GET IT DONE - Best Motivational Speech Video (Joe Rogan Motivation)

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Your mind has to seek discomfort. It has to seek these difficult tasks you have to enjoy it and you have to figure out a way to make your mind enjoy those things. Some people it comes easy and some people it doesn't. Some people it takes a long time. I always tell people the best thing you could ever do is force yourself to a schedule. Just write it down. Like today I have to do an hour on the treadmill I have to do an hour, no matter what even if you're walking. You're doing an hour on the treadmill. The next time you're going to do it just okay, you did an hour and this is the amount of miles you got in next time you're gonna you know, add 3 miles. Put- put an extra 3 miles in that one hour and just keep doing things like that. Write down, today I’m going to do a 100 push-ups, I’m going to do 100 sit-ups and I’m going to do 100 chin-ups that's today and then force yourself. Force yourself to adhere to a schedule. Make a Monday, Wednesday, Friday workout schedule give yourself some time to- off, you know. Like don't, don't even crush yourself to the point where you can't do it. Make it so that you really appreciate those Tuesdays and Thursdays but on Monday, Wednesday and Friday you're gonna get after it and this is what you're gonna do. Most people just try to go work out and you're kind of aimless and you show up and like when you pick up the jump rope and you drop a little rope maybe you hit the heavy bag a little bit, maybe you do some curls but you don't really have an aim. That's why people like to hire trainers because the trainer will tell you what to do. Well, you can tell yourself what to do if you don't have money for a trainer you don't even have to have equipment you know, with bodyweight squats, sit-ups, chin-ups, push-ups you could give yourself a brutal full body weight workout. And you could find these for free on YouTube there's a ton of them. There's a ton of these body weight workouts you could do. Just force yourself, write it down Monday, Wednesday and Friday I’m going to do 100 push-ups, I’m going to do 100 chin-ups, I’m going to do 100 sit-ups. Even if it takes me all day. Even if I have to do 10 and 10 and 10 and keep going all day just that's what you do 10 push-ups, take a break for 20 minutes do another 10. But get those 100 in. I don't believe in half-doing things This life is short you know, if you get into something, get into it and if you're not into it don't be into it. And I think that insanity and- and greatness are next-door neighbors and they borrow each other's sugar that's- that's my... that's what I’ve always said there's- there's something about mastery, like, true mastery that requires you to shut off massive areas of your life. There's a lot of people that are scared of their ability to do something that's difficult I don't know if I could force myself to be disciplined. I don't know if I could force myself to take that kind of action. Well, if you do force yourself to take that kind of action you don't have that question anymore. That question, "I don't know if I can do it" Well, you're doing it. So you obviously can do it, can you do it tomorrow? You did it today, why can't you do it tomorrow? Just do it. You get so much more benefit out of a struggle that you choose to embark in versus a struggle that life throws upon you. Get out there and go do something just go- just go and then in the middle of doing it it'll become easy. Even if it's not easy, even if it's hard it's easier than not doing it and wishing that you had done it. Oftentimes people confuse discipline with focus and this is what, why that's important. There are things that... some people can excel at because they're focused on them and because they're drawn to it and they have an incredible passion for it. Versus like, you tell a guy like, hey you know, you're going to study to be an electrical engineer and he's like, I don't want to be an electrical engineer. Well, you got to have discipline. And so they don't have the drive and they don't, they don't get excited about it and they don't do it but if you tell that guy whatever you're going to be a golfer and he loves golf and he's practicing every day and he becomes a professional golfer. You say well, I thought that guy didn't have any discipline. Well, it's not that he didn't have any discipline he's just not interested in that other thing. I was never a disciplined kid but I was... I would find things that I loved and I was obsessed and I always felt embarrassed by it because people would say, Oh, your son.. like to my mom your son is so disciplined and she'd be like- My son is crazy. Like he's not disciplined, he finds these things and that's all he does all day long. Like it's not really discipline because he doesn't clean his room, he's- he's lazy there's all sorts of things he's supposed to do. I never did my homework. There's all that.. But if I had a thing that I was into - I was obsessed - You were crazy about it but it would bother me that I didn't really have discipline. Like if I had jobs that I had to do I didn't do a good job with them, like in the construction jobs that I had. - But when it came to martial arts - How did you find those things though? How did you find those things? You stumble upon them? I just got lucky, I just got lucky. Martial arts, I just got lucky. And it clicked with me like almost immediately. I became obsessed. You know, and I wanted to be.. I wanted to excel at it and so I was just doing it all day long. And I think the more you choose to embark on these struggles especially physical and mental struggles because I consider both martial arts, yoga and actually even trail running I consider the mental struggles as much as physical struggles. Like, because I could stop anytime I want. I'm halfway up the hill I can go screw this - I’m walking the rest of the way. - Yeah I call my dog over, put him on the leash I’m like, we're walking, buddy. You know? But or you could say, no, this is what I’m doing today I have a... I have a very clear plan in front of me my plan is, we're doing four miles today this is where we start, this is where we end this is what we're doing. Sometimes when things are really hard to do you think, oh, my god I gotta stop doing this but once you do it and you complete it you have a satisfaction. This sense of satisfaction that you did something really difficult, that is irreplaceable. Some kids never get that and they just stay fat and stupid their whole life. And some kids they get these little lessons and then they realize like you can push yourself and you can get somewhere. You know, some kids get real lucky and they get involved in sports or martial arts early and one of the best benefits of sports is you realize that through hard work you get improvement, through improvement you get success, through success you get that big dopamine rush. - You get that good feeling - Confidence - You get confidence. - Yeah - You get this knowledge - You get the girl Yeah, you get- sometimes- I didn't but you get this knowledge that you can do something that's difficult and you can overcome even though it feels like you can't. You're gonna have days where you suck but those days are so motivational. I mean that's the bright side of tragedy. So when you come through it you really will have an appreciation for the moments without tragedy. You don't really feel it unless you- you get, unless life burns you. You don't really feel it. It's one, one of the things that I tell people all the time because a lot of people have a hard time defining themselves. They define themselves by failure because they failed but I’m like, you're not your failures, you're you. Okay, your life is a series of lessons you've learned. Now, if you just dwell on the failures like that's not, that's not healthy. It's not smart and it's not empowering. What you got to do is look at those failures you go, well, now you know what not to do but you're not that, you're you. You know, you could have done the stupidest things ever but it's not you, that's not you you're- you're a different thing. You're the- the being that's experiencing all these failures and if you know that they're mess-ups then you've learned. Okay, if you repeat them over and over again well, then I can't talk to you. You know, if you keep going back and doing the same stupid stuff over and over again well, you got a deeper issue. You know, I don't know what it is but I don't have the time. Building up that ability to endure things that's also a very important mechanism that you could apply to everyday life like that- the mechanism of understanding how to endure like Jocko Willink, perfect example, you know, he has that thing on his.. If you go to his Instagram page, almost every other photo is a watch and it's a watch that says 4:30 in the morning because that's when he gets up and he works out and he earns the sunset. And he does that, he's so disciplined and he's got this saying that's a great saying "Discipline equals freedom" and it's true because he's able to force himself to do that every single time there's no excuses. There's no breaks, there's no days off. It doesn't happen so because of that, you're like, you're not scared you know that you can keep doing it you know that you can continue to perform. There's a lot of people just running from discomfort they're running from it, they're just avoiding it it's so easy to and like if you get distracted for a second you're like, yeah, let me check my phone you just start going through your phone and looking at stuff and you're just distracting yourself from the tiniest frustration of boredom - Just a little- - Yeah we don't get bored anymore or if we get bored we get bored for these tiny amounts of time then you get distracted. So your distraction is eliminating your boredom but the problem with that is like, there's certain thoughts that only come to you when you're thinking, when you, you don't have any input coming in. When we're constantly looking at our phones the only input you're getting is input from other people. And sometimes that's good. Sometimes you get good stuff out of that but it's like a diet of only fruit. Don't think that you're that person that made those mistakes you're the person who's learned. You know, and to have that attitude is a really important thing and to not say why am I doing this now? I could have been doing this my whole life. Well, you- you weren't so... how is that gonna help? - Yeah - You know, you gotta just- you gotta not think like that. You just gotta be happier doing it now.
Channel: Motiversity
Views: 2,929,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivation, motivational video, joe rogan, joe rogan motivation, joe rogan motivational speech, joe rogan motivational video, joe rogan motiversity, motiversity, get it done joe rogan, motiversity get it done, get it done, get it done motivation, joe rogan speech, get it done motivational speech, best motivational video, best motivational speech, most motivational talk, joe rogan podcast, joe rogan experience, motivational speech, motivational, clips, speech, eye opening
Id: ZY4bKcczPLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Tue May 11 2021
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