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hello everybody darren here and welcome to my brand new series in satisfactory now for those who don't know satisfactory is a logistics game set on an alien world you're tasked with harvesting the local resources in order to build infrastructure and industry so that you can supply complex materials off-world through the use of a space elevator it's one of my favorite games and i'm really excited to get started now in this play-through i'm going to be trying to make it quite beginner-friendly aiming to have a dedicated goal with each episode trying to reduce down as much filler time or wait time as possible satisfactory is in early access and it has been for a few years now now i haven't played a full campaign since they added trains i think so it's been a little while for me so after a certain point i'll be learning new mechanics and experiencing some newer content so if you have tips and things of that nature absolutely leave them in the comments i always consider my playthroughs especially with builder games kind of a collaborative affair now lastly i'm starting the game on update six which is currently in experimental testing so hopefully we don't have any issues but in a month or so this version should become the release build and some of the things you're going to be seeing here are subject to change alrighty without further delay let's jump in now i'm going to be skipping the tutorial just because it's a little bit slow it's called tier zero we'll just start at tier one and i can kind of explain everything that led up to this point let's begin alright ladies and gentlemen welcome to the session of eden prime and welcome to satisfactory hide the ui here and just have a quick look around beautiful alien world ripe for the taking ripe for the resource making as it were and this is actually a predefined map it is a handcrafted map not a randomly generated map so i roughly know where we are right now so the first thing that you typically be doing is searching for resources but seeing this rock arch here i actually know roughly where i want to go which is roughly over there so let's get making our way over there and the first thing we want to be doing is just grabbing as much leaves and vegetation as possible because this is all going to be used in our biomass burners in order to fuel our early machines so just grab everything we can sort of on the way over there i'm kind of looking for wood as well typically below trees you can kind of find some just lying there we'll see if we can grab that wood is particularly good at just being converted into biomass now we've got so much to do and having skipped the tutorial we're actually here we go there's loads of wood here on the ground having skipped the tutorial we're actually given a bunch of stuff in our inventory already so we have our four portable miners we have the hub parts which we can build in order to get our initial power up and running before we have to build our own biomass burners and then we can kind of choose our tiers and see where we want to start what we need to start collecting really to ship off to the company and get our next advancement in the next tier so we can build bigger and better structures so starting off the game unfortunately in some ways you don't actually start with the ability to build foundations or even build a factory you kind of just have to build out in the open land and it can get pretty messy pretty quickly so we're going to be doing that so we've actually got two iron deposits here i think they're both pure yes they are but if memory serves me correctly there's more iron over that way hang on there's actually a little animal here let's just take out our xeno zapper careful not to touch it um so i'm basically going to be trying to hide the ui whenever i can to enjoy some of the beautiful animations that are in this game it's a big part of the enjoyment of this game is really checking out those animations all right let's dance is he running away well he kind of is [Music] now we actually do get hog remains from this guy sorry to have to kill him he would have fought us i swear um we could use that in a sort of in the mam the mom and that allows us to kind of understand alien specimens and kind of produce basically further sort of tech tree as it were so we're just going to grab all this stuff we have don't have too much further to go now again if memory serves me correctly i think there's copper ore right here as well somewhere over there yeah there it is so we'll be coming back for that we're going to need that copper ore a little bit later but i'm planning on heading right over here if we do this photo mode and just zoom in we can see there's three iron deposits and there's actually a limestone deposit there and there so basically just in my planning phase for doing this let's play i kind of decided this location to be honest i didn't look around the map that much but i decided this location is pretty good for a starting area so this is where we plan on setting up shop all right so we're just going to get moving over to the three resource deposits here got animals chasing us all over the place now unlike a game like factorio this game isn't really about dealing with the hostile animals there's only very few around the place and you can kind of kill them pretty easy and they don't really come back i mean they sort of do but they don't really as long as you're in the area they don't so just take out this one as well now part of this update actually is they've changed animal behavior a bit they seem to launch you way further back but it really is just like this weird i i wouldn't mind if you could just disable them all together because i just feel like it's a weird addition to the game although i know some people want the sort of base building aspect of the game to be strengthened now the first thing we're going to do is build a hub now the hub comes pre-packed with two biomass burners at the back of it and it's just a super quick building to build it's kind of unsatisfying in a way to build it because we've just skipped the tutorial these are the biomass burners we're going to put fuel into those and get them set up and we can actually hear that something has just entered the atmosphere above us and that's going to be the drop ship that's going to take off our cargo up to space and unlock the next tiers verse to progress what a sight careful all right so in here we've got our hub terminal we have tier 1 tier 2 and then all the other tiers are locked via the space elevator we have to kind of build so the first thing we want to get up and running is base building so we'll just select this tier right now but this is going to give us a lookout tower foundations walls we can actually build a factory and then with logistics we can split our conveyor belts move them up and down view different things of productivity actually haven't really seen that and then field research get our map that's a new feature for update six and then the mam the object scanner and a bunch of extra things as well so we want to get through tier one as fast as possible so we can just start building a factory properly so just like this milestone let's go so what we're going to need is 200 concrete 100 iron plates and 100 iron rods we have that up in the top right of the screen now at all times so we can just see what we need now on the left here we've got our crafting bench so we can just craft things directly we picked up all of these leaves and stuff so we'll just start making biomass and one of the first things we're going to do is just try to automate to an extent that biomass so we don't have to craft it you don't want to be crafting anything you want everything to be automated so here's our fuel basically what we'll do is we'll set up a constructor which turns one good into another it's just a standard one-to-one refiner so we'll just put it i don't know somewhere like over here actually and in here we'll say i want you to make biomass with leaves and i'll throw 500 leaves into here and what we could do to make sure that's even automated so we don't have to just keep returning and keep refilling it we can just work on refilling this box so put the box about here that's just a storage box and in here we'll put in leaves so in the leaves we'll attach a belt from here into there and straight away no power required leaves will just start making their way down into this building and then it'll start making biomass but we need to power it so we need to deliver that initial set of power first 85 and we need to hook this up with cables we'll build a pole here i'll hook up to both of these so we are now powered we are now online as it were just here we'll attach another conveyor or not conveyor sorry a power line into this building and now we're making power so of course we still have to run around and pick up the leaves but at least we don't have to manually craft it now so that's just going to do that by itself and if this fills up we could just put another container right about here and say okay once you're done feed into that and this will store our lovely big chunks of biomass in here and we'll use that for power later down the line uh cool all right and we can always check our power network so basically the orange line is your consumption the gray dark gray line is also production so our consumption production is the exact same capacity is 20 megawatts which is the light gray line on the top and max consumption is the blue line so max consumption basically means that every building that's hooked up to that what is what if they were all online and all doing something how much would that max consumption be and that's there so we literally cannot trip the power at the moment because we just don't have enough buildings for it but as we add more and more to this network of course we will get closer and closer to be able to do that now we need 200 concrete and we get concrete from limestone we'll just deal with this little hog over here i tried to slide but i can't slide uphill of course [Music] come back that's kind of sad to be honest but well we had to do it uh in order to clear this so let's just we don't even really need to manually clear this i don't think but we could just do it anyway so we'll just clear this top bit of the limestone it is pure and the um purity level actually has to do with how much you get out of a mining drill and how fast to kind of drill it all right so we've got 53 in our inventory already now what we could do is we could put down one of the portable miners that we have just like that it'll just start drilling straight down and that'll do do that without power as well and basically you just have to come back and keep collecting which is obviously a pain so what we're going to do straight away is just pick that up because we don't need that there and we'll put down a minor a big minor so when i've cleared it now we can actually position one miner on it and that's the most you can ever do we'll put down a miner on it that costs one portable miner 10 plates and 10 concrete and of course this is going to need to be powered as well but we're just going to feed it straight into a constructor somewhere like here kind of on an awkward slope all right so that's just gonna awkwardly turn and feed straight down into that that's okay like i said until we get our foundations in place we can't really do much about this things are just going to be offset i mean you can actually align them with each other but apart from that it's not much you can do all right so we just have to hook this up to the power network i'll just build another power line here i'll just continue that all the way over here you can only have four connections that's why i'm kind of separating them out so that one's actually maxed out already this area is done now so that's gonna just make concrete passively for us we'll just switch this to concrete and just hook that up and there we go just for aesthetic purposes let's hook it up to this one looks a bit nicer that way okay and then we'll just add a box here as well so that it feeds into a box constantly for us all right so very simple what we've done is kind of semi-automated power we've semi-automated well actually fully automated making concrete we could leave that forever and that will just load up that box of concrete but here's where the game gets kind of interesting for those who are statistically minded this miner is producing 30 limestone per minute so it takes two seconds it takes five power and it's at 100 efficiency right now it's just working totally fine 30 limestone per minute comes out along this belt now the standard belts can carry 60 resources per minute that's why you're seeing that even gap between them so we could have two of these machines feeding into one belt in the future if we wanted to anyway i digress this machine is going to take in three limestone and convert it into one concrete and you can see that it's only at 70 percent efficiency because it's doing it every 45 percent it's going to go up to about 75 i think or maybe 66 something like that um because yeah we're basically producing one every 30 or sorry 30 per minute and this needs 45 per minute so we're lacking 15 if you know what i mean so what we could do is we could put down a portable miner here just throw it down there and every now and then just load up this machine uh with like whatever excess we have in our inventory here so now that the machine will kind of keep going and this efficiency rating should build up closer to 100 now obviously you never want to do anything kind of manually in this game but just early game this will at least keep that machine running at a higher clip and kind of making a bit more concrete so we could just come back to this later anyway when we've got about 200 and then we can fulfill that milestone and how are we doing here so this thing needs to be loaded with stuff like grass and the grass will just nicely feed into here load that up with leaves and then we'll make biomass and the biomass will come out so let's just take all the biomass we have right now and we'll just go over to this machine i'm going to take everything out of this just once it does one more burn there we go and now i'll just split this in half and add 100 into here and 100 into here and that way now both of them are operating we're just after shooting up a huge amount of capacity so we can add way more stuff so let's start working on iron right that's the next thing we need we need a hundred plates and a hundred um rods so we can check the crafting to see what's needed for that you just need iron ingots to make both and they're made at different rates so three ingots makes two plates whereas one ingot makes one rod so we'll set up a little chain here unfortunately like i said we can't combine or merge things until we get our logistics done so the first thing that we can do is basically just set up one minor and maybe maybe a portable miner next to it because we don't really have the power supply for all of this just yet so just set up one miner right here and before we power it we'll set up one constructor so i'll align it to the grid so it goes actually sorry we need a smelter my bad first things first is a smelter with these guys so the raw ore is gonna go into a smelter for whatever reason just i guess straight up limestone just gets refined into concrete you don't need to smelt it or do anything like that not for whatever reason it's obviously logical but uh with ore you do right so we have to convert the ore burn it um create ingots and then convert that in a constructor somewhere like down here and create plates okay so let's just hook it all up now and by the way i know building up close can be a little disorientating like this in 3d but once i get a lookout tower we can kind of build from a pie and see everything from a bird's eye view and get much greater perspective on what's happening so let's just turn this to iron ingot select that recipe of course a smelter could do copper i think it can do other things in future as well we'll see let's just build a little power network here so power that power that power this power each other and then link up to the actual network so now these are all going to activate the drill is going to start moving of course we can actually climb these machines they all come with ladders typically they do kind of get a little mini overview of what's going on right now even though it is pretty simple all right so that's getting smelted so we can check the rates just out of curiosity right we have uh every so this is the belt is at full capacity 60 ore per minute and then we're gonna take in 30 per minute so basically you could have one of these going into two smelters but we don't have the ability to split our belt yet so just leave it the way it is and then this is going to get pressed into iron plates and then we'll put a little box on the end of it so that we can say yep in ego and that'll just store the plates first now the good thing with all of this as well actually is that um the game has full refunds so if i wanted to get rid of this it doesn't cost me anything and i could just put it back and it's totally fine so we just get rid of things and just picks up everything and then just put it back so this is this really is temporary right we can literally say for now as people in nano often call me out for saying that and then leaving things for ages in this we can totally say for now because we could just get things back almost instantly reposition them and then do whatever we need to so while we've got the basics up and running now i think i'll go over to the do i have another portable miner i do go over to the con at the copper and just start gathering some copper in the background as it were so let's just grab power and let's run out there and put down a portable miner might have to make the trip over there a couple of times um before we drag power yeah actually let's just drag power all the way out there now because it is further away so it'll prevent us having to run back and forth a lot so something like that i'll just hook this up straight away and then see what we need because we're already getting low on copper and wire and stuff like that yeah so i'm basically at a cable so we'll have to just mine some of it at first and then i can build the actual miner on top and we'll sort of automate it coming down this way so we don't have to run all the way out here every time that's kind of the aim of the game is to kind of get your factory up and running and then while you're waiting for a little you know if you're waiting for things to kind of get done you can go out exploring find some different things and then analyze them in various machines so that you can progress to sort of a tech tree so here we are here's the copper we'll just get rid of this top layer again might just be able to actually set up the miner already here and then we'll feed this down when we get the kind of elevated belt thing so we could go with production a minor just like that aiming off that way why not and just get a belt that leads brings it all the way down it's gonna look real ugly i think but it's kind of necessary so we're basically out of what i need to make the belt but that's as far as we can bring it so it's progress that's the important thing and then obviously we need to power it okay let's see if we can i power it no we just need rods so we have to head back and get some rods and stuff but we're almost there i'll just grab a little bit more because we can refine some manually we've got 35 in the inventory so let's just go with that that's fine and that way we can just feed the ore down here and maybe collect it in a box just so we don't run too far in the beginning back and forth over and over again you want to reduce as much movement as possible reduce as much manual crafting as possible the aim of the game is so that everything does itself and it's all based on how you set that up so let's just feed our box again with fuel so we can just make more biomass now that we collected a bunch more and before i do that i'm just going to switch this recipe to wood and just throw in the wood manually so it'll do the wood first and this will just queue up at the back and we can check how much fuel we've got left we got 83 so we got loads we're not burning through too much uh okay so let's see how many plates we've made and then we can switch this to maybe make rods they're 66 so switch that to make rods just really quickly let that do its thing and do i have room for another constructor i do oh i need more cable okay so we have to convert our own copper real quick so we've got we can make the copper ingots from the ore directly that's going to be a little it's going to take a little bit of time just to do that just a little bit and then we'll get some more wire and cable so we can extend our power out that way and build the rest of what we need to and then we'll just run back we'll pick up the rest of the rods and we should be good the power network should be able to sustain all that so i don't think it's really a problem just get a lot more wire now and then we can get this cable and that should be enough i think i think so anyway all right good basically you could actually just hook it up right from can i even do it right from here it's pretty far there it is just bring it to somewhere like there bring that down to here and there we go it's hooked up now we just need to extend the actual belt and then like i said in a little bit of time we can just oh actually we could just smelt it up here rather than extending the belt i guess that makes more sense so let's just get rid of that let's get rid of that yeah so let's just smelt it up here why not because it has to be smelted first and foremost ah we need um more wire i think i can just produce it up here though yeah don't have to run all the way back okay let's just get a little bit more wire sorry about this better planning would have avoided this that'd be the goal but i think early on while you don't have a factory floor it can be just a little bit messy to get things set up initially so a little smelter right there we can power that as well easily just hook that directly one to one oh there's actually a bit of belt still there there we go all right that's just gonna guide straight down into that we'll hook that up with power here and then this can i don't know just go again further down rather lazily all right so that's gonna make cop i'm sorry i thought the power tripped it didn't it's okay that's just gonna make copper um ingots and then we can refine that in a constructor again do we have another constraint we do have room for another constructor so ideally we just want that to go straight into here why is it down there just so i can collect it quicker that's the only reason um and there we go we can make wire now so that that's wire automated for a little while okay now we could feed that into a storage box as well so let's just put the box over here ah we're out of rods all right let's go collect our rods and then we should be able to get the next milestone done and then we can just build a little lookout tower lay all the foundations and actually put this stuff on a grid so it makes a bit more sense so we don't have to run back and forth so much all right let's see how many rods we've got so we've gotten 37 in the bank we need 100 in total but of course i am building all the time so just get this last storage container boom straight in and that'll just load up with wire now basically and there we go we can see it all loaded up turning churning out the wire and then we're going to use that to make more cables to extend our power network and stuff and then hopefully with a well in a while we'll have that um kind of belt that can feed up and down so we don't have to run up and down this so much i just want to load this with copper just to get rid of that out of my inventory and we can always run down here which is quite fun good all right so we should have pretty much enough concrete now to advance the milestone and i think we've got almost enough not really actually we need way more uh plates now but that's kind of all the building i want to do we can kind of let the machines do their thing and maybe i'll go out collecting stuff yeah it's like a 42. okay well we just have to wait then a little while kind of at our limit loads of power is cued up in here though good to see the wood is still burning actually it's just about done actually okay good we can change this back to grass leaves and just feed the leaves in now again great hopefully that all makes sense now i spotted we've got a little slug up here and the slugs can be used to overclock your machines so they're a finite resource i think and there's one and we can make machines run much faster with this and from up here we can kind of take a look at what we've done so i'll just pull pull back a little bit so over there just for a recap we have our concrete we have our fuel conversion we have our obviously hub on our little bit of iron that's coming in we've just got the one iron machine right now uh pressing things into rods and then we also have out in the distance our copper making wire we won't need that for a while but we'll come back to that later so um what could we do we could run around grabbing more grass and things like that but actually i think what we'll do in the meantime is just get what we need for a second constructor so to do that we need to make screws and then we can make reinforced plates we'll just make these manually for now and then we can get i'll maybe wait until we have up to four plates to make and then with four reinforced plates we can add two more constructors all right so we can make three i'm just a bit short and iron plates that's all right that's all we need for now so another one that means we can just right alongside this do the two at the same time rather than waiting uh we need more cable just grab the wire and then we can refine that okay yeah so basically copper wire gets turned into copper cable and that can be used then to extend the network um just select this so that goes away so there's cable and it gets made really quickly at least so it's not too bad ready so there's our second constructor i'll just tilt it this way orange is in green is out we can line it up even with the other one and this one isn't going to be able to have a belt fed into it we'll just have to do it manually this is 30 per minute 30 minutes that's one to 100 they're totally fine and that's getting pressed into this this is full because it doesn't need that much so we'll just take away these ingots and throw them into here and that's going to make them into plates oh no we just got an email as well what happened paris fuse has been triggered be sure to check your power circuits from time to time ah we might be at our power limit then with our two machines i don't think i can add another uh yeah our the blue line is over the gray line which means basically that you need another biomass burner so we can set it to do on that and we just reset the um power network so i'll just turn off this machine just turn it off and then we'll just reset the power so that'll come back on but we're right at our power limit basically so what we'll need to do is set up new biomass burners so the way we can do that is we just go to power we can say one two three four five six and that's what we need to make them but i'd really like to get to the next phase before we make a little power section because then we can put it on a nice foundation so let's just go exploring while our machines are doing things we can go exploring so let's see how much have you made we have 76 we need a hundred so we're just waiting on all that to get done let's just load this back up with things we don't need in our inventory i'm gonna turn off that mining drill just for a second as well because i can load this up with ore you know i've just got ore in my inventory that i can't get rid of so i can actually turn this back on now a little power management there just turning off the drill while it's backed up i guess all right so let's go exploring just a little bit pick up some grass and stuff that we can use for fuel have a look around see what we come across it's obviously night time now do we have a flashlight i think we do yeah there we go so it's humble beginnings here at the beginning but uh in no time at all we'll have we'll be doing milestone after milestone i'm pretty sure quite quickly the first two are just so important getting logistics and getting base building up and running like you really can't grow or do that much without that early on i feel like uh and eventually you can obviously get a chainsaw and then cut down these trees and things if you want and i don't think the trees ever grow back but the leaves and stuff like this does and then later on obviously we get water and we get oil and we can start coal power and automating power systems so we don't have to collect anything which is really the dream all right looking good didn't want to go too far actually because we haven't got our map yet and once we get the map then we can really plot out where we're going and save what we've seen as locations or points of interest all right little tip as well if the symbols are yellow like it's hard to see actually but the power symbols for different buildings like this is green and that's flashing yellow and that basically means that it's it's got power but it's not being used and then the other situation is if it goes red obviously it means that power is being cut off for some reason so green is on and functioning yellow is on but not functioning and red is not functioning and not powered um let's see how much concrete have we stored up now 200 perfect all right so that's done we're gonna need a lot of concrete as well to build the factory floor so we need that to kind of keep going in the background and actually don't i have a oh yeah i totally forgot we've got the extra limestone here that we can load up the machine with just to keep it powered more continuously just give me that there we go dump it into here boom that should keep that moving uh is this back to leaves it is so we can load this up now we've got tons of leaves 500 427 we've got loads of fuel being stored up as well huge amounts of fuel got nearly a thousand we'll just load that up 200 in each one so note to come back here for a while and uh yeah let's see what we've done what what we're missing then this has got 60 plates we'll just take all of that this has got rods 51 and we're over the limit of that so we're almost done almost done so at the hub terminal we'll just hand in our 200 we'll hand in 68 there hand in 127 just to work alongside the machines i'll just convert this stuff right here i've got 30 ore in my inventory so just convert that into uh ingots just do that and then we'll toss it into these machines just to keep them churning out stuff remember that miner isn't even online right now just throwing stuff into it so it feeds into the next machines how's the power it's good so we're just waiting on plates and plates are being made here but they've stopped so let's just convert the changes back into plates and then we can get our splitters and stuff next as well trying to think is there anything else i could be doing in the meantime i'm sure there's loads of things i'm guessing we could also just convert our wood into biomass we could do that quite quickly there we go so just even more biomass and then when we set up all our burners so on the right side of the screen like i said i've set up a to-do list right and you can edit the to-do list and actually add notes and loads of different things and i actually have a notepad with me and i often take notes in games like these so it's awesome that you can do that in game and just display it on screen for everyone else to see it and just if you want to remember um but if you're playing multiplayer it gets displayed for others too which is nice um so yeah we need 90 plates 90 rods and wire and that'll allow us to make all the burners and then just power on keep power basically going for a long time to come and that'll be our next goal after we get this foundation up and running so basically just waiting on these so what do we need we've got 14 we need about 30 32 so yeah i'll just manually convert it because we kind of have to at this point just toss it in there this is powered as well all right i'm sort of just waiting on these two machines now we're so close we need 32 we've got 27 so we're almost done and then we're able to just build our foundation we'll go grab the rest of the concrete and we'll just start laying out the foundation for a sort of little power area now the cool thing with the game later on is it's been a bit slow right now but later on what we're going to be able to get is all these cool cosmetics and make the factories really stand out and look nice but for now it's just going to have to be a basically big dole box all right we've got what we need let's activate the first milestone only took me about 30 minutes all right let's go boom milestone reached you have unlocked several structures aimed to provide the first needed to build basic factory infrastructure and improved overview building these will provide a grid for more advanced organizing and sectioning of your factory all right off we go so that's unlocked a bunch of stuff for us now that we didn't have before so basically we just got the milestone for base building unlocking the foundations of one two and four meters ramps for the same heights a basic wall and a small wall and then a lookout tower so we can build from up high now if we want to oh man look at the morning is it the morning mist i guess kind of the evening mist in the distance looks really nice actually right so we have organization a new lookout tower very cheap to build awesome to build as well you just smack it down anywhere climb up and then just see everything from that bird's eye view and really plan out your building so from up here we can like kind of lay out the foundations and build this sort of power area i'll build a power area i don't know somewhere here for now and then that'll be kind of it won't have to go too far to kind of reach both the copper area and down here all right a little bit tricky to get down this thing though i never know how to climb down ladders in games it's like really i don't know confusing for me anyways all right let's grab the last bit of concrete and that'll allow us put down these foundations and then we can just select the next milestone and keep moving so 73 that'll be enough for a while and then we can start moving these places and we're just going to need a little bit of this stuff love hearing that bang it means that our thing is coming to the atmosphere there it is it never gets i don't know why it just never gets old watching that thing come in um so let's see what the next milestone is actually logistics so we need 150 150 300 wire now if you remember we've got wire on the go in the distance so we might even have that done by now let's just exchange concluded fix it free to re-entry completely let's just focus on one thing at a time right the thing that we're focusing on right now is what i have in my to-do list which is building around six biomass burners so let's go with foundations uh let's just go with the thicker foundation maybe level two and we'll just start somewhere here that's totally fine two three four five six that's just gonna be a little platform area where we're gonna build our burners and we can always extend it out now to get the actual burners we need 90 plates and 90 rods so i have to hop down and get that now obviously the iron is going to stop soon because i did have the uh actual ore building turned off so i'm just going to turn this one off for a minute to get those plates and basically what we're doing right now is just focusing on improving the power network there we go so that's on again that's going to be making iron ingots and this is then going to be making our iron plates straightforward enough alrighty looking good uh yeah why not let's just go check out our how everything's going over on this side so it should just be full of like wire by now i'm going to estimate 500 325 and it's still moving all the time which is great so we've already hit the logistics milestone for wire we just need more rods my iron production is catastrophically slow but that's just because we don't have the power to get these machines running together which is why we're building this lovely power area um so for iron so we need iron plates iron rods and we have the wire we need to get these biomass burners up and running yeah so let's just build a few right now while we're waiting building something like this nice and even on the grid as is customary so we're just short already so there we go there's two two new ones we'll build a nice um power poles in between and just make it like as even as possible so that we can have a nice uh sort of rigid grid that deals with all this as it were reason i'm doing that is because the other six are going to go here so three and three and then a lane in the between that we can run up and fill fill everything that we need to uh maybe we'll just add a box here or something that stores up all the fuel right we'll move that over over this direction so i guess we could just do that now why not do it now because we're waiting on rods to be made so we can switch this to rods now okay all right so this is where all our fuel is gone so we'll just take that away now take that away take this away okay so we got all of that back anyway so it's no wasted time and we just need more rods that's basically all we're waiting on is there anything else i can dump into here just dump that in here sort this out and take what we can all right if we can build a third one i guess that'll be more than what we have already we can just start work on increasing the amount of stuff we have yeah and there we go so it's three biomass burners now they all need to be given the fuel that those other two over there have these all need to be hooked up to a sort of power network so let's just start linking these together link link uh now actually i totally forgot there is soft clipping in the game so soft clipping is where when it's yellow it means that you can place these down and it's totally fine to do so so i'm just going to do that it looks better in the middle anyway i'll just get rid of these other ones just to make it look a little bit nicer you know it's part of the satisfaction all right cool so then we'll just link each one each one at the back to the one next to it okay so they're all hooked up and they just need their fuel obviously right so we've got we can almost put 200 in each one of them at some point or maybe 100 in each one i mean this can take 200 this can take 200. and this can take 200. then at the back here we'll extend this out and add that little area for our actual little conversion that saves us a tiny bit of time now i can't remember how you get rid of stuff like rocks i think it's a chainsaw normally i think what we could do is obviously just build a thicker foundation on it and just build on top of it but it's okay just to have that for now i think we'll probably end up moving this in future but this is just to give us something going forward um so we need a box something like this it won't let me soft clip through that rock i guess that's annoying so box like there is that what i want actually no not really let's turn sideways this is going to take in the leaves okay so that's leaves and then into a constructor which will place somewhere like here just trying to think how to best lay this out i don't know because this is going to make biomass and then that needs to go into its own thing as well oh yeah actually this works that goes in the middle and then could we have a box in the middle i guess let's see is it just a bit too fat might be a bit too fat all right sorry we should really build it from up on the lookout point really um i'll just extend the foundations out a bit this way too and we're out of concrete all right we'll have to build it from up there it'll make much more sense up there basically we just want the conversion process to take place here that rock is the thing that's throwing me off um all right what do we have we have our rods anyway now we're actually ready to get our three other biomass burners so we could just actually gonna do it right now let's just pop them down get them in position it's a bit overkill at this point but we're gonna use them in future no doubt so one two and three so that's six biomass burners we'll hook them all up do the same here where we get rid of this get rid of this add them into the central point so have our little edged area here there we go now i think this is actually just wasting power right now is it oh no it's actually not consuming it even though it's on that's good it only consumes what it needs to that's pretty good actually that's nice i wasn't sure of that before and then we'll just join them at the hip there we go all right nice little power area i love it looks great we just need that um fuel conversion thing at the back of it and then we're good let's just go grab some more concrete let's grab whatever other resources we can in the meantime how's this doing now remember this hasn't actually hooked up to our power network yet i guess we could do that now oh we need concrete sorry let's just go make a dash for it and grab it i think for the end of this episode the goal will be to just get that second um milestone for logistics done and then we can start really laying things out in the next one but it's been good so far we've just gotten done with tier one and we've gotten our power area done not bad always want to be doing something i would be livid if we never get through like a good milestone in each episode you know something like that all right so let's just get rid of this for a second so we can kind of design from up here now and say how should this work so we i know that basically how i wanted to go is i want to be able to just dump something into a box like leaves so i can get turned into biomass and then we take the so one box has to be roughly around here about there because then it will just like hand it into everything else we can so that makes sense then yeah so we'll need basically a box on the other side and then maybe a constructor on the other side something like that but we're lacking um rods we'll just have to get more of those should be plenty in here all right good alrighty that damn rock ruining everything it's gonna be kind of hard to do this because we're kind of i'm being sort of blocked by anyway i'll just pop it there because i know roughly that's where it's gonna need to go all right that should be fine let's get down and actually add those extra machines and that should be good is this central uh yep okay so constructor is just going to feed straight into that thing and then we just need a box at the back here for feeding in the uh leaves so whenever we want to feed in whenever we want to make fuel we just run up to this this particular box and maybe i'll just position it somewhere like here so we don't run too far each time yep what am i short on now plates goddamn which is really short all the time anyway what i can do is just pop the leaves in here already we'll put the biomass in here i'll just go grab that final bit so that's rod still this is plates but we haven't had it running no because we have to hook it up to power is it time can we hook this up now i think so let's just hook it up oh my god i'm short on cable i'm so sorry everybody i thought i'd have good planning or at least decent planning all right all right this should keep these machines up and running all the time now boom right that's enough more than enough power now added to the network see that big massive spike so uh iron ingots then so that has to be fed in manually unfortunately but at least the machine just keeps going then that's what the next milestone will prevent we don't ever have to load any machine ever again we can split belts so let's turn it on iron plates done all right so that's all in place let's go get our wire hand that in that's the next thing we've got more than enough are the machines all running looks like they are although that is yeah no it's it's running good and our drill is pumping that will be able to uh split the drill into two smelters and just make a smelter area that's probably what i'll do in the next episode make a dedicated iron smelting facility oh it should be fun all right let's give me that concrete so if we sort our inventory we do have enough um wire we've almost got enough yeah we just need i guess we need about 100 about 200 more iron stuff we're just gonna have to wait on that i guess all right so that might just have to cook away in the background um if we could just hook up this final machine then probably call it there for this episode all right there we go so now we have grass that are is just automatically or not automatically i guess what kind of automatically as we load it into here it'll just feed into there and then this will feed into here and we'll select biomass leaves and we'll give it a little uh power supply obviously it needs some power to do this all right i'll just hop up here real quick okay there we go so whenever we want to make a drop off we just go to this little box we drop in leaves it'll kind of filter around down into here get turned into biomass and then come out into this box so then whenever we need to refill these things we just touch on here and go yep give me the biomass and then distribute it to all these machines so at least that's going to make power now quite easy and we're sort of future proof for a while with it six biomass burners i think is a lot and i think in between episodes i might just make a quick run around grab as much leaves and stuff as possible just into the immediate area load it all into that thing and that'll just make us biomass so we're ready to just get building in the next episode and then yeah we'll be doing an iron sort of smelting facility as we look to progress to the next milestone so that's gonna be it for this episode i hope you enjoyed it i know it could be a little touch and go a little uh slow at some points hope people don't mind trying to do my best to cut out any like wait time and filler or running back and forth but as we get to the next phase now with now that we have a foundation we can actually build facilities and build walled facilities that take in things and do things so it's going to start ramping up as each episode goes by the first one is just a little bit slow always at least in this game at least with me anyway look at them we're just piling up wire at least we've got we've got copper on the go we've got iron on the go we've got limestone on the go so we're we're laughing all right that is gonna be it thank you very much for watching please do remember if you are a subscriber or sorry i always say subscriber i mean a channel member you do have access to my discord please consider joining that discord.g wdp if you got any suggestions or things i could do to improve of course always leave them in the comments this is the first episode of the series so if you did enjoy it it really does help if you could like the the video if you want to see the series continue let me know your feedback um i'll be eagerly anticipating it and i'm really hopeful that the series does well so i can continue it for as long as possible because i love the game and i really want to get further and further into tiers where we get trains and stuff like that bigger power facilities and all of that so hope people enjoy it thank you for watching and i'll see you in the next one hey guys thank you very much for watching and remember if you want to support the channel directly you can click the join button to become a channel member doing so will get your name in the credits as well as loyalty badges and emotes to use in the comments you'll also get exclusive access to my discord where there's dedicated channels for each series i'm doing and it's a great place just to meet others and make some friends
Channel: What Darren Plays
Views: 662,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: satisfactory update 6, satisfactory update, satisfactory experimental, satisfactory new gameplay, satisfactory guide, satisfactory lets play, lets play satisfactory, satisfactory how to, satisfactory getting started, satisfactory what darren plays, satisfactory darren, darren satisfactory, satisfactory update 7, satisfactory blueprints
Id: XeO8clBkz4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 38sec (3098 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 28 2022
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