How to Hear the Voice of the Lord - A special sermon from Benny Hinn

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[Music] look precious Jesus today he delivers this is your day I'm gonna begin administering the word but before I do that just pray wonderful Lord Jesus we come today in high expectation Lord in high faith today as you show us from your word how to hear your voice we pray Lord that this will be a blessed time your people blessed mightily in the name of Jesus and God's people said a man and then I'm gonna pray with you that the Lord will touch you today his presence will become rich in your life and yes I will be praying for the sick that God will heal those in need of either I have this incredible deep feeling in my soul and I think all of you do to the coming of the Lord is really very close may be closer than we realize and I think this is the time to prepare and I think all that's happening on earth today is really a sign like a wake-up call for the church especially the church I think God has allowed all this to happen to wake the church up to let us all realize the day is at hand the day of the Lord is at hand we are not to sleep now humble now we have not seen they say we have not seen such a time as since the Second World War now I was born in 52 that was after the war and many people are saying now that what's happening today is very similar on the globe to what happened in the Second World War now I don't know totally what they mean by this cuz I was not alive yet neither were many of you but the world is shaken by this but I think God Almighty is really shaking the church rather than the world right now to say wake up the time is short what's coming in the future is way worse than what's happening now I read 15 chapters today of the book of Revelation and I was so glued to the coming events ladies and gentlemen I've read the book of Revelation possibly hundreds of times since I have been born again back in the early 70s and the more I read it the clearer it is to us because prophecy is always unfolding and the longer the time goes the clearer prophecy becomes you know and I'm not going by what I just read I'm going by the whole Bible I'm not just going by 15 chapters all right today I'm just good looking at the whole puzzle you know it's like a mighty puzzle you look at and you put the pieces together not only by looking at Scripture by also looking at current events world condition especially in Israel because Israel is the voice of prophecy and I can assure you that we are very close if you look at Genesis 15 where God said to Israel that a generation is a hundred years because he said to Abraham that Israel would be in Egypt for four generations well they were there for four hundred years we know that so that means one generation is a hundred years and then if you look at Matthew 24:32 the Lord focuses on one generation the generation that will see the restoration of Israel well we are in it so 1948 2048 quite simple now we don't know exactly one the Lord will return no one knows we do know the seasons by just looking around and looking at the Bible and I think what's happening now it's just a wake-up call to believers to repent to live the Christian life with holiness to to live a holy life a faithful life to the Lord with intense love for him so I believe it's time we also know how do I hear the voice of God for my life and how do I hear the voice of God for people who are not saved or people who are not listening it's God saying about them so first thing is praise praise removes our ear plugs you know praise takes away their distractions all around us so in John chapter 10 John chapter 10 you know you need to share this with your friends because there's so much in the Word of God about and I'm gonna give you some real clear instructions on what to do to hear the voice of God that I've experienced in my own life so a John 10 I'm going to read verse 3 and on so let's go to verse 3 of John chapter let me go back here okay John chapter 10 and verse 3 listen to what the Lord said to us to him the porter openeth and the sheep hear his voice because he just finished saying in verse 1 verily verily I say to you he that enters not by the door into the sheepfold but clams up some other way the same thief and a robber but he that enters in by the door because Jesus says I'm the door he's the door it says he is the Shepherd of the Sheep to him the porter opens and the sheep hear his voice the voice of the Shepherd and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out and then if you read verse 4 and when he puts forth his own sheep he goes before them and the Sheep follow him because they know his voice so we are not to know the voice of the enemy wood were to know the voice of the Lord and in verse 27 I love this - here's what the Lord see here's what that what what our Lord says my sheep hear my voice I know them and they follow me so when I hear people say you know the devil says this animal says I'm thinking wait a minute where to hear the Lord's voice not the devil's voice and not the world's voice but you know a lot of deer people are not able to hear the Lord's voice because they are so wrapped up in the world and so wrapped up in the things of this life Isaiah 55 verse 3 commands us to hear his voice think thing it's the command when we do not hear the words of God we sin can I say that again do not hear the voice of God is sin because in the scripture God wants us to hear his voice so much that he repeats it continually in Scripture listen to some asuras Ayush 55 verse 3 it says this let me go back sir about that Isaiah 55 and verse 3 I'm using my iPad incline your ear and come unto me this is a command from God hear and your soul shall live you know what incline means bend bend your ear and come unto me here and your soul shall live and I will make an everlasting covenant with you even the Shore nurses of David now what people don't realize that many people are really dull of of hearing anyways you know you know you know you know why well because they have not they have not exercised their hearing ability in in Hebrews first Hebrews 12 verse 25 it says see that you refuse not him that speaketh for if they escaped not to refuse them that speak on earth much more shall we shall be not escape if we turn away from in that that speaks from heaven meaning there's judgment there's it's a sin not to hear God's voice and why are they not hearing well because they have not exercised their senses spiritually people that that have not become accustomed to the voice of the Lord how will they hear it so let's just read this I'm gonna read verse 11 let me just yeah let me read verse 11 and then verse 14 of whom we have many things to say and hard to be uttered seeing here that you are dull of hearing because it says in verse and I'm reading verse you know Hebrews 5 verse 11 and now 14 but strong meat belongs to them that are of a full age II from those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to or trained to discern both good and evil and to the son of voice of God so to hear the voice of God you and I need to have our senses trained all right so God is looking for a spiritual ear I'm gonna give it to you now so get ready I'm gonna give you clear-cut keys I'm gonna give you one two three simple keys on how to beginning the voice of God are you are you are you all ready for it Chad says yes he sees it and I'm sure you are too there's a lot of you right now on but I just I want to give you three simple keys how do I hear his voice let's begin with the first key first key is found in Isaiah chapter 33 zero and I'm going to read verse 50 and then I'm gonna read verse twenty one verse verse 15 says for thus saith the Lord God the Holy One of Israel in returning and rest shall he be saved in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength and he would not and then in verse 21 he says and then ear shall hear a word behind this saying this is the way walk he in it hold it so how can I hear the voice of the Lord it says in returning and rest in quietness and confidence key number one we have to withdraw from all worldly distractions you can't hear the voice of God if you are distracted by things outside impossible you cannot hear the voice of God if are worried if you are connected to a problem who are listening to other voices if you had just had a conversation let me just put it so so clear to you I cannot hear the voice of God if I speak to someone before I talk to God I don't know when that someone will say example example if I'm on the phone with someone in my office first and then I talk to God after that God will never speak to me he wants his voice to be first the first voice God wants us to hear is his voice not someone else's that means when we woke up in in the morning wake up shower lock yourself somewhere and let God talk to you but if you speak to a to a to to a human being first whoever they are God will say okay you put someone in front of me you put someone had on me and then there's a problem because that's someone whoever they are could distract you from hearing the voice of God so the first voice that you must hear Daley's the Word of God that's why the Lord Jesus would wake up early in the morning and go to a mountain before in was awake so he can hear the voice of his father so number one distractions have got to be out of the way once you're with God and once you're alone and once you hear his voice then go and do the things you need to do in life with your job with your family so I would advise every one of you to get up when everyone else is sleeping and be alone with the Lord so we can talk to you very key I just gave you something really important that's what the Lord Jesus said shut the door enter into your closet and shut the door let nothing distract you shut the phone put your phone's your cell phones on hold oh just share them all together make sure everything is shut that no way the enemy can come right through don't don't leave a door open I mean a spiritual door open don't leave a crack anywhere number two in Luke chapter three month at Hulot may drop y'all back hunting middle oh I give you praise Lord in Luke in Luke chapter 3 there's something so powerful and I'm gonna read verse 21 now when all the people who were baptized it came to pass that Jesus also being baptized and praying the heaven was opened and then if you look at verse 22 on the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shaped like a doll upon him and a voice came from heaven which said thou art my beloved son in the I am well pleased so when God hears your voice you will hear his voice so the second key is quite simple let him hear your voice then you'll hear his voice because in verse 21 the Lord Jesus prayed in verse 22 God spoke to him it says and Jesus also been baptized and praying they heaven opened and the Holy Spirit descended in a bodily shape like a dove and a voice came from heaven which said you're my beloved son so you cannot hear the voice of God if Eve if he's not hearing yours so number one these are simple keys number one withdraw from distractions number two let God hear your voice and you'll ear is and number three is so powerful in John the Gospel of John chapter five and verse thirty oh there's so much in the Word of God all of it jesus said I can of mine own self do nothing as I hear I judge and my judgment is just because I seek not mine own will but the will of the Father which hath sent me and then if you look at verse 37 he says this to the Pharisees and the father himself which had sent me hath borne witness of me he have neither heard his voice at any time nor seen his shape so in these two amazing verses verse 37 if you put it together we we have one clear answer God speaks to those who seek his will another own will he speaks to those who seek his will so how do I hear God's voice number one withdraw from distractions number two let him hear my voice number three seek his will only and I would hear his voice is that simple and I love what Isaiah 66 says as I'm done today Isaiah chapter 66 and then I'm gonna pray with you and I'm going to read verse one listen to this oh this is fabulous thus says the Lord the heaven is my throne the earth is my footstool where is the house that you have built me what is the place of my arrest for all those things my hand have made and all those things have been says the Lord and to this man will I look even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit and trembles at my word and then you look you look at this amazing verse Wow verse five hear the word of the Lord ye that tremble at his word so whom does God speak to those who tremble at his word those that have a broken heart God will not speak to people who are proud and arrogant he just won't they will never hear his voice because it says in verse two fives a sixty six but to this man will I look my eyes will be on this man even who has a poor and contrite spirit and trembles at my word verse five hear the word of the Lord you that tremble at his word so I just gave you some powerful keys here we draw from distractions that God hear your voice then you'll hear his seek his will and never lose a broken heart now let's pray hallelujah I'm gonna let you listen to something so beautiful from one of our Crusades you are my hiding place I want to pray with you that God will bring you into a place where his voice will be so clear every day you live that not one day will pass without you hearing the sweet voice of Jesus can we pray that that be that's that the greatest thing I can pray for you father in the name of Jesus I pray now Lord that that one who's listening that you touch them watching that you'll minister to them that too mighty presence would become so real in Jesus name that they will hear your voice David they will hear your sweet voice wonderful Jesus continue touch each one of them Ministry of threatens to each one of them [Music] now lift your hands and ask God just the Lord I want to hear your voice I want to know your voice dead wonderful Jesus wonderful she wonderful sale I want to hear your voice then [Music] for your glorious name sake hear the prayer of your people now Lord you're calling upon your oldest with images of your namesake Manu Manu contoller 5 the albicante mental image once you put in the Holy Ghost for a second why not tomorrow God's presence is so rich right now mentor men take him to the mall you'll walk you're welcome to avimall a healthy pelvic into Manolo paul bah bah bah Kanta mentally ill they feel vacant Karim Allah such her people loss ministery of messages and heal those who are an intervening Lord out of Luke's sickest part of youth disease and infirmity in Jesus name right now some of some of you are feeling God's power receive your healing in Jesus name right now receive that anointing in the name of Jesus right now our man and don't forget this is the time to give to the Lord's work so God can bless your finances today and tomorrow that your future will be secure let me pray with you for this father bless everyone's finances at this time minister Lord Europe your people are in need of financial breakthroughs and miracles bless them financially as you blessed Isaac in times of famine as you blessed Jacob when he went to work for labour and as Laban deceived him ten times and changed his wages ten times it didn't change your blessings on Jacobs life prosper them Lord as you prospered even chipped in your holy name lord I pray for your world declares if we saw we will read if we plant seed will receive a harvest in due time we will read Minister Lord your blessings financially in Jesus mighty name give me the praise continue to give because as you give he gives as you so the Lord gives us the harvest he gives seed to the soul remember that and he multiplies the scene with soul and he blesses us with bountiful blessings so do it today you can give to Bennion ministries online or on the social media platform you're watching me on now if you can't do it on the social media platform just go to our website Ben hint of orange whatever the amount God will bless you do it today much love to all of you look for me tomorrow I'm gonna have a different word and a blessing tomorrow again
Channel: Benny Hinn Ministries
Views: 18,551
Rating: 4.9325843 out of 5
Keywords: Benny Hinn Ministries, This Is Your Day, Benny Hinn, Pastor Benny Hinn, bible teaching, bible study, ministry, prayer, 7821, 5/11/20
Id: V_D4PZ6igm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 15sec (1695 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2020
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