How to Sample From Your Phone on MPC Live 2

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well all the stem separation plugins that are out like Sado rip X fedar and even FL Studio I made this came up with my own workaround for having stem Separation on the MPC but you're going to have to stay tuned into the end because in today's video we're going to be learning how to sample from our phone and I'm going to be going over the sampler and sharing this features and how you can use it to your advantage along with some tips that I like to do the first thing that you're going to need is y cables and they call this y cables because of how the cord is shape as you can see and this is two mono signals quter in going out to a stereo out which is a 8 in which is like a headphone jack and if you have an iPhone you want to have this dongle attached I will have the links of the equipment that I use in the description these are Amazon Link at no additional cost it just helps support the channel but for a quick disclaimer it won't be these same cores because these cores I actually got here in Thailand from a music shop so this is their brand I feel like if you spend anywhere from 10 to20 $20 you can get a decent CT that will last you some kind of time like if you want to go crazy and get like the $30 $40 one you know you can do that but I don't think you have to get that crazy I would not pay less than 10 I feel like paying less than 10 is kind of more on the cheap side so the quality might not be the best so now all you have to do is just plug these into the in which is right next to your SD card right next to the midi out you're going to see that it says left and right and you going to also see that it says n on the top so mine's are label so I put the right at the bottom and I put the left at the top and you can see I'm on a drake girls one girls track I like that track but I really like towards the end and I want to sample that in so the first thing you want to go to do is go to menu and go to sampler now there's also shortcuts to get to the sampler you could double click on mix and then there you have it you could also go from menu to pad 16 there you have it you can also do shift and mix so it's just whatever works with your workflow the starting at the top you have your tuner I don't find it to be that great and I rarely use that and then you have your segments like you could change the amount of bars to what part of the song then you have your inputs as you can see you could you switch your different inputs you can also resample and then sample your beat into this which can be conven and then you can change your outputs from stereo to Mono we're just going to skip past the insert part for right now and then that brings us to our threshold and I'm going to explain why you would want to have it up versus why you want to have it down as well and then where it says off you want to turn that to in having it on in is now where you can monitor it so you can hear it from your speakers or if you have headphones you will hear it I'll just play it real quick yeah say that you a lesbian yeah so I ain't going to play too much of it but you can hear that and then it comes to over here we have the timer of our sample and then you have the arm button right there to record in and then you have the max length so yours is probably going to be a bit lower it might just start off as a minute or wherever it's at you can make it longer by using the Q links as you can see I just use the Q links for the minute and the fourth knob will be the seconds so you can go to the top of the Q Link and you can also see that you can control the threshold you can control the minutes and the seconds then it brings us to the bottom four sample methods which is sample slice pad tap and Pad hold and they all have its own unique way of using it now I can get into showing you that starting off with sample sample is pretty much you just hitting a pad and then you just letting the song play out and it's going to be on that pad so what we can do is arm it and then right here it says waiting for Signal So based on where your threshold is at I could just pressed play and then it would trigger by itself but look what happens when I press play and cor should is at the top you can see that it's not starting so if you've been wondering like why when I press arm is not this coming in your threshold has to be low enough to where it goes past the threshold and then you can start hearing it and then it would trigger it to arm it so now when I press play look what [Music] happens and then now you can see you can save your sample so I could just name this Drake press do it you have the option to choose which program but since there's only one active program right now it's only giving me that option I could choose which pad it goes on I could discard it meaning that I could start it over I could keep it keep it means that it's just going to go back to the sampler screen edit means that it's going to go to the edit screen which is your sample edit and you can also play it and you can also save it so I'm just going to hit edit just to show you how it looks so then you know now that it's in the sample edit you can just do your thing you know you can change the tuning of it so I can be like bring this in yeah and then you know you can just make your own thing from there so let's go back to the sampler and remember double click on mix that's pretty much the sample it doesn't get any simpler than that like if you want to sample a whole 2 minutes of the song or even a whole track it's just going to go to one pad only the next one is slice but we're going to get back to that one because that is actually my favorite one but now we're just going to skip over the pad tap now pad tap is convenient because let's say you have some drums and you can see right here it's more highlighted in yellow while the other ones is kind of blinking now be careful you don't want to hit any of these pads right here because it's going to override it with the sample so if you had your kicks right here and you hit right here it's going to put the new sample right here and I'm going to show you that in a second so you want to start anywhere from right here or up here any other pads that are available so now with the threshold being down I can play the song it's going to start by itself now let's say you don't like that so at times I like to have my threshold up so what I can do is just hit arm now when I press play it's not going to start until I hit the pad and let's just do that real quick so now that's why I like that way sometimes because I don't want it to just start soon as I press it I want to just be able to come in at my own time and with pad tap it goes straight to the program so that is convenience so now I was like [Music] so as you can see I was trying to hit this pad right and it was cutting off each other now if you don't want to cut off each other all you have to do is go to pad menu 14 somehow it switched all the way to 32 mute group if it's still cutting off just make sure you just have your mute groups off I'm not sure why that just did that but I think what happens is when you do pad tap it's going to make individual mutes so it can cut off by itself it could be convenient and some ways but I'm going just go through and just put those alt off now I kind of did it the long way what I could have had done was just go to the middle and select all and from all I could have just have the mute groups off so now they won't cut off each [Music] other you get the point and then you could go back in let's say you did wanted to just mute some parts now everything is selected so you got to go to the select tool and just go to current put it on one hit this pad put it on one hit this pad put it on one so now when I'm doing my drums the pads will cut off on each other but it won't affect my [Music] drums that's pretty good that could be a unique workflow in itself and then you also just hit a add go to the sample edit and then go to programs and you could just you can fix the slices too so it don't have to just be that I could do it like that I can extend it however I want next that brings us to pad hole and that sounds self-explanatory another thing that I forgot to mention was the levels coming in let's say you had your phone turned down that's the input and then look what happens when I bring it up so you could bring in the record Levels by using your phone but if that's not enough there is a record knob right here that you can turn up to also bring up the levels so let me know in the comments do you like to have your threshold up so that you can record on your own time or do you like your threshold down when you press play it starts to record let me know in the comments which one is more convenient for [Music] you I held that one a bit longer and then I could go to sample edit hit the pad you can see that one is longer than the other [Music] one it's a bit different from pad tap because pad tap is kind of like a one shot thing you can hit it and it's still going to play throughout until you hit the next pad so it's just more of a preference at that point some people like to hold down the pads and then stop it and go to another thing that could be convenient too because let's say if you was using pad tap but you didn't want to sample that other part and you just wanted to wait until the next part come and then you just sample that and Pad hole will be convenient for that so slices essentially is the same as pad tap like all these features are really similar to each other the only difference with slices is that it's going to go to its own program so usually when I'm chopping up my stuff in Sample edit mode like let's say I want to chop this up right and I go to chop and then I go to shift and convert it goes to New drum program using slices so all the slices that I made from this sample will go to a whole new program it's the same thing when it comes to using slice so let me just play that for [Music] you so then I'm going to just call this claro press do it now you have the choice from non-destructive slices and Pad parameter create this means create the new drum program so if I press create then look what happens you know then I just play my pads right here why is it my kicks because I have to switch over to the next program which is called claro so now I have my chops directly onto a whole new [Music] program now I'm going to show you some techniques on what you can do with your samples coming in let's go to insert insert is where you could apply effects now I could even throw on a Reverb coming in so now when I play it and you can get very creative just by doing that man I could throw in a delay Pro and you could record it just like this too just to go back to my old way [Music] that might be a cool effect that you could have dis sampled just right there for the end like like for a transition and then another cool thing go to modulation go to half speed something like [Music] this this would be good on like Fast Melodies like let's say you want to sample some moart stuff and throw on a half speed effect and just sample it in just like that now for my stem separation work around you may now see what I'm about to do and we can go to one of my favorite eqs that I like to use to take out drums which is air EQ let's say you just want the low's the low's only will work really [Music] well I can change the frequency let's let's go a bit down so we can just only hear the Bas so you can get creative like that you can do mids only so yeah that's just a quick work around that I thought about I'm like hey you know I'm not comparing that to Sado or FL Studio or anything like that but when you're just trying to create you don't want any kind of resistance because then you just let time get into the process and we all know when time gets into the process it kind of just interrupts the flow so that's pretty much it for this video but now that you have your samples you got to know how to chop it up so if you don't really know how to chop or you're looking for new ways to like chop up your samples I have a video right here that you can watch next to improve your chopping techniques so thanks for watching and peace
Channel: Jae Freshmen
Views: 14,228
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: akai mpc live 2, akai mpc live, akai mpc live ii beat making, mpc live ii beat, akai mpc live 2 beat making, akai mpc live 2 sequencer, mpc live 2 tutorial, mpc live 2 tutorial beginner, how to use the mpc live, mpc live 2 drum synth, mpc live 2 getting started, mpc live 2 workflow, mpc live 2 demo, standalone mpc live ii, akai mpc beat making, beginner mpc live tips, making a beat AKAI, HOW TO USE MPC LIVE 2, akai mpc live 2 timestretch, how to time stretch a sample
Id: 1vb3DR4WKcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 27 2023
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