DJI Mavic 2 Pro & Zoom Beginners Guide - Start Here

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- This is your complete beginner's guide to the DJI Mavic 2 Pro and Zoom. (upbeat music) If you're new here, my name is Jeven Dovey, I do a lot of awesome film making tutorials, I do some camera reviews. I also have a creator film school, which is nuts to bolts, everything that you need to know to have a career as a creator or a film maker. So this video is all about getting you up and running with one of these guys. This is the DJI Mavic 2 Pro, it's got the nice camera on it. And then there's also the zoom, which allows you to do the whole zooming thing. This is your beginner's guide, so what this is is nuts to bolts, everything that you need to know to get up and start flying. So what we're gonna go through is the outside of the drone, what you see on it, everything about the controller. And then we're gonna dive into the app, so that you can understand what all the buttons do, what everything is within the app. Then we're gonna go outside and we're gonna do our first flight, I'm gonna show you something cool with the automation. And then basically from there it's all about practicing and it's all about just learning the drone, and figuring out the settings that work best for you. My goal with this guide is to get you up and running fast, so you can get out there and start taking awesome photos, getting some awesome footage. Because you don't wanna be having to stress about all the different buttons, because there's a lot that goes into controlling one of these drones. One note before we get started, I'm using the DJI Mavic 2 Pro for this entire tutorial. If you have the Zoom, the only thing different is you have the zoom functionality. So there will be an extra menu setting in your menu settings for how you control that zoom. And there's also going to be a way to control it on the controller, whereas the Pro allows you to control the aperture on the controller. So that's gonna be the slight difference, however everything else is going to be the same within this video. So in the description I've also put a checklist, this is what you can do from beginning to end. You can just follow this along, and by the end of this checklist, you'll be able to know everything about your drone and know how to use everything within the drone. It's a very easy way to get up and running with this. So you could just go step by step, and as you go through the list you'll learn different aspects and you'll get familiarized with your drone. (serene music) I know you wanna get out and get flying, but there's a few things that are important before we go out and fly. The first thing you wanna do is open up and lay everything out, because we need to go through and we need to take the stickers off of everything. As you can see, there are stickers on every piece of this, covering the screens, covering the sensors. And you just wanna peel all this off, especially on the Mavic itself. You're gonna find these tabs all over that you're gonna wanna just peel off because you don't want them to interfere with your flight. And after you go through and clean up all the stickers that you see, we're gonna unfold the Mavic 2 Pro. So the first thing's first, we're gonna unfold the front feet first. Those pull forward. If you don't do this, your back feet are gonna get caught. So now, you can undo the back feet. So now the next thing that you wanna do is take off the battery, and we're gonna charge it. So, to take off the battery, there's gonna be tabs on either side of the battery itself, and you're gonna click on both of these and pull the battery straight up, that releases the battery. Now to put the battery back in, you can set it back in the slot and you have to actually push and hear that click for it to be fully engaged and not gonna come off. So I have the Flamewar pack, it comes with this cool charger that allows you to charge up to four batteries. If not, you'll just charge each battery individually. With your Mavic 2 you're gonna have your power pack, and this is gonna charge the battery and also the controller. On the side of your power pack, you're gonna have a tab here that releases the cable to charge your controller. So what you wanna do is go to the side of your controller and there is a cable already plugged in. You're gonna unplug this, that's what connects to your phone, but that's also where you charge at. So now you're gonna charge in your power pack, and then you're gonna plug in your batteries, and now plug this into a wall and everything will start charging. You'll see on the screen of your controller if it's charging and then on the batteries themselves, you'll see the green lighting up in the actual center of the battery. You'll see right on the battery itself, there are four indicators for how full the actual battery is. So this one right now is only at a quarter percent, so I need to charge it obviously. And you just set those on the charger and just let everything charge. That is the first thing you wanna do besides the stickers and everything, and just get everything charged, because you don't want to go out and start flying with a dead battery. Next, we'll go over the Mavic 2 itself and show you everything on the drone. Okay, so we're looking at the front here. You got your two forward sensors, you got your dome that protects the camera. Underneath this, there's a little tab, you're gonna pull this, it's gonna release upwards and you're gonna wanna pull forward so you don't damage your camera. As you can see, there is a little tray that allows you to hold your camera in place so it doesn't move around. Also on the front, both of your antennas are right here. Your forward visioning system is here. And obviously your camera's there. We got your back visioning system here. Your aircraft status indicator on the back on the actual feet. You got some vents back here. And then on each of the sides you have your side positioning system. And then when we flip it over we see a lot more. We have our downward positioning system, we have our lights, we also have our downward infrared system. And then you also have your two tabs here. One side is for your micro SD slot, the other side has your button to link your controller. So if you have an issue with your controller linking, that's how you're gonna link it is through that. You have a couple intake vents on the front here, and some outtake vents back here. So when we put a battery on, like I said, you want it clicked, make sure it clicks. You press once to show how much of your battery indication is left, and you press and hold until you hear the drone turn on. The battery indicator will show that it's on, you'll get a sound, lights will light up, and your drone is on and good to go. Alright, so let's go over the controller, because you need to know what everything is on the controller itself. So the first thing we're gonna do is pull out the thumbscrews which are in the actual controller down here. And these just screw on easily, makes it really easy to travel with this controller. Okay, those are in. Now we're gonna put our phone in. And you connect your phone using the cable down here, put it in the tray and then make sure everything's connected. Next thing you'll do is open up your antennas and lay them flat. So that is your controller set up. This button up here is your power button, you're gonna click once and then hold until it's connecting. And then all your information will come up on this screen if you are ready to go. My drone is on, I am ready to go. So it shows you all your information here, as this is very important information, so you don't necessarily always have to look at the phone or whatever screen that you're using. On the upper left hand side up here, you have your return to home button. So if you are out flying and you want the drone to come back to you, you're gonna push this button and it will go into return to home mode. This button here is your pause, which will pause when you're doing any sort of automation mode. You click this and it will pause the drone in the middle of that mode. Right here is your 5D button. And your 5D button is customizable within the menus. Now let's move to the top. You have your photo button over here. You have your record video button over here. And then you have your two joysticks back here. On the Mavic 2 Pro, you're aperture is gonna be right here on the right, and then your gimbal control is gonna be right here on the left. Now when you flip it to the back, you have two more customizable buttons right here. You can make these whatever you want them to, and they're gonna be in the menu to do that. And then on the side here, you have your three different modes. You have tripod mode, which makes it very easy to get awesome footage. You have positioning mode which is like standard. And then you have the top which is sport mode, which makes it go really fast. Alright, that is everything on the controller itself. Alright, the next step after everything is charged is to test everything before we go out and try to fly. We're gonna download the app for DJI Go four. We're gonna put our phone in here, we're gonna turn on our controller and then turn on the drone. And we're going to connect everything to make sure it's working before we go outside and actually play with it. And I highly suggest when you do this, don't put the propellers on yet because you don't wanna have it take off by accident while you're testing it out indoors. So one of the big things is just don't fly indoors right away, you want to fly outside to start. Now we have the controller on, your phone plugged in, DJI GO four downloaded, turn on DJI Go four, turn on your drone, everything should be up and running. You're gonna get your activate Mavic 2 screen. So what you're gonna wanna do is go through and set up everything in the agreement, sign up, do everything, choose your aircraft name, all that good stuff. So it's gonna walk you step by step. Now that I've activated it, I've gone through, I've turned everything on, you'll see an image on my screen right in front. So that means that everything's connecting, everything's good to go. Now let's go through the app itself before we go out and fly. I'm gonna go through and explain everything in the app so you understand this before we go out and actually fly. Alright, so now we're gonna go over everything in the app that you need to know, and just so you can see where everything is in the app, so that you don't have any confusion when it comes time to find where to customize buttons and all that. Now, when you open up your DJI Go four, you're gonna see updates at the top of the screen if your drone is connected. So I'm gonna go through and download and update my drone now, because I wanna have the most current firmware. I wanna make sure that I have everything properly updated, because there are issues and that's what DJI does, they go through and they update it, so make sure you update your drone. Alright, so now the drone is updated, we're gonna go into the control screen. Wait for a second, it will pop up with some safety tips, you can read these. The different tips will pop up on the screen once in a while. Alright, so now we have a picture on our screen. The first in the upper left hand corner, the DJI icon. When you click that, it goes back to the main screen. So that's just basically your home button. Next to that, where it says Ready Go Vision, that's where you'll see if it says you're ready to go, and it will be green and it will say GPS when your GPS is locked on. Right now, I have no GPS because I'm indoors, so it just says Ready to Go Vision, so that means it's just using the Vision sensors, it doesn't use the GPS in this setting. Underneath that you see the bar with the red, the green, that shows a visual representation of how much battery you have left. When it hits that H, that's automatically gonna return to home, and you can set that in your settings. Next to the status bar is gonna be your flight mode. Next to that is how many satellites that you have connected to the drone right now. Next to that is an indicator for your Vision system, for the sensors that tell you when something's in front or back of you, or on top or bottom. Next to that is your controller strength, so how good your connection is. Next to that is your signal strength for your video. It's showing HD full bars. And then next to that is gonna be your battery indicator. So when you click any of these buttons up here, it's gonna go to the menu within the main menu system. So when you click the Vision navigation settings, it goes right to all your visual navigation settings. So if you wanna change something specifically, you can just click on here. You can go to your battery, you can go into your image transmission, all that stuff right there. Now your upper right hand corner, this is your main menu and we'll get into that in a second when we get into the menus, but that's the home page for your menu settings. Now let's go down the left side. The first button is your take off. When you click this, it's gonna slide to takeoff and that's how you take off if you don't wanna use your thumb controllers. The next button underneath that is the return to home button if you don't use the return to home on the controller. Underneath that is where you find all your automation modes. So this is where you find your HyperLapse, your ActiveTrack, your Tap to Fly, all these cool modes. The really awesome stuff that we wanna get into is here. Now this stuff is fun to play with and it's definitely one of those things you just practice, you try all these different modes, they all do something a little different. QuickShot, QuickShot is really awesome because you can do some pretty cool shots by just clicking a button and it does the rest for you. APAS is obstacle avoidance. Which means that it will go around an object if it senses it. Underneath that is your map. You can click your map and it will go full screen. And it shows you exactly where you're at, and it can show you also restrictions about flying in the area. Alright, now let's go along the bottom. So next to this you have a bunch of different things that tell you just information about what's going on in your drone while it's in the air. So, distance where it says N/A, that is distance away from you. So when you fly away from you, you will actually see the numbers go up. And the same with the height. The height is next to that. So mine's in feet, how high my drone is. Underneath that, you'll see HS and VS, and that is horizontal speed and vertical speed. Let's go up the right side. At the very bottom of the right side, you have your playback, that's how you playback the footage that you've already shot. Above that is all your camera settings, we'll get into that in a little bit. Next to that is your camera position, so as you can see I go up and down, it goes up and down on the screen. Next to that is your record button. Above that is your camera or photo icon. And then you have your lock for your exposure. So if you want it to constantly be changing, you leave that off. But if you want to lock in the exposure that you currently have, you can lock it there. Same with the focus, you can make it manual or auto right here. Next to that show the capacity for your SD card. And it will switch over between your SD card or your internal memory here, and it'll show you what you're recording on and how much capacity you have left. And it also shows what you're recording at. And then next to that is all your settings for your camera. So your ISO, your shutter, your aperture, your exposure compensation, and then your white balance. And then in the center, that's your visual sensors telling you that there are things in the way. So if you come across a tree that would pop up, it shows how many feet away it is. And then you can click the screen to be able to do your focus. Alright, so now let's get more into the menu settings. First, let's go into the camera settings, these are most important just to get the best out of your image. I'm on video right now, so first we'll go through the video settings. You have your tab up here which goes for aperture priority, shutter priority, or full manual. And then you also have full manual. Aperture priority basically means that you set your aperture, the drone sets the rest. Shutter priority is the same way. You set your shutter, the drone sets the rest. For manual, you set both your shutter, your aperture and everything else. And then full auto means it automatically sets all of that. Now in any of these modes you can go down to your ISO, which is the next tab down, and you can set this to be auto or not auto. So you could set your ISO independently. These are all your controls for your exposure here. Underneath that is your aperture. So you can go from a F2.8, to an F11. And then you also have your shutter underneath that. And then at the bottom, you have your exposure compensation. So if we go back to auto, what it's basically gonna do is give you your auto setting, and then if I want to make it brighter from the auto, then I'm gonna go up on my exposure compensation. So what it's gonna do, is it's gonna take the auto from the drone and then add two stops above. You basically set how much you want to overexpose or underexpose. But it does the rest in auto. So it's basically takes the auto settings and then under exposes it. So depending on what you're shooting, that might be a setting that you play with, where you like your footage slightly underexposed or slightly overexposed. Now let's go over to the camera settings. You can see your video size here. We have our frame rate, our video size. If you click down to HD, you have all the way down to 120 frames per second down there. So you have to click on the settings that you want, and then it will show you the frames per second from there. Underneath that you have video format. So MP4 or MOV. Underneath that is your white balance. So this is where you could set if you wanna do manual white balance or just leave it on auto. Your style, this is where you can adjust contrast, sharpness and saturation. So, underneath that is your color, which we got DLog, we got HGL, and we got normal. And to be able to use these settings of DLog and HGL, which makes basically the image flat, so it allows you to do heavier color grading. You have to have camera code at H.265, not H.264. And then when you go into the next menu item, you have your Histogram, which is great for telling your exposure. You have your LEDs, you can turn that on or off. You can lock gimbal when capture. You can show enable AFC mode, you can show an overexposed if something is overexposed, it will give you zebras. Auto Sync HD photo, so that means it's automatically gonna sync the photos to your phone. You have your grid, which shows some grid lines for composition, your center point, which gives you a bunch of different options to put a center point on. Your anti-flicker, if you have issues with flickering. You can go through and reset your file indexing, depending on if you're doing a new shoot. Your peaking threshold, so it shows you peaking, which shows you if something's in focus. It's a great tool to use, that way you could see when you go back to the screen, how the camera's in focus on the left hand side, but the drone in the center is not in focus. So this is a good thing to use if you have issues with focusing. Save original panorama or Hyperlapse, if you're using those modes. Storage location, this is where you could switch between your SD card or your internal. You can also format your SD card, format internal, and reset camera settings. So that is all your settings for video here. If we switch over to photo, you're gonna get a different menu when it comes to the second menu in here. So you'll have your photo options. You have your image size, you have your image format, so you shoot jpeg or RAW. You have your white balance, you have your style, and you have your color. So those are the different settings that you have when you go into photo mode. Alright, so now let's go into the main menu settings here. So in upper right hand corner, you'll bring up your main menu, and this is where you go through and dial in all the settings for this drone. The top is gonna be your main controller settings. So this is where you can reset your home point settings. So you could set the aircraft position as a current home point. And then the little person is to set the home point where you're standing. You can enable a dynamic home point setting, which basically allows the aircraft to continually update the home point to its current position while it's tracking a person. Return to home at current altitude, so the drone will just turn and return to home at its current altitude. Next button down here is enable your multiple flight modes. So that's the button on the side of your controller, you have to enable it within your menu to be able to use it. The next section is you can return to home at a specific altitude, so you can set it here. There is a beginner mode which is good if you've never flown a drone before. This is great to just play with it. It'd basically allow you to just fly in a 30 meter section, so that it allows you to learn your drone without flying too far. You can set your flight max here. You can also enable a flight distance max if you wanna put a limit on it. And then when we click into our advanced settings, this is where you can do some extra tuning. So you can play with these if you need to adjust the settings for how sensitive your drone is moving in the air. The next down is your sensors. So you can calibrate your IMU here, so if you need to do an IMU calibration, that's where you'd do it. And then you also have your compass here. So if you need to recalibrate your compass, this is the menu where you can do it at. The next setting is for cinematic mode, so it tells you what your settings are for cinematics. You can play with those and adjust them depending on what you want for cinematic mode. There are some more settings down here on other. If you lose signal with your remote controller, you can set this to return to home, land or hover. That depends on how you want to use your return-to-home signal. You can turn off your head LED lights or turn them on within this menu. And then in event of emergency, now you can turn on your stop motor method here, which in case of emergency, you do this and it will stop the motors mid flight. Now we're into the visual navigation settings. As you can see on the icon in the top, this shows you the different ways that the visual navigation can be used. So, it shows if all of them are available, only the forwards and backwards are available, or none of them are available. It just shows you what the different icons mean. You can enable obstacle avoidance, you can also turn off right here. Shows you, you can read through this and it explains what each of the different things are that it will do for you, using the obstacle avoidance. You can turn off the radar chart, so these on the front screen, you can turn that off if it annoys you and you don't wanna see it. You can have your bottom auxiliary landing on, or turn it on auto, so if it's a darker situation it will automatically pop on. And then when we go into the advanced settings, we have some more when it comes to your visual positioning. And these are more options, you can enable visioning position, landing protection, return to home obstacle check. These you can all turn off here. So if you wanna play with your visual navigation settings, turn things off because of a situation that you're flying in, you will go to this menu and this is where you can turn things on or turn things off. The next is your remote controller settings. Calibrate your remote controller here. You can go into your stick mode, I personally always use mode two. If you have a different mode you like, that's where you can change it. The remote control LCD introduction, this is great to look at and understand what everything is on your LCD of your remote. So if you ever have a question, come here and look at this and it will tell you what everything is. Now is the next section is all about button customization. So you have your two buttons on your back. These you have a bunch of options you can set for your custom buttons. And then I like to toggle map view and live view personally, just so I don't have to touch the screen to do it, I can just flip it so I can see the map real quick. Now the 5D customization, this is another section that you can customize. Right now, mine is set to the general, but decrease EV and increase EV, that's for your exposure compensation. And that's great to have so you can automatically, if you're having too bright of a scene, you can decrease it if you're using auto settings, just on the controller itself and not have to go into your menu. And if you don't have your controller linked, this is where you will start the linking process, and the button is on the drone itself. Next, we'll go into the image transmission. So this is the video that's coming into your phone. So you can change your channel to five six, or two four or both. Obviously you wanna use dual if you don't have any issues with it. You can set your channel mode. I always keep mine on auto. And then you could view your status of your down link. And image transmission, you can go from HD or you can go normal. When it comes to the aircraft battery, this is where it shows you all your settings. So right now my critically low battery warning is at 10%. You can raise this up and make it whatever you want. Low battery warning at 25%, so that's when it tells you that it's low. And it's gonna start warning you. But when it's critically low, it's gonna turn around and return to home. Using smart return-to-home, this button here, basically the drone is going to calculate how long it's gonna take to get home. And it's gonna do it automatically when it has only that amount of time to get home safely. Next, will show your flight time, how long you've been flying on this battery. This is a new battery, so it's zero minutes on it. And then you could also show your voltage on screen, and it shows how many volts. So if you're someone that wants to see the voltage of your battery, which could be good for different scenarios such as like if it's a cold setting. This might be something that you wanna have on screen so you understand your voltage at all times. And then you go into details and it has more details about your battery. Okay, the next section is your gimbal settings. So you could turn on your FPV or your follow, depending on what you're using. You go into your advanced settings and this is where you can change how fast your gimbal is moving and how smooth it is. And then you could also enable or disable your upward limit. So, if you want your gimbal to point up, it goes up an extra 30 degrees from zero, on or off here. You can adjust your gimbal if the horizon's off, you can adjust it here. And then you can do an auto calibrate, which will auto calibrate the gimbal, so if you're having any issues, this is where you'll go in to calibrate it. Alright, last is your general settings. So you could go to your live streaming here. So this is where you could set up your live streaming. It has calibrate map coordinates for China. It has cache map in the background. And your video cache, what that means is that it will cache a recording of your video in your phone while it's going. So you can turn that on or off. And you could also record audio from your phone while you're recording your video. Underneath that is the clear cache automatically, basically the oldest files will be deleted as you record new files. This is also where you're gonna clear all the video files on your phone. These aren't the actual files that you're recording, these are just the version of the file that's being recorded by your phone during flight. So the actual files are still on your drone. You can put in how you want to enter full screen. So when we go back this, if we wanna enter full screen, mine's on two fingers. So I click two fingers and it goes to full screen. And I could take off all my settings or bring 'em back in. Guys that is everything in the app itself. There's a lot of stuff in here, I highly suggest just going through this and working with it, playing with it, making sure that you know where all your settings are. So when you're out flying, if you have something that you need to change, you can understand where in the menu you go to change it, and have everything set up with your customizable buttons, because that will make your flying so much easier, and much easier to get the shots that you wanna get. Alright, I know if you're new to drones and you're new to this kind of a drone, there is a lot of different information in the app. You'll get it, don't worry. But next what we wanna do is put on our propellers and get ready to go outside and fly. So with the propellers, there's ones that have black on them and there's ones that have white on them. And it's not the easiest to see on the propeller itself, there's a ring around the center, one is black and one is white. And you match that up with the motor on your drone, which is one black and one is white. And so what you're gonna do is line it up, push down and then turn the propeller and it will lock in place. That's how you know that it's good to go. Twist on it a little bit, make sure that it doesn't pop off. To take it off, you push down and twist again, and they come right off. So do that with all your propellers, make sure they're all on. Black with black, white with white. You're gonna fold in the back legs, fold in the front, like I said earlier. And now let's go fly. Alright, so now that you have your drone set up, you understand the app, the controller, everything about the drone, we are going outside, we're gonna go fly. This is your first flight. If you've never flown a drone before, this is a scary moment, I would say. But if you've flown before, you just gotta understand the drone before you actually start getting some really cool shots. So, to start out, basically what you wanna do is get to an open area, you wanna find a spot that is not restricted. So you wanna check the map, make sure that you're not in restricted air space. And you wanna go somewhere where you're gonna have freedom and the ability to fly and not have people bother you. So, you don't wanna go somewhere crowded, you don't wanna go somewhere where there's a bunch of trees. I mean, I've got these things here, but that's not that big. There's nothing over here. So I got somewhere where I can go out and I can go fly. Now there's a few things that you wanna do before you go out getting awesome footage, shooting awesome stuff. And the first thing is just to make sure everything's connected. You wanna make sure on the screen, that is says ready to go GPS. You wanna make sure that your satellites are connected, all that good stuff. You have batteries, you have a card in there. That's one of the key things, don't go fly without a card. You do have eight gigs, but that's very limited. So go make sure you have a card and then check the restrictions, good to go, let's fly. There's two ways to take off. The first is actually on the screen itself. You can just click the button, swipe, and then you can take off. The second way is by pointing both thumb stick controllers inward or outward, as you can see on the screen. And then it will start the propellers. Now what you have to do is push up on the left joystick, and then you're gonna be able to take off and start flying. I personally always just use the thumb controllers and do it that way, and then take off on my own. However, it is very easy to use the app. That's like the most basic way to do it, and especially if you're in an area where there's no issues taking off or landing, that's the method I would say to use. Now the first thing you're gonna do before you start flying, is you're gonna do a test flight. And by test flight, I mean you're gonna take the drone off, you're gonna let it hover for like 20 seconds, and you're gonna put it back down. And the reason for doing this test flight, is to make sure everything's working, everything's connected. As soon as you take it off, if there's any issues they'll become apparent. And you don't wanna take off and go fly somewhere, and then all of a sudden your drone loses connection and you lose your drone or something. So, always do this, just take off, do a quick little test flight, make sure everything is good. Everything looks like it's good on my end, so I can go off and I can start flying. And that's it when it comes to taking off and flying. Now from here, it's just learning how to get cool shots and then using the automation modes to see how you can get better shots. Now one automation move I wanna go over while we're here is basically anything that involves the tracking feature. And so what you're gonna do is you're gonna take off, I'm gonna take the drone off and I'm gonna show you by doing the screen record, how you actually track. It's pretty easy. Okay, so now that the drone's up and it's flying, I'm gonna bring in my active track. What you gotta do is draw a box around your subject, it'll give you some warnings if there's warnings. But now it's tracking me. So now you have options. You can do profile, you can do spotlight. I'm gonna do trace. And I'm just gonna say go. And so now it's recording, and it's gonna follow me wherever I go. (serene music) Alright, and now that I'm back, I'm gonna stop it by hitting the stop button. And now I'm back to controlling the drone on my own. And just like that, I've done a trace. Now there's different modes when you're doing the active track, but it's all the same in terms of how you set it up. You're gonna get your subject, you're gonna draw the little box around them, and then you choose your mode and just go for it. When it comes to working with active track, the biggest thing is just to practice, try different scenarios, be in an empty kind of setting, because you want to try it out. You wanna learn what every piece of automation you can do in this drone, so that when you're out and you're in a situation where you wanna get a cool automated shot, you're gonna wanna do it without trying to learn on the spot. The key is, understanding how everything works on this drone before you're in a situation where you wanna get awesome footage. And that's what this video is all about. And that's what practicing is all about. Alright, so from here, just drain a bunch of batteries, fly a bunch and just see what kind of footage and photos you can get. (upbeat music) Alright guys, I know this was a longer video. There was a lot to cover in it, but I hope that this helps you to get up and running fast with your DJI 2, whether you got the Pro or the Zoom. I can't wait to see some of the awesome footage that you guys can get with these drones. Alright, before we go, make sure you go down to the description, go check out my checklist, it's just on my website. I'll put a link in the description, so you have a guide that you can follow beginning to end, and be able to understand everything about this drone. From here, it's all about practice, it's all about flying, so just get out there, fly a bunch, and you'll be able to get awesome footage in no time. One more thing before we go, make sure you go check out my 20 biggest mistakes that beginner drone pilots make. It's a good video to watch after this one so that you don't make a dumb mistake. I've also got a playlist down in the description that has tutorials on cinematic flying that will help you take your footage to the next level. So make sure you check out all the videos down below. If you're new to this channel, make sure you hit that subscribe button. There's a lot of film making tutorials. I've got some camera reviews, also some cool adventure vlog style content. And also make sure you hit that bell icon so you don't miss the next video. And guys, that is it. I will see you on the next one, and happy flying.
Channel: Jeven Dovey
Views: 1,254,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jeven dovey, mavic 2 pro, mavic 2 zoom, dji mavic 2, dji mavic pro, how to fly the mavic pro, mavic pro beginner's guide, how to set up the mavic pro, how to calibrate the mavic pro, setting up the mavic pro, how to fly the mavic 2 pro, mavic 2 pro beginners guide, mavic 2 pro footage, mavic 2, dji beginners guide, drone beginnners guide, dji mavic beginners guide, mavic pro 2
Id: tYrnNYgbglY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 59sec (1919 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 28 2018
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