The Animals of Pandora Explained | Avatar Explained

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so a few months ago I read this they should make a nature doc about Pandora's animals and I was like well somebody has to do it so did I dedicate three months of my life to make an hour and a half long video because of one comment yeah even though Pandora is a moon it's still around the same size as Earth if Earth was orbiting Neptune that would be the equivalent of Pandora orbiting polyphemus like Earth Pandora contains rainforests deserted Plains Savannahs mountainous regions oceans lakes rivers streams ponds puddles volcanoes and you get the point but unlike Earth Pandora has a nitrogen oxygen atmosphere paired with high amounts of carbon dioxide it also has high amounts of hydrogen sulfide erupting out of hundreds of volcanoes that are scattered across the moon so Pandora made talk like Earth it may walk like Earth but it can't bear the point that I'm trying to make here is that it wasn't built for humans meaning the animals or the fauna on the moon are gonna be pretty darn interesting so we're gonna talk about them so here's a guide to like all the fun on Pandora before we cautiously Trek out into the dangers of Pandora it seems like a good time to talk about something that's going to keep you safe from the dangers of the internet which would be no one other than our sponsor surf shark VPN again if you're looking to keep your personal identity and data safe from these big companies dare I say criminals well it's actually really good timing because surfshark does exactly that with the selection of 3200 plus servers and 100 plus countries you can swap your relocation for a completely new one like right now it says I'm in Sweden and no one has to know about it well except for you guys because I just told you being able to change your location helps you access content libraries and streaming services that may not be available in your country and makes it so that your City Country or download history is not linked to your personal identity as well as keep your information safe when you're using stuff like public Wi-Fi and the list just keeps going people and the best part surfshark does not monitor track or store what you do online if you click on that surf shark Link in the description below and then type in promo code Bryce me you're gonna get 83 off your subscription and an extra three months for free anyway now that we're all feeling safer let's get back into the danger I thought it would make sense to go in order from cutest to most cutest but it probably makes more sense if we just work our way up the food chain so we're gonna do that I'm also gonna divide up the Animals by land air and water oh and I also time stamped the video so feel free to scroll through the chapters if you want to specifically learn more about a particular animal like an ilu or a Slinger here's the land animals and let's start with the smallest of the small like manduka's Taurus a Pandora neural micro parasite that's 8.2 micrometers long it's said that it's like really easy for humans to pick up these things when moving around Pandora so they make sure to definitely kill off the microbes before the RDA scientist makes the link with their Avatar because it's literally a neural parasite at night time all of the plant life and creatures on Pandora light up with some form of bioluminescence like glowworms or in the navi language altunyang these worms usually glow up to three to six inches long and come in either purple red or orange with Stripes They're found all over over the rainforest floor and some kinds are even found in the Hallelujah mountains like the worms we know and love back on Earth the glowworms eat decayed plants fungi and leaves and basically help biodegrade everything that dies the constant glowing of the worm made it the perfect specimen that would be used to light up bladder lanterns these kinds of lanterns are seen all over hometry right before home tree stopped existing some Navi Clans will use this warm as a snack for animals that they're trying to tame turning the worm into like a dog tree which is really interesting because these little guys contain a psychoactive compound that is actually used in the dream hunt ceremony so I guess animals react to the psychoactive compound differently than how the navi react to it but anyway we'll talk more about that in a second next we're going to talk about telu or in the navi language telu the mega equivalent of Pandora these delicious looking snacks can grow up to a whopping 8 centimeters long Navi Clans like the omitikayo rely on this little thing for their main source of protein and they're apparently the main source of protein for the hexaped and the storm beast and you know basically a lot of a lot of other animals the better they taste the more protein they're likely to have in them wash them damn fine tailoo it's my grandma Stella in Avatar an activist Survival Guide it's reported that the talu tastes slightly sweet similar to something like a jumbo shrimp and usually fried and salted the navi and most of Pandora May snack on the talu but the talu snacks on decayed vegetation Moss small insects and when all the animals that we're going to talk about including the navi eventually die the talu gets its revenge by eating them their ability to decompose dead animals and plants makes them essential to the ecosystem telu hangs out in these very damp moist areas and tends to breed quicker and highly concentrated amounts of waste next we're going to talk about the literal Pest of Pandora the wolf tick or this name in the navi language that I can't pronounce yet these little guys cling on to larger animals like a storm Beast or a hammerhead titanothereum the wolf's tick digs its fangs and thorax into an unsuspecting animal and once it's like dug in there it's gonna stay on its host for up to eight days the only thing that would remove a wolf tick from its host during that time period would be the animal physically removing it from their own body or if the animal dies because the wolf tick really only feeds on living creatures but the wolf stick's body has a dark purple and blue design with yellow highlights so I guess it has some redeeming qualities speaking of psychoactive compounds the arachnoid or kaliwea are these seven inch creatures also known as the Scorpions of Pandora you can briefly see one right here during Jake's first outing in the year 2154 and now we can talk more about dream hunt an arachnoid cripples and subdues its prey with an incredibly strong neurotoxin typically by using Stinger but when the Venom from the arachnoid is paired with the compound from the gloworm it can cause some intense prophetic hallucinations this is done to help Supply the navi with a true vision from AWA during the omatikaya's dream hunt ceremony when out in nature the arachnoid feeds on other smaller insects like a glowworm the arachnoid is typically found in the rainforest but different subspecies are found all over Pandora the only place that these things are found would be the regions containing hydrogen sulfide erupting volcanoes as the arachnoid tends to stay away from the hundreds of hydrogen sulfide erupting volcanoes for some reason now we're going to talk about one of my favorite animals the fan lizard or kenten this is allegedly Dr Grace Augustine's favorite animal which explains why it's one of kiri's favorite animals and I can definitely understand why it's making everyone's favorite list this lizard is mostly known for its defense maneuver which gives it the name fan lizard the color of the lizard is brown and yellow to better help blend in with the environment but if it senses a predator it will summon this flap that comes out out of its body right here and the fan that comes out of it glows bright purple and yellow as it spins an adult fan lizard grows up to be like 12 inches long but when it's in full propeller mode the fan is on average three feet four inches in diameter this bioluminescent flap turns like a propeller lifting the creature up and transporting it to another branch and imagine that the fan lizard tries not to spin in propeller mode for too long as it causes its entire body to spin as well which would possibly disorient the creature most navient humans will mess with it because of this cool looking trait so the fan lizard basically evolved to be annoyed all the time it's an omnivore so it feeds on stuff like tree sap or small insects and it's known to hang out in the swamps of the rainforest there's a dance that the ometikaya perform in celebration of this little spectacle where a group of Navi typically children collectively mimic the shape of the fan when the creature gets startled you'd think that the chorus crab or torsoom would be living near Pandora's oceans but nah this five foot long nightmare fuel of the Critter is roaming around the rainforest explore its design is clearly inspired by the horseshoe crab that we have back on earth except this crab possesses yellow eyes has quills on its back that are meant to deter anything attacking him from behind and of course it has uh 20 unsettling multi-jointed legs the tipani clan takes slain core scrubs and then they create their own armor and shields out of their shells the taper or swampo also known as the tapers of Pandora don't let all of this armor plating on its back fool you this little piggy is constantly getting eaten by larger Predators which is a shame because these animals are actually really friendly Navi domesticated them enough to where they can be kept as pets unlike dogs they can be easily trained as they reward them during the training with stuff like glow worms see we're learning things why knowing that the navi keep them around as pets as something equivalent to like a cat or a dog it makes it kind of up that some of the navi including the omitikaya farm them for eating you can often see the tapers hanging around the navi settlements eating grass like right here when Grace Augustine is welcomed back into the omatikaya settlement the taper has a flat feet like an elephant four neural cues on the front of its face and a pair of eyes on the front and back of its head which once again doesn't really help is they're constantly being eaten they stick in small groups and Clump together in one large group at night because they're constantly being eaten when this walking deli sandwich is getting attacked the only line of defense that it has is to cry and scream at the top of its lungs the taper scream attracts other Predators because they hear that it tapers nearby and as we all know by now the tapers are meant to be eaten so the only way that the tapers won't get eaten is by calling on other predators to challenge the OG Predator over who's gonna eat the taper and when the new Predator is attacking the OG Predator then the taper finds a moment to run away this scream is actually really useful for stuff like security as Navi from the omitikaya surround home tree with tapers as a living alarm system something closer to the taper would be the saber hog or room flum that is a really just an educated guess for the pronunciation of that like the taper the saber hog is another herbivore it's rocking two neural cues on top of its head with blue highlights on each end it has a brown and orange armor plated body hooved feet like a horse pronounced canines and tentacles on the front of their face we don't know much about the saber hog yet because it briefly appeared in Avatar Pandora Rising but that mobile game was pulled from the App Store and the game servers were shut down and like my dreams and aspirations it just stopped existing so hopefully the saber Hogs are able to appear in future video games like Avatar frontiers of Pandora or something else so we can learn more about them the polymerase or cxu are basically the monkeys of Pandora because they kind of look like monkeys but with two extra arms they also act like monkeys and spend most of their time or basically all of their time in the canopies this creature can grow up to one meter or tall but only weighs 14 pounds this is due to their hollow bones paired with their Taurus muscles and flesh these features allow them to reach as far as like three feet when swinging from branches also this stretch of skin on either side of its body helps it Glide to harder to reach branches giving it the same capabilities as a flying squirrel the lightweight combined with these Wings mixes so that they can fall up to 40 feet without getting injured and they can fall up to 50 feet without getting severely injured the psyops or science operations of the RDA consider this animal to be a herbivore but the animal is also known to sometimes eat insects crawling around up there in the canopy so kind of like that one friend who claims they're a vegan but then occasionally has you know meat all the time these creatures have incredibly sensitive hearing and their ears move around to pinpoint a certain noise just like a Navy's we know that other animals on Pandora have a bunch of eyes specifically for so just like two more than we're used to but like the navi these guys only have two as well and once again like the navi they have one cue in fact when looking at the evolutionary timeline of all the animals on Pandora this is the closest animal to a navi the polymerists talk to each other in a very Advanced way making them probably the third most intelligent creature on the moon the polymerists basically developed their own tribes up there in the trees they have rituals to establish who's the leader kind of like how certain Navi can challenge each other to one-on-one combat for the position of ologeton or clan leader like the navi Clans it's rare for the tribes to go into battle with each other also the polymerists are kind of busy as Mating Season happens three times a year each Mating Season consists of the males breeding with multiple women however the males don't mate for dominance they mate for necessity the polymerists have a matriarchal system where the female decides who she wants to mate with and on that note welcome to the flightless birds section of the video where I introduce the astropine also known as uh the ostriches of Pandora the 13 foot tall ostraped has wings that don't work orange eyes bright yellow and orange skin no for a really tall neck a tail almost as long as one of its legs and a big old beak for a mouth we're all assuming that this thing used to have real wings but those wings shrunk down over time to these incomprehensibly small flaps that you see right here the only function that these Wings serve nowadays is to indicate when the animal is afraid these animals are friends of the navi but are kind of off the rails as their behavior is extremely unpredictable I can understand why though I mean this animal looks like it's walking around with a Target on its back this brings us to the next flightless bird the great astroped it's known relative of the astroped which is why they have similar names and like the austroped this animal stands on two legs but it stands about three feet taller than the austroped unlike the austroped the great astropede has two arms with three horrifyingly long fingers or claws although it can't use its wings for flight it uses what's left of them to scare away Predators this creature also has yellow orange eyes and blue skin with stripes kind of like a knob V it also has cool orange and yellow patterns on it like a poly or dire horse an animal that we're gonna talk about in just a moment it has two neural cues attached to its head so it can be written by Navid mostly by the navi Clans who live in the savannas of Pandora the hexapedes or in the navi language Yeti are shockingly another six-legged four-eyed herbivore snacking on snacks like the Celia fruit squid fruit or bark from a lizard tree they have these black brittles that kind of look like fur running down their back which looks pretty neat the average height of a hexaped is seven feet six inches and the average length is about five feet nine inches their natural habitat is either in the rainforest Savannah's mountainous regions or even sub-arctic Tundras but they typically stick to the grasslands where they have a higher chance of survival as an open grassland offers the opportunity to better see incoming Predators so that they can run away from them however a hexaped will occasionally Venture into the forest to eat some of that tree bark and various other Berry options because this animal is constantly right on by the forest banshees the mountain banshees swarms of sting bats Navi and so on it evolved to have an incredible sense of hearing and smell and just overall excels in every sense in the book because it needs to detect Predators these two little tentacles right here are not neural cues or Kuru they're there to help them smell the air and see if anyone's about to pounce like a defenseless butterfly each hexaped has these little flaps that rise up when it thinks the Predator is nearby these flaps make the animal look taller and more scary than they actually are because I mean look at that cute little face the one thing that's keeping this species from going extinct is how quickly they can reproduce they may be the deer of Pandora but gee dang it too they repopulate like bunnies the hexaped is the first animal in Navi Hunter is able to kill before they move on to the rite of passage known as ikni Maya for most Navi Clans the hexaped is their main source of food other than that Sweet Sweet Lands like the omitikaya use every part of the animal and make sure none of it goes to waste leather made from the skin of the hexaped is used to make clothing and armor for Navi Warriors this leather is also used to make instruments for the omitikaya or blue flu Clan some of these instruments can be spotted in this deleted scene as the leather from the hexaped is used to make the drums of War right here the clothing in the navi Warriors are wearing during this dance is also made from the leather of a hexaped and of course they make hexaped toys the dire horse or poly the dire horse kind of serves the same purpose as the horses we have back on Earth before we invented cars and stuff Ben broke the second law of AWA which is neither shall you use the Turning wheel unlike our horses the Palais have six legs four eyes have stripes like a navi carbon fiber plated shoulders carbon fiber plated back and of course a carbon fiber plated neck with the carbon fiber being located in these specific locations it gives off the impression that the dire horse evolved to be ridden by Navi they've Gotto perculums four pairs to be specific and for those who don't know what that is it's a bony flap that's protecting the nostrils along its neck each poly is on average 4.25 meters long and 4 meters tall this animal is the main form of ground transportation for the navi and most of the time it's almost essential for hunting but how does a navi ride Apollo you ask okay I know you didn't ask that but I'm trying to segue here they have these two antennas on the top of their head right here and we know these as their neural cues or Kuru the navi can connect their cue to the queue of apale or any other animal that has one of these cues like a great astropine once connected to the dire horse the navi can feel what the animal feels and are able to control where the animal goes and Navi will most likely have no problem attempting to ride any dire horse they have a good selection too because dire horses stick together in herds within the hundreds and they all apparently move together like sheep poly typically live in the rainforest and uh grasslands of Pandora but can pretty much adapt to live anywhere on their Moon except the ocean they are herbivores who mainly eat the bark of trees shrubs and their tongues have grown long enough to fit into these plants that are appropriately named Leaf pitchers to eat that toasty nectar that's inside of them making the bond with the dire horse allows the rider to tell the dire horse where to go what happens when the rider is dismounted and their cues are disconnected will they rely on the dire horse leads to guide the creature the leads are usually woven out of stuff like tensile fiber and animal leather and the navi slide them Loosely over the animal's head because they don't want to hurt the dire horse or make them feel uncomfortable and I know what you're thinking and yes there are specific bows for combat while riding a dire horse this type of bow is conveniently named the dire horse bow the build is around three meters tall and it weighs roughly around 3.6 kilograms this wooden bow has a handle that's wrapped in scaled animal skin and the string is made from the gut of a Stern Beast the dire horse bow offers a shorter base and a low hand grip so the rider of the dire horse has better maneuverability while riding that dire horse into Warfare this bow tends to be the most most decorated of all the bows so even though the bow is incredibly fashionable and used in a lot of Ceremonies for that said reason the bow is incredibly effective when put into use during combat this is where the video enters the danger zone the Viper wolf or in nantung this puppy right here is the one that wounded Colonel Miles Courage the iconic scar on his face is from four Viper wolf claws each wolf has six legs and six Paws but these Paws each have an opposable thumb which makes them a lot scarier than the normal wolves we have back on Earth specifically because it gives them the ability to climb trees what did they say in the original script oh yeah the Viper wolves can run like a dog and climb like a monkey their paddle-like tails helps them balance when alternating from the ground to the trees they also have a sense of smell that's as good as the thanators but more on that much larger puppy in a second the Viper wolf is rocking four green eyes and these eyes evolve to give them night vision at night time which is really convenient because it tends to be dark at night and night vision helps you I I see at night as it gives you night a vision during night time because of their very strong sense of smell these wolves can pick up on potential prey from five miles away the body of the Viper wolf does have armor plating just mainly around its neck and spine the average Viper wolf can grow more than one meter tall and more than two meters long and another fun fact because you can't have too many fun facts the strength of their jaws are strong enough to break through any of the bones in your body a pack of Viper wolves consist of about 10 to 12 of them they work together to track prey like this moment in the year 2154 when they chase after Jake Sully and successfully surround him and they would have definitely eaten him too if natiri didn't intervene when they're on the hunt they kind of sound like hyenas laughing and during this moment where they're chasing after Jake you can hear all the noises they use to communicate with each other really well you and I just listened to was the Viper wolves communicating with each other so they know where to go when they're fully surrounding their prey Viper wolves live in the rainforest or grasslands and a pack of Viper wolves can claim a territory of around 300 miles or 480 kilometers sometimes when a pack runs into each other or encroaches on the other Pack's territory it can get violent as they're extremely territorial Navi like the omitikaya clan have found a natural way to repel the Viper wolves from settlements like the now extinct home tree they do this by using a special type of plant sap that mimics the scent of a Slinger which effectively keeps the Wolves out don't worry actually you know what do worry because we're going to be learning about Slingers later on and you're going to be really grateful that you live 4.5 light years away from this monster anyway the humans have these Repulsor pods that emit high frequency Sonic pulses to deter these Predators from going near Hell's Gate the humans can't hear the noise but the Wolves surely can these repulsors are mainly used when they're doing repairs on the fences and when they need to do maintenance around the perimeter the repulsors are the last line of defense when it comes to keeping animals like the Viper wolf out of the sky people's territory like a female wolf back on our planet which is Earth the female Viper wolf gives birth to a bunch of puppies this puppy Madness only lasts for a couple of months because then the mother has to teach these mini Viper wolves how to fight and how to hunt in the wild and she doesn't have that much time because within a year the Viper wolf goes from this little puppy to a full-grown adult there are three subspecies of the Viper Wolf the first one being the lucamalus Viper wolf these ones are able to emit short static flashes of light to help stun their prey their eyes are yellow and their skin is blue and white symbolic of their ability subspecies number two is no other than the galactanotus Viper wolf its skin gains the color of red orange and yellow kind of like Flames it has a bigger mouth and longer quills than any other Viper wolf species they have heightened senses which is a good thing but it works against them when it comes to the sky people's repulsors as the frequencies lot tougher on them but on the bright side they possess a healing enzyme in their bloodstream so that they can heal quicker than any other animal out there this enzyme is believed to cause their distinctive red color now on to the third subspecies the WASP Viper wolf what's so different about this guy well for starters they have yellow eyes yellow lines all over their body making them black and yellow you know like a wasp but most importantly their genes allow these puppies to become virtually invisible how is that possible no idea the sky people's repulsors have been known to ruin their invisibleness by making them visible again after hitting them with that Sonic pulse and number four of the Viper wolf subspecies because I forgot that there was four and not three deal with it the fourth one is the flat-tailed Viper wolf this tends to be the most least interesting Viper wolf out of the various subspecies which is probably why I forgot about it in the first place their only special power is having longer hind legs that give the animal the ability to jump at prey from a farther distance they have a stronger jaw than the other Viper wolves which is pretty cool they're also a lot skinnier for some reason probably to help with the whole jumping at prey from longer distance thing I'm assuming it has a flat tail but the only picture I could find of the flat-tailed Viper wolf is conveniently cutting off the area that would contain said tail the most interesting thing about this Viper wolf would be how it's rocking the colors of green and purple and pink and if you're in the market to be immensely underwhelmed by a viperwolf subspecies you can find them in the wetlands most of the subspecies of the Viper wolf are found in the video game James Cameron's Avatar the video game so I doubt we're gonna see these in any upcoming movies or video games but a girl can dream the storm Beast or Italian to the humans they're known as the blue horned cow and for the navi these Buffalo equivalent are almost as important as the hexaped in terms of food sources hunting down a Stern Beast is a rite of passage for the navi in fact Jake actually does hunt one of these down using a Banshee during his journey to become a warrior Jake is able to sign like one of these storm bees during a stampede oh and I almost forgot like most animals that stick in herds the storm Beast Stampede if one of them gets spooked their stampedes go on for a bit as the creatures are slow to react to things and need a lot of time to calm down from being in this aggressive Stampede mode even though these guys look threatening with their big old horns six powerful legs the fact that they weigh up to 900 kilograms can grow up to 7 meters tall and 6 meters long and they're just you know really big and threatening in general you don't really have to worry about them hunting you because they're herbivores who mainly eat grass and shrubs and fungi however the time to fear them is if you get near one of their calves or their food but mainly their calves because of the storm beasts are extremely protective over their calves like don't get near their calves out of their two horns they use the bottom ones to dig up stuff like tree roots so that they can snack on them and they use the top one for fighting and they'll definitely use it to fight you if you get near one of their calves the males are about 15 larger than the females and have a larger bone that's lining their back the stern beasts have very very poor eyesight like worse than mine which is saying a lot because hold on like look how thick this prescription is look at that and they're pretty dirty too huh they make up for this price Edward Brown level of poor eyesight by being able to smell Predators coming from three kilometers away the Predators they tend to fight off are banshees the greatly enough Turks packs of Viper wolves or a single thanatore when they're not eating or defending their territory the storm beasts are incredibly social with each other the location with the highest concentrated Stern Beast population would be Graves bog they tend to congregate here because of the high amount of watering holes as mentioned earlier the storm bees travel in hertz meaning they all travel together from one Watering Hole to the other it's pretty cute when it comes to the storm Beast relationship with the navi Clans like the yomatikaya make hides out of their skin and use their bones to help build stuff like the sternby skong made from the armor plating of the animal after the poison field fever dream we all know is dream hunt the vision of the navi Warriors communicated to the leaders and the clan recreates the vision during a feast in Jake Sully's case they were feasting on a storm Beast Stern Beast hunting is a difficult challenge because when one of the storm bees get the hint that they're being hunted the rest of them go like we gots to go and then they all Stampede away so Navi Warriors pursue the stern beasts on dire horse or on Banshee in order to take down this animal they have to aim their hunting Spears or arrows of the storm be so perculum this is the animal's weak spot and if you successfully hit it inside operculum the animal has this tendency of collapsing to the rainforest floor and being eaten by the ometikaya later on this length it's got a blue and yellow line going from its neck all the way down to its tail on the front of its side it has these flaps like hexapedes except these flaps are four armor plates in the shape of an ax and they're used to cover up the fangs of the creature until they're ready to attack they spend most of their day sleeping in the lower canopy of the Jungle that is until they get hungry the animal moves incredibly fast when stalking its prey and when it finally catches up to said prey this length injects them with a powerful neurotoxin this neurotoxin is gonna paralyze its prey so this length can um eat them alive it's not really ideal to run into this length if you're on the wrong side of the food chain this neurotoxin is actually used by navi for medicinal purposes using it as a numbing agent when the navi is in pain and they found a way to extract the Venom without hurting the animal no no it can't be that time yet oh come on it is that time the Slingers or La nightca son of a no no this creature haunts my Daydreams clocking in at 2.4 meters tall and five something meters long this creature is kind of like the opposite of the Sean Kingston song I don't want it to take me there I can't watch Avatar anymore without thinking like this thing is just out there okay great there's no avoiding this so let's just get into it here's how the monster hunts it completely detaches its head from its body by shooting it into its prey the sharp pointy end of its head is filled with oceans of Venom once the head or Dart of this Abomination hits its prey it begins to emit an ear piercing high-pitched noise which lets the body know where it's at this Beast is known to be incredibly slow and silent so that its prey has no idea what's about to go down so the release of the dart is just way more terrifying don't worry it gets worse when the body in the head are finished consuming the now annihilated prey they reconnect and just continue on the Slinger is able to reattach its head because of Kuru you remember the bond the neural whips that connect a navi to an animal yes this Walking Disaster has neural cues inside of it why is that you ask well it's because there's actually two entities inside of this one body the head is the child and from the neck down is the parents so the mother and the child have their own separate cues that connect inside of their body when the head also known as the kid gets old enough it fully detaches from the main body aka the parent and then the kid moves around like a mini Slinger then when the dart's old enough it's gonna mate with another Slinger who is cursed into existence when the child leaves the body permanently the parents part of the body then has no way to hunt so it will crawl around until its inevitable death I don't know just be grateful that you live 4.5 light years away from this monster I think I speak for everyone when I ask uh James Cameron why anyway the Hammerhead Titanic here or unsei to start we got six legs six tree trunk feet and four eyes they're on average let 11 meters long and 6.5 meters tall and almost twice the size of an African elephant meaning the hammerheads weigh more than 20 000 pounds to be fair most of their height is thanks to these crests that consist of purple blue and sometimes orange flaps like a peacock in its feathers the Hammerhead is known to raise these flaps when it's trying to scare away any potential Predators the flaps aren't just used for defense they're used for mating like most creatures we've encountered so far these ones are very Territorial and because of the whole African elephant times 2 thing it makes them incredibly dangerous like an elephant this animal is going to make itself appear as tough and big as it possibly can mainly by stomping its feet roaring showing off them flaps or maybe even charging at the potential hostel to scare it away but after all of that if the individual holds their ground the hammerhead's gonna back off well most of the time mainly because these creatures are not into eating Navi like Jake Sully as the hammerheads are herbivores when animals like the thanator enter the AOL chat room the hammerheads are going to group together like freaking Power Rangers and mighty morph into a wall to scare away this Predator you can spot the alpha Hammerhead over here right here standing front and center of this blockade I don't know how often these attacks happen but the only Predators the hammerheads have to worry about are from the thanator and the greatly and up Turks I'm assuming that the wall doesn't really help against the greatly enough Turks right below the flaps is the culprit responsible for the name Hammerhead which would be no one other than its low slung head having projections of bone on each side giving it the look of a hammerhead shark when the Hammerhead is younger the forehead is primarily made up of cartilage you know like the stuff that makes up your nose this makes the forehead way more flexible when passing through smaller spaces in the rainforest when it grows up the cartilage hardens and turns into the solid bone that you see right here but by that time the Hammerhead has enough strength and size to just plow through trees whenever it needs to oh and when knocking down the these trees it's spreading a scent that preemptively warns other animals around it to stay away the hammerheads travel in small herds as each herd is on average 10 to 20 of them so let's say that the scent the wall and peacock mode failed to work well if a nearby Predator goes in for the attack the Hammerhead has solid bone plates covering its body mainly protecting it if it gets attacked from the front and the sides these plates are even strong enough to protect them from other Hammerheads which is why when these animals get in fights with each other they try going for the eyes as is really one of the only areas of weakness which is such a mean thing to do especially because like me and the storm beasts the hammerheads have terrible terrible Vision in fact they have to compensate for this really poor vision by having very good hearing and smell but going back to their armor plating it really only covers their front and their sides leaving their back completely exposed which is why they routinely form this wall these absolute behemoths can be found deep in the rainforests or in the grasslands of Pandora the same type of grasslands that we see the elongi clan hanging out and when it comes to animals that have to walk everywhere the thanator is the biggest Baddie of them all in the navi language it's called palulukan translation being dry mouth bringer of fear I love that translation in the words of James Cameron himself the thanator is the most awesome land predator the universe has ever conceived this thing could eat a T-Rex and have an alien for dessert there was a lot of talk about Bengal tigers in my previous videos and I think that this is the pandoran equivalent it's the tiger or lion it's the freaking Lion King of Avatar but it's black skin with just a hint of purple reminds me of like a Sci-Fi Panther this 5.5 meter long and 2.5 meter tall thanator is the literal definition of a carnivore I'm gonna admit it's kind of intimidating with its six powerful legs three huge claws on each paw a jaw containing nine inch long teeth armor plated head armor plated tail and just overall an armor plated body making bullets essentially useless like the dire horse the thanator has two two sets of a perculum the operculums aren't as scary as the other stuff so let's give another scary fact oh the thanatore has such a powerful tail that just by like wagging it back and forth if you're caught in the wagging you'll probably end up dying you thought the hammerheads were the ones with the most impeccable senses no not a chance the thanatore can detect its prey from up to eight miles away and can run up to speeds of 40 miles per hour a Crest containing 10 sensory quills rests on top of its head right here it seems that creatures like the hammerheads use these crests to ward off Predators while the thanator uses it to hone in on its prey like when it first sees Jake Sully it raises its quills like it's zooming in on him right before it's about to pounce like the Viper wolves the thanatore is known to be nocturnal only hunting at night so when Jake Sully and friends are seeing it during the daytime it was pretty desperate for food just making the overall situation not good the thanator Hunts by itself and claims a territory of 186 square mile it does not stray out of this territory unless it's not getting enough food which explains why we only saw one thanatore in the year 2154 the thanatore is located in the rainforest primarily but it can also be found in sub-arctic regions of Pandora north of palm tree there's a place called The Valley of the thanators and this is the only known area where the thanators clump together this Valley is their main habitat and it's also the area where they raise thanatore kittens the omitikaya clan aka the blue flute Clan writes songs about everything but they do not sing or even dance about this monster however the anuragi clan grew a lot of respect for the fierce thanator anurayi are well-known craftspeople and they will annually construct thanatore totems made from the bones of an actual thanatore some anurayi members will try to tame a thanator like how the omatikaya try to tame a banshee and they tried turning this into like their own rite of passage there's only one time where thanator has willingly lowered its head just above the ground to allow it Navi Warrior to make the bond with it on August 24th 2154 natiri was able to make sahelu with the thanator she was able to work with this apex predator to fight against Colonel Miles korich further aiding the navi in the fight against the sky people in a deleted scene from Avatar 2009 nadiri also uses the thanator to kill secop soldiers like Corporal Lyle Wayne Fleet let's take to the skies the shimify or lortziel the navi translation for Lord Ciel is beautiful Wing as they're essentially the butterflies of Pandora the shimmy fly has a life cycle like the Earth butterfly we know back on Earth so it starts as a caterpillar and then turns into a cocoon and then transforms into a gorgeous looking butterfly which is why the sahiq for the omitikaya Moana has a shimmy fly on her jewelry the shimmy fly has a bunch of antennae and eight iridescent wings with a wingspan of one meter its head is located here and its thorax is located over here and its tail that's located over here sort of acts like the Rudder of a plane as a caterpillar the shimmy fly feeds some leaves and as a butterfly it feeds on the nectar of flowers the only place to find the shimmy fly is the valley of Moana specifically the caspavan river or you may know it as the navi River Journey a place where humans don't need their breather packs because scientifically speaking it was invented by Disney I so Taurus could go to Disney World the Hellfire wasp or Ziza it's basically a weirdly shaped Sparrow wasp that we have back on Earth but imagine if you saw that wasp with the wingspan of like a little over 13 centimeters and the height of it being 10 inches that would be this Abomination if you look very closely you can see a whole bunch of Hellfire wasps when Jake Sully's first attempting to ride a dire horse if you're worried about running into one of these things on Pandora don't worry they typically venture out alone but they can Clump together in swarms the size of one of these mining Vehicles so you won't run into one of them you'll run into a lot of them if you ever approach a swarm uh they will instantly get angry and go after you and each one of them is gonna hunt you and use these two Stingers that they have right here one Sting from a Hellfire wasp will surprisingly not kill an RV or even a human I mean one sting can result in unaliveness but it's not common but multiple stings can be very lethal so if a swarm does attack you you're most likely done so if a member of the RDA is stung by the Hellfire wasp they are placed on medical leave for a few days and if you ever find yourself in hand-to-hand combat with this wasp they're gonna have this very hard bright and orange exoskeleton protecting them and if you're trying to avoid these guys you should stay away from their natural habitats which would be in the rainforests swamp lands beaches steam beds and mountain valleys so all of known Pandora using a Fallen Tree they build and live in these huge wasp nests and they usually feed on fruit tree sap uh dead animals or other insects that they stung the tetroterren or in the navi language fukio the pandoran Flamingo you can see a flock of tetroterran when Trudy Chacon Samson passes them during Jake's first mission with the psyops crew there's two kinds of tetroterrents one that's Aquatic and one that's arboreal The Aquatic ones look exactly like the arboreal ones they're just missing their long necks and legs here's an accurate depiction of what the Aquatic version would look like and there's not much to say about the Aquatic version of this animal because there's not a lot of information out there about it which is why I will not be including the Aquatic tetroterrent and the water section of this video however the Arborio ones are gonna get all of our attention they have four wings on their back with a wingspan of 1.5 meters and they usually come in blue orange or purple if you're looking to find a Tetra Terran you can find them in the wetlands rivers lakes and Forest canopy pretty much anywhere where there's going to be like medium sized bodies of water as they mainly hunt fish but they do have these two tails used for balance when they're hunting on land unlike me or the Hammerhead Titanic here the Tetra Terran has really good Vision an avatar and activist Survival Guide it's said that the tetrotaren can detect movements as little as 1.25 centimeters from a height of 45 meters that is just bananas they tend to hunt together in flocks and behave like Viper wolves as they're very cooperative and communicative as mentioned like 30 seconds ago they typically go after fish using their large beak with a mouthful of glassy teeth to help them scoop up their prey and devour them I love how these birds are very social and empathetic as they're known to be incredibly nurturing to their young by providing them with extreme care and attention this actually earned them their reputation among scientists to be the most caring animal on Pandora apparently scientists from the RDA who track the migration patterns of the Tetra Terran once tracked them in a continuous flight for nearly 38 hours so these creatures are as resilient as they are carrying the sting bat oriti is commonly referred to as a flying scorpion bat which really sounds like the opposite of a good time as you may have guessed by now this bat has a stinger on its tail thus giving them the name sting bat if a human or Navi gets stung by this animal they're most likely um they're gonna die but on the bright side this sting bat has four eyes four arms and four wings with a wingspan of 3.3 meters oh and they also have translucent Claws and fangs their main habitat is in the rainforest canopy unlike the bats We Fear back on Earth the stink bats are nocturnal beings they find a place to hang their translucent Claws and then sleep upside down you can see them doing such an activity in Dr Grace Augustine's decommissioned School their diet consists of fruit or feeding on small animals like fan lizards however swarms of sting bats are known to hunt down larger animals like hexapedes tapers or when they're really in the mood they go after Medusa we're gonna talk about this balloon in a second even though the poison from a sting bat sting can kill a navi Navi are still known to keep them as pets the navi are able to partially domesticate the bats by eating them good old fruit like other well-trained birds sting bats can respond to a call and they're able to perch themselves on a naviti whatever they're holding in their hands scientists working for the RDA discovered that the sting bats have a highly developed visual navigation system however their small brain cavity and cerebral cortex inhibits their innate survival mechanisms despite the constant Slaughter the creatures continue to fly into the range of automated sentry guns that defend Hell's Gate like right here within the first like five seconds Jake Sally arrives on Pandora he gets attacked by a sting bat that made it past said sentry guns luckily the RDA has these fences in the shape of tunnels protecting entrances into buildings as well as Corporal live Wayne Fleet to uh finish the job and let me tell you this the sky people can lay out as many century guns as they want but that won't get rid of their sting bat problem because the sting bats repopulate like it's their job other than century guns and Corporal Lyle Wayne Fleet the Predator that the sting bat should fear the most would be the Banshees bringing us to the mountain Banshee or ikron the mountain banshee's natural habitat is surprisingly in the mountainous regions of Pandora specifically in places like the Hallelujah mountains on average the Mao and Banshee has a wingspan of 13.9 meters their skin is covered in these complex patterns and the colors that make up these patterns could be blue pink orange yellow teal green Indigo Brown and or purple they have yellow eyes like a navi but their eyes can sometimes be gray they have these fish-like jaw structures so it's believed by scientists that they've evolved from sea creatures that are similar to something like an elu this jaw is filled with obsidian-like teeth with one large tooth on the front bottom and top of its jaw and Below its jaw is the iconic horn the ikran has incredibly strong cell structure and a skeleton made from carbon fiber composite which makes the bone lighter and stronger than any bones in any bird that we have back on Earth an avatar an activist Survival Guide it's said that xenobiologists continue to study the aerodynamics of the banshee It is believed that all of Pandora's flying animals take advantage of the gravity that is lower than Earth and the increased air density which requires more Force to displace with the downward and rearward Stroke of their wings the downside is that the denser air is harder to move through and requires highly efficient streamlining to achieve High Flight speeds okay so like science talk aside basically what you need to know is that this all leads to the animal having the average speed of 37.5 miles per hour for Clans like the omitikaya The Mao and Banshee plays a huge part of the Navy's transition from a hunter to a warrior specifically The Rite of Passage known as ikni Maya translation meaning path to Heaven a group of Navi Hunters is led by the although ecton in training they call this leader AQ AQ is going to take the Hunters on this perilous Journey up into the Hallelujah mountains the omitikaya climbed these root highways to get to a specific Rookery on the face of a cliff this location is called mons veritatus also known as one of the biggest floating mountains containing what is supposedly some of the biggest banshees this is where the navi of the omitikaya try to make the bond with a banshee and not V will most likely have no trouble attempting to ride any dire horse because the navi can make the bond with any dire horse out there but a creature like the Banshee will only pair up with one navi for their entire life during ikni Maya the Hunter and the Banshee must choose each other during a ceremony where the navi chooses the banshee and the Banshee chooses violence if the navi chooses the banshee and the Banshee chooses them back the Banshee is gonna try to kill the navi this is when the hunter must tame the creature by forcibly making that Bond once the Halo is made the rider must solidify the bond by immediately taking the Banshee for their first flight together after the rider makes the bond with a Banshee they build and customize their Banshee Q harness in the navi language the harness is called ewate insert Rider's name here tonse makta which translates to the love of aiwa's embrace is gifted to insert writer's name here the harness is made to securely keep the bonded cues behind the rider so that they don't get in the way or disconnect a navi that flies the Banshee is referred to as tananyu meaning Hunter the origin of this name is actually really interesting taranyu was a navi Warrior of the extinct kakunan Clan back in the day thousands of years prior to 2154 taranyu was the first Navi to make the bond with the banshee and he even invented the yimka or Banshee catcher you can see this item right here when Jake Sully is using it to restrain the violent Banshee by temporarily securing its mouth giving Jake a better chance at making the bond the navi are given this tool at a very young age at first it's to play with and then as they get older they develop the technique and start taking this tool very seriously as many Navi Hunters died in the past trying to make the bond with a Banshee as the process of ikni Maya is pretty dangerous but going back to taranyu after observing and rigorously studying away for like eight days straight following this one Banji he took his newly invented Banshee catcher and caught said Banshee he then named The Banshee loturu after returning to the kakunan Clan showing off his new Banshee they then gave him the name ikran makto for Banshee Rider it's like tarukmak though but less intimidating anyway the tipani clan have the same tradition as the omatikaya except they perform the ikni Maya ritual the tarangi clan referred to this ritual as nightmare of the mountain and for them they put their Mao and Banshee as their totem as Banshee riding is at the center of their culture even more than the omitikaya in fact the taragi clan invented Banshee diving where they fully utilized those fish-like jaws by briefly riding their Mountain banshees into the water in order to grab some fish and then return to the surface While most Navi Warriors of the omitikaya clan make their bow from the wood of palm tree there's a different bow specifically made for combat while flying nikron it's appropriately named The Banshee bow and you can see sute wielding one right here the handle of this bow is made from a quote-unquote horn and is decorated with Banshee motifs and markings the strings are made from quote-unquote gut and are decorated with beads and trinkets but what really makes this bow appropriate for a Banshee Rider is its design and size the low placement of the grip and shorter bass makes it ideal for flight combat the navi Clans create toys that are modeled after the mountain Banshee this toy in particular has a massive 40 centimeter wingspan and weighs a whopping 0.5 kilograms it's made from woven Twigs flexible sticks and is decorated with more sticks and they also use some more sticks on top of that as well as Twigs twine shells and even more sticks the toy Banshee is there to remind the young Navi how they will one day have to go through the process of ikni Maya so the toy is there to inspire them to train at taming and making the bond with the Banshees as well as potentially haunt their nightmares reminding them every night about this very dangerous and life-threatening rite of passage that they're going to be forced to do foreign oh no I almost forgot the mountain Banshee has a cousin and they're the most threatening and dangerous animal out there now I'm just kidding their cousin the forest Banshee or ikran Nai is essentially the Lesser Mountain Banshee it doesn't matter if it's the lower or upper canopy the forest Banshee is shockingly found in the rainforest they basically have most of the features of the mountain Banshee like the obsidian-like teeth bones made from carbon fiber composite all of the flight muscles we talked about earlier mostly similar diet and so on where they differ starts with the size the force banshee's wingspan is only seven meters making it significantly smaller than the mountain Banshee swingspan at 13.9 meters the forest Banshee still has the neural cues but because of their size they can't support a navi Rider on top of all of this they have less Variety in colors as they're mainly different shades of green yellow or blue to better help them blend in with the forest in particular the forest banshees migrate in large flocks but they typically hunt alone and they feed on creatures like the polymer us or sting bats and if they're feeling really advantageous they go after larger Predators but only if that larger Predator is injured or defenseless just acting like true Alpha sigmas Mountain banshees are known to fight each other for food but when it comes to other things eating them the RDA secops teams have observed that the forest banshees are the favorite food of the greatly and upturks the marine ikron or Dorado Verde is another cousin of the mountain Banshee and the forest Banshee they're all cousins however even though we don't know their exact measurements in terms of size it's the smallest out of the three but the biggest difference between all of them is that the Dorado Verde is built for the ocean you can see the Marine Banshee hanging outside of the mech hyenas Village right here the animal hanging out by the ocean and the Lagoon explains the black white and green color pattern that it has going on the crust of the animal is pointed backwards and its Shin is pointed forward on top of that the animal has two fins on his back and a much smaller tail this partially inhibits its ability to travel on land but all these features allow the animal to be way more aerodynamic when diving into the water to catch prey and with a chin that's pointed like that it uses it like a skewer to stab and catch its fish and spleaking of the greatly enough Turks we're gonna talk about the great oh wait I actually there's one more hold on okay there we go the Medusa it's kind of like the greatly enough Turks if the greatly enough Turks was like the Medusa the first ever appearance of the Medusa came into the world through this 1978 painting by James Cameron you can't really see it in this painting or this sketch from a psyops member of the RDA but in the universe of Avatar the Medusa has pink and purple skin this creature is 15 meters in diameter and these tentacles can grow up to a comfortable law 35 meters long some of you may be thinking that this jellyfish is not the most aerodynamic creature out there like how the is it able to fly well the membranous sack or Bell right here is filled with hydrogen gas that it produces by consuming prey the Bell then pulsates to propel the animal in a certain direction giving the death bubble the ability of flight it ascends by using fluids from its trim bladders and it disperses the hydrogen gas to lower itself they typically fly slash flow over the mountainous regions of Australis so I find it wild that we haven't seen this creature appear in the comics or in the movies it's difficult for these animals to navigate because of their size build and how they are in general so until it's in fight mode or hunting prey mode this animal is going to be drifting in the wind this fleshy Bell of optical sensors located right here Supply the animal with a 360 degree view of the ground like me this animal is always hungry and also like me they use tentacles that are about three to eight centimeters in diameter to sweep across the rainforest floor in search of food according to scientists these tentacles make a faint swishing sound that causes nearby animals to Scurry away once it touches an animal the tentacle curls up and grabs it you using an incredibly strong grip then it sends an electrical current down the tentacles knock out its prey this shock is actually powerful enough to kill a human being so in case you're not convinced yet stay away from the Medusa the Medusa uses these tentacles to raise the stunned animal into its mouth and uh that's the circle of life they typically feed on the touch of Terran the prolymerist hexapedes people and even the Slinger making the Medusa the real MVP over here just stink bats and banshees are known to sometimes Target this animal as prey even though most of its body is inedible Navi and scientists of the RDA consider these battles to be quite the spectacle if the Medusa is being chased by a predator this jellyfish is not going to really sink but it will release all that hydrogen gas we were talking about earlier and this will definitely send all the Predators away and if the Medusa ever gets punctured during one of these fights the jellyfish is gonna wildly move around like a helium balloon that just got punctured you know a 50-foot tall deflating balloon just going wild but this strategy definitely scares away any attacking Predators oh also if the greatly enough Turks is running low on food it will go after in the Medusa as well making the greatly and up Turks is the only Predator that will consistently hunt the Medusa an avatar an activist Survival Guide it's said that during mating season regions of the Southern continent of Australis are blackened by the shadow of the Medusa swarm as it swirls in a dance of interlocking tentacles I don't want to see Mating Season we here we finally arrived the greatly and up Turks or taruk meaning Last Shadow because for the navi they learn the very harsh lesson that if the greatly enough Turks casts a shadow over you it's gonna be the last Shadow you ever see the RDA psyops members referred to this creature as lean up Turks Rex meaning flying King Lion this flying lion dominates the Skies over the mountainous regions and the rainforests of Australis and if you don't know this Australis is the big old continent that Clans like the omotikaya Occupy taruk is like a mountain Banshee but bigger to be more specific the lien up Turks has more than double the wingspan of your average Mountain Banshee as this wingspan is on average 25 freaking meters their wings are actually really neat as they're composed of individual finned members that can separate and act as slotted airfoil or overlap and seal to form a solid surface when separated they can rotate individually to induce or prevent Vortex formation they have the same carbon fiber bone structure as the Banshees which is the only way these massive creatures can ever leave the ground like the Banshee they have four yellow eyes obsidian-like teeth and really good eyesight with binocular vision they have two tails like a tetroterrent and unlike the sting bat taruk has a very large Brain cavity making it highly intelligent its skin has a bright stripe pattern of scarlet yellow and black we've only seen like one of these puppies since Avatar started so maybe they vary in color we don't know yet the midnight blue crust on the front of its face is used to cut up and disembowel prey the Crest is also really good at cutting through Greenery when flying through the canopy so they can get to prey in order to cut them up and disembowel them oh and speaking of prey this animal is the literal definition of the carnivore their jaw structure allows them to open up their mouth so much that they can chop down on like half their prey at once if we're talking about something like a mountain Banshee whether they're chomping down on their prey with their jaws axing them up with their crests or grabbing their prey with their talons the lean up Turks will snack on animals like the hexapedes but they mostly eat maoin or Forest banshees and as we discussed previously the forest Banshee is the number one snack on their menu I don't know if they prey on thanators but I would love to know that information as you hopefully know by now if you've been watching this video in a linear fashion which I highly recommend you do the greatly in up Turks will occasionally go after Medusa vilian up Turks travels alone but is known to sometimes travel in Paris as Lily and up Turks mates with another Leon up Turks for life but other than that they do tend to ride Jason Derulo's style Solo in fact other than procreation the lean up Turks tends to avoid its own kind as these animals are extremely Territorial and violent if you thought creatures like the thanator take up a vast amount of territory it doesn't even compare to the amount of territory that the greatly enough Turks takes up which is why we only see like one lean up Turks the entire time that we're watching Avatar are one or two this animal is gonna go after Pilot's operating aircrafts like the 1899 scorpion gunship or the sa2 Samson it's assumed that this animal deemed these aircrafts as Predators encroaching on its territory this is one of the main reasons as to why the Scorpions are seen escorting one of the shuttles into Hell's Gate right here scientists from the rda's Avatar program once observed a three-hour territorial dispute between two taruks a battle that ended with both the animals falling to the ground because of their injuries and then their bodies being devoured by a bunch of Viper wolves it was quite the sight to see but while we're on the topic of love the flying lion breeds every two years and like terrain Birds they hatch out of eggs but where are their nests you know what where are their nests so the Leon up Turks has rookeries that are almost impossible to find heck no one even knows where the Leon up Turks resides at night the only rookeries that have been spotted by Navi or scientists were in the Hallelujah mountains in an activist Survival Guide it's said that the greatly enough Turks is crucial to the navi's sense of Destiny and interconnectedness Navi Clans like the omitikaya feared the ever-living out of this creature but at the same time they respect it so they create dances and songs and totems for taruk sevaro of the talcami clan tells children the fictional story about young Navi getting eaten for stealing alien up Turk's egg and speaking of totems the navi of the omitikaya clan went out of their way to make their totem the greatly and up Turks and they constructed a physical totem to this beast in their now extinct home tree using the skull of the old turuk as the centerpiece it's probably a good time to bring up taruk makto it's said by someone at some point in time that when the navi are faced with insurmountable odds also known as times of great sorrow taruk appears to help the navi out only a navi of a pure Soul can ride the Beast and the rider is called turuk makto meaning Rider of Last Shadow this is what happens when some either Brave or incredibly stupid RV has the audacious idea of making sahelu with Mr Mrs Alpha Sigma over here it's said that long ago turuk mocto helped save the Tree of Souls from a natural disaster many Navi Warriors including radlu of the omitikaya have attempted to make the bond with taruk since the time of the first songs there have only been five taruk moctos the first songs being the first time that the navi start recording history through songs this would make Jake taruk mocto the sixth by the way natiri's grandfather's grandfather was tarukmakto V meaning it's been four generations since the last taruk mocto in August of 2154 Jake Sully assumed that the Leon up Turks would never have to look up and he was right the way that the creature evolved it physically couldn't look up as the brow ridges above its eye prevent it from seeing what's above it so Jake Sully jumped on the Beast made sahili with it became tarukmakto VI and was able to lead the neighboring Navi Clans into battle against the humans of Hell's Gate doing this in order to save the tree of soul uh again history was repeating itself except this time the natural disaster was Humanity after the humans were defeated and sent home taruk was released back into the wild and we haven't heard from them since hundreds of millions of years went into that thing called Evolution they gave us the terrifyingly beautiful and sometimes just terrifying sea life that we see in avatar The Way of water or in the uji Avatar we're gonna start with the name anemones or fuat which are these invertebrate-like specimens that have these tentacles that are full of toxic stuff so they grab onto and poison smaller fish in order to eat them the ineminoid is mainly found in lakes or ponds like the one that Jake and eteri are seen taken a little swim through right here the enemenoid is one meter in diameter and like an octopus it can blend in with any of the bioluminescent plants or creatures surrounding it but the times that it wants to be seen it used is a wide array of bioluminescent colors to attract smaller fish so it can eat them the squid I can't find the name for this in the navi language so honestly I think I failed you I think you should unsubscribe for my channel I think you should stop watching this video I think you should really just do the whole nine but to be fair not much is known about this squid other than the fact that it has like 12 tentacles two protruding eyes and it's now iconic orange and yellow glow oh and the fact that it's a squid I'm assuming that we don't know a lot of information about the squid because the design of the creature was pretty last minute they needed an animal that was able to glow and represent Pandora's network of energy so at the end of the way of water when Kiri is able to access this network the large schools of glowing Hammerhead squids are able to physically be there to represent the pathways of energy as the yellow squids form a path to navigate through the ship to help Kiri and her family get out of there while at the same time representing the wave water and how all things are connected they're representing the Pathways in the network of energy that can be seen during dream hunt or in Dr Augustine's research the Gill mantle this Marine invertebrate is about two to three meters tall and has a wingspan of over 1.5 to 2.5 meters most of its internal organs and necessary stuff for it to function is located right here and the rest of the body is basically one big translucent lung when Oceanic lands like the mechaina need to stay underwater for long periods of time they use the Gill mantle the navi attaches this creature to their back and then make the bond with it like how you would make a bond with a poly or Banshee and then boom you now have what is essentially an external Gill to breathe underwater with so you don't have to worry about running out of air when Gathering stuff from The Reef or waiting for your dive partner to finish using the spirit tree in the book The Art of the way of water concept art is still in Coal talked about the design of the Gill mantle specifically about these parts right here that grab onto the navi making it kind of like a secure backpack saying that James Cameron talked about the gecko feet to hold on to the ribs they do kind of look like gecko feet specifically talking about out how they use the gecko feed to make it appear that the animal was latched onto the navi and that was needed because some of their characters are going quickly whether they're writing nilu or swimming fast I love how the Gill mantle glows red when bonded with the navi and I can't express enough how much The Reef people love the Gill mantle it hasn't been proven by the RDA scientists yet but it's hypothesized that the gilmantle co-evolved with the navi through their symbiotic relationship as the navi look out for the Gill mantle the navi got the Gill mantles back and the Gill mantle usually rests on the Navy's back so they figuratively and literally have each other's backs as the navi take the Gill mantle everywhere in the ocean in the lagoon other places another observation that proves this co-evolution is how the Gill mantels have these Stingers on them kind of like a stingray they're located right here on their back because that's where Predators usually attack them from however these Stingers will not harm a navi as the navi use these invertebrates on a daily basis and probably developed an immune Unity to them and to bring the mood down because why not the Gill mantle only lives for about five years The Reef tick or a seat key this leech or literal tick of Pandora is mainly found in the shallow Waters of the ocean it's about 0.6 meters large I don't know if that's with or tallness but that's just what the books say so there you go as four black eyes a green body with four blue legs two blue leg like appendages that act as feeding mandibles and it has a reputation amongst the science Community as a sheer awful terrifying Menace to Society no I'm just kidding scientists consider this a beast to be relatively harmless unlike the Slinger The Reef stick has a symbiotic relationship with the Sagittarius an animal that we're going to talk about in like 15 seconds The Reef tick feeds off the food that the Sagittarius leaves behind but the Sagittarius like cool with the reef tick following it all the time because the tick cleans the cavities of the Sagittarius shell oh my goodness what a coincidence this is It's the Sagittarius in the navi language the name for this thing is called skuka as you probably know by now the Sagittarius has a symbiotic relationship with the reef Tech as the Sagittarius also found in the shallower parts of the ocean and even in places like the valley of Moana the creature is about 1.2 meters long they typically have purple and blue skin with a white and brown shell and this puppy right here can fit an entire Sagittarius into it as the Sagittarius the animal that we're currently talking about retracts its entire body into the shell if it needs to protect itself against predators it has 10 muscular tentacles that it uses for legs and it has four muscular tentacles next to its mouth giving it an octopus-like face these four face tentacles are used to attract or feed on prey they tend to prey on smaller flying creatures by spurting Jets of water at them knocking them into the water and then going to town the shell on its back is used by Navi Clans for beads armor she Wheels arrows blades and various other tools oh the glider fin the RDA scientists referred to this one as the forge fish you can find these little potatoes in the ocean but they're typically found in the shallow end of the Lagoon the only time that they're actually found in the open ocean is during the migration Seasons the gliderfin plays a fundamental role into making sure that the entire ecosystem doesn't starve as this fish is eaten by the mechaina every Marine bird that we're gonna talk about uh elus skin wings aquilas and basically everything that's a carnivore in the ocean these things never really had a chance and just when he thought it couldn't get any more depressing their average lifespan is only a year but they're typically eaten before they can live out the entirety of that year the only thing that's keeping the species from going extinct is how quickly they can reproduce as a single glider fin can lay up to 200 000 eggs in their lifetime that is 200 000 eggs within one year and you thought hexapedes repopulate like bunnies the amberbrau is almost as offenseless is the gliderfin which is why it has these two eyes on the front of its head that go like this these eye extensions allow for a better field of view so the creature can avoid being eaten by various other Predators one of which being the mechanic Clan so in order to better survive out there in the reef the hammer brow usually stick together in schools of up to like a dozen of them not much research has been collected about the hammer brow yet but we do know that they have these valve-like pits located over here that allow filtration and extraction of oxygen from the water which is pretty spectacular now let's start talking about the star beak because why not this is basically the puffer fish of Pandora but without the abilities of a puffer fish it will huff and it will uh not puff and it will definitely not blow up into a big spike-covered ball it has a yellowish body with black and white stripes and six Dark Blue Fins with light blue edges it's rocking one pair of upper pectoral fins and another pair of the lower pectoral fins these are used for steering and it's also rocking one upper and one lower cattle fin that are used for propulsion why am I talking about fins because there's not really that much interesting stuff going on with this guy if the creature spots a predator using its two side facing eyes I honestly don't know what it's gonna do because it's like a puffer fish but without the one thing that gives a puffer fish a chance for those who need to know it has six stubby tentacles surrounding its mouth that's located all the way down here what a weird creature next up we have this um huh I actually can't find any information about this fish moving on another fish that can be found in the reef is the syringeal which is clearly inspired by the look of the terrain manta ray well with its long tail and large flat fin protruding on both sides of its face and oh yep actually that's all the info on this fish too okay the feathertail fish or in the navi language nothing because I don't know the name for this Navi but this guy people refer to this animal as long tail fin not much is known about this fish but marine biologists working for the RDA had observed that the feathertail has two sets of eyes that provide the creature with an enhanced spectral range this fish also has slightly iridescent patterns on its main two fins right here and here like the gliderfin and the hammer brow the feathertail's main job is to be prey for larger animals out there on the reef except for the mechaina for them the meat from this animal tastes incredibly bitter so the mechaina avoid it kind of like how I avoid the calls about my car's extended warranty the flatscape fish or in the navi language I actually you know what I don't have the name for this one either what we do know about the flat skate fish is that it's the opposite of the feathertail fish when it comes to taste as the flatsuke fish is actually considered to be a delicacy amongst the mechaina the taste of the fish is exquisite but it's delicacy because they're extremely difficult to catch there's something about their split tail at the end of their body combined with the large fin on top and small fin on the bottom that allows the fish to do this kicking motion that propels them through the water at incredible speeds speeds that have yet to be recorded by scientists their ability to escape Predators so quickly makes it so that even the most experienced Hunters struggle to reel in this fish there is an otter in the world of Avatar we don't know too much about it other than these three photos that appear in the art of Avatar the way of water the front of the animal bears a striking resemblance to the Otters that we have back on Earth which is probably the reason that they called them otters it's dark gray and white body has this armor shell plating that kind of looks like the like the shell of a lobster it starts at the back of its head and then goes all the way down its back to like the way back this armor plating is highlighted with bright yellow patterns similar to something that we saw in earlier drafts of an elu it has two arms on the front and four paddle-like fins on its back according to concept art is still in Coal there is a delightful scene with took in the otter playing together in the water but this scene was ripped out of the film and never shown to the general public I like that we have an otter in Avatar I don't like that we haven't seen it in Avatar yet but I like that it's out there the pincer fish or slow OPEC now we're getting introduced to the hunters out there and the reefs of Pandora's oceans their stingray-like body has flaps that are referred to as the moonfin which is honestly like the coolest name for a fin this Moon fin helps the creature move through the water and the motion that's replicating the movements of the Waves the fish is covered in colors reflecting the coral reef so it can better blend in with the coral reef this is why people subscribe to my channel the pincer fish has a nice friendly relationship with the Navi but if you're a fish that is smaller than the pincer fish it gonna hurt you see I this is like the Moon Fish because the two tusks that are attached to the front of its face right here form the shape of like a death bringing a crescent moon and these puppies are used for catching prey guiding prey into its mouth digging up sand at the bottom of the ocean floor actually that one doesn't seem that violent oh never mind it says right here that it digs up the sand in order to catch and devour Crustaceans and of course the tusks are used to assist the pincer when fighting against other pincer fishies the fights or territorial disputes between the pincers have been compared to jousting matches the dynastoid or stratka forgive my pronunciation this is commonly referred to as the giant gargoyle fish scientists fear this thing well they fear everything on the planet but you get the point even though the dinicthoid is only like three meters long this creature is still referred to as Fierce vicious Savage brutal violent cruel the dinicthoid is found in Low Land waterlands like lakes ponds streams rivers and murky drainages it's an omnivore so it eats plants and every fish that can fit in between its two large beak-shaped teeth right here and it even goes after larger prey sometimes according to scientists a school of dinakthoid can bring down an entire small Stern Beast mainly because the group of psyops members once recorded a school of dynastoid taking down a youngster Beast who wandered too far into a water Hole by itself knowing however protective the storm beasts are towards their young it really just makes that story way more tragic the dinicthoid swims around like a snake he uses the fins extruding from here and here for both propulsion and steering oh and I love the orange stripes we gotta love the orange stripes speaking of appearance and looks according to an activist Survival Guide the dinicthoid can pulse with bioluminescence to take on the appearance of a smaller more docile creature to lure prey closer conversely it can control its markings to appear even larger and fiercer some scientists do fear that the theatrical displays of the dinicthoid would cause some corrupt scientists working for the RDA to smuggle the fish back to Earth and then fearing that the fish would Escape into our sewer systems making the Earth even more of a miserable place to be at that point finally we're here the tertaped or mauu words have been used to describe this animal and those words would be docile and slow-moving the turtipede is living it up by relaxing their entire life away in freshwater lakes or rivers and some have even adapted to start vibing in saltwater oceans this reptile is on average five to six meters long and four meters tall it has an armor plated body and six claw-like fins as the turtle feed gets older it's docile Finn and tail will increase in size so it has to continuously shed its outer shell in order to better accommodate said Finn and tail the younger ones the Younglings are yellow with purple highlights and lack any bioluminescent wall abilities they're pretty dim by the time it reaches adulthood the tertaped turns pitch black with blue highlights and receives a full strength armor plated shell and of course it's given its bioluminescent colors that shine through the transparent parts of their shell I forgot to mention that the turtle can grow Beyond five meters long and 4 meters tall that's just like the average size in fact they get so big that some of their shells are used by Navi as rafts you can literally take their shells sailing finally my favorite animal in avatar The elu or in the navi language elu I know some of you out there may be thinking Bryce you've already talked about these animals in your really toasty mechan explained video aren't you just gonna be repeating the same exact information in this video well of course I am but I'm going to be adding a lot more info so pay attention Sky people call this bundle of joy Zhao long referring to the dragon in Chinese mythology in the book The Art of Avatar the way of water concept art is still in Colon on to say that the elu is kind of like the policy wow it is like the plesiosaur look at this I'm just I'm just seeing this for the first time but Jim didn't want it to be so obvious they were trying to infuse the sense of fun into the elus personality when you take something that might at First Sight look like a plesiosaur but give it the personality of a dolphin or a seal it becomes playful the elus got six fins and a rudder-like tail that allows the animal to travel up to speeds of 32 knots or 37 miles per hour which is exactly how fast the average cruising speed of a banshee is the elus grow anywhere between 2 to 15 meters long with the average size being roughly 7 meters and they can live up to 55 to 60 years or 1 billion 735 million 630 930 to 1 billion 893 million 415 560 seconds so Navi could in theory outlive two generations of ilu as healthy Navi can live up to 30 percent longer than than a healthy human therefore orange eyes are also pretty rad the initial design of the ilu had bright yellow patterns covering its entire body Dylan Cole and his team made this with the understanding that they really wanted the elu to stand out in the reef but then James Cameron showed up looked at the design and was all like I met I wanted the eluta of yellow accents not to have the entire thing yellow but regardless the team decided to go back to the darker colors that we see in the final film right here and they did keep some of the yellow the colors and patterns on their body are colored that way and shaped that way to better how blend in with their surroundings on the reef if you haven't already noticed the ilu has a really long neck and it has a lot of special organs located in the head and this neck that allowed them to generate high frequency sounds for echolocation and long range underwater communication they use this neck so that they can keep their head above water so that they can breathe through their two nostrils on top of their head and exhale through these openings at the bottom of their neck they physically use this neck to peek their head out of water to look around for like their friends or nearby Predators but the long neck is mainly used for hunting let me explain the length of their neck allows their mouth to hit their prey before the pressure wave of their entire body does giving them the advantage when violently reducing the gliderfin population or the hammer brow population or the feathertail population or when they're eating smaller mollusk-like Crustaceans at the bottom of the seafloor like the skim wings or the Gill mantle that you lose are essential to The Reef people's way of life and like apale the ilu has two Kuru or neural whips behind their heads like the pale and Inna V can make the bond with an elu as they're not bonded for life but either riding does take a lot of time to learn not as much time as like learning how to ride a skim Wing but it's still a good amount of time in fact before riding an ilu younger members of the mechaina will have to navigate through the Lagoon using a one-person canoe in order to fully understand the surrounding territories so the navi has a good lay of the land or in this case a ocean before attempting to ride the dolphin dragon when bonded with the navi the elu is able to supply oxygen through the bond to the rider so the navi nilu can spend more time submerged underwater brief people like the mechaina are gonna hunt larger prey with the skim wings and smaller prey with the elus after an AV learns how to make the bond with an elu they then attach the ilu saddle to the realu the young met kaina are then tasked with the responsibility of riding their elu around the wreath so they can scare away potential predators that may be going after young mechaina or elu Ponies as the ilu and Navi have a symbiotic relationship both species look out for each other's children so ilu will protect younger Navi and Navi will protect younger ilu ilu typically go hunting as a pack so they can easily deter larger Predators who enter the Lagoon wreath people Clans like the mechaina also have wooden toys modeled after the ilu here is uh said toy the skim Wing or sudok in the art of Avatar the way of water concept art is still in Coal went on to say that this might be his favorite animal because of how complete it feels this big old crocodile is halfway between a fish and a mountain Banshee as it has the ability to swim underwater as well as the ability to fly over water they're the econon equivalent for the mechauna and biologically speaking the mountain Banshee and the skim Wing have common ancestors these 14.6 meter long crocodiles have the wingspan of huh I still don't have the measurements for that yet okay hold on I don't maybe in the visual dictionary question mark and as someone who has checked Avatar and activist Survival Guide Avatar the visual dictionary Avatar the way of water visual dictionary and the Art of Avatar the way of water I found nothing but thank you to Dylan Cole for at least attempting to answer this very specific question from a 26 year old adult male who has clearly too much time on his hands every skim Wing has a pair of wings with a unique set of patterns on them the wings are made up of these thin membranes of skin webbed between tensile cartilaginous spines allowing the creature to easily spread and retract its wings to become more aerodynamic underwater and this caudal fin at the end of its tale helps Propel it through the water when it's submerged then when exiting the water the wings spread apart like an accordion all thanks to that good old skin webbed together by the cartilaginous spines thanks cartilaginous spines these pectoral and pelvic fins at the bottom of the creature as well as the con autofin helps the creature stabilize when Gliding Over The Water allowing it to fly up to speeds of 50 knots or 57.5 miles per hour they have these lung gills located on either side of their body right here and right here these lung gills allow them to breathe Above Water full time and they also allow them to breathe underwater full time it's the best of both worlds honestly it's the Hannah Montana of lungs meaning that they can drown and they can't suffocate the skim Wing is able to snack on most fish that we mentioned so far as well as small aerial creatures and land creatures you can find these absolute tanks all over the Eastern Seas especially outside of any Mecca Ina Village skim wings are an essential part of the mechanus way of life as they help the mechaina defend their home against larger Predators as well as give them the ability to go out and Hunt larger Predators The Reef people have their own version of ikni Maya where they will have to tame a skim Wing except this process is more gradual and not as quick as making the bond with the mountain Banshee as mentioned earlier in this video the skim Wings don't necessarily bond for life with an RV and on top of that even if it happens the skim Wings need a lot of bond time in order to earn their loyalty and Trust making them incredibly difficult to tame but once that trust is earned and the navi makes the bond with the skim Wing they are ready to be considered a warrior amongst the mechaina this is all really unfortunate because skim Wings only live for about like 20 years that's only a fraction of the rider's life because how long is the Navy's lifespan everyone that's right 30 percent longer than a human so after all this time making the bond and establishing that connection the rider in the skim Wing really don't have that much time together and on that Tower note let's talk about the next fish the naluza the OG orca whale equivalent of Pandora it's 40 meters or 131 feet long has three pairs of flippers six skills a long tail that looks like the end of a plane and one shark-like mouth filled with incredibly sharp teeth as well as armor plating or shells covering its entire back the naluza is one of the most bizarre animals I ran into mainly because it's not known to eat smaller fish or other plant life under the sea no that would just be too easy or logical instead the way that this Behemoth hunts is by leaping out of the water to catch their prey meaning this animal's main diet consists of various flying birds so this oversized monster has to hunt in the shallow Waters its illogical hunting strategy and the way it's able to maintain its size and strength completely baffles scientists like seriously how is it getting enough food the adult naluza teach this very counter-intuitive hunting strategy to their children for some unfathomable reason the larger cousin of the naluza is the Aquila we last saw this delightful fishy when it was attacking loaca Three Brothers according to concept artist Dylan Cole James Cameron wanted the Aquila to be the Pandora equivalent of the great white shark which definitely explains the name Aquila which is the word for shark in in their Russian language and that was the starting point and then one day they were like you know what sounds fun let's give the Aquila a three-part mouth like a rattlesnake which is honestly a sweet design so if you combine the danger of a snake with the danger of a shark you got a grade A Abomination and the greatest way possible the design of the mouth allows the animal to dig through the Coral in the way that it does but unlike its cousin their tail is more pointed and they're missing armor plating as the shells are replaced with a sharp Ridge that's in the shape of a fit giving it more of a shark-like body the removal of the shells allows for the color of the animal to better blend in with the surrounding environment so it can be more effective when sneaking up on prey the oluetan of the mecca Ina tonawari made a necklace out of the teeth of an Aquila because for them the Aquila is as culturally significant as the thanator is to the omatikaya the Aquila on slake the naluza but the fact that we see the Aquila go after the walk shows us that it does hunt more than birds that it's somewhat logical and hunts other fish on underwater unless it was only attacking the walk because it felt threatened and was defending its territory who's to say well the creators are to say but I don't have that information it's that time in the Millennia it's tulcoon time tulkoon are modeled after the whales we have back on Earth as you probably would assume by now in the world of Avatar the whales that we have back on Earth are are definitely extinct and thanks to Amrita an age-possing compound that's harvested from the brains of the tulkoon the tulkoon are definitely gonna be the next whales to go extinct because of humans just one vial of Amrita is worth 80 million dollars back on Earth the RDA was able to figure out that if they send a squad of setups or cetacean operations to track down kill a tulcoon drill a hole above the roof of its mouth into their brains so that a crew can then harvest the fluid they can make bank anyway much like our whales the tulcoon are air breathers as they inhale and exhale through their front and back row of nostrils they can travel up to 22 knots or 25 miles per hour and can live to be 150 to 250 years old their neural cues are located inside of their mouth because this is where they store their calves when they're needing to protect them from danger in the book The Art of Avatar the way of water James Cameron went on to discuss the design of the tulcoon saying that during the design process he felt like they were struggling to keep the essence of what you'd immediately recognize as a whale yet the specific details had to be very alien the example that he used for an artist was the dire horse you look at it and it's clearly a horse but when you really get to study it it is some strange alien dinosaur that has horse-like properties he wanted the same thing with the tulkoon there should be no doubt in your mind what the metaphor is but the specifics of it are very alien and strange and totally unique to that species they eventually settled on this design something alien but very familiar at the same time because of how smart these animals are they actually aren't referred to as Animals by scientists instead scientists refer to them as an intelligent species if we were to rank the sentient species on Pandora by intelligence it would go tokun at number one then the navi then the polymerase and then the humans as no other sea creature out there on Pandora Compares an Intel Legends for example the tulcoon have names for each other they also have complex language culture art music history understanding of mathematics and sonar capabilities as well as philosophy which brings us to why they're so peaceful the tolkun have a long extensive history of war and bloodshed and all that good stuff but then one day they were all like hey you know we should stop doing uh that and from that moment it was ingrained into their culture that the tulkoon are sworn pacifists mind you to make this decision as any other animal on Pandora would be foolish it's a freaking frenzy out there but the tulcoon can get away with this massive lifestyle change because the male tulcoon are anywhere between 28 to 80 meters long and the female tulcoon are anywhere between 20 to 70 meters long but about centimeters okay I guess we can do centimeters that would be about 2 000 to 8 000 centimeters long for the male and two thousand and seven thousand centimeters long for the female you know what actually why stop there the female tulcoon are anywhere between 20 to 70 billion nanometer this intelligent species is equipped with heavy armor plating so they don't need to worry about protecting themselves against predators well that's until other humans enter the chat and then start hunting them Navi from the mecca you know may not necessarily pair up with the skim wing for life they do however pair up with the tulcoon for Life calling them their Spirit brother or sister each home in every Mecca in a village has a special hand woven wall panel dedicated to Art honoring their Spirit sibling the mechaina also make wooden toys modeled after their tulcoon brothers and sisters like the tulcoon the mecca Inus history is full of conflict and hardship so both species have chosen to live as peacefully amongst each other and their biome as they possibly can which is why tonawari is so against the walk spending time with the supposed killer tulcoon as tonawari and the rest of the mechaina share a similar mindset as the tulkoon philosophy tulkoon and Navi from a clan like the mechaina give birth around the same time time so the mechaina shared their first breast ceremonies alongside their Spirit brothers and sisters a ceremony that consists of uh young Navi getting calmly thrown into the water and then getting lovingly guided to the surface it's the Mecca in his baptism equivalent don't ask me the tulcoons spend most of their time in open sea but once a year a large pot of tulkoon will pick a day to annually visit a lagoon that is home to Navi like the mechaina the tokun referred to this Lagoon as the rifo and this event is called the return ceremony their spear brothers and sisters will enter through underwater tunnels in The Reef so they can arrive directly outside of the village during their return ceremony tulkoon calves and Navi children are recognized as adults Spirit brother and sister bonds are created and of course everyone else is just reunited this is also the time that the intelligent species receive their tattoos from the mechaina oh and for those wondering tulkoon reproduce every two to three years the gestation period is on average 18 months so like double of the humans and the tulkoon cathode is about 10 years the tulcoons seeing their Spirit siblings is definitely a huge bonus to the strip but it's not the main reason they return every year nah the main reason is the spirit tree the tulcoon will bring their newborn calves to something like The Cove of the ancestors specifically something like the spirit tree so that their calves can make their first sahelu with the global Consciousness that we know and love called AWA the mechaina and the tulcoon will experience their children's first communions with Ewa together thank you again to our sponsor surfsharkvpn and just a quick reminder that if you click on the link in the description below type in promo code Bryce you're gonna get 83 off and three extra months for free and that's everything I know about the fauna and Avatar right now mainly when it comes to stuff like the comics and the movies or the rides that they have at Disney World I could make additional videos in Avatar Reckoning or Avatar frontiers of Pandora so let me know anyway if you made it this far uh Bravo and uh thanks for watching thank you [Music] thank you
Channel: Bryce Edward Brown
Views: 492,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The animals of Avatar Explained, Pandora's Animal Kingdom Explained, Animals of Pandora, Avatar Explained, Avatar The Way of Water Explained, James Cameron, Avatar Dictionary, Avatar Exploration, avatar, avatar 2, james cameron, avatar pandora, pandora, dylan cole, avatar navi, animals of pandora, avatar explained, manducus taurus, avatar teyl, avatar glow worm, avatar wolf tick, avatar arachnoid, fan lizard, cuirass crab, tapirus, tapirus avatar, saber hog, avatar animals
Id: 0yPKwF420hg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 25sec (5545 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 20 2023
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