From PEASANT To PRINCESS Story In Minecraft!

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Natural-Leek-7108cat 📅︎︎ Jul 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

I sw to

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Rare-Steak1938 📅︎︎ Jul 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

I think you should do like more videos like Idk but you can think coz idk what video should you make :)

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Rare-Steak1938 📅︎︎ Jul 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

my historic nerves can't take it I need to say to say it, there is no way you can go from a peasant to a princess, you have to be born as a prencess.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Indoraptor1234567 📅︎︎ Jul 25 2021 🗫︎ replies
this little minecraft player lives a simple life in minecraft that is until she discovers that she is long-lost royalty now she will go from peasant to princess in the blink of an eye from surviving in a shabby minecraft house to a huge royal castle this little player will not have anything and everything she wants but being a princess in minecraft proves to be a challenge especially when her maids and guards are doing everything for her can this little player learn to live up to her royal name let's find out oh hey would you like to be royalty with me then be sure to like and subscribe princess let me deal with that subscriber button for you so yeah thanks oh man the ceiling is leaking again as usual is there anything to eat man we have nothing i found another one thought you were gonna bring back food what no no no no no no we don't need food food is lame what we want are these nice shiny gold nuggets you know not as shiny as that nice necklace you've got um oh where'd you get that by the way uh i mean i i've had it ever since remember i wandered into this house as a baby yeah yeah uh-huh anyway um can i have it no food what if you don't need food we can you know all right fine you take this sword go out into the woods go find your own food whatever i'm i'm going to take a nap okay have fun bye you're a bad caretaker babysitter person all right oh more berries perfect awesome okay all right just gotta eat a few of these all right for once i couldn't even find this stuff okay i got ah there's so much food here all right oh wait what's that nothing in the bushes oh no what's that oh no oh no this isn't good i gotta get out of here no no no what are they doing why are you dealing with respect for someone other than me wait small tidy peasant girl what what are you hello big sword there be careful with that how are you are you are you okay little one yes i'm i'm fine oh are these these two scary oh they're fine they're far and hey don't worry about them it's barnabas and uh well before we go back to our wandering around the forest uh is there anything we can do for you little one um significantly poorer little one no no no i'm fine wait a minute what what your necklace you realize that peasants could wear jewelry that's incredible [Music] search you to search for the necklace at once ah the double fighting now don't worry they're very good at searching as soon as they can figure out how to turn their necks down so where where did you think you lost hold on oh wait wait hold on yes barnaby oh you did great popsicle better luck next time sir uh here uh you get give it to me give it again hand it over thank you wait hold on this necklace is yours this one right here yes but no no no no no this this couldn't possibly be yours you're too poor for this it's mine hold on hold on hold on this is the necklace of the the lost little princess i can't believe it i've been looking for this for years it's yours uh are you sure you don't look like your princess material i think i'm just going to take it away and go you didn't have to bite me over it but fine there it is okay congratulations but wait it really does fit you nicely that means barnaby popsicle i think i think this may be the one the one we've been searching for these dark woods all this time i think you have to be the lost princess there's no other way about it a barbie uh popsicle go fetch the royal carriage we must do we must leave here at once up i can hear it now in fact huh ah yes you two your deeds will be forever remembered as a yadda yadda anyway get on quick we gotta go we gotta go we gotta run get out of here let's go let's go come on come on somebody always looks me for me to pay for something when this happens so i need to go you take care of this uh yeah yo what's up whatever your name is your name's mushroom now anyway let's go let's get out of here let's move let's move oh finally home sweet castle oh ben it's been such a long time since i've been here at least 30 minutes oh it's wild all right here we go oh it's me baby puppy [Applause] okay it's fine that's where everything's good everything's great don't worry about everything's fine a new path for the golf cart we have awaited your return uh yes of course yes uh sir i bet yes but um uh that peasant girl there who is that oh oh this yes of course i forgot to mention yes she's wearing the princess necklace i think so i'm pretty sure it might be it is oh this is amazing [Music] yes yes sir let me introduce these two this is the head of the god night noi and faithful servant casey yes of course casey noy i i i can't believe i can leave her to you too and making sure that your accommodations are quite nice yes at your comments thank you thank you i'll just go ahead and take this back down to the garage okay i'll just be going here and just go caution sir good thing we have the budget to fix the suspension all right little one welcome back to your home [Music] the hall of the royal family and right through here is the royal garden which i worked very hard on oh my gosh oh my gosh and this is our faithful royal steed bucket oh my gosh oh i must be sleeping with buckets okay i'm gonna go to sleep right here princess no no that's not where you're sleeping your bed is right up here come on in a tower yeah i worked very hard on it i hope you enjoy it yeah i mean earth sleeps on the dirt yes i just i just wanted to check in and make sure everything was going well how do you like your new your bed i was just saying new bed but it's really yours it's your old bed you finally returned to it oh my long lost princess is finally back to me oh it's so great wait my long-lost princess so you're my dad yes quite indeed i am i think probably why did you lose me when i was a baby ah yes why did i lose you yes that could be easily explained explain this in the form of a bedtime story please oh yes sir at your command once upon a time there was a majestic king and a beautiful queen who loved each other very very very much and then something happened ah yes it is done very good well done night noi all right have a good night we'll see you later no no no no no no no wait what no no no no let me do this okay um so once upon a time the king went out to play hide and seek with his daughter without his mater guard so no one was there to babysit the king and so the king forgot the baby yes you know babies can't play hide and seek anyways the baby was really good at hide and seek and then he lost her in the end okay okay but real quick how how was i supposed to know that babies are too good at hide and seek i thought that i'd be able to win the game very easily ugh every time i didn't tell you don't worry sir you are a fair and just ruler and you know everything that you need to know to rule the kingdom of course i do of course i do yes and anybody who questions it can uh of course uh just enjoy the cliff over there guys come on yeah yes of course of course sweet sweet dreams little pee all right i i'm getting out of here i don't know what to do with the babies all right [Music] hey there you are let me just get in here anyway uh hey i found you what what what am i doing here what are you doing here i am um i'm living with the royalty living with royalty why why what are you living here for uh because they're nice and they're super nice this is my real home i am the lost princess oh okay okay you're you're talking nonsense we are getting out of here oh no no no quite quiet no no no no princess what could it interlope i don't know what that means a princess what come here uh no no sorry about that little one oh dear how did he get in i'll get that fixed up in the morning don't you worry though you are nice and safe and sound here oh i also snuck you a roll cookie from the kitchen [Applause] i've never had it okay i'm gonna eat this i'm gonna go to bed sleep tight yell if you need anything else okay [Music] okay i guess i gotta get started on my chores ian usually makes me polish the gold so i better go find the gold i could pose oh princess what are you doing up so early i'm gonna do my chores like polishing all the gold and the diamonds and stuff that's what i normally do you're not you're not doing chores because princesses don't do chores come on let's get you ready for the day instead okay i don't have to do chores follow me this way here's the royal bat whoa rosie they have a whole bathroom [Music] out of that ugly dress wait wait wait she's gonna give me back oh no no no bet no what no no we have to give you a bath so that you're nice and clean nope [Music] oh that's so much better you look so pretty in your new dress oh this one's way more suited for a princess oh my god ugly one oh this is my ugly dress come on hold one second don't mind don't let me stay in my dresser are you okay no don't worry i'm fine it's a little dark but i'll be right up there in a second [Music] yes and eventually we'll have people sitting here but but for right now it's just gonna be you and me and of course casey of course thank you thank you yes yes look at that good delicious food don't care at all for carrots you have to eat your veggies casey is right you know you absolutely have to eat your vegetables in order to be a proper princess that's how these things work then are you gonna eat your vegetables oh goodness no could you imagine me eating vegetables i'll eat my vegetables yes casey of course yes yes you better eat your veggies you have to follow the royal rules as well of course of course of course actually here oh no dude speaking of rules uh here don't don't don't tell her but this is the royal clinton steel just in case you want you need to do you know get yourself take it there is yours there you go you yeah i gave it to you as a baby but they said oh it's getting bad to give still to a baby pierce and he was like no whatever but there you go anyway go back to your secret your carrots i don't want carrots yeah you say royalty is not teacher no carrot no drink what no no no no no no no no oh we only have [Music] i don't know that's so very strange since she has a billy nope nope nope nope oh so these are the royal birds and as a perk of being a princess your voice can actually summon them to your side to help you without every sort of thing you might need really yes why don't you go ahead and give it a shot just sing to the birds and they will do as you please all right okay okay i'll go up so i can look at them oh i'm so excited i can't wait to summon royal birds give it a shot bugger just wait her [Applause] [Music] well at least some of them survived that's good at least that's what i was expecting that's a powerful high note are we sure he found the correct princess maybe we just found some random i don't know nothing no i yes sir she is your daughter you know this i of course i do that was very concerning us this birds are very expensive yeah you've never done that before no i don't think so you know what that's okay that's okay maybe that's just your special power no i'm not a good princess this is hot wait wait no come back i'm sorry if i made you feel bad oh i'm not very good yes embrace your power oh she's running away maybe i'm not cut out to be royalty i can't even sit down or be oh hey kid so that uh that royalty life oh no no no hang on hang on so uh that royalty life isn't really working out for you is it yes no yeah that's what i thought hey and that's okay you know what you can always come back and live with me no i am not going back uh yeah yes you are you come back no i just ran away for a moment i didn't mean to run away forever no no no you're gonna come live with me what is that oh nothing all right you're coming back with me and that is final let's go no no no no pipe down in there come on we're going home okay you are gonna stay here got everything all set okay uh by the way here's dinner i uh cooked it for you you're good to go what's that gross yuck i'll have you know i worked very hard to make this stew you go to your room ungrateful child i miss my royal family i miss made casey i miss garden witch i even missed the king even though he said my singing was bad i gotta find a way to get out my princess tree you should have huh who's that after that guys go hey hey you all [Music] the one who captured the princess yes of course she's very important but also she's in the back go get her uh no no you all you all need to go away don't you get out of here dude will you get out of here how dare you attack the king here i'll take a turkey i've got this i've got this hold on [Music] can't run but he can't run that bars yes i found you and hey take a look at what i also found are you looking for this baby yes of course here you take it oh we were so worried about you oh you know of course it does it's your necklace all right now let's let's get out of this dreary place and find somewhere much more royal yes purity here the one who captured her got away so noy you're devoted to semi-sir i apologize sir we will capture him though good around here somewhere wait we have to find him wait what what i can help get rid of the house so he can't come back here i know how to you can oh here princess use the royal tnt you know that you can use explo no no no i'm gonna make you proud look i learned my thing and i know what to do now okay i don't know if singing is the right thing to do at this current moment but all right [Music] the birds of the world they are arriving extremely destructive because we're going to take a step back all right that's um unexpected but uh very useful at the moment yes well done oh [Music] i think it's time maybe we just we head back all right yes yes yes yes i think the humble has been destroyed no no okay you can keep going all right for good measure why hello there hi you can't believe he's here how dare you threaten the royal princess well listen listen you guys have too many nice things so i thought i would just come here and steal some gold for myself yeah i'm [Music] i see [Music] i can't believe you've done this you are truly my daughter after all oh you he's just like like daughter like father oh back in my day when i would throw so many subjects in the lava pit oh boy a lot of people are in trouble anyway let's go back with so we got to go fix things all right put out the pockets the king
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 18,528,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, aphmau peasant to princess, aphmau minecraft peasant to princess, princess aphmau, is aphmau a princess, aphmau poor to rich, aphmau poor to rich minecraft, minecraft poor to rich, aphmau rich, poor to rich pranks, aphmau poor, aphmau is rich, is aphmau rich, aphmau funny pranks, aphmau pranks her friends, aphmau, aphmau is rich in minecraft
Id: ZPogfwjebXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 33sec (1233 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 21 2021
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