty not a good thing so what should i do what do you mean what do you mean what you should do do what you were created for what could be more natural than that and don't tell me you can't do what you were created for that doesn't make any sense when we put the focus on ourselves am i good am i right am i you're messing yourself up stop thinking about yourself you are what you are that's natural now think about what god wants that won't mess you up and it won't separate us it'll bring us together i'm trying to do what god wants you too oh that's nice how about him let's go get him to do what god wants this is uniting us not separating us so is mashiach ready to come are we ready for a mashiach deca world yes the earth can feed us we don't have to work people don't want war as soon as they figure out how to stop shooting they'll stop and will jews get along of course we'll get along just stop trying so hard that's the world according to moshiach nice so you're going to be good you're going to get better [Music] you really should because otherwise you're going to suffer see today if you try to be better you're going to suffer because it's going to make you crazy we have to start thinking like moshiach world is good i'm here to serve god i have no problems i'm going to be healthy there's nothing to worry about stop with the threats come on just breathe breathe just be who you are it's not scary every jew needs to make a kiddush hashem right yeah i mean we know hashem is the worst thing you can do right so kiddush hashem is the greatest thing you can do what does kidus hashem mean what does it mean is his name if i do something right because i know that that's what hashem wants that's hashem if i do good things because i'm a good person is that a kid hashem no no it's a kidrosh me people will think that i'm great i'm great i am great everybody should know how great i am that'll be a kidus hashem no it won't it has nothing to do with hashem has to do with you and when people act the way god wants it's very nice so who is the compliment to the compliment is tahasha that's called kidus hashem einstein impressed the whole world everybody knows brilliant smart einstein unfortunately not we have to raise our children to know that they must produce kids hashem not impress everybody with how talented they are take the pressure off your children they have way too much pressure they have to be this and they have to be that they have to be good they have to be talented they have to be athletic they have to be good looking they have to too much pressure they don't have to the only thing that has to is god's plan everything else doesn't have to so our decision should be all pressure off me i'm not trying to be special i'm not trying to be better but god's plan has to work so if i can do something for him i will do it gladly that's kidus hashem it's also a healthy way to live so what are husband and wife how do they get along how do they bond how do they make each other strong not by trying hard just by being available to serve not trying to prove anything what i'm saying is that in a marriage if you are there to serve if there's something you can do for your husband or there's something you can do for your wife that's your job so how can you be a good husband you don't even know what your wife wants so many men say doesn't matter what she wants i'm a good husband [Laughter] no that doesn't work [Music] i do everything for her that i think she needs and if she doesn't agree with me that's because she's not a good wife like the man who went to the psychiatrist told him all his problems and the psychiatrist said you're jealous of your brother he said i don't have a brother the psychiatrist says look if you don't want to cooperate then i can't help you i make my wife happy but she's not happy that's her problem [Music] but i'm a good husband what kind of thinking is this don't be a good husband just have a happy wife don't be a good jew just finish god's plan make kiddush hashem that's what we're famous for let's do it then we get along then there's no difference between one jew and another and if there is a difference who cares what's the difference if there's a difference the main thing is we are doing for hashem what he created us to do that's got to feel natural and easy if it doesn't feel natural you're not doing it right so what's going to be what's going to be you read the newspapers you listen to the news what's going to be i'll tell you what it's going to be it's going to be amazing it's going to be wonderful it's going to be such a jewish world not everybody becoming jewish but everybody doing what they were created to do can get better than that so be happy be proud not of yourself but of your mission it's a wonderful mission and everybody is part of that mission everybody if we wake up in the morning imagine people wake up in the morning and they say what does god need from me today you think there'll be wars there'll be no wars you think there'll be jealousy there'll be no jealousy you think there'll be sadness there'll be no sadness what are you sad about [Music] that's how life is meant to be and it hasn't been for a thousand years and it's getting a little annoying it's time to start living and living means let him have the world that he wants and he will thank you for it what a great deal [Music] so don't be good just do the right thing go home and stop being good this is called marriage counseling go home and stop being good just be available don't tell god how good you are just be available that can't make problems that can only make things better right how do we know what our mission is we all want to do our mission but how do you know what it is [Music] take a quick look around in your life [Music] who needs you the most that's your mission when you fix that then look around in a bigger circle who else needs you that's your mission and if you're very very energetic check out the whole neighborhood check out the whole state who needs you and when you needed you know what to do so don't make up a job that's craziness today you make up this job and next week you'll make up another job you'll drive yourself crazy don't make up a job look around who needs you who did god introduce into your life so that you can help no mysteries so good a man says i want to help i want to do good i want to help people i just don't like my wife oh my god so the person who needs you the most you're not interested i don't think you really want to help so look around see what community what context god put you in same is true with work you go to work and you think you're going to work in order to make money no you're going to work in order to meet people that you would not meet if you weren't at this job [Music] those people what can you do for them what can you teach them what can you encourage them to do how can you help make their life easier they're there in your world it's not an accident if you help them if you do something for them you won't have to work you're only there because you're meant to meet them somebody wrote to the devil once i'm in the hospital uh my the doctor says this and the doctor says that and i wanted and the debbie said stop listening to the doctors you're not there for yourself look around who needs you in the hospital don't ask the doctor what's wrong with you tell the doctor what's wrong with him you're there to contribute not to take and if you contribute then you can go home from the hospital you're there to make things better not to be sick god doesn't want anybody sick but only if you're sick do you get to meet these people that you can help and as soon as you help them you're not sick anymore any other question the problem is ego if everything is about me then i'm an unhappy person so how do we stop how do we stop feeling that everything is about me you don't you don't fight don't stop your ego notice other people and if you spend a lot of time noticing other people your ego will melt away because you're not giving it any attention for instance when you say don't try to be a good mother just be and do do you mean aren't you trying to say it's not about your ego use things don't do things for your children to feed your ego yes don't right don't pressure your children don't use your children to make yourself feel good about you [Music] you know why because it's not going to work your children are not going to listen they're not going to be what you want them to be and you'll be a failure and your ego is not going to like it so you can't win like that all of this really is is about everything i think you talked about tonight is don't try to be a good jew don't try to be a good wife or don't try to be a husband it's about remove your ego about everything in life how do you do that not by fighting your ego and trying to kill it look around who needs you get excited about helping others only positive no fighting your ego that's the key [Music] yeah good point good point if you're serving god isn't that just slavery not if he really needs it if you're doing something and nobody needs it that's horrible that was the slavery in egypt [Music] we were forced to build houses and then they knocked it down while we were watching because they don't did they didn't need it that is cruelty but if i know that i'm doing something that has to get done that's not slavery that's a privilege you're a partner with god the world is not complete after he created it it's not complete but after you do what you need to do the world will be complete that's a compliment not a slavery but it's a very good point because we're always told that god doesn't need you but you should serve him something doesn't sound right i should serve him but he doesn't need me but now it's in the reverse it's like he's serving like i'm serving him and he cannot do anything for me exactly right all you need all you need is a mission and he's giving you a mission that's all you need we really are better creatures than we think we are we love to serve not be served we don't in fact a minister asked me do you believe in the savior christianity so i said i'm not interested in a god who's going to serve me i want to be able to serve god the man started to cry he says i never thought of that all his life he's trying to get god to serve him help me save me give me bless me that's not even a human being we'd rather serve than be served how are you you know i do a lot of talking a lot of zooming many classes many subjects but that's all formal stuff hopefully good stuff but formal we also have a wednesday night meeting that's more informal and kind of hamish if you want to join us for that kind of an event interactive time for questions and so on if you want to join us for this side of conversation click on the link below and join us every wednesday night at nine o'clock well maybe not every wednesday night but we try to make it every wednesday night at nine o'clock a more informal chat which can be more enjoyable at times than the formal stuff so check it out click on the link and join us try it you'll like it you
Channel: Rabbi Manis Friedman
Views: 68,763
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Keywords: education, educational, training, torah, judaism, chabad, advice, religion, how to, which religion in china, judaism beliefs, judaism definition, manis friedman, rabbi manis friedman, life, start online college today, apply for online college classes
Id: Dv3-F5ju1iU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 0sec (4260 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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