DJI Mavic 2 Beginners Guide | How To Get Started

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good day folks welcome to my beginner's guide for the Mavic 2 pro now this guide is geared to those who have never flown a drone before maybe you've just picked up a brand new maverick 2 pro maybe you're thinking about getting one and just kind of want to check things out first we're gonna take you right from the very beginning from taking it out of the box setting it all up updating the firmware right to taking your very first flight if you're a seasoned pilot you might want to go ahead and skip this video as there's probably nothing new for you in it so with all that said let's get started so now here is everything that's going to come in the base kit for the Mavic tube pro if you have a maverick to zoom you can follow along to this guide still because a lot of it is going to be the same so in the base kit we're gonna have the aircraft we're gonna have a charger and the cable for the charger we're gonna have a remote some extra sticks for the remote some cables six props and a USB connector here now we're gonna start with the aircraft so I'm gonna take all this stuff and set it aside out of the way so now I've had my aircraft up in the air but yours is gonna have stickers on it so at this point you want to go ahead and remove all the stickers so we're gonna go ahead and unfold the aircraft now and what we're gonna do is we're gonna pull the front arms out first and they just fold down like that and these back legs kind of fold down and out just like that now there are several things that we need to do before we can take our first flight the first thing we're gonna have to do is charge up the batteries but I just want to show you a few things here before we get started on this aircraft it's covered in sensors there's two at the back there's two at the front here there's two at the side there's two at the bottom and another infrared there and those are LED lights and there's also one here at the top now drones are getting easier and easier to fly and with the addition of all these sensors that makes it that much easier you don't have to worry so much in the beginning about running into things so the battery comes shipped installed in the aircraft so let's go ahead and remove it we're just gonna press the side buttons there and pull out now this battery is in hibernation mode and I know that because when I press on the button it doesn't do anything that's actually an LED light around the outside and that's what dictates when the aircraft is powered on but it can also show us how much charge is in the battery so GDI ships their drones with the batteries in hibernation mode to take the batteries out of hibernation mode you just simply need to plug it into the charger and just to show you here here's a battery that has a charge in it and it's already been activated when I press the button you can see it illuminates and it shows you how much charge is in the battery just by those LED lights it's split into four quarters so to charge up our battery we're gonna take the charging block that came with the drone and the power cable now while we're at it we're gonna charge up the remote because when we need both to have a good charge before we get started but before we plug everything in I just want to show you here there's a USB port right there and that can be used to charge any kind of device you can plug a smartphone in there you could plug your remote in there but the remote actually has its own built-in cable right there you can see that we pull that out that reveals a microUSB cable and that's what we're gonna use to charge the remote so you're gonna grab your remote and we're gonna take a closer look at this coming up but for now we're just gonna pull this USB cable we're just gonna unplug it temporarily and then we're going to take this microUSB cable and plug it in to where that one was so it's just gonna plug in there like that and right away you're gonna see that it's charging up on the screen and it'll give you a percentage now I just want to mention to be very careful plugging in these micro USB cables they tend to be damaged quite easily and I've seen it before and I've actually damaged go to myself so just make sure they're lined up properly you've got it the right way around and that way you don't do any damage to your remote so we're back with our battery that is in hibernation mode so all we're gonna do is plug in the battery just line up that little side notch there with the side notch on the battery and just plug it in and right away you're gonna notice it light up and there we go so this battery is now activated so at this point you're just gonna let things charge up I could take anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half to charge the batteries so just be patient let everything charge up fully and then I'll be right back back now this battery is fully charged if we press the button you can see that it's all illuminated so we're good to go so we're just gonna disconnect that battery for the time being and we're gonna unplug the remote don't forget to plug that USB cable back in now if you purchased the fly more combo you would have got two extra components you would got a charging hub and a car charger you can use this car charger to charge all your batteries the same way they just plug in like that the charging hub is quite a handy thing to have because it allows you to charge four batteries now it doesn't charge all four batteries at once if you have four batteries plugged in it's gonna charge each battery from the one that is the fullest down to the one that is the emptiest and the reason it does that is if you have a battery that's at fifty percent and one that's at thirty percent it's gonna start charging the one at fifty percent first that way you can get up and flying quicker so to use the hub we're gonna take this end and we're gonna plug it in there like that so there we go we have three batteries plugged in so all batteries will be charged so it doesn't charge your batteries any quicker but it's convenient because you don't have to babysit the batteries you don't have to come down and replace each one and plug the next one in you can plug them all in walk away come back a few hours later and they'll all be charged so we're ready to reinstall the battery in the aircraft we're just gonna put it in its cradle you just press down until it clicks it's a good idea to double check to make sure it's in there nice and firm we can press the button again and it shows us that it's fully charged so now it's time to put on the propellers so you would have got six propellers with your kit for for the aircraft and two spares so now there's two types of propellers and if we look at the top of them you can see here this one has a little gray circle around it and this one doesn't so we need two of the ones with the grey circle and two of the ones with out so basically to line the propellers up we're just going to line up the gray circle to the circle that's on the motor you can see there's a gray circle there and on this motor there's not a gray circle gray circle and not a gray circle so we're just going to line those up just like that so basically these two props are identical and these two props are identical and to put them on you can put them on when they're in their folded state or you can open them up so basically you're just gonna line up those three little notches to the three notches on the motor I'm gonna press down and then twist and it's double check to make sure they're on there securely and you're just going to repeat that for all the props just like that so now let's take a closer look at the remote at the bottom here we're gonna see these arms that fold out just like that and that's where we're gonna be mounting a phone and that's gonna be our display at the bottom here you'll notice that it has two joysticks and they just come out like that and screw in and that's a nice feature of this drone and the Mavic air is that they have those removable joysticks and you know that makes transport a lot easier and now your antennas will pop out just like that basically we have an LCD screen here that's going to give you some different information about your flight speed battery levels and different things like that we have our two joysticks here left and right we have a five D button here and I don't know if I'm going to get into that for this tutorial I'm gonna make a more advanced one shortly after and I think we'll get into that we have our power button there we have returned to home button here on the side here we have a toggle switch and we can switch between some different flight modes in the middle it stands for P that's your normal default one that you'll be flying in most of the time and that stands for positioning mode sport mode if you slide it that way and tripod mode if you slide it that way sport mode makes the aircraft very agile and very fast if this is gonna be your first time flying a drill and I wouldn't go into sport mode for a while until you got a good feel of the aircraft tripod mode is really nice it basically slows everything down makes all your movements very slow and that can make for some nice video footage sometimes jerky movements don't look very nice so putting it into tripod mode slows everything down and makes it less responsive so if you hammer down on a stick it's not going to be as jerky on the top of the remote here we have a photo button and we have a record button we got two wheels this one controls the angle of the camera and this one adjusts your evie compensation again we'll get into that in a more advanced tutorial so on the bottom here we have two buttons that can be customized this one is called c1 this one's a c2 now by default what they're set for is if you press this one the camera will point straight down if you press this one it will bring up your advanced camera settings on the bottom here we have a sighs USB port and that's mainly used if you're going to be connecting this to an iPad they have different mounts to mount your iPad up higher and that's where you would plug the iPad into your phone when it's mounted is plugged into the side here and as you can see it has this cable already pre-installed and it is set up for iPhones but DGI leaves no man behind so they include different cables for different types of phones for example this one here is a USBC and this one here is a microUSB so if you have a phone that has a USBC connector like the new Samsung's so if you need to swap out one of these cables all you do is unplug it from the side there and you're just gonna push this whole unit out just like that and you want to take that little frame there's a little plastic piece in there and it can be a little tricky to get out just like that and the reason we're taking that little plastic piece out is because these ones already have one attached to it so to install the other cable we're just gonna take that microUSB end again be very careful and just pop it in there like that so now what we're gonna do is take this and and pop it in this little opening and it's a little tricky but just don't use too much force but just kind of wiggle it in there just like that and now you can see it's installed so now at this point we're gonna mount our phone so what you want to do is download the DJI go for app and you can download it for free from the App Store or the Google Play Store we're just gonna slide the phone in and then you're just going to line up your lightning port and press it in now before we fire up the aircraft for the first time we have to remove our gimbal protector and there's a little clamp at the back there I'm just gonna pull on it and it just slides out this clamp is multi-purpose it actually protects the camera the lens but it also has this little back piece and that prevents the gimbal from rocking around when it's being carried in a backpack or something so very important to put that back on to when you're transporting it so now we are basically ready to go now what we're gonna do is we're gonna fire up the aircraft for the first time and there's a couple things that need to be done before we can actually even do anything the first is activating the aircraft and ii will be updating the firmware there has been some firmware updates since these have shipped and it's very important to get the latest firmware it first gives you all the new features that they've added since this was shipped but it also fixes errors and problems that could arise so it's very important always flying with the latest firmware so now to power things on what we're gonna do is we're gonna turn the remote on first and how we do that this is our power button and it takes a double press so what we're gonna do is we're going to press the button quickly and then a second time with that time holding it down so we're gonna press and then press again you'll see that little animation on the screen and now it's in connecting mode so right now it's looking for an aircraft so it'll stay in connecting until we power on the drone and the drone is the same way we do one quick press and then one long press right afterwards so press long press now you're gonna see your gimbal you can't really see it on film here because of the way it's angled but it does all kinds of crazy stuff there so don't let that alarm you it's gonna rock around fold down fold up basically it's kind of somewhat of a calibration it's trying to find its level spot now what you're gonna notice here is that the screen lights up once it's connected to the drone it can get the data from the drone and now the screen has all the information on it so basically at this point what we're gonna do is we're just going to launch our DJI go for app and that's gonna take us to this main screen now if it's not listed as Mavic - you know it could be something else all we're gonna do is hit this drop-down arrow and we're gonna pick the device so if yours was set to save the spark you can just simply select the Matic - so right away you can see here that we have some firmware updates and we have to activate the drone so let's just click on activate so we just got a message here that we've successfully activated so now we will go in and we will update the firmware you can see here at the bottom it tells us exactly what it's gonna be updating so let's go ahead and download it so what it's going to do here you can see here it's downloading if you can see that on the screen it's going to go ahead and download it and then just start updating the firmware your drill and most likely will reboot the remote will probably reboot so I'm gonna go ahead and pause this video while it's doing its firmware update once it's done then I'll be back okay so we've gone ahead and we successfully upgraded the firmware now you will have a green bar appear along the top of your screen telling you that it was successful so one thing I do want to point out here quickly is that we've updated the firmware for the drone the remote and the battery that's attached to the drone these batteries are considered intelligent flight batteries and that they have firmware too so if you have ordered the fly more combo you will have two extra batteries and these batteries will need the firmware to be updated as well so to update them you just follow the same steps you're just gonna power the drone off you can leave this hooked up put the new battery in power it up and you will get a message come up on the screen that says inconsistent firmware and all that means is that the drone is at a certain version but the batteries are at a different version so it'll give you a little bar you just swipe it to the side and it will update the batteries and I won't take as long as updating the drone the drone firmware update takes about ten minutes or longer doing the batteries will take you a matter of a minute or so so now we're gonna get ready to take our first flight there's a couple things I want to go over with you with the menu and a couple things about the drone that we need to do before our first flight and that's mainly to do with calibrating there's a couple different things that need to be calibrated in the drone one is the compass and one is the IMU and it's a good idea to calibrate them before you fly it's a really good idea when you get a brand new drone to calibrate the IMU you should also calibrate it after a crash if you've crashed the drone or it's had a hard knock then it's a good idea to calibrate it as well so now we're gonna click the start flight button now this isn't going to launch the drone this is just gonna bring up the go for app and give us all the extra controls so we click start flight and there we go now for this video I'm not going to go over all the menus and different settings there's a lot to it so I'm gonna save that for a separate video but what I am gonna do is go over some of the most common things that you need to know for your first flight so here we are here and we're just going to go over some of the most common things you need to know to get going the first thing this DJI logo here at the top if you click that that'll take you back to the main screen up here you can see it's yellow and it says ready to go vision that means it's in vision mode and we're not connected to any GPS satellites and that's due to me being indoors over here where we see the little icon of the satellite it would list how many satellites were connected to once you're connected to satellites this bar will turn green and it'll say ready to go you really don't want to fly it especially if you're new until that turns green now the next one down here this is our take off button there's two ways you can take off but for a new user that's probably your best bet when we click on it you can see there that it gives us a little prompt to slide to take off I'm just gonna go ahead and cancel that because I don't want to crash the drone indoors once the aircraft is taken off that will change to a landing button this next icon here is the return home if you get into trouble or you lose it up in the sky you just click the return home and the drone will come right back to where it took off from this next button here is our intelligent flight modes and if we click on that you can see it has all different flight modes that we can do now we're not gonna get into all the flight modes for this beginner's guide but that is where you find them the next is a pass right now it's disabled and it will be disabled when you first fire up your aircraft now basically if you enable that what it does is the drone tries to find its own route around obstacles it's a handy little feature but definitely it's not something you want to rely on too much it works well but it is not perfect and something definitely to play around with the next you'll see this whole slider along the top you can see that it's green when we're in flight these two little dots here will turn to a flight remaining it'll tell you how many minutes left you have in flight and as you fly this slider will come all the way down this first little dot here is in the app is where it's going to give you a warning that you're getting low on battery this next is where it's automatically going to return to home and land because it's getting critically low along the top here are some different camera settings but again that's gonna be for a more advanced tutorial I know it's not the best view but that is your sensors and by default you can see that it has green at the top green at the bottom and red at the side that means right now the sensors are active the back sensors are active but the two side ones are turned off if we switch into tripod mode they will all turn green or if we're doing any kind of active tracking now if we turn it to sport mode the mode in which it allows us to fly faster it'll turn to red and that's going to signify that we have no sensors enabled at all now if we go over to the right-hand side here this is the button that switches us from photo to video this next button here is one of the ways you can trigger a photo or start recording and right below it here is our advanced camera settings this is where you're gonna set your frame rate your resolution all the different aspects of the camera and it can be very simple if you leave it in auto mode but it can also get very advanced if you put it in manual there are a lot of things that can be tweaked in there to make your imagery just superb but again we're going to get into that in a more advanced tutorial when we go over camera settings and different techniques that you can do there so now that we familiarize yourself with the remote and the DJI go for app let's go ahead and update the IMU so we can put it up in the air for the first time now I'm gonna link down in the description to a DJI video where it shows you step by step how to update your IMU so go ahead and watch that and then we will continue okay folks so we're outside we are going to launch it now you want to wait until that bar turns green you want to check your satellites you can see that I have 10 there now I would not attempt what I'm doing here I'm in a closed area but for the sake of this video it's okay but if this is gonna be your very first time flying your new pilot you're just learning definitely go out to a wide open space make sure there's not a lot of people around no obstacles like trees buildings somewhere where you can kind of get used to the controls and the sticks you know figure out the movements and get comfortable with it now as for launching it there's two ways to do it we have the launch button there which I showed you earlier in the video but we can also do a stick movement to start the propeller so I'll just show you here if we take the right and left stick and we go down and out so down and then out it's going to start the motors of the aircraft and then to take off we just push this button which is up and it go and hover it's gonna hover at about a meter to a meter and a half I'm not sure the exact height but it'll just hover there until you're ready to give it a command so I'll just show you there I'm not gonna launch it that way but I'll just show you how to start the motors so we're gonna go down out you can see there it's now spinning and we could take off just by pressing this left joystick up now shut it off just hold down and there we go so now probably as a new user the best way is to use the takeoff button so we're going to press it we're gonna get a little slider so now when we're ready we're just going to slide it over motors are going to start up and then up it goes so you can see it they're hovering now and it does a pretty good job holding in place it's got the vision sensors in the bottom and it's got the satellites so we're gonna land it because it's actually pretty windy and I'm close to a lot of things so let me show you how to land it so all we're gonna do is hit this landing button and you can see it there it comes down it's gonna land and then the motors will shut off so congratulations folks we have just flown our Mavic air for the first time now I know it can be very overwhelming at first there's a lot to learn and like I said we've just touched the tip of the iceberg with what this drone can do and the settings and all the different intelligent flight modes and I'm gonna cover them in upcoming videos we're gonna kind of dive into them a little bit deeper and you know show you some of the amazing things these drones are capable of now if I can offer any advice for a new pilot what I recommend is not to get too caught up in all the camera settings yet you're probably watching a ton of videos on cinematic settings and the best video settings and that I would recommend as a new pilot just to keep everything in Auto for now because you're gonna end up with great footage in Auto regardless and just focus on flying the drone get comfortable with it the more you fly it the more comfortable you'll get and just work on your emotions your panning and just get to be a good pilot you know once you've mastered that and you're comfortable then you can kind of go in and start tinkering with the camera and playing with some of the settings now before we go here I want to talk about one other thing and that is memory the Mavic to pro and the Mavic to zoom come with 8 gigabytes of built-in memory now that's not very much you're gonna find that's going to fill up very quickly so ideally you do want to get some external memory cards this is the one that I like and I recommend for drones like this it's very fast and you want a nice fast memory card for a drone like this now what I'll do is I'll include the links down below where you can order the specific memory card and I'll just show you here quickly how to install it so if we flip the aircraft over you're gonna notice two ports here and one of them this one here is a linking button and basically that button is how you would link the aircraft to the remote for some reason if you ever go to turn it on and it doesn't want to connect you would use that button to do a linking on the other side here is where our memory port is you can see it there so we're just gonna take the memory card if you can see it there it's kind of tiny and we're just gonna slide it in we're gonna have the logo facing up or I guess towards the bottom here and we're just gonna push it in and there we go so now 64 gigabytes is plenty of space you might want to pick up too in that way you have a spare in case you happen to fill a card well folks at this point I invite you to subscribe to my channel if you haven't done so already if you've recently purchased the Maverick 2 pro or the Maverick 2 zoom or you plan on purchasing one I will be doing a lot of different tutorials and different technique videos on how to get the most out of it we'll cover all different subjects from transferring the media how to edit them how to get nice cinematic settings best camera settings different things like that different aerial moves if you haven't purchased your maverick to pro yet and you plan on buying one I have the links down below where you can go directly to the DJI store to purchase it my affiliate ID is embedded into those links and what I do is I get a small Commission for every time somebody buys it through one of my links so if you enjoy my channel and you enjoy the videos I make it's a great way to support my channel it doesn't cost you anything extra and it helps me continue so yeah that would be greatly appreciated anyways folks hopefully enjoyed this video give it a thumbs up if you did don't forget to subscribe to my channel so you don't miss any of our upcoming videos and we'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Air Photography
Views: 464,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Beginners Guide Mavic 2, Mavic 2 Beginners Guide, Mavic 2 Pro, Mavic 2 Zoom, How To Get Started, Getting Started, Beginners Guide, Beginners Guide and Tutorial for Mavic 2, Mavic 2 Pro Beginners Guide, How To Get Started With Mavic 2 Pro/Zoom, DJI Mavic 2 Series Training, User Guide, Mavic 2 Training, Beginner Guide, Mavic 2 tutorial
Id: 4gOmOXFT20w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 42sec (1482 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 03 2018
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