"Get with the Flow" - Modern Church Pt 2 | Touré Roberts

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hey family i'm pt pastor toray roberts i'm the lead pastor of the potter's house at 1la and denver and on behalf of my wife pastor sarah and myself we want to welcome you to our channel and to this word i cannot wait for you to hear what god has for you in this message i want to tell you a few things really quickly subscribe if you're not already subscribed to this channel subscribe so that you can be made aware of all of the word that's coming at you week in and week out and also turn on your notifications so you don't miss a morsel that comes forth we're also grateful for you and your partnership if you are so uh it compelled we invite you to support what we're doing not just our church but what our church is doing there are a number of outreaches a number of things critical necessary things that we support and we're able to do it because of your generosity so without further ado let's get right into this word god bless you i'll see you soon hey family god bless you welcome to week two of the modern church series i'm so excited about this series i believe that that within the next few weeks god is going to release something in the church and i believe all around the world that's going to align us and position us and posture us for the things that god has in store for us so i'm just ready to to jump right into it you know it's a good time for you to invite somebody maybe send somebody a text uh send somebody the link that you're watching because we're getting into it and today's message is really really important in fact i'll give you the title of the message and we're gonna get into it this title the message is called get with the flow get with the flow and god's moving and it's going to be excited and i'm teaching today i'm not going to preach i'm going to teach today and my friends here don't believe me uh prayerfully one or two of you believe me but but i do want to teach some things there there are some some thoughts some ideas some concepts that i believe are foundational and fundamental to you and i really getting it right so that we can be an effective church and so i want to draw your attention to acts the sixth chapter you know we're stealing acts in fact i don't know if we'll ever get out of acts we'll touch on other places but i believe that if we're really trying to figure out who we need to be for such a time as now we have to go back to the origin to glean from what they saw not necessarily what they did because sometimes you have to do different things in different seasons but what they knew what they understood what they saw what they were rooted in and what they're grounded in if we're gonna really be who god has called us to be in this season we have to tap into that we have to tap into the bedrock of their faith and so acts chapter 6 i'm going to read the first four verses therein and then we'll pray and we'll get right into this message it says now in those days when the number of the disciples was multiplying there arose a complaint against the hebrews by the hellenists because their widows were neglected in the daily distribution then the twelve summoned the multitude of the disciples and said it is not desirable that we should leave the word of god and serve tables therefore brethren seek out from among you seven men of good reputation full of the holy spirit and wisdom whom we may appoint over this business but we will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry or the greek better translations to the attendance of the word join me in prayer father thank you so much for your word it is a lamp into our feet it is a light into our path and that's what we're here for we're here to tap into you we're here to tap into what you're saying god there so many people watching so many people listening so many people that will listen god and i just thank you that you've given me the spirit of wisdom and revelation and insight and knowledge and prophecy god may may nothing in your kingdom be off limits to get the job done today and by the time we're finished god we just pray that you would do something in our hearts and our minds that you would align us that we might reflect your essence more now than we ever have i thank you god that there's healing and breakthrough and victory and clarity and all the things that that come into being when your word is exalted so do what you do best god we love you we thank you and we praise you and we believe you for these things in jesus name amen amen and if you're connected with that prayer just put amen or our receiver put something in the feed right now i just want you to just us to begin a rhythm right now of of putting it out and you receive it just take a minute go ahead and put in the feed amen i receive it let's go whatever your flow is you might be like let's go we're like 72-0 o's i'm with that i'll take it however you you get going put it in the feed let's get this thing started um we've been talking about in this series we've been talking about the modern church with the understanding that when we discuss the modern church we're not talking about a new church per se we're talking about a current church we're talking about being current and the church is always meant to always has been meant to be fresh and flourishing it's never been meant to be something that is stale or old or you know exclusive and and impotent the church has has always god's vision for the church has always been this church being this vibrant powerful tapped in downed in uh community of holy ghost empowered individuals that changed the world that's that's who we've always been and the church has been it was designed to be relevant in the world that is in while remaining true to the essence of the dimension that it's from let me say it again relevant to the world that is in to the world that it is serving in that generation in that era in that dispensation but yet true to the essence of its origin right and we're going to talk more about that um and this is kind of where things get a little tricky for us this is where things kind of get caught up because oftentimes what we do as a church is we look to a dated expression a dated expression of an infinite essence and we wonder why we only end up preaching to the choir instead of uh actually changing the world right we do a lot of and it's because we we we're looking at what god did and we're stuck in what god did and then as a result of that we're missing what god is doing and and again as we go further we're going to talk more and more about that and so a church a modern church has to be a current church and as we discussed last week a current even the word current current has to do with the flow right and and here is the truth you might want to write this down one of the things that i've learned about god since i've been walking with god is that god is not stagnant god is a flow god is a lot more fluid than than most believers tend to think he's a he's a flow and if we're going to keep up with god and be the modern church that he's calling us to be we're going to have to learn how to flow with god i feel that right there how to flow with god in other words in fact put it right there in the feed i want to flow with god i want to i want to flow with god and maybe somebody else might say i want to i want to get into god's flow because because god is a flow and so so what we're going to look at is we're going to look at this church that was in the flow this early church was was in the flow and um and we're going to talk about that but while we're looking at this text we're going to talk about a few other things and uh that i noticed when i was reading it and so let's get into it and let's let's just unpack things and so the first thing that i saw in this text when i read it is it says that the numbers of disciples were growing not the number of church members let's look at it let's look at it again now in those days when the number of disciples was multiplying so a healthy modern vibrant church watch this doesn't simply grow members it grows disciples what are disciples disciples are people who are growing and evolving in the disciplines of jesus they look like jesus they talk like jesus they prioritize like jesus they are disciples you can be a church member and not be a disciple oh hallelujah okay there are a number of things we'll discuss as we're going to the point and so it says that this group was a group of disciples not necessarily church members in fact let's keep 100. there wasn't really a church to be a member of they didn't have bethany baptist tabernacle by the river fellowship church they they didn't have that they were connected to something bigger and greater and and they were moving so so the numbers of disciples were growing not the number of church members that's one thing i noticed another thing i noticed is that as this flow is taking place because they're in a flow and we'll talk about their inner flow but as this flow is taking place philanthropy is happening daily it's right there now in the days when the number of disciples are growing the rosa can play against the hebrews and that's the whole thing there's racism in the church let that alone no i'm not i think that we are foolish to believe that if in the early church when these disciples were the closest to the revelation of jesus that there was racism or whatever type of ism could it be that we have it in our ministries oh god i didn't want to do this i brutus i didn't want to do that not my nose i it's not even in my my little three things i wanted to pull it out there but i think it's i think that like in all honesty and there's nothing to dispute that this cry out by the greeks against the hebrews about them being neglected was refuted it says this was happening and as a result of it they had to get some people to not just say oh you know stop crying or get over it or or you know some of the things that we oftentimes hear you know suck it up you know get out of the victim mentality they didn't say that they actually addressed it that's for somebody oh this is going to get me in trouble but it's good trouble it's good trouble right they addressed it they got people around it to handle it and who were the people the people were quality people these were people who were filled with the holy spirit these were people who had wisdom these were people who had a good reputation they took it seriously the diversity was not just you know just just get a black worship leader my god what's going on today it was no no no no let's really solve this problem because it is disrupting the flow can i talk like this today i just i didn't mean to but it's disrupting the flow we're taking it seriously if somebody complains of injustice in the church we got to take it seriously because it's a break in the flow i'm sorry i'm sorry is that okay can i come back to where i was i just it just you got to tell the truth and shame the devil while you're on your way to it so the number of disciples were growing not the number of church members there was daily philanthropy taking place we talked about this last week as well right we talked about how god anointed the jesus with the holy spirit with power who went about doing good being philanthropic so we see as the church is multiplying as the number of disciples is multiplying we also see philanthropy multiplying and they're doing it daily they're doing it daily there's daily distribution so so they are inextricable advancing the kingdom and doing good and doing philanthropy they go hand in hand if you see one without the other something is missing are you tracking with me and then this is what this whole message is about as it relates to observation in this text and it says after you know they're gonna we're gonna get seven men of good reputation for the holy spirit and wisdom to deal with this injustice that we're gonna appoint over this business i love how they call it philanthropy business they were serious about it it wasn't something put on the back burner we're gonna have church but we're not going to solve problems no no they considered philanthropy kingdom business kingdom business they called it business you know right there it says whom we may appoint over this business but this this this this is what blessed me and this is where we're going today and this is where we're going to spend our time it says but we will give ourselves continually to prayer and the ministry of the word and i'm studying it and to be honest with you i was studying this verse because i wanted to talk about philanthropy but god you know it just wasn't in the flow for me to discuss it last week right but when i was reading it this week i'm like there's something in this but when it's said but we will give ourselves continually to prayer and the ministry of the word my spirit link something was in that last little part that i felt was extremely important and then it was like revelation just turned on it just turned on and that word ministry when it talks about the ministry of the word it's not i used to see where i used to think that meant was okay you guys do philanthropy we're going to go out preaching but that's not what that word ministry means that word ministry literally means attending attending watching focusing on protecting studying when you attend to something you're taking it very soon you're guarding it you're on it and then something hit me that word when it talks about word there is the greek word you all know it's logos and it means something said something said and so i'm like oh my god what what is this and the holy spirit revealed to me that when it says that they didn't think it was wise to leave attending to the word what they were attending to watching out for and protecting was the flow oh god it was a flow the word is a flow can i take my time and teach today the word is a flow and so we're gonna we're gonna get into it it's a flow it's a flow and then as i look deeper i realized that the word is the star in the entire bible oh you're not ready you're not ready you're not ready if you study the bible from genesis to revelation the one consistent star the one consistent focal point is the word in the beginning god said that's the word and the word of the lord came to can you see it when you read your bible and you study your scripture i want you to pay attention to how the star if there's one star because we got many great bible heroes come on we got we got we got abraham we got isaac we got jacob we got noah you know what i mean we got moses we got joshua we got david we got esther we got roof we got deborah we got paul you name it we got a lot of heroes and that's wonderful but the one consistent focus of the word of scripture is the word watch this we point people to scripture which is fine but scripture points people to the word oh you're not ready oh you're not ready yet you're gonna get ready i'm gonna show you i'm gonna show you yeah yeah we're pointing people to scripture which is wonderful but the scripture is pointing to the word to the logos watch this you're not ready for it you're not gonna like it bear with me i'll back it up not the thing written the thing said it says in the word that man doesn't live by bread alone but every word that proceeds out of the mouth of god god's mouth is a river not a puddle it's a river they're they're guarding bruins they're guarding this flow they've tapped into this flow and they're guarding it and this current church understood that more than anything because watch this the word was leading them to uncharted territories and no one had ever been before the torah wasn't taking them there the tanakh was not taking them there the prophets and the law was not taking them there they are blazing a trail and they are fresh and flourishing and they're having impact amongst kings and leaders and people all over they are winning souls like crazy not because they were in their torah the people who were against them was using the torah against them and to knock against them they had to break out of that and connect with the ultimate source of truth and that is the word which is a flow put in the feet right now it's a flow it's a flow it's a flow i'm gonna unpack it they couldn't afford to take their eyes off of it if i take i've got to attend to it because this is leading me somewhere that religion could not this is leading me somewhere that my upbringing could not this is this is leading me somewhere that the teachers in the temple don't even understand and they have mastered the torah i'm tapped in to something much deeper and much higher i'm tapped in to the word and so you might ask where does a word come from and i would answer from comes from the word you'll catch that tomorrow [Applause] where does the word come from from comes from the word watch this john 1 and one you all know this watch this in the beginning was the word was the logos in the beginning because the word start at the beginning i'm alpha and omega says the lord in the beginning was what was what was the word and the word was with god so again see it if you go all the way back to the beginning you're going to see the word standing there because the word creates and you look at it practically in genesis this is very much aligned with genesis 1 1 john 1 1 and genesis 1 1 are linked in parallel it says in the beginning god said here it says in the beginning was the word the thing spoken so oftentimes we're trying to find god but we're looking in the wrong place what you and i need to do is look for his lips i'ma teach today look for his lips that's why he says seek my face not the back of my head because the back of my head represents where i've been if you look at my face you wouldn't see where i'm going because you would discern what i'm looking at seek my face and the problem that the church has is we're looking at the back of god's head we're looking at where he's been and what he's what he's done and that is wonderful there's a place for it but what he doesn't say seek the back of my head he says seek my face because if you seek my face two things will happen one you will see what i'm looking at you will have a clue and two you will be able to read my lips because your future is in my mouth and my mouth has a flow can't can we can we talk a little bit today this is tricky it's tricky people are not ready for this we we we're worshiping monuments minds no get wisdom from monuments but get direction from the flow oh you give me get get get wisdom from what god did get direction for your life from his lips because he's still talking now he's still talking oh god can we go further and so it says in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god where in john 1 he was in the beginning with god all things were made through him and without him nothing was made that was made in him was life and the life was the light of men verse 14 if you skip down it says and the word oh here we go and the word became flesh oh god oh this is good it's good i'll teach today and the word became flesh watch this and dwelt among us how deep i want to go today huh can you you got capacity for this okay it says and the word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory the glory as of the only begotten of the father full of grace and truth amazing jesus was the word in the beginning right he was manifest watch this in time but he was yet timeless which means that you can't even fully get stuck on that expression that he expressed himself as in time because even that expression was relevant to the time that it's in i wish somebody would catch what i just said he showed up that which was timeless showed up in time to do the work and then pull back out and became timeless all over again yeah i wish somebody would catch it and he does an eternal work that's why like the cross happened then but people experience the power of the cross today that's why we commune we commune because we're experiencing the spiritual essence and work of a cross experience although we were not there two thousand years ago okay and so what is the word you're gonna you're gonna need to write this down what is the word the word is what god said what god is saying and the ability to accomplish both the word is what god said what god is saying and the ability to accomplish most that's what grace and truth is it says in the beginning was the word and where it was with god and where was god you know that then it jumps down and the word became flesh we know we're talking about jesus and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory the glory as of the only begotten of the father full of grace and truth grace and truth it's funny because i think a lot of people think grace and truth they they associate that and you probably heard them say before that's why you just gotta speak the truth and love those that's just true but that's not what this means because grace is not love you have love in grace but grace and love are not the same word grace means a divine enablement a divine an influence it's an ability so so when i say the word is what god said and what god is saying and the ability to do both grace and truth ability is grace truth is what god said and what god is saying are you checking with me so the power to perform what he said and what he is saying he is reliable if he said it it will happen if he's saying it you can trust it if he said it it will happen if he's saying it you will trust it now let's talk about the difference are we tracking together if you're tracking just put it right there in the future i'm tracking which i'm tracking with you because we're going to go deeper are we tracking together you got to get this you got to get this you got to get this just say it's a flow it's a flow it's important it's important so look what's the difference between said and saying what god said versus what's saying what's the difference the best example that i can use to draw out the difference between what god said and what god is saying is the story of the life of abraham so if you look at the story in the life of abraham god tells him in genesis 12 he says i am going to bless you i'm going to make your name great and your descendants will be innumerable right that's what he said then saying is get out of your father's house then go down to egypt then come back to canaan then take isaac up to sacrifice him then hold up don't sacrifice him that's saying that's the same word it flows the reason why this is important is what if abraham would have broken from the flow before he said don't kill him all of this was god speaking and moving and talking and directing i thank god for what god said but what i need right now is what god is saying as long as i'm breathing i need his lips not simply his monuments i need his lips should i go up or should i not go up should i go left or should i go right should i be still or should i keep moving solomon said there's a time and a season for everything under heaven it says there is a time for war and a time for peace there's a time to embrace and there's a time to refrain from embracing i'm telling you i have had god speak to me and tell me you got to leave that person alone for a season and it broke my heart what do you mean i got to leave you got to trust me in it you got just for a season you got to leave that person alone and i'll distance myself and then later i will see why that didn't come because of what god said it came because of what god is saying it came through the flow the flow that's where religion misses it they don't religion doesn't tap into the flow because the religion is always trying to prove they're right yeah you might have been right then but you ain't right now are you tracking with me so i have to be nimble enough and humble enough and hungry enough and desperate enough to attend to the flow to protect it to nourish it to cultivate it to get better at discerning it i need the flow oh god can i keep going and so the holy spirit the job of the holy spirit what the holy spirit came to do was the holy spirit came watch this to activate the word or the flow in us if you look at john 14 26 let's go there real quick if you track and just say pastor i'm still tracking i'm still tracking it says but the helper watch this but the helper now this is jesus realizing that those who follow him are going to need something more than his expression at manifestation oh we should catch it he said i gotta go because you will probably be stuck on this version of me do you remember when jesus was raised from the dead and he came out of the tomb and and i think it was mary and the women came and they were trying to touch him remember that and he says don't touch me what was that about there's a number of theological reasons but what i think it was about is you are trying to access me the way i once was and you are about to get it wrong because i'm in a i'm in a flow you you still think that i'm sweet little baby jesus in a manger or you still think that under jesus that was out there doing miracles or you you think that was a jesus that that that died on the cross no i'm something else now i'm in a flow my whole life has been a flow says jesus when i was 12 don't you know i must be about my father's business i'm in a blow later i start my ministry i'm in a flow i go into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil for 40 days and i come out with more power i'm in a flow i go and i get baptized the heaven opens over me and now all of a sudden the spirit falls on me and i'm a burn i'm in a flow and you're in the flow too but the only thing that will ensure that you stay in the flow is if you stay connected to the flow not what was but what is [Applause] that's why they thought jesus so hard it's because they were stuck on what is they were not in the flow oh god i feel it whole church was a flow can we keep going so john 14 26 says but the helper the holy spirit watch this whom the father will send in my name here we go you're getting ready to see see and saying and said will teach you all things that saying will teach you we'll teach you all things that's saying and bring to your remembrance all things that i said you see it said saying and what keeps the church from being modern is they got to set mart right they don't have the saying part right and you're stuck and now watch this because the saying is our advantage if we cut off the saying we lose our advantage in the world because the saying is prophecy the saying is knowledge the saying is wisdom the saying is what positions you to be the head and not the tale anytime you look and you see the the church as the tale in society and not the head it is because they miss the flow and so and so others pick it up they tap into the witches tap into it they can't get the full access that we can but they can tap into it so we have to be people that are committed to being connected to the flow and that's why the holy spirit came now it makes even more sense as to why jesus told the the disciples when he was getting ready to be taken up he told them to wait on the holy spirit before they began their ministry they had what god said they had been with him for his entire ministry they had the sad part but they didn't have the saying part and so he's like don't get ahead of me homie [Music] i know you got good intentions i know in fact you see me watch this you're saved you even believe but you need to flow you need to flow and it's because if they didn't they would have had what he said but they wouldn't have had access to the how or the wind and so and so the holy spirit made the word readily available i wanna i wanna i wanna i wanna skip towards towards the backside of this i wanna start answering some questions about this flow how do i access this flow i realize that you know that there may be people in here and you live by the flow um there may be some that you don't even know whether or not a flow exists and there might be some watching and listening this and you you look you're barely you're badly even saying jesus's name and so and so let let's talk about it and if it's elementary that's okay we'll we'll get past it you know it'll be a you know a remedial course but but let's talk about it how do i access this flow how do i access this river how do i access this word first and foremost number one is to believe i i was thinking god has done so many things throughout time to prove that his word is reliable to that person who might be watching right now or listening to the podcast and and you're still kind of struggling with whether or not god is real if you would stop the the running around that's going on in your head and you would really just pause and take a moment you wouldn't even be listening to this podcast or watching this video if god had not been convincing you of god's consistency and reliability i guess what i'm saying is at some point you got to stop it and believe and i'm learning that belief is a choice right god will present enough evidence in front of every human being that he's touching he is not an unreasonable god i get if you ask me to believe and i never put anything in front of you or did anything in your life that would prove my person if you studied all throughout scripture god was proving his person he proved this person to to adam and eve he proved this person to to noah he proved this person to abraham he proved this person right and all watch this it's not judgment all of them wrestle all the way to adam they wrestled abraham you know he's called the father of faith now he didn't start off that way he was doubting all over the place sarah laughed at the promise this flat-out laugh you know what i mean jeremiah when he was called he was like i can't do that so it is a journey but we see the evidence of the character of god god giving us enough information enough him backing his his credibility up enough to get us watch this to the point the decision point of belief but belief is a choice you got to say at some point you got to take the evidence and you got to do something with it yeah do something with it and i think that's where somebody is right now i feel it's so strong i feel like i feel like somebody's at a place right now where the enemy has been causing you to lose out of your mind the evidence of god's reliability he's been fighting you and if you would just stop i just if you would just peace be still if you would just get still the evidence of god's reliability and credibility in your life would rise to the top i feel it and faith is coming to you i want to pray for that person right now i just this is this is modern church we flow we're not we flow father i just think it is somebody listening somebody watching somebody here right now god who's who is on the brink of belief they're at the door of belief you have showed them enough you showed them enough in their life to trust in you but the enemy has been attacking them and been pulling them and swaying them but they're you know and saying well maybe that's a coincidence or maybe you know that's just you know it's just a common thing but you have been speaking and in the depths of who they are you've been knocking and you've been drawing you've been calling them and father i pray right now in the name of jesus god as they're hearing as they're listening as they are experiencing this flow that they will have the strength to make a decision once and for all to believe you i thank you and i claim it done in jesus name just had to do that you know why i did it because that's the flow it's not the flow that's the flow it's the flow so what do you have to do to access this flow this river this word you gotta one believe two and it says in the text and this is really important is you have to give yourself continually to prayer i don't think that it is a coincidence that that these apostles said but we will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the attending to the word so so in other words there's a connection between your prayer life the vibrancy of your prayer life and your access to the flow i feel it sometimes sometimes well not sometimes all the time before i preach i gotta i gotta i gotta worship i gotta i gotta pray i've got to watch this not even before i preach before i even get the word i i don't i don't i don't watch this i don't study the bible for a word i pray and i worship for the word because if you pray and you worship the word will come to you right prayer your prayer life is what puts you in the posture to tap into the flow our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name what did you just do you just took yourself out of the dry place and put yourself in heaven's river my father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name see see in order to get to the flow you have to get out of the rhythm the rigmarole of normal living you can come back to it but you got to tap into the flow and bring the flow back to your natural stuff can i talk to you like this yeah your prayer life i'm going to give myself watches continually so continually that's a flow to attending the word that's a flow so if i want to stay in the river i have to stay in prayer maybe this is why the apostle paul wrote i need you to pray without what ceasing because when i cease praying the flow becomes a little bit more evasive that's why you got to pray before you make moves it seems like you know especially i'm a business person and sometimes you know in business or whatever you think well there's just some logical things then you gotta pray for that you know two plus two equals four no sometimes in god's economy you get you don't get to four by two plus two sometimes in god's economy it's one times nine divided by thirty-two minus sixteen times seven hundred and he goes to this divine way of getting you to five you wanted four he had five for you are you hearing what i'm saying i feel that so strongly god wants to elevate your prayer life he wants to take your prayer life to a whole new level so that you can access the flow this is what they were doing they were saying man we rashiba they were saying man we're responsible for this movement and we got a lot on our shoulders and so what we're going to do as those who are spiritually mature is we are going to give ourselves continually to prayer and attending this flow because this flow we've never been in before it's crazy it's danger i feel the holy ghost it is dangerous it's it's it's i don't where is provision going to come from i got enemies chasing me after me there are people plotting to kill me this thing is crap i don't have time to be out of the flow because if i'm in the flow i'm gonna be fine if i'm in the flow i'm gonna be safe because the river is always gonna cause the tide to rise above my haters it's gonna cause the tide to bring my ship above my haters i feel this make my enemies my footstools but it will only happen in the flow you don't have to worry about your enemies if you're committed to the flow i feel it i feel it are we tracking stirring in here something stirring in here something stirring in here something stirring something stirring something stirring something stirring i hear god saying don't fear just get in the flow don't fear just flow don't fear just flow don't worry just flow stop spreading don't fret just blow just flow just flow the enemy can't keep up with the flow your haters can't keep up with the flow depression can't keep up with the flow things that are chasing you cannot keep up with the flow if you're going to work at something work at getting in the flow in the flow in the flow in the flow in the flow and the flow the flow is powerful in the flow you can't be stopped when you're in the flow when i'm in the flow i can't be stopped you can't stop me when i'm in my flow when i'm in god's flow flow the flow the flow it's not just going to come to you you got to go after it you got to pray you got to pray continually holy spirit i'm yours lord i don't have an agenda my only agenda is the flaw when you get in the presence of god i love it our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come what are you praying for i'm praying for the flow thy will be done thy kingdom come thy will your will your agenda i am yours i'm completely yours i am alive because of the flow are we tracking pray continually without ceasing the flow will carry you above your enemies it'll carry you every place that you're anointed to go the word is the that is the river that's going to carry you into everlasting victory one last scripture revelation chapter 12 and verse 11. it says and they overcame him from from from what you're going to see it from genesis to revelation it's all about flow and they overcame him who was him him the evil one the wicked one the worst thing that could ever happen it says and they overcame him by the blood of the lamb that's where belief comes in because belief in christ and who god says christ is is acknowledging that he was the lamb that was slain for us and there's a covering and there is an access to the flow that jesus provides right so they overcame watch this by the blood of the lamb and watch this by the word that's that word logos again by the word of their testimony so what does that mean that means that they overcame by the blood of the lamb we talked about that and by the logos the word of their testimony in other words they made the word they made the flow their testimony they made the flow theirs the word was their testimony their witness their story they made their entire life the flow until that mortal life expired what am i saying what am i saying i'm saying that what made the modern church powerful and what's going to make you powerful and you to become everything that god knew about you you're going to have to be courageous enough and bold enough to live in the flow let me give you some testimony man if i i wouldn't be here without the flow i thank god for my my spiritual origins i thank god for where i met god i do i thank god for that church amazing church beautiful church blessed church i would go and and feel i'd go right now and lay lay across the pew in the front row and go to sleep feel right at home because it was where i met the lord and where i met the lord will always be home i have altars there are various altars that i have built in various places in my life i've got altars there i've got altars in corporate america i've got altars in the place where i was 16 years old and i got shot there's an altar there altars are places where i acknowledge where god met me and where god did things but if i wouldn't have been connected to the flow i would still be sitting on the front row of that church or maybe in the pulpit never having stepped out never having having launched one and her influence around the world and the sons and the daughters that are coming up through this church with influence some greater influence than mine is crazy had i not tapped into the flow i wouldn't be here if you're going to be successful in god if you're going to be a part of what god is doing for real and really have influence and really have impact in these modern times you're gonna have to get to god's lips you got to get to his face the flow will challenge you and it will certainly challenge people around you because lazy people don't like the flow let me just go hang out where god was i i know it i'm familiar with it you know i i i know the formula for it [Music] and what will happen is you will look up and watch this and everybody around you will be like you and you would have never reached those who were not the church my fear for the church right now is that we're going to be choir preachers i just made that up but that was kind of silly but we're going to be preaching to ourselves in philosophy that's called circular reasoning just reasoning amongst ourselves arguing over this arguing over that all you need is your bible listen i probably will get uh some sort of hate mail for this i will say you need the flow you need the flow the early church didn't have what was jesus for jesus didn't have a bible he was the word he was the flow for me the bible helps me the bible is a tool to help guide me to the flow the bible doesn't even promote itself the bible promotes the word [Music] how far can we how far can we take this there are some people because the enemy has done such a masterful job at discouraging the credibility of the scripture that the there's some people that won't even hear your worthy argument because of the source in which you argue it from but what they can argue is the word because the word is true the word is fresh the word is relevant the word is powerful the word is up to date so when you're studying and you read i want you to read the scripture with a different perspective this time don't look for rules look for the word and look for the ways in which the servants of god experience the word and the word came and the word came to me ezekiel as i was sitting by the brook of he was in a natural place postured to seek the lord and the word came to him [Music] this is not popular and a lot of pastors know this but they're afraid to say it they're afraid to say it if i had to choose between giving you a bible and teaching you how to access the word oh that'd be easy i would teach you how to access the word samuel the prophet we're done we're done [Music] samuel the prophet the great prophet the great man of god eli was his mentor for a season and when eli discerned that god was moving on samuel he did not go take the law and hand it to him he said no this is what you do he said the next time you sense that voice calling you you say you do this you go lay back down go get still steal yourself and then say speak lord for thy servant hears and so samuel does that and instantaneously he connects to the flow you gotta study it's in first samuel chapter three i believe read the whole bible you'll find it it was amazing and then all of a sudden once he tapped into the flow then prophecy started coming to him and he was the prophet that carried david through that anointed david this is real family i'm not gonna be sugarcoating nothing no more with you because religion says it is just the bible no you need the flow bible is great i love it that's what i'm reading from i'm preaching from that's a revelation comes through it but it's the flow that you access not the words if you have the words and no access to the flow you will justify slavery [Music] even before david studied david said open my eyes that i might behold wondrous things out of your law what was he saying he was like i want to tap into the flow that's there i want to see religion i don't see religion i'm good on that but i need to flow amen so we're going to continue on next week i don't know what's going to happen in these moments man god is raising up a healthy church a pure church an effective church and i look back and i think about that church in the book of acts man they were flowing and they were moving and they were evolving watch this and they were course correcting and they were having fights they were dealing with things like like i mentioned i kind of went off on a tangent but i think it was god when i was talking about the injustice that was right there in the church because we ain't perfect and so there may be things we've got to listen if there's a cry of injustice in the church if there's a cry of injustice in general address it respond to it later on there was arguments over circumcision and and if the gentiles watches if the gentiles could even get saved they could even be a part of the whole could have the holy spirit that's crazy so i'm like saved but i'm still blind i need to flow i need to flow all right next week we're going to keep it going i want to pray for you in fact um before i do that um listen i know i kind of did it in the message but i don't want to i don't want to miss an opportunity and if you're watching and you say i want to open up my heart to the lord pastor you were talking to me you kind of moved on from it but you know i've been i have enough evidence to believe but i'm afraid about what people will think i'm afraid of you know [Music] how this might affect my career or my brand or my image let me tell you something god's got all that worked out and true truthfully like anything that that you have that's worth having will fit into your identity as a believer in the most high god and it will ultimately serve you i i just listen i gave my life to christ well i did that when i was nine but i i like sold out to god in 2000 so that was 21 years ago and when i tell you i and by the way i wasn't down on my luck i wasn't you know no matter how you come to christ is wonderful uh down high whatever but i was at the top of my game in my career socially and all of that but i was at the bottom spiritually and internally and and for me to say yes to god meant the reality of me potentially maybe not fitting in some circles anymore you know and that i didn't plan that i i thought that the new me could still show up in those circles and those circles rejected me i'm not gonna lie to you there there might be places that that cannot handle your new shine i'll give you that i'm not gonna i'm not gonna lie to you but what i have gained since then is not even worthy what what i lost in finding myself my true self can't even be compared to what i gained and so i just want to let you know right and i mean in every way economically you you name it god is blessed i have not missed a beat [Music] it hasn't always been easy but never have i ever thought man that old life was better so if that's you and i sense that i'm talking to somebody if that's you and you say yes that's what i've been wrestling with pt but but but i'm gonna i'm gonna stop fighting i'm gonna surrender because you're flowing right into my circumstance the flow coming through you is touching me and i want to say yes i just want you to say yes just say yes and if you're you know for whatever reason you want to put in the feed just say yes to god just say yes just say yes but it's it's a powerful thing you know we've got a place where you can you know text and let us know you did it but it's a powerful thing to to make that confession to somebody else and we'll be praying for you because i think that this this not only is life going to open up to you and for you but you're going to connect with the flow and this flow is going to carry you places if you're here and you say pt i'm renewing my commitment to be in the river that's you i want you to say i'm getting in the river i'm getting in the river i'm getting in the river i'm getting in the river father thank you so much for these moments that i've had with your sons and daughters that we as we have discussed god the power of the flow that you make available to your sons and daughters who call on your name god i thank you for the flow of my own life god that has never disappointed me that has led me god it's you know besides the waters got it's just been absolutely incredible and it has been extremely reliable and father i pray for your sons and daughters that are watching now that all of us will come into a a newfound belief in trust in and disciplined toward your divine flow lord enhance our prayer life remove the distractions that keep us from praying that we might have vibrancy in our connection with you so that we will never be without revelation and direction in jesus name amen amen [Music]
Channel: ONE | A Potter's House Church
Views: 16,339
Rating: 4.8920741 out of 5
Keywords: TPH, The Potters House, TPH LA, The Potters House LA, One LA, Toure Roberts, Sarah Jakes Roberts, tphla, LA Churches, One Church, onela, Sarah Jakes, Pastor Touré, TPH Denver, Bishop Jakes
Id: 3xbTYUZtkso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 17sec (3737 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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