Get the Best Shield Early in Dragons Dogma 2!

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today we're going to be getting 20,000 gold and  one of the best Shields you can get early on in   Dragon's Dogma 2 and this is for two reasons  firstly it has one of the highest knockdown   stats in the entire game so you can just flaw  enemies as a fighter the strength stat is in   the top five best Shields and you could argue  that its only drawback is its high weight but   if upgraded you can reduce that stat massively  fly enough if you do want to sell this Shield it   is the most valuable shield in the entire game but  you can only get it at this one location so maybe   don't throw it away the shield also has a unique  effect against one of the bosses in the game that   makes it ridiculously powerful but I'll talk about  that more later so as I'm about to show you you   can do this right at the start of the game after  you get to the city of vernworth you're going to   go to the Western Gate oxcart station and ask for  them to give you a lift if the oxcart isn't here   yet just come to this little sign poost with the  bell and then press B to await the oxar once it   arrives you can just talk to this gentleman  here and pay him 200 gold to take you there   they will then take you all the way over here to  the checkpoint rest Town located here on the map   and from there if you actually head north out of  the town and take this little side pathway off   the main road and then just follow it all the way  down this really long hill past a campsite through   the forest Valley into the ancient Battleground  you'll then find this huge Castle location so   this is the campsite I mentioned and if we we go  past this campsite you'll find this little sort of   Valley Rock feature here and this leads you into  the ancient Battleground and it's a really cool   location you're actually going to find a Ballista  in front of you and there'll be a dragon and ogre   fighting in the distance there but if you walk  back up the stairs from this ballista and go   right you actually see there's like a bit of hill  we can come up and if you guys are interested in   class guides where I walk you through where to get  each item and armor set for every vocation in the   game make sure you hit subscribe cuz we're going  to be doing that in the future we'll eventually   get to the entrance of this massive Castle just  here on the left now when you enter this location   there'll be some skeletons but they're very easy  to run past they'll spawn when you're around   here but you just want to go immediately to the  left and just ignore them and right here you're   going to find a spiral staircase to the right  which you can run up you'll find a ladder which   allows you to climb up the rest of the way must  be ready for right in front of you you'll see a   blue lantern and if you just go through this  Gap here you'll see another ballister in the   distance there but just follow these little blue  lanterns jump up over this wall and then hop back   down and then you'll see a big cave in front of  you with a ladder leading down into it now take   care of your squishy class going down here because  there'll be a bunch of enemies when you drop down   standing right where I'm looking you don't need  to kill them you can run past but just to show you   this locks a door right here which you can break  through which you can tell your pawns to go ahead   and break and he'll smash through it for you this  actually takes you back into this room here which   you originally entered in but anyway back to this  ladder where we climbed down if you come across   the hallway here you then be able to go up some  more stairs and then if you take a left and go   up these stairs and another set of stairs you'll  then just to the right here you'll find a secret   tone and a secret chest to the right now have you  open this chest you're going to get the makeshift   vault key and just over here you can also pick  up this book which is part of a quest but you   can pick it up early so you might as well grab it  while you're here so this is the makeshift vault   key a key that opens burman's Vault so now you're  going to head back to the city of vernworth and   if you like you can just take the ox cart back  there and once you do arrive in the city you can   just head south through the Noble's quarters  all the way to vernworth Castle but you'll be   able to freely enter and then in the castle if  you go to the east from the main entrance to   the castle if you just go to the left here and  go up the stairs you can come into the palace Gardens after you go past this waterfall just  to the right between these two bushes there's   a door to the Kitchen come on inside here and  then go to the right if you then go to the left   you can come through this door and there's a  entrance way that goes downwards this is the   way to the Palace vaults now you'll find the Vault  on the left around this corner but sometimes there   will be a guard standing here now if there's  a guard standing guard outside the door that's   not letting you get to the keyhole don't worry  all you need to do is run back outside and then   wait here until either sunet or sunrise at that  time of day the guards will then swap shifts and   leave leave their post so if you go back there'll  be no guards there so you can freely access the   keyhole to open the door so here's the entrance  to the Vault just go ahead and press B to open it now and now we've unlocked it now there is a bunch  of treasure in this location if you walk around   you're firstly going to find 20,000 gold on the  floor here which is really really helpful at the   start of the game and just over here on the left  there's another chest which has the worm hunter   cloak and interestingly the worm Hunter's cloak is  actually an Easter egg to the last Arison that you   played in Dragon's Dogma 1 it says a cloak crafted  in a distinct age from materials of undeniable   quality that time has only slightly faded the form  a possession of a renowned Arison the cloak also   has a 3% resistance to fire and lightning elements  and the torch dehabitation a it is unfortunately   though quite heavy and over here there's another  chest which has the daughter of evening a unique   Shield if we read the legendary daughter of  the evening Shields description it says it's   a shield polished to A Mir Sheen reflects the  faces and bful powers of foes back upon them   that they might know their own horror so if you  actually do use their Shield while fighting the   Medusa boss that you see in the prologue you can  actually turn her to Stone which is really cool   Greek mythology Easter egg but this is how you  get it right at the start of the game and then   there's another one here now this is going to  net us with the decayed Medusa head which has   no power left in it now really weirdly you can  actually equip this item to you and oh my God it   looks horrendous now weirdly you can actually  flare it but if you do it will just disappear   however if you do kill Medusa and cut off her  head you actually get one of the most powerful   weapons in the game that can be used to petrify  any enemy and turn it to Stone and then finally   in this corner of the room the Ring of reassurance  now the Ring of reassurance grants horns that you   revive in battle to have an increased defense for  a time period now especially in some boss fights   when your pawns are dying quite often now if you  want to find a powerful armor set and weapons   for your fighter as well as even more gold check  out this video over here and I'll see you there
Channel: ESO
Views: 45,674
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dd2, dragons dogma 2, dragons dogma 2 gameplay, dragons dogma 2 vocations, dragon's dogma 2, dragons dogma 2 guide, dragon's dogma 2 figher vocation guide, dragons dogma 2 beginners guide, dragons dogma 2 tips, dragon's dogma 2 vocations, dragons dogma 2 best weapon, dragons dogma 2 tips and tricks, dragons dogma 2 best shield, best shield location, best shield, fighter vocation, pawn, best armor, fighter class, shield, dragons dogma, dragons dogma 2 best weapons, guide, fighter
Id: hfMbyX_ORL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 21sec (441 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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