Gervonta "Tank" Davis Calls Jake Paul a Clown & Talks Fight with Isaac Cruz

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right we got tank davis davis in the building yeah we're at the this is mayweather's gym so yeah so this is where you train out mayweather slash my gym by the way where's the i'm not trying to be like whatever where's the is there air conditioning in this place does he give him does he turn the [ __ ] air conditioning on no i walked in here it's literally a [ __ ] sauna tank yeah it's definitely all his money's going to fund his strip club now and not the gym or what yeah i wish i would have strip club you like strip clubs no no i can't i can't i can't do them it's a waste of money strip club is the best waste of money on planet earth have you ever been to mayweather strip club no i haven't i don't go to i did what i did it once and i spent way too much money and i kicked my nothing happened at the end of the night and i just realized i spent all this money and threw money in the air and i'm like where the [ __ ] did the money go one on the ground these girls just picked it up and i was like it's gone now so strip clubs really are my thing definitely it'd definitely be like that sometimes yeah 100 no ass but anyways good luck uh coming up here you have uh you have isaac cruz yes sir coming up you excited i'm definitely excited it's my first time fighting at uh the staples center so that's on the sunday so we gotta pull up to that we're gonna pull up to 100 what what does this fight like kind of like mean to you as opposed to like other fights oh you say it's like tough or no yeah definitely tough well i don't know to get in there but just the whole thing like going on like me fighting at the staples center on a sunday i gotta adapt to like who i see in the crowd how the crowd is how to the arena that's over that's like a football player when he's about to you know go into the arena or a basketball player would you say you you fight better when the crowd's against you i i'm not sure i i fight better when i feel like my back against the wall like when i feel like the whole when people when i think not the crowd but when i think that people like leading up to the fight and i think people that's going against me i think that's what bring the best out of me i hear a lot of athletes saying like they don't even like pay attention to the crowd or like they're so dialed but you're like kind of the opposite like you actually like you like analyze the crowd as you're like walking in and that either helps you or i i to be honest i pay attention to everything really to everything like even me just on a press call like on a call with him i just paid i pay attention to everything just to fill out to see how everything gonna play out i like the pet even now like there's purity in life but i make sure i pay attention to you know everything is he is he an easier opponent you think cruz than the guy you're supposed to fight for really i don't think he's a he's an opponent because his style of fight he's coming in he's throwing a lot of punches he he can hit you know and uh he come forward you know so i think that he he's not he's an opponent our assistant gabe looking gabe looking to get his screen time he's just shoving it in your face you can tell the [ __ ] off at any time he just likes to be on camera you train like specifically like for an opponent does that like [ __ ] [ __ ] up when an opponent pulls out to be honest i work out to better myself it's never it's never to to fight towards that opponent because that opponent can change his style of fighting but i just i just train to better myself that's it and when we go into the ring it's just like you gotta adapt to whatever that guy is bringing what's like the regiment like like in a camp like schedule wise people have people have like different camp some people just go away and be but you specifically me uh i just like first of all i get a camp house you know uh out here like day one in the camera i start running start running probably like it's different times i might don't feel like running in the morning i might run at night you know it all depends what fit true like i run in the morning if i don't i i'll run at night train probably like two or three if i want to do something again i train at night or i run and that'll be it but when i'm in cat i really don't go outside like it's hard for me to go outside so i'll just be in a gym and home that's it like i don't go nowhere what kind of runs do you do like how long's like a run the longest of i just did a run the longest run i probably ever did was like a eight mile run and that's like a daily thing eight miles no hell no what are you like what do you run like on a daily like what's a daily run daily run probably like five miles five hours a day how did everything start for you with boxing like when did it when did it start like when did you start falling in love with the game boxing you know fighting everything like that uh so first of all um i came from the group home came from the group on my mom i met my uh my grandmother fought to get get me and my brother back and uh we was the new kid on the on the block so i was always the aggressive one so i always was the one that was fighting like i used to fight my brother battles and things like that you know so just fighting a lot fighting at school and one time i was fighting in front of my um doorstep and my uncle came outside and he was like he got on me and he took me to the boxing gym you know and i was i was getting loved from the gym that i wasn't getting at home so you know any kid i just loved the gym just as because it had coaches it had i had all the people i probably i wasn't the youngest but i was one of the youngest you know so um it wasn't just boxing it was just the love i was getting at the gym like it was like family type stuff you love the energy yeah so i kept going and then i started actually fighting because i went to the gym when i was seven you can't compete until you ate you know so once i started competing i won like 15 fights straight until i lost so and then i when i was 10 i went to a national so at a young age i was traveling and doing stuff like that so i i actually felt like i could make something out of boxing you know so that's how i just kept with boxing so so when you say the the the group home thing so how did that all take place with because i read something that it was you were five years old when was it you were i don't really know what was my age but i was i was young i was real young and you know my mom and dad was on drugs and my mom left me and my brother in the house and i guess somebody called the police on them and they in the uh the people came and got me and my my brother so we was it's three of us one of my brothers was already in a group home and me and my other brother they came and grabbed us so we was all separated me and my other brother was together but the other one was just like to this day i don't know like way yet like i didn't talk to him and stuff like that but did you do you have any communication with your parents at all yeah i love my mother no matter what happened i love my mother nice and do you use any of this stuff is use this stuff kind of as motivation when you get in the ring yeah i was always the type of fighter i'm a type of person that i always use something to my advantage it's never like not people use that like i had my mother a father so i ain't gonna be [ __ ] sometimes i had a that that mindset be like damn like why my father didn't do such a like be there for me so i don't have to do this but then again i'll be thinking like i'm happy you know cause if he can't do that i wouldn't be here where i'm at today because you find that a lot of things are important for a lot of people in life is having you know a solid mentor you know yeah and so it's important to have somebody you can like lean on that can pick you up during times or inspire you in certain ways so i mean who are some guys whether it be early in your career middle your career late in your career who are some of your mentors the one mentor i had the one mentor that i had was calvin he played here where's calvin at calvin was my coach so he was already the person that i had like damn like that looked at like a dad like a superhero type stuff because when did you guys meet when i was seven matter of fact we didn't even i started with calvin's son calvin's son started me off in a in a gym calvin's son did he got killed um i started off with him because we had another fighter that was good in the gym that calvin was paying attention to so he wasn't really worrying about me i was young i couldn't even compete so calvin's son used to come home and tell calvin like i got this box us so on and so on and cal was a hand and he was so focused on his fighter so his fighter wind up going to um prison for like a robbery itself for five years so now he started looking at me you know so um that's when you know man calvin locked in because we was on the same mission like my mission was you know to be the best amateur out there and his mission was to be the best coach you know so and he's still with you all this time that's pretty much dope actually all the guys that started with us they all did like everybody that was older than me that started with me they all got killed in the gym like it was just probably like six or seven seven of them like everybody i actually started with did really yeah all the fighters so did you did you grow up like in the hood yeah i mean baltimore that's like a that's pretty tough right yeah what was it like what was it like there i mean regular like hood stuff just fighting and get older you start other activities and you know but and your way of kind of staying out of the that life was the gym yeah boxing definitely really saved my life because i had an anger problem and then any little thing that ticked me off even now you know that's all great that definitely boxing you know watch yourself bobby i know i'm like there's one guy i can't [ __ ] with on our podcast show to you so yeah you know what i mean especially sitting so close here yeah but boston definitely saved my life by yeah for sure how did uh how did you and floyd connect when did you uh first meet floyd so man floyd connected once i had my old manager i don't want to say his name because but i had an old manager he brought me to bring me to floyd i was young though i probably was about like like 18 17 18 and um so he brought me to him we chopped it up but it was at a club so floyd wasn't ready i don't think floyd was really paying attention so adrian broner he he was fighting in vegas and uh adrian was fighting here and he brought me in like one of his fighters and then he was like uh and floyd had a guy so me and the guy spawned and floyd like like like the spawn so he was like he he had his assistant caught like they was hit me like everywhere my phone no i don't think they had my number they emailed me or something and they was writing under my pictures and it was like floyd trying to get in contact with you and i even see it somebody in my comments like kept like and the person like don't you see this like they trying to get up with you type stuff so i wind up you know um coming back out vegas and i was out of vegas probably for like a whole whole i want to say six months to a year straight with floyd like i signed to him before i even signed to him he was like doing a lot for me i don't a lot without even paperwork so i stuck with him you know and he got me my first world title at 21 i think 22. oh wow so i was at a young age i was only widow probably like a year and got me my world title is he has he gifted you any of this jewelry that you're wearing right now no but he gives me a lot of drawer not this but what is some of the stuff like how to give you his first piece he gave me he gave me a roulette i think i wrote a plank i didn't even know what rolex was he bought me a damn cuban right that probably was like a hundred grand right he bought me a lot he bought me a car he got me in the house he did a lot he did a lot before i even respond to him because i see a lot going on here so that was something you trying to start rocking ice bob no i would never i can't i could see you rocking those oh no i can't pull that off i think he could pull off like he can but i'm blinded by all this [ __ ] going on over here that's what i'm saying what is that what what kind of watch is that this is a richard molly richard milley okay yeah and the earrings those things what do those things go for hypothetically if i wanted to go to the store and buy that right now how much would that be these like three sets of everything so they are different prices all right like 10 000 50 000 they are over probably 200. you ever think you would get to this point where you could have all this going on i always knew i was going to be big but never so quick i ain't no i i my whole goal was the the to be good at boxing like whoever be a world champion like i remember me going to like an amateur fight like a amateur tournament they had boxing glove there and they they showed me the box of gloves i look at the body of like hell no i'm never trying to bro like i'm a fight amateur but really you thought that yeah i was because the glow was so small i'm like hell i'm never getting hit with like somebody wearing this like they can't hit me with this but i'm here what's like your overall goal like what's your goal as like in this sport like what do you want to achieve i just want to i want to be like it's not even just being just a champion no more just i want to be a star wars though my star power lead to something else like it's just not boxing no i mean i just don't want to be a boxer you know i want to be more than a boxer i want to be like a a star like not just a boxing star just lead to something else i don't want my my my journey to stop at a boxer that's not my journey you know i want to branch off and do other stuff stuff be uh owner of man other things probably a movie star anything just like do a little acting i mean no but i can get into it yeah shakespeare for a little bit yeah like it's you doing shakespeare you look at shakespeare yeah theater no no no no no no never mind sorry i was big into theater and acting so if you need anybody coach you on the acting let me know oh yeah i guess yeah so tank how would you fight floyd in his prime like if you were to fight floyd like don't fight if you guys were both in the yeah don't fight him i wouldn't fight him i mean floyd was good he was he was he was top tier i mean me i feel as though i could compete with any top top fighter i'm not saying me going that floyd but i'm saying like i feel as though my skills i feel like my skills and not to take nothing from floyd but i feel like my top my skills can compete with anybody that ever laced up a boxing glove you're crazy to watch bro like yeah you hit like a [ __ ] train yeah [ __ ] yeah it's [ __ ] like yeah so you think you you're a fan of uh garcia ryan at all uh how is that even like a thing though to me like i don't think that would even be like fair no i think that he's he's you know how you got fam he he's a he's a he's a instagram boxer yeah he's a good looking guy like i wouldn't want to leave mike i want to say that but like i don't know about but when it comes to boxing like it would be fun he's really good i wouldn't want to leave nobody would stop you know i'd probably be a little worried to be honest but with it with ryan when it comes to boxing ryan looks like a greek goddess tank would [ __ ] toss him down oh he does he's a good looking dude you're right i would be afraid to leave my girl around him and he is dope to watch in like the instagram videos and [ __ ] too like he yeah he has fast hands and [ __ ] he's obviously a good boxer but yeah what about when it comes to like this level it wouldn't even be fair he can't compete with me i people in the gym will tell you that i've already everybody got top skills like a top guy like top five type stuff is garcia in your i'm sorry is garcia in your weight class or anything yeah you guys are the same white class we suppose a fort why didn't it happen he pulled out why'd he pull out mental health okay that's what he said i know a little bit but i feel like he's probably just not ready they probably just think he's not ready that's what i would say yeah i mean mental health is definitely is he is he on your hit list of fighting i mean i don't even know because because that would be a big fight right that would be yeah maybe it would be a big fight but it's like you never know with him it's always something going on like not to talk but want to keep going on and on but just it's always something going on with him so you never know how about uh how about jake what do you think of jake clown yeah he's a clown who you got in the tyson fury uh uh jake paul fight or do you connor tommy or tommy fair tyson result tyson i think because he's can tommy fury even fight though like really he looks [ __ ] huge by the way i don't get jacked i don't know but i know that jake can't fight can't fight he can't he can't fight so would you look at it as a joke if someone if if your team was like yo we want you to fight jake paul would you be like yeah i'll laugh at him like you want me to fight him you think it'll ever come to the point where you're gonna mix into i mean you're obviously doing the real [ __ ] but we'll ever mix into the point where the money's big enough would you ever do a fight like that i feel as though in my career i can't do that right now why i say that because i ain't put in enough work like i ain't i'm not a floyd mayweather i ain't no manny pacquiao or no canelo you know i mean i still got ashley the work to put in that's like that's like me in that eighth grade trying to like do something like out this world to somebody that's already did that schoolwork and [ __ ] like that so i think that i should actually still gotta have my foot on the gas far as boxing like you gotta completely completely take over and prove that take this yeah right if i do that right now they're gonna they're gonna look at me as a joke just as well as they look at it yeah you're on too good of a streak to just yeah i can't side track off that you seem like like you know you're quite kind of like a quiet reserved dude yeah i mean all this [ __ ] that leads up to the fight like sitting here for an hour i just saw you on a [ __ ] press conference for 30 minutes i saw you doing an interview over there do you hate this do you just want to get in the ring and fight or do you actually enjoy the prep and all this media and stuff that comes with it no i enjoy everything i enjoy it sometimes i get you know um i get like a little tiring but for the most part i feel as though i asked for i asked for all that you know how you pray for something to actually come you be like damn like this [ __ ] actually work like you feel me so i think that you know uh sometimes i get tiring but it's all for the the better the better myself you know i feel as though this is what i need to do to be a star to be you know bigger than the next boxer you know so i i always take it in even if i don't feel like doing it i try to get it done mm-hmm i guess that's like any job too right like blessed to be a position no but a job is like a job that can be people don't like jobs they do it because they they have money or they have to tell me me i do it because you know i love it oh i asked for it and then if it get tiring after a while sometime i'll be like [ __ ] it but you just got to push just like anything else like yeah for sure so you're are you a heavy favorite against cruz i don't even know i don't pay attention to that because i don't ever want to think about like oh they think i'm a so if i feel like i'm a happy favorite i feel as though like i take somebody lightly so i don't even pay attention to that i don't even like bet i need to start bad i want like games and stuff like football games and [ __ ] i would expect you to have some of the partnership with some sports book or something by now right yeah i don't got none of that can athletes i don't think athletes can do that she does for you always promoting i'm not an athlete in public what are all all these tattoos they do they all just connect to one you have to you're all tatted up all over the place here but listen i see a lot of boxers getting that leg tatted yeah because let's just say i started all this [ __ ] yeah but what is it you got pacino on there right yeah that's albert i love him like i can watch scarface like all the time i just like him because he he was a person that he lived in his truth right he didn't he didn't i just think that he overdid it when he was doing like he started doing drugs heavy on drugs as an actor or a character as an actor oh no not as a character yeah i like scarface that's why i was that's why do you how do you unwind with all this [ __ ] going on you got all these cameras everything blah blah how do you unwind you watch hey are you in any netflix shows you're into i'm into power i'm late but i'm into power right now power power is my inspiration what is power i'm sorry i don't know i i'm just asking can you explain to him um it's basically a dude that um i forgot i haven't watched it in a while i was uh i was on like i was watching a couple episodes and stuff it's really interesting but it's basically a dude that owns a bunch of like clubs right yeah and he's like into the whole like it's just a lot it's a lot honestly you guys he had a drug deal yeah that's everything yeah family man yeah his kid don't listen to him yeah he's kids bob's just religious squid games eh i mean i started squid games i watched three episodes i think people that watch square games just they gotta be like lunatics right i just don't get it yeah yeah i don't know i can't i can't get in i don't understand it either i can't get into it people when that watch sway games they gotta be crazy like a little off come on have you seen it yet have you started the watch yes give up on it i couldn't get through the first 15 minutes lit up you couldn't keep watching i watched the part when they got like when they was they had to play green light red light or something like that yeah i watched that and then i was like nah i can't watch this it's too graphic no it's just crazy like i think people that watch that got to be sick in the head jesus christ all right i'll stop watching it for god's sake here oh my god what's uh so might might we just had mike tyson on the show you have a relationship with mike because people don't they compare a lot of years yeah do you have a relationship if you never met somebody i've never met him not really but i mean what so you guys just talked online yeah we talked on uh we talked on facetime we talked on uh live that's about it but i see we don't really have a relationship i mean he just like me as a fighter as i like him as a fighter you know i think that top fighters they they respect each other you know i mean like people that's i mean i feel like all the legends uh respect me talk about in the sport and sport of boxing i think they they gave me my props who's the coolest guy ever reach out to you you're like damn the coolest guy that reached out to me hi drake you boys with drake yeah odell a lot of i mean yeah a lot of athletes reach out your boy are you boys with a little baby yeah that's my boy yeah yeah little baby trainer little baby how'd you he's going crazy right now little baby yeah that's my boy i thought you meant dub baby the baby's got some [ __ ] you see his instagram live today oh that's some that's two different babies yeah yeah that was too big babies [ __ ] the baby went off today yeah he went something with he got a fight you see that he got in a fight like live on instagram live he went live today and with his girl got in this it's hard to believe that's real he was live on instagram i know i don't know [ __ ] it looks kind of fake nah he's really with it i could tell what do you mean by that zlatan you can't read it if you go over like what you see on the internet you'll have a different like people will say i'm a monster on the internet but when you actually meet me it's like yeah you see a different person that's why i don't know if it's 100 real i mean he went on live and told his baby mama that she was just a side chick so i don't know and it's like right when a single drops too but i don't know yeah it's actually it's going yeah you never know what the internet bro because he could be promoting something she could be promoting something and just i don't know that's why i just don't mind my business because you never know like y'all can come on and say you don't like each other and it could be a whole thing for the internet and i'd be like i side with you and say [ __ ] him and be like the whole time y'all school and y'all just now it's just i made a beef with you out of nothing so it's best for people to mind that business so you're trying to stay off the internet you pay attention no i'm on the internet but i just know how to mind my business can't be having my own stuff going on so i can't you know i can't comment on somebody else's stuff you know a lot of people we not nobody not perfect but people play to be perfect on the internet everybody had their own problem so do people [ __ ] with you at all like in the dms yeah did you get mad um [Music] i used to like write back but now there's literally no point in doing that there's no no you can't i do that too you do it all the time i know i do i gotta stop trust me i gotta [ __ ] stop that [ __ ] i mean when like when i first started coming out i started writing back like going crazy at people but then i'm like i can't write everybody back so now they people into trolling now yeah yeah so if you like if you like keep up with them and troll with them and [ __ ] like that it's like they feed off that so you gotta you gotta block it out you can't win if you respond at all jake paul he's he's not to keep bringing him up but he liked the troll yeah so if you keep going at him like yeah yeah troll you and people get like a joy man out of it so you just gotta chill now they're talking about logan fighting tyson no mike oh my god like they're talking about that yeah but actually too though isn't is mike a little older now you think he would still i don't know but yeah did you still beat him i mean didn't that come up on our podcast first or no i could tell you hate this whole entire [ __ ] no i don't hate it i i don't hate it really do you watch these things like when do you buy the pay-per-view when he when he when logan fights or jake fights or any of these guys no not when they fight i've i bought it when floyd for it you know i actually didn't buy it we went to we went to like a um a crab spot but i definitely watched it though do you ever think these things are like fixed like the the fights that jake and like no hell no i don't think it's fixed because the only time the only reason why i say it's not fixed because you actually got to do what you say you're going to do like i don't think that they just like yo go knock them out and [ __ ] like that like people put that money into it like just as well like that's like they can say that this [ __ ] fix that man is it's a cruise guy like it's not fixed he's actually trying to win do you think like what they're doing now is good for boxing in your in your opinion good for the sport or it's not good for the sport i don't think so you don't think so no in what way because it's let's just say like like me right i've been training since i was seven like i've been training for six years yeah i see what you're doing 20 years yeah and then you got somebody that never done it before and put on a box of gloves and it can make a 1 million like that's crazy you think it brings more like eyeballs and gets people more excited about boxing overall though no no because they only gonna pay attention to who they want to pay attention to they don't care about they don't even know the other fighters they just know this one guy that they paying attention to once they've like stopped watching him they going about that day that's like me right now i'm a singer and i like like so like a fighter like you and then you come in that box i'm not gonna i don't care about who you fighting like i like you as a person you know what i mean after that i'm going about my day was there rumor you were gonna fight mcgregor or did somebody ask you once about mcgregor somebody probably asked me about mcgregor i say i'll fight him one at the floyd i thought i read something online that you did something about mcgregor didn't you say you'd be you'd be mcgregor i guess come on bro i'm a boxer he'd lay mcgregor yeah come on i think mcgregor's on some [ __ ] right now too he probably he's out for how long did mcgregor just get he got hurt right in the last ufc event that guy's got to set a record for guinness book of like assault charges soon he just punched a dj and [ __ ] oh yeah yeah i think so would you would you ever tap into the mma like fighting mma fighters or would you just strictly boxing for you boxers if they if they pay me like i know they probably won't pay me like about like a boxer like a boxing match but if they pay me enough like that i'm comfortable with it i i fight mma fighter you'd go into the octagon yeah because no one's done that you do that yeah really but yeah like you can't kick me in the face like no can you kick him in the face and yeah yeah yeah yeah you got everything knees elbows yeah you got to be careful no cause you got to think about it i slip punches so if somebody can kick me from all the way down here i deserve to get kicked you just have to choose someone that's maybe like not a big wrestler or some [ __ ] no somebody just yeah i got to fight somebody like in my weight class because i don't think nobody like get me like somebody in my weight getting me down like pinning me i don't i don't see that cuz you i i'm from the hood like we used to wrestle first thing we do is like if we can't if first thing we do we're going to swing and then from the swing we're picking you up and slamming like let's just say if i'm fighting right now on the street i'm not going to just straight box you i'm gonna swing and then i'm gonna pick you up you're going up in the air did you uh do you guys like usually just hash it out like back then like when you were in baltimore like you just fight hash it out that's it like we used to have like like a gang like how he is in the ring you used to have like a gang of people that used to fight like oh you guys just all brawl each other i would we was crazy bro i don't even want to see what we used to do on like yeah point you ever heard a point of my knock them up i think i've heard of that definitely no i haven't yeah we should do like we don't want to elaborate i would pull it up pick up is whatever just pull it out just google that stuff out knock them out yeah just listen to it point them up knock them out so someone points and then you have to knock the guy out man that's what it sounds like yeah it doesn't seem too complicated it seems like it just is what it is so have you ever gotten a street fight i got jumped i got jumped by my homeboys so we went to go fight and my uncle used to work at a building like a building that we would fight like near what we was fighting at so he called me so i go i go and um see what he wanted i'm like man we up here like doing whatever we doing then i ran back so they thought i rant on them like fighting wise so they jumped me so boom so when they jumped me i'm like all right the next day in school it was scooter and i i get up in the morning i get all my stuff i tell my uncle like i'm going ahead and i if i see any one of them they're going to be calling you about like 12 12 30. so i see one of them i take out my book bag he was like you shouldn't and i just stole them i just hit him in his mouth and we got into it so you know my um they called my uncle going crazy talk about this one i used to fight in school like i used to fight in school like every day bro so there's a lot of detentions or suspensions in school yeah i used to fight in school like and then you get you what did you get sent to the principal's office yeah all that spell er expel you've been expelled yeah i'm sorry we all listen we all have our listen i mean i never get expelled but i should try make people laugh a lot so i used to always do things that got me suspended in trouble never used to fight people i couldn't do that but back to the the mma thing we're good friends with dana dana white we were having we were having dinner with him last night i don't know if you've seen those you know the kids that you've seen the kid that looks like a baby that's like khabib's friend yeah yeah so he was telling us that they're actually in negotiation to put you've seen the two kids fighting though yeah cole you should pull it up if you can hezbollah they're gonna fight each other dana told me he's actually like trying to make it happen and it would be over there in the octagon right now they're 19 or 19 years old yeah yeah yeah isn't that funny so they're not like little people they're but they're just have like i'm not sure what the disease is but they're just like they look like babies but and they actually don't like each other they don't they don't like each other i don't know they just don't [ __ ] with each other like they fought they were pushing each other at the you should find the video cool yeah there's a video of them like on youtube probably pushing yeah i thought they were like three or four years old i did not know they were yeah they were five like six years old so they understand what they like they understand what they're doing yes you know khabib right yeah so the one the one kid's from the same small russian town dagestan so i guess he became friends with khabib and now i don't know who this other the other little guy is but he's a little fireball too and they're just [ __ ] full of energy and they just want to go out and i like him he's [ __ ] funny what are you saying though he's awesome oh my god look what these two don't like each other why i don't like each other though i don't know i think i just love fighting oh he with the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] that happened in abu dhabi right i would buy that fight all day yeah i will watch that i would watch that all day that would be i just thought since dana was against the whole like obviously you know jake paul stuff that he wouldn't want to do this type of thing but last night he was like dead serious about it what if they get hurt though that's what i asked them but he said obviously they have to look into it with the doctors and stuff like that and see if it's i don't know is there a lot of knockout power in those punches i think the guy with the loose i think the guy you like would get [ __ ] up the other guy looked like he had some he had like a good stance and [ __ ] it's funny how they're in the suit and they're like can you imagine beetlejuice i like beetlejuice too yeah why was he trying to fight no he he'd be always in my dm are you trying to fight so back back to your [ __ ] in december so who's uh who's walking you out i don't know who do you think she'll walk you should get baby i mean your money bag did that thing when money bag walked out uh little baby would be hard little baby would be hard i was like what would you let us walk you out yeah yeah i could walk me out but you gotta [ __ ] with these three but it gotta be what someone like i can't just have you yeah baby you can't have us really firepower to walk you out the hood's not gonna go crazy a [ __ ] bob memory walks out no tank you know all right no baltimore is gonna be sitting down no i'm saying y'all can walk me up but it gotta be like also our artist baby baby three of us a little baby drake we'll just be in the background casually yeah y'all could like but i got to do something crazy it can't be that yeah no we're not a little baby song you bumping if little baby were to walk you out you like a girls want girls guy or more of like a we paid yeah we can't listen i mean i can't listen to girls want girls walking out it got to be like something like i always wanna i don't wanna give my strategy away because people people there's a strategy to the walkout yeah it's the strategy of everything i feel like forget that by a little baby we'll go hard i like that song what's that forget that forget that you don't know something i think you should throw your blog like the jurassic park theme or something like that no it can't be no harry potter it got to be something that like can you that would be you know the harry potter song would be hard i'll dress up in harry potter and you can dress up as [ __ ] dumbledore and we'll come out and walk you out no it can't be that but oh why is that bad do that would be funny bro do you follow the uh no sex rule during the uh fighting i mean by the way yeah i wonder that too yeah but because didn't we talk on one word who else who do we talk about before there's no sex during the fight stuff we just spoke to somebody jake said that now what do you say he said you can't [ __ ] around he's not even a boxer shut up okay okay you're right i'll listen to you so you don't like that you can't listen to somebody that just started fighting you don't even know is this your is this your biggest bag yet that you're getting in this fight is this your biggest bag as you stare at the earrings no i know they're just growing bigger by the [ __ ] minute i don't know yeah i actually really wonder that so you you don't you don't follow it so like just follow the no sexual yeah people are different like you got to do what fit you so for you what i mean does it fit you i mean why are you switching to the sex life no i really wonder like uh to calm me down in the in the ring or i don't know no but if you're not if you not have sex right and you training like he said i train like for like four or five weeks and don't do nothing yeah you'll be so tensed up that like i get like 48 hours before to like get like pissed off or some [ __ ] but why five weeks like that doesn't i don't think that does it's gonna be too like you gotta you have to you gotta you gotta stay dialed too right because if you don't then you're probably gonna wanna go out and like deal with that you need to relieve some stress sometimes yeah yeah it's a balance i don't think just like just stop like completely but back in the day fighters used to do that though i didn't think they wasn't getting the last what do you do like probably not what do you do like after a fight like what's the lifestyle like after like a w like how long do you just like not like yeah bro dubai's [ __ ] well we actually were in abu dhabi abu dhabi's uh you win this fight what's the immediate after party yeah like what's after your w like when do you how long do you take off probably to the toilet club i think i think everybody go to like they want to celebrate yeah even if it's not the club it's you're not going to take buster's after a fight right it's it's something you don't have to drink or nothing just enjoy yourself that's like you winning a big championship like that's only if you win if you want if you don't win just [ __ ] your ass in the house are you enjoying yourself with women as well like after a fight or you just there just have a good time on your own what the [ __ ] i wonder no i wonder i may probably be a woman there definitely going to be one i want to party with a bunch of full-set podcast hosts yeah he's not partying with [ __ ] me and you after the fight you know no y'all can come but it's definitely going to be you have to pay that bill after after you go out do you the guy has to pay that bill or is it i'm not paying nothing right no who covers it then somebody else somebody it ain't gonna be me i probably don't pay the bill for like that next the club probably does it right the club's like come hang out we want you to [ __ ] come here we'll stalk you up do everything no but if you go over like say if they they pace like they tell you like they got a set like they're paying you like 20 000 to come to the club then they give you an extra like 3 000 that you could spend in the club like far as getting bottles and things like that but i don't drink so i get the bottles and just pass them out you don't drink it all no i used to drink but i don't drink when'd you stop right before my last fight because drinking like drinking it made me something i'm not you know some days it might make me like loud and crazy and some days it may make me angry you know i just don't want to be like somebody that i can't control myself so i just stopped and then it made me blow up it would make me like gain a lot of weight you know so and i'm a person i always want to be on point like when i'm outside so i can't drink and do all all that if i do drink it's wine a little one night yeah you had a lot of bottles of wine at the club i think it's my age i'm good i'm 27 now so nice getting a little yeah red wine slaps actually the drinking was like messing you up the next day as well yeah like it was just too much yeah that should like i'll be i'd get up with a headache you know it's like a day's wasted right yeah i feel like the hangout uh drinking already is bad like i ain't gonna lie drinking is really like if you drink that drink and then the whole not to bring up the internet with the the uh football player but he would drop [ __ ] his life went bye-bye yeah drinking and driving [ __ ] that's [ __ ] crazy yeah you were never a big weed guy you only you said you only smoked once yeah i smoked when i was 10. wow yeah smoking with my brother over there did you get like paranoid no yeah i freaked out i've had the same did you see the football player blame like the fire department or some [ __ ] or the defense guy that was his like defense was that the what the fire department didn't show up fast enough yeah that's a terrible situation what happened that was awful how she couldn't get out though i mean their car i think i mean they didn't cheat like cars pretty obviously he hit her at like 125 miles per hour he was going 156 and i think hit her that's why i said that try drink well he was drunk right yeah drinking and driving that's right that's just i mean if you know how to control yourself you have somebody that like there with you that okay but drinking just people that don't know how to control that self off a liquor and not one of them people so i've rather cut the whole cut it off because i don't want to be like messed up or make a mistake that i hurt somebody else or hurt myself so i say stop drinking a lot of stuff too is the weight and you have to make weight and all this stuff too so that probably has something to do with it and then it'd be like if i drink it and like if i'm not fighting and i drink all the way to a fight against like i'm blowing up like 40 30 pounds now i gotta lose then it's like because you had issues in the past with making weight yeah you got stripped of a title for missing weight yeah and stripped from money what did you what do you blame that on drinking no no i wasn't drinking it i take that back it was from uh i have like a chef so i was out i was out here eating sonic every day yeah sonic sonic sonic and um slushies drinking slushies oh they are so good i don't blame you dude yeah those things are so good so no more slushies y'all don't like sonic sonic 5 i haven't yet i don't really i haven't really liked it like two years ago yeah i mean it's trash now i i meant not sorry it looks why can't you see sonic's trash that's all right i feel like i might want to deal with them yeah but there's many other others i'm not gonna do anything don't do that you know you ever uh you ever get pep talks before uh before your fight like somebody just hype you up you know floyd he he remind me like not he don't hype me up but he remind me like that who i who i am like what was the greatest thing he's ever said that's like stuck with you like greatest thing floyd said you said a lot of things bro i can't really say off the top of the head but he said a lot of great things but he's one of your big big mentors he's the guy so when you go to for you know he's your guy that's hyping you up before the fight yeah he he's not the guy to hype me up but he's the guy that's oh he's the main guy that's in my corner like you know how like you know like like a supporter type stuff like your friend like he's one of them guys that makes sure like make sure you on your game like that's the guy that like i'm saying like fight night when i'm in the ring i mean going into the dressing room and all that he's the one like always in my face like he'd be this close like yeah he's that guy i appreciate him for that too i ain't just really realized that to just now that he is the main guy that'd be in my corner so you're a new dad yeah how was that how's the whole dad um another girl crazy you have one you have one uh one baby no two two babies two girls two girls wow yeah how's that change [ __ ] i mean buy more guns yeah wow yeah i can't imagine uh in the future dating your daughter or something like that hypothetically some guy having to come the door deal with you nah me i'd just be more i'm i just want her to she could talk to me well both of them they could talk to me about anything that's the only main thing that's all i say don't never hide nothing from me like you gotta always talk to me cuz i'm not nobody to judge i then did a lot of stuff so for you to you know feel though that you gotta hide something for me i think that's that's bad so i will always let that be known for my daughters that just if you anything i'm all because that's how calvin was to me no matter what it is don't hide enough from me but i'm here that's how i think that i want my daughter that don't hide enough from me yeah they're saying you got to bounce but so when's the fight december 5th uh in los angeles at the staples center on a sunday so we got to put we got to go we should go what is it showtime paper pay-per-view showdown yeah make sure if y'all want to come and get your information so let's do it i'd love that well we uh we we 100 support you wish the best of luck yeah but keep it up i think you're going to be [ __ ] yeah uh interview the next [ __ ] press conference or something right uh hopefully not i love that well i appreciate you coming in brother [Applause] [Music] i've been all on my grind so i need you
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Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the full send podcast, full send, fullsend, podcast, kyle, kyle forgeard, bob, bob menery, kyle & bob, nelk, nelkboys, nelk boys, nelk boys podcast, stevewilldoit, new podcast, Gervonta Tank Davis Calls Jake Paul a Clown & Talks Fight with Leo Santa Cruz | FULL SEND PODCAST, gervonta, tank, davis, gervonta davis sparring, tank davis highlights, gervonta highlights, gervonta davis fight, gervonta davis podcast, boxing, boxing podcast, issac cruz, gervonta davis vs issac cruz
Id: j0zQvjaevD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 57sec (3057 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 01 2021
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