get to work - motivational speech compilation

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the world ain't all sunshine and rainbows it's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it you me or nobody is going to hit as hard as life but it ain't about how hard you're hit it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward people say you can't do that you can do anything we are God's highest form of creation there is nothing on the planet that will equal us every bad thing that has ever happened to you is your fault now I use the word fault to shake people up that you are never ever ever ever a victim unless you choose to be everything in your life will change you're always in control and a man a man provides if you don't protect what belongs to you then sooner or later it belongs to someone else it goes for your land your wallet your your home your country everything it is your job as a man to protect it the story of the whole goddamn world you don't hate yourself you don't think you suck you're not the impostor you're not insecure somebody taught you that 2008 we had the third consecutive failure of the falor rocket for SpaceX um Tesla almost went bankrupt we we closed our financing round 6 p.m. Christmas Eve 2008 it was the last hour of the last day that it was possible we would have gone bankrupt 2 days after Christmas the on and I got divorced that was like [Music] rough if if things just gone a little bit the other way both companies will be dead the reason there's going to be a billion motivational views today on YouTube is that people love the feeling of being motivated they don't like putting in the work to do something about the deing for 10 years I heard every person I know making fun of me I heard every person I know telling me it was that that I was wasting my time I heard every I've had every I know when I tell them what we're going to do and by the way done it by now laughing face and I'm sure you guys can relate to that you know very few people bet on the underdog M but if you would have you would have W big and that happened to be we us we bet on on ourselves work like hell I mean you just have to put in you you know 80 hour 80 to 100 hour weeks every week and work that all those things improve the UL success I found that nothing in life is worthwhile unless you take risks nothing Nelson Mandela said there is no passion to be found playing small in settling for a life that's less than the one you're capable of living do you think musk has work life balance no do you think Steve Jobs when he was alive had work life balance no do you think Bill gate no Henry Ford no original heekin no so if none of those people that created the wealth of the world had work life balance why do you think you're going to have it why cuz you deserve it I don't think so you deserve what you get in life by working hard I'll say this again but like sometimes you have to let other people's dreams for your life die for yours to live at the end of the day only execution matters so if you have big dreams if you have goals something that you're trying to accomplish in your life you're going to have to execute against that if you're willing to pay the price and you're willing to do the work and you're willing to take the time and you're willing to consistently get up when you are knocked down over and over and over again which is going to happen to you if you're pursuing anything outside of the norm you can make it here in America when you have passion around something that you are squeezing every last bit of the juice out of the orange right to me hustle is maximizing the energy you're putting into somebody I'm Blown Away by people saying that they're hustling and they want to achieve these great things and then their actions don't match it's like saying you really want to lose weight while eating a Big Mac right so to me hustle would be putting all your effort into achieving the goal at hand and for me that means making every minute count I hate any entrepreneur that is like you know sad like like you know what I mean like it's it's always hard like it's always going to be hard it's hard when it's a bubble cuz everything's $150,000 for $40,000 worker right it's hard when it blows cuz there's no money and nobody's buying and nobody's believing it's always hard sometimes you have to let other people's dreams for your life die for yours to live and for me it was like when I when I continued to every day not want to wake up that was my wake up call where I was like either I continue to live this way and not want to be alive or I just risk the fact that I'll die to everybody else and I think that that like it was the hardest decision in my entire life by far all the all the hard stuff we went through still the hardest decision my life fall forward this is what I mean Reggie Jackson struck out 2600 times in his career the most in the history of baseball but you don't hear about the strikeouts people remember the home runs fall forward Thomas Edison conducted 1,000 failed experiments did you know that I didn't know that because the 1,000 first was the light bulb fall forward every failed experiment is one step closer to success my truth in my experience has been I have to jump higher I have to show up earlier I have to be the first person to turn off the light and the last person to turn off the light I have to make sure that every number is correct and every T is crossed and every die is AED dotted the way that I show up is by being consistent so consistent that people cannot doubt your capacity to succeed you have to work work harder than the average person and if you accept those terms you cannot complain about those terms I have only known success on the back of consistency do I think you could be a success without being consistent perhaps if you have other resources and tools that I was never given but coming for where I am my perspective has only been consistency and the discipline has been everything that I have ever gotten on the back of doing it again and again and again it is what I teach it is what I preach is what I believe play out what if you just never do anything is like maybe some people just need to stop dreaming maybe they need to accept their current reality and actually enjoy it because there's a lot of people in their 70 and 80 and they didn't do their dreams and if they went back like they didn't do anything but that whole time they were dissatisfied because they didn't try but what if they were just like I have a good life I have a wife who loves me I've got some kids I have a job that I you know like I don't mind it pay the bills I mean if you go back 500 years it wasn't people like man this is my passion he's like dude I'm just rowing rowing a boat across a ferry and that's what I do and that's what my dad did and his dad did like this is how we eat and so like we have these these um idealized versions of purpose that I think Instagram and all this stuff kind of make terrible but like I think there's a lot of honor and work period And I think a lot of people uh fool themselves by thinking that what they do for some reason is not honorable and I think a lot of it is like the internal versus external scorecard of like I was saying what I said earlier about like I believe these to be true about the universe or like the world but a lot of those are like what do I believe about myself which is like I can choose to do work in this way which then I can derive Joy from so like if I'm sh I can choose to be like I will be the best shoveler because I believe that I will figure out how to do this more efficiently and I will you know I will I will get better and I'll have calluses on my hands and I'll have a better back and whatever um but I will do this well and I think you can find joy in work if you decide to do it well so on one hand if you are if if you are if your dream causes you so much pain then you will quit what you're doing and do it and if it doesn't cause you enough pain that you're not pursuing it or that you don't like if you don't feel like you're in a cage right now then maybe you're not in a cage and maybe you just need to like the life you have and that's cool too if you didn't withdraw in fear from everything that life threw at you who could you become thinking over thinking and when you overthink usually you you don't go to the positive if you make all the right decisions but you have like you absolutely think that it's impossible for you but you still do the right things you will win mediocrity always attacks Excellence oo you know it's it's kind of a rule no one's attacking a couch potato but the moment you start to walk toward your dream and you start to break habits you start to change relationships that no longer serve that dream you start uh you start to be talked about now many people um are afraid of failure which really means that they're afraid of being ridiculed but once you become aware that you're going to be ridiculed if you fail and you're going to be talked about if you succeed then you can able to put that aside cuz you know you're going to be talked about either way no matter what yeah or if you go forth and succeed they'll say oh it was luck you know you know whatever they say about you so once you get out of your mind or become aware that people are going to talk about you either way then you go for it you're alive here you are you got these problems to contend with and if it's an impossible task then how could you be anything but hopeless and desperate but then you think well wait a second how would things transform if I took this on as a voluntary Adventure you know regardless of its scope and the scope would include unjust suffering death and Hell and and that's a that's not just some religious or metaphysical Vision it's like no no you're actually going to have to contend with that in your life in whatever way those things make themselves manifest to you personally your that's coming man and so maybe you better get prepared so you can't say you want to be successful you can't say there's certain dreams and goals that things you want to have and things you want to be if you are still average so success and average have absolutely nothing to do with other this what I'm telling you your boss can't stand average your coach can't stand a your teacher can't stand a your spouse listen to me your mama might put up with it your Daddy might put up with it but listen to me very closely nobody really likes average some people have a problem for every solution some people don't believe that they can achieve at a high level some people are okay doing what average people do doing just enough to get by but that's not you you have dreams you have goals you have aspirations you have desires and you are taking action to make all of your dreams a reality if you practice forthright and voluntary exposure to that which terrifies and dismays you it transforms you much of the biochemistry of motivation and emotion is transformed when you take a stressor which could be oppressive and paralyze you and cause you to withdraw and you reverse that you decide to advance it's like a different Spirit inhabits you and and I mean this physiologically there's a whole different pattern of being that makes itself manifest in you neurologically and psychophysiologically and pharmacologically so you take it on as a challenge right and that transforms you at a cellular level too because one of the things we've discovered in recent years is that if you do something new and complex then that turns on new that parts of your DNA that haven't produced proteins before will start producing new proteins and reconstruct you from the cellular level up so it's a deep transformation and we we have no idea how deep and again you could ask yourself if you if you didn't withdraw in fear from anything that that from everything that life threw at you who could you become the only belief that matters is that if I put energy and effort into getting better I actually will get better and so you can look at anything and say okay maybe I suck at this right now which was the key realization for my life okay I'm I actually am not good like my father-in-law wasn't crazy I really wasn't anywhere useful for his daughter at that time my mom wasn't crazy I really was lazy like so she was just picking up on the fact that I was tremendously lazy she wanted me to be successful but she was just looking at my behavior and so I hadn't been misidentified people just didn't calculate how much I could change and that I would so grasp onto the ability to change as an emotional life raft and so the the big switch was that I decided to believe that I could get better and once I made that decision it aligned my behaviors with skill acquisition and that's all life is acquire skills listen to me don't keep calling me and telling me you going to get on the Dean's List do me a favor don't tell me you going to be on the honor Road shut up go to work and show me show me what you got extraordinary mindset you are determined to make the impossible possible you are determined to make the unbelievable believable you are determined to do more each and every day than that average person will do in a whole week you are determined to do more in a month than an average person does in a whole year so if what you're hung up on is you just can't ever fathom that being true then saying it may begin to form this like just like it erodes this lack of belief that it's it's possible now my problem is when people think that just saying it out loud is going to make it come true that for sure isn't true so your behavior is ultimately all that matters so if you make all the right decisions but you have like you absolutely think that it's impossible for you but you still do the right things you will win the problem is that if you believe that it's never going to happen for you you won't take the steps and so when you look at how hard something is and you get partway down that road and you're like wow this is really hard it's making me confront my insecurities this does not feel good and I don't believe it's possible anyway then why would you keep going and the answer is you wouldn't and so nobody does and so everybody who believes it's impossible and encounters the difficulties that success will demand of everybody they stop 100% of the time and so by looking at yourself in the mirror and saying I am a millionaire I'm a genius like all this stuff it may function as some eroding mechanism to those entrenched beliefs that it's never going happen for you that would not work for me because there is a part of my brain that just screams this is like you know this is so for me I had to align with what do I believe to be true about humans I needed to be I needed to accept that I was average that was a huge moment for me because I tried to believe I was special and either luck of the draw or the fact that I really am average I've always been around a substantial number of people that are smarter than me like literally everything every Niche I tried to find mind be the guy who Embraces the ugly the miserable um be the guy who Embraces hard work the grind don't be afraid of being hurt don't be afraid of a sa andice in some blood it's the moments in life the decisions you make on a on on a moment to moment basis that add up to be the guy or not the guy tonight I did something and you know that feel more of a guy for me who I am my guy make the hard decisions make the sacrifices make the unpopular decisions and become comfortable in your own skin and if you are not a person that you are comfortable being alone with that is the one person in this universe that you have full power full right and full responsibility to change if you were to create a human what would you put them through to make them tough it probably wouldn't be a really chill life what would you put them through to make them patient we probably wouldn't give them things immediately and so it's like we want these traits but each of the traits has a price tag attached to it and it's just like do you want to pay the price tag to get the thing and so I think if if people reframed the the period of life that they're going through as the price that they're paying out of their wallet but the wallet is their time it's the seconds of life that they're trading for it then I think more people will be willing to make the trade because at least when I look at myself like when I'm 80 something years old and I'm looking back on my life I want to have these traits but in order to have those traits I know I have to go through these things and I think for me that's given me a lot of comfort in hard times right now in life your family is looking for that one guy right now they're looking for that one guy who's strong who's that pillar for the family in hard times make sure they look around they look around and find you these are the times right now for you to step up be that guy that can take anything stay hard the biggest regret of the dying is never becoming your ideal self I do believe that we're thrust in a world that we don't fit in and I believe the journey is that a lot of people sell your bill up Goods along the way that if you get some awards you mean something you go to a certain school you got it you're cute classical Beauty you got the right man you got the right zip code and you swim through all that filthy swill until you come to the really really Stark conclusion that I want to leave this earth becoming who I know deep within I I am supposed to be the next time you want to just give into that desire for coming Comfort remember that your future self is going to be the one to suffer the consequences it's so easy to just put it off and act like it doesn't exist but that future self that you're passing all these burdens to will one day be yourself of the present and you'll wish you chose to do otherwise everything that you do counts the biggest mistake that people make is they think that only what they want to count counts no when you read a book when you listen to an audio program when you go to a course when you go to bed early and get up early and you work it all counts nevering apologize for being yourself if people don't like how you act how you look how you speak that just means those aren't your people don't change who you are to match your surroundings pick better surroundings and be yourself and I don't know most men would understand that when a man cries and he's whimpering he's hurting you know cuz I've been there and it's no shame in crying gentlemen men it's okay to cry we can still be a man but you're also human and it does show a little bit of your vulnerability do it for your loved ones do it for your wife do it for your husband do it for your children do it for generations to come come on after you're dead and gone what will they say about what you did yes there's so many people depending on you but it's got to start with you and the man upstairs yeah nothing changes and nothing changes man you know we'll sit around forever wondering well what if I you know what if I was a dog catcher would I be the best what if I was a you know every day we change the world but to change the world in a way that means anything that takes more time than most people have it never happens all at once it's slow it's methodical it's exhausting we don't all have the stomach for it what if it's a mistake it's a mistake akake rest assured what do you know you're going to stumble around right and what's going to happen is this you're going to move to you're going to not stay in stasis you're not going to wander around in circles and I see people like that they said well I never knew what to do and now I'm 40 it's like that's not so good that's not so good and you might say well and there is a literature too that suggests that people are a lot more unhappy when they look back on their lives about the things they didn't do than they are about the mistakes they made while they were doing things it's how they get you to give up they say it's not that simple of any so what's the truth that is I want people to understand that they're not alone that there are other people feeling exactly the way they're feeling that their behavior is not insane that they have a disease and it's not their fault there's a very famous kind of line that people don't change I happen to know that people do change and I see that every day I see people getting better I see the lights in their eyes come on there's a million excuses I could make to rationalize not getting up early doing the ice bath and going for a run there comes a time when all these potential excuses turn into fuel that motivates you to keep going you got to get out there you got to give it everything you got whether it's your time your talent your prayers or your Treasures because remember this you will never see a U-Haul behind a hearse if you want to know something about yourself sit on your bed one night and say what's one thing I'm doing wrong that I know I'm doing wrong that I could fix that I would fix you meditate on that you'll get an answer and it won't be one you want but it'll be the necessary one the whole issue people have a feeling that they can change but they have no effort they don't want to get into the game because they feel it's you know it's just too much time and it doesn't work and I tried it and it doesn't work and then they give up and then life just goes on it's seamless you you don't see it it's just the way you've been living and my older brother who was 12 got into an electrical accident and he died in my arms and really come to terms with that I was the one who got to live that this life that we live it's a privilege and when I really started to take that in I felt this tremendous urge to do something with my life to do something that mattered at some point everything's going to go south on you everything's going to go south and you're going to say this is it this is how I end now you can either accept that or you can get to work you can't stop you can't quit you can't say I'm a failure you're not a failure you're not you're a wonderful strong intelligent youngster take advantage of that trust in God trust in yourself until you say yeah I'm going to you know what I'm going to take action nothing changes if nothing changes man and I'm not preaching at you I'm just uh I just want to remind you cuz you know I've spent a lot of time in my life sitting around wanting things to change um and not being able to make them change and and not thinking I could and I wish somebody had told me that earlier [Music] sometimes that in order for something to change there needs to be change you cannot stand still because the world moves away from you if you stand still and there's no stasis there's only backwards and so if you're not moving forwards then you're moving backwards how much harder will you working this offseason now to get back to the championship I push myself to exhaustion proba we thank you for your time I just I feel like we sort of focus on right ways and wrong ways too much and and um I think it's in a sense sort of scary to just be born and live life and and I I understand the the idea of kind of grasping onto um a particular thought of wanting to kind of feel like you somehow have a handle on the unknown but you know what the unknown is is the unknown and to all of you watching here come close to the screen and listen people don't have to like you people don't have to love you they don't even have to respect you but when you look in the mirror you better love what you see you better love what you see be uncomfortable get yourself in a situation where you feel a little bit about a challenge you're feeling something about being challenged you're understanding that challenges are good for you challenges are going to make you better going to make you stronger going to push you through any adversity that you may face in life but nobody's coming to see you this there's no night and Shining Armor and the people that say they will they don't really stick around for long the reality is this this whole life thing was never really meant to be about anyone else you're kind of supposed to be the hero of this story even if you feel weak right now even if you feel alone you feel down you feel like you can't do it you can't and you will all you have to do is show up so show up today you have the power to do more than you can ever begin to imagine don't underestimate yourself you don't know enough about yourself to become a cynic and so you've got to challenge yourself to access that power that you have within you you're more than a conqueror I'm amazing when you don't think I'm amazing I love me even if you stop loving me you can say the nastiest meanest evilest that you could ever conjure up it will never change the way I feel about myself it takes Faith to jump off of The Edge it takes Faith to step into your purpose it takes Faith to step into your destiny it takes Faith to pull away from everything that is familiar to step in Uncharted Territory to become the person you were born to be it takes Faith this is my time this is my time I'm bright enough I'm bright enough I'm old enough I'm old enough I'm young enough I'm young enough I've experienced enough I've experienced enough I'm wise enough I'm wise enough I understand I understand that I that I am am enough [Music] enough self disipline is selflove if you want to be happy you have to love yourself I love me and dependent of anything that anybody could ever say has nothing to do with being arrogant or egotistical it's just a matter of knowing and being aware of self-worth I love you if you make it to the end of this video I want you to write selflove is the cure to self-hate self-love is the cure to self-hate and you matter right there's always going to be somebody that cares about you and you're a good person no matter what people say you matter I love me so the day that you decide to stop loving me I'm not going to love myself any less I believe in me if you stop believing in me I'm not going to believe in myself any less you know as crazy as it sounds one decision can completely change your life so what are you waiting for I wouldn't change what happened to me and that's the God's honest truth if anyone one of you had a superhero ability where you could send me back in time and give me a doover I wouldn't accept it I would gladly relive everything I have been through provided I had this outcome because who I am now and what I off of the world I wouldn't want to give that up to avoid going through those dark days or the pain I went through I think it was all worth it to turned me into who I am now [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] I
Channel: Business Motiversity
Views: 424,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hopecore, Hope, Core, Core core, Happycore, Tiktok, Nichetok, Niche, hustle core, hustle life, business motiversity, get rich in 2024, motiversity, time to hustle, motivational speech 2024, get to work, theo von motivation, motivation, best motivational video, best motivational speech, inspirational, mentality, discipline, disciplinearc, you vs you, wake up, wake up motivation, nothing changes motivational speech, hopecore, theo von speech, jordan peterson, motivational speech, elon musk
Id: vuj2ZaV6Vnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 19sec (1879 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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