Germany & France Swapped! | Hearts of Iron 4 [HOI4]

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so we're finally back in World War 2 it's 1936 and this should be I think a pretty interesting AI game it feels like it's been quite a long time so I played bass Gameboy for now I'm using a mod called swapped countries and I think it's safe to say it'll probably have a pretty big impact something else to keep in mind is Hitler has Frances focus tree and vice versa I'm also using road 256 so if some of the Great's isn't happenin you're up I'm sure it will elsewhere this makes me imagine a world where somehow Hitler rose to power in France which i think is obviously gonna really change some [ __ ] now in this universe Germany is very likely to have a nice fascist Ally right to the south of them as well as of course they have another friend to the east a huge coastline protecting them and finally they have the Magnum line keeping them nice and protected even though I'm assuming Hitler is more of a pullout sort of guy and yes of course he does have former French colonial territory so I mean that should help him out a little bit more we really got to keep an eye on this though a communist France in the middle of Europe could really turn this world upside down oh and also assuming they both join the axis Italy might not be a complete embarrassment like he normally is in the African front ok Pollan you guys have no excuse this time you got to stay alive oh well I mean that shouldn't make that much of an impact no [ __ ] it what am I saying Poland's gonna die there's the first war which isn't super surprising I feel like this always happens in the road to 56 so here we go as I said if national Spain wins Hitler's gonna have a very nice and safe southern border win was turkey demilitarized I don't remember when that happened oh man here comes communist France I think they might just get some very sweet revenge Oh an Austria was just annexed which now looks very weird okay that's nice Bulgaria they're the first country to join the axis and it looks like Turkey is gonna form a Middle Eastern team at some point here all but get ready for this world's d-day this is incredible we've got this French island out here randomly getting ready to come all the way down to the Caribbean so they could take Germany's little islands just an impeccable strategy from the AI here so here we go here's our first war let's see how this is gonna work out I guess was a good idea to annex Austria or maybe it wasn't because they were getting their ass kicked right now and Poland has formed their own faction so could we see France join that one I mean I know it's unlikely but that'd be a pretty big deal oh okay reorganized nationalist China I like it something tells me Hitler is just gonna be a massive disappointment in this campaign I mean he only has 55 divisions in 59 factories there's not a whole lot you can do with that that's what we expected so Iraq Iran and Afghanistan have joined the Turkish team well you know what Germany I think it might be okay at least gonna help you out in this war they're gonna just barely save you from the embarrassment of losing to Czechoslovakia Finnish Democratic Republic join the Comintern when did Finland lose all their food well there you go Eastern Europe is starting to get a little bit more interesting while Poland continues to find new members in the Baltics okay wait a second how did they declare this war yeah even in a normal game I've never seen them go after Lithuania well anyways this is currently what Europe looks like because of course Poland joined in and Czechoslovakia has yet to capitulate at the moment France isn't doing anything but that is going to change yep just like we thought they're gonna die the three brothers have formed because I guess they couldn't form the Northern Lights you had to mess that up Finland see this is why I didn't celebrate your Hunter's birthday okay this is going to be bad isn't it Hitler was already gonna have a really tough time I don't know what's gonna happen with the UK joining in I mean what's going on with that German Navy it doesn't okay yeah it seems pretty shitty I was gonna say it looks alright but it just it doesn't oh man this is just chaotic so France is going after Luxembourg and the Dutch now oh and I guess they're also at war with the UK I don't get how that happened did someone join the Allies no none of you yeah I'm confused as well there you go all right so I think it's safe to say this is one of the stranger World War twos I've seen I really couldn't even describe what's going on right now it's just too much let's not forget the three brothers are also on the chopping block Stalin is probably gonna mess them up I think the most important thing to remember is Germany and France are still not at war and of course they both have mutual enemies with the Allies damn and Benelux is just getting crushed from all sides normally it's just this front but since Hitler is pushing up from the south it's just a bloodbath I've never seen them taking out that fast before that is interesting so the exes just got some new friends Yugoslavia and Hungary which is obviously gonna help in the Polish war which they did in fact get all of the Baltics to join in so it's not necessarily gonna be super easy especially with a much weaker german reich who the houses did mout change their name or something oh i think it's a civil war I can't say I've ever seen this before so yeah the exes definitely needed all their former members to join in obviously as I said they're a lot weaker this time around so this definitely helps smart ok Hirohito is now going after the Dutch okay this game is just getting better and better China went fascists without Japan having to even lift a finger or wait a second what happened did they actually go to war it was a really quick conflict if they did so I'm now starting to wonder how much both the German and French fleets are protecting this English channel because as you can see the Allies just aren't doing that great right here or I could be on crack which I'm always on crack Germany lost like all their boats oh man I feel bad for the Scandinavians they're just getting crushed from both sides there goes the Comintern so now Poland is definitely dead although I gotta say the exes have been pretty weak sauce it's been like a year and this is as far as they got this is gonna be a pretty interesting peace deal assume in the Comintern is gonna get a lot more out of it yep that's a safe assumption so Soviet Union took nine states Hungary and Germany took three Poland was puppeted and I'm assuming that was by the French and I guess Belarus is here oh god I was really hoping it wouldn't look this bad they just completely dismantled Poland which is like kind of unnecessary okay here's the next peace deal why is this the only thing okay I think this might be weirder than what happened to Poland to an extent it kind of is because everything looks the exact same Denmark was puppeted though and I'm assuming they're now communists I don't really math that good but guys I'm pretty sure this name doesn't work anymore oh good okay yeah if they listens it works now guys you went out and became the today's ed Manos this is hard to take seriously I don't understand what Mexico and Scandinavia have in common I had no idea how did the axis land in Nova Scotia they can't even do this in a regular game I don't see how this is possible well either way they're gonna lose this for sure because the u.s. is about to bitch-slap them off this continent British Raj falling so easily is also like a huge surprise I feel like they always stick around for a long time okay China must have some sort of black magic powers they're just going around absorbing different nations now honestly who would have thought that Germany and France would get along I was kind of expecting one of them would die eventually but they're kind of working together oh this is always fun yep it's nice to see Portugal just get completely demolished at the end here for absolutely no reason at all are you serious Franco Franco's gone I don't even know how to feel about this this [ __ ] never happens okay please why does this game have to bring up depressing memories oh god I don't think I could take it that is a disgusting looking axis in East Asia I don't think I want to live in this world anymore that was expected so obviously the axis were kicked out of North America and before this the French were having a tough time in the UK but yeah that's changed and you might notice these two might want to go to war but I don't think it's gonna happen there really isn't a focus left to start this conflict back up cuz France can't technically go to war with France unfortunately well actually that's not true there could be a civil war but you know what I'm saying but because the French have the German focus tree and France is also in the Comintern that's kind of why this is happening anyways the Allies really haven't lost all that much I'm assuming most of their deaths came from the Benelux region the Comintern on the other hand are pretty pathetic as for this random civil war that's happening in East Asia the nation with less communists joined the Comintern also Siam just declared war on those guys and Siam is in the axis it did happen who would have guessed the biggest conflict in this world's history would be started by some really really small places yeah let's just go ahead and watch the world crash and burn now I don't know how well the French are gonna do it doesn't seem like they're gonna last very long actually but I guess if you're rooting for the Allies this actually gives them a little bit of hope dang so the Communists are not having a good time over here I don't even see why they're trying to push they're doing a much better job defending than they are attacking so if you're not in the new world right now you probably gonna die because the old world's a lost cause I guess unless you're in the Middle East of course there's a first for everything guys you know Benito I gotta admit you didn't do that good of a job here you had Germany's help in Africa but you still weren't really successful alright so you know what the Soviets and the French are starting to have slight success here it does look like over time they'd eventually win in Europe East Asia on the other hand who knows that'll probably be a never ending war to be honest I think it's very likely that democratic Spain would eventually join the Allies whereas this world's other French Hitler or German Hitler I don't even know yeah he worked together with Stalin and it looks like he probably would eventually take over the world maybe I don't really know just as I thought it's been less than a year already millions of people have died maybe I'm just not used to this because I place so much of the 2017 mod but it does seem like a lot of people are dying anyways guys I really enjoyed this video I did not think it was gonna be that good please let the guy know who made this mod to continue to make more I was kind of hoping we'd see another controlled experiment where the US and the Soviet Union switch spots and given that Belgium is alive once again and slow progress has been made over here I think the Communists will eventually defeat the axis thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you guys next time and of course big thanks to neo y own destiny [ __ ] 9000 Jacob W random guy Rasmus F Jacob Scott Elfie storm blade Ethan J Kirby humor demon name ear Stefan M and furry crews for being my crack daddies if you want to support me you can find a link to my patreon in the description down below thank you so much for helping
Channel: Drew Durnil
Views: 664,454
Rating: 4.8675928 out of 5
Keywords: Drew Durnil, Hearts of Iron 4, HOI4, Hearts of Iron 4 Gameplay, Hearts of Iron 4 France, HOI4 Germany, HOI4 France, Hearts of Iron IV France, Hearts of Iron IV Germany, France, Germany, WW2, World War 2, World War II, WWII, Hearts of Iron 4 Mod, Road to 56, Communist France, Communist, Fascist, Hearts of Iron 4 Only, Axis
Id: 5NfTSudx1sI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2017
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