LONE WOLF MENTALITY - Best Motivational Speech Compilation For Those Who Feel Alone

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I got one question to ask you can you do this thing alone I've train 99% of my life alone no one Pat me on the back I did all of the work alone wolves don't lose sleep over the opinions of a lesser species be alone go to that dark space you may not want to fight that battle but you need to a beast is someone who can go through hell and be grateful that their legs are working what are you are you a sheep or are you a wolf when you train alone I can take myself to such a level of real real passion and purpose nobody's going to feed us you got to feed yourself the feeling I get is something I can't even expain I don't need anyone it's on you you got to want it as bad as you want to breathe success starts with you it's all on you if you want to be strong you got to learn to fight alone yes you're tired yes your mind is saying give up yes it's saying quit but you cannot quit because you realize you have not reached the goal yet day in and day out you got to keep on working and if you're getting knocked down so what rise up and get up nobody's going to believe in you until you've already done it nobody's going to come and celebrate with you until you've already done it which means you're going to have to work for a long time by yourself with no applause with no awards no one's going to believe in you in the beginning nor should they be okay with it if I have to do it alone I will start alone but get started when you wake up early it's just you the world can wait right emails can wait text messages can wait the boardroom can wait the playing field can wait the court can wait every everything can wait and I can get dialed in with what I've been called to do I can get dialed in with why I'm here what is my purpose without any outside influences or stimuli I don't need coffee right now I don't need alcohol I don't need an outside stimuli to get my day jump started I just need to get up and get dialed in we want to be successful but we don't want to get dialed in on a morning routine it's unbelievable to me how much we want success but we don't want structure put away the devices put away the distractions put away the outside stimuli and the influences and all of the voices and get dialed in if you're listening to me let this be a moment of transformation and motivation but let this moment not just move you but change you to take action why am I here here what have I been placed on this Earth to do all of a sudden when I wake up and the world is sleeping I get a different perspective I can get my agenda my targets and my aims crystallized in my head and whatever becomes clear in my head yo I can hold in my hand period all of us has this power within us this force of nature that we have not tapped into there's another level life is lived on levels and these levels are unlocked by taking action my question to you is will you take action and do something out of your Paradigm if you're going to obliterate programs and patterns then you got to do something different shake it up wake up early man get up it's time for an identity shift it's time for elevation in your relationships and in your health and in your mindset and in your approaches and in your strategies it's time to get into the space of innovation it's your time it's your turn the weight is over get up and give back to yourself if you're listening to me get up get up get up get up it's time to go most people don't feel like waking up at 3:00 in the morning do it because you don't feel like doing it you need to be the person that does it even if they don't feel it but they do it because they're called to everybody wants to unleash greatness within them and everybody wants to be their best s and you're going to have to do stuff you don't feel like doing in order to get there and so if we want to step into this transformative experience then I need to have a competitive advantage over the competition where you say man I'm in competition with nobody just me and I get that and I've said that but the truth of the matter is is if you don't do something the other man is not doing then you're going to get knocked off if you want Longevity if you want sustainability if you want to scale if you want Peak Performance if you're going to do something in your bloodline if you're going to pass something down gener ation Al if you're going to be a light if you're going to do something that's never been done then sometimes you're going to have to get up when you don't feel like it if we're going to unleash this untapped potential that I have to do something that's going to break the current paradigms that I've been living under I got to do something that's going to obliterate the status quo what you're going to discover about waking up at a certain time specifically at a time you don't feel like it that after a while you will love it once you get that itch once you smell that potential all of a sudden the world opens up to you and 3 a.m. 4 a.m. is no longer a burden it's just what you do and you don't even need an alarm clock to go off because your passion awakens you your passion you can go through 3 4 hours of sleep and you're ready to go again because something inside of you is sa I got to achieve something you got work to do so make that decision that there's no turning back and so we want to become Unstoppable and we want to be resilient but we don't want to do what's impossible for most people for most people 3:00 a.m. is just like it's impossible in their mind they don't even think about it it's something they're just not going to do they're going to get up at 7 8 9 10 and so you've got to do what's impossible for most people in order to be that Unstoppable force of Nature and I am an advocate for rest don't get me wrong WR like we got to get rest we need to sleep I understand that but there are seasons and Tim taes and there are rooms I've got to walk into and there are hands that I have to shake and there are contracts that I have to sign and there are deals that I have to close that are going to require me to lose sleep sometimes and so if I believe in the power of the future then I got to be willing to get out break through do something you've never done start your day at a time where it is a sacrifice until it becomes an obsession I get up early when the competition is sleeping I get a competitive advantage in the marketplace I get peace and quiet and some Solitude where I can focus on me I can condition myself I can prepare myself I can accomplish more by getting up early earlier when people are sleeping and I am working by the time they wake up bam I'm already done I'm done I'm in Flow State I can break out of the monotony I can break out of the mundane I can snap out of autopilot and step into that powerful driving force that is within me to help me unleash my untap potential period waking up early gets me in touch with myself it gets me in tune it gets me in motion it gets me in flow where I can perform my best and I can get hyperfocused on what matters most and I can eliminate distractions and everything that was hindering me all of a sudden Wham I hit a state of elevation everything that was toxic everything that was not for me everything that was not lifegiving I can get very clear on the future it is time for transformation it is time to unlock resilience and Ignite Energy and vitality it's going to increase productivity it's going to shift your identity and it's going to unlock the dimension of Unstoppable momentum if you want this then try it for one week The Wolf on the hill is never as hungry as the wolf climbing the hill it's not easy going it alone but if you keep going stay true to yourself it will be worth it in the [Music] end the hardest walk you can make is the walk you make alone but that is the walk that makes you the strongest that is the walk that builds your character the [Music] most to all of you fighting battles alone to all of you going against the grain battling the naysayers stay strong keep going stay strong keep [Music] going this walk is hard but the hardest walks lead to the greatest destinations the toughest climbs always lead to the best views it will be worth it in the end and if you show what you are made of the right people will show up in your life you won't be alone wolf [Music] forever you have qualities only few can admire because most don't [Music] possess you have strength only few can understand because most have never experienced so don't give in Don't Settle don't lower your expectations to fit into the world you were born to stand out you were born to lead lead the [Music] they say the wolf on the hill is never as hungry as the wolf climbing the hill always be that wolf climbing the heel always hungry for more always hungry to grow to feed your mind and rise to the highest level you can take yourself never looking back always looking forward to the next Feast Feast of success in whatever you do it does not matter if you have to walk alone for a while it is much better to walk alone in the right direction than to follow the herd walking in the wrong direction stay strong be different your destiny is in your hands get out there and hunt [Music] it do you just want to win or are you absolutely committed because when you are committed when you have made the decision that I am going to win it's no longer a want it is a must and when something becomes a must when you become obsessed with what you've been called to do you will sacrifice people that are committed are willing to make the SA sacrifices and so ask yourself the question have you sacrificed everything are you paying the price you got to pay the price for what you want everything in your future comes out of cost I am acquainted with loss pain lack and famine I want to win now because winning has everything to do with your mentality it has everything to do with how you talk how you walk how you you think how you overcome winning it's not just a crown or a trophy it is the process it is who I am becoming and that is how we win if you are going to hit your goal and if you're going to punch through your targets you have got to see differently you have got to think differently you are going to have to connect differently you're going to have to communicate differently one day I just decided I'm going to raise my standard make a decision raise your expectations you got to go to the next level there's always another level you've been in this place of misery long enough it's time to win there is no other option winning is a non-negotiable it's what I do and all of a sudden Wham no longer is it just what you do it is who you have become because there are some people that win and then there are winners there are people who win there are people who lose and there are people who are winners this ain't just something I do it is who I have become I am a [Music] winner consider this that all environments do not breathe and nurture a winning Spirit not everybody grew up in a winning home yet we often witness living examples of greatness springing up out of adversity somebody that chooses to defy the odds somebody that chooses to be the one in their bloodline that changes everything one thing I know is that we've all been hit with a measure of adversity at some point in our life you already know what failure feels like people that are winners win both inner and outer and they see it not just as an opportunity but as a Birthright winners are obsessed with counsel winners are obsessed with accountability winning is a habit winning is loving winning is being moved with compassion because everybody deserves my best winning is wrapped up in the details that is winning the mentality winning is what I do at home it's what I do on my job it's my creative Pursuits it's my social activities it's what communities I'm connected to so are you willing to lose sleep are you willing to put the work in are you fully persuaded are you determined real winners these are the people who have a positive self-awareness they are crystal clear about where they are and where they're looking to go this is the type of person that's got television they move in the dimension of mindfulness and gratitude when we unpack the architecture of a winning mentality we're dealing with somebody that is hard and dangerous that's all I'm thinking about that's all I want that's all I see that's all I want to hold in my hand is a win winners are Gap closers these are people that every single day they're beating on their crab and they're closing the gap between where they are and where they're supposed to be I'm supposed to be here I belong here have you counted up the cost it's going to cost you everything to [Music] win the winning isn't just a behavior winning is an attitude because you can have good behavior and a bad attitude and so winning is a behavior winning is an attitude winning is a way of living you're going to have to manifest that thing that you see in your head to hold it in your hands Make It Count what you go through you will grow through I know you feel stuck in reversion you may be tired you may be broken you may be hurting but listen winning has everything to do with your mentality I am going to win I've had enough of the loss I've had enough of the lack I want to win now I want to win we all know what it's like to lose a job to lose a family member to lose money to lose a position some of us have even lost our minds at points in our lives so we are acquainted with loss some of us have lost love towards someone or lost passion or lost Focus many of you listening to me know what it's like to lose everything you have another day where you failed yesterday where you almost gave up yesterday when you almost lost your mind when you almost gave in when your back was up against the wall but there is something in all of us something very inborn interwoven something very intrinsic a distinctive in all of us a desire to win what are you made of what is your DNA what is your mentality what are your goals in this very moment you have an opportunity seese the opportunity everybody wants to win because winning is not just an exterior thing how you overcome conflict how you navigate a room how you navigate relationships how you manage your time how you manage your money it's not just an end thing it is not just what I want it is who I am becoming that is how we win everybody wants to win it's time to win what is preventing most people from moving in the direction that they want to move is a lack of discipline and no one wants to hear that answer it's the harshest answer this is hard work as every day when they see that word discipline it's actually slapped in the face because they know it's true you have any fraction of self-discipline the ability to not want to do it but still do it that's the most powerful thing in the world what are you going to get without discipline are you going to be in good physical shape without discipline are you going to be financially successful without discipline are you going to are you going to become more intellectually powerful without discipline you're going to see me for who I am cuz I need to change who I'm not discipline is the root of all good qualities if you want to make progress in your life you got to have discipline discipline equals Freedom you want freedom in your life you want to achieve what it is you want to achieve how do you do that you do it through discipline you do it through hard work you do it by knowing what it is you're supposed to do and then doing it you have to face yourself what am I going to do today to change what I see in this mirror it starts with yourself man through hard work you can outwork anybody like I'm going to be extreme in my discipline somebody asked me that on social media how do you master discipline I'm like you don't you don't you keep working out with them every day yes it takes power it takes effort it takes discipline to break the old you what gives you confidence not being afraid it's overcoming the fear there's no one in the world that enjoys taking criticism it's in the discomfort zone is where my confidence is getting built the topper things you go through the more confidence you're going to have the more confidence you have the better you're going to get but I'm going to work and try and make myself better and that's the mentality you have a lot of us who are afraid of something we allow our minds to choose the path that least resistance so we go a different route what I did was what I knew how to do which was wor you figure it out by going inside yourself because being a warrior takes a whole different mindset that's what I'm going to do when I was a little tiny kid you know five six the only thing I can remember was wanting to be some kind of Commando there was no there was not any question for me I knew what I wanted to do I never thought about quitting at any moment in time seal themes is is going to war that's what we do you're lucky that you don't have to think like Warriors think you're very privileged I chose this world to be a warrior and I and I would choose it again if I came back to this world but the mentality of a warrior is very different than normal mentality you must be that person on that door getting ready to open it thinking to yourself if I die so be it because being a warrior takes a whole different mindset and and the fact of the matter is bullets don't have your name on it bullets say to whom it may concern and the bullet doesn't care who you are they don't care how much training you've had they don't care how well prepared you are and if it's your day it's your day and so I think once you get to a point where you recognize and accept the fact that you could you could die then you can move past that that's a really high percentage of people that quit but there's also people that fail we have the ability to go in such a space if you're willing to suffer and I mean suffer your brain and your body once connected together can do anything when you're driven whatever's in front of you will get destroyed I was just a scared kid that found drive and passion to be something much better than what he thought he was and that's why I talk about the warrior mentality the only way you can go in that door is knowing there's a great chance you're going to die I worry about missing out on opportunities that I have because I got friends that will never get the chance to execute on opportunities because they didn't come home and and that's literally what I told my guys was we've we've crossed a line and there's no there's no possible way to replace or describe or overcome the amount of just heartwrenching sadness that you feel when you lose a teammate I didn't know what to do and I didn't know what to say first time second time third time what I did was and I told my guys I don't know what to do I don't know what to tell you the only thing that I know to do is to go back to work and I do know this if Mark was here he would want us to go back to work and so we're going to lock and lo our weapons and we're going to go do what we do that's the reality of of combat when you see people in these hard situations that's when human nature gets revealed and the more you can understand human nature the better leader you're going to be there's only one type of human being that can't improve as a leader and that's the that's the person that lacks humility because when someone lacks humility you can't teach them a leader has to be balanced the older I get the less I know one of the things that I realize in a leadership position is that the words that you say matter the actions you take matter people are listening people are watching people are respecting or disrespecting you based on how you car yourself relationships and Trust are almost the same word right A relationship is something that we've built trust now you can have a bad relationship and what does that mean that means there's no trust there I don't trust you we have a bad relationship the way I build trust with people is I give them trust that's how I build trust I give it I give trust to build trust if I micromanage you and I don't let you make any decisions yourself well you're never going to step up and learn how to leave cuz you don't get to make any decisions for yourself would you rather win or be like well I'm going to tell you those aren't opposites the team that likes each other they win I'm trying to take the lessons that I was lucky enough to learn and get them to as many people as I can so they don't have to suffer through the same mistakes that I made I mean you're always going to have regret you you know I don't spend a lot of time with regret that's good you know because there's there's not much that you can do about it so what what the way I look at regret is what did I learn from it what did I learn from whatever thing I'm looking at that I know I could have done a better job could have done different there's a million things like that but I don't sit there and think about them all day long what I think is like hey here's the lessons that I learned from them I will make those mistakes again and move forward every single day for me it starts you know Ground Zero I've got to I've got to go forward with an open mind with a humble mind looking at the world when somebody gives you feedback you listen to it number one you got to be humble and if you're not humble you're not looking for feedback and you're not listening to it no feedback no improvement feedback is is built upon being humble everything that I look at I try and look at from a humble perspective and if you don't do that it's going to be a problem if I'm looking down the SES of my weapon and I'm shooting my world is this big the minute that I stop shooting point my weapon at high court take a step back and actually look around I can see infinitely more eventually you got to start doing it as a leader you should be listening 98% of the time and talking 2% of the time you will need to normalize in your mind walking alone you got to get up on your own you got to be able to make big decisions on your own you got to lose weight on your own there are a myod of targets you have to hit by yourself often times there the people that go away into a very healthy isolation to equip themselves to condition themselves to educate themselves to come out empowered and so you got to get into this work space where you can do it by yourself it doesn't matter if it's the office it doesn't matter if it's the gym it doesn't matter if it's the court it doesn't matter if it's the field it doesn't matter what arena you are stepping into you got to get to that place where you don't need attention you don't need recognition you don't need the accolades you just want to put in the work and the next time you surface the next time you show up it's game over if you throw me to the Wolves I'll return leading the back you see a wolf is willing to leave its pack behind and find a new one the time is now we must adopt the wolf mentality be relentless resilient never quick and never look [Music] back I know what it feels like to be fractured and falling into pieces but you got to silence the voices in your head that are telling you you need a shortcut you need a cheat code eliminate the negative self-sabotaging voices find a mirror and tell yourself I got this today I got this today I'm going to make it I'm going to create it I'm going to build it all I have is all I need resources may come and go people may come and go but I've got a vision and I've got the provision and I've got the determination and the discipline to hit my aims and to punch through my targets can you do this thing without attention can you do this thing without public affirmation can you do this thing without people telling you that you are everything today without people applauding you and say you're great you're awesome oh you're amazing can you do this thing alone can you be your own cheerleader for a moment can you be your own hype man for a moment can you tell you I'm good enough I got this that all I have is all I need I believe in friendships and Partnerships and collaboration and counsel and advice but there are some things in life you are going to have to do alone there are some marinas you're going to have to show up here and nobody is coming nobody's coming to save you nobody's coming to help you nobody's coming to show you a shortcut you got to figure this out on your own for most of us nobody's going to feed us you got to feed yourself you want to lose the weight you want to reach your target your aim you got to put the work in you got to feed yourself the food that is required to power the body that you want it's not about trying to be a Lone Ranger more than it is about taking responsibility and prioritizing yourself first there are some things in life nobody's going to show up it's all on you I need you to find a mirror right now and tell yourself it's all on me it's all on me this one is all on me when I go get this degree ultimately I got to go get this degree when I go get this certification ultimately I got to get this certification I've got to finish strong I've got to condition myself I've got to go get the education I've got to get out of bed I've got to go to the gym I got to eat clean nobody's going to feed me I got to feed [Music] myself if you're listening to me right now in the gym on your walk on your run you're lifting You're Building you're creating you're imagining something I just need you to push and I need you to believe that you don't need the SPID that you don't need the training wheels that it is your time that it is your turn and you no longer need help you no longer need assistance in this area of your life push like you have never pushed before give it everything you have because that's SP is not going to be there for you for the rest of your life if you want to grow 1 mm more if you want to push just push a little harder everybody wants to grow a little bit taller so we got to push a little bit harder life is lived on levels and I can't bring my spotter with me the spotter cannot walk with you all of your life at some point you got to say I got this i got this push look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself I got this i got this if I have to do it alone I will because to fulfill this Vision to fulfill my d Destiny ultimately I'm depending on the god that put the dream in my heart and myself we're Tears In Your Eyes with broken hands and a heavy heart if nobody is there and you are in a room by yourself start alone but get started help is coming but everything Rises and falls on you often times the people that you wanted in your life will reject you and that rejection is protection it is a blessing because it's the same people that rejected you that will need you and that will rely on you come on how many people have you tried to help and you were bleeding battered and broken how many times have you called for help and the help was toxic come on how many times have you asked for advice and the adice advice brought more adversity take responsibility for yourself take control of your life I need you to understand your wor and stop playing the blame game because nine times out of 10 the people that hurt you you brought them into your life and so you got to reflect over the past you have to acknowledge the present and you have to cash vision for your future and take accountability and kill the self- condemnation stop tearing yourself down on the inside stop saying one thing thinking another and acting in a whole another way how you think is how you talk and how you talk must be how you behave because your thoughts will determine your behavior and your behavior determines your future and so everything's got to line up and so you need an alignment an internal alignment I can't align you you got to make the decision to align yourself you can hear a speech and make a decision but every day you have to make that decision that decision has to evolve into discipline and discipline turns into Mastery and Mastery builds momentum you're not going to always get it right but you got keep going when you start alone you possess a power that few can handle if you don't have self-confidence here's what you have you have a really bad reputation with yourself you have built a habit of not keeping the promises you make to yourself we've all heard this before you need to believe and know that you're one Decision One relationship one meeting one book one thought one something away from a completely different life here's how I built what I would call almost superhuman confidence in spite of my insecurity think about that superhuman confidence in spite of my insecurity it's an effort play if you don't have self-confidence you've never kept the promises you make to yourself check that box if you have self-confidence you've started to keep the promises you make to yourself if you want to have superhuman self-confidence you keep the promises you make to yourself and one more so if I'm going to get up and I'm going to work out I'm going to do 10 reps in the gym I do one more if I'm going to do 45 minutes on the treadmill I do one more if I'm going to make 10 contacts in a day I do that and one more if I'm going to tell my daughter I love her every day I'm going to do that and one more cuz in life we don't get our goals we get our standards long term and so if your standard is one more starts what starts to happen is you go I'm willing to do things other people aren't willing to do and I combine that that I have great faith great associations and I intend to help people this is a formula to build wonderful self-confidence and never lack humility when you have it never link your confidence to your ability it's predicated on your abilities or your achievements you're always going to be chasing it but if you link your confidence to your intentions man you have beautiful intentions and that is something I knew about me I know I have a good heart and all of us we run around carrying these bags of I'm not qualified cuz I made this mistake I had this bankruptcy this relationship didn't work I did this thing you don't know about I'm so ashamed of that's why you're qualifi that's the thing that qualifies you the humanness in you you are the only human being with your combination of gifts that you were given whatever they are and your experience and real human beings help real human beings by being vulnerable and transparent saying I know where you are I've messed up worse I've made greater mistakes I felt worse I know that depression I know that anxiety I know that shame I know what that feels like you're one away one relationship one meeting one person one thought away from changing your life so how do we let go of the past well we have to create a compelling future in other words you're not going to let go of one thing until you've grabbed on to the next you have to create a new future you have to create a future and by the way it's okay that you don't believe all of it initially as long as it becomes repetitive and we begin to take steps towards it right so it's it's for me I still have stuff from my past there's still a little part of me that doesn't want to be broke there's still a little bit of fear it's you're not broke yeah but but you've interviewed some of the most successful actors entertainers so have I and you get them privately and sometimes on your show they go you afraid it's going to go away they go yeah I am that's why I work so hard so there's an element of that that's okay MH it's creating this vision for your life that's compelling can you survive the temporary and if you can survive the temporary says on the other side of temporary pain you get introduced to your other self and that other self produces that other life uhhuh and so here's what happens for most of us we think everything's permanent because we think it's permanent we make permanent decisions based on temporary conditions even our bodies other than our soul souls are temporary but if your body isn't permanent your problem isn't your pain isn't you need to create a different relationship with pain in your life for most people their relationship with the pain and the inconvenience is to avoid it avoid so if you could be yeah but if you could say to yourself on the other side of this is this other self the hardest working you've ever been the most crazy Focus you've ever been was the happiest you've ever been in your life and the truth of the matter is that most of you don't understand the effort the time the focus the obsess iess that's required to do something great with your life but you have to get great and you have to be intentional you have to be obsessed I know what you put into this I know what the time is I know what the Relentless pace is I know what the focus is I know what you think about I know this has to be something that's just infectious and when people get around you that emanates and there's an energy and there's like this person's just going to will this to happen right I think just most people dramatically underestimate the amount of obsessive crazy Relentless focus it takes to be great at something and then they go W I don't want to be that out of balance or control then you don't want to be great my default personality is uh insecure even today even today come on very much very much how is that default you wake up and you say h I'm a nobody or what what's the I lack this I'm fooling everybody if they really knew you know I've always tried to disqualify myself I was bullied as a kid my dad was an alcoholic I wasn't a real big guy um I disqualify myself because you know the truth is that maybe for a while everything that I got that was Lov when I was a child only came when I achieved something I wasn't good in school the only thing I was good at was Sports so my default is tons of insecurity I love to beat myself up with mistakes I've made I did this I did that I should have done this I didn't do that and I've always thought these mistakes these weaknesses of mine disqualify me from being happy or helping people the confidence part is a thing I'm always going to have to work on even today even with all the success and the you know the massive show and the big businesses and all the homes and everything that people see yeah what else do you need though to feel more com I don't need other things it's an internal game the the stuff is really fleeting and temporary so it's not stuff what needs to happen for me is that I'm most confident when I'm living in my intention which is to serve like that's a beautiful expression of a man a real man is capable of real love that's a sign of real strength and what we do is we gravitate towards the familiar emotions in our life even if they're not ones that serve us and I don't think there's negative or positive emotions that say this in the book there just are yes fear isn't negative it fear in abundance is negative some frustration some anger is appropriate it's to the dosage level and we get these four or five of them for me some chaos is okay it's fun it's exciting it's exhilarating right but getting it every day every week every month all the time chaos is my Gateway emotion to the ones I don't want chaos gives me stress chaos gives me anger chaos gives me frustration chaos gives me fear I used to think well that's a superpower though because I've created all these external look what I made look what I did and I'm doing it because of that the truth is I did it in spite of it you did and there's a lot of things in our lives that we have linked to our formula our recipe of success that we hold on to that you've done in spite of those things not because of those things but my dad knew I was a dreamer and my dad would always say you know I was one decision away from changing my life the whole time one choice and he'd say Eddie you're not as far away from these dreams as you think you are and I'd say really Dad and you go no you're actually a lot closer than you think but because you think it's so far away you behave in accordance with that belief system and it always keeps it that far away from you if the things most important to you are your worries fears anxieties problems bills you will continue to have people places and things revealed to you that confirm it my definition of greatness is that you create a life that matches your vision for your life and that's greatness no matter what that looks like for you I get up at three cuz it's silent it's easier to be focused when the environment is focused most of you wake up and you try to make money listen to me if you would make you money would come to you okay you missed that whole thing I just said if you would make you a better person you'd make more money now watch what I do the way people spend their money or treat their money is how I treat my time all right let me explain what I mean to you I make sure that every single day in that 24-hour period but I'm getting getting a whole bunch of wins so I'm supposed to be doing this at this time doing this at this time doing this at this time doing this at this time the problem with most of you you waking up and you worshiping money man I was in the back when Cole Cole was like e i got this opportunity for you I got this opportunity I got this opportunity when you become number one you have to chase opportunities so I became number one not meaning I'm better than nobody else it mean I just mastered my craft to the point that I know what I do that don't nobody else do I know that I have a way of doing in this industry what nobody else does and I picked out in this industry I've cing out my own [Music] room and your problem is you at 50% knocking on doors trying to get the result somebody at 100% And you wondering why it ain't working because while you're doing what they're doing you're not they are so why do I put more emphasis on time than I put on money cuz they PR print money they don't print time no I'm going to say it one more time you are worshiping the thing that they make every day they don't make time every day ain't nobody print time I I ain't met them yet I Ain't Met no billionaire I Ain't Met no trillionaire I Ain't Met no institution I Ain't Met no company I Ain't Met nobody printing money so why are you spending more time on the thing they print every day than the thing you know why cuz you're not developed and you following other people when you understand that the real thing is time and you ain't got a lot of it you start focusing on your time and when you get your time right money will come some people go to the B once every 10 years I'm going every other month why when you master yourself you put yourself in a position that a lot of people can't do what you do and then you become rare and diamonds are rare that's why they cost so much if you would become rare you just like everybody else you look just like you act just like you just like everybody body else when you become you and you become rare you become a when you leave this room you will take full ownership and the reason why I say it's my fault even when it's not my fault because when I say it's your fault I give you power I give you control over my life and I will never give another human control over my life it's my fault it's my problem I'm coming up with the solution for it stop being average average people can't forgive average people can't let go the great we do whatever it [Music] takes those who have a why can bear almost any High how did I become number one in the world found out my wife had multiple sclerosis they told my wife listen to me y'all my wife so Beast SM they told my wife she had Ms she like B then they told her she had to quit her job and she tear came out of her the doctor said you don't have insurance she said yeah I got insurance she look at her like why you crying if you got insurance my wife's identity is in her waking up and working every day she went to school to be a registered nurse she went to school to do breast and cervical cancer she didn't want to be at home she don't want to be no home white she literally went to school to be a nurse she loves her job but when they told her she had to quit my wife's like I don't know what I'm going to do I said how much you make she told me 5,000 I said 5,000 * 12 is how much 60 times 30 years how much 1.8 million I woke up every day hunting 1.8 [Music] million I'm number one in the world not cuz I'm a better speaker I'm not number one in the world cuz I I look the best because I dress the best I'm not number one because my my my Annunciation is the best because I use the best words cuz I got the best sentence structure cuz I come from the best background I got I I'll be c number one cuz I woke up and I 100 to 1.8 Mill so my wife will never have to work again if you waking up every day and you want a Royals Ro you ain't about to beat me if you waking up for bitly you ain't about to beat me if you waking up for a gold chain you ain't about to beat me if you woke up for a ring you ain't about to beat me cuz you going after material stuff I'm going after my food I'm going after my baby I'm going after to my high school sweetheart I'm going after to my kids so they can see their mama and they mama don't die I'm making sure they mama don't get in a wheelchair if I can help you if they mama don't lose her sight if I can help it if her mama don't lose her memory so I start studying Ms like I had I start studying man your problem is you not studying this product like it like your life out on it like your life depend on it you playing with this product you know what you like the people that work for me that want a check and they never end up getting it but the people who own who work for my company act like they own it wake up every single day making sure she don't have to go back to work so watch this I start studying and I found out two things one is stress so I had to take her out of a stressful situation and then the other thing was vitamin D and I literally people say bro why you move to Southern California cuz my wife got Advanced I literally type what's the best place in the world for vitamin D Southern California what's the best temperature in the world in the United States of America San Diego California it don't never it don't go 99 100 and then back down it's right there I said San Diego I'm hunt you down you moving to San Diego why I don't care about San Diego my why my wife in the first year last year we were in San Diego my wife said to me we back to Michigan when the summer came my wife said you know something I said what she said I never took a nap in California say what you mean by that she said the sun energized and I I never needed to take a nap you going to come after me the reason why most of you can't do what you do you can keep getting knocked down you keep quitting because whatever your why is it ain't stronger than the beat down you take whatever the beat down whatever life is throwing at you whatever punches is blow you whatever's happening it ain't that it ain't deep enough for you to wake up like you getting punched and you feel that pain and you like ain't no need to get up no and I feel you you need to stay down cuz life going to be your you talking about making million life going to beat you down you're talking about making millions multi-millions billions life going to beat you down so so when you feel a pain and you get knocked down stay down if you got a wi is deeper than your pain every trial every tribul I will my way through it I don't care if it's cancer I will my way through it I don't care if it's Ms I will my way through it I don't care if I'm struggling in school and I'm trying to get a degree I will my way through I don't care if you fail the boards go again I don't care if you fail the law exam go again will your way through some things you can skill yourself through some stuff you got to will your way [Music] through without a vision there's no Direction without direction there's no progress reason why you struggling getting up cuz you don't have nothing to get up for I'm the best ever there's no one that can match me I'm the most brutal and vicious and most ruthless Champion theyve ever been they're going to fear me you have to be the champion before you become the champion so that means lifestyle have to be him before you become him you got to be him before you become [Music] him that's how it starts you look at somebody I want to be like him you don't say hey I'm a bad mother I want to fight everybody out here nobody's going to kick my my ass you see somebody and say hey I might want to do that well greatness is when you make your delusion is your reality nothing's impossible for somebody who's going to try if you're going to try HE capable of being done but you'd fight Ty and fury hey I'll fight a lion if the price is right my whole objective is your total Surrender Your Total Domination I'm going to destroy you that's why Rogan said when he watched you you were intimidating your rage is a very unique rage well that's their fault to be intimidated how I scare you for something you worked for I respect a person who's willing to die for what he truly wants Ali had the will to win like nobody that ever lived in boxing then he believed he projected to his opponent really look at how does Ali beat George foran huh how does Ali be sunny listen how do you beat these guys how do he even beat Joe Fraser fighting in the way he fights he beats him because he refused to lose but we have to believe that we're Divine and that we learn from our experience cuz confidence breathes success and success breathes confidence they go hand in hand you have to know who you are first you know who you I know who I am people say the great all time you this you that whatever they say I know who I am but I self Lov is not so self- love is discipline and discipline is doing what you hate to do but do it like you love it I never wanted to be obscure I was born in obscurity and I never wanted to deal with that again I'm Invincible I'm a Savage I'm ferocious I'm the smartest Savage I knew I wasn't going to die before I became champ when this is over everybody's going to know my name did you ever fight somebody that you were like that they got you was there ever a kid that got you or no absolutely in order to be good you have to lose it and understand loss cuz loss is life adversity make the strong stronger the weak [Music] weaker 12 13 what happens next so get arrested and I see Muhammad Ali comes and visit the in institution that I'm in you said you're in jail and Ali shows up I'm 12 years old and Ali comes there and he and they showed the movie The Greatest first so this is 77 and um after the movies over the lights come up and Ali comes in and I see him I want to be just like him I don't know how it happened to Spirit H me boom I want to be like him [Music] and then I get transferred to this other facility you know for real bad kids I met a gentleman there that was a boxer and he used to teach me how to box so he took me to a great trainer named custom and that's why I'm here I respected Ali and I wor Ali yeah this is the moment I know I wanted to be a fighter unfreaking believable story so your inspiration happened at 12 years old then you meet cus yes how is cus treating you what was his way of leading you yes um degree of his peeling all that dirt and stuff that insecurity and um developing into character and um that's why I had a wonderful time with him cuz everything about everything about his life was about me this world is one big school and and we're the students of this world the mind is always hungry the Mind wants to do good but we get so many negative thoughts in our mind is almost overwhelming to be [Music] positive listen I've been down and up down and up broken up and why am I still here cuz life is going to give everybody a bad hand no one's going to leave here without being tried in life [Music] so inspiration so is that what got you to be willing to be disciplined to get what you want like to become a champion at 14 years I'm willing to do everything it takes to be a champion absolutely and then I had cuss over there telling me why why should he have it that's one thing I never had in my life being cuz I always got picked on and I never had jealousy Envy about anything and cus possessed that you know and he was telling me why should he have all that money and you don't why why do you believe that he's better than you why you think he should have all that money you don't and he was really serious about it and that's what the competition that's it right there breathing and stuff right why why should he have he's not better than you how did you handle that when they told you that 14 would it piss you off or you're like I'm going to GO train to whoop his ass and to get there one day what was what was your response to it he said one day this guy know how to really get in my head he said man you fighting good but I wish you were bigger I wish you were like Kenny new and uh Mike we because they had big bodies and they could intimidate somebody and that hurt my feel I I make sure the whole world will be afraid of me he trained me to be totally ferocious in the ring and out yeah and that's what I was that's what I was yeah push yourself more push yourself when when you some sometimes you have to submit to yourself I'm doing everything and first thing in the morning 3 in the morning do your four miles come back in 3 in the morning yeah do your four miles come back in do your body exercise and all that stuff after that I go after to eat breakfast go to the school come back from School eat my dinner go back to the gym at 6:00 train come back at 8:00 um watch fights start all over man everybody here is going to fight for what they love for even they never had a fifth fight in their life they're going to fight listen once I'm involved with something I want to know the beginning of I want to know what came from how it was started who's the first guy that invented it that's just how my mind works how could these guys even dare fight me how dare you even think that you could beat me and you sound like a mathematician when you're talking about the art of boxing I was born for it there's nothing I would do unless I have um a possibility of being humiliated because when I succeed I truly succeed I was bred to climb high and high into the sky and Tumble down I am truly grateful that I found my wings before I hit the [Music] ground
Channel: Motiversity
Views: 113,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivation, motivational, motivational video, motivational speech, best motivational video, best motivational speech, speech, lone wolf, motiversity, lone wolf motivation, lone wolf motivational speech, lone wolf motivational video, lone wolf speech, lone wolf motivation compilation, This is for those who walk alone, or Those Who Walk Alone, walk alone, walk alone motivation, this is for those fighting battles alone, alone, wolf mentality, wolf mentality motivation
Id: xh51m5uJ6tE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 5sec (3785 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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