Rick Ross DMs our Girlfriends and Defends Kanye West! | FULL SEND PODCAST

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i cant wait until this "era" of everyone having a podcast dies. no one actually wants to listen to what some alcoholic punks have to say, do they? at least howard stern is interesting and funny. the fuck would i listen to homer for?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Logical__Dig πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 31 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Still no jesse:5964:

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/nikesacaiwaffles πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 31 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Kyle is so awkward with the guests πŸ’€

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mikeg1020 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 31 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Another podcast without Jesse. You can stop making it so obvious that you’ve blacklisted him.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/UserID48291 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 31 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Rick Ross low key clowned them the whole pod. He kept telling Bob he was going to steal his girl and give him a two piece (punches to the face) if he came to his house. Then at the end they were all begging like school girls to go over to Rick's house and you know he didn't have them over haha.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/artofcactus πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 31 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

The best part was Rick Ross’s veneers comment to Kyle. Definitely a subtle dig making fun of Kyle’s veneers.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ChiNash2424 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 31 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

I’m good

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Butthole69asss πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 31 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Rick Ross came on promoted his business ventures, shitted all over the guys and dipped πŸ˜‚

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/astroworld_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 31 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Who the Fook is this guy? πŸ˜‚ Just playing. Don't get all worked up guys.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/treytoro πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 31 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what's up i'm gonna die if i stay in the city any longer this is evacuation immediately [ __ ] immediately they thought i could live here i can't live here anymore why cause i did three days in a row podcasts everything i wanna go live in a farm in [ __ ] alabama i decided it's good another iv yeah another iv listen we're on a miami bender just went to the doctor and learned that you have to put salt in your water to stay hydrated so that's what i got here [ __ ] crushing the podcast we're working hard and playing hard right now the podcast is absolutely taking over you guys are loving it we're at uh we're at sushi flight chicken in south beach shout out to my boy dave grutman it's the [ __ ] man in miami that guy uh hooks us up to the max so we're gonna do the podcast here you're coming in like a woman's soldier over here i am i'm a wounded senator do you think he's going to show up that was a question he was out last night i'm like huh are you going to ask him if he's a little banged up of course don't don't start off with no no don't worry i'm gonna take this one pretty easy it's a little trigger happy with the other bike so we're killing it though it's insanely amount of people getting so fast drop a thumbs up uh we have so many episodes banked drop a thumbs up if you guys want us to start doing more than one week oh we have more than one no i mean uploading like i'm in how many are we gonna have banks after this three after tomorrow four you guys wanna be number one or you wanna be number two i wanna be alive in a couple weeks yeah cause i'm not gonna make it much much longer mr gabe it's always good to see you again good to see you miss bob good to see you how are you doing we're still uh okay so today we got rick ross coming in we're still in miami uh we've been on an absolute just coming off a three-day [ __ ] bender thursday friday saturday it's been fun though it was fun we pretty much we just ruined our whole lives these last three days man she had a lot of time of our lives i heard you seeing a relationship coach like i saw you man you won yesterday how's that going no no i'm not seeing relationship coaches i'm just i met a guy on the street who was the dating coach who's a dating coach and so basically miami's like [ __ ] shutter island you can't get off this [ __ ] island i i don't know we got to get the [ __ ] out of here i thought yesterday i was like i want to [ __ ] move here this place is great and i'm like it's just too much i love it here it's great when you come here but we are on like day four and for some reason we just keep staying here well we do all the business here so my trick bro it's so true like a wounded [ __ ] like a wounded soldier wrapped in all bandages moving to miami i think it's just i think i don't think i'd honestly speak i wouldn't live here i don't think i couldn't live dude you don't have to if you don't live in the city you'll be okay 20 or 30 minutes away you want to live in brickell no right no no don't live in brickell don't live in south beach you'll be good coming from by the way dude you're going to party wherever you live it's the king of miami by the way like yeah wherever you go you say this everything about drinking but it's like when like the lights are flashing 5 a.m remember every night i'm like i can't [ __ ] do this anymore i'm like looking it's different yeah going out right kardashian's right here at the table you guys we went down and saw her for a second yeah dave introduced us to chloe k oh really what was that like not me i didn't i don't know i mean whatever how'd she look she had like shades on and [ __ ] yeah how was she like nice and [ __ ] yeah she was pretty nice she didn't know who the [ __ ] we were obviously but i didn't mean that to the podcaster now huh because i'll first of all podcast no but we're locking in uh yeah i don't know if we'll put that in maybe we'll bleep it out but that would be crazy yeah i think at this point we're uh we've stacked up a pretty good amount of people um it's weird because we we partied three days in a row but i mean this is our third pod in what four days yeah a lot of [ __ ] so it's kind of weird cause it's like [ __ ] we're actually like working hard and playing hard but everything's coming together with the pod now yes it is i think we're all together and we're not in separate places it flows better you know for all across everywhere which to keep everybody scheduled that's what we did like and go out and like just chew it at the balcony and just brainstorm and then the thing is with us is most guests like when we had colby on we had like if colby wants to go out we got to show him a good time like that's what we do right like we're relationship builders so we got to like i don't know if rick ross is going to have that vibe right ross is not going to want to think he invites over to his crib after this hell no bro i will tell you right now you check my story later tonight and you will see me and ricky rose if he if he asks you to go to the club you have to go tonight he's not in the very rare case the one percent chance he does do that you would have to go that's what i mean that's how we that's how we just we're [ __ ] like yeah it's true if rick ross is like yo i i want you guys to come with me tonight yes why are you so certain he won't though he just don't think he will what about that doctor that you talked about yeah so though steve's been going to some guy and he just checks all your like cholesterol sodium blood levels like all that [ __ ] yeah you're the shy but he's like i don't know it's crazy to learn from him we should have him on the pod it wouldn't be like a big it'd be like kind of like a gruntman episode yeah but it'd be cool to learn because his basically thing is like it's like modern medicine and it's like crazy the shitty was like basically any doctor you go to like outdated they're giving you like he was saying they just issue antidepressants to like everybody and it just doesn't do anything like people will be on it you're supposed to be on antidepressants for three months yeah they'll give it to people and they'll be taken for 15 years and like it doesn't do anything right but his whole thing is he can just like address all the chemicals in your body or like all the different things and then it's just math at that point it's like yo this is where you're at this is where you're supposed to be and then he just naturally gives it to you so he's not giving you like testosterone or he's giving you stuff that's already in in your body i think it'd be cool to have and i think we have so many big names too i think also too to try and get more interesting people too that aren't just as big of a name yeah and then he'll probably do yours for free because it's like 20 racks and you need it you you got one like rob he'll fix your sleep he'll fix your anxiety you're getting one like he's just like is he [ __ ] jesus christ this guy he seems like it there aren't like twenty thousand ivs yes they live in that one it's just i think that's all it is no it's ivy i bought my camera i literally have my grandma and that's what steve's doing yeah you gotta have to just do that for cancer and i like how it's not just like it's not just for gym [ __ ] it's like everything like he knew that i was like twenty thousand dollars in the middle of the night like i was like how did you know that like he's like oh i mean i could see it here well he probably tells a lot of people that sounds like a little bit of a houdini witch doctor if you ask me i don't know he goes up to bob he's like i feel like you don't sleep much like if it says he does tom brady oh really yeah he also thinks he's gonna go to bob be like there's just nothing we can do we just can't so back to uh what do we think we make in miami home base um i'm i really truthfully in my personal what i want to do is i want to have a place like in a farmland in the middle of like nowhere but you're never going to be shut the [ __ ] up i swear to nobody ever actually i want to have like and i know that rick actually because i want to talk to rick about like he has a farm and he has like go to the bar but i don't think you can't go to a bar when you're is rick and like his prime time of like grinding where he has to be like out and like traveling and doing all that and [ __ ] we'll find out because i'm curious isn't going out and like being in the scene part of the brand though too it is but yeah it's definitely about the business that's something i think that we've mastered over the last little bit yeah we can balance everyone wants us to party every night every time you see a fan they want you to shotgun and take a shot and they literally like expect it like if this fan sees you they're like yo shotgun with me i never turn it down yeah i mean either you don't have to you never know dude i'm telling you i'm kidding you guys don't even shoddy hey it's ninety you can't even try it you can't you yeah i'm not lying like you've seen it many times i'll do rip the ripped shots but i'll do the you know what it is my drinks the green teas are the go-to if somebody wants to have a shot with them the green tea yeah the [ __ ] once you get away with that you know you ever just toss the shop back i what i do sometimes it's like this and i'll just put it on the table behind me yeah no you know what bob orders you have to or i just give it to another lemonade iced tea vodka iced tea lemonade vodka is my go-to yeah but um only guy i've ever seen that goes iced tea lemonade i think for the pod i just feel like so many people are in and out of miami this is good central hub it's a good central hub you know so anybody who wants i think for content too it would just be it'd just be good i think it's just a spot bro everything you wake up here and it's warm every day palm trees you just feel good you're ready to go mm-hmm oh i mean i'm never there anyway yeah we're literally we're paying for a spot that we're never at all right we don't have a house right now so it doesn't matter but yeah we'll think about it because we do want to make sure we don't get lost in the sauce here in miami where we just get like done we could literally actually chain ourselves to the bed like no lie like we could just look out for each other and like never come in handcuff you to the bed you can't get out into the morning they went to booby trap last night like they woke up to go to booby trap and they didn't invite me which is so [ __ ] up and i'm kind of pissed about it but uh i wouldn't have gone anyway but they they did uh go at 5 30. woke up and went i think steve went crazy again so i had to what's the deal why we need to get like we should tap into every market every industry but we got to hit the nba bro for what the pod yeah well they're all it's hard to get active players on the pod right they're active but like do you have to get them in the off season bob that should be yours no i got we're good whenever you guys want to go with nba stuff we're good there anybody you've talked to i think we got john john marant wants to come on well that doctor works with the nba as well oh lamela would be huge i see everything like i see [ __ ] i see everything coming together now yeah we're gonna be the number one podcast like all respect to joe rogan but i think we're gonna be number one yeah and it doesn't even matter if you're both number one that guy doesn't have anything we're gonna start to trade places now because we're just getting massive people when you start getting people like i really think that we're going to build the biggest show on the podcast we'd love to i mean we should i'll come on at some point right i think we i think we'll get everyone over you should go on more stuff do you ever would like to go on podcast yeah but this is the thing what like what do you go on rogan would be the only one you should go on probably no but besides the full send podcast and joe rogan and then maybe impulsive as well what else do you go on bro they asked me to be on tucker carlson john tell you yeah oh my god she's like to come on live fox news yeah i would fly fox news bro you do that with us it goes crazy what other what other pods do you do what about a big look yeah plus if you don't do a lot when you do one it goes crazy yeah you're right i don't know bob you go on summer you used to i go on the ones that nobody's ever heard ever knows about that has like 12 people that's it what to protect yourself so you don't say anything and if if you do it's like uh i like helping with the little guys you know what i mean yeah who do we want rick ross to help us get i think we should always try to ask someone right yeah rick ross is a big deal like when i was a kid i like loved him i don't know if you guys did i like a [ __ ] what's your favorite song uh the song called molasses which you've never heard about i'll talk about it with him because it's like a super old one but uh like hustling was like when i was like 12 or 13. but that's that every day i'm hustling yeah that's crazy when i was 12 and 13 i was like this play it every day i don't know if it's like cliche to say but stay scheming absolutely yeah of course i mean he just said no it's a banger when you turn on staceyman yeah on the ox and like at like on the way to a club yeah that's just 100 percent is meek mill still assigned to him i don't know i don't think so i don't know we can ask him yeah yo he used to be a uh correctional what are those like correctional officer you know that so so that's what these guys were saying we were talking about apparently his whole career like rick ross do you know the story rick ross was the name of a famous drug dealer and he just like took his name and kind of like rapped about his persona or potentially rapped about he was a correctional officer yeah and he maybe rapped about stories of inmates so like i'm not like i don't know if like yeah his whole thing was kind of a persona people apparently 50 cent got adam did you know that yeah they're going at it right now dude when you look back at all these beefs too like because it wasn't during my era really but it's so funny it's like him and 50 cent we're going there's not real beefs like that now i don't think i guess i guess actually i don't know bro drake meek mill was like the last like big one but that's like that's not like street beef that's like mainstream music beef you know yeah here we go how's it going up austin nice to meet you bro much love welcome to 305 in my yayo the cocaine capital which i happen to be the ceo of you ready i was born i love it [Music] [Laughter] what do we got here we got the two two best-selling books yeah we got the two best-selling books on the cover you know what i'm saying most definitely great photos let your girlfriends back at home know you know mm-hmm and then we got the rap snacks too for no reason you got to have those are these fire those are legendary fur and you look like the type that'll love yours with a pick-a-leg yeah yeah i like pickled eggs yeah i tried them at kodak's house for the first time yeah what are the pickle eggs that was that's where we had a codex they're like the wrapped in the what are they pickled eggs pickled eggs yeah some real ghetto [ __ ] you know all right it i was told you put them in a bag with like ruffles why not yeah but not ruffles yeah the rap snacks no reason yeah the ones with my face on it i didn't know if you were gonna make it here today where would you i follow your social media and i looked at your stories last night you were out late no man we bought business i know i wanted to come kick it with you it was a few thank you for contacting me i know we tried to hit you from every angle yeah yeah you good friends with drewski too yeah that's the homie he hit me as well i told him i'll just like just tell rick ross you know he's not wasting his time how did you how did you meet drewski that's cool that's our boy too yeah yeah i don't know him for a few years you know he's a he's a he's a huge goofball you know funny as [ __ ] funny as [ __ ] so like genuinely talented no legendary he gonna most definitely be a legend he'll cool [ __ ] i think he's like i don't want to say he's like the next like kevin hart but i feel like he could achieve that level of success yes most definitely i mean you know any dude that goes to sleep in the thong you know comes the rose crib and want to work out in tights and you know he's a big guy he's wearing medium shorts his cell phone couldn't even get reception in his pocket are you guys like boxing or something what's good with that he uh he actually challenged me to a spa and once he got there and we wrapped our hands up for some reason he backed out he said uh his no i want to say his calligala or something like that it sounded like that even if caligola's not nothing in the leg it sounded like caligula so it's not going down no more because i see him still training i saw him today he's like boxing and [ __ ] i don't think he won't know well it sounds like he backed out faked an injury yeah yeah you called him out most definitely yeah i wanted to give him that two-piece was it like on site like yo let's just do it right now why not you know what i'm saying i wanted to go down in the books for knocking out one of his veneers drewski's always in and out like that right drewski drewsky's i think yeah he's one of the most talented he's hilarious on the planet he seems like that was like the first like creator you say you'd [ __ ] with because i'd never seen you on any social media like until i saw him in your store i was like damn he pulled up you know what i'm saying he hit me he pulled up he done been to the crib several times we then did several things he always wrecked whatever i'm a part of what is it when he saw me doing the boxing [ __ ] he decided he wanted to come see me i said [ __ ] it come get this two-piece so you have to fight you to go to your house yeah sometimes it's like that bob you have to do that for us i was asking i was like so how does one get into the what is it the rick ross household i could get you all in you just take this two-piece bomb what does that mean the two-piece yeah this two-piece it's not a two-piece from wing style i got another two piece for you you just come to the crib i got you i'll explain it to you when you come in he actually wants to work for wing stop he used to be the the voice of buffalo wild wings and they kind of screwed him over on the deal so now they screw me over the deal they just they took advantage of you they took advantage of me and you know the only place i really honestly eat now and for right reasons is wing stuff cause i think wingstop is the best place that you can get chickwings hey man i could see it in your future you should give him a little audition come get this two-piece and i got you trust me give him a little commercial audition come over here set all this [ __ ] up right right at the promised land matter of fact come do it at the car show okay may 21st come do it at the car show it's gonna be hundreds of cars from all my big homies what is it what is it the car is going down the first annual rick ross car show all kinds of cars i'm lining up at least a hundred of my whips and then you know all my homies and then just car collecting in miami [ __ ] actually in fayetteville right outside of atlanta okay my and my state may 21st over 300 acres come out come get lost you gotta you got you got animals now in there too right why not we got animals we love animals what were the bulls you got two bulls gifted yeah we got we got we got a bull that was given to me by one of my homies i named him four i just got two buffaloes at it i named the buffaloes one tim buck two and the other one egypt all right what a combo what a combo ii in egypt so what do they just do they just chill out and then just walk around their job is to just motivate me you know i hit a spliff walk around look at the buffalo talk to the buffalo yeah connect with the eyes you know owning a buffalo name in egypt is pretty soft you bring people over and you're like yo this is my buffalo name egypt oh can you imagine that that's a panda problem yo can imag can you imagine me bringing your ex chick over right it'd be over yeah yeah please don't imagine no just imagine if i had that because she loves just imagine if i had one piece lemon pepper uh-huh it'd be bad that buff i know matter of fact i let her ride my buffalo oh man yeah just because she you're gonna watch this too i'm gonna let her know your blessings are still raining on him because you her ex she get to ride rose buffalo if i see summer at your house and with any [ __ ] buffaloes around i'm not gonna be happy that's all i'm gonna say who is somebody's ex no it's my ex give me your ig page [ __ ] fine mr ross you have to you have no choice you got to say it online like come on man maybe just every guest what else what else you got at the house you have you want 120 cars i started carefully that's [ __ ] insane i stopped counting what's your favorite one it's difficult the one i mo i invested the most in is my 57 bellaire renzelle i have over half a million in that i have over four years and and you know man hours in that but i have so many other whips that i personally love like on some different [ __ ] for different reasons you know so that's why i think the car show gonna be dope and you bring your whips out yeah you look like you might have a cool whip you know what i'm saying you might have a shitty one you think but if it's shitty bring it out anyway because what's important to me is if it's [ __ ] it's not as shitty as it was can i park by next to egypt so it just like looks a little better no not next to each other [ __ ] goes near egypt egypt deserves better all right maybe next season the next the third annual car show okay all right what do you got there what is that right there uh this is bel air blue are we allowed to sample it or is that stay in the bottle why wouldn't you you had some guys glasses thank you man y'all brothers man how did this all start because yeah being in this business i learned it's [ __ ] it's cool as [ __ ] so i'm interested to hear like how did how did it start and that's how it started for me just you know the [ __ ] just being cool mr grump and i'm very sorry about that apologies i was with rick ross and i was peer pressure just got to work on your opening game i got you i didn't want to just [ __ ] fire off but what it was i was in the club and i was just repping so rock for over a year and then puff pulled me to the side and like just one day gave me a million dollars like yo i've been seeing what you've been doing i should have been saying something to you but it was all love but by this time you know i just been i'm running around balling so we offered you a million for soraka no no no no puffy just gave me a million after i was just taking pictures with this [ __ ] everywhere what's around for over a year oh [ __ ] no contract no [ __ ] like just as a thank you yeah just saw some love so one item in the club and dj clue gave me a bottle of bel-air i got a big record one of my biggest records you know what i'm saying ever and um i got twisted that night and i woke up the next morning and hit dj clue like yo what was i drinking you like yo that's bella rose i said i need some more give me their number and i just reached out the homie brett the ceo cool [ __ ] super cool [ __ ] that's my jewish cousin how long ago was that uh i forgot over a decade can i put a glass for you i need another flavor yeah what's your uh what's your like uh when are you going to try the bell blue that's like a sip i feel it's actually insulting i've been drinking this i've been drinking this we have a bunch of these at the crib we have the black bottle i like the black bottle yet let me see yeah no it's great it's extremely extremely good no it's really good we know about fire we drink it all the time right now right now you got to realize we're [ __ ] brothers it's like we got dropped off in the middle of [ __ ] and [ __ ] contra somewhere we got to have each other back man i got your back imagine if you got shot in the ass cheek or something man like we got to hold you down have you ever been shot of course not no right you see all this [ __ ] going on nowadays with rappers and everybody always getting shot and all that stuff is crazy all this beef the rap beef is insane yeah yeah yeah you know i only wrapped beef with with people with more money than me and i guess that's why i never rap beef so you don't have beef with anybody or you never had not really what's up with 50 why is 50 calling you out he's never held calling me out now where i was reading [ __ ] i was like that's why i read it man i gotta update that she was like no but i'm a little behind the times yeah you behind the times man all right rosa rose called him out okay and i made sure he understand how jose really got down okay yeah and after that it was clear rose shoes they never got stepped on man i mean i just liked in i like i like i liked in the club once that was i used to listen to in the club oh [ __ ] all right those are nice very nice shoes you get there all right i'll wrap you up everything's gonna be you should throw hands why not yeah yeah yeah okay bob you can do it yeah i couldn't do it bob i did i mean how would covington have to talk you call me a glasses i got you of course you gotta know if you drank it up yeah before got shot in the ass cheeks in the middle of the country i got your [ __ ] back well you didn't even offer me no blue man yeah bob you're really [ __ ] up here and then you almost assumed that [ __ ] 50 cent was on my blog yourself you're keeping yourself with the wingstop ad right now here's the deal i'll tell you this i know business i want to hear redemption i know business doesn't mean a lot t is wing stop and i will send it right here i think wing stop is my favorite place to get chicken i agree but how great is the belly blue it's it would be better if it was chilled that's the only thing because it's room temp right now because miami right right right now i think when it's room temp it's a beautiful thing as well bro i think uh just because of disrespect he needs to go to your crib and pick up egypt's [ __ ] for the rest of the day that's not disrespectful that's really a gift actually that's a different vibe yeah that's something that that's something i really should sell on the metaverse i think it's your channel my buffalo [ __ ] yeah yeah i i'm about to i would be fine you into the nft [ __ ] at all of course if it's gonna get some money come get some money with me but in a metaverse right now poof i see it now i could cut that piece out for you right now right now in the rose metaverse but more importantly you could come buy a gram of buffalo [ __ ] that's my buffalo [ __ ] if you want to uh i i'll clean your you came on our show i'll be that guy for you i got some buffalo [ __ ] but imagine in the metaverse you had your house and then like uh egypt was in the metaverse too like people would pay to come see egypt in the metaverse like he's just this rare buffalo in the metaverse and you have your house and what if i let like your ex ride the [ __ ] buffalo in the middle of it she not only should she do it she'd pay to do it and i wouldn't be able to do [ __ ] about it because it's the metaverse could she get [ __ ] pregnant in the metaverse we could have our first [ __ ] as the digital world expands it's decentralized right so there's really [ __ ] medicine she got the first [ __ ] kid in the [ __ ] metaverse the first buffalo human hybrid in the metaverse oh man it sounds so [ __ ] wit veneers [ __ ] where did you get your full [ __ ] where where did you where was your come up where did you where was your breaking point when did you officially in your head say you made it i always ask that question a lot of people but i'm curious i felt like you know i was writing records for others for so long and miami music scene was so you know [ __ ] bend over twerk shake your ass and i was thinking getting money my pace was much slower you know it was like damn but once we connected with every damn hustler i knew it was over once i got the eyes of the world on me i said you know what i want to be [ __ ] great so [ __ ] bad i won't [ __ ] stop where does that like motivation come from have you always had that mm-hmm i did since i was young i did true what was the major point where like everything changed for you from like just going from like rags to riches kind of really once i got my deal it was on once i sat down with jay-z it was a bit more i went and sat down with maybe six or seven different labels when i sat down with l.a reid jay-z told them yo i'm gonna be the biggest boss they've ever seen what was that they was looking for my ears they was looking me in my eyes and they they seen it and boy i ain't stopped since what was it like meeting jay-z for the first time um like how did that come about it was cool it was like i said in the middle of a bin war they was like yo you know it was like def jail want to see i was like man man [ __ ] all these people man it's time to get to the money rose they want buffaloes man i need animals man i want to sell buffalo turds you know what i'm saying finally it was like la reid and z waiting for you like yo the jet on the runway type [ __ ] i'm like man if this [ __ ] ain't no big seven figure numbers i ain't even waste man you know and when i went everything connected we got straight to the money that's [ __ ] crazy yeah it's one thing too because when he's talking about like the beast you gotta you gotta make sure they can see my face man yeah yeah they can the chicks love my face so well summer remember that yeah just now when he's doing when he's talking about the beach yeah god damn what are you doing i may have offered a ride on the boat you know what i'm saying she's actually at the crib right now she's she's with she's my ears i heard no she's she's she laughing when she make it down i'll tell you the truth yo but what i was what i was saying is like how come it seems like too with even lil wayne and drake from probably like 2008 to 2013 will say when they're kana on their come up you're like kind of like the godfather to them right so how did how does that relationship happen where everybody kind of looked to you as like a mentor they'd go to you as advice like that's what i always thought when i thought about ross is that because the business [ __ ] you got going to yo you know as far as you know the passion for the business i just let everything flow with us if it all makes sense it all makes sense if we've been eating chips our whole life and love chips let's rock with some chips you know we write books we read books we that's all we do is create content so it only makes sense but when you talk about wayne and drake it's more of a balance there because wheezy was on much longer much you know much you know he didn't put in much more work before i did by the time i got on but by them relocating in my city you know they most definitely showed me love and it was vice versa so we ended up in the studio a lot of times five times out of five nights out of seven during the week so i would walk in a weezy session which oh that's what you're doing yeah and it's like one of them things he just gave me the nod i come up with a verse right there and vice versa drake vice versa so it was just genuine us putting in work i'm from toronto too so just outside toronto mississauga i'm sure you've been to toronto right um obviously drake's the [ __ ] goat like what you guys have so many heaters together too what's what was it like meeting him for the first time did you like see it in him right when you met him most definitely i remember i was actually kicking one of my [ __ ] and she was like yo drake is so [ __ ] dope that was a drew bro yeah yeah it was just like i remember like it was yesterday but she was a cool fly chick so i was like play play some of his music and when i heard it i was like oh we [ __ ] with wayne okay that's do you remember what song i don't it was most definitely one of those early challenges i'm saying yeah and so actually when we got into i was maybe the next time or two i was in the studio with wayne i met him and it was just genuine he was just a cool young [ __ ] you know what i'm saying you just seen [ __ ] just wanted to win what was the first track you did with drake you guys have so many songs remember i don't i don't remember two i don't because it's one of my favorites at one time we had collaborated and did so many joints at one time that i remember the night we did we recorded stay scheming at my house out west in miami that song you could turn on at any [ __ ] time and it just fires you the [ __ ] up he came out there and me and uh the beat i had just pulled the beat up me and french montana was sitting in the studio just vibing and we just you know came up with the vibe drake walked right in damn that [ __ ] dope my [ __ ] do your thing it was like that we doing four five records at night so we ain't even trippin bout whoever want to collaborate long as your [ __ ] flames who do you think is the best in the game right now besides yourself because i'm guessing that's where that answer would go but who's the best in the game right now would you say it's a lot of dope [ __ ] going on um i haven't thought about that in a minute let me hit the blood a few more times i was gonna say do you share that or how does that work i don't know if like it's that is that something that big ross blunt no i'm just oh no no no no no no no no no no i i barely used to smoke with others before then because i feel we should all have enough smoking abundance you should be able to do definitely a dream always after trying to get on for 10 15 years being the ceo being able to call the shots and really seeing talent believing in it [ __ ] it i invest in it gamble on it and [ __ ] once i got in position did my uh after i released my second album i told the whole team what my play was it's going to be maybach music nothing but the finest how'd you guys make that tag that's the hardest tag like every time you hear it it just maybe it fires you up yeah yeah it is how did that get made your first maybach yo just shout out the whole that's all i'm gonna say shout out the whole such a dope tag like and then hoop meek was the biggest signing for for the label i just feel like you know the whole movement man you know when i signed wale and me yeah most definitely me you know most definitely incredible raw street [ __ ] you know what i'm saying and what wale do i feel wale the best set you know what i'm saying how'd you find meek you got to tell that story because we're [ __ ] i love meek mills music's [ __ ] i was actually in philly at the radio station cosmic calf salute big homie and um meek was there had a cd whole nine yards spit spit right there i said boy you got something and so uh we stayed in touch i flew him in maybe two weeks later i i had my sister book the flight she always booked the flights and i just i ain't even paid his [ __ ] no attention he sent me a zenfone screenshot it sent it to her and then she hit me back like it's a problem send me his information i shout and send it to you once twice i just sent it to you she said no you keep and i look at it and his name robert williams my name william roberts so she was getting me confused i was like damn so when he finally made it we got right in the studio and we damn that did self-made volume one you know with the whole team me wallet gun play meek crazy that's dope this is me huh one of my favorites michael michael rubin is a good friend of ours too michael just helped us we got somebody coming on the pod tomorrow too you know michael at all i've met him mike's a good duty he's pretty connected in the hip hop world yeah he's a good dude how about dave shout out to dave for reaching out and getting you on yeah yeah yeah yeah you still do live sundays don't you man i still do anything dave doing yeah if they [ __ ] with it i rock with dave you still like performing and [ __ ] of course yeah that's one of the that that's really the passion i still love the most so that's why you see me still out still hosting parties hosting clubs trust me it ain't for the paper rose in the nine digit club congratulations do you want to refill that in the cold so it's cold why wouldn't i okay i got you grab me mr ross come on let's also have another blue let's have another gotta get to ten right you look good too you look like rick you look like you're you're in shape you look like you've been yeah yeah how much now now i got work to do yeah you know the last two months of every year i always break my whole workout [ __ ] everything i'm doing because in december's my mom birthday just the whole nine yards so i just celebrate anything i've been thinking about having i have yeah but right after let's say once we get to march i turn back up you know what i'm saying my chicks depend on me they love to see my two my two pack you know what i'm saying i love it yeah yeah yeah why not so you're talking about like nine figures what was how did you get there it's called hustling non-stop what was the biggest venture that contributed to that oh man you know alcohol restaurants it's really really for me it's just that consistent non-stop balance i do things i plot things i won't stop i do a club residency and the residence itself will cover all my expenses for the year everything else i'm doing which i have 25 ventures and partnerships wow you know what i'm saying then i'm somebody that loves just got back from dubai i'm going to canada this week friday you know this we doing this tonight we're in the club out here in the strip club we're performing where we going to do i'm not sure you know what city nah what's best for me when it comes to traveling is i don't want no details until the day before really i don't need no stress i don't care i feel that that's it just the day before so i could know okay when the assistant's stressing you out with the schedule like yo you gotta do this next week this this this it's like yeah i'll do it no the day before tell me what we're doing so what do you usually do you do if you have a set or whatever you guys uh what do you what do you call it a performance yeah performance performance what i have is my only dj i've ever had i met him when he was 14 he snuck in the club told me he loved my mixtape i don't believe nobody had done that at that point and a few years later they was telling me how i was a dj in a strip club a local strip club called g5 i was playing all my music and this was the only person that was doing this in the city so come to find out it was the same dude one time for dj sam sneak so we don't even make a track list we don't even make a list and put it out on the stage none of that he know the vibe of man when i started to say certain things to the crowd he know what i want to hear next and he dropped that [ __ ] it's gonna be a tiring tiring tiring business though because i usually go on you guys go on late right like when you guys go on not when you love it right i'm going out looking in the eyes i'm looking at the sexy ones i'm looking at the chubby ones the tall ones the shoulders mm-hmm and then how long do you usually stay on for when you when you perform it depends on how much they spent okay yeah so what's a big somebody spends big big holes if you spin the bag i mean if you want rosie for an hour and a half i'll give you an hour and a half for it for hits right smashes yeah yeah yeah yeah if you're the king of the country do they have to pay extra for like the bangers like do you ever just not perform that one banger because it's like yeah you're not getting every day i'm hustling i'm gonna be honest i'm gonna be honest you're trying to stay in five things even when i'm gonna be honest and i shouldn't even say this but even when i'm in a situation where somebody just paid me really just to come through show love do let's say two three records just for me and the way i connect with the crowd depends on how far i go because once i'm there and i connect with the people that show me love it's bigger than the money that was spent of the [ __ ] promoter or whoever it was right i don't even care about them right more it's about the ones that's in front of me so you know i haven't been paid for 45 minute performance like yeah and then you use somebody who's just business so you get in and out you go to that club and get in and out or after you're done do you hang out that ain't really the goal i ain't tripping the in-n-out vibe really it sounds like you really may be being stressed or forced into something but no i'm not just gonna say i want to be in and out i may be a little late but once i get in let's have a ptosis look around where you from what's good what you got going on you know let's network let's talk some [ __ ] let's enjoy the moment you also got to find bob's girl in the crowd somewhere shut the [ __ ] up take some time down there no no no his girl no you you're going to give me her contact yes very sensitive subject right now all right very sensitive yeah would you consider yourself either king i don't [ __ ] hear about egypt right now you're the ceo who's the king a lot of people claim to be the king just so you know that's fine like khalid colby covington a couple other people i'm not gonna name right now them all myself steve will do it [Laughter] you've never heard of that guy much love man thank you appreciate the king of miami oh thank you but you know how long is the lease yeah it's already expired okay i don't ever think it takes a couple invoices racking up what's your relationship with khalid like uh you know that's the homie you know we don't put in work from day one dj khaled's so funny man yeah he's very entertaining i look forward to seeing him every day do something only thing i'm waiting to see next is him in a thong running down but he the only one that could get away with it because he that great he's that innocent he's a motivating guy too like even no no no this stuff's funny but no no no no no no no no just for anybody that doubted his motivation is [ __ ] genuine before we was getting money he was that yo we gotta focus on the when everybody else talking about some other [ __ ] what's his best quality when it becomes like being like a smart guy because i hear a lot of people like they hate on him like oh he doesn't produce anything but the guy must be a genius but anybody anybody that say that they really don't know what the [ __ ] they talking about on my first album the record that i collaborated with wayne dj khaled produced you got to realize as a producer homie was sitting right there carrying the records making the records coming to the crib doing the remixes putting putting artists that wasn't hot on big remixes they didn't even know who the [ __ ] records was that's his best thing i remember when he said what he used to do with me hey rosie do this remix trust me he knows what's gonna pop guess what three three months later you giving them that special hug like yo so you can't yo you just don't know what the [ __ ] you talking about that let me know uh the level of your musical acronym when you say khaled ain't hands on with the records you're a donkey i remember when he did i'm the one even when he put like bieber chance lil wayne and cueva all together at the time it was like people how many people [ __ ] how many people could have pulled first of all how many people could get those artists in the studio now it's like normal what person could get those artists in the studio four cent podcasts [ __ ] would have been five million dollars they would attack you off five million dollars oh [ __ ] and a night with your ex damn this is becoming a this needs to slow down all right these shots fired this girl right now it needs to slow down yeah the juices slow down snitching or something i do have a question though real quick and i'm not like promoting it's too easy more than whatever but i always want to know this if i want to write a book hypothetically right how does how does one write a book are you sitting there writing like [ __ ] edgar allan poe of course you're writing every word how does it go through of course you're just sitting on egypt just like writing are you doing are you riding he jumped in the back of the yard writing every word or how that works that's a good idea though yeah i'm gonna have you guys probably get good vibes oh yeah you i think the motivation you and you and summer ride the buffalo and then you follow and pick up after summer need to ride the highest hump yeah your creative juices are just out just hop on egypt you look like a cow tipper you ever tip the cow no have you done that never no i wouldn't do that have you i'd be no i just feel like are you [ __ ] up are you trying to test us to see if we do that is that where you most definitely was asking i want to know all these questions and push the cow over yeah it's [ __ ] up because they can't get up not something i'm into no we would never do that to you yo this guy over here what i'm no when this is always i've heard of cow tippers i've never met when he gets [ __ ] up you ever tip the camera now the craziest [ __ ] i try and do now i'm big into like tornado chasing jesus christ i like to chase tornadoes have you ever caught one no i missed twice is your goal is to die my goal is my goal is to be like from right here to that exit sign from an f5 tornado like 350 miles per hour mile and a half long and if it sucks you win guess what happens bob mannery dies in a tornado it's legendary i go out a [ __ ] champ do you get a check from like the county or something no it's just personal just it would be a personal goal of mine to just see it you can film it should be good yeah you could go you could go live in the tornado if you're instagram live in the tornado you shouldn't be popping the tornado exactly no you gotta have cricket wi-fi meanwhile i'm looking at him like before i go out i'm looking i'm scanning over i click ross's [ __ ] page and i just see [ __ ] him and summer send me a dm right before you die just run into the tournament no no right before you're right now i'm about to go out but this is my night right before you [ __ ] die and take your last breath like just say something dope for me like done i got you all day your favorite rose song or something man it's not going to convert you like [ __ ] though all right good nft nft by the way too i was going to say you should get this whatever but get them to sign a couple of these for some holders could be in the [ __ ] matter first man honey he's a genius and all this [ __ ] man when did you like get interested in like involved in the metaverse and all that nft stuff what brought you into it have you made any moves there yet or not or anything like nft [ __ ] you know little collabs coming you know what i'm saying i don't think there's anything other than that i'm just sitting back watching yeah yeah there's no rash i want to watch why why rush because a lot of people are [ __ ] up i i actually was in the room with elon musk um two or three weeks ago i asked him a few questions and i won't uh disclose the answers right here right now yeah when he maybe when you come over bring the summer you and some is that my like ticket in do i have to bring summer oh man but can we have a gentleman's meeting first hey man if you bring something over man i'll tell you what elon told me man yeah yeah one time one time what time for the bel air blue guys by the way right now keep the cameras rolling while you give us the refill of course of course please make sure you get the bottles and the logos by the way thank you let's go back to this [ __ ] what's so how did you get involved the beginning of this did they originally give you like someone's calling me that's funny something most definitely man let me talk to him i don't know if i can do that to you i don't know man let me tell summer are you serious why not all right hold up for you you're cool hey summer you got to turn your camera somebody wants to talk to you real quick oh summer yeah real quick just if you don't mind summer how you doing sis [ __ ] wow your [ __ ] skin is amazing oh my god you look [ __ ] bronzed i'm ending this right now the full podcast is coming to an end mr booth has made his way in here oh my god let me hold up let's play a game let me guess what floor you're on show me show me the view show me the view show me show me your window view okay coming through honey we're gonna talk to you and i love you see you later wow hey how'd you get her skin that color man she's a beautiful girl she's a beautiful girl i out kick my coverage you know i'm a man that's not the best looking guy in the world but i got you facts oh [ __ ] i just uh trying to try and win he's a funny guy though yeah you know how it is you know how it is by the way too you worked i don't know if you want to talk about it all because i you know this is your room i can't wait so you were were you a correctional officer at one point i was yeah so going all the way back when was that how long ago um maybe when i was 20. 20 years old yeah what what kind of people were in there you know i didn't really get to make it to the prison because you gotta go through training and all that and i didn't last long right i made a last four months right before they said uh you know yeah i was a little tardy mm-hmm what made you want to do that one of my big homies one of my big homies had just got in trouble and a lot of people a lot of things were going on and he just suggested it you [ __ ] with it or no no it was no i didn't anything you got to really do and [ __ ] running and jogging and yeah all of that [ __ ] man i was i missed a few days what was your paycheck a week then it was horrendous how much it's like 25k a year sorry some [ __ ] like 500 bucks every two weeks 500 bucks every two weeks yeah how long did they was trying to tell you know they wanted me to do right man they said they seen greatness in me yeah they wanted me to be great man and they they actually had two choices for me a fireman or a [ __ ] correction rick ross you're in a fire and rick ross comes and saves you your [ __ ] probably burn like yeah he's not saving your ass he's getting your girl i'm leaving you no no no no summer wouldn't have anything to [ __ ] worry about she wouldn't well guess what we keep it we have a lot of fire alarms in our apartment and we're very protective there we make sure no fire's out in that apartment take your ladder you can take your ladder and you can take it down to [ __ ] egypt's house and go over there because that was a nice apartment what apartment building was i'll give you a clue it's in the city of los angeles good luck finding the rest of the information all right good luck finding the rest of that information i love it but it is pretty cool though the come up you gotta you gotta appreciate that going for making 500 bucks man that's what that's to me that's what that's what really separates the real hustlers you know because if you don't know what it's like to really be at the bottom and never have nothingness like i wake up like yo what do what we doing today what's going on somebody yo is this i accept the challenge man what are we doing let's do it we got to do [ __ ] six extra hours three extra room calls or whatever who cares that's nothing there's a lot of people are gonna be watching this that that want to have your success there are young rappers in the game that are trying to come up how can somebody even rappers everyone everybody how about entrepreneurs how can somebody get to rick ross though what's the easiest way for somebody to get to rick ross in a sense of no easy way you gotta know groutman or you gotta know drewski you gotta you most definitely it's always good to be well connected it's always good to be well connected you know i'm on social media a little bit but that's not gonna get you nowhere you know what i'm saying you might want to buy a ticket to the boss sub conference right yeah yeah like 25k so they got to provide value oh man i love i love speaking of value that's all i really want the conversation to be about we know what it's like to be in the mud now let's talk about the marble how are we going to get there more importantly stay there remain there yeah how do you how do you go about i'm interested in the wing stop [ __ ] like how did how did that start how do you go about owning the first wing stop really it was just me really loving the lemon pepper chicken wings i was at my barber shop one day dude walk in i could smell that [ __ ] that [ __ ] was talking to me why i said what is that oh i got it from right there oh yeah yeah i went and got some lemon pepper wings that was noon i went back maybe 8 p.m that night got some more lemon pepper wings my love began right then whatever year that was i can't i'm not just gonna make up a year because it sounds good [ __ ] it i don't remember so it became one of those things once i got in position got some you know money being on the road i bought my first one just really on some cool [ __ ] just wanted to be able to pull up in a ferrari with a sexy chick was you know summer you know just just and not saying i would take summer yeah but you know someone with that bronze tone you know almost there could get into like yeah i might not even get her 10 pieces yeah yeah you know she might get you know what i'm saying yeah the fries with cheese you know as this blue belair blue kicks in here i'm getting a lot more confident in this conversation right right right right right right right right right it gives you that confidence i guess i got a little more pep in my step here there's more bullets to keep that more bullets keep flying by me here you know what i mean let's see if any of them land here like i was saying like you know how much was the first wing stop you bought it for um remember i want to say don't hold me to it but i want to say maybe in a ballpark of 350 or a little more and then how long does it take to like make your money back off buying like a restaurant like that because it's like a lot of capital up front yeah yeah yeah most definitely it's most definitely again i always wonder yeah so i bought my first one and i want to say by the time i bought my second one which was maybe a year later a year and a half later my second store became a million dollar a year store wow that's down in cutler ridge i went down there had like a little block party and it was just you know it was just a blessing straight up and down a big winner bam how is the partnership evolve with wingstop have they did they then reach out with you after you start proving the concept of how you're killing these franchises once you've seen the the thigh stop you know launch where they of course film the entire commercial the entire campaign you know they get let me put my input in it my ideas i'm like yo let's just open the 10 rolls-royce trunks and have the thighs in it you know just let them know that's how we're doing this it's still an important venture for you right wing stop without a doubt so we should do something but you know i really look at every venture that i'm in is important and i think being a real boss that's what makes it separate you from everyone else is when you treat all the ventures the same i have an angle i want to come to you later with it but i want to do something can you do a wingstop picture you can do it it's a deeper thing than that you know i think i want to i want to help add some value on the wingstop franchise you can't offer any value besides yours i know that if i [ __ ] bring a bull you can offer your girl or your voice bro rising by with with it with summer on the back i know we have a chance of winning stop so i get it all right i still got a shot don't you do man you do you know what i do see that's the thing about having dope relationships i most definitely could plug you with the ceo come on bob give him a [ __ ] address so you got to add on the best voice of your competitor so buffalo wild wings because wingstop's biggest competitor right right right but the wings are horrendous the wings i'll be honest with you when you eat them right right you actually get it food poisoning right right oh my god oh my god you're right i'll tell incorporating stay scheming every day i'm hustling and winging come on bobby i think what me and rick are going to do what i usually do is what they're trying to get you're such a [ __ ] bro we're calling you out right now he's talking about banging your girl the whole time you can't do a [ __ ] simple address what they want me to do is do the voice i used to do 26 seasons or sausage seasonings at buffalo wild wings that was their voice for three years yes that was their voice so do wingstop and incorporate every day we're stay scheming and every day we're hustling yeah so like so when you watch slice do like 26 awesome seasonings do it for wingstop but instead of saying the other label just say wingstop well you would usually say this and let me enjoy this moment please let's go three two twenty six austin seasonings at wingstop where you can ride egypt summer will get banged at the same time and we'll have chicken wings for days that's it that was amazing let's go i mean we're all good i mean you know but i thought it made sense you know i think that i'm gonna i'm gonna talk to you on the side if you answer my calls no i'm sure i'm sure you wouldn't get you know a financial check but i would get you i'm gonna make it i'm gonna make i'm gonna make a gentleman's bet with you right now i'm sure you wouldn't get a financial check but i'm gonna make sure you get some wings man [Music] i need you to go to the ranch immediately let's go somewhere yeah yeah do you want to go faster rick ross could chirp yeah actually yo you know what's funny you are actually probably the best chirper that we've had on here so what the [ __ ] is the church that's sure person for like [ __ ] talking [ __ ] talking [ __ ] chirping but being like you're witty yeah witty talking [ __ ] witty are you serious though he might be serious he's not serious he knows he knows chirping it's like a hockey term oh hockey turn i never play r you got to play why don't you play in canada what about put on the [ __ ] uniform i think if i skated by you try to skate by me wouldn't end well yeah you would [ __ ] rock your eyes she built an ice rink in your backyard like synthetic ice but if i was just in front of the net what is that the goat goalie oh you'd be yeah i'd be good you'd be good sniping them i'd probably dangle you but you can hit the blunt in the in the league i don't like that word no that's hockey you can smoke while you're at a goalie too it's a lot of course i wish we had weed how are we not prepared i want to be baked for this interview it's like the one time i'm pissed you're not baked no he thought you had a weed company you know i know i respect that's true you got the cbd wraps too right like yeah i got you know a partnership with cookies this is actually called collins we love cookies bro i love cooking for burning one time for burner love cookies yeah so what's that business like oh it's actually great what do you guys got we got great leaf we call it gas have you been to cookies on is that melrose melrose is phenomenal oh it's fast maybe like save me the last like two or three hits after you're done maybe i'll take it you're not going to get it i should start i'll take it so like you just saved last two three heads maybe i was just trying to hold on to that that's a risk you'll take i mean that's the risk i will take i mean this is this this conversation just gone in so many places yeah i know i got to go back to one we're not done this is good oh i got to go back to work you're enjoying yourself do you mind if i use the bathroom real quick use the bathroom it's going to make a call come on come on man just hold it man yeah hold it no i'm not holding this man i got that i got the rick rice contra man we got your [ __ ] back if you get shot in the ass cheek i'm gonna make sure the team captain man why is it bullets flying and ash cheeks out right now all right i gotta know you guys wait you have to take a call like if you got shot oh it's like imagine like we're in the [ __ ] country it's [ __ ] raining we long ammo you get shot in your [ __ ] left ass cheek the [ __ ] helicopters over there i could hear the blades we could [ __ ] leave you and make it home make it back to wing stop that sounds like that's what we do that's what we do but we're saving your ass cheek is [ __ ] bleeding yeah you go piss if you want bro oh i know i'll hold it down i know that i'll piss when i want to piss but i will say oh he hadn't winning pissed because of the team that was the sacrifice okay then man that's the but if you got to go fishing no i'm pissing no matter what i just now like i was just hearing you i was letting you finish your statement that's too easy that was it i was just letting you finish oh i'm sweating yo one thing i want to ask you just because of course i've been a fan for a while you have a song called molasses i don't remember with ghostface and rayquan oh that's legendary yeah legendary not many people know that but it's with wu-tang that was an underground joint it's an underground song but i think it's one of your best verses it might be so they hit you up right that was a while ago years ago but used the respect factor of those guys hitting you up and being like yo we want you was that crazy for you or not next level next level i had collaborated with rayquan on several joints i was actually just in i want to say um staten island maybe two months ago with q-tip and rayquan in the studio they putting in some dope [ __ ] for ll cool j i'm sitting there like yo you know what i'm saying i'm talking with rayquan just about all kind of underground oh [ __ ] every question i ever had about wu-tang clan you know just it was one of those situations but you know once i met um rayquan many many years ago he introduced me to everybody so yeah it's always loving yeah sorry she's a huge respect factor for you should we standing should we [ __ ] with bob before he comes back how he comes i don't know like i mean we've made it up here i think no i think i think he should question you and you should get like really pissed at him because he's known as being the paranoid yeah yeah no molasses was a track though no underground my favorite i wish more people listen to that because it broke they should go and stream it right now it's yo because this is the best rick ross song out there it's your best verse i think personally not to offend you if you you think other things are better but yeah and well that one that i got a bad [ __ ] in my chevy sipping miley cyrus or what is that that's not a rick ross song no that's no that's not oh my bad who was that rick can you do you ever do research before these i was trying to fire shots i was trying to fire shots i like bob i'm gonna give bob the free two-piece when you come to the promised land you know i was just trying to try to throw shots i got coached in the bathroom real quick you know what i mean that was it oh that was a shot no that was that was just that was i had to use the bathroom it's commotion outside i hear a lot of ladies out there yeah yeah yeah yeah all these ladies everywhere you go they're always following this is miami man you have uh you have a main chick or can we not talk about that never ask those questions no no no no you could ask answer those questions that's interesting i'm actually you know i have a beautiful situation that's how i'm answering i feel like your house looks like booby trap what's the booby trap oh the strip club yeah oh no no it's too much activity going on i love the homeman i love the the laser in the frequency has to be i gotta google for these [ __ ] two pieces the two-piece it's easy man i'm gonna show it to you i'm gonna give it to you i'm gonna give it to you don't even worry about it so what's the situation you married or no i'm not married i've never been married i've never been married are you married no well i have questions because yeah i feel like it's tough it's tough like do you think you could ever get married most definitely one day i could could you be uh committed to one girl after that i believe i believe really when i put my heart to something i could do anything you know what i'm saying as a matter of fact i was smoking i was on my back patio last night i'm sitting underneath the trees you know i'm listening to the waterfall you know i'm looking at the plants the landscaping you know the patio furniture you know and i actually told myself i actually gave myself a challenge and i'm actually issuing you guys a challenge here this is the first time i said this but in 2024 on my hike to the top of killer manjaro oh [ __ ] okay where is that challenge africa what's the challenge oh that's crazy just making it you're going with me all right well you said you're going with me then you got to chase an ef5 tornado with me then i'm not saying that because we gotta have somebody here wants to suck you to the [ __ ] top of the universe and spit you back out and you splatter like a [ __ ] well what is it until amazing you decided this on the balcony last night yeah yeah just yesterday in the backyard bro i gotta get your weed guys connect straight up oh man it's cookies wait so hold on how does one go about climbing and doing what you're trying to do here have you looked into it yet or is it just you just decided no not yes yeah no of course not you're not going to say that you don't look anymore now i'm the boss i don't look at that that's a big decision i make my mind up it's it's not really that big but i just got to get it done and what you got to realize i said if you notice i said 2024 so for this year for the rest of this year i'm getting ready to prepare mentally next year i get prepared physically i'll tell you what i'm in if i get the call i'm in but you got to give me time to do it how long does it already told you you got the call how long has it taken how many invitations do you think he could do how long does it take to get to the top he wants to challenge me who knows you can barely take this uh five ten days some [ __ ] like that give me 12 days no rush [ __ ] crazy is that one of the mountains where is it just the hike or is that where the ones where you got to get this no you said it's a 10-10 day it's a 10-day video here show us a video holy [ __ ] that's what we're doing have you been to africa of course i've been in africa well i performed in you know many many festivals what countries have you been there um johannesburg tanzania wow um you have several places how high is it where's the top there like [ __ ] moses to the top of the mountain by himself of course of course not somebody got to carry the wing stuff okay so you just hike and then you camp and we keep going till we reach you you got this easy it's too easy i think that's the hikes where you got to like you're like actually like [ __ ] sticking it well that's like mount everest that's [ __ ] no no no no that's that's some other [ __ ] that's like in the winter and stuff i'm not even no that's not much that's that's true i'm not even gonna [ __ ] play with you like that would it rattle your brain though if like i did it in the next two weeks before you and you're talking [ __ ] to me and i went up there and just climbed it and it was like rick ross where you at no no no no i would love it but what's gonna really impress me is when i see you [ __ ] fly to the top of the hurricane [ __ ] tornado meanwhile on the top mountain yeah and then rick's like banging [ __ ] when you go to the top of it and land when you get back down yeah i'm gonna have a [ __ ] ford f-350 waiting for you leather interior summer stitched in the seats no [ __ ] hair rests this is not good all right let's put that brett's not here let's put that as a tour what's the coolest thing about africa like what did you do there man it's just when i got there man it was so beautiful yeah the first time i ever got to johannesburg i was like while i could have never imagined it could be this beautiful you know the city the town everywhere we traveled the hotels the food we ate i went on real you know do you want us to spray loose of course that's that's like that's though yeah like you know we got right up on the elephant you know what animals here everything lions everything you see like we've seen everything empowered see any attacks also impalas nah no attacks you're into that you're into that stuff i love animals animals i was one of them animal kingdom kids like you could just leave it on the animals what else does it mean i love like predators you know there's a great idea man right there's a great idea and they let me bring it to the house what what can't you bring to the house i'm not even sure because i feel like we should be able to work out anything yeah give that much yeah exactly we have over 400 acres more acres we usually have a thing that we do with every uh uh you know every podcast guest at some point we usually kick it with the next couple days of them or maybe the same day yeah and so we usually have this thing we follow up we usually take it with them you know every guest usually so it's like the couple you you bring your girl you bring your girlfriend yeah yeah if we come hang out for a little so let us know our phones are on if you guys want to pop by yeah just anytime man just tell somebody come back yeah [ __ ] so what else is there left for you to accomplish at this point a lot more and if you said you want to be as big as elon musk i saw it it's a lot more for us to accomplish when you want to be great you want to be great it's really not a sea a ceiling you know it's like when you coming up in carrick city yo your dream is just to be a millionaire you know you you get your first one you want 10 you get 10 you want a hundred you get 100 you already know it yeah it don't stop what business people do you have like in your circle or people that you respect that you kind of like what's your team like who do you go to for an opinion or advice on like a venture or is it just all you um you know it's just really me myself i got my immediate team it's like once my mind made up i take it to my sister my mom you know i got homies of course i got great business partners i got some of the biggest you know i was at puffy crib the other night he's showing me his real estate you know a lot of people don't know he just bought the lot the house next door to his crib on star island so yes that [ __ ] is legendary yes why not yeah great it's too easy all you got to do is sit saraki over here right here and everybody takes you put in a good word for us with diddy of course be cool to have him yeah yeah yeah just oh we got some people this does not look like [ __ ] wingstop david you go to him for a lot of business advice did he did he most definitely i talked to him about a lot of things who would you say your mentor was growing up i left my door open always to to absorb knowledge from anywhere you know what i'm saying in my very early stages i didn't really have relationships with nobody it was just me my ink pen and the instrumentals why because you don't think people want to [ __ ] with you until you've made it or it's not even that it's just you know just sitting in my room in miami yeah who were you going to go you know just your mentorship from right yeah that's right i most definitely watch luke as much as you know going to his clubs and all that but you know the [ __ ] i was on it was a different direction right so i just was patient you know what i'm saying i didn't feel like i was missing nothing you never got in any sports organizations or anything that never interests you when the when the problem d wade came here it was crazy for you i thought when who when braun came here yeah yeah it was him do you wait in bosh i was talking about just from actually a business standpoint you know i feel like most definitely the time of presenting itself it ain't been i ain't been ready for that you want to do some [ __ ] with the heat you never know i love pat riley [ __ ] yeah i'm the one tagged eric supposed for lesbos nostra yeah how does that work owning like a sports organization like how do you what's the cash out on that is it like you buy your equity and then is it more of just a flex too some [ __ ] like that just give me my owner's parking slot and give me my access to the hustlers to the players i'm gonna make everything else i feel like it's just like a bargaining chip for others who do you think like it could you never know but like it'll help you close another deal you can bring clients i know for me the business ventures i would bring to the athletes right would be next level right so whatever i could spend to get seven percent of the heat i would do it right so maybe like more of a ever thinking about doing like a management company you see donda kanye too by the way i want to talk to you about that you're obviously you know kanye west right what do you think of his he's is he losing his mind on the internet right now or is he what's going on with him no he's not losing his mind at all because if you felt he was losing his mind now he it would have been lost 15 years ago if you felt like that and i've never felt like that homie always been a genius you know it's just i believe really just you know he going through his thing with his you know his family i agree 100 with his kids involved in his family involved it's like that's what it is that's what i feel that is like you're just going through his thing right now you know what i'm saying i like when he bought the like the house across the street he's like he said in the song he's like what's the point of being rich like that's why i'm rich so i can do [ __ ] like that like i'll buy a house next door right so i can see my kids like it's true though it's like what's the point of being rich no but when he did it i was just like she gonna sell hers next week but he'll keep moving oh man he got the paper for it he does yeah he can afford it he can you ever work with him you of course yeah dope collapse what's like your what's like your process in music when you like do music do you do any producing yourself no no nothing on the beats i love to just listen to you know of course the beat is not complete until after i do what i do with it but i just love to listen to the direction and then if i could give any input like yo it'll just be genuine love input i don't want any production credit or none of that [ __ ] no i just think we should slow it down right here or make this part go right here let's do it like this you know what i'm saying how do you go about be picking will you like listen to beats at just random times or do you only listen to beats in the studio and then just be like all right let's go i know i listen to beats anytime just all the time yeah yeah how do you get them like producers send me beats to my phone and you know majority of the time when i have a recording session i usually love to listen to beats you know what i'm saying at the minimum of an hour to two hours that's a dope beat listening session to me and you just know when you hear a good b like you're a good b picker so you just know when you hear a beat you're like yeah beats fire and then what's the process of acquiring one so you're like i like this how does that work i like this you know usually i just yeah my team just let them know hit the producer rose they want it yeah how does that work on the business side jose wanted rose take it off the market right now is there is it negotiable if they come at you and they say i don't even want to negotiate what you want home right you know what i'm saying that's the position we're in now producer don't need it negotiated by rick ross you know what i'm saying that's for the little homies that really need that do they get anything though or no or how does that business where would you pay them upfront or like a percentage without a doubt you pay i pay for the beat no no i want to pay for the beat and of course they own a percentage of you know what they own and what they produce what's like the typical cut on that like a per producer i'm not you know that's different it produces what's the biggest feat you ever bought do you know like any songs i don't know i don't yeah because you got to remember i didn't got beats from everybody everybody yeah do you have any like regrets or missed opportunities that you've had no i don't regret it no beat that you heard that you passed on and then some someone else hopped on it you're like [ __ ] of course i don't have a lot of those what's one of the songs um right off top oh no let me hit the blunt again but that happens that happens often because you got to remember when a producer's in the zone he may make just two incredible beats for the year yeah i'm talking about for the year so everybody that come and sit with that producer he plays those same two beats for right that's crazy there must be a lot of competition there oh yeah it's a bidding war so it's it's yeah it's one of those a lot of egos involved no and it's just one of those things who who's going to get their hands on it who's going to put it together you know and close the deal out with the producer first and a lot of times like me i'm not rushing just to get a beat i get it oh my you know if i got a relationship with that producer yo that's mine whatever whatever whatever but other than that i go get beats and i may just take my time because i may change the way i feel about this in two months i may feel this track number one on the next album in in two months now on the [ __ ] with that [ __ ] you know what i'm saying yeah are there any new guys that are coming up that you like or you [ __ ] with that you talk to or like mentor because there's so many now right you know like last night i was on the phone with mike will you know what i'm saying yeah we talking about doing a lot a lot a lot more things we were just in the studio me myself him kevin gates you know we was just vibing we knocked the joint out right quick just saw some cool [ __ ] so we finna keep going we was just talking about direction that was actually last night on the line that guy's a legend michael made it yeah yeah god damn he's made a lot of tracks he make a lot of [ __ ] he collaborate good great energy always upbeat you know whatever time of the night i love that well i think we [ __ ] think any other things you wanna have no i think today was a great [ __ ] discussion i'm excited about i'm excited to come to the crib only two things i'm mad about yeah what's for dinner tonight at the moment what's going on i was just going to say guys you got the boss rick ross here we sipping bella let me see the bell i just ordered another bottle for us too i'm surprised not here yet okay okay right behind you sir i want to keep oh we got the black bottle right right right wait we need the hot girls to bring it out not gabe no gabe could bring it out it's all right oh my [ __ ] bottle's good there we're good but look guys we got it we got where can we call bel air everywhere right yeah you could cop bella most definitely go online you could go right on can they order it online too yeah you could order it offline most definitely this is the ball yeah you guys gotta [ __ ] with bel-air you gotta [ __ ] with bella we also gotta [ __ ] with happy dad i wonder if you could like mix it or some [ __ ] like this let's see you know what's actually funny that could be lit yeah no i i did that taste it good you got to give them the commercial smile smile like the commercial smile like the commercial happy dad bel-air you may be walking out with a deal i think this is the new thing at the bar order a bel air and tell the bartender to mix it with some happy dad yeah tell the bard back hey man we need [ __ ] you feel me i love it what would we call it we gotta end this episode everybody [ __ ] grab a piece of chicken man oh hey gotta grab a piece of chicken man and go out like a boss if it was wings it would have been all flats for rose but that's what i'm gonna let you guys pretty good that's what i'm gonna let you guys know what's good we going out like a boss we doing it big let's try this we're legendary we the biggest ever this is the biggest episode you've ever seen in your [ __ ] life this is the biggest episode you heard me you want to read something bob uh no i'm just too busy i'm too busy right now i'm sorry come on oh my bad i got you come on bob no seriously though shout out rick ross og legend i want to say too it's the best part about the podcast like we got a legend of [ __ ] mogul rick ross we get to sit here and just learn from this guy it's [ __ ] it's the best thing about doing this [ __ ] so yeah dream come true straight up let you guys know we're number two on spotify overall right now right under joe wrote accurate that's in that but number one probably right now you number [ __ ] one man you see what this [ __ ] looks like we're number [ __ ] one let's go this [ __ ] is really run that [ __ ] up to number one on spotify boys let's go everyone download yeah let's go spotify right now stop playing yourself let's get this [ __ ] to number one i know be a boss call your ex and tell her you made a [ __ ] mistake man nah oh [ __ ] i did all right let's give bob the two-piece and let's call it we're all good well we're gonna wrap this episode up before there's any further damage come to the dive bro let's go to the crib you just get knocked out right all right we're good boys rick ross red cross let's go much love the biggest forever yeah you stay away from summer that's all i ask yeah man what's her last name you're gonna i'm not gonna give you that no we were talking about the apartment she was living in yeah and i told you i had a plug on the furniture guy yeah we're three steps ahead of you already we've already made sure this doesn't happen it was thank you good stuff all right good stuff [Music]
Views: 1,152,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the full send podcast, full send, fullsend, podcast, kyle, kyle forgeard, bob, bob menery, kyle & bob, nelk, nelkboys, nelk boys, nelk boys podcast, stevewilldoit, new podcast, Rick Ross DMs our Girlfriends and Defends Kanye West! | FULL SEND PODCAST, rick ross, rick ross interview, rick ross podcast, rick ross hustlin, pivot podcast, rick ross 9 piece, rick ross lemon pepper, aston martin, stay schemin, outlawz, little havana, pivot podcast clips
Id: AGMZeA-h-d0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 49sec (4729 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 30 2022
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