FUNCTIONAL FRIDAY recoil assembly

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hey guys what's up Johnny Glock and once again it is functional Friday yes I know you've been waiting two weeks for this one um we started filming one last week but I just wasn't feeling it and I didn't feel like uh I didn't feel like doing that to you guys you know what I mean like if I'm gonna I mean the ml all in I'm an all-in kind of guy so basically um I'm gonna do what I was started talking about last week and um which of course you saw nothing of maybe we'll use some blooper reels from that but basically what we're going to talk about is um recoil assemblies and I get so many questions about like hey um what recoil assembly weight should I use should it be tungsten should I just stick with the Glock OEM should it be stainless all these questions and I figured that I would address that in this video so first let me start by saying this there are there's a lot of smart okay there's a language called mathematics it's actually a language and I'm sure you can put all of this information into an equation and come up with exactly what recoil assembly weight you can use that would be optimal for you but what you can't really put into that is like your structure so basically if I say I'm a medium build 52 year old and you know I had an accident right here so you know I don't have this the hand strength that I used to in this hand it you can't put that really into an equation because it's too subjective in my opinion now if someone's going to disagree with me please tell me why in the comments but so when we talk about this aspect of recoil assembly weights a lot of stuff gets factored into it so in my opinion it really comes down to how it feels for you as a shooter um there's a reason why I really like to shoot 147 and just because it feels better for me you know I hate the crack of uh like I hate the crackiness the barkiness of like 115. well 24 is okay but 147 for me it almost reminds me of a 45 ACP you know just a it's just a nice push you know it's a nice subsonic round to me that has a Chris come on man when I shoot it's you know it's cathartic like when I shoot it's it's relaxing for me to an extent and if I'm not enjoying what I'm doing why am I going to do it you know why why would I do it so for me I've found out in in both of my you know you got your 26 you're 19 you're 17 you're 34 and 9 millimeter that's basically what I shoot um the different recoil assembly weights and though it's it's different from one gun to another and not only is it different from one gun to another it's also different because we have all these different especially now in the industry you know depending on what series stainless it is it's going to weigh different look at all the material hooked out of this now even with all the material taken out of this it's still only coming in about an ounce about an ounce different than my carry gun which I keep as stock as possible and this is always about you know 1.5 ounces around there on these guns so you can see there's a lot of not a ton of material moved from my 17 you know if we graduate over here to one of these 34s there's that taken out this long window um another gen 434 the the typical window that's taken out of the you know like uh you know the the Glock cut that's in there for the convertible that gets it those weight that weight reduction gets it closer to the 17 so they can keep everything 17 pounds across the line so let's talk about that so Glocks standard recoil assembly for 940 and 357. and also for for my knowledge for uh 10 millimeter and 45 ACP is 17 pounds now mathematically when you look at that you have to factor in like like if you've ever held a 45 ACP or a 10 millimeter slide as opposed to a nine millimeter slide it becomes very apparent why you're able to pull off the same spring weight and um and and have the same kind of gas to blowback ratio without really really taxing the gun um because even though you have more velocity um coming out of those you know coming with those rounds because the more powder in the casing it all balances out and like I said there's probably a table somewhere that you can go overall itself that's not the reason I'm shooting this video the reason is to talk about the reality of you shooting what feels best to you and the only way you can really do that there are some starting points but the only way you can really do that is through experiments and um and and experiential you know uh work now it's kind of hard right now because ammo is so expensive but at the same time you know if you want to find out which suits you best then that's what you're gonna have to do um I can give you I can tell you some things like I do so this is a you know if I'm going to use a stainless steel rod I'm going to literally give Wick here this and make it look like just unbelievably polished I want that thing to like blind you because when the Spring Rides on the inside of that when you especially when you put a new one of these and you'll hear it Go sure sure now that aggravates me but at the same time if it sounds that bad um if it sounds that bad then there is some drag going on not like it's and for me it's not like it's gonna be you know the kinetic coefficient of well that's not really messing with stuff too much it's just the fact like I don't really like hearing it especially when you're dry firing and every time you're dry firing you know your wife yells at you because it's like crap eat crap eat crack soap that's that's one consideration um tungsten everyone says oh I like a little bit extra weight in front of my uh you know like I don't really think even though it is and you see these things 50 heavier I get it but 50 heavier than like an ounce you know is is not that heavy in my opinion not enough to really really really well let's just put this way maybe for someone yes for me I've never found it to be anything significant even Beyond shooting like when I get a Glock I'll shoot it until it's time for me to change my recoil assembly and what people tell tend to forget is with a Glock every 2500 rounds you're supposed to be changing these single coils and every 5 000 rounds are supposed to be changing the Dual coils now what a lot of people say I like the single coils they're smoother which is just bizarre because you know I'm gonna grab a dual coil here all right so if you understand how this works let me let me uh clear gun open gun this this this never gets maxed out like that do you understand so it's probably about right there somewhere around there when it's you know at its most now if you watch the function of this spring you're going to see both of these moving at the same time it's not like one starts and the other one takes over they're both moving at this they're both compressing at the same time so both of these together mathematically equals 17 pounds this is a 13 pound Sprint ayasayam is me you know they Mark all their Springs it's always different it's the weirdest thing so you got 11 you got 13 you got 15 you got 17 for the Gen I mean for the um and these are all these all get adapted with these adapters because I do just for me I like the feel of the single coil if someone handed me a gun and had a dual coil would I be able to tell the difference I'm probably going to say yeah because I do shoot so much there's these new ones that have like three different Springs in there like I don't really know I haven't shot one of those yet so I'd be interested in someone's opinion on those but you know as far as smoothness I just maybe it's me I would start shooting Glocks guys you gotta remember I am 52 I've been shooting Glocks for a long time so you know old habits die hard as if they're saying I just like the Gen 3 spring um and that's a personal thing man some people might like it some people might not but the fact that like say when someone says I can feel the Dual the other spring picking up you don't really feel the other spring picking up what you feel is this is a 17 pound spring versus a 15 pound spring or something like that that's probably what you're feeling even though we like to think that we have uh Bruce Lee type reflexes you know and you have to remember nowadays the Gen fives are slightly different than the like you just can't put a Gen 4 especially in the 17s and the 34s you cannot use a standard old ass Gen 4 um rod in a Gen 5 there's a little bit of length there so you have to take that into consideration so make sure that when you are buying these you are buying them for the appropriate generation and they have like this one like I said it has uh the you know the cat the little adapter right here so so it'll actually fit the opening right there and so a lot of people don't understand too it's like what's what's actually happening here what is stopping this gun from going back if it's not these compressing then what is actually stopping the gun and the answer is it's this piece of plastic on the inside right here it's the legend it's that of course you don't want the gun banging off the rails so it's literally if I slide this on and you'll see it's with every Glock you hear that noise and you'll hear that during regular cycle too that is what is stopping this so it's a big deal that this is a strong piece right there all right just in case you didn't know that so there's a lot of people that you know when you start really playing around with these guns there's a lot of interesting stuff that you can see you know next next uh functional front I think we're talking about the Locking block and lock up and all that kind of uh different aspects and how the slide lock actually works and you know when people talk about hey I have a sloppy lock up and you push down on here and there's lots of wiggle and stuff there's a bunch of different stuff and like I said and like I always say it's in conjunction with practicality so it's a combat weapon you know it's not less bare it's not a Dan Wilson it's not one of those guns where you know you're trying to shoot two inch groups at 50 yards and it's guaranteed it's basically designed for combat and we try to make them within uh what was that saying we did in the other video a uh dang it I did it again a means I mean uh you you reach a whatever I can't even remember it I can't even remember that saying we can take that clip of you in the truck and add it right finishing returns there we go that is it so you could throw a lot of money at these guns gun um and not get return on your investment so I can help you I can help you with that so so basically uh let's go over the mechanics of this and it's super super simple guys you know if if it's a lighter spring if it's a lighter spring it's going to go back faster and it's going to release with not as much force okay if it's a heavier spring it's going to go back slower and it's going to go back faster you understand so that 17 pound spring is going to whereas a an 11 going forward is going to go slower whereas a 17 going to forward is just going to decompress so you have compression decompression now what happens is and this is a this is where it gets tricky when you have a ported gun or you have a compensated gun you can take a normal like typically if you have a major or minor uh you know um uh I'm getting all Biden here I'm getting Biden stop me if you have a uh okay so if you have a a compensator on there that's major or minor and you're only shooting 115 through there the gas blowback on that is going to be very different from shooting like 147 which is a heavy projectile which is actually going to blow the slide back once again this is all mathematics so if you are having problems cycling a gun that's one reason to change these around you are not going to be able to run a 17 pound spring and shoot 115 with a major compensator consistently you're going to have all kind of failures to feed you're going to have fillers to extract you have failures to eject you can have all kind of stuff going on so that's one thing that is that is kind of like a hard rule you know so basically depending on where your ports are where the ports are how much velocity you have I mean this is these are all considerations so first thing you have to do is get that kind of aspect of it under control before you can move on to the feel of things a lot of guys get these guns and they like how they look and then they realize they're stuck with you know they can't even shoot the ambo they want to shoot and it's all you can get now is 115 so basically got to check all you can get now is basically 115 a lot of cases and so your gun's out you can't shoot that gun even if you would put a five pound you know there's there's issues with that and it can be completely problematic now so a lot of guys what they do is they load their own and they know the power burn and they know the projectile weight and they they balance it all out so when they do shoot competition and say Unlimited you know my six-year-old could handle that gun with no felt recoil it's just part of shooting in Shooting Sports and it's a really cool aspect of it it's just nothing I really know a ton about so if there's anyone out there that loads their owns for specific power factors or just you know if there is no power factor they're trying to achieve and they just are trying to get the maximum performance and get that slide to move as as uh level as possible which is it's here nor there you know as long as you know your firearm every time it comes back down you can basically um you can basically write that with practice now the one thing is you know I remember I'd instructed to do this and maybe some of you instructors can tell me like we do a like a four foot piece of paper and do a line and basically what we did with that was hey you can come over here with you know he said I just want you kind of do like a bill drill with some Cadence like I want you to shoot this line every time just shoot so you know most of the time you'll see boom boom boom boom boom boom boom or sometimes you'll see boom boom boom boom boom boom boom you know so you have to find find out which one is on how the if the majority are on the top that means you're having a you're flipping and you're not you're having a problem with this if the majority on the bottom it's called Dive your gun is diving so after it writes itself that means bam it's sliding forward and going like this if it's enough if it's a if it's a flip then that means you might have say an 11 pound boom and hitting it back and then it's harder for you to get back on target so um and that's just kind of like an indicator that people use sometimes at least at least that's you know the way I learned but at the end of the day you know once you get your A lot of the stuff that can be handicaps you know once you get a strong grip and you learn how to you learn about um you know what are the two things friction and I don't forget the words for him but anyway you got to get that hand it's all comes down to that grip of really getting you know like like I like how Vogel talks about really getting that gun like this pinching his hand up like that because what you're really trying to do is you're trying to bring this finger up to here you know what I mean so you're you're doing this down yeah like torque that's it like torque and free so you're torquing down on this and then depending on how you want to use your finger you know and then when this hand comes in you know you're filling this get this is where the friction comes up so you know you're filling this Gap up right here with as much hand as possible talk about two chicken wings there like this and you're wrapping that and you really want and honestly when it you know you're pinning here and this is kind of how you're doing it so a lot of people say when you know after you go like this you're you're catching the gun you know I mean you're catching the gun here I heard you know uh have Travis Haley talk about you know these pins they talk about these pins so when you roll when you roll into this grip that uh you have every bit of surface area on the script you can that's really where the majority of your time should be spent on getting that solid solid grip you know you can use those hand squeezes we go that's like a lot of things that I'm doing right now is like this to build these muscles up because they were kind of atrophied um so that's what I say about that now I'm trying to remember trying I'm a little bit in here right now trying to continue so you know those are kind of like the the considerations when you're when you're when you're trying to figure out you just don't someone says oh what recoil assembly should I use I'm just like I don't know I don't know that depends on the projectile weight that you're shooting it depends on your shooting style it depends on you know a lot of your body mass you know what I mean if you're like some bulky dude that lifts like all the time like you can get so much you can just crank into that gun so much it just is not going to move it doesn't matter if you have a 35 pound you know other than cycling the gun you know you can handle just about anything but this is one of those things where it can get very very very confusing and and I'm like I'm really not an authority on it you know there's some things I can say look I've got some pretty good authority on on this and that but I just thought it was an interesting topic because you I get so many questions about like right out of the gate should I even before I put one round through my Glock should I go for a stainless steel tungsten in and get it down to like 13. and there is no there is no answer the answer is that depends you know and that depends on you and how the gun feels and how quickly you can get back on Target and is the gun cycling can you need that reliability you know what I mean like that's why in my carry gun this is this is a 15. all right because I know I don't want it too much lighter than that just for me and the way it feels for me I like the feeling of a 15 pound spring with a full uncut slide on my 19th that's me okay now when I shoot my Gen 5 this is a 13 because I've got a lot more weight taken out of here and it just feels very similar to this it's the same thing with triggers you know if I'm going to build a trigger a Gen 5 trigger is going to be different than a gen 3 trigger is going to be different than a Gen 4 trigger just because of the frames there's different characteristics to those that you have to consider it's the same type of consideration if I'm removing two ounces from this it is going to function differently than a slide that has an RMR on top I mean I'm sorry RDS on top of it and um you know a full a full weighted slide you know they're they're very they're very different um animals you know and basically even a light on the gun I think is going to give you more more weight than a you know than a Tungsten guide rod so believe me there's like a lot of and and listen guys it is important your timing and your recoil assembly is very very very important because you get yourself into a lot of trouble meaning like no you don't want to be like and always you don't want to be in a situation where you have to have it and it's not working you know so anytime you change anything in a gun and I don't think I've said this much but anytime you change anything just don't okay man I installed my new tungsten ready to go take it to the range and run it through the paces because even though there might be a there might be something wrong with it you just don't know that until you start running rounds through it to really give you the feedback that you want or you think okay I read all this cool stuff on Glock forum and you know my buddy's all co-signed it and everything like that and then you can get to then you start shooting like this is this is horrible why did I do this you know hopefully there's a return policy for this stuff but anyway it's it is a big deal you know what I mean so if you especially with those ported guns you know The Safaris that we have that have the three ports in them and stuff like that you know did you have a letter you didn't have like a curve with learning with yours do you know see I did you know one of mine I was like oh wow this just didn't function the way I wanted it to with a with a 17 but most of you bought most of the ones you bought from me and I think I already had them powered down I think I might have had them I built like three yeah I don't think there were actually oh I've bought I've bought um two builds from you and then I've built three did you use the the stand OEM assembly in there because you have nothing ever ever I have like nothing OEM I always prefer I always I always refer to Wick when I'm like don't they like but his all run you know what I mean and he's done plenty of videos I'm like running them over you know dropping them out of tree houses all kind of stuff yeah well there's two kinds of Gucci Glocks there's ones that look cool and that's it and then there's ones that function and actually improve the functionality of the gun if you know how to shoot and I actually shoot so all mine except one because I bought it used and I was like oh that looks cool and it sits on the Shelf I never shoot it just because it looks cool the other 12 of them I actually use and they're built to use let's see and that's the difference so if you don't know your your tool you know then you know shame on you you have to get out there and put the time in and um that's how you're gonna figure this kind of stuff out so you know really make sure you're strong and you're great you can do two things you can do you can just run it static on a line and indoor and then you can also run it you know when you're out there actually running drills for defensive and you're going to get a good balance of because it's going to react differently and honestly like you know how many times have like you've seen my gun go down when we're training because I put 500 rounds through it in a matter of an hour and a half this this thing is so hot you you literally it like I'll bend over to I won't realize because I'll put it in there and I have some moleskin on my um my my holster's not here but mole skin on it but I'll bend down to pick up a MAG and I'll just be like and then I laugh at you yeah yeah and then they'll laugh I mean you can smell burnt hair and all that stuff it's it's it's it is what it is so I gotta switch out guns sometimes just because of that but does that mean like in a you know in a normal situation am I going to have a gun that just had 500 rounds through it in a gun fight no if I'm in that kind of gunfight I'm I probably have a long cut on you know on me and who carries that many mags around anyway so so you have to realize there are differences between static training training for a concealed carry you know running guns and and and that's the only way you that's the only way you get information for yourself so you can listen to what other people say just like it's just like what the Buddha said like don't take what I say you know practice it it's the same thing practice this kind of stuff and then you then you're you're then you can figure out what works for you and don't everyone tell don't everyone don't let anyone ever tell you what works for you doesn't work for you that's not right no that's not right uh because I'm the authority you know like the CDC or something like that who's uh all of a sudden tell everyone they don't have to wear a mask today I thought we had to wear two masks yeah you couldn't have anything to do with the Whiplash of uh you know this yeah and I'm not even gonna get into it I'm not gonna get into it one day I will maybe maybe we'll you and I'll have a podcast and we can get into all of our ideologies and and beliefs on government and would anyone looking at comments leave it in the comments if you would like to hear my ideological beliefs and my ideas of patriotism and God and all that stuff I will sit down with Wick and we'll do he just said he got a new uh podcast area so we can sit down and have that conversation and uh since it's a podcast we can probably take questions we can do all kind of stuff but anyway so uh it's 12 minutes after three I will be officially late for my picking my son up and his boxing coach will be mad at me but hey it's for the good of my functional Friday enthusiasts so that's about it guys um like I said if you really want questions answered the best thing to do is is shoot me an email I'm very very busy so taking phone calls and stuff like that I got to kind of set those aside um to do at a certain point in time uh I do have a very cool announcement next week I have decided to um start stalking timney triggers and building those insane like sub one pound triggers and they're gonna be there's gonna be two ways you can do it you can buy the chimney and send it to me or or I can have the Timmy in stock and build it completely for you but I've I've tested that enough now I've had enough rounds through it with all kind of different things that I feel that yeah it's it's from that chimney video they're they're insane insane remember the one I put one of my son's 22. well I remember when you first did it and you brought it out to my range and you were like here play with this and I was like this is awesome I guarantee you my son splits tens and twelves I guarantee it I guarantee because he's fast to begin with but with this trigger it's it's ungodly it's ungodly maybe we'll have some footage of that but um yeah so that's gonna that's the announcement that I'm making now for next week but it'll be up on the website but other than that um like share subscribe all that kind of stuff in uh in the meantime you guys have a great weekend stay safe and remember trigger control is control
Channel: JOHNNY GLOCKS the persona
Views: 31,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NbyiKVZ76mQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 23sec (1583 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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