Get Water From Your Well WITHOUT Electricity!

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hey guys this is maple border 78 and today we're making an apparatus to extract water from a well in case the power goes out so items that we're gonna have to do this we have a foot valve got this on Amazon for $13.99 this is gonna let the water go into the pipe but then not fall out as you're pulling it back up out of the well this hex bushing is a one in three quarter inch hex bushing eight dollars one and a half inch PVC cap and then a one and a half inch PVC pipe about five feet long is what we're gonna start out with we also bought a hundred and fifty feet of marine rope this was the cheapest rope I can find that's very durable the water level in our wells between 70 and 90 feet so I needed about a hundred and fifty feet of rope to be able to drop the pipe down into and then pull it back up you also may need some PVC glue this is about five or six dollars at the local hardware store that we'll be gluing on the cap to the PVC pipe if you don't want to do the glue you can also just do a couple small screws into it to hold it on so this will need to be connected to here the foot valve to the cap and to do that the hex bushing is going to connect through there so we're going to need to drill a hole into this cap about as wide as the threads are so we'll go ahead and put the threads right in the middle and then draw a line all the way around it so this is a one in a quarter inch hole driller that we're going to use to drill right through the center of this it almost fits perfectly into that hole there I'm just gonna sand it just a bit to let it sit easier in there so I filed out the hole just a little bit I still want to snug fit so that the threads will seat into the sides of the hole this will start going through and as it gets tighter you can just use a wrench and just start working it back and forth seating those threads into the plastic going down all the way until we get down into the pipe better so we're doing this bushing on this side of the cap just because it's easier to grab on to the hex bushing and seat the threads inside of here but ultimately this bushing is going to go inside of the cap so as you can see we put the bushing inside now and we're turning that and the threads will start coming through the top of the cap so we had the threads going through the top of the cap it's threaded in their foot valve screws onto here and now this is going to get glued onto the pipe first we're going to drill a hole through the pipe to put the Rope on I'm just deburring the holes so that when we pull the rope through it doesn't tear up the rope as much so we're gonna feed the Rope through now and then we'll feed it all the way through and next up we'll glue the cap on last step we're going to use this Christy's red hot blue goo to glute cap on to the end and put some on the inside a little bit we're gonna let that dry for about an hour and then we'll go test this out all right so we're gonna go ahead and pop the lid off the well we're gonna give this a shot I don't know if it's gonna get jammed down there because there is conduit and light going down into the casing so you can see down there the electrical conduit going down and then there's the pipe going down that sucks up the water so we're gonna go ahead and drop it down I'm gonna see if I can tell if its touched water I'm not sure I've never done this before well I could hear it and feel it that it's touching water water levels about there so I'm gonna let it sink down about six feet cuz the pipe is five feet long okay and now start pulling it back up oh yeah it's pretty dirty on the sides it was scraping against the walls on the inside of the case we got the milk-jug about a third full so get one gallon for three of these this apparatus here was about thirty dollars to build rope was about twenty so if you already have enough rope to drop it down into your well to your water level then you don't need to buy that so it would just be $30 for this system a little a little murky from the sediment so you probably want something like a life straw or a life straw system where you can pour this into a pouch and then it'll filtrate through so you can do for cooking but you could just do a live straw if you just want to drink from it just to not do any cooking but just to have it to hydrate yourself but other than that thanks so much for watching and as always Jesus rules [Music] you
Channel: MapleBoarder78
Views: 31,338
Rating: 4.2581263 out of 5
Keywords: Well, water, baling, bailing, electricity, without, with, out, emergency, How to, get, extract, foot valve
Id: O6JVQe8rWrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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