Get Started with the Mavic 2 (pt.1) - Setup, Firmware, and Calibration Tutorial

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How's it going everybody edy Ricker here This is the beginner's guide to the Mavic to Getting started from scratch as if you're just unboxing the drone every time I unbox or eyes, you know Make one of these beginner's guide videos. The first thing that I always say to do is get the batteries charging There's not much that you can really do until you get these batteries to 100% That goes for both the drone battery and also the remote controller battery One way to check and see what the battery charge is like is press it. And if you see only One-fourth of this circle light up. That means that it's between 25 and 50% charged and That's a little too low for our taste This video will be split up into two parts part 1 we'll go over setup updating firmware and calibrating the drone part 2 We'll talk about taking off for the first time any last-minute calibrations with the drone as well as a flight tutorial because the Mavic to zoom and the Mavic tube pro are I'm not going to do a full unboxing with all the cables and cords But if you have just the Mavic tube pro box, then you'll have the charger That's the cable that will connect to the wall and will charge both your drone battery and also your remote controller battery If you have the fly more combo Then you have a couple more batteries and you have a charger hub that charger hub does not charge all the batteries Simultaneously it instead charges the first highest charged battery then the second then the third so if you have one battery That's like 30% charge and one battery. That's 25% charged It'll start charging the 30% charged battery first for you to get a fully charged battery as quick as possible So if you just have the charger and you don't have the flame or combo plug the drone battery into this cable and then plug your remote controller Into the micro USB cable that is kind of nestled inside of the wall adapter orient the cable this way so that the cable is leading downward from the controller not upward if you have the fly more combo with The battery hub unfold the battery hub like this Plug your battery charger into the bottom of the hub and then your batteries into the hub Pull out your micro USB cable from the power adapter plug the micro USB adapter into your remote control So it's leading down from the controller and not up and then plug this whole battery charging set up into your power socket also while you wait, go ahead and go to your Android or Apple App Store and go ahead and search DJI Here you can download the DJI go for app Which is the app that we're going to use the majority of the time to be controlling our DJI drone Now that the battery shows a solid green light and the remote has full battery 99% good enough Let's get going Just remember the front legs fold to the front the rear legs fold down and then out here is the camera gimbal cover and we can take our fingernail or our finger and pull on this little tab right here and It comes off just like that with the remote controller. Let's unfold the two arms and Right in there. You can see two thumb sticks that are in you know jammed into those little slots and you can pull them out and screw them in to Where the thumb sticks go on the thumb stick gimbals? Now you have two antennae here across the top of the remote You can pull up on the top one and it'll snap up and the other one snaps up, too You don't want to fly just like this. However, you want to turn this one Toward you and then pull it see how it can kind of be adjusted You can also do the same with this one and adjust it like that the best antenna Reception for this remote control is to be perpendicular To how the antenna is standing up and down So if I'm flying like this and holding it like this, I'm grinning getting great reception over there. I'm not getting such great reception Right above me though because the antennae are pointing above me so you don't want to point these in the direction of the drone rather Point the side of the antenna in the direction of the drone and we're going to use our display device I'm using an iPhone 7 plus with lightning cable attachment Luckily the remote controller ships with its own micro USB to lightning Cable, it's about three inches. Maybe four inches long right there. They also come with the micro USB connection Also a USB C connection, depending on whatever display device you're using make these arms wide enough so that you can Fit your phone inside of the slots of the two arms And you can see right there that the lightning cable attachment is lined up right with the lightning cable port on an iPhone Now the drone obviously comes with its own props and it comes with extra sets we're gonna leave those off for now because we're gonna be starting this out up on our desk and we don't want anything strange to Happen we don't want this to try and take off into our face By the way, if you see this flopping around, that's normal. Don't worry about that This will become stabilized in just a few minutes the best way to start turning things on here is to turn on your remote controller first and then the drone So we're gonna press our power button once and then again and hold it on the remote control Connecting so it's looking for the drone now we're going to press the power button once and then again and hold it on the drone and You see the camera kind of flopping around? Don't worry that's normal. It's just going through its initial startup calibration now we have a Stabilized camera look at that So we started our DJI go for app now and it says activate Your Matic - the aircraft must be activated The first time that is connected to DJI go it also activates the products one-year warranty in addition to the warranty It's up to you right now, whether you want to go ahead and purchase the DJI Kerr refresh plan You purchase it for a certain price point usually a tenth of the price of the drone and then if it ever Crashes you pay another small fee in order to get replaced You have 48 hours from this point to get that care refresh plan associated with your drone if you choose to DG I request access to your DJI Devices hardware information authorized And they accept Terms of Use agree Choose the name. Hmm Mode 2 is gonna be our control mode. That's normal Now if you're left-handed you might feel like mode 1 or mode 3 would be better for you But if you don't know which one to pick I would suggest you try mode 2 to begin with we can customize buttons later on It also gives you a remote controller LCD screen legend. I'm the United States so I'm going to select imperial miles per hour and Beginner mode if you want if you don't know how to fly yet And this is your first drone you might want to try beginner mode first. I will not someone turn off beginner mode now Here's the opportunity to either sign in with your DJI account or create one and Activate rest' restart the aircraft to complete activation. All right, here we go Alright, it gives us aircraft status overall status is normal, but there's a little exclamation point next to it So there's a warning of some sort. We're going to click on that. All right, it says remote control requires update and aircraft requires update now you could either do this out the field if you want to and waste both time battery life and you know data plan or you can do it here at home with Wi-Fi signal and everything and Be able to charge your batteries up after everything is all said and done. So that's why we're here we're inside we're getting this done now and Start update while this is updating firmware. I want to share a couple things with you. This right here is a SanDisk Extreme 64 gigabyte micro SD card This is the SD card that I use for all my shoots with DJI drones. Also, I use a very thin iPhone case It's almost paper-thin a link to the super slim iPhone case and a link to the microSD card are both included in this video description Now that our firmware is up to date. We're gonna hit start flight there at the bottom rights and our image comes up there We are Right there in the center's talking about our obstacle avoidance available on the upper left. It says ready to go vision so that means we're not connected to GPS if it said ready to go GPS then that means it was connecting to GPS satellites and knew its coordinates exactly. But right now we're inside on the top of the app We see a bunch of different icons for the remote control the quadcopter the battery these are all different settings within the settings menu that we can go to and You know address on the left are some options for taking off our intelligent flight modes our advanced Pilot assistance system and also on the top we see some of our camera settings Our resolution recording in as well as how much capacity our SD card has left and the lower left corner is our GPS coordinates and our orientation on the the map that DGI gives us on the right is how we Record or take pictures how we switch from? photo mode to video mode and our camera settings on the bottom or some of our flight stats like how fast we're going how high We are On the lower right is how we play back some of the things we've already recorded finally You see these red and yellow bands on the top and the bottom. Those are the vision positioning sensors So it's sensing a media drive array here about two feet away and then seven feet behind it. It's sensing The Futon over there So it already know is kind of where it is within the room Now we're gonna do a few calibration options while we still have it on the desk. So we're going to go to the quadcopter position icon up there We're going to scroll down to multiple flight modes now on the side of the remote control we have a switch It says T P and s standing for tripod mode positioning mode and sport mode Unless you have multiple flight modes enacted you're always going to be flying in the positioning mode So we want to have the option to switch back and forth. So we're gonna go multiple flight modes turn on Scrolling down we have returned to home altitude normally set. It's at 30 meters. I'm gonna set it to 60, which is roughly one hundred eight hundred and ninety feet So we raised the return to home altitude now return to home is when we press the button on the side of the remote control That has the return to home button home is where the drone originally took off So if it if it gets into trouble or if you just want to bring it back to you Calling it to return to home. We'll shoot the drone up a certain height that we just specified and then make a beeline for The place where it originally took off we're recorded home as raising that a little bit higher we'll ensure that it's gonna fly over trees buildings Whatever is around you in order to get back to that home point This panel is also where you can turn on or off beginner mode. So if you started with this drone in beginner mode on Just remember you can turn it off in this pane and we're going to scroll all the way down to advanced settings Go ahead and tap advanced settings. We're not gonna mess with any Expo sensitivity gain, whatever we're gonna scroll down to sensors Now here's where you want to check your sensors right now Everything is green and looking good But I am you which is the inertial measurement unit is one sensing feature in most quad copters And sometimes it's good to calibrate that I don't calibrate it every flight, but I usually calibrate at least once out of the box So we're gonna hook go ahead and calibrate IMU. It's giving us some instructions. It says place aircraft on flat ground Calibrate as shown and do not move the aircraft unless rotating it for calibration so I'm going to take the Drone legs and fold them back up to the body and we're gonna hit start So it's going to go through its little calibration and we're going to flip it on every one of its sides as it indicates. So We had at level and it's gone through that particular step now wants us to turn it on its right side And then we're gonna flip it over to its left side each time I make sure to let go of it and let it be very steady and still Okay now the back And now upside down All right, please we start the aircraft so I'm gonna go ahead and do that restart and I'm gonna fold the legs while I do that now It's at this point you could go out and take off and stuff But there are a few things that might be good for the first time to make sure your drone is working perfect To go through to calibrate to setup So we're gonna go back into our quadcopter settings and we're going to go down the list on the left Enable visual obstacle avoidance is turned on that's good Bottom on Zillah red lighting is on auto which is good advanced settings Everything is on we can turn things off later as we need to but let's keep it on for now Going to remote controller settings on the left This is where we can choose whether we want our phone to be charging from our remote controller You can have that as an option you'd just be draining your remote controller faster than your phone might drain You also have some customization buttons. I keep these on default for now. Now, let's go to the next icon on the Left HD this is where you can select whether you want to have your image transition settings being normal or HD so if you want to have that advertised 1080 occu sync 2.0 Display on your device as you're flying this you can select HD mode and things will clear up a little bit on the remote control device display Going down the left. You see battery settings. So low battery warning. Is that 25% That can be okay for you. If you just starting out I usually bring it down to 15 I keep an eye on it and I don't want to hear that beeping at 25 percent when I still got a little juice left in my battery so I bump it down to 15 however I do have smart return to home So aircraft will return when battery level is only enough for return to home one step-down gimble settings So here we can Calibrate the gimbal and also have some gimbal sensitivity settings setup. So gimbal auto calibration That's gonna go through some gimbal flip-flopping around Just to kind of calibrate itself, you know, maybe got jostled and Shipman or something you want to make sure that this is working perfectly All right gimble calibrated and there at the very bottom on the left you see those three dots and Here's where you can double check to make sure your measurement units are in which ever you know Metric or imperial whatever you want to use for my video cache I do not select cache during video shooting if you want to have that that's fine and it records Some things to your phone directly as well as to the SD card But I find that my app works a little better a little smoother If I don't use that right under the record button You see these little switches these little sliders here is our camera setting panel So we have auto right now as default but we can go to manual and that's where we can select our Aperture we can select our shutter speed we can select our ISO and get the image that we want Let's keep it on auto for now and up at the top. We're gonna go to that Center icon the camera Here we can select our video size or video format or white balance Which is like what kind of light that we're operating under whether we're inside or outside cloudy day sunny day Style color and camera video coating not too much that we're gonna go over today and then on the upper Right. We see a gear icon Here we can turn on a few other things like your histogram your LED auto headlights turning on and off during recording and Further down we can select where we want to have our storage location whether it's gonna be our SD card We've inserted or the in camera a gigabytes of internal storage One thing I do like to make sure that I have is file index mode continuous not reset if I do reset that means every time that I format the SD card all the new clips that I'll be recording will go back to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 If I have continuous Then it will always count From whatever was lowest at the very beginning when I first started record with the drone when I first got it and just count upward Indefinitely that way when I'm transferring over footage to my computer I'm never going to run the risk of overwriting older clips that are the same file name. You can also select center points So if you like to have a little crosshair in the center of your image like that You can definitely have that sometimes that helps with lining things up or making sure you got something in the center of the screen All right, so we're all set up. Everything is good to go Let's recharge this battery because we're down with 65% and also the remote is down to 78% But there's one more thing we have to address registration if you live in a country that you need to register your drones with the FAA in the United States or some other government agency in another country You have to make sure that you register your drones in accordance with the law So as he as I'm in the United States, I'm gonna go to FAA website and do that I'm not gonna go to federal drone registration comm because that's not the FAA That's actually a third party business and they will charge you five times. What the FAA? Themselves will charge you for registration. It should only be five dollars. If you're paying twenty five dollars. You're on the wrong website I usually just have a little small piece of paper right here underneath the battery that shows my FAA Registration number the FAA requires that you have it available without the use of tools All right thanks so much for watching guys head over to part two if you want to learn how to Fly this thing and get it off the ground for the first time We're also gonna go over some With my mattock - and my DJI drones in general. Thanks so much for watching everybody and until next time happy flying
Channel: Ed Ricker
Views: 413,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ed ricker vlogs, dji mavic 2, mavic 2 pro, mavic 2 zoom, zoom, pro, dji, mavic, how to fly the mavic 2, mavic 2 beginners guide, first flight mavic 2, first time flying mavic 2, how to set up the mavic 2 pro, how to set up the mavic 2 zoom, rc dji, gimbal, imu, calibration, dji go 4 app, unboxing, compass, 4k drone
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 3sec (1143 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 21 2018
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