Pumping water without electricity - The Breurram

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So from my understanding this actually works like a boost converter for electricity. Basically it uses the small amount of potential energy from the slightly higher reservoir to accelerate the water and increase its momentum, it then uses this energy to pump some water up the tube. The trick is you loose most of the energy and water to the ejected stuff at the valve and therefore doesn’t violate thermodynamics.

Edit: I know I knew this from somewhere! These are also called ram pumps and a while ago I watched a civil engineer explain it. https://practical.engineering/blog/2019/12/17/how-does-a-hydraulic-ram-pump-work

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Xander228 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2021 🗫︎ replies
hi welcome to this video about agriron the bram is a water pump that can pump up water to great heights without using any electricity this video will show you how it works and how you can build your own using only off-the-shelf parts normally the bram uses the height difference in a river to pump up water in this setup however a large water tank is connected to an underground pipe at the end of this pipe the burram is connected it pumps up a portion of the water up the tower as you can see water comes from approximately 2 meters of height and is pumped up all the way up the tower which is 12 meters please note that in this setup we pump the water straight up but it doesn't necessarily have to be this way you can for example pump water up the slope of the hill the thing that is important here is the total height difference and not so much the difference the water travels horizontally within reasonable range of course this pump is ideal if you want a continuous water supply for yourself or for irrigation and there is a river nearby but it is at a lower altitude than the place you need to water here you can see the brown action water enters through the steel pipe and you can see a lot of water flowing out and this is actually lost water and normally this would flow back to a river but every time you hear this pulsing sound a small portion of the water enters the yellow tubes under pressure and because of this pressure you can bring the water to high heights well you could say that a lot of water is lost and this is a shame but because you use water from a river this probably is not really a big problem now let's have a look at how this pump actually works here we can see a cross section of the pump you can see that there's a spring that holds down a plate because of this water can flow out freely but at some point the flow becomes so large that the plate is taken along and closes off the gap the water still wants to move forward but it can't go anywhere so a pressure peak is created because of this the valve in the bottom right will open shortly it will let through a bit of water under pressure and it will close again next the plate drops again and the cycle restarts so every time this happens a bit of water enters the yellow tube under pressure when installing the pump you may have to tune it first this is done by adjusting the pre-tension of the spring by turning the bolt in or outwards if the pre-tension is too high the plate will never close but if it is too low the plate will always stay closed so you have to find the sweet spot which works for your situation you may wonder what the purpose is of the yellow tube and that's a very good question the tube is intentionally installed with a bend this way a bubble of air is always trapped in the hose if this would not be there there would be a large amount of water resting directly on the valve of the bridge if water would pass the valve it would have to push up all this water and because the valve is only open for a short amount of time this would not work the trapped air acts as a sort of buffer so that the water level can rise more gradually now let's have a look at how this pump is made almost all parts are off the shelf this video will show you how to connect all the couplings together be sure to do this tightly and also be sure to use enough teflon tape to prevent leaking a hole has been drilled in the top of the cap with slots in it and a thread has been cut into this this is done such as you can put a bolt inside so is uh the height to which you pump is important as it determines the amount of water that is pumped up in our test setup we can vary this height water enters through the yellow tube goes up the tower then it flows down again through the left pipe here you can see a comparison between different heights the higher you pump the less water is brought up thank you for watching this video on our website we have an elaborate building manual of the so if you want more information on this bump or on other similar technology please visit our website i added the link in the description below if you have any further questions feel free to ask them in the comments section or via the contact form of our website you
Channel: WOT
Views: 603,183
Rating: 4.9425602 out of 5
Id: fUNicSOW46E
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Length: 7min 17sec (437 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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