Nate Diaz Reveals Conor McGregor Trilogy, Calls Out Khabib, & Talks Relationship with Dana White!

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we got a banger today before we get into it we just dropped some fire summary on for real I'm rocking one of them right here we got some jerseys six shorts this collection's really really sick and then these jerseys been ripping a lot of shroom gummies so be rocking this tea these shorts and this shirt go together too gotta get the color coordination going for the birds just a classic full sun red get the arms popping we've got a little now daycare specialist only buy this if you get day kills I don't want to see anyone wearing this that doesn't get baked this tea is really cool some summer Vibes send responsibly it's neon some gambling for the degens planning on getting mollied out or hammered at a pool party throw this on with some shades full sun land this one's sick you got the happy dads you got us girls with wet T-shirts show up to a party with this everyone knows you're gonna be in business straight up if you're colorblind this drop's not for you there's so much accessories in this drop too but I'm gonna show you guys my favorite we got the barbecue utensils we got the spatch turn around you thought I was actually gonna do that yeah keep dreaming bro and it's a bottle opener on this side too yeah boys that collection is live right now on cop something we really appreciate you boys love you guys let's do it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on tell me right now we want we won we got a small hotel room boys are rolling deep it might be a little squished in the room I feel like we've been talking about doing this for a while right yeah bro still so we got uh you guys are both fighting on the card right too we got Chris as well fighting on the undercard let's go what's the difference Nate with the the new real fight like Incorporated that you guys started like what's the difference in with this fight in that well that's yeah what is it he said when I get out I was gonna do my own promotion type of thing like Paul like Jake was doing most valuable uh promotion when he came on tonight that's what I was that's what I'm about that's what I was gonna do now that I'm out uh I'll just find my own promotion so fun how do you think he's doing with it what like with his promotions like can you feel a difference uh no I think he's doing good I think he's got the platform to spit out like yo this is my promotion you know watch so I was gonna felt like that with me a long time ago so that's why I think when I get out everybody's like what are you gonna do Bellator you're gonna do this and yeah one I'm like I'm gonna do my own thing I'm gonna stay with the UFC yeah or both you know so that was my what's that like like what's the business of like owning like a promotion company now that's pretty cool yeah well I just jumped right in and I feel like like like the business was mine the whole time and when I thought I promoted all my own fights I'm in the UFC promoted fights but it was the biggest fights yeah and there's a lot of promotion behind it all the way butting up but I noticed numbers like when I was fighting backing down Fox and stuff that every time I fought I had higher numbers than everybody else like I'm not like out there looking like I'm like uh sitting there talking business all day long but I know good business when I wanna you know yeah I was like I remember there was back in the day I was fighting on Fox and I seen some headlines like a long 2012 or something there was a Catalan saying like how come UFC on FOX three five and nine oh I have these crazy outrageous numbers and that's regular TV fox or whatever sudden they were sending like four four to seven to eight million people watching or something like that hey those are all the cards that I'm on yeah so I was like it's weird I was doing my own thing I'm sure they'll watch if not yeah let's go try and see what happens yeah we were talking about it earlier too I think uh Jake's kind of switched up like I feel like previously when he's fought these dudes he goes out I'm super hard on social media but with you he's been way more quiet yeah you think have you noticed that I thought the same thing with Connor when I fought Connor I was like know that he roasted everybody at the press conferences and stuff and went hard on everybody and I was like well when I get the fire I don't believe that he has anything he can say to me because I've been done done better [ __ ] than he ever done and I've been whipped a lot more ass than him and I didn't think there's much for him to say and then uh when we got out there he still had [ __ ] to say he's great he's just like well he's yelling and I was I was as pissed off as I did [ __ ] you and uh just naturally that became the biggest fight that ever happened at the time so I don't I don't know if they're trying to push the issue I don't know if you guys ever fought on the same card before me and Chris yeah we fought one time on the same card is there any like real beef between your guys Squad and like Jake Squad nah he don't really got a squad yeah he's got his guys got didn't he just hire a whole new team I don't really know I think he had a whole new team so didn't even before this one's a lot bigger for sure yeah and it's the same he's got to be settled and he's like it all started yeah we got a squad that we've been with Kevin Johan 10. 12 years all these guys in here have been training with I remember when we came to the gym you guys [ __ ] tossed us around and [ __ ] oh this guy too yeah everybody's in there that was fun what's changed for you like what in terms of preparing for this fight like going from your first boxing match what's like the biggest difference in your training or like your Camp well I've always trained with pro boxers at the highest level all the way up to all my fights and so I I did it pretty much like how boxers training for fights anyway I do the three minute round and where where the shoes and the head again been training pro boxing gyms my whole my whole career so uh just with this one I'm not wrestling and doing the Jiu-Jitsu and the kickboxing yeah a lot less wear and tear a lot more a lot more focused on Justice than the just the art how like seriously taking this fight like is this is at this point like your career after everything you've achieved like you're obviously just one of the biggest Legends ever in the sport yeah like are you just having fun with this one or do you really want to like [ __ ] Jake Paul up he wants to [ __ ] me up so I'd rather [ __ ] him up that's my same objective with everybody yeah yeah it's all serious every fight you can't just seriously everything makes sense yeah is there do you like feel pressure on this one like how how bad would it be for you if you did I don't think you will I think you'll get the dub but if you did take the L um if I did my whole goal is come back and whip his ass do it again so yeah for sure and uh with any fighter that I've ever fought and uh pressure's always been on the whole time since I was a kid in high school fighting at the parks I show up to the park and there's a hundred people there because everyone would get word of mouth so I'd say try to fight the guy silently and mortgage around town everybody's there so it's been pressure and I went to Ultimate Fighter when I was 21. and everybody knew my brother Banning badass and [ __ ] and whipping ass forever and being a hardcore and then so pressure originally had to go there and not fail that mission then the 10 days with Connor and yeah every other fight kind of uh pressure's been the whole time the whole way through so uh every year every Friday I just feel like I'm getting better with pressure anyway you know what I really want to know is how many fights do you think you got in before you got paid to start doing it uh what do you mean like I was like I'm thinking in that much fights out there like I got a lot of five things I got uh I would have never in like anything and yeah probably a while though I can't tell you yeah is there is there anything like that Jake does or where you're like super impressed or what he thinks he's like yeah he's handling big and he hits hella hard he knocked out [ __ ] all the X welterweight Champions and [ __ ] and find this and silver knocked him down and he's a pumped up little Juiced out he's ready to go as little [ __ ] so I gotta knock on my ass with pressure's on we already checked out Logan Paul too right I already finished Logan Paul so no we're fine I'll find Jake what what happened with that like that that was the funniest [ __ ] ever bro I loved seeing that what the [ __ ] is the guy out there looking like him for anyway that's the corniest [ __ ] what happened there was he like talking [ __ ] or some [ __ ] no I wasn't well that that whole event was full of [ __ ] tacos and people do anything for cloud event you know and then where was that there was uh where were we at yeah and uh he's just working the dude over in the fight and somebody's yelling behind me [ __ ] just trying to get a rise out and make it here I'm going off on him saying it's talking [ __ ] to him while he's fighting at uh I'm sure he could hear it more than me because I could hear it I I could I'm watching the fight focus on the fight and you usually hear [ __ ] like that some [ __ ] and uh and the guys that were yelling I know the people were there just trying to get me to turn around and say hey shut the [ __ ] up or something so I just ignored it the whole time and then the third going in the fourth round he walks up to the corner facing me and told the guy behind me they shut the [ __ ] up [ __ ] you and then the guy just started going off like you're gonna get knocked out [ __ ] like I was fighting his boy and like I can hear him talking [ __ ] as the fight's about to be like announced and I didn't want to say anything like before the fight I was like let me get past this round or two and like let me and I start whooping this boy's ass and then like as I was about to finish the fight and then the round ended and I look over at him and I see the guy who's talking [ __ ] behind him and so I told him like [ __ ] you man you were fighting fake Logan Paul's friend no I was fighting the other dude that was with fake Logan Paul okay too and then when when when he said [ __ ] you the guy like you're gonna get your ass what [ __ ] and he's like right behind me so I'm like I'm like bro you're basically [ __ ] talking [ __ ] to me and this fool right now so I attacked him and there's a bottle by my attack him with a bottle he flipped out everybody went crazy and I turned around and finish watching this fight and we're running around New Orleans and uh and um I walked out of this bar and that whole street was fighting I didn't even know who was fighting I was like oh [ __ ] it's late it's two in the morning so I started running around running around to the side street where I saw some of my other homies over there and I started crossing the street I'm looking into then fake Logan Paul runs up in my face like whoa whoa whoa whoa another whoa back the [ __ ] up and I grabbed him by his hands because he could he because he's like whoa whoa like this food's gonna hit me so come but then like back up I pushed into me [ __ ] and when he pushed into me I had my headlock and then all the whole Street was going crazy these fools are gonna [ __ ] me up so I so I I choked his ass he's like you slapped him didn't he I'm not supposed to talk about these kind of things anyways I was defending myself it was clear self-defense by the way we all saw that yeah I saw that yeah up on me so I had to defend myself against this [ __ ] are you ever just like bro why do these guys talk [ __ ] to me like how stupid are they yeah why your guy's Squad like I guess too it's a new day and age though these guys will do anything especially yeah sure like it's all for cloud yeah why would people be so dumb to trip your guy squad though like our Squad is like my backup's like steiny and Jimmy gambles and I think it's even though like you guys is like I don't get why do they trip your squad like how dumb they have to be I think it's like that nowadays they're like remember the guy that Mike Tyson beat up on the plane yeah we'll even get beat up just to be just to get anything for cloud you think fake Logan Paul's ever like [ __ ] a girl and the girl thought it was actually Logan Paul or not I would play that card if I was in probably I'm sure he I think he's the type of guy to do that right 100 percent yeah he's already a fake what are your predictions what do you got for that for us prediction wise for what for your fight uh from my fight we'll see what happens I'm going to win like I said and uh how did you navigate like your decision post after your last fight in the UFC like what take us through like your decision making process well with all the it was all in the process right he was talking [ __ ] on the other side so that was uh uh we had a bunch of people from Floyd maywe with his team and uh a bunch of other teams calling talking about fighting so I was like let's just let's just get this fight done here in UFC and let's get out there get a breath of fresh air and see what what there's offering then everything just made the most sense to fight Jake right now yeah you said too like you sell pay-per-views we obviously go to a lot of the fights and every time every time you walk in it's the place goes absolutely [ __ ] crazy we'll notice every time so like what do you think it is about you that created such that strong loyal fan base well I think just the consistency because I've been fighting for a long time started off on Ultimate Fighter so everybody watched that especially at the time was hot yeah we were yeah that's just funny the hell out of me when I come out I was 21. I'm 38 now yeah so that was a long time ago every time I'm like oh my God turn on my and then every week people use that when they because it came on like every Thursday or Friday or something like that back when it was on TV and then all my friends and my team would be like oh it's Thursday let's go tonight because my brother there too so that I'll be watching I'd go I'd go take off or go to my room I ain't watching this [ __ ] yeah so it started like that the ultimate fighting everything everything was hot like everywhere I went was like people knew knew I wasn't it was popping and I'd fight and I fought three to five times a year for like a bunch of year five to eight years or something like that in New York city so I think I was the most active on the roster and I always fought in the main cards and the highest ranked opponents so I think just being on TV for that amount of years people don't even know but it was being you know what I'm saying projected onto them and then what did you think about that hole because we it's like Conor McGregor's team right now is like he's a 0-7 I heard right so what did you think about that whole experience it's pretty much like reality TV you're fighting like like how how was that whole thing for you yeah I wasn't a fan of it being on being on um I wasn't a fan of it because I uh didn't want to be I didn't like being on TV I didn't like to be interviewed and like to even hear myself talking I would never do that again yeah feeling some fighter but it worked out on it and it's people are different to it it's really probably a good shortcut too if you're trying to get in you just get all that air time how crazy was it because like you were one of the people that like the UFC has grown so much like you help like grow the company to like kind of where it is now like never look back and like see how different it was back then or like yeah it's all the way different too the people who work there everything they started having uniforms one day everybody was all proud of themselves yeah we got uniforms so this is ridiculous I don't wear no uniform do you like like do you like the way the UFC has evolved is there anything you would change yeah but that's a that's the biggest promotion and what is the best promotion in the world and it's got the biggest Fighters biggest nip Fighters and uh I think the issue is pretty pretty dope pretty legit the other things I would change but that's personal personal like that you know I wouldn't want to wear everybody looks the same and [ __ ] like that yeah football I like to wear whatever I want to wear you know but they got their [ __ ] together and they're doing a great job and I think it's gonna say the best thing for a long time yeah so August 5th you beat Jake Paul what do you do after that uh everything changes with every fight so um first we're getting past Paul and then we'll see what happens yeah but I plan on somebody bigger comes along or if there's anybody who wants some after that I'm moving on to the biggest you think you'll stay boxing or would you ever go back to the U.S I'm gonna go back yeah I'm gonna do MMA yeah 100 I'll box and fight MMA again a bunch of times this is it so with the UFC though you can't do both at the same time right so does that mean you'd never be able to go back to the UFC no I think ever afterwards afterwards at two like I said every after every fight just like after I found my last fight against Ferguson and I got out as a breath of fresh air and I appreciate it and like the UFC more now than I did when I was in it you know what I'm saying like and I could see different things that I wouldn't even look at when I was in there you know now it's like I always wanted to do that okay that's cool actually and uh so I'm gonna get done with this fight and then I'm showing another breath of fresh air I think I don't know what I'll do after a week or a couple weeks months hopefully the sooner the better yeah do you think that another McGregor fight ever happens 100 that'd be epic yeah yeah I'm ready to see him get back and do something cool too and like uh I don't know that that fights gonna happen huh I know it doesn't seem I don't no one really knows I don't know I've heard I don't know he's not even in the usato thing yet right yeah cool yeah like he's not gonna fight or anything maybe and then they'll let them do [ __ ] whatever he wants so it'd be cool if he got back in there though and handling some [ __ ] and be tired no one else not a lot of people are doing much in there so it's cool when people do bigger [ __ ] better [ __ ] different different [ __ ] yeah what do you think's been your like your what what is your personal favorite moment of like your fighting career I don't really have a personal favorite you just kind of I like right now I like what I'm doing right now yeah I like moving on a new [ __ ] doing big big things yeah like like uh doing stuff that people have never done which is a lot of stuff I've already done in the UFC but now it's out and uh everything's about run too if I if I fail out this and I don't know why let's do better next time you know learning learning experience and it's time that I get to be fine and all my team gets fight with me too I got my boy here Chris and then I got like four other guys how many four or five other guys on the car five total plus me on the card and then that's the platform and five total teammates five of my teammates on I got him Luciano Alan kilo Jose and uh these guys are all don't don't and like people stuff doesn't get out much from where we're from in Stockton it's kind of quiet out there you know people go to LA in New York and Miami and [ __ ] like that no one goes there even cities that were huge like in Frisco and in Sacramento and other big cities but not much kids out there either so it's hard for them to get out so now it's like people don't even know but these have these guys are Doper than me people just ain't seen to me and now it's like we have to be chance uh what other fight has done that so like yeah beating them on that part yeah well right now that's kind of my favorite thing I got going on [ __ ] yeah what was the situation like with your last fight like the last minute switch with Hamza and [ __ ] like what I was scared and uh he's still scared he still didn't find nobody yet how how is that like how'd that last win feel because I was [ __ ] I was watching that and it was just like it was [ __ ] special to see that last minute switch and then it kind of turned into even more of like an epic matchup yeah right and then just to see you get that like how did that feel it felt good to get the job done for sure and then he went wind feels great that's what you're here for accomplishing a mission right yeah that was hilarious to to the whole week was pretty epic right and she got switched up and then that was a good week a good clean departure you guys seemed so calm about all this like the whole fight game well man him been fighting longer than any but most people and uh he's finding all the biggest shows he find he found Bellator Bellator World Series of fighting the UFC a bunch of times uh what's the other fight he's been buying all the big shots before that and then just fought on two of the Jake Paul cards two of them yeah 25 uh Woodley the second time and then when he fought Anderson Silva and a lot of Fighters don't have no experience like that you know sometimes people making the Big Show and they're good Fighters yeah they're going there and they'll lose a couple times and they fade away and it's like it's it's a it's chaotic dude and it's like if you could control yourself on that [ __ ] then what's everything else pretty cruise cruise control yeah one of my favorite stories I've seen before is when the we're talking about usada when they showed up to you and you were like like smoking up in front of them what what happened with that story well the the side of the [ __ ] asses would [ __ ] uh what happened when you saw that dude the the drug testers are are the worst because the rules are am I good yeah you're good uh the rules are if if if if they show up they'd only be aside you got to take the test otherwise you're waiting like which makes sense right you're why'd you run off on the drug testers you're on drugs are wet you know and then people need to buy time zone sometimes I'm like got people like meet me at the gym like yeah you got to be there at 12. I'm like all right I'm coming right now it's 12 30 I'm like already running late out the door put my car in reverse and these guys pull up right behind you like uh what's up and it's like a process you got to go in there you know wait till you gotta piss got signed papers and do all these answer all these questions every time and they'll test you every three days and um yeah it's crazy and uh I got to the point where I wanted out of my contract for a long time too so I was fed up with even being in the if she see and then let alone then the drug test comes inconveniently whenever they want to and they'll pull up sometimes they'll be like no dude get the [ __ ] out here I'm on drugs tell them I'm on drugs they start laughing huh my dudes I gotta sit there with these people no matter what's going on you can't shake them you have to pass otherwise you uh what is it called is that you fail are you strike and you get point three strikes yeah my man how many stripes I got bro that's hilarious so then they'll start coming over and then weed's legal now too yeah back then you couldn't smoke weed no it was but but out of competition so it's funny to smoke weed on him because he's just trying to test me and then I don't gotta piss and I gotta sit with the guy because they don't leave your side either because if if you run off it's like you're taking pills or something to clean your I don't know why they can't leave your side but they watch it yeah do fake [ __ ] yeah yeah I remember Mike Tyson right yeah he thought man I was the first winner what did he do what did he do yeah you could you could do a fake [ __ ] bro oh that's why they watch you all right guys trying to test you like bro I'm high right now I'm telling you so they want to see yeah so what you're just blowing clouds in the guy's face yeah but it's funny because I was recording in front of my name is blowing the smoke on him and he was like he was trying to hide out of the camera too it's hilarious so can you still not smoke weed like on in competition or you can I think um I think uh 30 days two weeks 30 days or something like that I don't know guys why can't you smoke weed you said you quit if they ask I don't know the rules I think it's a couple weeks though or ten day Zach what's the rules it's basically it's a certain like threshold but you should probably cut it out by Thursday the Thursday yeah so yeah nine competition you can't and you thought it was the same or depends on where you were now I'm on a whole nother kind of sorry you basically have to be high under the USANA rules like smoke right before your walk out to test for it to be solid violation and then you're out of competition as soon as the final form ends that'd be so crazy you've never done that right if you've never been high for a fight no I smoked I smoked like for training maybe nah those NBA guys say that they're high for games all the time yeah yeah it was yeah I heard that yeah if I could I'd smoke right if I'm training at the gym I'll smoke in between rounds most people hate the sound of metal on metal I mean I get it it can make your skin [ __ ] here at full sin we do what many other companies don't we product test the living out of everything metal on metal to us it's music to our ears get your shoddy tools boys good luck what do you think uh have you ever had a fight levels like what do you think do you keep it like professionals or do you ever take things very personal building up to the fight like is there a previous fight where it's been what do you think's been the most personal beef I don't know they're all pretty personally they're all the same personal [ __ ] him you know what I'm saying that's the adversary so when people talk [ __ ] it makes you mad too though but either way it's fine with me probably better if they're talking [ __ ] anyway because at least they're not they're not full of it you know yeah because [ __ ] the guy you're fighting yeah I I understand yeah I get it [ __ ] you do uh yeah I don't care either way are you ever have you ever been impressed with someone's like trash talk or been like [ __ ] like this guy's getting to me I cool I'm fighting yeah yeah Connor was talking hell of [ __ ] Connor if I can hear me hit me in the body in the first fight it didn't [ __ ] do [ __ ] but he hit me that oh yeah he liked that I think all right [ __ ] and then I hit him I slapped him and that's why I just started laugh and then I'm like yeah you guys left so but yeah that's the only one Jose really talk [ __ ] sometimes people talk [ __ ] to me scared like trying to talk [ __ ] back in the damn it we're finally I think it's Joe Stevenson or clay Guida like come on [ __ ] dude somebody he's like holding on to me not just trying to hold on and make it to the end of the fight I mean you're such a [ __ ] you're gonna win because you're just that scared yeah and I'm like dude some [ __ ] you do something like a crying little [ __ ] [ __ ] the [ __ ] you lose already I don't even gotta find no more you lose no you're doing a lot of that [ __ ] though in the ring how about that wasn't there a time when Cowboys like wasn't his Corner giving him a speech or some [ __ ] and you were like as he was given the speech you're like because cowboy cowboy came out and they were like about to start the fight and uh the the ref was like if you're gonna say something say something now I forget what they said man if you got something to say say it now if not whatever I need this was like [ __ ] you and I was like that is rude and unprofessional and then we did the fight and then two two rounds we'll buy and I whipped his ass the whole time and in the third round I got up and I just seen him looking like he was just having the worst times I was like [ __ ] you look at you now [ __ ] and that was funny you gotta have the middle finger record in the UFC yeah for sure I got a lot of Records uh I for sure got the most fines I got more fines than anybody I got fined for hella [ __ ] one time we got fined for uh calling Brian Caraway of uh uh I'm more than that I'm not supposed to use and uh he was like but I didn't mean it like that and they were all they were on everywhere and they were like well you have to know you have to do a public apology I think I think it was Dana White but do you see there's somebody like you gotta do a public apology and I was like no I meant it that was [ __ ] that I'm gonna apologizing to nobody and they're like all right well then it's a twenty thousand dollar fine night damn that sucks so then uh something else happened like a little while later a month later I was fighting and uh the UFC show was there to record me fight week like yeah for the countdown yeah and uh they wanted to meet up with me and I was like training and doing [ __ ] and not answering their calls and I think I'll catch up with them when I get time I was not gonna [ __ ] them do the countdown show like now then beef with them for like I don't want to do no countdown [ __ ] that I'm not doing it and so Danny why it cost me anything I was like [ __ ] in our dance concealer what's up and he's like he's like uh hey I'm gonna need to do that countdown can you please do it for me are they I like I'm like yeah I'm gonna catch up with him he's like look if you do the countdown show you'll get your twenty thousand dollars back that they just took from me yeah and I was like well [ __ ] yeah I'm gonna call him right now yeah of course I had him up I hit him up and I was like I was like I'm like that with him and I did all this stuff he's like all right cool good job you [ __ ] hey that good job you got your troyback things man I appreciate it because then it's cool you know he's like either yeah cool then I like yeah [ __ ] yeah I was pumped because I got my 20 20 came back like a couple days later I think the Reebok thing happened and it wasn't something like that all in the same time and it goes they're like reboking all the fighters they're going oh we're just like other athletes now this is so great they were all just kissing as I was like [ __ ] Reebok so I put I tweeted the middle finger with the yeah see that goes on the right and then once we did a middle back I tweeted the middle finger and I like [ __ ] Reebok because I was like annoyed with everybody kissing ass right then then why I said congratulations kids you got you just lost your dream yeah what the [ __ ] I can't win here so I was refined damn what do you think your total fine amount is a lot of money a lot I mean I can't even count what I've been fined for is that same [ __ ] I went nah because I have new people now too and back then I was like I was I was Reckless my brother hit me up one time too told me I self-destructive you're self-destructive quit [ __ ] doing that are they what was your like relationship like with Dana like did you guys ever get on like bad terms at a certain point me and Dan always been real cool though like you know the the from a business that you know like people got their complaints and [ __ ] like that and it was never like me and him going [ __ ] you [ __ ] you but you know he said [ __ ] that pissed me off I said [ __ ] that pissed him off I got final kind of time for it so but on the most part like like if we were hung out or and we hung out a bunch of times and like he took me gambling like I take you guys gambling too and dropped me a bunch of money before too he's always pretty cool and we're just chilling so where we actually got a good relationship but that's dope yeah I've never gotten that treatment he gives these guys 50k at the table whatever I guess nothing he did that with another kid to me too and I'm like wow he's like hey go cash on let's go to the next spot and I like here I brought him all this money back he thought Keithville yes I was young at like 22 I was like [ __ ] yeah was he still playing like big action yeah yeah it was [ __ ] that was you just me whatever it was I remember he was like yeah rat like hundreds of racks and [ __ ] I don't know damn this way I can't remember the long time ago but it was a lot of money I remember when I had my cash on just get the money all right [ __ ] that's hella money yeah I like this fool just one hell more money every time I tell my homies back home because it's a kid I'm like fresh out in Vegas like gamble on this brother that's crazy a lot of money yeah that was he was gambling a lot of money and I was I was like when I was 22 so that's like that's the whole time ago yeah you ever you ever play Still gamble or no no I don't know I didn't even gamble that and it was just I was just gambling with him yeah he flew me out like let's kick him do some [ __ ] without kicking it and it's pretty dope messed up where are you posted up like mostly now I stay in Stockton yeah uh I have a spot there I'm probably gonna get a spot out here though probably right after this fight LA or OC probably let's see but I don't know yet I've been back and forth we were about to get a spot here then we're looking over there I'm lucky but I never was looking too hard yeah but after the fight for sure that's a plan I got a spot get that done because I'm supposed to already a long time ago so are you pretty much around the same people that you grew up with yeah a lot of people I grew up with are are living their lives they're around in my neighborhood and stuff too but like in my gym the people I grew up with and then anybody who comes to the gym usually ends up like my main focus anyway so everybody that everybody that trains is pretty much beside me day in day out yeah I feel like that's part of why people love you so much is just because you keep it so real and you just stick with the same people live at the same place you grew up in yeah that was the recipe from the beginning so I like don't broke everything bro don't fix it right yeah it's cool how was it like the height of it all like was there ever times where you're like didn't want to do certain parts of like the fight game and like oh yeah no no well that's one thing about like I feel like I've been famous for a long time like I said I started an ultimate fighter I mean like famous like people think they're famous when they're not famous you know I'm saying like [ __ ] I remember coming off the ultimate fighter and [ __ ] everywhere I went no matter where I was at now now on a way bigger scale too but like back then it's like when I was in high school two people already knew my brother from weapon ass when I was just a kid and uh and so people are you know I always do is that so yeah dealing with all that pretty good but I there was a lot of times like like the build-ups and [ __ ] would come and I'd be like bro I'm [ __ ] fighting every three months I do I do more of this build up [ __ ] than anybody I took more drug tests than anybody yeah been more fun than anybody I gotta do [ __ ] yeah yeah you know for real that's how it feels right when you do something or even just that even like I don't think about it like that like rebellious but I was like [ __ ] that I'm doing so I always kind of did whatever I wanted to do yeah and then I would people would think I'm crazy for doing whatever I wanted and I thought they were crazy for doing what the [ __ ] they're told to do yeah and then throughout all that you realize I realized that like damn that [ __ ] is people recognize real [ __ ] you know like that's [ __ ] that's how I feel so I think that that's where the following and people come from yeah everybody feels like that and nobody don't say this [ __ ] though yeah when you're doing so much with the sport though that's how I feel like it should be you get more freedom I feel like Dana kind of recognizes that as well yeah you know what I mean what what fight do you remember was it like the McGregor fights when you're like damn I'm really yeah yeah well what was crazy was like when he came on the scene they were born a matter of proportion I already knew that's what I'm saying like it was already an ultimate fighter and there were Champions and I was like more people knew me than new new a lot of the Champions and [ __ ] and I recognized that off the bat so I was never chasing the title like I don't make excuses for not having a belt but I was like I'm gonna never really after nothing except for whipping the next ass and then even if I lost it would be like some some decision that wasn't that big of a deal because they were scared the whole fight anyway and I mean it would sucks to live in you want to get it back but it's all like yeah and then I [ __ ] fought Conor when Conor came on the scene popping off about whatever and I was I seen them all backing him up and a lot of [ __ ] he said but I was like [ __ ] I was thinking and saying the whole time too I'm like what the [ __ ] they don't promote it when I say some [ __ ] like that they tell me Shut up and find me yeah yeah that's true so that and then I feel like well I'm gonna have to beat this Fool's ass because this [ __ ] is getting all the [ __ ] love and they think he could why ain't no one tell them to shut up what was the water bottle fine which one what one with you the classic one with you and Connor that you see all the time oh and we do that yeah I don't remember waving around them yet yeah I think that was for sure fun do you ever look back at that screen you're like okay you know how much money yeah yeah Chris got fine dude yeah he was on the card dude how many finds your Jake Shields got fine too now two were you you were throwing water bottles that day too amateur do you guys ever like see that clip pop up or like laugh at that [ __ ] now that was hilarious then bro it was so [ __ ] funny I love that what what Squad like there's got to be like one Squad that you guys really just like all you guys didn't like like not even a personal before we don't like any of the squad [ __ ] all the squads what was the soft or like well I don't know what's one Squad that was just like everyone was beefing someone and like but I'm probably there was only Conor's Squad what they were minor little Squad too we killed that Squad he's long gone and the ponytail guys Vanishing uh what's the other guy's name artem's long gone oh God they're all gone and then khabib's whole whole team retired I smacked up all them [ __ ] yeah what happened with that one I slap could be in his face because they were trying to take a picture of me like taking a joke like a friend that was watching Jake Shields fight and they're like taking a group picture over here and I'm watching my boy walking up and I and I see all these flashes right here and then I hear them all laughing I turn around with all these Ewok looking [ __ ] 20 of them and now I'll turn around laughing and I'm like oh are they taking a picture because I'm standing by them because he was trying to get a fight with me yeah because I had just done something and this one wanted to find me performance Champion or Internet he was trying to find me but no one knew who the hell it was he's some new guy yeah so he was trying to [ __ ] make fun of me and get a fight with me and I was like [ __ ] you [ __ ] and he turned around like come on man like to shake my hand I slapped in the face I was like [ __ ] you bye on when I smacked him him and his whole team they all were like oh foreign security came in and they started kicking me out like that this show anyway I don't want to be I think it's World Series too I think it was World Series was a different show by then yes Monsters the other World Series uh and so like [ __ ] your show anyway and I left and then Jake lost the fight and I was mad so I came back and I was like this Jenna ran up on him I shouldn't have it was very Reckless that was Reckless yeah self-destructive I ran up on him what everybody and they were they were scared their squad but they're all retired they're not real Fighters anyway damn bro so you they're already there what the hell does anyone know any of their names they all got the same name first of all there is a lot of nurmaga made-ups yeah there is well now I was at a fight what was that fight we're at in Vegas Saeed or something no there was a normaga Madoff so like I thought it was a lock for sure because usually they're kind of locked we [ __ ] better then I bet on the guy and he [ __ ] lost and then I found him he wasn't even related to khabib at all so it's like I was like [ __ ] this girl yeah it's so dumb yeah we did I thought it was his cousin it's like having the last name Smith there or some [ __ ] I think right It's gotta be his brother yeah I find out they're not even related yeah that was [ __ ] I'm actually pissed about that when do you guys head out there for like to Dallas probably yeah week out winning with seven days finally usually we go farther farther out but I think it's a it's pretty cruise control there so is it different leading up to this fight now with like the promotion stuff too or is it is all that stuff kind of Just Happening while you focus on the fight yeah it's happening as we go and uh I'm sure everything is going good and falling into place like it shouldn't do you think what do you expect from Jake do you think you like he starts trash talking a little closer to the fight or do you think like because like we were watching his stuff too and it's like yeah it seems like he's kind of he's softened up I don't know if you guys got him in like us like it kind of Checkmate where he's not talking trash but yeah like I said about the condo one he don't got [ __ ] to say what are you gonna say it's just obnoxious he was trying to talk [ __ ] at the press conference remember yeah yeah and I'm like I'm not interested in being a little kid arguing with you yeah because him and Darren windley was just Goofy remember who else did he find that he's going Tommy Fury I'm cool off all that [ __ ] I'll fight you when I see you did any of you he got mad that I wasn't talking [ __ ] to him people talk [ __ ] to you on the internet and [ __ ] and then they think when they see you because you didn't say anything back that you don't want none of them or you're not [ __ ] with them or something like yeah speaking that I saw I supposed to write back to you then I'm gonna smack the [ __ ] out of you when I see you yeah then you're gonna see me coming I saw Drake when uh that whole like Jake Paul's media guy or whatever when he said that [ __ ] Drake said the same [ __ ] right like this is what's wrong with our generation and the internet and [ __ ] that was tight has has he been like has that kid been around or is he just do you think he's gonna be at the press conference or is he gonna be kind of hiding I don't know we're not worried about that guy though yeah any of them yeah I don't I feel like he's not gonna show up there after that bro do you treat that stuff like with Conor when he's talking [ __ ] stuff do you treat it like all right this guy's just gonna promote the fight I'm gonna make more money yeah it comes with the territory I expect it though you know what I'm saying that's why when I came from it's people talking [ __ ] all the time anyway does it ever cross the line the month sometimes it's worse than when I can see your phone is fake ass trying to stir some up like it's gonna do it doesn't really matter to me like it doesn't make a difference if you're [ __ ] talking [ __ ] to me or not still going to [ __ ] whip your ass for sure like it doesn't really affect me like like how I've done other people either way fine but better talk more [ __ ] I don't give a [ __ ] would you agree that McGregor is one of the best [ __ ] talkers ever though yeah he's a rude little [ __ ] he talks hella [ __ ] like it makes you mad you're like dude were you ever like when he was saying some [ __ ] obviously said shativa when he was saying some [ __ ] to Habibi like holy [ __ ] this guy will say [ __ ] anything no [ __ ] could be that was funny he had a good [ __ ] him he's the worst why because he's just like look at him he ran off he's a jock it's not my style of fighting I don't like it like the wrestling [ __ ] like just taking them down yeah that's cool whatever that's how that's how you fire it but just that the style of fighter in general he's not a real fighter him DC uh certain guys are just like I'm not interested in that kind of fighting at all yeah not wrestling either because I love wrestling it's just like the wrestling like jockey attitude I'm a real fighter and uh I like real Fighters people fight for real and take it from a different on the flip side here are some guys that you do like respect her uh I like my brother I like uh BJ Penn yeah um Chris my guy everybody for trying to Remains the Same same type of attitude style uh they trained all the artists wrestling Jiu Jitsu boxing okay but I like I like good good martial arts like good fighting and uh even people like even like Conor like people who make it more of a fight than than a sporting event and then and and go by numbers like I'm 22-0 so I could retire and [ __ ] like that like you're scared bro I didn't even start really fighting until I was 20. I mean until I was 25 Steve like I feel like I'm in this fight fight thing for life I've been fighting since I was a kid I've been watching anything that pumped me up another kid with a martial arts movie whether it's Ninja Turtles or Bloodsport Rocky uh Vision Quest all these kinds of movies and I like I like uh everything about fighting but when people are in there fighting and doing good but they're not real Fighters and and they look at it like a sporting sporting event athletic type of thing retirement 20 22 fights 20 how many fights is kebaba I'm 29. yeah I think 28 or 29. yeah and then he's retired and he's gone he's got real real good way to get out to it's like I'm done I done it all you fought three ranked opponents and then [ __ ] beat two [ __ ] guys as a champion and then those guys got beat the same way in their next fights I need to be tired anyways I go off on him okay come on who agrees could be sex yeah they're not talking about that no you mentioned Rocky and stuff so watching it when you were younger what was there a moment or anything where you decided like yo I want to be a fighter no I never wanted to be a fighter like that I just wound up fighting uh but I always liked that [ __ ] motivates you right yeah there is no tomorrow yeah and then I'm a kicking the Russian desk and Mr T and all that stuff is like that's cool stuff and like uh Bloodsport yeah movies like that like that's like the coolest story you can think of and uh it's crazy how I became a fighter because those are all the things I was watching in India well I know you guys got to bounce so I'll ask you what what was like what was one fight where like what was the biggest like after party you guys ever did or like what was one fight we had one with you guys okay in Arizona and I lost the fight so it was still fun but that was fun that fight was crazy because like fifth round like you almost came like you almost [ __ ] knocked him out yeah that fight was competitive too they always try to diss me and say I was losing the whole fight but that fight was pretty pretty even if you if you go back and watch it people just remember like that because I got cut but that was a I'm sorry what was the question no yeah no that [ __ ] got away you shut it up the daddy drink on the mic and [ __ ] yeah what the [ __ ] the name of the drink you did yeah it was new though yeah I knew I knew it was dead no yeah I'll never forget that that was fine yeah you came in hot yeah I wasn't even I think we were there because I was even at the table once you pulled in because your people came in then I was chilling like by the bar are you talking about that the after party yeah yeah that was fun yeah hilarious and Arizona's lit that [ __ ] is tied out there that was lit too though and we went remember we said we were having an after after party at the house that time when you showed up the house and it was [ __ ] 50 capture like there ain't no after party here how'd you guys know you said on TV [ __ ] yeah yeah thought nobody was watching and then through our Channel and we came in yeah we came into the party ready rock that was fun it's a good time there's always a thing after every part after every fight you guys always always celebrate like that uh the mission accomplished that's what that's the that's the goal whip ass and go home and make an epic epic trip because nothing better than getting the job done right so it's like you better celebrate otherwise you're gonna get because I did a lot of no celebrating the whole my whole career and uh you missed it you missed Mr bus sometimes I want you doing anything for and saying like make sure have fun and then go home and get back to work and then we went wild out there in Tampa Bay wins the Buccaneers again and that [ __ ] was so tight we was out there now we were the no boys that we that's the wildest flag I know that after party was so good Jimmy Gamble's almost got laid that's how you know it's it's happened and then you come through the house yeah yeah afterwards right and the cops came yeah yeah yeah that's it sun was out yeah we're not [ __ ] leaving yeah the planes outside we're not leaving get out of the house another fun trip oh yeah all right well we know you guys got to bounce but we appreciate you coming we're gonna be uh hopefully there rooting for you at the fight hey right on thanks for having us too yeah you're an absolute Legend thank you thank you yeah if you guys come to OC we gotta definitely kick it for sure we're gonna do that 100 let's do it hell yeah all right boys [Music]
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Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the full send podcast, full send, fullsend, podcast, kyle, kyle forgeard, nelk, nelkboys, nelk boys, nelk boys podcast, stevewilldoit, new podcast
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 10sec (3010 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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