THE DESIRE TO GET BETTER - Motivational Speech

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is there advice you can give to young kids that are living through a shitty situation of any sort a tough life find a thing you like try to find a thing that you really enjoy try to find a thing that you're passionate about like an activity yes for me early on it was drawing it was uh illustrations it was uh comic books I wanted to be a comic book illustrator and then it went from uh comic book drawing and illustrations to um martial arts so but it was just another thing that I was very very passionate about that was my vehicle out of my dilemma that was my vehicle out of my my own anxiety and Trauma and my own issues and insecurities and find something find a thing that you genuinely enjoy because getting good at things you genuinely enjoy is extremely beneficial for young people because it lets you know that like everybody thinks they're a loser every young person thinks they're a loser at at least a young person in the situation I was at I didn't know I wasn't a loser until I started winning till I started doing martial arts martial arts taught me that like I could get better at stuff that it wasn't I wasn't really a loser I just was someone who was like in a [ __ ] up situation but you could Channel all that energy that you have as a young person into something and get better at it and then all a sudden people admired me I was like this is crazy so I went from being someone who was incredibly insecure and basically a failure to someone who is really successful at this one thing that was very dangerous that other people were scared of and that gave me immense confidence and also a real understanding of the direct correlation between hard work and success and also an understanding that you can't listen to people cuz even my parents parents didn't want me to do martial arts they didn't want me to fight they didn't want me to do standup there's like you you have to understand who you are and then in the face of other people's either criticism or you know lack of faith in your ability to succeed you push through and there's great benefit in that then you realize that that you can kind of apply that to other things in life you can apply that to critics you can apply that to social media commentators you can apply that to a lot of things and I don't think people are happy if they don't have puzzles and complex tasks and things that are interesting to them whether it's an art project or whether it's uh learning something completely new like standup comedy like doing things that are difficult is it it it's as much of a nourishment of the Mind as uh food is a nourishment of the body I think you need things that that are puzzling to you where you have to find your own human potential in the difficulty of the task and and work your way through things at least for me and in my life that has been uh 100% constant I I am a very happy person and I have never had a moment where I'm not doing difficult [ __ ] give yourself something an arduous difficult task where you're challenged challenged mentally and challenged physically one the great things about being challenged physically is it's also mental the people that don't understand that have never really been challenged physically people that think that physical challenges are just like just physical it's just brute grunt work it's not it it's a emotional intelligence it's understanding your desire to quit and you know conquering your inner [ __ ] all that stuff is it's mental it's playing out inside your head and there's a mental strength that you acquire from that that you can apply to intellectual Pursuits and the the people that don't think that or the people that haven't attempted them and there's an arrogance to people that only pursue intellectual excises only pursue intellectual things and don't pursue anything physical that the physical stuff is based it's front work it's Primal it's not necessary I don't think that's accurate for most people I think you can really benefit from physical struggle and you benefit from it in a mental way and I think that is overlooked that's unfortunately overlooked by academics and intellectuals find some difficult [ __ ] to do because that gets away a lot of the anxiety that you carry around in your body a lot of the like difficult things make regular life less difficult and that sounds so simplistic but particularly physically difficult things because when you do things that are physically difficult the strain of making yourself do those things it's very valuable it's not just valuable like exercise and fitness and martial arts and running and whatever you're doing that's really difficult it's not just valuable in terms of like health and the way you look but it's also valuable for your mind maybe even more so because regular life can be confusing and little things that go wrong and little problems that arise are exacerbated by the fact that you're not accustomed to dealing with hardship so creating your own [ __ ] whether it's through [ __ ] some brutal kettlebell exercise or running up hills or something is extremely valuable for you also not not just accepting the nuanced perspectives of other people but also being able to navigate Through This World With with some sort of an understanding of just how complex it all is and how weird it all is and and and not be overly thrown off by every little dip in the road and pothole that you encounter that's the real message the real message is we all started from no I mean we all had [ __ ] jobs we all felt like losers but through time and effort you build a stronger human you build a stronger body you build a stronger mind you build accomplishments and will and momentum and then you look back and you go hey man I'm not washing tables anymore you know I'm not uh I'm not washing dishes I'm not cutting Lawns I'm not digging ditches you know I'm I'm a different person now but I used to be and the desire not to be there but not to stay in there that's that's what uh that's the hardest part right is to get out of that rut when you ain't got [ __ ] and there's nothing going on to have faith then is so difficult to have faith when you're successful it's like yeah yeah listen b she've been successful for a while of course you got faith just keep doing what you're doing easy it's like you already got up the hill now you're just coasted you know you're just rolling down the hill everything's great the hard part is getting up that [ __ ] Hill especially if you got a dad you're hiding from especially if you feel like you're a loser you never really had anything in your life that you could look back on and say hey I was really good at that you know there's a lot of people out there listening to this there's so many people that are in that that starting point like the people that come up to you and say what do I I don't know what to do what should I do how do I do it how do I get going you're going to have to figure it out one foot in front of the other you're going to have to to find a thing and keep working at it and get better at it that's one of the things that I like so much about martial arts they let anybody in and then from that from learning how to do that you get better and then you realize damn I can get better at anything the desire to get better damn that's for everybody just find a thing everything and if you find find a thing like particularly martial arts because you get belts and ranks and then you can see how you're doing with opponents but if you could just find a thing and work hard at that thing you'll realize through that thing that you can get good at anything with time and effort pick the thing pick the thing whatever the thing calls to you what whatever calls to you they decide to change to change those circumstances whatever they might be as long as you have you have to have that desire the will to change your circumstances that's that's your start right there but if you have the will the desire to change it there's your start
Channel: Chispa Motivation
Views: 1,449,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: joe rogan motivation, joe rogan, motivational speech, motivational video, powerful motivational speech, best motivational speech, chispa motivation, joe rogan advice to young, joe rogan motivational speech, joe rogan motivational video
Id: oAkQ4hX17N8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 46sec (526 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2023
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