How to Use 808s on MPC | Workflow + Tips

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foreign [Music] PC I'll be seeing this in a lot of forms and a lot of groups of like beginners just trying to understand how they can lay out their 808s how they can find the key how to make their 80 wastes hit a bit harder and also this useful tips along the way we're going to be going over all of that so make sure you stay tuned into the whole video yeah let's just jump right into it so right off the bat I got like my drum beat and the melody [Music] when you are starting off on NPC you always want to go to a new track when you're laying down their drums or the 808s or anything like that you can choose between putting your 808s on the drum program or the key groups the most common way that you're going to go about using your 808s is going to be through the key groups but I think the drum program is good for performance and if you want to layer your 80 waist on top of your kick because sometimes you don't have to switch your pitch of your 808 all the time there are those beats where you just have that 808 descending on that one note and it just sounds good and convenient to this layer the kick and the 808 together so I'm gonna show you that towards the end of the video so let's just go to our key groups from our key groups it's automatically going to go to another program we can also just label that real quick 808 make sure you stay organized so now it's time to find our 808 so shift and menu goes to the browser quick you can also double click on the menu as well and it brings you there and then I'm gonna go to my 808s I like this 808 re so I'm gonna just press load and now you can see it's been loaded on all 16 pads the next thing you want to do is go to menu and Pad 14. this is where you would change it from note on to one shot this is with no on as soon as I release it just cuts off and you can actually play out the whole duration if you hold it down but we're going to get back to note on because it's going to be useful after we lay down our 808 pattern so for right now one shot is as good because you're just able to switch between notes a lot faster now you can see that when I hit this note and the other note it doesn't cut off that's because the Polyphonic is on 16 and you want to put it to Mono now this doesn't mean if you have a stereo 808 and you switch to the mono that is going to be a mono this model means that it's only going to play one voice at a time now when I hit this note and hit this note is going to cut off so now you don't have that overlapping 808 so once you have this set up you're pretty much good to go then you just want to hold down shift and go to 16 level that's a shortcut to get the pad performed you just want to switch to notes so what notes allows you to do is simply pick a scale and if you already been making a beat you could just go to that scale so it could just line up like if your beat is in c minor you could easily just go to C minor and if it's not on the miner you could just find it in the section right here now before you do this the most important step is to go to shift and Sample edit because you want to know what key your 808 is in but it's a simple thing to find the key of your 808 and you just go to the second menu right here where the arrow is showing click that and then you'll see that is in C now how do I know that is correct not only because it shows right here but also if I was to just scroll to a different key let's say G sharp there's a feature right here that is not highlighted but it says detect key and then you can just click that it does a great job when it comes to the one shots for the most part it's going to be accurate because it's just one note so now let's go back to shift 16 levels another thing to keep in mind as you see it says C2 now C2 that's a very low octave so if you want to raise your octaves you can just click the plus sign it's actually bring it up to the third octave and have it on Bank a so now a quick shortcut for you if you want to go to the fourth octave or the fifth octave now I can just click Bank B to get to C5 now we can figure out what key the sample is in so you get this hair off the back that c doesn't sound right you don't have to have the best air but if you know your scales you can easily kind of figure out so it's like okay I hit C sharp I hit D sharp and I hit e so off the back I could already be thinking about the C sharp minor scale so then I could just go up one from here and then put it on note and let's see [Music] and all those notes sound good so that might take you some time but hey you gotta practice if you want to be a better producer all you have to do is get good at remembering your major and your minor skills now I'm just going to lay out a quick pattern [Music] so now we have that pattern and you can hear that the 808 is still in the high octave yeah you could just highlight it and then transpose and bring it down but faster way you could just go to track go to transpose I just want to go down the lower octave so I just do negative 12 and it doesn't affect anything else because it's specifically on this track so now I could play it back and it will sound like this we interrupt this program to bring you a special announcement if you've been liking all these tips and tricks so far I had many more tips in my new ebook that I just dropped called sauce it up it is a collection all of my YouTube shorts but in the ebook I name everything to where it's more convenient for you to find what you're looking for right away you just click on it and then you get to read it or you can click on the link to send you straight to the video now this is also just a great way if you want to help support the channel if you've been finding value with my videos I definitely would appreciate it so make sure you check out that ebook links will be in the description I also have the limited edition version where you get a free 30-minute call with me and we can talk about any MPC questions you have and that is going to be limited of course so I'm only going to be accepting a few people and you also get a free update to when I compile the next YouTube short staff find and come up with now let's just get back into it can we get a drum roll please [Music] so now that you have your 808 pattern done the reason why I said to go back to program edit and put it on note on because let's just play it you see how the 808 doesn't cut off still going on you don't want that especially when it comes to you adding in your mutes and doing the rest of your Arrangement you want it to just cut off as soon as you press mute or even when you press stop so you want to go back to note on when you have it on note on it's going to all cut short it's going to sound something like this [Music] so you want to be able to stretch out your notes now you're not going to want to just go through each individual one and at the end no you're going to go to the fourth Q Link so that you can scroll over at like a bar or so go to the pencil tool put a note right here on that last bar and I'm gonna tell you why in a second then you want to go to TC which is your time correction go to Legato and it stretches out your notes and the reason why you wanted to put that note because this is also in a dog like in FL Studio if there's not a note right here and you just press Legato it won't sustain everything else and then you can just easily erase that and I also did that on my sample as well so that's why everything is cutting off at the right time so I could do something like this with the music [Music] now we could get into some fun tips if you want to get creative is go to sample and then you could throw like an open hi-hat or some kind of texture onto your 80 weights so we can even load like a hi-hat on the 808 so you can do a lot of cool stuff you could even just reverse that hat you can do a lot too you could even reverse your 80 weights so that could be a cool effect if you just weren't like a transition let's say you did have an 808 that was in Stereo and you just want to put the lows in mono or the whole thing in mono or you know put some stereo in the highs you could use this plug-in called stereo width which is in the modulation section and you just select that click there and from here you can divide from the highs and the mids and the lows so if you just want to put your whole thing in mono you can just drop the width down to zero percent this 808 I believe is already in mono but this is good just to show you another effect that I like to throw on when it comes to like spicing up your 808s just use some of the Vintage effects man I'm gonna just select it and have it off here's how this 808 sounds with and without it so I want you to pay attention hear how there's going to be more body to the 808 so first with it off foreign so that's something that I like to add and I don't really do too much with my 808s I know a lot of beginners are always looking for the tips like oh how do I make it hit hard and all that it really just comes down to using a nice drum kit if you have to do so much to where you have to put a compressor Distortion and all this stuff it's two things gone wrong it's either you have to work better on your sound selection or you just need better 80 weights so if you're looking for a good edit weights and a wide variety a selection of 80 weights this is a good kit I have a link in the description you can go check that out and what I like to do is actually go shift browser and since I already have my pattern and with this kit since everything is in C I could just have this pad on green and just flip through and play with the beat [Music] yeah even lavish sound dope and another tip if you're scrolling through all your 808s and you're loading them it does like fill up your project so you do want to get rid of those and the way you would get rid of those is just go into menu go on your projects and then you want to purge unused samples so it's going to take away all the samples that aren't being used so now I'm just going to show you guys how you could use 808s in the drum program real quick so let's just go to a separate track and switch the program so we can even just go to our drum program go to the program edit menu in pad 14 go to samples and then just go to 808 re and then just do the same this is how fast you can just load up all these ones and while you're loading them up yeah you put in the same sample but then you just want to switch the notes and you can see these are very loud so what you want to do is just go to main go to the eye icon go to the first option and this is going to be your individual pads that you can control the levels to now let's say you don't want to have to go through manually and put all the levels you could just put everything onto a sub mix so I'm gonna put this on sub one so I'll put that to sub one put that to sub one [Music] so now all those are in sub mix one and then I could just go to my mixer turn down my subjects so now they all at the same levels let's go back to menu pad 14 let's actually put in the right Keys first so from here I could just go up a semi tone to get to C sharp and then I could also use like D sharp and then I could also use like e and then I'll put this to F sharp so now I have so since it's overlapping let's go to Global now you don't want to go to the global section and put it on mono because remember you're not going to be able to properly finger drum because they're just cutting off each other so that's why you want to keep your drums on polyphonic so now is how can you make sure that 80 weights don't overlap if the whole program has to be a polyphonic well then you go to the mute groups now mute groups is where you could just mute individually so I could have all my 808s on new group one so anything in mute group one would cut off on each other so now it's not going to overlap so now you could be playing along with your drums like [Music] yeah I still gotta improve all my finger drumming skills but this is the way where now you can start playing around and having more fun with it which I like to do sometimes and this is actually how you become more unique with your rhythms because now you're playing it out with the 808s and everything going on so you can also even go to your kick and then lay area 808. so now I can have my kick in my 808 thank you and there you have it that's the rundown on the 808s you may think oh that seems like a lengthy process but remember this is just a video once you get more into the workflow is this going to be something that's just going to be very fast to you it's not going to really take as long as you think it is to set it up but what I didn't go over is how to like really use slides so if you want to know how to do 808 slides on the NPC I suggest you check out this video next and peace
Channel: Jae Freshmen
Views: 10,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: akai mpc live 2, akai mpc live, akai mpc live ii beat making, mpc live ii beat, akai mpc live 2 beat making, akai mpc live 2 sequencer, mpc live 2 tutorial, mpc live 2 tutorial beginner, how to use the mpc live, mpc live 2 drum synth, mpc live 2 getting started, mpc live 2 workflow, mpc live 2 demo, standalone mpc live ii, akai mpc beat making, beginner mpc live tips, making a beat AKAI, HOW TO USE MPC LIVE 2, akai mpc live 2 timestretch, how to time stretch a sample
Id: iqr40tQec2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2023
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