Multiplayer Ultrakill is Scuffed

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that with very player so enjoy the video and if you like it considering subscribing and com [Music] anywh [Music] you mother I don't have a rail gun fast for what happened to your rail gun save file yes there we [Music] go a coin shot yourself no I did in fact not I didn't take any damage my mama you ainting [ __ ] admin wait hold on hold on do that again I threw at a COR shot and you hit it okay I'm going to throw a shot and I want you to shoot the coins oh I Mr Beast Mr Beast what happened do it now wait you did I did not see it what the [ __ ] your ass is dumb I did not see there oh my God it actually works holy [ __ ] that's czy Luigi we have discovered something oh yeah also what what how do you do that SL TTS TT whatever you want to [Music] say I can hear your [ __ ] rail get in charge my end is now hey Watson cinder block I don't I don't think I can I sounds like that is an option actually wait try parrying I can Parry the canon ball yeah try the can punch it wow that is fast holy [ __ ] I can I can make it g go long son f b oh my God it's so [ __ ] fast I'm used to this in like any other thing but [ __ ] Ultra kill go try try [Music] shotgun have you noticed the no the singular frame oh oh yeah that's fun I like that actually that should be a change in the base game I don't like the slow down hold on can I uh oh y Mama wait you changed your rings oh yeah you changed colors your wings right oh sorry that's it you're going to the shadow real you hit me with a rock you hit me with a rock I hit you with a block I'm hitting with the power of the Sun not if I [ __ ] not if I coin bury you back [ __ ] you do F now wait actually I wonder actually throw a coin at me can coin punch your coins I can oh my God you can wait hold on if you shoot my coin does it do the thing let's find [Music] out oh [ __ ] it does wait you can feed to each other attack me I dare you you [ __ ] I don't think you really know how fast I am oh my Mama you ain't [ __ ] admin anyway bye damn it this isn't SL I'm not used to this me2 if you was actually a challenge be2 if he was another [Music] player y Mama y Mama MMA I saw you wait hold on I want to do something end now man I really feel like I'm getting punched in the mouth by Gabriel right now oh [ __ ] you cannot escape the nails BL you up first out of nails tracker go yourselfin no you call throwing a coin of martial arts big rock go miss me wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait there's something I need to do go funny man oh I can't I can't Spa the funny man wait can you Spa St yeah I can you want me now make him radiant no Mak him P 10 radiant uh so Radiance all all all all I this now dud he's targeting just you he has been blown I love how he runs up here and it's just like I can't even hit him it's like trying to SL to fly yeah that I need I need you to die see it I killed him wait he's dead for me but he's not dead for [Music] you is he dead now is he dead now is he dead yet dead is he dead is he dead is he dead yet is he [Music] dead tell me is he dead yet wait I just thought of this gun can shoot out projectiles yeah and I shoot your Cor Cory ja go shot that I'm sorry Cory ja go Cory ja [ __ ] poject go this is like the [ __ ] NTW fight me and Roman hat on [ __ ] hot dos I got you no you didn't you didn't even [ __ ] hit me wait wait I just thought of something sorry my bad sorry my bad [ __ ] die all right hold on like right [Music] there anyway bye man [ __ ] this I'm going to space not if I have anything to hey come here I'm going to space come here come here [Music] wait we can heal off of each other's what wait Moon wait I just realized something what we are V3 oh my right I think there needs to be a um boss called B3 right it's better than B2 right and it's exactly on car with you oh my god what you said what you said in the ACT to was real you fora this you foresaw this I am the one who I am the one who predicts the future Family Guy Simpson I'm believeing [ __ ] Coin to hit it for me I'm going to hit you with my Whiplash ouch wait hold on I'm going to rejoin I'm going to rejoin on this I'm going to rejoin what you just did like the [ __ ] skeletons from um the the skeleton [ __ ] poopa Troopers just oh oh wa I just collapsed yeah you just was your body I can't see it yo mama yo mama yo mama yo mama not if I have anything to say about it what if you just wanted like a bunch of dual powerups oh yeah hold yo mother on the count of three yeah three [Music] three we both did paper that means we both [Music] died wait hey you didn't die y mama I forgot to die sorry my bad bro I for there are other Pages wait there are other emotes oh my [ __ ] god hey what's up it's me it's me the funny ouch skateboard can I rebind flight Moon skateboard what oh [ __ ] skate guys it's him it's Tony hul he he is running away I'm not fast enough heck I'm not fast enough cinder block Minos to death so we're going to have to PR rank every single level that's going to be let's do that separately hly you know what actually why don't we just do it on our save file we already have Min yeah that's to say let let let's just beat the normal like game first hey you want to do the funny Something Wicked This Way Comes also this run all right I passed the tutorial um me too let me make a server and I'll invite you to yes just just where are you Jess here there you are hello I love punching boards in the mouth I love punching you in my mouth [ __ ] you I'm ahead of you now wait slide slide gaming you get the gun as well yes yes I did get the gun hello hold on sorry my a suck are you are you laging no my aim just bad um the door's still shut for me hey everyone edra glitch here so the door doesn't work for some reason for Moon so I have to implement the door stuck counter it's when the door doesn't want to do its [ __ ] thing and fun fact this is a recurring theme throughout the entire video the mod isn't completely refined yet so I can't really blame it but still oh yeah when you type you kind of just oh hey look I can go through the door now I can too that's [ __ ] do V is going to be a [ __ ] joke V2 versus V2 V2 no V2 versus V3 V2 of us just the V2 of us the show two of us honestly this is synced up really well it is for the most part hey I want to Parry one of these [ __ ] hold [Music] on oh my god get [ __ ] oh if I Parry them they don't die for you that kind of bad actually um they also we face towards you it works sometimes but it's it's still an early development dude Ultra kill was never even meant to be modded I'm not surprised [ __ ] I mean it's like H3 right H3 was never supposed to have multiplayer but uh people were funny and decided to do it anyway I'm going to the funny [Applause] filter they AR here the light okay so now they're here miss the light uh sure I'll post the next one we have to fight the funny rock I hate the funny rock I want him dead kill him I'm used to parrying by pressing Q now because I've been playing too much [ __ ] voidborn God damn it you fool okay so we're here now and you left this oh hello your mama so fat die just fall apart why is this green is this green for you what is what green is this doorway green for you there a cancerous Road in here what I thought I was the schizophrenic one damn all right let's do this look at my stream oh [ __ ] cancer is roded oh [ __ ] why is he here it's also imortal The imortal Immortal engines no Immortal Roden I forgot I broke that panel hey wait Moon let's just P sword hey that's a really funny idea being tracked by any every [ __ ] enemy though hey come over to the uh funny room funny you know the funny room the one behind the pan yeah we built the pipe are you seeing this [ __ ] a sword machine is standing still and nothing's happening d man you get the funny coin revolver and I don't you sh yourself now did you just get locked out Mo hit the funny secret hold on I'm I'm fighting I'm fighting the enemies the enemy cool thank you appreciate it C the funny skull anyway into uh something oh slam my balls I crushed his balls oh man I forgot how much I hated this level and I've already lost you Mr White I'm scared hold left Mouse button actually a bad idea so white this is so white it's after I forgot yeah it's after me so maybe you should slow [Music] down it's this way it's over here it's over here it's over here somewhere here side I get that mother he's after me where is he where is he I got oh I found it I found it I found the pedestal it's over here speed running 8% us it's nearby it's nearby sorry [Music] yeah oh [ __ ] maybe you should be typing in the vents he's nearby he's like really close he's like really close he sees us he sees us got him we killed his ass oh [ __ ] he's in the room oh I got him no we're in the wrong we're in the wrong pedestal room to [ __ ] I thought you knew this [ __ ] map all right you got him oh yeah hey get your ass over here yeah we did it we did it Hans the other side to the other end um um the door is for me Mr White okay is something something yo mama kill what the [ __ ] you sent me to space this level double down oh [ __ ] I actually get points now Marksman and Sharpshooter all right Bing Chucky says PA live on stream can't believe Chucky actually do you want to do this level n we're good I mean we are playing multiplayer after all here let's not play this level oh actually yeah I completely forgot that's an option [Music] let's hello Nero I'm here to collect your t i here to collect your uh P TCH okay per him only Parry this man ow my balls wait something weird he has a green health bar he has a green health bar for you I'm going to let you just hit him uh so have [Applause] [Music] fun how am I at Ultra kill I've done nothing hit him a bun of time it worked perfectly did it the final hit was the Perry and he was flying what a great Lu hey do you get any money uh I don't have the shotgun wait I don't have the shotgun mood wait hold on I don't have the shotgun either we've done something wrong so what did do well simple we another two times until we realize this [ __ ] doesn't work and we just got the shotgun in C play but whatever here zero I'm not even going to lie that that is you bleed you bleed when I punch you oh wait I you did damage to my corpse and I actually took damage what I'm first stop punching my dead cors it actually does do it it actually does I don't know why well I mean I do I guess they need to uh tether it to a player somehow right right guys it's the funny your off hold on there is a [ __ ] secret oh yeah the secret orb hold on I I tried to do the wall slam boost thing and then I accidentally jumped off of the wall and killed myself what it's stuck what what what what I'm here again all right hitting the funny button ow I tried to Parry the funny rock and he parried my soul out of my my body oh there was one both level alive watch you know you can kill every enemy in that room with one well shot right wait let's fight the kill them oh that incredible now remember don't blow up any of the glass pain I say as I blow up all the glass pain sorry that was you prush the HS what wait hold let grab this oh yeah the secret hold on hold on uh weapons wow it's revolver shot oh that usually works yeah it usually does there we go got it anyway serus boy who lived come to [Music] die there may be two of you but there is also two of us [ __ ] you you're Le a fair fight get your LeBron James looking ass though [ __ ] out of here die why is he doing only the charge attack he he was doing only the charge attack also come here I'm thirsty I'm thirsty I want me me want Dr Blood I was fool I'm a professional speedrunner 4 seconds on this level we P ranked the level holy [ __ ] that was an accident we have the power of God hey Moon yeah oh I hate this [ __ ] all right fine well here's the thing there's two of us that's a good point is my I can use my holy [ __ ] boxes and lines do you really watch this guys can you tell that I've played the yeah thought [Music] so sweet yeah limbo the the funny gun oh wait the nail gun it's this level can you believe it wait oh I didn't I didn't no we brought you back neither we go get a secret orb orious [Music] thing sorry sacrifices must be made is this you H I'm the Freer I am the one who explodes one back n love the nail gun kill his ass hey you know would be really funny what if we walked all the way back to the very first room and got nail overheat CR an enemy just walk in there wait wait what if you I was about to say what if you stand on my head and like nail them to my head oh no I just I just stick [ __ ] uh magnets in yeah that's what I mean just I want to I just walk into everything and it [ __ ] explodes this is the greatest plan that was funny got SP P you miss okay anyway into the painting you'll never find me now white oh [ __ ] I love the fact that like any enemies that exist in our very like proximity just instantaneously evaporate because there's two of us the game was not designed around having two or more people inside but it's funny I could you imagine doing this with like Ramen too hand off [ __ ] five people against like what two bosses King his fist violent versus five dip shits versus 5 V3 hold on I hate everything and everyone in this room hold on okay sorry by oh wait uh there we go I press the button what you press the button to I did all right also also you know what my have you seen my fastest time how could I [ __ ] not it's literally displayed right underneath the level name one and a half [Music] seconds yeah I uh I had plans to replay through the entire game on violent and uh that's why I was on a different safe file when I first started anyway [Music] oh I didn't even see you get up here yes this is a very fair fight this is very fair and very balanced for everyone involved hey come here hey hey I need help thanks wait if I hit you in the head with a critical punch literally just gives me 20 hp back for like five we can double our health it is not cooked is not cooked you suck [ __ ] you I trying to hit them and I keep hitting you there we go their main attack is known as the uh jump scare the main attack is must F yeah it's for the second button anyways ow suck rat there's the rat all right I have an idea we need to punch him both at oh I wanted to punch him both at the at the same time oh let's stop on the funny rat though stop on your Jordans are fake K him no no bro you are3 no4 I don't know who the [ __ ] you been talking do I say I say you be V3 I be V4 you say V3 we're both V3 damn hey I'm not de you should Implement that now where are you I'm slow I told you this there is a pipe bomb in your mailbox hot pipe bombs in your area oh yeah uh the soul or both here too I I didn't I forgot another orb yeah the one up in the roof you know the other damn yall have to really do be stupid I I haven't done those all right come here oh [ __ ] no you're stuck I fell through the [ __ ] map and into the red Skool room just help me Michael don't leave me here hold I can I can I can uh hello the [ __ ] I'm back oh dear hold on I have to refight everything I need to uh replay everything so like if when I give you the recording you'll see I literally fall into the floor lucky Jesus hey gone spare change change we have to do the rat all right I'm going to punch this rat in the mouth let's punch the rats three two one rat punch anyway hey all St answer Ro you actually can you can you Jesse can you get in the door Jesse I'll do it separately let just beat the [Music] level damn I fired a marksman and that [ __ ] missed everything they literally did not hit a single Target wait if I'm up here do they just all target you at all that's F ranked I got M bro what what the game unloaded funny hello everybody my name is Mark PL [ __ ] [Music] you oh yeah we can't use the soap correctly why not because FL uh well I mean you can still get it and buch stuff with it so BFFs Go funny uh die from soap I guess actually I just real we are we are the soap so we're going to be fighting the two dudes I assume yeah the two big guys two big guys remember [Music] lava you lied there was no secret in the lava I just found secret in the lava I just jumped into the lava there was no secret oh wait you're talking about the lava in the other room the go to this lus hey come here hey come here come here lus all right cool ah can't believe I actually just found that out they got to they got to patch that [ __ ] bro it's one person well yeah but like that is a problem very minor one shot yeah um think bug thanks for shot carrying me across the room I guess Jay get your ass out of here I got the the hell thinks he Michael oh [ __ ] wait there's a thread orb up there I didn't even know there was one up there that's how you get the two SKS uh I don't know how I'm going to get up there I got up there [Music] oh now you one which is significantly harder oh yeah but people consider this to be the harder one Dark Souls 2 on PS4 okay PS3 has no game PS3 nail wait I I when a server spawns in I want us to just both use exclusively our nail Canon on them I want to see how fast he melts hey die yeah yeah this yeah thank you chat not live hey come here come here red drank the funny rock has been funny funnily killed MCE found shot dead in the streets of limbo y That's one last s shot so do I rock KCK his ass ow yeah well you shouldn't have jumped in front of that sorry I accidentally slicking you my bad that's the wrong revolver I was busy fighting a street CER okay red St uh oh wait I can just go back up the tunnel again yeah built different I'm built stupid hey come here if I hit you with the soap you die that is kind of funny well I suppose we both lost the soap now but uh oh you saw the soap yeah I don't have mine but whatever it's just two sword machines I missed my just two machine which is why it's so [ __ ] easy to kill them are you going to I was about to say are you going to do anything here or oh wait this is individual we're fighting these individually get over here [ __ ] we're fighting both of these individually by the way fine I know right isn't that so funny you pick up my so no so sad I will keep the soap hold on sorry I'm uh oh I'm dead I almost killed them give them the nails okay they're both dead hey you might want to heal off of me actually I can't punch you're uh you're liing oh you wait you yeah there you go hey hey come here let me get just a one punch one punch man there you go all right now we're both at half now this [ __ ] help me help there we go wait I just realized we can just reload from checkpoint without having to restart the mission every time something funny happens I killed him I oh yeah you have the soap hey you know what I don't have the soap he doing anything come here I need ah [ __ ] bastard oh he's dead work this time that took six restarts sh to be fair you also play Ultra kill more than I do all right Moon we have to coin punch him to death no I have to gather the skulls no the skulls Jesse I need we can just Co we can just coin shoot him though and he'll take damage I'm GNA I am actually going to grab just one because I want to punch V1 in the in the face with the skull in the F oh wait slap the slaber hole are you forgetting about the slaber hole I his ass forgot about those La revolver he went through all the trouble of fighting K oh floor get out I was trying to slide through it [Music] and yeah we're going back to the start terminal aren't we gule stop Su the only thing I do is make sh this get the alt Sharpshooter that is all I do all right hold on there's something very important I need to do all right coin Co shoot him to death oh uh I don't remember how to do that no he actually spawned in kill him for you he did for me he's [ __ ] dead already I killed him ow I'm on HP come here please don't get to leave no I wonder how I wonder why oh my God that was a direct hit [ __ ] hor shot shell fairy he is dead his ass is gone you [Music] missed okay but I'm clearing this entire room by using exclusively knuckle blaster I got hi you should uh do the punch only challenge with me it would be [Music] funny you bastard you know what hold on [ __ ] this guy oh uh well I guess I'm up here [Music] now Ma's balls BS what I can't move move it anymore s man I love death of 20,000 the funny the funniest thing ever Speed Run must Speed Run I'm not speed running you're the speed I'm not oh I would like to mention it's going double the enemy do all circuit boxes you do recognize that doesn't open the circuit boxes for me right oh oh wa actually has that's one of the only things that think damn we need to escape uh we we need to speed [Music] runed only the feedbacker can carry projectiles that's crazy by Hey where's the door for this one again oh over here I hit the circuit box that's by the door you're welcome move get to the door it's open get to the orange door he walk like we beat the challenge rail gun oh yeah we have the rail gun I've only buy one of them why malicious yeah screwdriver is okay it's okay for like if you suck at the game I mean I've I've come to appreciate what it brings to the table but uh it's only really effective against bosses yeah hey there's a soul morbius on top of the I hope you didn't forget not we're doing the anime level you have no say in the matter oh there he is okay anyway uh the flood control you could have told me you already hit it bastard kill him forever so I don't even remember out of these levels either I just real you can see minos's legs great you can yeah use over here big really big oh big the really big yeah use leg wait I just put the skull back on the pedestal I don't remember where I'm supposed to go oh yeah there're cracking the wall right yeah if you go get it I'll fight the enemies or something I'm sorry you almost just killed me do you mind try to yeah I know and you pointing the street cleaner almost sent me directly until like the [ __ ] end of the world damn I think the [ __ ] it hit you no it just hits you if you hit a coin like doesn't matter where I hit it just hits me yeah no it doesn't matter where you hit it just hits me by the way could you come over here I need a I need to pop up all right into the funny room we go then so I was sitting here for a while waiting for Mo to come back until he went through the SEC and said we did that Weir but for the sake of time here for hey by the way you should check out that uh funny bug I showed you about like where you open the thing and then you start shooting open the uh F1 menu and then start shooting your revolver oh you're right it doesn't do it if you do it with your shotgun it's only Revol enhance enhance that is it can go to the point where you literally can't see anymore you're slow you're slow n oh [ __ ] he's he's be hopping I know how to beop you [ __ ] I have 90 hours on Ultra kill what did you expect no way his ass is [ __ ] ke hopping bro all right I have to go grab the skull too I hate I just got a head shot combo X2 what the [ __ ] what bro I just gained like 2,000 Sil he came he saw he came he say he came he saw he gamed he about to open the door door F I can see you shooting you're shooting minus his hand AR you beat min's hand well now I have to beat minos's hand alone thanks a lot bye no he the C I'm leaving you deserve that [ __ ] you [ __ ] you kill him boys kick his ass I parried him I didn't I just dodg oh my God I carried him J he's almost dead obliterate his skull okay he's dead you did it you won you did it h we made it to the other end of King Mino I almost tanked if you didn't kill me I almost tanked it myself if I didn't die to minos's hand anyway a rock funny rock and funny hallway is funny day bye all right anyway K the wicked [ __ ] and kill this [ __ ] the wicked [ __ ] must die already damn I wonder what griel is going to think when two people just walk up or two [ __ ] like V just walk into his [ __ ] room I mean I did I did hit him straight in the face so wa I didn't even see you hit him just oh summon him yes quickly kill this man for Jordans empty the compartment of thine pantaloons we have to do this in order because the mod will break if we don't prob ow cry there we go I don't know the reason but I'm drunk I was going to say I'm die sorry bro I used the coins my ass hurts kills with the coins ow really ha everyone else no I have four health no I I have one HP it's not even a joke he has been assassinated his name is blus and he has been assassinated oh I was waiting for him to fire like that die him death I killed a street play with that [Music] one oh wait I see when you parry what then why did I just get the Parry flash some shotg like why do [Music] you ah where is everything your ass I got strong Dingle exped no I'm do it again the secret oh yeah the secret the one that I definitely know about yeah there oh yeah right secret joh th secret I'm not shooting myself where is [Music] Maurice oh hey look one look at this [ __ ] idiot right [Music] here you walk in front of me that was your fault what yeah you walked in front of me there like as I fired a rail gunshot so that was on youi I punched him so hard EXP to [ __ ] Nebraska holy [ __ ] I saw them pick up Nebraska so that's what the did with the stop using coins we need to stop using coins can't I love using coins I love coins okay but like it's so bad for both of us yeah M turn his ass to powder cruise missile cruise missile I love Cru missile knows where it is knows where I know where it is if you come in here with that [ __ ] I will rip you a cart by the machine this kind of the layers of this Palace are not for your kind turn back or you will be crossing the will wait wait what what you can okay wait no I didn't know this before you can wild bounce while you're sliding yeah you didn't know that no but you can do it while you're skipping off of water so you keep your momentum on well I was at 62 so I sworded like half still Behold The Power Of An Angel oh I can't skip him Behold The Power Of An Angel the forge Fair Po in my [Music] pocket let's kill him he only said enough because he was tired of being rbbl like a basketball also sorry I died again you are out class no you oh [Music] what yes hold on um I'm just going to I'm just going to esap around him insignificant [ __ ] this is not over and now I hit a sick trick I had trick down the wait I have to oh I have to cancel the animation that's sad I wonder actually wait I just realized something oh yeah we have to start a new server because I don't want to sit through this [Music]
Channel: Glitch3r
Views: 89,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rIMSpacuY1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 16sec (3436 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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