My First Time Playing the Lottery and I Won BIG!!!

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oh we just want what's up everybody welcome back to taking a risk with George George I just got back from my tour outer space there's the helmet to prove it I've been in space for what five or six months now good lord it's been a while I lost a lot of weight up there it's why I'm looking kind of thin I'm written ready to make videos again so if you could please resubmit the subscribe button turn on notifications and give this video a thumbs up so with all this stuff going on in the world today and in the u.s. specifically I'm getting tired I need a distraction so the best way I can think of distracting myself is by distracting you guys so here's my video today I spent fifty dollars on five lottery tickets ten dollars a piece I'm gonna see if I can profit alright so here we are with the first scratch off and as I was walking down the street I found the Lucky Penny so I'm gonna go ahead and use this one today it's not a 1943 but hey it'll still do right alright so I know there's a great debate on whether people like to scratch the winning number first or their numbers but today I think I'm gonna go with my numbers for at least on this card let's do we got we got a 12 for $10,000 that's it folks I'm done retiring that is it thanks for watching alright I guess I don't win that right now let's see we got a 5 for $50 that's not bad 2 down and eight for $10 it's not bad as well I'll take ten bucks it's 20 percent of my investment back there we go a 2 for $1,000 I'll take that and a 10 10 for 10,000 so I got a 12 for 10,000 and a 10 for 10,000 and I just noticed that I can win up to fifty five times so that's like fifty five times 10,000 all right let's see what the winning number is on this one he does a nine I could try and scratch this eight off a little bit and make it look like a nine and I just realized that that would be cheating and it would not work so bust on my emerald so let's move on to the Sapphire and see what we got here so for this one it says if any one or more of your numbers match either of the winning numbers you win the prize shown below your matching numbers reveal a black 7 symbol and win the prize show and automatically reveal a blue 7 symbol and when double the prize automatically so let's hope for those blue sevens so let's start with the winning number this time is that this will help with the anticipation I feel like a little bit oh we've got a balloon 19 I don't know what that means but we've got a blue one 19 that is blue and a 2 that is not all right let's go let's start at the bottom yeah I think I want to start at the bottom all right all right 5 for 500 so that's an incident loss good to know 6 $20 loss 8 loss 3 loss for loss 16 so close 10 not even 15 not really 18 and that was close and a 12 aw man can we move that 12 all right so that's over 2 right now Oh for 2 got nothing on that one let's move on to the ruby red tens this is big game if any one or more of your numbers match any of the winning numbers you win the price shown beside your matching numbers reveal a star symbol and when the price shown automatically it's what we want reveal a black 10 civil and when double the price shown automatically we want that as well reveal a red 10 sim 1 win 10 times the price shown automatically you know what I think that's the one I want sometimes you just got to wait till the end to find out what you really want all right so let's go with the winning numbers again I think I like that a little better although I don't know if I do I think I like the anticipation of finding out what numbers I have and then seeing if they match the winning number all right that's far enough we've got six numbers to match come on Honest Abe should be lucky so I've got a 6 24 3 22 28 17 and 20 starting at the top [Music] so three down holy moley y'all I was taking apart that first ticket and I found a bonus fourth game on the back it's called amis that's eight I think that's how you pronounce it and in this game if any one of more your numbers match any of the winning numbers you win the prize shown below your matching numbers reveal a star symbol and win the prize show and automatically reveal an eight I think that's what that is symbol and when double your price automatically reveal I am a fifths symbol when all 25 so let's shoot for an MFX let's see what we got I'm gonna I'm gonna go with the prizes this time because I like the anticipation of finding the numbers out later the winning numbers I like seeing what the prize pool can hold before being disappointed that I didn't win anything and who knows you I might unlock a Emma sets and win automatically and it doesn't matter what those winning numbers up there are it's a regular-sized penny is doing such a great job at scratching us I'm really enjoying this I might throw this back on the street after I'm done depending on how lucky or unlucky it's been after this I'm gonna need to take a small nap this was one heck of a thing to scratch off good lord my hand is tired it's like mixing a bunch of eggs into mayonnaise it's the same motion and I'm just as tired in the forearm all right so no automatic winners which is okay and it looks like we've got a 38 for a hundred thousand we've got actually a pretty pretty decent pool here 100,000 there 50,000 there 500,000 there that's what we want oh we got another 500,000 you got a 50,000 whoo another 500,000 I wish it was three of a kind and you win that one I'd have half a million dollars right now oh look I got a fourth one didn't even see that one till it's too late all right you guys ready I'm ready over good lord I have a 32 so no all right let's go to the next one 22 do we have a 22 we do not 26 I don't think we have a 26 nope 9 we've got a 9 right here if you cover up that - no but I'd rather cover up that 9 sorry 3:17 did we have a 17 no I think I'd memorize these numbers by now much I'm looking at them no that's a 16 not a 15 all right number one nope and everything but a 27 nope nope and nope under the neck alright so the first one was a bus but here we go with the second one get that out of here alright so here we go I'd like to do the prize numbers first five one nine six twelve so no winner on this one automatic winner on this one huh we just won $50 there it is we got our money back there we go twelve twelve got our money back that is wonderful my mood just went bloop I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing but I'm happy all right so let's get on to the next one fifteen got that blue nine eighteen fourteen which one do we want so far we want this fourteen ornate fourteen ornate sixteen - oh man we want that six $25,000 if I win this $25,000 I'm going to share it with everybody named George George all right let's see what we got in the winning number section nineteen that's a bust in eleven we got another bus but at least we got 50 on the Emerald let's move on to the rubies oh we got the ten the black we got the twenty reveal a black ten symbol win double sorry wait for that to focus right there reveal reveal a black ten symbol when double the price shown so we automatically already 120 something 25 so times that by 2 is somewhere in the near thousands this was a great ticket I'm already satisfied so I've already won $100 I've doubled my money second ticket let's keep going that's about as excited as I can get folks really actually very excited this was crazy I usually do not like the gamble on this has really changed my mind about it but not really I don't like the gamble but it is fun winning all right so right now I'm looking at a 26 for $100,000 that's what we need that's what we want keep going I'll take a 4 4 4 $100,000 to worth 12 come on see now they're just oh man oh they put a $500,000 on there for 29 all right see they're just teasing me and this is what I don't like about scratch-off tickets they're just a big bunch of teases alright so we've got our numbers we've got that double 10 which is awesome it's a automatic winner - 30 - 26 14 11 8 22 24 so many of these big numbers that's what we want see what this first winning number is 3 we do not have a 3 actually memorize them this time 25 we do not have a 25 5 I don't think we have a 5 31 all that was so close almost got that 7 16 and 20 all in all great so far on the first half remember there is a back half so so far I've won $100 double my investment that's great all right so let's get to the amethyst 8 [Music] all right so once again my arm is very tired if anybody has a tip or trick on how to clean these off faster I would love to know it so let's see what we got 5 you do not have a 5 9 do not have a 9 12 doing really lucky with this card I've already won twice on it so why not a third no ten no I don't think so 6:36 kind of reveal the whole number we got excited when I saw that 6 but no we do not have a 36 don't believe we have a 28 either sorry 29 I think we're short on a 29 as well final numbers 2 and I don't believe we have a 2 so as doesn't matter that this one didn't win because we did win 50 on the emerald riches and 50 on the ruby-red for a total so far of a 100 all right so check this out guys I just want $100 on that ticket and it was thunderstorms but now look beautiful sunshine and this still sparkling a little bit I'm looking for a rainbow but we've got blue guys all because my luck turned around all right so fresh off the victory from card number two were going with card number three and seeing if this is a winner as well still feeling lucky off that last one all right so no instant winner on this card we've got a 10 for $5.00 and 11 for a thousand and eight for 5,000 which is what I'm hoping for of course but you know what I'll take the six for 20 but that 10 now it's not enough and it's an instant lose that's what I get all right so let's move on I feel like this side just it's like smooth as butter just comes right off that other side that MS that's that one who don't hurts my arm gonna be so swollen us I'm gonna need a protein shake wonder how many people actually play these for the first time like I am doing and not knowing that there's a backside and that's the biggest game on this board these four boards alright see what we got so once again no instant winner looking for that blue 7 or a black 7 but no instant winner so let's find out what we've got we've got a 12 which is a lose and a 14 which is another lose so say I fire blue it's not treating me right so let's go to the ruby red okay this side I swear it just comes off straight easy it's like that other side is like double thick or something mfx alright there we are let's see where our big winners are that four right there that's the big winner Oh in the nineteen right under it Oh in the 21 oh man this board is just filled with 500 thousands let's start with the first winning number got it - no twos and no instant winners are just going to set as well no black tens no red tens and no fives definitely no ones we've got a 12 no 12 14 no good 27 I think we don't have any 27 s and 30s I think we're short on 30s alright so nothing on this front side that's alright because we still have the back side alright here we go look at this see just doesn't come off as smoothly as the first crying small strokes I'm trying big strokes maybe it's just my inexperience of stroking is what it is all right so there we are looks like we've got a big winner right at first slot 38 big winner at 17 a bunch of big winners actually I don't see anything small 20 bucks is the smallest one on this card you got two of those all right let's go through these winning numbers see what we get 25 nope - I don't think I saw - saw a bunch of other twos 14 mm-hmm 31 not out 24 that's a good number not good enough though 33 no 34 it's another good number now unfortunately so card number three is a bust on to the next all right time to change it up a little bit I'm gonna start with the ruby red on card number four all right so once again no instant winners that's okay but really it's not alright so let's see we got anything big big big on our thousand there at the bottom show you guys in a second here days all right let's go through these numbers 25 no 22 no 7 no lucky number 7 I don't think we have a to definitely don't have an 18 no 20 yeah no 23 on now alright so let's hit this sapphire blue I like those instant prizes I think that's what I'm gonna shoot for on this one I'm gonna will this card to do what I want it to so we're looking for a blue or black 7 a blue 8 it's close and we blue 8 you guys can roll your eyes all you want that was funny no I guess I already scratched the winning numbers got a little too excited with my dad joke that I just made and we lost alright let's go on to the emerald riches and we on 11 oh you got another 12 that's how I won last time in this xxx same position this one is not the same you are not the same alright so nothing on the front of this we are going to move to the back alright here we are with the amethyst suggested all right guys stay tuned I'm making my 4th batch of mayonnaise [Music] [Music] well - we got 23 I'm about to pass out no 23 is no on the 27 s no on the thirty twos big ol six no 20s nine nines for my german-speaking folks no 28 and I believe this entire card just took a number - all right on to the next all right guys number five here here we go I'm gonna start with the sapphire blue since I haven't won on that one on the front of these cards yet mine instant winner show me a beautiful number seven no no instant win but we're not done with the fun all right see what this first winning number is 10 I don't believe we have a 10 we do not or a 15 so this sapphire game is over 5 but emerald over here were one for far so far so we're going to see we can't win again on the emerald alright once again no instant winner oh the 12 again I needed you on the last card so know if you add these two together you get $6,000 and that equals 12 but that's not how it works folks stop daydreaming Ruby Ruby here we come looking for a 10 show me a 10 that's an 11 number one now no instant winners but a decent-looking pot so far right bucks out the vacuum after this oh well it's numb start at the bottom started from the bottom now we're here 14 no 29 no no 30 ones no sex no 30 no 25 [Music] fourscore and 0 ones all right so the front side of card number 5 is also a bust I'm just as excited as you guys to scratch this off [Music] all right so there's my prize pool no instant winners again 36 nothing almost got that 7 no 14 no 17 no 21 don't believe we have a 10 no 19 and that is it folks nothing on card number 5 there you have it folks after one heck of an arm workout I made $100 which is a $50 profit from my initial investment so if you haven't already please subscribe or resub scribe turn on notifications and hit that thumbs up I'm gonna show it some space and I'm ready to start making videos again don't forget to subscribe hit the notifications and down like that [Music]
Channel: Taking A Rizk
Views: 19,559
Rating: 4.6824265 out of 5
Keywords: lottery, Money, Hitting the lottery, Won money, gambling, Ohio lottery, lottery winner, What the Hales, how to win the lottery, powerball jackpot, MEGA MILLIONS
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 46sec (1606 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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