Water Filter You Can Make Yourself - Safe Drinking Water!

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the water here at giant springs is absolutely pure in fact they bottle it you can buy it in the stores but this water which flows at about 150 million gallons a day is something that i've always thought about as being a emergency resource [Music] [Music] this area is known as giant springs located in great falls montana i've often thought about what happens if the grid goes down if there's no electricity note to run the pumps that pump the water from our from our water source up into the big tanks that are in all of our neighborhoods where gravity feeds down to all the houses well if the power grid goes down you're not going to be able to pump that water and within a few short days everybody will be out of water and i often thought well gee this is only a couple miles from my house here i can come down here and and uh even if i have to tow a little red flyer wagon or something i can come down here and and get water out of giant springs and we'd be all right it's pure you don't even have to boil it or anything but what are you gonna do if you don't have the luxury of a water source like this look what happened in texas just recently when the power grid in the entire state shut down and then people's pipes froze and they were told you need to boil your water they didn't have electricity to boil water they were they were in a really bad way well i want to show you how to make a water filter very inexpensively that you can have in your home or take camping with you and always have a source of pure drinking water without having to boil it the berkey filters are very popular and a lot of people use them but they're very expensive we're going to do this on a budget because that's the way i like to do stuff well a long time ago i did a video it was actually about handling the mice on our off-grid property but i also talked about using or making a homemade water filter and to i used five gallon buckets to do it it's a berkey type of filter but a lot less expensive now i need to make one for our home here but for some reason linda doesn't want five gallon plastic buckets sitting up on top of the kitchen countertop so we're going to make something a little nicer i went down to america's favorite box store walmart and i bought these uh 12 quart stainless steel pots they're real simple uh steam you know and they're they're cheap they were only 9.87 a piece so what i'm going to be using is these ceramic filters and these are just like the ones that that we used out at the property now i got to tell you i've got a couple different springs on that property the lower one puts out absolutely pure water but the one up above our trailer or that we use as a cabin it does it did test positive for um fecal coliform because there's deer and and animals that that hang out up there in that area and of course that gets into the soil and it settles down into the spring so you can't drink that water directly but using these filters makes it perfectly safe these are ceramic filters they're very inexpensive these are less than ten dollars a piece and all you need to do is drill a hole in the bottom of these pans and it comes with a rubber or a washer down here and uh seal a seal and you just drill a half inch hole in the bottom of the pants and you stick these in and put the wingnut on the bottom to cinch them down now these this ceramic filter is very soft and the way these work is in fact they leave powder residue on your finger fingers these filter out um giardia all bacteria and they also fig filter out heavy metals so you know it gets the lead out and things like that our water didn't personally didn't or didn't test for heavy metals but it gets that out too um these slough off their outside coating because as they get dirty um you you take a cloth and you you uh wipe them off you know and rinse and rinse out your pan if you see them getting discolored they filter so fine that no bacteria can get through and they do work they're so inexpensive that if they happen to break while they're cleaning or something like that just pop in a new one that's all you need to do now i'm putting in two of them in the bottom of the pan and all i need to do is drill two holes in one pan and in the pan that goes on the bottom i'm putting this spigot on it yeah it's a big circuit it's real high quality it's been sitting in my drawer in the shop for years so i figured i may as well use it it's just a quarter turn on and a quarter turn off so it should be pretty handy it's not that bad looking so the way this will work will be there'll be two filters in the bottom of one pan and it'll go it'll fit on top like this and then the spigot down here on the bottom so let's get started i'll put a link to these these are the ones i used in my first they say korea ceramic they're probably made in china they all are there are tons of these available online on amazon and like i say they're very inexpensive but they do work um this just happens to be the kind that i used in my in my first one and uh i know they they work very well nobody gets sick off our water so we're in good shape anyhow um i just need to plan the two of these oh the reason i'm using two is because it takes quite a while for the water to drip down through these but by um using two of them you you know you'd cut that time in half this has got a a lip or a ridge on it and i want them both to sit on the flat part so they're going to go close together down here on the bottom and i'm just eyeballing this now i mentioned that these were soft and they are and they wear away they recommend that you replace these once a year or underneath this soft ceramic is a plastic grid and as you wipe them clean uh wipe the sediment or the residue off the outside once in a while you'll wear down to that plastic grid when you see the plastic grid it's time to replace them [Music] now the hard part is drilling the holes because drilling stainless is not easy the stainless is work hardened from the making of the pan so that's that's going to be the hard part but um i'm just going to go do that i'm going to drill a pilot a small pilot hole like a quarter inch hole and then i'll enlarge that to half an inch because these are half an inch the hard one for me to drill is going to be in the bottom of the other pan is because this is like 1 8 inches or something so i'm going to have to drill the drilled as big as i can and then i'm going to have to finish the hole off with a rat tail file i don't have one of those fancy uh drill bits that are shaped like an upside down wedding cake i went to buy one of those one time they wanted 55 bucks for it so i'm just going to drill the biggest hole i can and i'm going to finish it out with a round file or a rat tail file till this till this fits like this so so okay now what i want to do is just try it out and make sure that the two filters are going to fit in the bottom of this pan [Music] put the seal on first put it in the bottom put in the bottom of the pan and put the wing nut on the bottom now the water goes through the ceramic filter and comes out through the hole in the center of this fitting here all right well basically this is a water filter right now just the way it is but i'm going to fit the other one in there too [Music] and there's the second hole i can't use this file on the inside so i'm using sandpaper on the inside [Music] looks like it just fits people say they break these they break off at the base and i think that's because when they install them they're tightening by twisting the ceramic part and it's very fragile so for final tightening only use the wingnut here that's it and boy those came out just touching on the inside they are a perfect fit but it worked okay now this is going to go on top of here like that now i just got to do is cut that big hole in the bottom of this pan that's going to be a lot harder [Music] now this big faucet is going to be mounted a ways off the bottom so we'll have to tip this up to get the last bit of water out of it but that's okay like i say it's just something i had sitting around [Music] you like my buy guess and buy golly method of measuring hole number one hole number two [Music] now it's time for the file [Music] okay that was the hard part but through the use of a file and a dremel tool i finally finally got that to accept this piece now the only problem is getting some kind of a nut on the back of this that won't rust that'll hold this in what i ended up with was a three-quarter inch npt pvc coupling but it won't screw on here all the way it'll only go on that far and that leaves a big gap in there for the thickness of that stainless steel pot so i'm going to cut a section off of this to kind of take up some space if there's an easier way to do this for example you can get those little flip up water container valves and you can buy those on amazon too and that's probably the easiest way and the neatest way to do this but we kind of thought this might look kind of cool so that's why i'm going through the extra trouble here well i just took a hacksaw and cut off this little piece here from this pvc coupling and i just sandpapered off the edges a little bit now i'm going to put this through the bucket with some silicone sealant slide that on and tighten up this coupling from the back side and that will do it that will seal down that will cinch down tight now what's faster than drilling a big hole down here and putting in this uh this brass faucet is just using a regular uh cooler jug faucet like you can buy on amazon like the one i'm showing now the hole is much smaller it comes with the nut and the washer that goes on the back makes installation really simple oh yeah this looks good it looks way better than those five gallon plastic buckets we have yeah this can stay in my kitchen you have to move it a little but it can stay here so if linda says this is okay then it's okay hey by the way when we're on the road we carry this collapsible kit this is a sawyer mini mini filter and you just fill it with water and then this drains into a one gallon one gallon bucket so we've always got a way to get water out of a stream or in catch we can in case we catch rain rain water um which we do on occasion normally we just use that for washing stuff but for drinking if we turn into drinking water we can filter it filter it this way and this of course rolls up very small it's stored away very easy now this filter takes out bacteria but it doesn't take out taste and what you need for that is a charcoal filter and this is an rv charcoal filter like you would hook up to the spigot to give you good tasting water but heck i've i've i've hand poured water down through here just one time when a couple of times i can remember where we just got bad tasting water we didn't even want to make coffee with it and we poured water through this this would also um hook up to the spigot if you had a spicket like this on this would screw to that but there are ways to get better tasting water and that's a charcoal filter so we bring this with us also a lot of times when we just stop and we we're refilling our jugs our five gallon jugs from a faucet i'll taste the water first because there's no way i'm taking it with me unless i make sure it tastes good and if it doesn't then what i do is i hook this up to that spigot and then i fill our five gallon jugs these nice water bottles were sent to us by sparrow super sparrows and they're pretty nice i guess they saw us drinking out of my old or saw me drinking out of my old canteen but anyways this is pretty nice i like them they got a replaceable they send replaceable seals for it in case you wear the seals out and there's they send straws and they also send the bottle brushes the small ones to go down through the straws to clean them out and on the top side it's got a filter on it or a screen on it so that if you put fresh squeezed juices in it it filters that out so that's pretty nice and then the other one is an insulated bottle and it comes with a neoprene sleeve with a strap over it like this you can sling it over your shoulder so it's got the insulated insulation of being double wall stainless plus it's got the nice uh carrier on it keeps it from banging around and it came with this beautiful stainless steel and wood top and then it also came with this this top on it here which is a you know you can drink straight out of it and close it really easy so i like that too yeah pretty neat stuff from super sparrow you can find them on amazon now the total cost of this uh is about forty dollars and that includes the stainless steel uh buckets and there are pots and the two filters um about and then it depends that would include the plastic valve on the bottom down here like i showed you it'd be more than that if you go with one of these fancy brass ones that thing was about 14 bucks if you buy it like i said i had it sitting around now if you were to make this out of plastic buckets this could be done for about twenty dollars handy to have in case of power outage or just anytime camping whatever you can bring this along camping or just if the power goes down all of a sudden you're having a tough time getting clean water this is a good thing to have around just for safety's sake anyways i hope you guys liked the video if you did please like share and subscribe and we'll see you around [Music] you
Channel: Gonagain
Views: 280,149
Rating: 4.95964 out of 5
Keywords: Cargo trailer camper conversion, van life, rv life, living on the road, living in your rv, trailer camping, camping in a van, cargo trailer camping, metal detecting, rv maintenence, converted cargo trailer, converted cargo trailer trailer camper, offroad travel, overlanding, backcountry travel, desert vacation, desert, desert travel, camping, camp trailer, tourism, RV, RVs, water filtration, sterilizing water, boiling water, prepping, diy, preppers
Id: paiqCNaKg8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 33sec (1173 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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