How To Use Mpc XYFX Automation | Ultimate Guide

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[Music] just ain't there [Music] in today's video we're going to be learning about the XY effects how to set it up how to use it and how to get through a couple issues you may come across and if you don't know what the xyfx is it's pretty much just automation for different kind of filters and I'm gonna show you all the filters that they have so right here I got this beat and I'm just going to go to the XY effects and understand that XY effects it correlates to the program that you're on I have track one and I have my chop at the bottom and that's the program that I want to affect and I'll just go to xyfx and as you can see it says xyfx has not been loaded onto this program and it's going to be inserted just like a plug-in so if you go to the mixer it's going to pop up right here and you can actually find the XY effects if you go to harmonics [Music] and scroll all the way down and you'll see it right there now if you look at the top it says output one and two if you have it on output one and two that is going to be your master Channel and we'll get back to that because there is a couple issues that people are facing when it comes to the master Channel and that they're trying to record Automation and it doesn't work but I do have a workaround to that but the first thing is it's a lot easier to do with the programs so let's just insert it now keep in mind if you do have a lot of plugins you may want it to just be at the bottom like how I have it I'll have it on insert four so instead of just going here and then clicking through this screen you want to just insert it yourself and just insert it at number four now let's say you ran out of inserts there's no worry to that all you have to do is just go to the top where it says output one and two click on it with your scroll wheel and then just use one of the sub mixes that's going to be the workaround so you would just switch that to submix and then you can just easily put it through the sub mix by going to submix one you can also do it on the returns now that we have our XY effects set up in our program if you look at the bottom right you could go to setup and setup is just going to show you all your filters so if you click the scroll wheel on the left side you can see all the different filters that you have so it's really user friendly you just play your beat and then you just mess around with the effects so let's just do that [Music] foreign [Applause] close attention like if you come over here as you can see these are eight notes and 16th notes you just gotta look at the numbers right here so 16 notes 32 notes eight notes and then you come to a fourth a half a bar and then two bars and then depending on where you at in each box has like a different frequency range so let's say you find like a pattern that you like and you want to record that in your automation is on right so the green means it's on read and read this means it just gives you the time to practice and the audition your effects and then you can just press right and that's going to record it so you don't even need to do anything but just press play start [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] now let's say you didn't like what you have and you want to delete it you can press undo but the thing about undo you're going to have to like press it a lot to make sure that it deleted the automation that you want so take your time with it don't just press it like crazy because you might delete something that you didn't want to or you could go to your grid mode so we could just double click main then you just press this Arrow up click on velocity click into velocity and then you can see all the different automations right here and you can just go through and just delete it you can just use the Eraser tool and this you know take that out so now let's hear it so there's no automation but if you press undo then you have it back now another cool thing is latch so latch pretty much holder effect for you so you don't have to just hold down let's say you're using a low pass filter so let's go to a low pass filter manual and manual as you can see it shows in green anything else that shows into blue like let's go up for instance for the beat repeat low pass filter and it's in blue that means it's synchronized to a beat and if you want something more free you would just go to a low pass manual filter make sure that you not this doing things and you have right on so you got to really pay attention make sure you turn it back to red and even when you're making a beat a quick tip is to use shift and then click the Automation and it turns it off completely so let's say I do want like a one bar two bar Loop of it just being in the low pass filter and I just don't want to hold it I can just keep on latch and then I can just play it now you can always just press restart and just add it in but let's say you want to add something at the beginning the best way way to go about that is this to get that count up so it's over dub in place start and then I can just let go let us do its thing I can even switch it up and hold it there [Music] and there you have it and let's say like you're performing and you want to set it up with your Q links so the easiest way to set it up with your Q links is go to menu and then you can either hit menu and Pad 2 or you can just go to the menu and go to Q Link edit and with the Q links you want to go to the program and you will just go to the first one and go to the insert that your xyfx is on so I have my XY effects on insert 2 on my drum program so I want the first one to be enabled so it could turn on the automation I also want to have it momentarily so it turns off and then I'm gonna go to insert two again and do the X access and then I'm gonna go to the third knob and do the y-axis and then you can just mess around with the momentary to see if it works with your workflow let's go back you don't even have to be on the XY screen too I'm gonna show you what momentary does and it just pretty much turns off the effect by itself so let's say you have it like this foreign [Applause] [Music] once I let go then the effect turns off by itself so that might be useful for your workflow and it may not and let's say you want to change it let's go to menu pad 2. let's take it off a momentary enjoy [Music] so yeah it just depends on your workflow using the Q links without the momentary might be a bit challenging and also using the Q links might be a bit challenging because you're not going to be able to see like what part of the grid you're on so now that we know how to set it up and use it and even use our Q links let's go over a couple issues you may face now keep in mind if you don't have the latest update which is 12.11.9 you may face problems on like it not recording in program or some kind of issues that you're having and other people is not having you probably just got to update your NPC so make sure you do that so one issue you may face is layering let's say you want to use your low patch filter throughout the whole thing and then you want to layer another thing you're not going to be able to do that which I find kind of odd like they should give you an option where to make it a lot easier but I found a workaround so let's just record like a little attach filter on this part I'm just going to mess around with it and I might just use the latch feature again make sure it's on right now let's say you wanted to use the different effects you can't just like go to a different effect and put on beat repeat because this is what's going to happen [Music] so pretty much it just switched to the beat repeat and it took it off of your low pass filter manual and we don't want that so the only way to keep that and also layer on top of that is to use Looper now I'm not going to dig too much into Looper I can do a video on that if you want me to let me know in the comments and if you have found this video to be useful right now I would appreciate if you like And subscribe we're going to switch from input to resample left and right and then we're going to hit record now keep in mind of the bars that are in each sequence there's couple limitations on the NPC and you're just going to have to find your workarounds so the highest amount of bars you could get with the Looper is 16. now for me I usually just do eight bar sequence I don't really get to 16 and if I do get to 16 you'll still be fine but if you have like a 64 bar sequence or 32 Bar sequence it depends on your workflow you may have to switch up your workflow a bit if you want to start using the xyfx lot more it just depends now even though the highest is 16 I still want to just go to the amount that is originally at which is eight because if you go to 16 it's just going to play over and it's just going to get messy that way so then you just want to press record and then you want to just hit play start also you want to have it on play you don't want to have it on overdub because when you're recording it and then finish the eight bars it's going to start back over and it's going to be even louder because it's going to be another take on top of your original take and then we could just export that and if you wanted a new program set up make sure you set up a program before you do this I'm gonna go to a new program which is program six and I can just put it on pad one keep it and then all I have to do is shift and Sample edit so then you could just assign it to that pad we could either do non-destructive slices or we can do pad parameter so you want to mute everything else so I did that with track one track two track three we could go to that program and insert an effect or we could do like flanger and we could do that manual [Music] so you can just mess around with it so that would be like the workaround enabled for you to layer other effects on top of one another and essentially that will be the same thing you would do for the outputs so let's say your outputs is not working properly so what you want to do is have on Looper you could clear the other one you want to press record and you're going to do play start but you're also going to hit next sequence very fast so do the double tap and I know this is kind of crazy but this is the only work around that I found right now so [Music] make sure we set up another program and just go to track six and go to program seven you get a Solo weight solo mutes everything else then we could go back to Looper export it program seven call it sample edit as well and keep foreign [Music] you can even just get creative with your effects too like [Music] so that's how I would go about it yeah it's a bit of a stretch working with the XY effects but I promise you if you're patient with your music you're going to get great results so just remember just create and if you like this video like And subscribe and share with your other producer friends also if you found the tips helpful in this video then I recommend you watch the next video it's full of gems and it's my top 10 tips and you don't want to miss number nine and number 10. it's a game changer
Channel: Jae Freshmen
Views: 10,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: akai mpc live 2, akai mpc live, akai mpc live ii beat making, mpc live ii beat, akai mpc live 2 beat making, akai mpc live 2 sequencer, mpc live 2 tutorial, mpc live 2 tutorial beginner, how to use the mpc live, mpc live 2 drum synth, mpc live 2 getting started, mpc live 2 workflow, mpc live 2 demo, akai mpc beat making, beginner mpc live tips, making a beat AKAI, HOW TO USE MPC LIVE 2, akai mpc live 2 timestretch, xyfx mpc live 2, akai mpc automation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Tue May 02 2023
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