Getting Started with MPC Live 2 | the Step Sequencer
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Channel: Jae Freshmen
Views: 5,180
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: akai mpc live 2, akai mpc live, akai mpc live ii beat making, mpc live ii beat, akai mpc live 2 beat making, akai mpc live 2 sequencer, mpc live 2 tutorial, mpc live 2 tutorial beginner, how to use the mpc live, mpc live 2 drum synth, mpc live 2 getting started, mpc live 2 workflow, mpc live 2 demo, standalone mpc live ii, akai mpc beat making, beginner mpc live tips, making a beat AKAI, HOW TO USE MPC LIVE 2, akai mpc live 2 timestretch, how to time stretch a sample
Id: roksDB7ROkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2023
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