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so welcome back guys and thanks for stopping by today we're going through the DJI go for app for the Matic tube pro now if you're new to quad copters in general you're going to want to listen to all this information start to finish there's a lot of information in here if you've been around the block a few times and you've had experience with the phantom the Mavic pro or the Mavic air any of those quadcopter quad copters a lot of this is going to seem like material that you've seen before so go ahead and feel free to jump to the links that I'll provided in the description that will jump you to certain sections that you need to find information on so with that being said sit back grab a cup of coffee and let's watch this awesome sunrise okay guys so here we are in the DG I go for app I'll share my screen out so you guys can see exactly what I'm going through so I'm going to start with the top left of the screen go just like a book go left to right and then top to bottom right so first off we're gonna start off with the DJI icon on the top left go to the top right of that screen and you'll see those three bars and all you really want to see here is your flight record or find my drone you ever lose your drone this is where you're gonna go to help locate that it go fly to go back to the main page alright next up is the in-flight GS green section this is basically just a big general Status page so I'll click that it's going to tell you everything about the current aircraft status the important things to note here this is where you go if you need information on the latest firmware if you need a recalibration of any type you're gonna see some kind of an error message here all right so let's jump back out so the main thing to know about the DJI go for app is there is a ton of information on here but it's very very redundant so so let's try to categorize that so there's three things that you need to know for the DJI go for app one is if I want to change settings to the quadcopter itself number two is if I want to change settings to the camera itself and number three is I need to access the Intelligent for flight modes that's pretty much all that you need to know right so it so next up after the in-flight GPS you've got this quadcopter and then position written right after it this is kind of a a major folder if you will so I'll hit that and and you can see on the left hand side of the screen you've got this quadcopter icon you've got the the visual navigation system the radar symbol then you've got have the remote controller the HD signal the battery indicator they begin Bowl and then you've got these three dots down at the bottom so just to compare so I'll take a screenshot of this and then go all the way to the right-hand side and you've got these three dots and let's look at that again so now you have the exact same menu items here so you don't need to memorize two different things here alright so in between the a quadcopter position icon and the three buttons on the right you've got it basically a display of the satellite linkage which is currently shows me I've got 17 satellites and then you've got the icon that tells you if the radar is on the the visual navigation system is on or not and then you've got the remote controller and the strength signal next to that you've got HDD signal next and those are basically shortcuts to that other main folder in the quadcopter position or in the three bars to the right so let's go through each one of those and I'm just going to use the one on the far right the three dots and we'll go through these one at a time so first up is the MC settings this is the remote ID the home point settings the enabling of dynamic home point you can turn that on or turn it off return to home at current altitude intelligent flight modes SP and T buy the sport mode normal mode and tripod mode next is the return to home altitudes you can set that here I have mine set at 55 meters which is about a hundred and eighty feet beginners mode you can turn that on if this is your first quadcopter maximum altitude you can set that here as well advanced settings down here at the very bottom this is important you've got the exp settings and the sensitivity settings these are very important if you want to control the sensitivity of the sticks on your controller so mine I have it set to 0.25 on the throttle up and throttle down and then point to zero on the other two items and what that does is it reduces the sensitivity of the sticks so it allows you to make much slower movements you know while you're flying while you're turning while you're going next let's go back to sensitivity attitude break and you'll end point currently I have mine set to 100 130 and 75 and then you can go back to default so those are those are things that I've found that have been helpful for to me in the past so all right so let's go back to the next one down so we started with the quadcopter icon let's go next to the virtual the visual and navigation settings and here you can either turn this on or turn it off and I'll leave this on at all times unless I'm going through a very narrow space like you see right here so you have also on this section the bottom auxilary lighting currently set to auto I can turn that on and I see the light up there in the sky and I'll turn it back to auto and it turns right back off and it'll just land when the when it's low light type conditions all right so advanced vision settings at the bottom these are very you know specific ones that you want to turn on and off again I would just leave these on all the time there's really no need to turn them off and anyway it's there for your safety all right so next up is this remote controller icon will go here you got your remote control our settings stick mode you can change that button customization a good place to do that here I've got my C one button sent to Center autofocus m.i.c two buttons sent to set to camera forward and camera down so I can just quickly flip down if I'm going to land I can exact see exactly what is beneath me you can also customize the 5b setting which is this little button right here in the middle of the controller and that's pretty much all you need right there so let's go to the next one down HD setting definitely want to turn this one on I leave my channel mode at dual that way I'll just flip back and forth between them is the best channel for this flight channel mode is auto what you want to change here is that H the image transmission mode it comes in regular mode but and that's gonna be very choppy on your screen if you leave it like that so what you want to do is go to HD mode and you're going to get a crystal-clear 1080p image transmission back to your smartphone all right next one down is the battery it shows my aircraft battery status you don't need to ever go here unless you're having battery issues and this would basically show if you had different levels in the different cells of your battery and that would indicate a problem and when you would need to replace that battery got your low battery warning here currently set 25% I believe that just leave it like that it's fine next thing down is the gimbal settings all right I leave mine in and follow mode next we want to go down to the gimbal the camera gimbal advanced settings this is an important section by default this is set to just I think it's set to 20 months as one for some reason but I'll go here and I leave mine at nine and then my gimbal pitch smoothness I put that at 20 so what this does is it this will slow down the speed of the gimbal when you're when you're kind of panning down and then the gimbal pitch smoothness will will slow down the point at which it stops from panning down so it won't just stop it'll kind of slowly stop alright so I'll leave mine like that you can you can play around with the settings here but it's very it's very helpful in getting better shots alright so the next you've got these three bar these three dots at the bottom units I can go with the imperial units I'm in the United States as what I'm comfortable with but that's where you would change it next up is the video caching options that you have there and then down towards the bottom you can go you can change different you know full-screen mode single finger or double finger so that's fine and then that's pretty much all there is with the general settings so again as top top left to top right don't get confused about that just go to the three dots on the right and that will jump you to the sections that you need and then each of those other things are just simple shortcuts to folders in that three dots section alright next row on the on the top is a very thin line up there that's green red and orange and it basically tells you how much battery time that you have left and ones you need when you need to start returning back to your home point currently mine has 14 and it's 23 seconds left this is very a very helpful visual icon and a half all right next up moving right along is the camera settings for the camera on the gimbal so right now I have my ISO set for 100 my shutter is 1 over 80 my f-stop is 2.8 my Eevee value is 1.3 right now my white balance is sunny currently at 5800 Kelvin I'm shooting at 400 4 K at 30 frames per second I have one hour and five minutes of capacity left now one hour and four minutes of capacity left I'm shooting in manual mode and my auto exposure is unlocked and now you want to go and change the camera settings you go to this little squiggly mark here on the bottom right there and this goes into your current camera setting so as we just saw before my I'm shooting in manual mode my aperture is 2.8 shooting at 1 over 80 at the moment and I can actually darken that down as the sun's comin up it's getting bright brighter and my exposure value getting a little bit overexposed alright and we can start recording again ok so that's what where that is and you're looking at that zero point zero at the bottom so that's basically your exposure value alright next up and go to the video icon here alright so so top to bottom you've got the video size I'm shooting at 4k 30 the options are listed here I'm shooting in high quality 30 frames per second you can go all the way down to 1920 / 1080 video format mp4 versus MOV I'll change that to actually MOV since I'm editing on a MacBook white-balance different options here basically you want to choose either sunny or cloudy I wouldn't choose Auto because it will flicker when you go from shadows to to bright areas incandescent if you're inside wouldn't recommend it and then neon or you can do a custom custom white balance all right moving right along I've got your style currently mine is set to none I had a negative ones across the board on the Medicare and I think on the Matic pro but this is a totally different camera system so I wouldn't say that it's gonna be the same some platform to platform this is going to be very specific to the camera itself so but this is where you go in and change that and next up is your color profiles you can change that to D log hlg or none [Music] switch to h.265 alright so you got to be in the h.265 right here so I've got a h.265 go back color profile now I can shoot in D log there we go a nice flat image and next over to the right is the settings so these are basically icons that you can turn on to have listed on your page right now I've got my histogram turned on I like to see if my shot is overexposed as I'm flying lot gimbal while shooting these are kind of default auto focus continuous I leave that on if I'm shooting an auto and in auto mode H LED auto turned off keep that on so that it's not so your 8 LEDs are not on while you're recording I like to have my grid on as well I like to have the grid it's just the 3 you know the 9 sections instead of the grid with the diagonals helps me frame my shots pretty well central point I have off peaking threshold I have set to close you can change that here high low high standard and low and that's all there is in this section so that is all there is here guys from the top left and then to the top to the bottom you can change from video to photo with this button here so now I'm into photo mode change back to video mode simple as that alright now across the bottom go through this very quickly 392 is my distance my height is 251 beat my horizontal speed is zero right now I'm hovering our vertical speed is also zero all right so next over here on the left hand side you've got the ape as you can turn that on here this basically will help you avoid objects as you're flying don't trust this absolutely but it is there to help you so it's good to have that on next up is your intelligent flight mode settings so I go into this icon right here basically that is the normal mode icon but you've got hyperlapse quickshot active track point of interest tap fly and cinematic mode all listed here so first up hyperlapse alright so in hyperlapse mode you've got free circle course lock and waypoints we'll go through those in a different video but this is where you would access the different types of hyperlapse all right next up quick shots hit the ok button alright so quick shots basically just draw a box around an object and then choose one of these options here you've got the droney the circle the helix the rocket a boomerang and asteroid good to go let's go back active track active track has a couple different options as well alright so you've got traced profile and spotlight this is supposed to be revamped from the previous models were can actually follow you follow you as you pass behind an object so I'll be testing that out for sure to see if this is improved at all and I'll let you know okay next up is point of interest point of interest has two different options as well it's got this one that you basically draw a box around it similar to the active track and then it will zero in on that objects and fly around it and then you've got another one that is specific to GPS we basically go over to the point so that we morning set a weight you know said I'm over there and then you have to fly out and a certain type of radius and then it'll rotate around all right next up is tap to fly tap fly has a couple different options hit okay there they got forward backward and free forward and backward are self-explanatory you can fly forward towards an object on a perfect line you can fly backwards in a perfect line or you can fly freeze will go on a line almost like a dolly shop if you have full control over the quadcopter to rotate in any direction as you're applying on that dolly line so more on that later and then lastly you've got the cinematic mode cinematic mode is great especially for your up high flying above anything where you're not gonna have a risk of running into any objects if it slows down the braking it slows down the actual movement so you're just kind of floating effortlessly up there in the sky and again this is very helpful to get a nice smooth shots just be you know cognizant that objects around this is not the mode to fly in okay so I think that is everything that there is on the DJ get I go for app let me know in the comments I think there's a way to turn off this beeping noise and somebody mentioned this in the past I forgot where that was but let me know in the comments because I would be very interested in being able to turn this battery level is low the aircraft will do the whole point in ten seconds alright alright guys that is everything that there is to know about the DJI go for app before the Mavic to probe I hope you found the answers to the questions that you had if not drop me a comment down below and I'll get back to you as soon as possible so with that guys let's get outside get some flying done it's it's Labor Day weekend it's a great time thanks for watching everybody and I'll see you in the next video [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Jeff Greene
Views: 81,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dji go 4 app, mavic 2 pro, mavic pro 2 tutorial, mavic 2 tutorial, jeff greene
Id: DMDsXG6d2A4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 06 2018
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