DJI Mavic 2 Pro - Complete Walkthrough & ALL Settings Explained!

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what's up everybody this is Mike and today I'm really happy to see you on my channel because we are going to talk about the DJ Matic 2 Pro yes the Hot Topic I have prepared a super long list of Mavic 2 related videos so if you're interested in Mavic 2 content don't forget to subscribe to my channel and follow my journey if you have purchased the drone and you're waiting for it to arrive or you are still wondering whether you should get it or not then this video will be extremely helpful for you because you will be able to see all the little settings and tweaks in the DJI go for app for this drone so once you get it you will be losing no time setting it up and you will go straight to the settings that you need to change and you will be ready to fly if you're still wondering whether you should get it then hopefully this video will make you will make it easier for you to decide whether you should get it or not so that being said let's open the DJI go for app and start exploring so here we are in the DJI go for app as you can see we have quite a lot of data and quite a lot of things are happening on the screen so I will try to be as quick and as concise as possible because there are so many things that I need to talk about so first as you can see on the top of the screen we have there ready to go vision mode which basically means that we don't have enough satellites connected for a safe GPS flight now it says ready to go but I'm inside so it will constantly switch between ready to go and GPS mode and this yellow mode that says that it's not safe to fly so keep in mind that when you're outside and you want to fly you have to have at least 13 14 satellites fly safely that's in my opinion so I always wait until the GPS signal is strong enough and then I take off but anyway for now for this demonstration it will probably switch between green and yellow all the time so don't worry about that next on the right side of the top of the screen you can see all the little data that is basically a summary of all the settings that we have selected so I'm not going to go through each and every one of them because it's they have a lot of different sub menus so we'll get to that in a second but keep in mind those are extremely useful for a quick glance on your screen so you have enough data for the things that are happening with your drone now let's start first with the buttons on the left side because they will require less time the first button here which if I press it will ask me if I want to take off of course I don't want to take off right now because I'm inside like I mentioned but once you take off the other button below will light up and that is the return to home button which you can use to return the drone back to the home point that you have selected so you can use that to return your drone back to you or you can fly it manually to your location if you prefer that's personally what I always do I always fly it manually back to me the third icon is the menu for all the intelligent flight modes here you can select the different flight modes that are available on this drone and I'm making a specific video about all of them and in depth review on all the little things you need to know about those intelligent flight modes that's coming probably in a couple of days so stay tuned for that but here is where you select them next we have a paas on or off a paas is a system for avoiding obstacles and going around them automatically I'm not a huge fan of the first a pas system that was introduced in the Mavic air but here we have a pas 2.0 so it has been improved and I'll be checking out this feature on the other side of the screen you can see the I saw the shutter speed the aperture and the camera details in general as well as your capacity settings and information then we have the switch between autofocus and manual focus it's quite quite interesting to use menu focus you can play a lot with it and achieve great things but generally for your regular footage that you're taking outside you'll be good to go with the outer focus and you just need to tap on the area where you want to focus and the drone will do the job for you and then we have these three little dots here on the top right corner where we are going to go right now so these are all the basic settings for your maverick 2 Pro and let's start with the first icon which is this drone icon here on the top and it says main controller settings this is where you control the basic stuff for your drone you can enter in the remote identification when you enter it it's basically like your license plate for your car you can enter your personal information so people around you can understand who is flying the drone personally I don't do that I just leave it like it is but then we get to the basic home point settings and here you can select if you want to use your drones current position as the home point or your remotes current position as a home point that is very useful for when you are switching to another location while you're flying your drone so if you go two kilometers away and you want to move the home point from the original point to what we have went then you can use that to make the new home point your current remote controllers point if that makes sense hopefully you guys understand what I mean next we have the switch for enabling dynamic home point and that is very useful for when you are using active track and you're tracking somebody in case you enable this home point setting the drone will update the home point as you go and that is quite useful return to home at current altitude does basically what it says if you press the return to home button it will keep the current altitude next we have the multiple flight modes switch we I think everyone needs to turn on because that allows you to go between sport mode pee mode which is positioning mode and tripod mode tripod mode is one of my favorite modes ever because it's so smooth so good-looking and basically if you don't enable the switch you won't be able to switch between those modes so you should definitely turn it on next we have the return to home altitude and I always prefer to keep it just above 20 meters because there are still some trees at that level so 30 meters is what I have selected the next which is beginner mode which you should definitely take a look at if you are flying for the first time but if you are more experienced then you should leave it off set max flight altitude basically does what it says and in my country the maximum flight altitude is 120 meters so that's what I have selected here if you enable the max distance the drone will not be able to go further than this value here which is 480 meters but personally I'm not a fan of that I would like to use all of the distance that the drone is able to achieve and then lastly we have advanced settings where you can tweak your exp sensitivity and gain settings this is also a part of a future video that I'm going to be making about the most cinematic settings for this drone and here is a little sneak peak of where you can actually tweak them and change those values so you can make a buttery smooth movement from the drone every single time that you fly but yeah that's it and here we have the sensors you can check the status of your IMU and compass of course right now I'm inside so I have some issues with the compass but that's that's fine next you can tweak the cinematic mode settings which basically slows down the reaction of your sticks and you can play with those settings from here and in case your remote controller loses the signal you have a couple of options what to do the always number one option is return to home don't try to land or just hover because you might lose your drone so the best thing to do here is select return to home the next which is called turn on head LEDs and that is basically exactly what it says it turns on the LEDs which are in the front of the drone and lastly we have a little diagram on how to stop the propellers from spinning in case of emergency you can turn off the drone by doing this procedure here that you can see on the screen the next tab that we have on the left side here is called the visual navigation settings and this is pretty self-explanatory you can pause the video and read this little text here if you want but basically from here you enable the different sensors and obstacle avoidance sensors you can enable or disable this radar chart graphic I personally like to see it because it shows me if I'm close to an obstacle we also have something that is brand-new for this drone which is the bottom auxiliary lighting which is basically LED lights on the bottom of the drone and you can use the auto function which basically detects if it's dark enough outside and if it's dark it turns them on you can go ahead and turn them on or off by default but I prefer to keep mine in Auto and we have advanced settings for this tab as well from here you can enable the vision positioning system which is useful for hovering inside without GPS so I would advise you to keep that on but some people report that they turn it off when they're flying above water personally I never turn it off even if I'm flying above water but that's just me and here you have the landing protection and the error are th obstacle check switches you can turn them on or off but for the safe of your flight I would definitely leave them on the third tab is all about the remote controller and here you can calibrate your remote controller in case there is something wrong with it you can select your stick mode I always stick to a mode number two because that's what I'm used to but you can change them from here and yep you can go even the custom route and make your own settings but for now I will keep it at mode number two from the next setting you can see all the data that you can see on the remote controller you can see explanations about what that is and which icon is doing what it's extremely useful and I really like the fact that we have a screen on remote controller on this maverick pro 2 the next setting is called charging mode and that is extremely nice to have for example when you're flying and you see that you are low on battery you can use that mode and start charging your phone straight from the remote controller so basically the remote controller charges your phone and I really love that next we have the button customization and we have the two customizable buttons on the back of the remote controller I have set mine to camera forward or down and the other one to advanced camera settings this is a great way to quickly navigate to a specific place from the menu but you have different options as well and let me show them to you so we have gimbal follow or fpv mode that is not useful if you're not flying with fpv goggles you have the toggle map or life view you have battery info navigation playback Center out of focus close tips bottom auxiliary lighting that could be useful as well and not defined if you don't want to use it for anything so I will keep mine to camera forward down because that's what I use the most to be honest and the advanced camera settings is what I use for c2 next we have the 5 D button customization this is also another really useful feature to have this button is like a joystick and you have four different positions we have different things that we can change we have measuring focusing auto exposure lock or unlock increase evey decrease evey increase aperture or decrease aperture that's actually quite useful and I'll do that instead because I am using that a lot o decrease aperture yes so from this button you will actually play with your aperture and evey settings and it's quite easy because it's always close to your fingers if you have any problems with the remote controller here is where you can link your remote controller to your drone and next let's go to the HD tab which is for the image transmission settings from here you can select the channel as you can see you have the choice between two point four and five point eight gigahertz or you can use the dual channel image transmission system that's what I have selected the channel mode is set to auto but if you go custom you you will be able to switch to a channel by your choice and on the bottom we can see the status of the current image transmission we have the downlink bandwidth and we have a transmission quality which currently is 10 megabits per second finally we have a choice between HD mode and normal mode that is the quality of the image that you are seeing on your phone when you're flying and I would recommend you to go to HD mode mode because it makes a big difference it jumps from 720p to 1080p next we have information about the battery if you have flown a DJI drone before you have used this app you already know here you can see the voltage of your battery and the current temperature we have a critical low battery warning which is set to 10% this is when the drone will start lending and the low battery warning is set to 25% I personally keep it at around 20% but for now it's set to 25 so I have time to get back to my home point the next feature that we have is called Smart return to home and I personally advise you to turn it on because it will let you know if the aircraft only has enough battery to return to home so in case you are flying further away from your home point and the drone calculates that it doesn't have enough battery to go back it will let you know so you'll have enough time to get it back safely to you next we have flight times zero minutes zero seconds this is a brand new battery that I haven't flown yet so that's why it says zero you can show the voltage on the main screen personally I don't want to see that and then finally we have the details which show that I have haven't charged this battery yet then we go to the gimbal settings the gimbal settings here are extremely useful if you are looking to get more cinematic more smooth footage the first setting is gimbal mode which is always in follow mode unless you are flying with fpv goggles the advanced settings is where you're tweaking your gimbal pitch speed and your gimbal pitch smoothness I have set mine to 10 and 24 respectively and you can enable the upward Kimball tilt limit to 30 degree and let me show you how much that changes if you enable it you are able to go so much more up as you can see it goes quite a lot up and finally we are here in the general settings where you can set your measurement unit I have set mine to metric in km/h because that's what makes the most sense to me you can live stream and you can select which platform you want to livestream I haven't tried live-streaming directly from my drone but I might do that sometime in case I'm wondering what to do with my free time next we have the calibrate map coordinates for China mainland we are not in China so we leave that off cache map in the background is very useful and I suggest you to leave that on unlocking license to be honest unlocking license I'm not really sure what it does but I don't want to mess anything so I'll keep it like this next we have the video cache settings and here you can cache the video while shooting and it goes straight to your phone I like to have this option on but I don't like the sound recording so I keep record audio with video cache to off the next thing is the maximum video cache capacity and it's set to 2 gigabytes which are going to clear automatically if you enable this next setting next we have the device name which you can rename to whatever you want you can see the full screen with a double finger or a single finger slide so if you slide on the screen with two fingers this is what you will see if you slide again you will see the menus and the settings back on the screen and about shows all of the current versions of the software of the app the aircraft the remote controller and you can check for update for all of them and just make sure that you are good to go and all update it and finally we have the camera settings which are on the right side of the screen here you will be able to see my settings for the camera but from the first step you see the different camera modes for shooting so here I have selected auto but if you want you can go to aperture priority where you can select the aperture that you want to use and the drone will auto select the other settings if you want you can change the Eevee so in case you want to use 2.8 as your aperture you want to decrease the Eevee for for example you can do that from here next we have shutter priority so it's the same here but you only select the shutter that you want to use and the drone will do the rest for you so it will automatically select all the settings for you next we have the manual mode which is all manual everything is in your control and this is what I would advise you to use when you are more familiar with the drone for now for all the demonstration videos that I'll be making I will be most probably shooting an auto just so I don't really think about the settings so I can just show you the footage but normally when I fly for myself I use manual mode I use the lowest ISO possible I always use a shutter of one-fiftieth because a film in 24 frames per second and then you can just change the aperture to a different setting so it exposes properly your shot the next step is the photo tap or the video tab I should say because we are now in video mode and the video size is what you can select from the first setting I have selected 4k full field of view because that works the best for me I have tested 4k HQ and that is basically a 10-bit video instead of the 8-bit video in the 4k full field of view so theoretically it saves a bit more data in the video and you have a bit of a nicer video to look at but I don't really see any difference between the two and here in the HQ video you have a lot more narrow field of view it's about 55 degrees and in the full field of view you have 85 degrees so that's quite a lot of difference in terms of how the footage looks like but you can also go and select two point 7 K we have all these different frame rates you can even go and shoot in 1080p at 120 frames per second and it even says slow so you know that you're filming in slow-motion but for now let's go back to what I'm filming in and that is this setting next we have the video formats mp4 or MOV I use Mac so MOV makes the more the most sense for me white balance is what you should always pick here so it's sunny cloudy you can select that never leave it in Auto because it ruins your footage style I should and standard for now I might be experimenting in the future but for now I keep it and standard because it looks very good to be honest color you have D log M which is extremely washed out but it preserves all the highlights and the shadows and it's really nice if you want to color grade your footage afterwards h LG is basically like HDR mode which is also really good and normal is the regular setting that I have used today when filming some other footage for my channel so for now I keep it and normal but regularly I would keep it in d log M and lastly we have the camera video coding and you have the choice between h.264 and h.265 I keep mine in h.265 because that allows me to shoot in dialogue M mode and finally we have the settings the last tab which is where you can activate your histogram this is very useful for exposing your shot properly and you can even move it on the screen I keep mine on the left side here you can turn the setting for LEDs how to turn off and that's quite useful when you are taking photos they turn off so you don't get any red tints in your photos next we have enabled AFC mode AFC is basically out of focus continuous and I would generally turn that on but for now I have left it in off because I was flying in manual mode and for some reason I turn it off but I will turn it back on this basically allows the drone to continuously focus on the object that you are filming the next option is called overexposed and basically gives you that zebra pattern when you are over exposing your shot and that is very very useful how to sync HD photo not really sure about that and video caption is it creates some little files on your SD card with the information about the video that you have taken next we have the grid I have select mine to grid plus diagonals because that helps me to line up my shots but you can turn that off from here or you can just use the regular period lines next we have Center points which if you're using the grid you can set a center point in the middle which doesn't really make a lot of sense to me because I see the center so I prefer to keep that in none but you can even do that and change the color so if that might be useful for some of you guys but I personally don't use it file index mode is set to continuous that makes sure that your files will have unique names and never overwrite themselves safe original panoramic photos and hyperlapse photos this is where you can turn that on or off for now I will be making lots and lots of different hyper lapses and I don't want to fill up my storage space so I have decided to turn that off and storage location you can choose between the internal storage which is about 8 gigabytes and your SD card also you can format your SD card and the internal storage from here you can even reset the camera settings to the regular settings from this button on the bottom if we switch to photo mode you will see almost the same things that we have mentioned so far just like the video you can change the settings from here and from the photos here you can select what type of photo you want to capture if it's a single shot HDR shot hyper light which is basically for night shots you have multiple shots three or five you have automatic exposure bracketing which I love love love using I always take five different automatic exposure shots you have time shot which you have quite a lot of choices to choose from and we have panoramic shots for your panorama lowers aisle there you have four different panoramas you have sphere 180 degrees vertical and horizontal panoramas so once you select what kind of photo you want to take you can choose the image size 16 by 9 or 3 by 2 you have the choice for the image format which could be raw JPEG and JPEG plus row this takes the most amount of time so I would advise you to choose between raw and JPEG but generally if you plan to edit your photos afterwards in Lightroom you should definitely check raw the white balance we have already covered that we have the style which is standard once again and we have the color which is normal and here for the photos we have the same settings once again so no need to go over over them and that's pretty much it guys I think we have covered all of the different settings in the DJI go for app for thematic to pro and there you guys have it this has been my complete walkthrough of the DJI go for app for thematic - pro I really hope you enjoyed this video please let me know if you did by giving this video a big thumbs up don't forget to subscribe for plenty more medic-2 related videos and I'll catch you guys in my next one ciao [Music]
Channel: Drone Supremacy
Views: 68,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DJI, DJI Mavic, DJI Mavic Pro, DJI Spark, Drone Supremacy, mavic 2 setup, mavic 2 pro walkthrough, mavic 2 pro dji go 4, mavic 2 setting up, mavic 2 for beginners, mavic 2 pro beginner tutorial, mavic 2 pro tutorial, mavic 2 settings, best mavic 2 settings, dji go 4 app, dji go4 settings, mavic settings, mavic tutorial, dji tutorial, how to setup dji mavic 2, setting up mavic 2
Id: FSA8g37VdHA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 12sec (1692 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 31 2018
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