Beginner Setup Guide - DJI Mavic Air 2

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how's it going everybody edy Ricker here and this is a set up tutorial video on the Mavic air 2 by DJI the Medicare 2 is a really impressive drone for both the size and the price and some of the specs even beat out the Matic 2 line of drones check out my review on YouTube of the Maverick air 2 about some of those specs and just how good of a drone this is now since I opted for the fly lure combo I did get two batteries along with the DJI bag the carry bag and of course the charger hub and that type of thing however pjy tech was nice enough to send me their carry bag for the Mavic air 2 which is really high quality I've been using it for a lot of my gigs I've shot a couple of weddings with this Mavic air two I've shot a couple other live events some real tea videos and a couple other things and I've always carried it in this pjy tech bag we'll get more into this and some other pgy tech accessories later on in the video and when you first get the drone is going to be folded up just like this the front arms fold out to the front like this and then the rear folds underneath and back like so the gimbal cover right here comes off if you flip it over you can get your finger right here pull and it snaps right off and here is the gimbal with the camera when you first get the drone you'll want to do a few things first at the house most notably you want to make sure that you've charged your batteries because you don't want to go out to fly for the first time with the battery that's not fully charged and these come about 40 50 % charged while your batteries are charging you also want to download the DJI fly app to your phone or your display device now I guess at this point if you've already bought the drone you've gone through the process of making sure that that's compatible with your device but if you haven't check the link in the video description to a list of compatible devices and make sure that your phone or your display device will indeed work with the DJI fly app the third thing that you want to do is make sure that you have updated firmware you could probably fly with firmware that's not updated but it's not recommended so what you want to do is make sure that we can power this on connect to our display device to our remote control and get going with that for a more update before we go out to fly for real so imagine right now we're still at the house we haven't left to go out to fly at the field yet we're going to make sure that our props are before we turn on the drone indoors so to do that we're going to take a motor with our finger and then we're going to take our other hand press down on the prop and there's a little bit of a give there you can see once you press down you can turn that prop and it comes right off two of them are going to turn one way and two of them we're going to turn the other way and they're diagonally match just like that if you look at the drone from the top you can see that some props have a white circle on them and some do not well same with the motors no white circle and then here we have those white lines so this prop will go with that this prop goes with that so now that our gimbal cover is off and our props are off we're going to power on the drone I'm going to press the top button right here once quickly and then again and hold it so short press long press and you can see the drone start to kinda twitch and stuff you can see the gimbal initiating and turning on and here is the remote now the way a phone or display device would connect is you pull up the top bracket and then you can take your finger and it's it's when you're looking at the front of the drone it's going to be the left side this little wire this cable right here pull this up and bring it around and this is what's going to connect to your display device I'm using USB seat because I'm using a pixel for shout out team pixel the phone slips in just like so and that cable comes right around and connects remember that the thumb sticks come out of the bottom of the remote control right here and then screw right into the gimbals you can turn on the remote control by also short and then long pressing just like that and if you bought these together they should be bound and they're already talking with each other now that they're both on the DJI fly app is going to ask you to activate your Mavic air too and if you're not ready don't do it yet because what happens is you're gonna have 48 hours from the point of activation to be able to purchase like a DJ eyecare refresh plan or some other repair plan from DJI so if you're not ready to fly this don't activate it until you're within 48 hours of being able to maybe it purchased that plan I always go with DG eye care refresh on most of my drones it saved me a few times and I've utilized it at least three times now so I do recommend it link in the video description to purchase that particular plan as well as the drone itself all right so now that you've connected the drone and you've started the DJI fly app it might ask you if you need to update the firmware and this is also a time where you can just make sure that image is working properly before you go out to fly there is a micro SD card slot in the drone and if you plan to record a lot of footage you don't want to make sure that you have your micro SD card in the drone and the side door here there is I think a gigabytes of internal storage which may get you by if you look on the upper right of the app you see these little three dots if you click that dot or you tap it with your finger up comes the first couple options here we have safety control camera transmission and about and we can adjust some of these values on these various tabs just to make sure that the drone is gonna operate the way we want it to for instance max altitude we might want to set to just under 400 feet if we're the United States we want to keep it under 400 feet above ground level with the FAA max distance you can set if you want to I have it on no limit auto return to home so rth means return to home and what that means is it's going to return to home at an altitude that you set it at and you want to make sure you set the altitude above the highest thing around you so if you're around trees and buildings and that type of thing make sure you set it above the height that you think those things are at 180 feet returned home altitude is gonna be just fine for around here there's nothing probably over 75 feet around here so 180 feet is how high it's gonna come back if it gets into trouble loses connection it's going to come back I'm at eclis it's going to be higher than anything else and it won't hit something scrolling up here we have obstacle detection which you want to have turned on there are no side sensors or top sensors on the Mavic air - but there are front rear and bottom sensors so let's keep the sensors on also we have our ability to calibrate our compass and our IMU scrolling down we also have advanced safety settings so here you can select what you wanted to do if there is signal loss you want to descend you want to hover or return to home let's always have it returned to home with signal loss that way at least they'll come back to us because if we're flying over water or trees or wherever you don't want it to just descend automatically also emergency propeller stop make sure that's set to emergency only because if you go ahead and move the sticks in this particular configuration and it's not an emergency or the drone is sensing that you're falling or crashing then your drone is going to fall out the sky and that's not a good thing so make that emergency only also at the very bottom this is unique to maverick air-to-air since technology enable it so that we can be notified if there are manned aircraft in the area and then we know what to do whether we need to descend or just keep an eye out for what's you know what kind of air traffic is around us let's go back and then go to our control tab here we can select our units so it can be metric or imperial and gimbal mode let's keep it on follow mode make it simple and then also we're going to allow upward gimbal rotation that means that the gimbal can go higher than just the horizon level if we turn that off then when you want to move the gimbal up and down it will actually be locked with the horizon so enable that we're going to give it a little bit more possibility for moving the gimbal up and down with that enabled gimbal calibration is also maybe a good thing you want to do if you select gimbal calibration it'll do it automatically takes I don't know like a minute to do and it's just going to allow the gimbal to calibrate move up and down left and right and make sure there's no problems go into your camera settings and you can select various things mp3 versus mov color normal coding format let's just kind of keep it all default especially if you don't know exactly what these values me and just keep them default for now and at the very bottom we have our general histogram and our overexposure warnings I keep those on but again that's something that may not be of interest to you I'm gonna turn those off for the moment and then we also have like white balance which we can keep on auto and then where we want to record to our SD card or internal storage so let's keep it on SD card and by the way this reminds me I have to format this SD card pretty soon because I'm running out of space I do turn off the cache when recording that's one way that your display device will start to record onto it a lower resolution image or video I turn that off though I just record straight to the micro SD card in the drone itself the next tab is transmission HD versus smooth so you can either have a higher resolution live transmission or a smoother transmission I'll keep it on HD frequency is on dual channel loads on auto let's let's not mess with any of this and then about is just check like your your model your firmware your fly safe database on the bottom right of the screen you have your men manual versus auto selections for camera control we're on manual right now but if you tap the M with the camera we can go to auto and maybe auto is a good thing when you're first starting out and on the upper right you see your battery you see your RC signal strength you also see your GPS signal strength and and your satellite connection so right now we're connected to 14 satellites out here which is absolutely perfect now if you look at the remote control here we have our return to home button we have our power button we have our tripod normal and sport modes right here so that's going to be slow medium or fast essentially we also have our function button which we can program to do things and we can switch back and forth between photo and video mode by pressing that button right there of course we have our thumb sticks right here and if we move around the back we have our ability to take photos or video depending on what mode we're in we can press and start and stop there and then here is our little jog dial and that's going to raise or lower the camera tilt and that's that's something that a lot of people don't find right away so make sure that you know this is how you're going to raise and lower that gimbal tilt with the camera and we're about ready to go out and fly there are a few products I want to show you first of all the that we referred to earlier this is a great carry bag got a lot of compartments in it for the remote control as well as the drone plus extra batteries I also have some ND filters and just a lot of extra props it's really cool bag check this link the view description to this bag alright so we're out the field away from you trees for the most part and powerlines we have a nice open space I'm gonna put out the pjy tech landing pad and we're to stake it into the ground because it's a little breezy out here we don't want to blow away and this is gonna help us to takeoff and land safely without dirt or grass getting into our motor so I'm doing right now I'm unfolding the drone I'm also going to spread those props apart so that they don't have to use centrifugal force to spin them out my phone's already connected to the remote control the remote controls turned on the drones turned on and you see at the top upper left it says takeoff permitted that means that we're good to go also on the upper left it says n4 normal mode and if you look in the center of the controller it says normal as the center switch as opposed to sport or tripod so we're going to take off in normal mode now one thing you may want to check is the compass calibration and so on the upper right those little dots go ahead and click that and then it says compass normal and IMU normal now if it didn't say normal you're gonna want to calibrate both of those however compass I'll teach you that anyway there's no harm in doing it again I'm gonna go ahead and hit calibrate while the drone is and the remote control and everything is on and hit start and what's gonna want you to do is rotate the aircraft 360 degrees horizontally now what I like to do is take the drone and kind of orbit around the drone so the drone itself is not moving through space and not much anyway and once it finishes there and now wants to rotate it vertically so I'm gonna then put the drone upward like this and do the same thing now if you look at the upper right we're going to hit that dot dot dot sign in the app or tap that go to the control tab and then scroll all the way down to flight tutorial and this will teach us how to get off the ground for the first time and some basic controls with the sticks so first of all it says takeoff in an open and crowded area turn up phone volume to hear voice prompts and ensure the battery of the aircraft and remote control are at least 40 percent before flying start pre-flight check so this is what we have to check remember when we were back at the house to power on the drone we took those props off now just make sure that they're back on properly and that they're spinning the correct direction gives you indications here on the app and it's going to ensure the gimbal protector is removed yes we've done that and check and ensure the aircraft is placed with the rear side facing you so I'm behind the drone right now and that's the whole point here is we want to make sure the drone is facing away from us as we take off that way left and right for us is also left and right for the drone if it was facing us that would be reversed remote control check unfold the remote control antennas and adjust the position of the remote control and antennas in relation to the aircraft so it shows the strongest positioning that we can achieve is actually with the top of this remote control in this bracket facing the drone it's telling us to check the device hardware such as aircraft battery remote control signal and GPS signal so that be all these icons on the top the flight info there is on the lower left that's your height your distance away as well as your speed both vertically ascending and descending and horizontally moving through space this way front and back obstacle warnings you can see on the top and the bottom you'll see these little orange bars and eventually turn ready to get very close to something but that's kind of like a rough depiction of it being near an obstacle and so if I'm behind it it may very well sense me if I'm in front of the camera facing it it might very well sense the camera and switch between video quick shot and hyperlapse modes is there on the right we'll tap that later on on the upper left it says takeoff permitted if there was any problem weather mechanically or maybe location-wise because you were near an airport or a no-fly zone of some sort it's going to tell you that on the upper left looks like we're good right now and here we are we're about to take off so tap here to take off to open the takeoff window so we're going to tap that little icon on the left and then hold this take-off button we tap it and hold it and it'll turn green little radio and it takes off now you hear that that is it's sensing me I'm right behind it it's sensing my body so how much you're gonna move a little bit because that's really annoying but basically that's the sensors in action that's a warning that's gonna indicate that you are near an obstacle and it's sensing you so if I move back behind it you see on the bottom of the the app see that orange line that is me so it's sensing me and it's telling me we're in relation the drone I am or anything is but come on this side there we see at the top that orange line that is also indicating that it's sensing me it says ascend one meter so with the left stick we're going to be pressing up and we ascend one meter now we take that left stick when we push it down and we have gotten back to about roughly where we were and then turn left this is your turn left and turn right so that's all left stick operation right there now wants us to fly forward so this is right stick we're going to be pressing up with the right stick that moves forward backward and translate left and translate right so that's how you move the drone around through space so in mode 2 your throttle in your yaw so that's up and down and turning left and right is with the left stick with the right stick it's actually moving through space to the right to the left or moving forward or backward so we're going to bring this back to the landing pad and we're going to press the land button very similar to the takeoff button we're going to hold it we're over the pad and as it comes back down we can adjust the position of it just in case we're missing by a little bit or we're about to fall off for some reason so we're going to move this back over the landing pad and then hit the land button here we go by the way there's a big gust of wind right now so what I'm gonna do is wait it out I'm not gonna try and land right now so if ever it feels like you're not safe to land because of one reason or another wait you have a gut feeling trust it so I feel this wind I'm gonna wait all right the wind is pretty much gone now so what I'm gonna do is press the land button and as it's landing I'm going to use my right thumb stick and it's adjust it and make sure that it's actually gonna land on the pad now that pad is pretty small you might get a larger pad if you want to make it easier on yourself but I was able to do it even with a little bit of breeze either way that's pretty much how you take off in you land and then everything after that is just more detailed and movements you know using both thumb sticks to create a combination movement that you know works for whatever you want to do so I'm gonna go ahead and take off again we're gonna press that takeoff button we're gonna get a little higher this time so go ahead and take off now that we've taken off let's find out where a picture and our video modes are on the right you see that little film strip it may look like something different if it's in photo mode to begin with but either way you tap that and up comes your photo mode your video mode your quick shots your time-lapse and all the different categories within that I'm gonna stick with video and I'm already at 4k 30 which is my preferred shooting style anyway so let's go ahead and stay with 4k 30 but this is where you could select your resolution and your frame rate I'm going to go ahead and get out of it by tapping anywhere on the screen and the red button there on the right is how you start recording it's going to tap that and now we're recording straight to our SD card you can also use the right trigger button on the remote control to start or stop let's go up so what I'm gonna do is use my left thumbstick and press up to throttle up and get up higher in the sky and I'm also yowling them a little bit to the right just to kind of take a look around you know at this point what I'm gonna do is stop I'm at 84 feet high I'm also four feet away from my home point so still very very close to being straight above where I took off I'm gonna go to Auto video settings right now it's on manual but let's go to auto and then I'm gonna tilt down with my gimbal using my left index finger on that dial there and as we tilt down we can see where exactly we are we're at this park I'm gonna yard to the right with the left thumbstick push to the right and here we are and this is where I actually did the Mavic air to review and thematic mini setup tutorial so it's a very familiar spot to me I like it because it's kind of you know there's there's space to fly around but not many people walk around here it's kind of the side area of a larger park that no one really knows about so I love it so I'm just using my left thumbstick to kind of yaw back and forth and my index finger to move up and down with the with the gimbal you also see with Auto video settings so if you're tilted up the sky gets darker and of course the ground gets almost too dark I would say you tilt down and the ground really brightens up and the sky becomes brighter now here's a little tip that's special to the DJI fly app if you look at the bottom of the screen in the center there's a little like crescent shape with a dot and then also an arrow or like a paper airplane the dot represents me and the little paper airplane represents the drone so as I move my body you can see that the drone is moving around that so it's indication of where the drone is in relation to where I'm pointed so if I'm holding it like this that means the drone is right in front of me I look up and there it is if I turn this way it means the drone is over to my right so if I look up there it is you can also see that the drone indicator right there is also turning so that's a good way to know which way the drone is facing as well as where it is 360 degrees around you also on the bottom left is a GPS map there we were to expand it and then expand it again we can see you that we are here in Raleigh North Carolina if we pinch in on the map we can see exactly where we are again if I start turning with my body you can see that indicator is moving you can also see that the drone moves also H stands for homes that's where it took off let's go up even higher to about 150 feet so right here in the center of the remote control we have our little switch here for normal or tripod or sport modes so a tripod mode is a very slow and controlled mode whereas sport mode is very very fast and actually it turns off the obstacle avoidance sensors if you're in sport mode what you get your max speed and maneuverability in sport mode now while we're looking at the controller here that's return to home if you hold it it connects return to home however if you just tap it then it actually serves as the pause button or the stop button either way what we're gonna do is hold this button and we're going to initiate a return to home and you hear that that beeping that's the return to home sound so we can look up it's coming back and it's gonna land pretty close and we'll see how accurate it is it may not land right in the landing pad like I said this is a small one but you either way it's coming straight down if you're looking at it right now it's doing a pretty good job I'm going to adjust it a little bit there we go I'm using my own control just just to make sure it's gonna land on the landing pad if you do hit some grass like that just inspect the props you know make sure they're not damaged a little grass like that's not going to hurt anything but I hope that this video helped you out a little bit you have any questions comment below also thank you to pjy tech for sending me the landing pad the bag you can find the links of these products down below in the video description as well as a purchase link to the Mavic air 2 now if you do purchase through those links I do get a small commission and that just helps me to continue to make these videos thanks so much for watching everybody until next time happy fly [Music]
Channel: Ed Ricker
Views: 368,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ed ricker vlogs, drone reviews, video gear, dji mavic air 2, beginners guide, dji, mavic, dji mavic air 2 beginners guide, flight tutorial, getting started, how to fly the mavic air 2, how to set up the mavic air 2, setup and first flight, google pixel, teampixel, pixel 4 xl, best drone under $1000, 4k 60fps
Id: a8F9FUwPm_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 55sec (1495 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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