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yeah nothing changes and nothing changes man you know we'll sit around forever wondering well what if I you know what if I was a dog catcher would I be the best what if I was a you know every day we change the world but to change the world in a way that means anything that takes more time than most people have it never happens all at once it's slow it's methodical it's exhausting we don't all have the stomach for it what if it's a mistake it's a mistake rest assured what do you know you're going to stumble around right and what's going to happen is this you're going to move to you're going to not stay in stasis you're not going to wander around in circles and I see people like that they said well I never knew what to do and now I'm 40 it's like that's not so good that's not so good and you might say well and there is a literature too that suggest that people are a lot more unhappy when they look back on their lives about the things they didn't do than they are about the mistakes they made while they were doing things it's how they get you to give up they say it's not that simple any so what's the truth that it is I want people to understand that they're not alone that there are other people feeling exactly the way they're feeling that their behavior is not insane that they have a disease and it's not their fault there's a very famous kind of line that people don't change I happen to know that people do change and I see that every day I see people getting better I see the lights in their eyes come on there's a million excuses I could make to rationalize not getting up early doing the ice bath and going for a run there comes a time when all these potential excuses turn into fuel that motivates you to keep going you got to get out there you got to give it everything you got whether it's your time your talent your prayers or your Treasures because remember this you will never see a U-Haul behind a hearse if you want to know something about yourself sit on your bed one night and say what's one thing I'm doing wrong that I know I'm doing wrong that I could fix that I would fix you meditate on that you'll get an answer and it won't be one you want but it'll be the necessary one it's the whole issue people have a feeling that they can change but they have no effort they don't want to get into game because they feel it's you know it's just too much time and it doesn't work and I tried it and it doesn't work and then they give up and then life just goes on it's seamless you you don't see it it's just the way you've been living and my older brother who was 12 got into an electrical accident and he died in my arms and really come to terms with that I was the one who got to live that this life that we live it's a privilege and when I really started to take that in I felt this tremendous urge to do something with my life life to do something that mattered at some point everything's going to go south on you everything's going to go south and you're going to say this is it this is how I end now you can either accept that or you can get to work you can't stop you can't quit you can't say I'm a failure you're not a failure you're not you're a wonderful strong intelligent youngster take advantage of that trust in God trust in yourself until you say yeah I'm going to you know what I'm going to take action nothing changes if nothing changes man and I'm not preaching at you I'm just uh I just want to remind you cuz you know I've spent a lot of time in my life sitting around wanting things to change um and not being able to make them change and and not thinking I could and I wish somebody had told me that earlier some [Music] times that in order for something to change there needs to be change you cannot stand still because the world moves away from you if you stand still and there's no stasis there's only backwards and so if you're not moving forwards then you're moving backwards how much harder will you work in this offseason now to get back to the championship I'll push myself to exhaustion kobby we thank you for your time I just I feel like we sort of focus on right ways and wrong ways too much and um I think it's in a sense sort of scary to just be born and live life and and I I understand the the idea of kind of grasping onto um a particular thought of wanting to kind of feel like you somehow have a handle on the unknown but you know what the unknown is is the unknown every time you have changed you feel pain you stepped out of one relationship to another and you feel pain you leave one neighborhood to another and you feel pain you go from one job to another and you feel the fire of transition see change as growth see change as transformation see change as Evolution see change as necessary see change as critical see change as inevitable do something stop beinging scared if you have not jumped on the bandwagon of doing exactly what the you want to do which is skiing for the next 3 years or working at a job that's not what your parents want or what Society wants do something stop being being scared and so enough enough parents the kid that's sitting right now at a desk and saw this in a feed and you hate youring job enough stand up get the out of here and do you live your life you got one life and so if you're not willing to be a fool then you'll never start anything new and if you never start anything new then you won't develop and so the willingness to be a fool is the precursor to transformation and that's the same as humility and so if you're going to write your destiny you can do a bad first job you're going to get smarter As you move forward when you can learn to do things when you don't want to when you don't feel like it when you're tired when you can learn to push yourself to do them that's when the world opens up to you that's when success Knocks set your door there will never come a time when you can just happily Coast through life it's hard to stay governed by anxiety it's hard to be inconsistent it's hard not to have daily disciplines it's hard not to believe in yourself it's hard to be broke it's hard to be poor it's hard it's all hard so choose your heart what I am telling you to do is chase after that version of yourself that you know you could be what happens when I decide for myself that I'm to do something [Music] different you've got the gift of life you have the privilege of being here quit playing small you were meant to do great things nothing changes if nothing changes man [Music]
Channel: Motiversity
Views: 1,119,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivation, best motivational video, best motivational speech, inspirational, speech, motiversity, mindset, mentality, discipline, disciplinearc, nothing changes if nothing changes, nothing changes if nothing changes motivation, nothing changes if nothing changes theo von, nothing changes if nothing changes motiversity, you vs you, wake up, wake up motivation, nothing changes motivational speech, hopecore, theo von motivation, theo von speech, jordan peterson, motivational speech
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 32sec (512 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2023
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