A Different Kind Of Extended Slide Stop

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[Music] hey there it's Lenny McGill with the GlockStore performance and custom shop here in the beautiful Nashville Studios today and what a day it is it's the first day of fall uh 2022 so whenever you're watching this here we are now uh one of the things that we do very well here at the Glock stores sell pieces and parts that make you a better operator operation means that you're able to function the gun better whether it be pulling the trigger taking the gun apart changing the magazine and all that this is a stock Glock 19. okay it has a stock trigger has a stuck uh slide stop lever slide lock lever magazine release button we sell extended controls for all those as well as our world famous pyramid trigger that are you know just better overall for operation of the gun they're all simple easy parts to install uh like I said this is the uh the slide stop and we're going to be talking about that slide stop is also called the slide release because it stops the slide back but it also releases the slide so you push down on your thumb boom some people have trouble doing that and I've seen that happen I don't know my thumb is you know kind of leathery now after all these years but you if you have trouble doing that you can also just pull the slide back don't very easy keeping the finger off of the gun off the trigger uh at all times because we're not really shooting right now so this is the proper grip a lot of people you know uh you know grab the gun like that but you really want to be out here with that finger so today I want to talk about some extended controls now uh my carry gun is a Glock 43x and what's really interesting about the 43x and the 19 is they're basically the same size I'll put the 43x on top of this one here just about the same size as far as the grip goes you can see the uh about a half inch longer on the slide itself but the key is the 43x is a Slimline gun and the 19 is not now the 43x comes with a 10 round magazine 19 comes with a 15 round magazine the 19 is the most popular handgun in America and rightfully so because it is a Shooter's Gun I mean I mean you can actually shoot this thing all day long and not be beat up on your hand the polymer frame allows you to shoot rapidly multiple shots without you know a whole lot of impact on your hand so it's a soft shooting gun it's big enough to be accurate and to be you know very effective in in self-defense scenarios but small enough to be concealed as well 43x is a little bit smaller uh and some people think it may be too small but now that said here uh is what we're going to talk about today we're going to talk about the slide stop also known as the slide release not to be confused with a slide lock which is the takedown button so here's the factory one and that's what it looks like on basically all the guns we sell a version that's extended that looks like that it has a little bit of nub there and it's a little bit bigger you'll see the difference so it allows you to manipulate that a little easier now when I say manipulate it uh not only are you using that to remove or should I say uh to uh make the slide go forward but also it's very important that you learn how to lock the slide back without having to adjust your grip all right so I just did it there kind of inadvertently right okay so here you pull the slide back and I'm just sweeping up with my thumb on this large button it is a little bit more difficult to do so with this guy here so you have to really find it without changing my grip many people most people will come around and do something like this they'll actually put their thumb on it and push it up like that which is not a problem and no real reason no no nothing wrong with that the um the larger button that we're about to install here and to show you allows you to uh manipulate or operate the gun easier and that's really what it's all about now again this Glock is unloaded as I've demonstrated I've checked inside the chamber I've pulled the trigger in a safe Direction now we're going to go ahead and work on it let's go ahead and do uh the installation of an extended slide stop that has a unique twist you'll notice this one has a button that goes backwards the one we're about to install has a button that goes forward okay so that said let me pull this guy out and we'll take a gander at it before we put it in this is the BFS the bullet forward extended slide release and you're going to notice that this one instead of having the larger piece on the back side here has it on the front side a lot of people like this and I wanted to show it to you because I thought it was kind of neat too so here's that Glock 19 Gen 3 standard gun right so I'm going to go ahead and take the slide off and show you how to remove that and place this guy in at the same time so first thing we do of course we made sure the gun was empty now I'm going to go ahead and put my shooting grip wrap my hand up just like that all right boom hold on to the slide and just squeeze it back about a quarter maybe a half an inch Max then access the slide lock which is always easier with the extended version we sell pull that down and keep them down both sides and then walk this light off I didn't do a good job there let's see if I can pull these guys down here all right so I pull them down and I'm walking the slide off I'm being careful to make sure that I maintain control the slide because I have seen them fall off by themselves and it falls off onto the floor you could dent Bend uh disfigure the nose ring here because it's kind of a smaller piece of Steel and there's a big heavy slide all around it so if it hits down here in the right spot once that gets bent it's almost impossible to bring it back to normal and you may need a new slide we do sell slides as well but that's one of the things to keep in mind is that you know you want to control that piece so now that's the upper that's the the slide is complete with all the parts and pieces we're going to put that aside because we're working on this piece right here which is the slide stop lever notice the spring action okay that's very important that it Springs back because it's designed to be in the rested position when you exhaust the magazine shoot all the bullets out of the magazine the uh magazine follower has a little step on it right there and that step will intersect with that piece right there that's inside there could be basically this piece right here and so that then in turn pushes the slide stop up so that on the last round after you take all the bullets out if you shoot all the bullets out of the magazine the last round the slide stops pops up and it locks the slide back just like that that's what this led so then you know that well one we're out of bullets too you drop the magazine put a new magazine in drop the slide it automatically loads and you can go and continue shooting so that's the slide stop function now the other function that we talked about is being able to uh show people that the gun is empty so if you're in a show or if you're at a an event you're at the house and you want to show someone a gun the proper technique is one you pick the gun up you keep it pointed in a safe Direction you take your finger you do not put it on the on the trigger at all no matter if it's loaded or not if you're inside the house what you want to do is now oh you want to see this gun oh yeah it's really cool let me show you let me lock the slide back okay and I there I just went ahead and rotated my hand across because I'm not ready to shoot I don't need to you know do anything I just lock and slide back and I can hand someone the gun we all know that it's unloaded now he can play with it look at it drop the slide look at the sights that's what people like to do oh wow it's really pretty okay now he's going to give it back to you and the proper technique would be to lock it back here you go okay now we all know it's still unloaded because if he hands me a gun back and it's like this the first thing I need to do is make sure it's unloaded I need to go ahead no matter what I don't know what he did if he's standing right in front of me sitting right in front of me and we're just having a conversation he's looking at the gun I need to make sure he gives me the gun back I'm driving I need to make sure it's unloaded so I'm going to be first thing he does as soon as he gets it finger off the trigger gun point in a safe Direction I'm going to lock the slide back and that's what's nice about these extended slide stops they give you the ability to lock the slide back a lot easier and it's really important to understand why you want to lock it back because now I know it's unloaded and everybody in the room can see that it's unloaded as well and it's basically there's no magazine in there there's nothing there like okay we know it's not going to go bang by itself and we know that the next person who gets it you know unless he puts around into it uh it's unloaded but he still has to be the driver so whoever is driving the designated driver has to be responsible for the gun and so your first objective whenever you pick up a gun is to know the status of it keep it pointed in a safe Direction and look inside that chamber to make sure it is unloaded then you can kind of you know go down the condition you know uh two or something like that you know you're not not on condition five you know okay now we have a still have a gun and we're still aware of it but I don't have to think of that you know it's going to go bang because there's no ammo around all right so now let's go ahead and install this thing real quick sorry got to get off on that okay we talked about the the follower uh the lock back a lot of times when they don't lock back people think well what's wrong with it there's a couple things that could be wrong but one of the things to think about is is the followers the magazine follower um is it proper uh is it did it get damaged did it get dirty did it what happened you know I mean when I look at it uh sometimes the followers go bad or they get you know damaged somehow and that would affect the operation of the slide stop so there's one thing to think about always um these this is a three pin gun one two three it's got a trigger pin trigger um uh the trigger housing pins back here and this is a locking block pin above it so trigger pin locking block pin trigger housing pin for this exercise I really only need to pull out the trigger pin not even the whole way just a little bit because the slide stop is captured by that pin so if I show you what how this thing is sitting in here here's the gun this pin is what captures it into the frame I can get my fingers out of the way here so let's go like here hope you can see that so it's got to have that spring action this is the spring the one thing I'm going to tell you that's really important to keep in mind is this spring this spring must be underneath the Locking block pin because that's what gives it the spring pressure so this if the spring is on the other side it won't have the pressure you want and we've seen people who've installed these things and when they go shoot the slide lock just bounces around so bang and it's just bouncing around boom and it just locks itself in place so it actually catches the slide one once or twice and people go what's wrong with this thing Mike it's locking back all the time typically what they have done is they've installed it out of sequence and they have kept the Locking block pin they put this in before the Locking block pin so the Locking block pin goes in first like I said for this exercise I don't really need to take the Locking block pin out I don't need to take the trigger housing pin out I'm just going to take the the trigger pin and I'm going to just push it out about a halfway not even the full way now keep in mind the trigger pin uh maybe I pulled out the whole way so you can look at it has little notches on it those notches intersect with this hole and they kind of capture this into the frame so the way you do this is you actually take a punch and you want to manipulate the slide stop so that you can pull this thing off there and and while you do that you're kind of not only pushing up and down but back and forth so once you find The Sweet Spot this thing just comes right out and sometimes it's easy sometimes it's not there it is so I got it just like that and so there is your trigger pin now you can see the notch I was talking about I'll take the whole thing out just so you can see it there's a trigger pin there's two notches that I was talking about and this slide stop actually locks into one of these notches and that's what captures it so as you're manipulating that slide stop and putting pressure with your punch onto the pin that's what allows it to break free if you just try to hit it and um try to force it out it's going to be captured on that Notch and eventually you're just going to bend this thing so I've done that before so it's not pretty so sitting there pounding on and saying what's wrong and it's like okay yeah you're just you know you're gonna just destroy this so be aware that the way to do that is to manipulate it up and down and back and forth it has a little bit of play just a little bit and just keep some pressure on that with that punch and then it'll find itself okay so now like I said I've got the Locking block pin already placed so if you take the gun completely apart and you put it back together locking block pin has to go in first you take your slide stop lever with that pin out comes the factory and here goes the next one now and there you go just like that I think you look at that hole make sure it's all lined up and then you have to kind of hold it there with your finger because it's going to want to move because of that spring and then you take your pin and you push that in by hand a little bit take a hammer you can see I use a hammer with a little nylon tip on it and I tap it in now you'll see that it's kind of Flushed up with a frame right here what we're looking to do is get that pin in just enough so that the notch on the pin that we talked about intersects with the hole and you'll sometimes hear it click so I'm going to go ahead and take my punch and I'll be quiet here and see if I can hear that clicking and that means that the the notch has engaged the slide stop and it kind of Clicks in place and I don't think I heard it click but but it's in there I can feel it okay so there is the bullet forward they say slide stop it's a little bit bigger and it sits a little bit farther away so if you have smaller hands you're not necessarily going to be able to get on it but that's by Design This one is set to go forward because if you have large hands sometimes you can intersect with that when it's in this rear rearward position so that's that's what this advantage of this bullet forward concept is so there it is it's installed has nice spring pressure looks good everything looks good you'll notice again if you look in here I don't know if we can see it but there's a there's the spring right here we were talking about right there and that spring is underneath the Locking block pin and that's very critical that's what gives it that spring pressure now to put the upper or slide back on we just line up our our channels there and actually get it to be there and it looks like it's working good and that looks like it's working good and again now what's interesting is this one is a little bit harder to get onto and to actually release which I did not expect and I this is the first time I've installed this thing so now pulling down with a thumb it takes a little bit more effort make it a little easier as I go we'll see yeah I gotta really get on it yeah so where the other one I can actually sweep down this one I really have to get on top of with a little bit more pressure but it is out of the way so if you're having if you've got really big hands you're having difficulty that you're actually bumping that forward this is an option if you have smaller hands I would not be a good option because you're not going to be able to reach that without adjusting your grip this other one that we offer allows you to just manipulate it with your thumb just to sweep up and down on your thumb just to boom boom like that this guy over here this bullet forward actually goes up pretty easy coming down I gotta get up here with my thumb I can't just sweep it down I gotta really come up here and do it which is okay you know I mean not not bad but uh if you're finding yours that you are accidentally sweeping that up as you're shooting because all the vibration this may be a good option for you it has a slide stop lever if you like just an extended version this is a great option for you so we've got them both and the key is is uh that we here at the GlockStore I want to bring you the the best of breed parts and that are available for your Glock to help you become a better operator a better shooter and there's two different things there you know and uh you know operation is also shooting but being able to manipulate the controls and being able to handle the firearm properly allows you to be a better shooter and that's the ultimate goal is to be a better shooter to be faster be more accurate be safer but the controls help you get there a little bit faster and if you uh can manipulate them better and and manage the firearm better uh then you'll actually be a better shooter just like that simple so I'm letting me go this of course is a GlockStore performance a custom shop we've got a new channel that we started you know uh uh YouTube has got a little bit of woke on firearms and they're getting more woke on Firearms so all that said we've also opened up a rumble as a another option for uh all of our videos so it'll be on YouTube as well you know they've they've canceled a couple of our videos and we're afraid they're going to cancel more so we've got this Rumble thing started and we'll have uh all of our videos over there as well so who knows where the world's going to end up but right now I am Lenny McGill this is the GlockStore performance Custom Shop we're here in Nashville anytime you're close to Nashville on 45 or excuse me 65 or 40 going across the country we're like three minutes off the freeway so drop in say hello check out the facility I know you're going to love it and I got to say thank you for watching [Music] yeah thank you
Channel: GlockStore
Views: 49,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GlockStore, Lenny Magill, Shoot270, GlockStore Nashville, GlockStore San Diego, Glock, Handgun, Custom Gun, Red Dot Optic, Custom Glock, Glock Guy, glock 43x, glock 19, edc, Ghost, Slide Stop
Id: HK3yYnseaWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 9sec (1209 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 11 2022
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