Getting Marked for Death in Ultrakill is Kinda Insane...

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[AI Generated Subtitles] Hello, welcome back to my playing of Ultrakill. In the last episode, we P-ranked all of layer 7. In this video, we are going to be trying to get all the challenges in it. So in this level, there is a secret boss that we have to defeat. And I think I have an idea of where it is. So this guy, you can put a skull on his head. And there is a motif of this guy wearing a blue skull. Now that I look at it, it actually looks a little bit different. But it's actually, it's still one of the dudes with a blue skull on. In one of the rooms that has like a secret in it. I think that is what you have to do to get the secret boss. Hold on, I can get these guys. Okay, no I cannot. That was just a complete lie. I lack all the skill required to do anything in this game. So I'm half dead in the first room, but this isn't really a survival thing. I can die and I just restart from a checkpoint. So yeah, this thing. So we can't, oh, so get this. And we can't go back through that way, so we'll just have to take this with us and see when we can use it. Okay, so yeah, we can just go back this way I think. What is that? That is a secret. And that's the first secret in the level, cool. But yeah, here's what I think I have to do. Is take this here. Hi. Secret chamber. This is a remarkably clear room. Smooth marble compared to the rest of this. So I got a checkpoint. This is kind of ex- okay, he's coming out of here. Big Johninator. Oh god, oh god, that's a lot of damage. Where is he? He's not here, certainly. Well that was easy. Oh god, are you kidding me? That is so sad. Okay, it remains complete. No it does not. It does not remain complete, actually. That was just a total lie. I don't even know what this guy looks like, he's too small. Where, where, I can barely see him. Okay, I gotta beat him again because I'm stupid and failed the first time. But the razor blades should take him out pretty easily. Yeah, just stop bombing me please, thanks. Okay, okay, well, it was much easier the first time and then I walked into a land mine and just totally ruined everything. Don't jump over my saw trap, please. I wanna- oh god, I wanted to heal off of that. There we go. Walk into that please, thank you. This can't be that hard. Ow, okay, so that attack with the Maurice Beam tracks. Okay, um, ow. Let's just get him here at the start and it should be easy. Yep, just lead him into that, there we go. Now I just gotta hit him like two times. There we go. I really should have been able to win the first time. I did win the first time. What is this? Scanning. Dead end after dead end. Is there really no way out? Get lost in the labyrinth, die in the battlefield, or get lost in the forest? I thought I saw a way out there. A gate covered by foliage, but even with all our strength we couldn't get through. I doubt there's any blade sharp enough to cut the vines. An only fire? And the only fire that could burn through it would need to be hot enough to melt metal. So I think that this is talking about in the forest level, there's like a section where it doesn't lead to anything at all. Like there's just like a random dead end, and right before it is a bunch of street cleaners who do use metal, or fire, and it can melt metal, which is me, I am the metal. So let's beat- I need the skull. Let's beat the level and then we can go and test out that theory. It's not really a super hard theory, I think it's pretty cut and dry. Ow, Jesus. Oh, it spawned me all the way back. Are you kidding me? Really did have him beat. I feel like this is a tad unnecessary, but damn, okay, that dealt way more damage than it deserved to. I almost feel bad for him. So the logbook that I just read, I think I said offhandedly that maybe the robot dudes, like the gutter tanks and stuff, were trying to escape hell. It does in fact look like that is what's happening. They're not just fighting aimle-, because they were fighting the demons as well. So that does seem confirmed enough. Oh god, I'm so sorry. Oh god, he doesn't deserve that. I wish I could get blood off of his suffering, but it seems that I cannot. I keep forgetting, someone told me you don't have to jump back to dodge his attacks, but I keep doing it because it really feels like something you should have to do just based on the positioning. Clearly I'm not learning, that's not a thing I do here. If you get him down to the point where he does the rushing attack, where he tries to do that, yeah, that deals most of his health. So by the time you get to that attack, he should basically be dead and you can just kill him with it. Or you could be me and just not do it right, and then he survives it. Alright, there we go, challenge "Beat the Secret Encounter". I need to check what the challenge for the next level is. Oh, oh, oh, don't kill any enemies. I'm not entirely sure how to do that. The part that I'm struggling with figuring out is the, I'm trying to think, there's a big level or a room with a bunch of enemies in a library at the end. Not sure how you're supposed to get out of that room because I'm pretty sure the exit only opens when you kill everyone in the room. Goodbye. Oh, oh, I didn't. I've almost killed myself just with the rockets. Also those almost hit me, like legit, just the random rockets. Ow, okay, well, I mean, I still haven't killed any enemies, so I wonder if there is anything up there. Okay, I'm not sure why the rockets are turning blue after a moment, but that's interesting. Is that just the texture glitching out? It's not, okay, I thought this was something I could interact with. Clearly I am a fool. Okay, so in order to get to the end, what I really need is to get the bomb from over here. So let's go to, yeah, let's get this thing. How do we get the, uh, huh, lore question mark? Something has happened. It has been days since a reconnaissance has seen a single angel. We do not know the cause, but we recognize the chance. We've hid underground from the chaos up above for far too long. Without the watchful eyes of the angels, we will brave the labyrinth and find a way out of this place. This is probably because Gabriel killed them all. If you are one who seeks shelter, take heed. The archive is trapped. A single misstep and reprogrammed protectors will activate. Write these instructions down and follow them carefully if you wish to take refuge on the other side. So clearly this is more complicated than I was thinking it would be. I thought it would be as simple as finding a wall or something that I can go through, but, um, am I gonna have to write this down? I hate remembering things. I have my phone. I will write down, I assume you have to turn and move in this direction like that. God, I'm just gonna take a picture of this. Humans are fallible. My camera roll is unfoolable. Okay, so we can just get rid of this now. Just leave it there. So we have to go around to get into here, I guess. I thought you could just fly into here, but now that I'm looking at it, that would make no sense with how the level is laid out. Well, it's a good thing I made that mistake, 'cause otherwise I don't think I would have found that. Wait, isn't there a fight over here? I'm pretty sure there's a fight in this room. Huh. Yeah. Um, I don't see any way through here, so I guess, uh, checkpoint. Challenge is still a go, so clearly that was fine. Okay, we need to get into there. How, how, how are we gonna do that? Maybe we can go above? Oh, there's a thing over here. Not sure, I mean, I can see that it's a power-up, but I'm not sure. Um, um, the fight music has started. But I see no enemies! Oh my god, I found the enemies. Uh, singular, single enemy. Hi. Ow. So clearly that was not the answer. Checkpoint. Okay, so if you take that thing, guy spawns. Got it. It's really dark out here, actually. Can you climb this? How high can this, can you go? Oh god, I think I'm gonna fall and take damage. Oh my god, I literally just exploded and died. Okay, I wasn't expecting it to be quite that extreme. There's a cross up here, maybe it has something to do with this. Looks like a grave or something. Oh, oh god, here we go. We're gonna need a bigger boom. Yes indeed, brother. Okay, so the next thing, I think we have to jump off of this before it gets to the, like, interstice thing here. And then let it slide all the way through. So. 'Cause I noticed that before, oh my god, it stopped right in front of it, Jesus. That is, oh, oh, yeah, no, that's in for- Oh wait, we can just open this. Um, um, um, hey, guys, um, okay, I'm gonna break your shields just for the health. And then, go, go, go, okay. Lovely. Please don't shoot me, thank you. It looks like they're shooting exactly behind me, so clearly they cannot aim. We need the red skull. Let's see if we can snipe it from up top here so we don't have to fight anyone. Oh my god, they're still shooting at me. I see where it is. I think. Um, no, it's locked up. Maybe we have to trigger the encounter first? Not entirely sure. Okay. Uh, can I- no, I'm not sure how to get this, actually. Oh, it comes out you can get from the top. Okay. I didn't realize. And, here we go. Oh god, oh god, perfect time for a lag spike. Okay. Lovely. There's a- I thought this checkpoint respawned, but I guess not. Should've waited to use it until this point. Oh, okay, the bomb has decided to leave without me. I guess. Okay, bomb, we'll just use it as a shield. Oh my god. Okay, well, um, that's unfortunate. Oh, the bomb is still here, lovely. And those guys are probably despawned- nope, that is not what despawned enemies look like. Just don't kill me on the way there. Yep, there we go. Okay, we're gonna have to run past these guys. That, uh, or I guess we can just stand on here, we don't have to run. Byeeee. Oh god, this is gonna explode in. There we go. Here we are at the labyrinth. Lovely. And by trapped, I guess he meant that armed soldiers will fall from this gun. Oh, I guess he did say the reprogrammed- I can't actually- I didn't take a screenshot of that part. The reprogrammed something or other, so I guess they are just completely robots. Oh, I guess they must be robots with- working with whoever- 'cause the guy that we fought earlier, John or whoever, he was very small, so maybe that's the size of the actual humans that are trying to escape. And these guys are just actual, like, just completely robots. Probably says so in the- Oh wait, we can read John's, uh, thing here. Where's John? Earth mover, that is not John. Why is John- even the, uh, even this dude is in here. Where's John? Yeah, I don't see him. I guess we don't get any extra lore from him. That's unfortunate. Now this level. Um, let's do the, uh, thing that it gave us a hint for first, the, like, secret path. And then after that, we'll- I still have no idea what being marked for death is. So we'll have to use critical thinking, which, uh, I may struggle with. Okay, which way was it? I think it's this way. And I love one-shotting those guys with a real coin. It's so much fun. And we don't have to avoid killing things anymore, which is lovely. Not that it was particularly hard, we just kinda ran around them all. It's a very big level, but, you know. You know, honestly, that second level was a lot more interesting than I was expecting. I wasn't expecting a little notepad with instructions on how to get through. Jesus Christ, oh my god, I gave myself a heart attack by misclicking there. Oh, these guys don't just do little sluggish attacks now, they actually attack. They're mimicking the enemies around them. Now it's this way, so let's avoid killing the, uh, straight cleaners. And lead them over here. Um. Hm. It seems that they cannot survive water. Where on God's earth am I? I guess I'm not on God's earth, this is hell. No, like legit, where is this? I'm lost. Very lost. Oh, there's a thing over here. Nope, that's the tree. Okay, I figured out where I am. There's stairs over here. Why are there stairs here? Is this stairs from another part just clipping in? I think so? Okay, let's restart from checkpoint. Oh my god, the checkpoint is all the way back here. Okay, now, after beating that, let's see if we can get another checkpoint. So that way we don't have to fight them again. If we accidentally get the street cleaners killed. Here we go. What is down there? No, no, that's the path we go on later. So maybe I should be looking for somewhere where I can see an entrance. Because they did say that there was a gate that they could see. Okay, so is there a way to get them over the water here? Or maybe there's another place I can lead them to? I don't think there's any other street cleaners in this level. Hm. Oh, oh, does that, does that have a head? It kinda looks like it has a head, the tree there. Come on. Don't be slow. Don't be slow. Your mother would be very upset if she saw how slowly you were walking. Oh god, ow, pain. Oh, there's a secret over here. Oh, I didn't realize I could jump into this area. Whoops. Yep, after accidentally trespassing, first thing you do, kill all witnesses. V1 is the most relatable character in gaming. Maybe I should be flying upward. That is not time stop. Okay. Um, hm. Why, why, why can I not, why can I not rocket latch onto these without killing myself? I thought they, yeah, they die in the water. Do most things, most things don't die in water, do they? These doors have gone unused, the ones over there. So I wonder if there's something to do with those. Those things are blocked by crystals. What's over here? Under construction. That's interesting. I guess that's not finished yet. Maybe this whole quest isn't finished yet. I feel like they wouldn't release it if it wasn't. Oh, that looks like the secret entrance. Or, uh, secret level entrance. And it is under construction. So what I'm assuming is that thing that it's saying is for the secret level and we can't get into there yet. Uh, I guess we will pretend it never happened and figure out what the being marked for death thing is all about. Not sure how we'll figure it out, I guess just guesswork. Alright, challenge no. How does one get marked for death? I'm gonna be real, I was secretly hoping that somebody would tell me in the comments, but nobody did so I'm kind of on my own here. Maybe if I get killed by the people in here something will happen? Here, here, attack me. Uh, feebly and with weak arms. Feed it death. Okay, that just restarted me at the beginning. Is there any way to escape the bounds of this room? Doesn't look like it. Marked for death. What would mark someone for death? Oh, okay, that was just a really weird blood effect. Wait, I think. Oh, that's the effect of the blood getting sucked into the tree. I'm hesitant to look it up, but I'm really at a loss. I just realized I don't have a style meter. I'm not sure what's up with that. Maybe you have to get some style before it shows up. And obviously these guys don't give style. Interesting. I lied, this is not interesting. Why is there an eyeball in there? Do the mannequins even have eyes? Because those are the only things I've killed. Besides the blood ones that only drop blood. Yeah, I might have to just look it up. I don't think sitting here for an hour trying to figure it out is very productive. Okay, I've been given a hint. They said to go on top of the tunnel if it explodes. So I guess we will be doing that. Okay, I feel like you can only feed it with one at a time. So I feel like killing multiple at once doesn't actually feel faster. Also you can kind of see if you look closely that's getting pulled into it. Anyway, thing here. Go on top of the tunnel. What is this? Become marked for death. There's a red crystal in here. You're the star of the show now, baby. Thanks. I'm still entirely unclear as to what's happening. It'll probably be made very clear. So let's fight. Oh, I'm glowing red. I guess that's convenient. Ow. Ow. Wait, is everything going for me specifically? Is that what's different? Oh my god, I didn't hit a checkpoint before. Well, okay. We'll hit the checkpoint in the middle after being marked for death. Yeah, I guess that makes sense because it says I'm the star of the show. Because normally in this level the enemies are all fighting each other which makes it much easier. So I guess they are not going to be ignoring me. So let's get this checkpoint. Now we can fight. So let's go the easier way first. I guess there's a checkpoint here so I didn't need to get the middle one. Whoops. Oh, the music is different. I think. Or I'm insane. Those options are actually both equally possible. But I like to think that I'm correct. And I do appreciate that I glow red and can see what's happening. I really need to learn to start punching things as I shoot them. Not like what I just did. More like that. And death. There we go. Where's the dudes? Oh my god, these ones can actually be launched. I guess because they probably act the same as the enemies that they're emulating. Like these ones are the little green gremlin dudes. Whereas the other ones were... I actually have no idea. I think they were their own sort of enemy. Am I glowing brighter or is it just because the room is red? I think... I can't tell, honestly. I wish I had saved the checkpoint. So let's just work really hard to not mess this up. Okay. Okay, those guys are dead. He's dead. Um... If I could get another slow, easy to hit projectile, thank you. Let's focus on this dude next. Okay, is he dead? Yes, he's dead now. Oh, I probably could have parried him much more easily if I had actually focused on that. But ow. And everything is dead, lovely. Next area. Checkpoint, so I don't have to go back again. Yeah, no, this room is going to be much harder with everything. Targeting me! Okay. Oh, I wish I had hit that. Oh, I wish I had hit that. I wish I had noticed that someone else was shooting me and not focused on the blue projectile. The funny thing is, even though they're not targeting a ch- Why was it moving so slowly? I saw the blue, I was getting ready to shoot it. It just didn't come at me. I'm not sure what was up with that. But yeah, even though they're not targeting each other, they still hit each other like, a lot. Because of just how many there are. Especially because the new enemies, the gutter tank dudes, they're so big. That they're just really big targets for enemies to accidentally hit. And god, those are so slow. Am I playing on a lower difficulty? It feels like it, because they're just not moving quick. Ow, oh my god, I missed the parry. That was so sad and depressing. Ow, ow. Oh, oh, oh, I saw something coming at me, but I got hit by it instead of parrying it. Oh my god, oh my god, I don't know what's happening on my screen. Oh my god, okay. I should have just railcoined instead of- wait a second. Yeah, no, I should have just railcoined instead of whatever I just did. Okay, did that kill anything? I hope- I hope so. Okay, do you think that kills anything if I do that? Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, hold on, if he's dead, that'll make this much easier. You? You? Yes, you, I'm speaking to you. Directly. I know you can hear me. It's a bluff, I don't think he can hear me. But if he was, he would have said something right then. Is he gonna run at me at some point here? Oh, well he did, but I didn't get to parry anything because he just died. Okay, so these guys are actually still threats because they mimic the other enemies that shoot stuff. So I need to be careful about them actually. I hear a landmine. I hear two landmines actually. Oh my god! Well, I found it. There's nothing new over here, right? Yeah, no. I should have just parried, huh? Okay, there we go. That was the most terrible thing, terrible clear of a room I've ever done. But they're dead, so. Alright, this final room is going to be very difficult. Ow! Okay, that was a little unnecessary. Okay, oh god, that guy's gonna be really bad. Okay, get out of here, Jesus. Okay, where's the virtue? I didn't even know there was a virtue in this room. Oh my god, if I had parried that, that would have been so much better. Oh my god, ow. Okay, that unnecessary. Where... okay, give me... okay, that was horrible, actually. This is terrifying. I found the virtue. Please let me kill you. Okay, um, Jesus. Ow. Okay, I think the second one got me. Okay, let's take out these dudes. I need to figure out where the virtue spawns so I can actually take him out. Okay, I see him. Ow, okay. Where is virtue? Where is virtue? You know what would be most virtuous right now is telling me where you are so I can kill you. There's two. There's two virtues in this room, is what I've learned. Because I was being targeted by an enraged virtue. And that was not an enraged virtue attack. It seems like it got itself killed somewhere. But there are multiple. Okay, okay, thank you for that, Perry. I do appreciate it greatly. Maybe it's smart for me to try and get this out of the way so that way I don't have to be fighting the blood dudes at the same time. Okay, okay, this is very compact and hard to deal with hallway. Oh my god, oh my god. You know, I completely forgot about this thing. That probably would have helped to have been using. Oh my god, oh my god. I'm not even entirely sure what exploded there. Alright, let's see if we can get the tree right off the bat. Just, maybe if I just spam my main attack it'll kill things. Because honestly, if there's enough of them, it might actually work. Okay, the tree just halfway filled up in like half a second. You're dead. Your life was forfeit the moment you came anywhere near me. With my railgun charged, I should clarify. Okay, those guys are dead, which means fewer free parries, but also like way fewer enemies. And half of my shots won't be going to enemies that are gonna respawn anyway. Okay, that is dead, yep. Okay, get this. Okay, that was, I didn't dodge that attack. Thank you, blood, I like blood. Especially when it heals me. Such as in Ultrakill. Ow, okay. Get him, okay, yep, he's dead, I guess. Okay, I had the wrong fist on because I was getting ready to get a gutter tank. God. Okay, okay, they really cannot handle that, huh? Okay, I missed the parry on him. Okay, let's stop getting sucker punched by him for like two seconds. Is everything dead? I hear bombs around me. Okay, well it looks like our effect has gone away. Where are the bombs? Because I don't want to step on one and die. There we go. Okay, no sound, no memory, marked for death. Technically it was 11 restarts, I know it said 10, but I did get sent back to the start at the first time I died. Okay, now this one, don't fight the security system. I think I know how this one works. This is Future Fanticle here looking at a solid 20 minutes of footage you're never gonna see. Do not listen to this man. He's lying, he has no fucking idea what he's doing. Also, tell him to order a new mic because I need one right now and this one's kind of broken. Maybe. I have a vague idea based on like half of the memory that I have of part of this level. Now, I think we can just skip most of this to be honest. Why do I keep doing that? Have you considered not doing that to yourself? Okay, so this way, let's try and get on top of him, see if there's something up there. Okay, what is on, is there something on your head? Oh my god, he's so big that it barely feels like I'm moving when I dash. And he's intangible. No he's not, oh my god. I thought he was, but uh, oh my god. Oh my god, why would this happen to me? You know, technically if you think about it, you should get all kills if you blow him up because everything on board will die. So, I just think that's something that should be considered. Like if you're doing a P-rank and you skip part of it, and then they should die anyway at the end for your score because you've blown up the entire thing and they're no longer alive. Okay, there's gotta be like a door somewhere. Okay, so where's the area we get to at the end? There's a checkpoint here, I'm gonna get it just so if I die I don't get sent back to the start. You did not need to be spawned. Maybe it's above the security system? I think this is like the general area that it's in. Okay, I'm not seeing anything. Let's see, oh wait, this is the, that's not the area, so where do you come out at the end? Because it's above the exit. Oh, oh there's a thing here. What is this? Um, oh this is just part of the level. Wait, wait, no that's, the place I'm thinking of is the door that the security system like lets you out on. So is it below that? Wait a second, there's that down there. Are you able to just go, like leave and ignore the giant robot? Oh my god, this wasn't necessary. You didn't need to do that. You could've just not, oh my god, why? I've made a few grave mis- that was the gravest one by far, Jesus. Okay, well I think it's below this area, right? The area that, yeah, I can see it over there. This section. Are you able to get in here? No, doesn't look like it. You can't just leave, can you? Hold on, we're about to find out. So, okay, well it didn't really like me going down that far. It launches you over that way. So that's, that's the exit. And I guess the part where we, out, where we start off is, uh, down there? Yeah, that's where we start, that's where the exit is. Can we just fly directly there from the start? Hold on, I see it over there. I just noticed that he's bound to the earth by whatever those are. Or I guess it's not the earth, but you know what I mean. So this is the exit of the level. I guess it's not open yet. Is there an easy, maybe, is there a way to kill him that doesn't involve going inside maybe? Okay, I have a new idea. Let's see, let's just see what happens when the fight with the security system starts. 'Cause it says don't fight them. But I don't know if that means don't engage the fight, or don't kill them. 'Cause if we just don't have to attack, maybe the door opens up when we get into a fight with them. Like the, to get into the earth mover. And then it's over, it's just right over here. Okay, challenge no. So we cannot do what I just did. Oh my god, it spawned me back here. Wait, is there, no, there wouldn't be a different way outside of the starting area. Okay, let's try going over here, like just jumping over the security system. Mmm, no, we failed the challenge. I guess getting into this area means the security system is activated. I didn't notice the force field last time, I was too laser focused on it. Now that I think about it, this isn't how physics works. How would we, 'cause there's this big tall thing, right? But then when we get out here, where did it go? It's kinda odd. Not sure what's up with that. Ow. My problem is that I'm not very observant. So stuff like this is kinda difficult for me. Okay, so we cannot go over there. Maybe, what is this? I didn't notice this book. This text is red. The pages of the book are blank. Like all of them, including this one that we're doing? This is the only way it could have ended. War no longer needed its ultimate practitioner. It had become a self-sustaining system. Man was crushed under the wheels of a machine created to crush the machine. Samsara of Katsinu. I've never heard the word "Samsara," but okay. Samsara of Katsinu and crushed bone. There's no crushed bone if it's just machines, but alright. Death without life. Null oroboris. All that remained is war without reason. A magnum opus, a cold tower of steel. A machine built to end war is always a machine built to continue war. You were beautiful. Outstretched like antennas to heaven. Like the name of the level. You were beyond your creators. You reached for God, and you fell. None were left to speak your eulogy. No final words. No concluding statement. No point. Perfect closure. This is the only way it should have ended. So this is talking about the world ending because they built too many killing machines and everything got killed. And so they were like shocked by this apparently. Okay, well that's cool. I do like lore. I'm not sure who's speaking in this sentence because it's very clearly talking to me. Or I guess they're calling this the magnum opus when clearly it is inferior to me because I kill it. So that's kind of like rude. I consider it disrespectful. But that's not the point. I do have to wonder what the plan is for the end of Ultrakill. Because surely it can't just be like you get to the bottom, you kill Gabriel. You die of thirst because you've killed everything and then the game ends. There's got to be some sort of thing that happens. Or maybe there isn't. Maybe that is exactly what happens. And there's nothing wrong with that. Thank you for the lore. But I would have... If you could have included an instruction on how to get past the security system with your lore, that would have been pretty cool. What's that? That's a bomb. Hold on. Let's get on the operating part of this crane. Oh, I missed. I literally just missed. Okay, hold on. How do we operate a crane? This looks electrical. Oh my god. Well, it did something. Alright. There we go. That was really tough for some reason. I just realized that Ultrakill has a moral lesson embedded in it. That's interesting to think about. Ow. Okay, well, the hitstun threw me off so I didn't get that. But this thing is basically weak as heck. Heck? When have I ever avoided swearing like that? Oh my god. Ow. Okay, I'm really not sure what I'm doing here. Because I'm not... Wait, can you kill it before it activates the barrier? Barrier? No. I don't know. It doesn't matter. Either way, let's just get through here. And just kill everything. Bonk. GitGOT. Okay. And this is going to be the final challenge. I just need to not... Well, I guess I can die. But that would be annoying and anticlimactic. Oh god, it's going to happen. Oh my god. Oh, that was not a railgun. Oh my god. Health. Thank you. I should have punched that at them, huh? Is everything dead? Oh my god. Okay. There we go. I thought I was going to have to hit the bottom and bounce back up. Perfect. Cool. Don't fight the security system. That took way longer than it really needed to. There we go. So that was all the challenges. Wait, hold on. Does it only give the big golden outline if you find all the secrets? Either way, that was all the challenges in the new layer. So the secret mission did seem to be locked off. I think it's still under... Because it said under construction, which is what it puts on the weapons that are not complete yet. So I don't think it's complete. But if you liked that video, you might consider subscribing. Come back for the next one. And that's about it.
Channel: fanzical
Views: 299,694
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming
Id: 544_vrAthUU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 9sec (2109 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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