Using gravity to pump water nonstop without power! Full water system install!

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there is a leak apparently here we go hey there folks this is josh stoneyridge farmer today i am with seth johnson from the land the house youtube channel yep so seth is the master of this critter right here guys post a comment tell me what you think it is we know what it is and we're getting ready to tell you about it so today we're going to be putting in a new ram pump system from our pond which is right there to water these cows which are right in behind us seth you make these and sell these this seth has an entire video series on ramp pumps and hydro electric stuff all kinds of he's a tinkerer really a really good tinkerer and he lives in asheville north carolina right sure do so he's about three hours away um he has built this apparatus and he sells them on his website and on amazon also okay so we'll post links down the video description to where you can purchase one of these for your own place this is a technology we're not even going to do a full intro on this video we're just going to jump right into it guys meat and potatoes this has been around for how many years almost 300 years 300 years but you know not in pvc pipe but in different stages of different types of pipe okay typically it would be a cast iron gotcha so ever since pipe was made people figured out that you can run water without electricity and that's what this is all about is having a passive water flow system for the cows so i'm going to let seth very simply explain what goes on here so tell me so we have some valves this is the inlet so first you got to start off with your water source okay in our case we're using this pond so the water is going to come down a pipe known as the drive pipe it's going to close the valve here and that's going to make a pressure wave which sends water into this next valve into a pressure tank and then sends water uphill from the delivery side over here gotcha and typically you're going to get seven feet of lift out for every one foot of drop coming in gotcha so we have approximately six or seven feet of drop here we'll just for the ease of everything we'll say five feet of drop five feet of drop would bring the water up 35 feet is that right so just doing a little bit of simple math and again what seth is saying this is a check valve listen there's a check valve in there there's also a valve in here yes water comes in builds up pressure closes this check valve blows water by here and this is a little pressure tank like you just said um which has an inner tube like a tire is it sealed yes it's sealed okay so there's a pumped up uh bicycle inner tube in here correct yes and that holds the pressure tight and blows it out the out outlet valve right here and that's where it goes up seven feet for every one foot of drop so what we're doing with our cows right now and if you guys keep up with the youtube channel we have our abi water tank over here way across the field over there and that's how we're watering the cows i don't even know if you knew that or not but i watched one video on it okay gotcha so the water tank is plenty of water for these cows for the amount of time that they're going to be in here however we want to do something fun and something cool on something passive so we want to utilize the water that we have right here instead of pumping water out of our well to give to the cows so this pond water we're keeping the cows out of the pond keeping all of our livestock out of waterways that's very very important and what we'll do is i might have to put my waders on and go out in the pond i feel like it's about 38 degrees out here this morning i feel like i'll be in my waders about let's see about 10 feet out into that pond right there because we have to find a way to stabilize and we've got several ideas in our head we've got to find a way to stabilize the inlet so we're going to show you guys how to build the filter system for the inlet half inch pipe in half inch pipe out we're going to go to a water tank up here with a float valve in it so it's constantly controlled and it always runs and we always have water for the cows cool first thing it's cold outside poly pipe doesn't like to unroll out in the cold weather so seth and i are gonna unravel and unwrap this poly pipe let it sit out here in the hot sun so that it will straighten out a little bit better because we don't want coils running all over the ground so 75 bucks is what the cost of the ram pump is on your website right seth yes okay cool so you can get into this pretty cheap guys and it's fun it's just fun something fun to do we're taking a piece of uh pressure treated board and we're going to be drilling out a couple holes and we've made some rebar hooks to drive in to these holes to hold this in position because the ram pump has a ramming motion too water hammer effect really hits this hard yep so it will pull it completely out of the water if we don't mount it up securely and it still may pull it completely out of the water so what we're going to do here now i'll show you how this is going to go and then we'll just get busy on it it's going to go on there just like that there's just two straps that go on this board right here again guys this is not if this were a permanent setup we'd be setting this in concrete or something like that but this is a temporary setup until we get our permanent water set up and it's cool to show you guys an interesting way to uh mount up and run a ram pump to water your livestock or your garden or anything i mean yeah this little uh half inch pump can pump over 300 gallons in a day yeah so fill that 400 up real quick nice cool so we got some holes to drill i'll get busy i'm going to hold this up while steph sets the screws in this thing has to be oriented up and down okay seth got us just about enough strap material plumber's strap material hold on we got a back up here seth seth is a cheapskate man we got this much strap material the whole this i'm like 50 cents that's all you got i need him here all the time so we can have fun he's got the shortest cruise that home depot sells and this much strap material this stuff costs at least eight dollars for a roll that's 200 feet hundreds of feet yeah he's got a piece that big there is nothing wrong with being frugal it's intelligent until it makes your project twice as long because you can't get to it yep exactly so seth's job is all done all mounted up there and he had the rebar idea and you had a board already made at the house right yep it's sitting there now right and it he he didn't want to get any more board than he had to so you had a piece of board about this long right here that's what what is that about uh eight inches yeah that's eight or nine inches in man talk uh so the main thing is uh when you do mount a ram pump you got to get to these unions here and so if you use too much you just can't get to them yep so what he's saying here is sometimes this will clog up with trash and this is a union you just loosen it up right here and just like so and get the trash out and you make sure you hang on to that little uh what do you call that o-ring yup right without that this thing doesn't work we had all kinds of o-ring stuff going on here on the farm so i took you up to we built some hydraulic hose yesterday to fix skitty bop uh he may hang out for a little while and help me feed that hydraulic hose through skiddy bop so you might catch him in a couple videos here on the stoney ridge so i'm just going to drill scientifically right here [Music] this will drive down in the ground hopefully that's fat enough oh look at that that's a perfect fit right there oh yeah so that'll drive down in the ground there and together the other hook we got a bunch of rebar in here we had it all around our fruit trees just so you guys know if you've got deer it's that time of year right now if you've got deer scraping your fruit trees drive a stake of rebar this stuff's pretty inexpensive a couple bucks drive a steak a rebar and a small rebar right in beside your fruit trees and the deer won't damage your fruit trees cool wanna go get this in the ground let's do it all right time to get wet kids this is the inlet side where the brass fitting is right that's the inlet the drive drive pipe okay we're going to turn it around get right over this that's the direction we need to go correct yes okay fairly level straight we'll drive our rebar the reason i put a hook on the end of the rebar is case i need to take this back up it's getting absolutely perfect that's great cool here's what we have half inch poly pipe we're going to take this pipe this big roll pipe we've gotten it warm enough stretched it out and it's gonna go into the standpipe for the pond right here in other words the pipe goes through the dam right through here it comes out right there it'll go down the creek right down to the ramp so that's what the idea is and we're going to have a couple floats out here in the pond and these are the floats hand me one so i ordered these here's what happens when you order stuff off amazon sometimes you get a little smaller float than you thought you were going to get i was looking for football sized and i got high school yeah apple size high school the free footballs they throw at the football game in high school size so that's what we got to do we got to figure out how we're going to tie this critter off the sweet spot is about 16 12 to 16 inches below the surface right here well this pond is about in the middle right there about seven feet deep so what we want to do is get our filter system which we have right over here we have to build this filter real quick so this will be our intake pipe this will have holes drilled all in it and we'll have window screen wrapped around that that'll make a filter system it'll come out of the pond go through the pipe down to the ram pump and then the pump uh well the pipe will be ran along the fence line up here all the way up to that stock tank that you see in the distance right there and that's probably lifting it we'll probably have five to seven feet of drop and that's probably lifting it about 20 feet so bringing water up about 20 feet we have a valve a dare float valve which is that we're going to put in here this is the float valve and that will contain everything we need to have this system always working always running and keeping the cows watered and we don't have one water tank because when you have just one water tank and a field this size the cows are going to make a muddy mess around it so we want two water tanks cool the delivery pipe from the pump is half inch poly we went to lowe's last night and bought out everything they had so we're just running this along the fence and in the future josh is going to be using more of this to make it look a little bit tidier and not just run across the grass as we're about to do for this video but this right here is all we need for the half inch pump to take the water up to the top roll in rolling rolling it's too short we're rolling five feet short it's rolling five feet short this is our inlet intake pipe okay so the poly pipe will be attached right here this will be out in the middle of the pond uh hopefully dangling about like this and hopefully about 16 inches below the surface of the water this may be touching the ground if it's touching the ground it's not a big deal because we'll have tons of holes in here and all we're going to do is basically take this drill and we're going to drill uh i'm not even sure this is close to a half inch bit um we're going to have to set it down and we're going to drill a bunch of holes all the way through this and then we're gonna wrap it up in screen material it's basically a poly screen material you can use aluminum screen whatever we're gonna make a filter to take water in once in a while you may have to clean the ram pump that's what this is to hopefully prevent but you will get like pond scum slimy stuff like uh micro bacteria that grows in the pond that will get inside your pipe so once in a while you'll have to clean this it takes some maintenance this is not a maintenance free situation cool let's get busy drilling there we go look at that ruined a nice big hole in that one what is this stuff made out of peanut brittle all right all right guys we're down here at the pond seth is preparing his drone because he's getting ready to have a little bit of fun i'm getting in the pond i've got my waders out here and it's going to be a good time so we designed something a little more efficient than the last ram pump we did if you've seen a ram pump video one video you've seen them all no that's not so so what we have here are four floats and this is a marine rated rope okay i've got this set up hung onto a bracket right here it's a copper bracket so it won't rust and this will be floating on top of the water and that will hold up our filter and this is going to be our filter you see the holes in it right there and we're going to wrap that up in screen here in just a minute we're going to take some heavy duty zip ties and we'll zip tie that all together and we've got one more zip tie right here i wanted to show you the zip tie gun real quick or zip tie applicator so if you guys don't have one of these in your tool box you need to get one this is a zip tie tool i'll post a link down it's called data shark i don't know i guess it's for putting data cables together but the way this works you're going to get your zip tie in position where you want it so we want the zip tie right here holding this marine grade rope just like so so we'll tighten up the zip tie as tight as we can get it with our fingers and then we'll take the zip tie tool and we'll go in here and it basically squeezes it and cuts it isn't that awesome and now it's really really tight you can never pull that zip tie quite that tight and this will go over a fence post and it'll be hanging just like that and the fence post is sitting back here in the back so i've got to wait out in the water with the post driver and this bent fence post so it's slightly bent on the end where we hit a rock building our fence can't use it for building fence anymore but we're going to use it out here in the water i hope my hope is that it sticks out maybe about that far about 12 inches something like that and that'll be a perfect little ring to loop this guy right over top of and it won't go anywhere we'll have an efficient system all set up ready to go this is what you might put in the eaves of your house to keep bats out or to keep bugs out uh we're gonna use this as a filter system for the uh inlet right here so i'm gonna kind of get it wrapped in there tight seth is gonna hold it this is so much easier with uh maybe it's gonna be easier with two people or just that much more awkward or that much more awkward there we go there we go you got it yep hold her tight doesn't have to be the most beautiful thing in the whole world because it's going to be underwater we'll get one zip tie on and we're going to use the zip tie tool again love the zip tie tool once again this thing will get it tighter than anybody you've ever worked with it's just awesome isn't it awesome yeah uh i'm gonna buy one of those i know if you need more detail on this stuff check out seth's channel land the house and if you want to order yourself a ram pump we haven't even gotten to the ramp part because we're having too much fun doing the rest of it but uh if you need any more detail on this seth has such uh detailed videos i told him i was like we gotta we gotta dumb it down here uh not because my crowd is dumb but because you want to draw them to your your place and learn the details so we gotta we're gonna hit the high spots with mine but seth is a little more detail-oriented yeah on my channel i've got over a hundred and twelve hundred and over 120 videos yeah i dive into very specific parts of it and test out random things sweet yeah he's a tinkerer all right so this is what's going to go on the end now we're going to go down to the ramp and we're going to hook up the inlet and the outlet drive pipe and delivery pipe uh we're going to take our half inch poly pipe this is going to be our intake so i'm going to push that in there as tight as i can get it i think last time we did this we didn't even use hose clamps did we no that's why it came apart yeah it was freezing cold uh get bust out my client 11-1 favorite screwdriver on planet earth once again snug this guy down and this is a union what i have in my left hand is a union and the union should jump right in here and uh get us connected i'm going to get a little bit wet here this is the uh intake what do you call it the inlet intake pipe what drive pipe drive pipe terminology it's important cow calf bull heifer drive pipe all right snugged up should i turn it on or off seth i'll leave it on now leave it on for now okay now the pipe that comes out the back is not what are you what do you call that the delivery delivery so drive pipe delivery pipe ram pump pressure tank pressure tank waste valve waste valve secondary or inline secondary inlet inline valve and then we've got two unions right here union is just where you bring two pieces of pipe together simply okay and two pieces of rebar holding this guy down uh if there's a flood here seth because the water will get up about this high sometimes it's gonna be fine right should shouldn't hurt anything unless some giant stick grabs it and pulls it on down yep i don't think it's going to because we've got rebar on the ground that deep so uh next portion we're gonna do is before we put the outlet or delivery pipe delivery pipe on i gotta get in the pond so let's go get in the pond seth is so excited about this that he's launching his drone so you're going to hear a drone in the background because he thinks i'm going to fall down fast face first in the water i think i'm going to get bit by a spider inside these or stink bug more likely a stink bug we have brown recluse spiders around here so here it goes life's grand adventure here we go it's kind of mushy it's squinty see how the water is fairly shallow all the way out so about oh there's a rock there to about there there is a leak apparently here we go it's much harder to drive a post in the [Applause] water [Applause] i need it to be a little lower than that really love these cows dude [Music] man i'm out of shape this is so relaxing though it's a tiny leak in the crotch area the ground is not steady at all here [Applause] should have gone deeper it's a whole lot easier to find deeper water than it is to drive a post deeper in the mud we probably got hold on here that's it that's the money shot all right seth you got to hand me the pipe more post driver we're a little bit worried about not having enough pipe and i think we're legitimately worried you see that right i think i don't think we're gonna be able to cut this and do anything so we're to go ahead and i'm going to go ahead and slip this joint together just like so i've got my screwdriver right here this is the way we should have done the last ram pump also but it's not the way we did it snug this guy down this is low pressure anyway so we don't have to worry about it we're going to loop this right over top of our post and it's off the ground but it's ugly until we get water in it and then it sinks it'll sink once we get water in it let's see yep it's up off the ground that's what we needed awesome [Applause] dude i'm out of shape knocking a post in the in the water in the ground is a that is a chore that's probably a once in a lifetime thing when you say so i hope so he said he's never seen anybody do i think it's a good idea to keep it in place when we get floods and stuff like that it'll never flood higher than that so i think it's a good idea fingers crossed let's get it hooked up to the pump and so all we gotta do is hook up one more uh union real quick here and simply that's the union it just presses on again barbed uh what do you call that barbed uh barb fitting fitting presses onto the half inch uh poly line and then we'll put a hose clamp on it pretty simple uh seth broke my screwdriver but we're okay uh seth's been a blessing guys if you haven't checked out landa house's channel great information good dude good family man that's what it's all about here people sharing sharing information sharing experiences that's what youtube's all about that's what we're here for around here we go to the delivery side we're gonna hook this guy up real quick should i turn it on or off um that one you go ahead and leave it on okay so we're leaving the delivery side valve on we're gonna take the union apart that i just put together also beautifully and i'm going to have to do a touch of siphoning here this pond water is pretty clean relatively clean i guess so here goes this is work too i got water yeah i'll tell you about the pneumonia tomorrow okay so we want no air coming out of this we want all water coming out of this okay any air could cause a hiccup and cause the ram pump to not work so we want it to be smooth just like that so we got a steady stream of water siphoned down a hook to our union on our ram pump right here should start seeing water immediately okay now turn the valve on okay ram pump should start functioning right well so what's going to happen first is the delivery pipe is gonna start filling up to match the pond level okay and after that's done then we'll be ready to start pushing the waste valve the filter's in the pond it comes out it goes through the pipe that goes through the dam it comes out the water pipe goes down through here i'm going to take some rebar stakes and stake that down so it doesn't wash away this is staked down in place and right now we're waiting on water from there to equalize so on the back side so it's going to pump water way up the hill you can see that shiny tank way up there that's where it's going to pump it up to and that's approximately 25 feet higher than we are currently and this is no power no electricity no nothing and seth is going to show us how to kick start the ram pump next how do we get it started so whenever we start the pump there has to be enough water in the delivery pipe going up the hill or the pump won't work so i'm going to be pushing the waste valve down several times and it's going to put some water going uphill until we have enough pushing back down on the pump that it will cycle on its own depending on how much lift you have this may take anywhere from a couple clicks to uh to several if you're having trouble getting this done you can actually close the delivery pipe and it should start cycling a lot faster with that close just to make sure that it's going to be working fine here whenever it's closed it's building pressure in here you can see it's just started cycling on its own and that's because it pushed the pressure that was in here further up the hill and so we just have to keep doing this but we know it's going to work now just have to keep pushing this until the water fills that pipe because we have quite a long delivery pipe starting the pump like this may take anywhere from 30 seconds up to about 10 minutes so just keep at it once you have it filled the pump will run by itself and you won't have to do this again so as seth was saying we just keep plugging away at this eventually we'll build up enough pressure to run it all the way up to the water tank what we got to do is build up enough back pressure to keep this thing running constantly okay that's what's going on got a little air bubble in there i think we just keep thumping on it if you're worried about it freezing seth said he's had it down in to 17 degrees and he has some people some customers up in canada that use this same system and it never freezes but he did have a gigantic icicle build up on here one time and block the pipe so you just got to keep an eye on it when it's cold weather outside make sure you keep it free of ice and debris it's not a stand-alone system it's something that's going to require a little bit of maintenance but it's free it's free energy we're just using gravity for energy all right we're going to get it running and then we'll take you guys up to the stock tank where we should be getting some nice fresh water for our cattle seth is the water whisperer look at him he's whispering the pipe up here he's like it's almost there tippity tip tip yep so it's moving two inches or so every time the pump cycles and we're up here at our water tank brand new shiny tartar farming ranch water tank and we're about to get water we're about to get free water we're about to get water with no electricity something that's gonna be awesome to have here on the farm man so you can see all the cattle are over there bunched up around the water tank they like to hang by the water trough i don't know why you guys tell me post a comment down there we should have water trickling out of this thing and it's a low flow system so it's probably going to pump about 300 gallons a day something like that enough to keep this thing full and we already have a water system in place over there so that's awesome this is so cool dude it's getting ready to come out [Music] that looks pitiful doesn't it i want to thank you seth social distance shake uh thank you so much uh for coming out here to the stoney ridge farm today and showing us another way to build an awesome water system for our cattle for our livestock so saving money saving electricity saving the environment and building something that's totally free energy that's just laying there already it's amazing isn't it yes thank you for having me yeah thanks for coming if you want to check out the ram pumps on my channel it's uh land to house yep and uh there'll be a link in the video description in the comment the comment you leave he'll leave a comment it'll be pinned down there and you can click right to them and check him out i think you said this was a unique situation you can see out there that thing's constantly moving uh so we've got a little bit of an air bubble problem and you might get an outtake you might not get an outtake here but i got to get the uh i've got to get the waders back on i don't even know if it's worth putting waders on i might just jump in the pond we'll see but guys thanks a lot for joining us here on the stony ridge farm today we got another water system here ram pump water system this is going to be in place for a couple weeks while the cows are right here and then we'll move them up to the upper pasture and we'll deploy the other ram pump that we put in last year and we'll take you guys along with us thanks a lot guys we'll see you next time on stony ridge all right he did it see y'all later [Music] that's so cold oh that's so cold [Laughter] all right i need a rock i need some big rocks i think i'm gonna put my foot on it there we go now that is so cold dude oh but i think i got it okay i'm done cut over done frozen oh it's so good this is not acting that is the coldest water i've ever had my arms down in okay we're good baywatch that ain't country i'll kiss yours i got water
Channel: Stoney Ridge Farmer
Views: 84,456
Rating: 4.9344263 out of 5
Keywords: chickens, homestead, homesteading, farming, tractor, ram, trucks, stoney ridge farm, stoney ridge farmer, diy, water pump, ram pump, pump, how to, water, three bottle fountain, how to make, science model, free energy, free energy water pump, hydraulic ram pump, water pump without electricity, home made, water fountain, science project, solar, emergency, easy, simple, how to make a, wranglerstar, pump water, cattle, cattle watering systems, cattle waterer installation, cattle water heater
Id: saWyxpmbUGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 49sec (1849 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2020
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