MPC VS DAW: 9 Reasons Why the MPC is Better!

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first off I want to give a special shout out to Maro digs Maro beats sedio home Studios and DJ direct for this topic a lot of people need to be more respectful about where their Source material comes from so I'm just trying to keep it 100 though people ask me this question MPC versus Daw which is better or why should you get an MPC over your Daw people always come to my videos and leave comments about this all the time they ask me why should they buy a MPC or a group box versus making music on a computer some people even leave these types of messages in my comment section almost every single video look I get it you do not want to make beats on something that you deem to be inferior to a desktop or laptop computer and respectfully too I understand people have their taste and their choices and the main thing is that they call it dated and out of touch however I find it quite compelling and I thank you guys for coming up to my videos and leaving comments because Lord hey look I do this for a living and y'all views whether it be positive or negative your feedback is appreciated if you think I'm jumping to the defense of the NBC well I ain't going to hold you bro you right you right but not without acknowledging a couple of cold hard facts about desktop or laptop production versus an NPC matter of fact I'll go ahead and tell you that the desktop or laptop computers are far superior than any of the NPCs out right now given if you pay something around the same price as the MPC k61 or MPC xse yes that means that you going to have to spend real money to get your computer to be up to snu with competing with any of the modern day NPCs and I'll further elaborate on that right now what do I mean by that well the NPCs of today only carry about 2 to 4 gigs of RAM so all the NPCs except for the m PC xse and the MPC k61 have 2 gigs of RAM I know that's one of the biggest talking points of a lot of people the sky the limit when it comes to desktop or laptop computers because you have a mirrior choices of software that you can pick up you can use every single Daw if you wanted to if you want to focus on one Daw there are tons of great free plugins not to mention paid plugins third party plugins and even your Daw comes with stock sounds that will be phenomenal I mean FL Studio does a very good job of bringing a complete package if you spend the $800 on their Daw so how does the NPC stack up well I'm going to tell you right now it Stacks up pretty well if you look at a couple of things the first one is low audio latency this is something that not many people focus on but one of the things that catch people off guard when they are first experiencing their desktop or laptop computer is the latency for when you record vocals on your computer or even sometimes when you mess with certain samples and you don't know anything about the AIO drivers given if you're using a Windows based computer which could be a complete nightmare versus something like an apple based computer which doesn't have any uh third party AIO drivers they just have stock Core Audio drivers and they are pretty low in latency I will give it to them when you're talking about Apple game and that's just from my experience with using my MacBook Air M1 mind you I have a base model of that and I was blown away you still have a way more audio latency from uh one device to another and that has a lot to do with the USB type A or even type c and if you're a apple based producer well Thunderbolt even though it's fast still has a little bit of latency though it is extremely low now I will give it that I actually have a video about that topic I will have it linked in description box because some people don't know about that and changing up buffer rates and what if you have a computer that can't handle a certain level of buffer rates well that will happen because sometimes people don't know anything about what you're going to do when you buy a computer I have tons of videos on it I've seen people drop in uh their specs and say well you think this is worth the time for making music or whatever and I'm like dude you're only paying $200 for something that barely has USB type a port ports uh nonetheless if you're going to buy an audio interface that has some of the AIO drivers Core Audio drivers for your windows based desktop laptop and just like number one there's number two and that is midi latency and a lot of people don't understand that as well when you're dealing with uh any of the modern day NPCs or any group box on the market uh the latency will be extremely low it comes with a audio interface that is basically configured for your production on that particular Groove box all those things do matter and when you get something like FL Studio unless you're like Mouse clicking or something like that and there's nothing wrong I'm not dissing guys of course the more money that you spend on your desktop laptop you will probably have a little less latency it's not as much as it was when I first started out computers were completing UT dog but now every desktop or laptop computer has the capabilities of having uh running a midi device they are considered to have that but what if you use so many different USB drives you use up all your hubs or you don't have 3.0 on your desktop or laptop computer which is more than unlikely but most people don't know what 3.0 is versus this and why type-c matters or why Thunderbolts matters you don't have to worry about any of that if you are messing with the MPC of any type because you will have not only low audio latency you will have low midi latency and don't those things matter when you're creating music especially if you are a day-to-day uh composer or somebody that's a musician that plays the keys you'll notice a couple of things like that I mean I notice when um I mess with pads on my aeton push versus when I mess with the pads on my MPC live X1 and all that and that brings us to the third one and includes an audio interface one of the biggest things that you see and arguments that you see is that there's people that don't like the Scarlet 2 I to and and you know there's people that get mad when you tell them that the Scarlet 2 I2 isn't the best AIO interface for the job and then you know some people say it's relevant and all this other stuff and you just can't get into uh your music production the way you are or you might play the guitar you got to buy a certain audio interface for that and all this other stuff well the MPC not only does the MPC have its own built-in iOS and stuff like that in consideration well you can just add an audio interface to it if you don't have the outs that you need or the ins that you need or you want to run a send a return type setup or whatnot I mean still it's more money spent but hey it's going to be something that is more uh efficient for music than you know your desktop or laptop computer number four kind of a small one but I still think it's relevant if you have a ke37 k61 or whatnot well it comes with keys I mean it comes with a midi controller in general because again that's the another perer pressure thing that you will see all over the YouTube streets our gear tube world is this audio interface or this MIDI controller is better than this MIDI controller and this MIDI controller has this over that MIDI controller and all this other stuff and when you basically buy a Groove box whether it be a MPC or otherwise dude all that's taken care of for you and they have all have catered to people musicians like us that thoroughly enjoy playing stuff so it's going to have certain calibrations and many different things that you can do within the MPC OS where you can adjust the velocity and stuff well my next one I don't think this is a really solid point but I'll still say this it's less distracting when you make music on your desktop or laptop computer remember just put in consideration that these things can do a myad of stuff theguy the limit yes you can do a whole bunch of things on there but there's also things that might distract you um many people do not use their desktop or laptop computers just for one thing and making music you know some of us privileged mofos might have a dedicated desktop laptop computer for music production and then we'll have one for whatever else that's out there for you to do I'm just saying but nonetheless though the notifications and all that can get in your way I mean even with the iPad and I know there are people that will say oh I can turn off notifications but damn what if you forget to turn them back on or what if someone's trying to reach out to you you know that's one of those things and if you are that spoiled to where you can have a tablet a phone a computer or whatnot is that spoiled these days I mean I think that's pretty normal but yeah less distracting you get right to the point with your music all it does is make music and that's the most important thing the next one clearly this could be for a certain group of people if you are considering uh buying an NPC I mean it's more entertaining to see someone um make beats on the NPC I mean all the time I look at Beats by J black and and many different other people that perform on Instagram Tik Tok YouTube shorts and all that and it's more digestible than anything I I mean which one would you rather see someone um finger drumming showing you massive skill sets on a MPC or would you want to see someone just pushing their smartphone in front of the screen I mean no hate or anything like that but we all know what engagement is about or at least I would hope right as a content creator I don't know more for number seven cognity it sharpens cogn you know what it sharpens your skills goddamn it I'm just saying uh and it helps with your coordination too uh doing something with muscle memory it's just like playing a video game like if you're someone that plays like Street Fighter 6 all the time versus someone that you know maybe casually plays it I'm pretty sure the person that has put in the work will outshine the well supposed to be like that but you know we all know when it comes to video games people just do random things but just to say this um I think it's important to sharpen up your skills and that's one of the things that the MPC ke37 does for me uh I work on the keys and work on my pad work and just try to get better you know that's the main thing about it and then gets kind of addictive when you see results from that number eight has hit home with a lot of gear Tu commentators and it has to do with minimalism a lot of us we get tons of crap for our desktop or laptop computers there's plenty of apps I have not used on my iPad that are meant for music but I very rarely use my iPad for music and that's just money wasted and when yes I get it the NPCs of this time the cheapest one is probably $700 you know might go on sell low little lower you might catch one on eBay for $400 to $500 who knows but getting into these it's a investment but at the same time it's not an investment that you'll find yourself doing almost every single week and then clearly uh with desktop and laptop computers there's people that get gear and one of the main things that they argue is like man I can get free software anywhere we all know when someone says they can get free software what that means you know what they're doing they are out there living their best life on some Johnny Depp Pirates of the Caribbean type they are illegal as legal illegal buying it pirating it it's time wasted cuz you're searching for something when in The Limited world of the NPC you're going to try to figure something out you're going to become a great Problem Solver a great engineer because you're working with less less is more all the time and then if you want to buy a extra piece of gear along with it you know you might spend 2 200 Plus on something I don't know the rolling Boutique series or you know whatever else is out there some some stuff from sonicware the Sonic Weare liveing series and expanded you know there's plenty of things out there but nine times out of 10 you won't need that because the MPC comes with more than enough for you to produce and make your music and whatnot from my anotal experience if I was to talk about how much of usst plugins and software I buy every single year it's always around $1,000 or $2,000 and it lessened up a little bit if not a whole lot because I'm work with the MPCs now and I'm spending less money I got more money in my pocket to do other things and you know I guess we can say that's a very good investment for that and yes I do understand that you can buy plugins for the MPC and they are quite expensive I think the fabric collection is wild but you know I can talk about that for on the business sense when it comes down to that and then it also goes on sale too and then my last and final reason I think has to be this would be your desktop or laptop computer isn't made for music now I think I talked about that Loosely with all my other points but when you get a desktop or laptop computer there's many different things that it's considered to do over music music is like a small fraction of what they experience and that's why if you're a windows-based uh music producer it could be quite painful for you to figure figure out all this extra stuff that you need to do I mean I remember my first anodal experience with making music on a desktop laptop computer and granted I'm old as hell that experience was ridiculous and then I still see people mentioning how difficult it is for them to create music and get rid of latency and what is latency and what is midi drivers and all these things and many companies do a great job of excelling at making sure your experience is less annoying than what it was for me when I was coming up you feel me uh a lot of that has changed but that hasn't changed the point that your desktop or laptop computer isn't solely dedicated for music it wasn't uh considered for music if it was then it would have everything that the NPCs and other Groove boxes on the market have because they make those os's for that particular Groove box meaning that all of the audio calibration is there the latency is is abysmal at that point it's pretty much pinpoint accurate when you're playing stuff uh every sound that comes in there is considered for whatever genre of music you know that could be to each his own on that one I guess and all the other things that it's meant for music and that's what we create right to the right of me I have more content for that ass make sure that you subscribe uh how do you think about these talking points here I I took some time to come up with some stuff of main reasons why you should mess with an MPC or any other Groove box from any other company uh over your desktop or laptop computer
Channel: Ave Mcree
Views: 16,383
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mpc one, akai, mpc, ave mcree, avemcree
Id: YEWs70DP2kc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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