George Bloomer - Don't count me out (I'm coming back again)

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Bishop Hezekiah Walker under the anointing of Jesus of Nazareth would you give him a great big halleluiah praise right now come on tell everybody one you're alive and full of the Holy Ghost and you're ready to receive a word it's going to transform you forever he is no stranger to the word Network and surely not to world Harvest Church he is my friend my brother the incomparable Bishop George groomer telling come on buddy open up your mouth and give the Lord a shout in the Bildad come on let's give him a shower in the building grab your name by the hand and shake your neighbors they name up if you have any intentions of hender in me of receiving my blessing tonight change your seat right now cuz I come to praise em the phrases put your hands together for pastor rod parsley the only to his lovely wife and to mother parsley to the family my friend your brother grew up with him Hezekiah Walker I don't do a whole lot of talking outside of the word of a law so you may have your seats you'll find me reading from let me see where I'm gonna be reading from one tonight you'll find me reading from Luke's Gospel chapter number 10 verse number 30 Luke's Gospel chapter number 10 Bo's purse number 30 a few verses thereof I'm reading from the G bloomers deliverance Bible the wording might be just a little bit different but the thought would be the same and jesus answered and said a certain man went down from Jerusalem into Jericho and fell amongst thieves which stripped him of his raiment and wounding him leaving him and departing leaving him half dead everyone say half dead and by chance they came a certain priest that way and when he saw him he passed over on the other side a preacher that doesn't want to work likewise a Levite when he was come to the place he came and looked on him and then passed over on the other side a choir member a praise team leader rusher a deacon a trustee a work of the church looking at situations and don't know won't have anything to do with it i watch this here but verse number 33 says but a certain Samaritan as he journeyed came where he was and when he saw him he had compassion on him and that not the elder not the bishop not the Apostle not the teacher a a Samaritan that don't go to nobody's Church had compassion touched to people and say have some compassion have some compassion say have some compassion have some compassion and verse number 34 and he went and went and he went to him and bound up his wounds and poured all and wine in to his wounds and placed him on a beast and took him to an inn and said to the caretaker take care of him and on tomorrow when he was to depart he took two pence and gave it to the host and said unto him take care of him that's the second time he said it take care of him and whatsoever you spend more when I come again I will repay you when I come again I will repay you I want to use forethought on tonight don't count me out I'm coming back say to two or three people I'm coming back I don't like the way you said it I don't like late he said it I want you to say it with some authority say say save said I'm coming back I'm coming back let's pray father we thank you and we pray that your work will go forward power we pray that the word that would go forth one tonight would be a word that you selected for your peoples hearing my obedience and delivering this word should bring us a corporate testimony that it was good for us to be here the way that you're going to move the way that you're going to bless the lives that you're going to touch and change we give your name praise for it in Jesus's name Amen and amen I'm going to preach for about 15 minutes or so and I want to give you some instructions the first three or four minutes I'm going to minister prophetically to you to some folks who's been going through very very difficult times so that you understand that this is your season to make your return at any time in the message you get your prophetic download I just want you to stand and turn that's all you have to do is stand in turn stance then try it right now try try try just standing turn I understand standing standing standing turn that's it that's it and those of you that can't get up and turn too quick do like this do like this do do like this do like this alright now I want you to look at your neighbor with authority say neighbor don't count me out I'm coming back again now look behind you and say to somebody I'm coming back I'm coming back saying I'm coming back I'm coming back look you're sitting you need to stand up and say to somebody I'm coming back I'm coming back I'm coming back the devil is a liar I'm coming back I'm coming back I'm I'm coming I wish I had a Church in here tonight I'm coming back I'm coming back I'm everything the devil took from me I'm about to get it all back I'm coming back I'm coming back I'm coming back I'm coming back I'm coming somebody need a shouted I'm coming back I'm coming back I'm coming back the text opens up like this on this wise and there was a certain man who came from Jerusalem down to Jericho notice the condescending of the text notice how the text starts up he comes from Jerusalem the highest part to Jarek hold the lowest spot a Jerusalem a type of heaven Jericho a type of world no one in their right mind will leave hell we leave heaven to go to hell most people would definitely leave hell to go to heaven but to be in that lofty place and to leave there and come down that spiral existence down into the world is a dangerous thing to do the Bible says that he was in Jerusalem the the city of lights from any part in the valley you could look up and it was the place that was lit but Jericho and the road that led to Jericho was where certain parts of the text and the Bible was written yea though I walk through the valleys of the shadows of death fear no evil the cracks and the crevices the places where the thieves used to hang out at and hide out at waiting in the cup for individuals to pass through he came down from Jerusalem into Jericho and the text says he fell amongst thieves my name is George Geary John Derek Bluma I was born in New York City 4:53 Columbia Street Department a B and C my mom and my dad had nine children together my dad went out of the wedding barn it had 15 other children by six women in Red Hook projects uh-huh Papa was definitely a rolling stone I dropped out of school in the ninth grade not able to read I came out of a family that everybody in the family was just just just taught messed up just strung out on drugs I found myself really really messed up and I've gone through many challenges in my life the challenges that I've gone through in my life I called those challenges my combination the number the numbers of my life and I believe that every one of you that in this room you have a combination to your life also my combination my number is not is 8 9 12 32 47:53 if you rock those numbers you want unlock who George bloomer is you have your numbers also I don't know what your numbers are you know what your numbers are but my numbers are 8 9 12 32 47:53 and my first number starts at 8 and 8 years old my momma promised me Georgia bloomer she promised me that she was gonna give me a birthday party the birthday party uh uh when I was coming up if you're gonna have a birthday party you had to plan for because we was raised on government cheese and government butter welfare and so my mother taught us this she says I'm gonna do something for your birthday but it might not be on your birthday I learned that some for your birthday but not necessarily on your birthday yeah yeah and this time she decided that she's gonna leave me a birthday party and it worked out the birthday party consists of some onion and garlic potato chips some wise onion and garlic potato chips some cheese doodles a Duncan Hines cake a chocolate that kind of slid to the side cuz cuz you put the icing on it while it was still warm there's the big punch bowl that they would bring out and put the kool-aid in and they cut the lemons up to float on the top of top of the bowl and they've changed the lights to take the lights out and put a yellow light a red light or a blue light change the Aviance they made the children believe that this birthday party was going to be for them but in the projects where I was coming up is that the birthday party was start about two o'clock and in by 4:30 5 o'clock cuz at 6 o'clock the real party was gonna start that's when the fish was gonna fry and and then all kinds of stuff was gonna happen and so I'm so excited and a few of my friends came over and it was in the days of you know Soul Train and they were doing the Funky Chicken and the click clacks and the bumps and the electrics like all that kind of stuff and there was a young boy of Kevin Holmes who was the dancer of the projects and he could he could I mean he could really really put it down he he knew how to dance he knew what to do he knew what he knew what to do you know what yeah yeah what to do and he knew how to do it and so long story short he came to the party and you're not having a party unless you have Kevin at the party and Kevin came to the party and he stood over on the side next to the big bowl of onion garlic potato chips now in the projects when we were coming up not many people with that wise because you know when the potato chips runs out and the cake is cutting and the punch bowl goes low the party is over and so I wanted my party to last that meant that the onion and garlic potato chips had to last and it wasn't a backup in the room someplace you know I mean this is this is ghetto party you know so this did you got to make this thing work and got to make it last and he's gonna stand over there on the side next to the potato chip bow and coordinate his potato chip eating to his dancing and so I got a little bit upset and I went over to him and I confronted him on that try to get him over from the from from from the bow where the potato chips was going on that and he pushed me I pushed him back we got into a scuffle on my birthday this really really agitated my mother and so she got me and my mother told me up and sent me to my my room while the dancing was still going on and because it was one of those you know one of those real weapons that you get you ever had those kind of and I fell asleep and when I woke up from the sleep they had cut the cake blew out the candles and that thing devastated me that's eight years old the first number two my combination I'm locked in at eight at nine my dad Thaddeus bloomer says I'm gonna come and George I'm gonna take you out on Christmas Eve for Christmas shopping I wake up Christmas Eve morning I sit in front of the door at six o'clock in the morning I got my ski coat on my mittens and my you know my I have my cap on and I'm sitting there at six o'clock in the morning about nine o'clock the family's waking up you can smell some bacon cooking they working on the grits and and they'd do anything we used to we don't have biscuits we used to make Johnny cakes yeah mm-hmm-hmm yeah we talked about that next time I come and so my sister wakes up my sister Cynthia hairs you know Cynthia my sister Cynthia me and has a guy we were up together I was in one project he was in the other prizes chasing folks from one projects to the next project talk about that when we come back the next time and there she woke up and she says George what you doing sitting there and I said daddy's coming to pick me up she said daddy and my mother uh-uh-uh-uh-uh don't you dare don't you dare say anything to that boy if he wants to believe that his dad is coming to pick him up let him believe it that was too young to understand that my mother was saying he ain't coming 4 o'clock came you weren't there 6 o'clock the music started you know we well on our way for Christmas 1201 Christmas night Thaddeus bloomer did not show up at all I believe that that was the door that was cracked that caused the 12 year old little boy in me to become trapped that was nine eight nine at 12 I used to go to the store for a lady who lives on the third floor in 453 Columbia Street is to go to store for us she had a live-in lover the lover moved out and I would do little errands for her and what-have-you and I noticed after the living lover moved out I would go to the store for her and she'd give me a dollar fifty cents sometimes 75 cents sometimes to two dollars this is in the 70s $2.00 a whole lot of money two pieces of candy four four four four penny I'm you know and I noticed that she would hold me longer and her kisses got closer to my lips at 12 years old on the hottest summer I remember sitting outside in the courtyard we used to play this game called Scalzi's we just take bottle tops and put tar on the inside of it and not other people's caps out of the out of the box she called me up to go to the store for her and that day she introduced me to the adult world of sexuality I remember telling the school teacher mr. Rosenberg that you know I this happened to me and he was a social worker and he says I don't worry about it at least she wasn't molested by a man and and you're a man now but what he didn't realize that something happened to me number 12 I got locked into 1212 and so now when I would hear people sing the song happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday George Gary happy birthday to you you've always disturbed me in fact I hate birthdays I hate it I hate my birthday and I hate your birthday I don't want you to invite me to your birthday party I don't want to be a part of anything that has anything to do with but in fact if you give me a birthday card I don't even read the card I just open it up and shake it and if nothing falls I really know how you feel about me this thing bothered me all the way up till all the way up to January the 23rd 2015 I just got delivered from it all of my young days to my old days I'm having issues because of something that happened when I'm 8 years old and the question is how old are you now so I asked myself this question when the song was being sung happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday George Gary happy birthday to you I was watching dr. Phil and dr. Phil says it normally takes a person three or four times to acts in the same question before you get the truth so at the end of the song says how old are you now 52 how old are you now 47 how old are you now 12 how old are you now eight it will blow your mind to find out how many people are still eight at fifty 8 X 60 you think you married a man and you married a boy boy you'll catch that all the way go at home when a person asks me how old are you I'm doctor I got to go through the several leads that I am because sometimes he talked into my eight years sometime you're talking to my 12 sometimes you're talking to my 32 sometimes you're talking to my 47 how old are you now I believe that crack that I was smoking and that hair on that I was shooting up in my toe for five years while preaching the gospel sitting in the back rooms of churches waiting for in the colonies zipper and open my Bible bag and shooting up in my toe while folks walk around pretending that they have a prophetic eye and can't see that this is not the anointing this is hair on withdrawal don't want no church tonight thirty-two years old my mother called me yeah and she says I hear that you go into rental projects they invited me and rental projects to go back to rental project to preach at a Bible School 27 where I grew up had and terrorized the hope school and now I'm going there to preach can any good thing come out of the project and and I go there and I preach and I do wonderful and they invite me back the neck here one solid year later between that time the woman who had molested me died I got a call from my mother heads and she said you know such as I don't wanna mention it's that such person passed away and I said Wow and I said what I'm gonna be in New York I'm doing a meeting she says well you want to go to the funeral I said yes so I go with my mother to this funeral and in their older years she had lost a vision and had two eye bifocals and they had a laying in the coffin laying in the casket with the bifocals in the hand and the under tape came and says well the services the wake is over for tonight though we're gonna have the burial services tomorrow and and you prepare yourself thus wise and I said mark and I have a few moments when all of the new but I knew this woman and I worked along with this woman so she figured I just want to pay my respects the craziest thing happened to me everybody left the room and I'm standing there and this coffin is laid out in her my vocals is in there and I just reached down in the coffin pull her bifocals out of her hand break them in half and throw them back in the coffin and walk out of the funeral home while I'm walking out of the front of home I can feel a manifestation I think that that 12 year old got left in the room I think the Dead was about to bury the dead that particular night and I walked off three months later I was back in resident projects to preach at public school 27 the place was jammed and the driver that was driving me I said what I want you to do is I want you to drive me by where I used to live it cuz I want to show you where I live that drive me over Columbia Street so he drove me back Columbia Street we pulled up and I looked towards the building and we just said then I said this is where I look little drug when I was a little kid and I was running streets and all that all this happening and I said good and then the silent thing fell over me and I told two drivers to drive off the next night I preached and when I got finished preaching I went to him I said won't you take me back to where until you drove me back and you know sometimes our drivers want to minister to us and so we pulled up to the building and I'm looking out the window and he turned around to me says uh um you you you you need to go in there and I said but do you need to shut up nobody asks you to have no prophetic anointing right now just enjoy the view and I looked there and I said to him drive off and he drove off the last night of the meeting true story last night of the meeting I said it was walked him I said listen before we go home he said yeah I know I know you want me to take you back by the place I said okay you want to be smart and stuff like that you know don't get too familiar with me and I'll just take me back where I said to take me and we went back and we parked in front of the building and I looked out of that window at that building 4:53 Columbia Street and my driver got ugly again and said to me whatever is in that building bothering you tonight your last night to deal with it I'll go with you with my said nobody asked you to go nowhere with me I don't even want you driving the car don't even why are you driving cuz I think had no license I got out of the car and I walked into the building and as I went into the building immediately I went back to being 12 years old the urination and defecation the smell of it the stench was there the elevator was broken down there was lights flickering there was graffiti on the wall It was as if I stepped right back into my own pass and I pushed for the elevator the elevator came down the door opened up in the elevator broke down and so I turned around to walk out of the building and the Holy Spirit said to me there's steps so I turned around and I started going up the steps I now know the Holy Spirit was saying this steps to your deliverance but you ain't going ride this one up to the top you're gonna have to deal with this situation and so I went and I knocked on the door apartment 3 D and the lady came to the door and I said I'm looking for such-and-such a person she says umm she doesn't live here anymore she died well of course I know she died and I broke her glasses and to him as I did I know she was dead but I don't know what it is she's go she says that George Geary I was coming to your meeting I'm coming tomorrow night I said well in the meetings over tonight she said what she died she doesn't live here anymore she died and she lived in apartment 3d she said would you like to come in and I went in and nothing in the apartment resembled what had happened the Lord was letting me know that you're holding on to something in your spirit that no longer even exists shocked and awed Abaza it doesn't exist I came out of that that debt that debt that building and went came out of apartment and went over and forgot and push the button to the elevator and the elevator came up so the Lord just locked it down long enough so that he can teach me the steps of my deliverance and say to your neighbor are you about to be delivered that's 32 now 47 it's not too far off ago you say because I was smoking that crack and shooting up that hair on a lot of preachers don't want me to talk about this but this is the truth there's a culture in the Christian world right now where where folks are getting high not his I mean I'm not talking about smoking a weed I'm talking about shooting up heroin laced with embalming fluid and rat poisoning I'm talking about this this is was it and I had a situation where I had fallen out with a preacher at a conference a year or two or three years ago and in the lobby and I had to be called on the carpet because I was sort of kind of messing things up because I saw him in the lobby with sunglasses on and he was going through his hair on each and since I knew him well I said doctor whatever you're doing we need to get freedom for you throw might get out of his face I said no I'm getting in your face these are people I said I knew what time it was but the other folks who was around him didn't know what the deal was cuz they thought it was the Holy Ghost I was I was watching him on TV and could tell on TV that wasn't the Holy Ghost y'all inhaling saying some of y'all too deep what Doody I believe the Lord had me to come in contact with that because I did not want to be one of those persons that my congregation is looking for on a Sunday morning and I don't show up because I'm lying in a hotel room someplace dead out of some drug cocktail how the enemy wants to snatch your life from you I know what I'm talking about pilgrim Baptist cathedral New York City called there many years ago to preach their prayer conference their holy day then knocking on the door for me to come out of the pastor's study I can't come out of the past study cuz I can't get my stirring back into my shoe because in this study I opened up my bag and I got high in the past to study and the Holy Spirit sobered me up long enough to preach that message that day ninety people gave their life to the Lord when I was coming out of the pulpit that drug high came back on me and I heard in my own voice the voice of God say I'll use you like you are but I will not receive you into my presence it is so clear to me that we can preach this gospel and souls are saved and we be a castaway and so when I got delivered in of crack cocaine and heroin and got delivered of it my dirty little secret was this is that the enemy started battling with me in the spirit realm in my mind and so now I would go to sleep and sometimes I'd be asleep for four eight hours and 12 hours I mean sleep a whole Saturday through because while I was sleep I was smoking crack I was visiting crack houses in my dreams this might be too much for y'all tonight yeah I think so visiting crack houses inside my dream you know the world keeps on hearing all this fluff about the gospel but there's people that are out there that are hurting someone is watching right now with a syringe in their hands someone is watching right now who is messed up and need to turn the television on to hear a gospel that saves and transforms and delivers and set free and you need to hear tonight that even us as preachers are under the attack of the devil but if you find a place God will deliver you from the clutches of the enemy and I was out there in the crack house in my dreams and I would wake up high so I like sleeping because I wasn't actually doing it it was just happening in my dream life and I would meet people in my dreams and I woke up and I started praying against this Lord you gotta help me with this this is my dirty little secret and I need to I need deliverance tonight I need to be set free from this thing that thing plagued me and came after me one afternoon I came out of my house jumped into my car on the Tuesday night on my way to Bible study when I'm driving the Bible study everything is fine I Drive right past my church turn the corner go down Pedigo Street go over the railroad tracks into the red-light district pull up on the sides and roll the window of my tent Mercedes bend down and says to the drug man give me an eight ball cuz if you keep on thinking it eventually it will come and snatch you and I said to him I said give me give me eight ball now hit him up with $1,000 and and and while he was taking any he signaled to the hopper to go and get the drugs and while Hopper was going to get the drugs he leaned down in the car to say something to me and he looked at me he said Bishop bloomer I said no a no Bishop bloomer Bishop bloomer he hand this like this and he signaled humper that means stop and he threw the money back inside the car hundred-dollar bills on the floor and over by the sides of the passenger side he said Bishop bloomer what you out here doing trying to some drugs from a drug dealer he said ain't this your Bible study night the drug dealer knew and my Bible study was cuz when you drive around town my pictures are up on billboards and on the sides of buses he said ain't this your Bible study night now I'm upset what he said listen let me share something with you I ain't selling you no drugs you're coming out here messing around with me he says you gonna mess around and make God take his hand off my business the drug dealer thought that God was blessing empty finally the enemy that had been attacking me in my sleep and attacking me and my dream light was now trying to manifest this thing and so I went to church and I stood up on the altar and I pulled up hoping back and I said a stool up there and I shared that Tuesday night with the congregation what had happened to me immediately so they could pray for me for weeks later we put up the gospel tent on or on on on Holloway Street and while I'm preaching the drug dealer comes in and gives his life to Jesus but the dreams doesn't stop the dreams keeps on going on and in my dream I meet up with this girl that I am smoking crack with in my dream I tell you the truth and I'm smoking crack with this girl and I'm smoking crack with all of about maybe three months in my dream life and she has her syringe and her drugs in a dirty Hello Kitty bag and I'm talking to her and when I wake up out of the dream I'll forget it and sometimes while I'm driving it comes back to me and I and when I go to sleep again I meet her in different crack houses I rolled in cars and on the back of bicycles in my dream going to these places and I said lord I don't understand what is going on but the girl's name was Sylvia and that is the truth and I was out in California preaching in the service and while I'm preaching a message like this I looked over on the side and the same girl that I saw in my dreams were sitting in the sanctuary got it on video thank you Jesus and the Holy Ghost said that's her that's her of course I knew it was her but I'd never met her in person that's her the Holy Ghost said that's her that's her and so I tried to keep on preaching the Holy Spirit said call her name I said show me up and she looked up he said challenger on the bag I said bring to me the Hello Kitty bag then she went Wow she went crazy she started going crazy they had to restrain her she starts screaming she runs down to the altar with the Hello Kitty bag I opened it up and she throws crack cocaine harren and syringes on the altar every time you find yourself in a situation where you've been going through you tend to believe that you're just going through for yourself and testimony is not thanking the Lord for your life health and strength food on the table or clothes on your back that's a speech in a storefront Church a testimony is an undeniable experience that you have a God in the past to sustain your phantom present or future mystical difficulties and testimony is data and proof that the god that brought you up before will turn around and do it again and this is your hour to come out of what the enemy has put on you grab your neighbor by the hand as they old neighbor I want you to understand a few things tonight and they have gone down but I'm coming back again I got about chakra Tata yeah thing the devil tried to do to me everything that devil tried to do to me huh what's for my building it was for my spiritual upbringing can I preach a little bit in here accusations and criticisms are the final stage before spiritual promotion you can always tell how blessed you won't be tomorrow by how much hell you're going through right now if you're going through hell right now it's because God's gonna bring you out I dare you to shake your neighbor by the hand and say old neighbor I'm coming out of my situation I'm coming out of my storm nobody gets married so that your marriage ends up in divorce nobody has children so the children of snatched from you and awarded to the state who buys a car so the repo man can come and pick it up nobody purchases a house to your house ends up in foreclosure but every now and then those things happen and when they happen you serve a God who can turn those things around for you so I'm talking to everybody that's watching out there in television land I'm talking to the drug dealer huh I'm talking to the preacher huh I'm talking to the crack addict huh y'all they hear what I'm saying huh I've come to tell you that it's time for you to lift up your head and give God another chance because you got one more great comeback and this is the hour this is the season 2015 is the year of Supernatural compensation somebody shout outs I want it all back you
Channel: World Harvest Church Online Campus
Views: 28,188
Rating: 4.7493186 out of 5
Keywords: George Bloomer, Rod Parsley, World Harvest Church, God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, The Parable of the Good Samaritan, Samaritan, Bible, Deliverance, Salvation, Freedom, Love, Compassion, Jerusalem, Jericho, Heaven, Hell, Bondage, Drugs, Alchohol, Addiction, Crack cocaine
Id: qK9hfKd6oyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 56sec (2156 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 06 2016
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