Ep 1 - Getting Started | Satisfactory U8 Experimental

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[Music] thank you hi my name is Ken and this is the first video for my satisfactory series starting with update 8 experimental going through to full release if you're unfamiliar with satisfactory it is a 3D Factory building game you step into the shoes of a fixed employee on an alien planet the mission is to construct and automate factories and production lines using belts trucks trains and drones I've got some ambitious goals with this series first I'm going to be using Lumen the entire playthrough and designing my mega factories with it in mind however what I'm looking forward to most is designing the entire architecture and mega factories with one theme the Galactic Empire I'm also planning some additional special goals and restrictions on construction I'll be live streaming at least three days a week and will be editing down the footage into hour-long videos of which this is the first the live streams are available to watch my channel in their entirety this is my second playthrough and as you can see I've been planning this for some time I figured if I was going to put in this much effort I'd like to share it with as many people as I can in this first episode we're starting our new save in the Northern Forest I'm going to show you how I progress through the tech tree and built this the first steps of what I'm calling my mega starting Factory if I've cut out anything you wanted to see the full VOD is linked in the description let's get started okay Northern Forest here we are now I do have a very specific place in mind we are going to head that direction we got the Xeno zapper ready I'm not 100 sure where we are but I know the general area that's nice yep here's where we're starting new research tree we don't even have our man all right this is where we're going to be starting so I have to do a little bit of uh infestation clearing first there's probably at least one more hog and where'd he go there he is and I'm sure there's some hives come on [Music] go the remains of this creature might shed light on how to increase chances of survival a new research tree can now be accessed in the man okay Hub time AB good enough for now there he is pretty cool crashed him into the cliff there but to live all right so exciting times I've been um holding off on really playing any satisfactory at all for update eight and this um series to start so I've been really dying I did a little bit of testing here and there but really dying to play for a while um let's see our some biomass burners up oh that's all we get let's get this going and then definitely need as soon as I get some foundations I'm basically going to be redoing this so I'm not too worried about looks like set this to leaves and let's dump all of our leaves and let's box for it to fit in then oh really [Music] again we're just throwing some stuff up here real fast to uh things moving and iron ingots what are we shortest on your shortest um that bad boy yep don't even have rods to build a second one um can do a little bit of cheating if I had some wire all right we really got to get the wire going copper which should be right here oh Okay cool so basic setup here we have one iron node working we don't have any Splitters yet so this is producing a lot more than the belt can remove so we're gonna be actually we could we're gonna have leftovers which is kind of cool I don't really have the power to power more buildings yet but I kind of went to like the starting place speed running starting Place everything around here is really really good there's a lot of nodes and they're very high quality you get a lot out of them there's a bunch more iron over here for our needs later refilling our our grass and right here is where we're making our power needs brass grass gets turned into biofuel here I got the biofuel can we afford another one of these no we need iron and iron plates of copper so let's go ahead and go get see what our copper is doing unfortunately we also need to set up oh yeah irons or uh Copper's looking good we need to set up some cable so again lacking Splitters really sucks but I think we should be able to do the same trick squeeze you in there that'll work have room on this and then reinforced iron plates yikes there's a limit to the constructors we can build with the reinforced iron plates they give us at the start [Applause] you want this I think so we're gonna go into wire gonna be copper or power this is my second playthrough I didn't quite finish the first like all the Elevator Parts on my first playthrough pretty close this cable now our power should be really close there yeah a little bit but we're okay now for now upper ingots okay oh yeah we're uh we're gonna cheat here we're gonna take the extra copper ingots I'm gonna feed these in by hand so we can get some cable going because I really need Splitters oh my gosh I forgot concrete I happen to know there's concrete up on that Ridge that's a new thing for me to kind of chatting while I play this game I'm gonna have to get used to that okay that's set up here we go concrete is cooking yeah why don't we head this way because I know there's some Hogs down here kill ourselves some local wildlife and ears their remains to power our here we go and also some um random parts come here come here buddy come on oh there's two of you ah one down where'd you go where'd you go there you are yeah all right so let's raid this thing that water looks really nice the water looks great it's really cool should be some more parts here is some reinforced plates 24. wow that's that's nice that saves us a ton of time making those by hand oh more of them 31 I'll take it that is really nice that is shockingly good okay what do we need a modular frame okay come on now 200 concrete 200 concrete no we're short was the one I wanted at all 38. is that enough it is enough let's launch it baby Milestone reach you have unlocked several structures aimed to provide the first needed to build basic Factory infrastructure and improved overview building these will provide a grid for more advanced organizing and sectioning of your factory all right I sent it up what's next yeah these Splitters these Splitters I need so bad now we can't start filling the Pod again until um he comes back which will be in a minute and a half here he goes he's landed that is super cool now it's nothing compared to the space elevator you have enough definitely have enough of these oh yeah baby we're cooking with gas Milestone reach conveyor belts can now merge split and lift to increase the complexity and efficiency of your factory we encourage you to consider more verticality when it comes to factory Logistics streamlined your productivity display will help you measure and improve the productivity of individual buildings to Aid with optimization here's the heavy modular frames that we need to open up that hard drive that's on the other side of the mountain there but uh let's finish off tier one first field research because that way we get our map and our ma'am okay here we go oh he's Landing perfect now if you didn't know um there's no loss of materials when you delete stuff and if you delete um anything like this stuff on this belt when I delete it it's gonna go in my inventory inventory fills up which is likely to happen oh you know what I forgot I emptied my inventory and we need that much stuff to uh launch that hey here we're moving fast and by no means a speedrunner but I'm pretty proud of this the map has been unlocked hey all goes the molecular analysis machine referred to as the map the man of new technologies items and buildings based on samples collected in the field yep there's our Channel s during exploration as well as an object scanner and beacons note the object scanner requires calibration via the map to enable detection of specific objects we do this too high [Music] get rid of these it's kind of a big deal I've never like I gotta set this um Foundation at the right height because [Music] I don't want to touch it again [Music] yeah that'll work too okay all right we're gonna go we're gonna go this high [Music] Bruce getting close all right at least our Hub somewhere nice that's good I'm in the trees there it's not clipping against the uh the cliff I think it's a good place good home for a long time okay iron rods iron rods to need one here we're gonna do it's ugly that works and merger okay iron plates I need to be in front of this guy there's a little green line really hard to see on the left side of the screen about halfway down tells me that it's lined up there's the green line there's a green line [Music] all right 15 per minute screws take right 10 per minute so this is this fun little you know you could split this in three parts and then re-merge two of them put it in there uh it's ridiculous I hate it We're not gonna do that we're just gonna use a splitter go in there and then half will go in there so it's not gonna be perfect but it'll get us some screws going here's our screws how do we want to organize this I think we want two all right we want a little path to walk first of all we want two here foreign don't need any splitting right in there perfect another Constructor I'll show you what I'm doing here in a sec then this lines are lined up okay so this one is going to be biomass wood this one's going to be biomass leaves I'm gonna put the leaves in here and we're gonna put the wood in here [Music] I need some power [Applause] [Applause] go didn't have to break it okay so now we have those working now when they come out they're both biomass it's just that this one makes biomass with the leaves and then this one makes biomass with the wood so we're gonna merge them now they're just biomass to be able to IM that up pretty close perfect perfect [Applause] we're gonna replace this storage container with another Constructor in a few minutes that will make solid biofuel and that will last way longer than that biomass all right milestone project assembly parts can now be constructed and sent up via the space elevator project parts are too complex to produce by hand this out we wait I need some power that even hey it's even okay there we go bam bam thank you ma'am here we go now we can set this to biofuel and we can put [Music] come on there we go all right so now when we go obstacle or when we go gathering for materials uh we'll use the chainsaw I'm going to try not to cut down too many of these really nice looking trees or I will cut down trees but I'll cut them down farther away from the base um yeah I'm gonna clear some of those trees because I'm gonna put the space elevator up there that's probably where I get where we will get our first tree clearing going so we need to make an adjustment here I use 15 rods and we go seven and a half 75 of 40. which is 30 twice is 60. so that'll work you just gotta kill this all right yeah and honestly these aren't actually getting the full amounts because of this bottleneck here all right out things along like this for now you got to get 120 belts it's just killing me I can move this going to move this [Music] [Music] I need that either merger okay here's our screws this should be 60 eventually how do we Orient our assembler I think we're just gonna go something like I almost jumped off the edge and there's the screw side foreign this all right in reality this is still pretty temporary relatively speaking looks good there's our reinforced iron plates all right another one bites of dust now the downside with Mark II the only problem with Mark II is that they need reinforced plates right here all right so much better now these belts will be much closer to full it should be getting the full 30 because we have 120 being split fourways three ways actually uh yeah we um I uh I did my math poorly can do one more split so what do we need what are we short you know honestly we really should set up one for rotors hey rotors needs 20 iron rods per minute and 100 screws per minute so we're not gonna get all of that out of what we need but are out of what we have we're going to build a splitter here you do rods and rods really kind of butting up against my you know we could do and just Place him then we'll work around him your two screws so it's gonna be a little tight I know what we're gonna do we're gonna go a little vertical so merger yeah our Slumbers gonna go here it's Tumblr Andy this and then come on do I think how to save yes perfect and then a box for our 90 new rotors yeah I'm gonna recap that corner over there we have the power setup that's moving here's our main Ironworks horse melters working one two three four five six seven eight nine ten Constructors uh we have iron plates here here and here no here and here are iron plates and then iron rods are there there there and there and then screws are here and here and there and there these screws are making reinforced iron plates here and those screws and rod these screws and plates are making reinforced iron plates and then these screws and the rods from that one are making rotors there all off of one mark one Miner in iron on one node we have three other iron nodes here I mean there's just there's just not enough space we we fully maximized one mark one Miner on One Note really the next step now that these sort of Basics are automated and we have some income we're actually going to start on our next project which is going to be built out here through all of this area I'm going to expand this platform and start building there and I'm gonna build if you're somewhat familiar with satisfactory I'm not going to build this style we've already built this style I'm gonna do something else almost like a main bus type of instruction it's uh it's gonna be good and it'll allow us to add on everything else that I am gonna build except for the coal power is going to be built right here everything all the way up until we get Mark 5 belts and then and only then will we start on our actual real factories this is just a starter this is just going to be our our starter Factory and then we will come back through and when we need this iron this iron node here we will come back through and delete all this yeah let's get started okay oh we only need one perfect hard drive and then if you don't know what hard drives are hard drive recipes so yes uh I didn't want to be I don't want to interrupt Ava um but yeah we uh we use it to unlock recipes [Music] oh that tree got eight show you what I have in mind here I want two empty rows so we have space in the future and so we're actually gonna start our construction here the last thing that gets constructed is on the end is actually a merger okay but where is the start of it I think should be enough space I think we can I think we can start here so two in and then we'll start right in the middle in the center but on this side I'm out of concrete and iron plates we're gonna build a mega starter Factory and it's gonna be awesome now I have to have enough space here I can't remember exactly how much but we're gonna test that is enough that will that'll work okay we've got that placed now oh actually the first one isn't um the first row is actually not a Constructor first row is actually smelters as long as that works we'll be fine yep and that works of course this works fine yeah this was this is this is our spacing right here we need to do the same thing with a splitter here no I think I'm just gonna bang this one right down the middle because we were basically there anyway here's our splitter yes yes we're out of iron plates the first thing we build over here is gonna be iron plates yeah so that's a little wider than this one but I'm okay with it we'll just match it on the other side and where is he right on the lines right there make sure this looks even yeah looks great and then we gotta do the same um that we did oh my God I I swear I will fall off of this thing I'm like definitely afraid of falling off this thing did I get my jackpot want to see how long I can go without dying of course I say that and I'm gonna die like really quick I think we were here yeah right on the edge right on the edge perfect the one two three four five tile's worth for one row so we're gonna have a smelter row where we just send the raw materials straight down the middle it gets split off of each side so the raw materials come down the middle it gets split into the smelters on each side and they get set back up through the mergers back towards us and these bad boys go up as high as you want almost how high that goes actually you can get it higher than that even if you use a floor hole plate which we would definitely do we can make this stack as high as we want and we just load them in and we can also increase the belts so we only have 120 per minute belts right now but you know we'll get 480 or 320 or oh 270 and then 480. right and so we can just increase the belts and then put more smelters on the back end and then increase the belts coming back and it just loads up the completed materials oh the man's done if we get lucky so that's the plan wow this is huge this is awesome this is so awesome I can change completely changed my my setup I don't need nearly as many screws I will need some screws for rotors but I can make now I can make plates without amazing I will have to get copper over here I I'm so happy that was such a good pull that's why we do those is so that we don't have to deal with as many screws and then I'm gonna I'm just gonna make these 120s but we don't have the regular plates anyway to do the mark one belts I'm just gonna make everything Mark II which means it's time to officially change my click buttons over from Mark one down here number three is bringing up a mark one and I'm gonna change it over to Mark II to change these by the way you just hit the button that you want them to be lifts we're gonna stick with Mark one we're definitely gonna stick with Mark one because on the way out or on the way in each that they very few will actually need a Mark II off of the split like this but the actual majority of this construction we're gonna do a Mark II I'm really excited to build this I've been planning this and actually got this idea from inksten Archie on YouTube that's where this idea came from so to make things easier I'm just gonna build off of this side for now I'm also I I will build an underfloor to this to move some of these materials around for now Let's see we got 120. four of them correct yep all four of these are gonna be based off of this bottom and we're just gonna build ourselves some splitters [Music] Mark ones to go to feed into the actual and then Mark twos down the central pipeline [Music] this is a manifold style I'm a Believer in manifold there's a loading I can't remember what it's called the name is escaping me but you pre-split them so they go in evenly like I did over there but this manifold is faster simpler and takes a lot less space the only downside is is that it takes a while to get up to full production uh because they have to you know machines have to fill up so there's a downside but uh it's this is a marathon kind of game so I don't think spending a little time is really that big of a deal iron plates we don't really need these [Music] and Mark twos coming up and here's where all of our iron ingots are going to come out now these are probably actually the lines that I'm gonna stick under the under the flooring no no no no yes foreign [Music] [Music] I think it's three actually yep here we go now we can turn okay so here's where the plates will come out [Music] Let's see we have Spore smelters in place and if I remember right yeah they're 30 30 that means we can get four I got having like vertigo because I think I'm gonna fall off of the stamping I just realized we haven't touched power in forever so [Music] I knew I knew the power was close here it helps sometimes the green line doesn't show up [Music] together is that four one two three four yes they all set to iron plates no copy paste okay reinforced plates and then smart plate now because we got that special recipe we don't need to make quite so many screws which is going to be great oh yeah look at that foreign but the downside is we need to move the copper over it's gonna run right along here I think what I'll do is reserve the first four or iron because we have four iron nodes and then that one will be copper and it needs to be marked too gonna be an expensive boy and that's not going to be enough we're gonna need to be so tall stackable come on baby that one two three four five one two three five sure this hey yep it's gonna be our copper Highway that's much better which makes sense because you build one you get you to the second level now I think what we're gonna do is uh make this side copper um I actually oh you know what I don't know how many coppers because again we're changing recipes but I'm fine I'll go with the flow so four to start right because 120 coming out make sure copper eats 30. it does yeah four to start 4's enough you go boom boom what the hell then Arc one and mark one two go ahead and just kill this so it's out of the way this two [Music] all right and I also got to get that auto save to 10 minutes instead of five that's really kicking my ass all right and then honestly we definitely don't need definitely don't need this one keep that one you gonna make it of course you're not right here we'll need them one two four [Music] straight looks beautiful okay here's our wire I'm not too worried about cable for now we will need to kick some of this wire back into one of these probably I don't know maybe this one do we do that no probably not probably through there and then we would need to build a few cables off the end here but I'm really trying to get our plating rolling because that is our next real big hold up for both the space elevator as well as the reason I can't build the underfloor is because I don't have floor holes but you need awesome shot points for and I mean I could throw I guess I could throw yeah I I could do it but I guess I don't want to merger this and now we're going to build our first assembler on the line here yes okay so this is where the assemblers are gonna go and where they're meant the front of the manufacturers and then the back of the manufacturers I should because they're four more they're four more just make sure one two three four yeah I think I can make that work with floor holes if not well I'll deal with it later and then also these are effing backwards so that's great is these are wrong all right let's get the Splitters in place here [Applause] here okay and just need to Mark once for here in here so we need wire here or there and iron plates in the other place there's our wire coming up wires coming out here but definitely put wire on the bottom super convenient barely an inconvenience [Music] and then we will definitely put iron plates on the second row because he's just begging be in the second round [Music] here iron plates are moving going all the way to the ground okay so that is the reinforced plates and then now these reinforced plates will be ready to go down the third row well let's just build it real quick take them off and the third row is going to be for our lovely or plating which I think needs reinforced plates and rotors off top of my head um and then the rotors what we'll do is we'll make them off side here so the only thing left to do now before we fall tonight is switch our copper ore and then watch it all come together I'm gonna race down here and build ourselves a tower we're gonna come down oh that we have a little uh t-junction there we'll deal with that again I'm gonna end up hiding most of these lateral inputs for sure the outputs like where this wire is going to come through or this these ingots I'm gonna hide them so underneath but yeah we should come in here drop down smelt come back up in the ingots I'm back through ourselves and then head over there to be turned into wire all right there we go we're moving down the belts now again because this is a manifold setup it's going to take some time for all of those this first smelter has to overflow completely before the next one can really be efficient this line eventually will be packed full we have exactly 120 but it's going to be a little stuttery until then all right let's run down for our next wire production turning our ingots into wire [Music] yeah there we go there's our first wire gonna come out the door head down and go in the first round for the special recipe plates so that's looking good and again that's gonna have the same problem it's gonna take a while for that first one to fill up working working it's working foreign here we go you forced iron plates thank you so much for watching if you've enjoyed this video and want to join me in this journey consider subscribing so you don't miss my future content my plan is to live stream Tuesday Thursday and Saturday evenings PST and to continue to post videos like this one edited from those streams until next time
Channel: Kinstruction
Views: 23,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Satisfactory, Satisfactory Update 8, Satisfactory Update 8 Experimental, Satisfactory Lumen, Satisfactory new start, Satisfactory Starter Base, Satisfactory new player, Satisfactory forest start, satisfactory lets play, satisfactory starter factory, satisfactory update 8 ep 1
Id: Ew3ueQ7lX7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 51sec (3591 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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