Bishop George Bloomer - Dominion Campmeeting 2014

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[Applause] Bethel Family Worship Center in Durham North Carolina is a wonderful wonderful place but it cannot contain the ministry gift deposited within its angel his pulpit is the world and see it in two being called by upscale magazine one of the nation's leading men to watch in the 21st century CNN charisma magazine the man with a plan none of that comes close to describing the unusual gift which we are more than honored to not only welcome back to America's Kent leading but to call our friend I love him with all of my heart and you are about to be radically undeniably irreversibly changed your Giants about to fall and he never getting up again mr. George blue [Applause] or yourself while all your people why don't you put your hands together for America's pasture come on you can do better than that grab your neighbor by the hand and squeeze that hand gently and say to your neighbor say neighbor if you have any intentions of hindering me of receiving my blessing tonight change your seat right now because I come to praise Him [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Father in the name of Jesus we ask that your word would go forward power that it would destroy the yokes of the enemy we pray that the word that would go forth on tonight would be a word that you selected for your people's hearing our obedience and delivering this word should bring us a corporate testimony that it was good for us to be here the way that you're going to move the lives that you're going to touch the bodies you're going to heal the prison doors you're going to open up the debt that you're going to cancel ah the debt that you're going to cancel we give you praise in advance for it now in Jesus name somebody give them a Shabak out of your spirit [Applause] you may be seized in the presence of the Lord I don't do a whole lot of talking outside of the word of the Lord cast it to me quickly I don't do a whole lot of talking outside of the word of the Lord I want you to put your hands together and help me to honor the first lady of First Lady's [Applause] to the quorum of ministers and pastors and bishops who the people of God is a blessing the privilege to be with you my little brother big brother first cousin all the way from Africa is here on tonight and I know he's going tear this place to pieces I'm so happy I'm before him give to love this mark a great big hand clapping it is impossible it is about Bahamas it is impossible to get the ministry of any person in a few minutes a few hours and so the Lord has blessed us to bring you some ministry products that I pray that's really really going to bless you if you've been watching breakthrough you've been seeing this warfare ecology of ministry take off I mean you have blessed my ministry in ways it's just unbelievable so we have that out there for you I'm not who you heard I am chunky David said you don't know me like that oh oh these are just some books that I brought that I know it's going to bless you for all of you who think that that you know you know I don't know how to say it this is this this this is for the crazy woman that keeps on picking the same old Joker [Music] over and over and over again because she does not understand what a man wants or what a man needs can at that bottle of water right there just that yeah this this is this this is all I'm sorry this is oldest for me Bruce this is this is all this is all that a man once you're looking at me funny for most men it takes for women woman to make up their one dream I don't mess up the whole camp meeting for women most men most men are looking for a cap a container content and a label and the problem with a lot of women is that you don't have no cap so you're walking around spilling this is why you got joke is trying to taste you and chase you he don't like you he just like how you taste you need this book call no suitable name he don't like you he just like how you taste that's why you only get telephone calls at two o'clock in the morning that's why you only get super-sized at Burger King or McDonald's you don't okay all right all right [Applause] I've stood an agreement with Mary Kay Baxter the woman who wrote the book the divine revelation of Hell and wrote five books with her divine revelation of prayer divine revelation of deliverance a few of the divine revelation books and so I'm tired of talking about I don't like to do commercials this one is looking for love 11 stupid things women do to mess up their life would you like to know what one of them is they marry stupid men all right I ain't got no glasses you're slipping Bruce you're slipping give Bruce a great big hand clap that's my butt look if you would for a few moments turn your Bibles to Ezekiel chapter number 28 Ezekiel chapter number 28 verse number verse number 13 ezekiel chapter number 28 verse number 13 I got to tell you a little story before I read this my name is George Gary John Derrick bloomer I was born in Brooklyn New York 4:53 Columbia Street apartment a B and C Red Hook projects I was raised on government cheese and government butter food stamps I'm talking about food stamps before these new swipe cards came out I'm talking about those orange 50-cent food stamps the brown one dollar food stamp book y'all inhale act like you don't know what I'm talking about I had a 300 to sometimes $500 a day cocaine habit that later on went into crack smoking crack I would give my life to the Lord in Rikers Island prison I was supposed to be there for 20 years I wound up staying there for 18 months because that was my processing chamber I came to preach to somebody tonight that where you are is not where you are is just where you are to God can get you where you're supposed to be and there are a number of you in here under the sound of my voice that tonight is your night for absolute total breakthrough at the camp meeting every demonic attack that you've been under those demons have got to let you go tonight what you gotta say you gotta say you gotta say it you got a fan you got a fast you gotta say it you gotta say it that's right tonight I'm just saying it you know I'm giving you my testimony you know a testimony is not thanking the Lord for your life health and strength food on the table or clothes on your back that's the speech in the storefront Church movie for more people to come a testimony is an undeniable experience that you have with God in the past to sustain you for any present or futuristic 'old if achill t's a testimony is data and proof that the God that brought you out before will turn around and do it again and and your testimony ain't for you but it's for every one that you come in contact with sort of kind of nutty neighbor say I might be going through for you I obtained a story from grade 1 to grade 9 pastor parsley my teacher passed me from class to class because she did not want me or they didn't want me in their class so I learned how to read like 20 years ago and I'm 52 years old now which means that all of my adult life I couldn't read write spell but I could count because I was running a private practice on the corner of Lorraine and Columbia I was a pharmacist I could gallon and I learned how to read supernaturally and mysteriously my mother was visiting one time with me I'm sitting there after eating I had this little funny feeling in my head my vision blurred then it focused and I read a can of split pea soup Campbell's soup that was on the counter and I said marquetry said boy you can't read and I said I can and we went into the bathroom and everything she pulled out of the cabinet I was able to read that day when I woke up in the morning I couldn't read nothing other than the Bible and so I went through a six year period of times not being able to read anything if it wasn't the Bible so the Lord has showed me some things in the Bible that folks who've been reading all their life take for granted and for a few minutes we need to go there with each other but this is the point that I want to make and then we're going to go to the text after I came out of Rikers Island prison a preacher found me saw that I was gifted and pushed me into ministry but it wasn't my time yet and so as I went into ministry and I was doing to do with ministry my addiction kicked back in and so for two years I was shooting up and preaching at the same time many times 20 minutes before was time to be the preacher and this spirit was so bad that if I wasn't high I couldn't get a word that's how cunning and crafty that demonic spirit is and I remember preaching in New York City at a church and they knocked on the door and they say you're aren't after the next number those daisies to do this is called songs numbers number one number two and you own after the next number but I couldn't come out of the pastor's office out of the bathroom in the pastor study because I couldn't get my shoelace back into my shoe because my addiction had kicked in it was there that I learned about the grace of God and I'm not talking about this crazy grace that's being preached all over America I don't start no trouble now but is crazy grace that's being preached all over America where you don't have to repent or you or you you insult God if you do repent I learned about the grace of God when I came out of that office the Lord snatch that hair on high off of me and I preached the gospel that day and 90 people gave their life to the Lord and when I was coming out of the pulpit that high jumps back on me and I heard and my own voice God say these words I'll use you any way you are but I won't keep you depart from me ye workers of iniquity and so when I saw preachers preaching in America today preaching in pulpits and you think they dancing in there shouting and you think that's the anointed of God I can tell that it is a hair on withdrawl where the Prophet that now [Applause] because not only do I have a relationship with Jesus I had a relationship with crack and you can't expose people to stuff that you haven't been exposed to yourself so this is the word that the Lord has given me for this particular hour in this particular day he's equal 28 verse number 13 and I told you the reading part of it so if I mess up you know forgive me in Jesus name but I feel I need to read it now he's been in Eden the garden of God and every precious stone was your covering the Saudis the topaz the diamond the Barrow the Onyx the Jasper the sapphire the emerald the carbuncle the gold and the workmanship of thy tamarins go by said that right and by pipes were prepared in you the day that you were created about what the anointed cherub that covereth and I've said this so you upon the holy mountains of God I walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire you were perfect in all your ways from the day you were created till iniquity was found in thee I want you to note the word iniquity because iniquity is wilful deviations from what we know to be the will of God iniquity is the sins of the saints you know what you're doing what you're doing it anyway by the motor terms of your merchandise that is still the midst of you with violence and you have sinned arrogance produces sin by the multitude of your merchandise stuff have made you arrogant and you're falling in your pursuit to keeping it I will cast you as profane out of the mountains of God I would destroy you Oh cover insure from the midst of the stones of fire my heart was lifted up because of thy beauty thou has corrupted our wisdom by reason of that brightness too smart and cute now has the foul that sanctuaries by the multitude of thine iniquities by the iniquities of that traffic therefore I will bring forth a fire from the midst of thee hell is being born out of the nature of Lucifer therefore I will bring a fire out of the midst of thee and it shall devour thee and I will bring you to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all of them that behold you I want to preach tonight and I've never been good at coming up with great preaching topics so bear with me because I'm gonna try to give you one a night I want to preach this message tonight to you just look at your nave and say to your neighbor time is on your side time is on your side that's what I want you to say to your neighbor one more time time is on your side in Genesis chapter number one we hear a story Genesis 1 says in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of the Lord moved upon the face of the waters and God said let there be light and there was light and we like to think that the world started in Genesis chapter number 1 but John comes along and he says Moses I want to say something here you said in the beginning God created the heavens and earth I say in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God and the same was in the beginning with God and it seems to be some sort of a conflict or clashing between the two writers enough for agnostics and atheists to jump in there and says that the Word of God contradicts itself but it really really doesn't you see Moses was recording time John was revealing unto us eternity see with God I never had a beginning he always was it is extremely hard for us to understand that because everything that we know and everything that is around us had a beginning the carpet that we walked on have a beginning the fuse that we sit in from how to beginning the microphone had a beginning you had a beginning added together but with God he never had a beginning he always was can you say that with me always was that word was means continuous past tense he never had a beginning he always was and that's what makes you scratch ahead with it in the beginning was how can you have was at the guinea only God can do that whenever God created himself he decided Ava's going to complicate life for himself so he created the heavens there was no earth that the heavens the heavens alone the heavens and he decided that he was going to create angels and the angels was going to worship Him and he made different types of angels angels that bow down in angels that worship and angels that sang and angels that thought angels that ward what was God doing what was going on something great and he decided that he was going to divide the heavens into thirds into thirds an innumerable host of angels that he had created to worship him because he's the type of God that needs to hear his name constantly constantly so he divided the heavens into third into one 30-game to Lucifer to 130 game to Gabriel to 130 games to Michael he gave 1/3 to worship he gave 1/3 to warring he gave 1/3 to messenger to his messengers and the heavens was filled and God went he set up on the throne and Lucifer stood in front of them is equal 28:13 gives us a little glimpse at how Lucifer looked in his glory days first of all the Lord said you had been in Eden the garden of God not the Garden of Eden but eaten the garden of God the world that then was before the world that Adam and Eve lived in he was the one who walked up and down the mists of the stones of fire the inhabitants that lived in the earth before Adam and Eve showed up the inhabitants that asked that Adam and Eve was called to replenish to put back to replace Lucifer's now trapped back up in glory standing before God and his ministering to the Lord and he has all of the stones and all of the colors and all of the gems of the souls of men his fellowship with them and he's standing on the throne and the scripture says that he had tamarins and pipes he had tamarine and he had pipes flutes someone said that he was the head of the choir he was in the head of the plaques he was the choir when who suffer lifted up one hand became up she touched it up give it up the other hand standing in in in a minute yes ten tenten a tenten tenten tenten since then an event event get it ooh I like that that it they said it I said it I said it I said it I was like you to Dan Santana and I said that out of that that's that better than that at that Bank so y'all stop it I'm gonna make my own music next time then turn an intense turn started at ten cents in an instant standing ten ten ten ten he was bad and as he said upon the throne everything that was in glory move to the symphonic rhythm of Yusuf was beat and God was glorified till one day god looked down and saw a Lucifer you see the thing that you need to understand is that up until this time God really never really saw loose roots of his face or considered roots of his face because Lucifer cast a reflection of God remember he was diamonds and carbuncles and emeralds he was everything that casts the reflection and so God never could see Lucifer for God seeing himself in Lucifer and when God looks out of heaven he doesn't want to see you he wants to see his self in you and when God doesn't see yourself in you is because you have a problem with him long story short Lucifer corrupted from moving amongst those that are to give glory to God I want to preach this because I know that there are several pastors in here and your greatest warfare is not the devil your greatest Warfare's the knuckleheads that you hired that refused to do the job that you told them to do always running their mouth always talking always trying to talk back they refused to do what you told them to do and what I'm telling you to do with how God showed it to me Wow I messed up the whole meeting there was it the word knucklehead that Bobbi chin every pastor knows that when you have a word on the inside of you Titan causes someone close enough to you to rise up and say something to you moments before you it's a delivery and our worst conflict that we have all these people around us that don't know how to shut up [Applause] so time is on your side time time time it's on your side you may not understand it fully yet but you will in a moment Lucifer goes to God and this is Lord I want to talk to you for a moment little sis is fine you talk to me about anything Lucifer comes and goes over to Lord he says God I want to actually this question what gives you the right to be God you know what when I was walking up and down I'm above mister the storms of fire and I was moving around people you know I found some people that wanted to worship me too and so I really really trying to get a feel on how do you handle worship you know what gives you the right to be guard Gus it's okay what gives me the right to be guard that I was here first and and you know you know so folks can actually some questions about why you are where you are and sometimes you can't answer it because I tell you about world harvests today that you can talk all you want to and believe that you can just do this thing but there's a secret to this thing that God haven't even told him you think I'm joking run and try to duplicate it what gives you the right to be God cuz I was hit for something it was it ain't good enough so God said come on step out here with me let me show you something you see oxygen you see snow you see rain you see people you see mankind you see all this galaxy you see all these planets God raised his hand and by one swipe of God's hand everything was gone he wiped out everything complete total blackness black said and he turned to Lucilla he said now put back well I just took Lucifer said I can't do it God put it back God put it back and then he says that will give me the right to be gone when you I want a preacher here there are many of you that are under the sound of my voice that think that your substandard because your education your speech your Leela you didn't go to school you dropped out you had a baby out of wedlock your first half of your life you were gay whatever the situation is if God got a plan for your life there's not much that you can do that's the anointment and not handy I found somebody says the anointing it's the anointing is the anointed I was invited to preach it one of those marathon conferences and the person to people who is putting together the marathon conferences the conference or one of them didn't like me a group of them didn't like me because whatever you know I'm human like me and just like me and and and and so what they did they tried to intimidate me so what they did they put up this awesome articulate creature in front of me because I had articulated at a time in my life that this guy is brilliant and then they put a famous Big Shot preacher up behind me and placed me in the middle of articulate and huge greatness and they whispered amongst themselves that boomer is going to crack he's going to fail there's a lot of people who have that assignment in their life they'll hear a message and they go to Nick birthday where you better come with it tomorrow cause this is what you did and I'm gonna do what I'm doing what happened he got nothing to do what I'm doing when I get through doing what I'm doing is going to be by the anointing of God but then it takes him that first person to us went up there and he was articulate the last guy went up there and he was famous and powerful but I was annoying and you got to realize that God is trying to get something to you it's the anointing that destroys the yoke and set the captives free what gives you the right to be God I said put it back and said I can God put it back he said that's what gives me the right to be God but the devil is still not satisfied and the enemy will never be satisfied when he's jealous of you when a person is jealous of you you can't change your hair color your eye color you can't lose weight or gain weight you can't do nothing to satisfy them the only thing you can do is die because the Bible says that jealousy is as cruel as the brain and you got to get bad enough but say I ain't dying for you I know some of y'all don't hear me but he don't like he don't he don't like short hair so now you got long hair and can't even scratch your head what Tuesday can't even scratch it for fear that I'll come home [Applause] so here's where we all come in at the Lord said to Lucifer's SEC you see the earth that you used to roam around in walking up and down in the midst of the stones of fire you see this is it that you were in look at it Lucifer because it is gone and a kind of classic judgment hit the earth and wiped it out Lucifer now is up in glory Bible says until iniquity was found in heaven and I want you to get this as clearly as the Lord showed it to me that when Lucifer was up in heaven when all of that iniquity God was faced with a dilemma and the dilemma that God was faced with that in eternity whatever goes on goes on forever and ever and ever God could have jumped down and snatched Lucifer put him in a chokehold and began to beat his head up against the wall but he would have been doing that for how long forever and ever and ever so what God did he sat on the throne while Lucifer was ministering to him looking at Lucifer's and vicious faith got up off the throne went to his private chambers of eternity and opened up the zipper of eternity and push eternity on one side and eternity on the other and reach down and snatch the earth and caused it to spin off between two eternities and then God went down into the earth and said and God said let there be light and there was light and he starts the chorus of creation in Genesis chapter number 1 verse number 3 and God says number 3 number 6 God says number 9 God says number 11 God says number 18 God says number 20 God said number 24 God says number 26 and God said let us make man in our image and after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea the fowl of the air the beasts of the field and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the face of the earth he set in order spiritual warfare at creation the symbols of it is simply this anytime anything goes on in the Middle East an attack is made on us the commander-in-chief calls the Joint Chiefs and says unto them make sure the fishes are in the sea the fishes in the sea are the ships on top of the fishes are the birds in the belly of the ships our tanks and Humvees in the tanks and Humvees are men we control the sea we control the air we control the field and then the creepy things that creepeth upon the face of the earth brings to order what the enemy has been trying to take from us God spoke this word because he knew that the enemy the enemy was going to work against us who has the right to be God God began to create the earth and when he created it every day he said the evening and the morning the evening and the morning the evening and the morning he's the only Creator that creates the day of the day before the evening and the morning is the first day what was God doing he was installing time time because he had a creature that was a creature of eternity and he needed to clean and cleanse the heavens so our Lucifer was up on the throne he saw the earth that he had once roamed in and moved around in and rejoiced in had now come back to his full glory and this time there was two members in the First Church of Eden Adam and Eve and so when he saw that the heavens had opened up and the earth had now been recreated he came down out of the heavens into the atmosphere of the earth and when God saw the last angel who his tail had drawn come down into the earth God got up from his throne and went over to Eternity and pulled eternity to eternity and trapped Lucifer in time Lucifer is a creature of time of time and you are his wardens time is a prison for the devil a few years ago a demonic spirit was released in the earth the United States of America we under a great attack the church is in trouble and don't even know it they changed the way we sing they change what we eat how we dance and how we worship no one no one wants to talk about heaven or hell and they definitely don't want to talk about rapture Satan has become so bold and so in-your-face that HBO is now doing a program called the leftovers the others and it talks about the rapture taking place and everyone that has been snatched away over 2% of the Earth's population is gone no one talks about it and they deal with how they just pretend that if God never even came our children from ages infancy to right at about the age of 28 29 don't know any of the hymns of the church they don't know any of the blood songs we know how to dance and rejoice but we don't know any of the blessed song we don't know the songs that y'all lay here with them saying we have this softer kinda a cotton candy make me feel good warm and fuzzy type of worship that is oh I'm starting trouble that is going on who said it would tempt me let have a me let's have a meeting I searched all over could he find nobody I searched high and low still couldn't find nobody nobody greater nobody greater nobody greater than you that's wonderful that's a great great song I was driving in my car and I got grandkids and sometimes when they ride in my car and I'm not in the car they turn the radio on stations that ain't right must have been that Justin and there I was I get into the car and the rap thing the right thing is going I don't work in the world but the DJ Tula is crossing over so another DJ's coming on so he's signing off and so he's after he got finished playing this nasty song and I can't even mention it here he said I want to end with this little song and he put off the song searched all over couldn't find nobody searched high and low still couldn't find nobody nobody greater nobody greater than you and that was a wonderful song I'm not against the song at all because I know one thing in the song too but I thought to myself if they can use that song to Benedict an R&B hardcore rap station then it couldn't have the type of conviction [Music] and I thought to myself the song that we're singing now don't have any reference to Jesus I mean I can sing that song to my girl searched all over couldn't find nobody searched high and low still couldn't find nobody nobody greater nobody greater then you baby [Applause] he didn't sign off by getting one of those hold him that says there is a fountain filled with blood drawn from Emmanuel's veins and sinners plunged beneath the flood screws all that at the cross at the cross wrap first or the light and the burden of art now it is the blood that gives me strength from day to day it will never prove it how poured reaches is mountain it flows to the lowest salary he didn't sign off with none at all shyness all because those songs brings in the presence of God the dog that we know we have not introduced him to our children so I began to preach this this gospel but I got caught up and what this thing can do for you CNN had me on Larry King had interviewed me on the front page of magazines and a Dalen spirit got a hold of George bloomer the spirit of arrogance and pride and my services in my appearances became dig I'm not preaching to you I'm preaching to myself tonight became gig these young people were coming up in ministry today they think that all they need is a tailor-made suit a Rolex watch and a Mercedes then they think that that's success they know nothing nothing about the tormal of ministry the struggle that goes along with it and very few people are willing to even teach it to hooked up with a group of friends that begin to preach a gospel that is satanic and ungodly and that spirit got on me and the Devils in SME for a long time I mean I was the general of spiritual warfare pulling down strongholds confronting demon forces cannot reflect this in this church got hooked up with groups of people that says that drinking is OK smoking is OK and fornicating is ok too [Applause] so it neutralized my message and I was getting richer by the moment and very few preachers can see it because most of them are walking in it there's a reason pastor parsley that I told you on the telephone and after how you doing you say how you doing son miss you love you I said to you I said I am on my knees and I want to say to you I love you I appreciate you I apologize to you because God use you to bring me back to my senses Oh [Music] I was sitting up inside a 10,000 square foot house with a nervous breakdown tutor he may want to hear something deep here come baby hold it in my hand a bottle of Prozac that the doctor prescribed to me because I have a nervous breakdown rich successful with no God and because you know more about church than you know about God I can pull the wool over your eyes anytime I get ready with your fake proper science death it's the truth it's the truth I came up in hardcore hole in it where the Saints the church mother used to sit on the front row ha ha ha and cricket in the Holy Ghost and if you get anything they saw it in the spirit and by the time you got to church do it hey I'm sitting up inside my house wife God lost everything alone by myself with a nervous breakdown operating in a familiar spirit where demons are now giving me information I'm sorry y'all day with this tonight use and intimidation manipulation and combination to control attack I told you in my opening that I have a relationship with Jesus but also had a relationship with crack also have a relationship with whoredoms so I can see the horrors when they come to church I can see yellow like that kind of prison I can see the drug addicts when they come to church I can see the manipulative way and see a lot of you can't see it because you got discernment ain't got no discernment I got discernment of spirits [Music] I think spirit nervous breakdown a tumor dying of cancer 366 pounds after I weighed in for a gastric bypass surgery lost my mind and my memory was gone but he hid me behind a veil I'm sitting up in this huge house drinking iced tea crushing my prozac's that I'm supposed to be taking and snorting them okay George bloomer the general of spiritual warfare the mighty man of God who cast out demons was preached in a corner and those demonic forces came after me I went to sleep one night and the Lord stepped into my dreams I walked into my church in this dream and there was a man standing at the top of the steps I said how you doing young man he said I'm doing fine I noticed he had a book bag on I had a book bag on just like his but my book bag was extremely heavy so heavy I was resting on my heels it was heavy to carry this book bag his was identical to mine and so I said to him I said your book bag looks just like my he's a yes a pastor would you like to see what's in it I said yes he pulled this off and zippered it open I looked inside of his bag and in his bag was my church Bethel Family Worship Center I looked at him I said what are you doing carry on my ministry around he looked at me his eyes just went to light and he says let me see what's in your bag I took my bag off as if it it open it was cancer it was whoredoms it was disease it was demons and that man looked at me he says that's all of the stuff that God use you to set people free from what are you doing carrying it around I had gotten to a place where I was now carrying everything that I was assigned to deliver folks brother I'm sitting in the house snorting the prozac's getting up in the pulpit preaching preaching nobody knows it turned over time it is this is crazy something is wrong what in the world is happening to the church we've lost our vision we've lost it almost completely I left my house got into my 550 Mercedes been I'm not bragging I'm just showing you something that stuff don't mean nothing I drove down out of my house passed my church across the railroad tracks to the into the red-light district pulled over to the side roll my windows down and said to the drug man give me an 8-ball flings him $1,500 he took the $1500 in signal the young hopper to go and bring my drugs to me while he was standing there he's counting the money he looks down in the car to say something then he said Bishop bloomer I said Diana Bishop bloom in this up he said Bishop bloomer he conditioned homer he stood up did his hand like that and flung my money back into the car he said what you doing down here trying to top drugs from the drug man this your bloomer are you crazy I had forgotten that my pictures on the side of buses and billboards in the city he said to me he said this abloom ain't this Tuesday night ain't this your Bible study night the truck dealer knew in my Bible study was he's gonna go sell no drugs to no preacher you better get out of here Bishop bloom and he won't mess around and they God take his hands off my business the drug dealers or the golfers [Applause] now you know you hit rock bottom but you can't get too drunk man I went into my church I went into my church went upstairs changed my clothes came back downstairs sat on a stool move the pulpit and said to the congregation I said I just got set free tonight by being confronted by a drug dealer and I told them my story we put out ten on two weeks after the tent went up I'm up there preaching and the drug dealer comes up under the tent and gives his life to Jesus you can sit up the reason why I'm giving my life to Jesus is because I heard what you told your church and you told them exactly what happened so I can follow a man like you that can insist that if you fall hard can lift you up nobody gets very so that your marriage ends up in divorce nobody has children so that your children are snatched from you and awarded to the state or put into foster care who buys a house of that your house ends up in foreclosure nobody buys the car so they can hide it from the repo man but sometimes in life stuff happens to you and when it does you need to know that you got a God who can turn that thing around for you is on your side I said time is on your side everything I went through with in God's timing to change things in my life and I'm not afraid to tell you that the God that I serve let me go down rock bottom to bring me back up to where he wants me to be and there are those of you in here under the sound of my voice you came to the camp meeting it's wonderful it's powerful but somebody's got to get delivered somebody spoke crack last night somebody laid up last night somebody boarding the guard is on yet convicted tonight and say enough is enough that every promise that God made to me I'm about to get it and the only way you want to get it to understand that you like to serve the man who controls time I made a number a number of mistakes in my life but I found out that the devil can't use it against you if you tell it yourself I learned how to tell on my own self and still dance leave on your name and say I got victory when it's all said and done I got victory and I come to tell you that time is not running out on you time is just running out on the devil and you need to realize that God has given you power to redeem and to get that everything that the devil stole from you you need to realize the night those you never listen under the sound of my voice that the devil is not smart enough to take what he took from you and destroy it when the devil takes something from you he puts it in a display case and assign the demon to keep the dust off of it he's crazy that's why we're able to march into the enemy's camp and take back by force that's the thing the devil stole from us I find somebody and say I want my stuff back I want it I want it all back double you can't have it it belongs to me and I want my I want my stuff back if anybody in here that understand what I'm saying I come to tell you I went down to rock bottom they told me it was over boom are you gonna crash and burn you are done you're gonna wind up dead in a hotel room someplace but that was Satan's deal for me but God had another plan I feel a little preaching there look at your neighbor say God's got a bigger plan he's trying to give me a testimony he wants to bring me out huh is there anybody in the building that knows about the thought that I'm talking about I come to tell you he will bring you out huh I been down to nothing huh and he brought me back to where I'm supposed to be huh no weapon that is formed against you by any means shall prosper women have never been my problem is that crack cocaine Holly Hill don't care if them drugs but the Lord has delivered me from the hand of the enemy I want you to grab a neighbor and pull the neighbors they neighbor huh I need you to break off the thought is about to deliver you from the hands of the enemy Brooke might not be your problem huh oh it might not be your problem but whatever your problem is time is on your side the god I serve huh he's go return it prior huh I wish I can get a few people to turn the way you turn is the way the daughter is alternate punica he won't fix it for you huh fastest is not over huh three is not overcome the devil is a liar huh he's defeated what God is going to up and give you victory I wish I had a witness in the building huh rapper name of other hand and pull that neighborhood and say neighbor I'm pulling on you but it looks like your way they work in time so use mine you need a praise around you but the more you play the hustle the more he turn inspire I need Thee Oh I need thee every hour I need Thee Oh precious oh great God deliver me from the hand of the enemy huh when I come to tell you in to love this Ohio tonight that I'm back now I got my choice back I got my piece back I got my health back I got my welfare yeah I got more money than Jehovah God witnesses the Lord has been good to me and it's all because I went through hell accusations and criticisms on the final stage before spiritual promotion huh you can always sell out less you won't be tomorrow huh how much hell you going through right now if you're going through hell right now have is because thought is about the deceiver you have out of the hand of the devil huh every time you play them you get more time every time you lift them up you get more time you gonna learn how it's a popular Shabbat come from the Hebrew word to bury huh it means to confuse the enemy huh somebody open up your mouth and confused the enemy in this placement nextiva's the devil's though you can't have my children you can't have my husband you can't have my wife you can't have it [Applause] the assignment of this camp meetings is to restore holiness back to our churches the assignment of this camp needed if they get the dancer that dances they get the pray Laureus back pray I wish they had a church in here tonight ah-ha so like they we're coming back and God is turning back to handsome oh yeah we must be people filled with the Holy Ghost people see this praying encounter yeah it's not all of us fix a sock full of Graces will not prevail it is the power of God that will make the difference of what if you pray them angels will show up if you pray them angels will show up if you pray them angels were shorter when I open up my mouth and they father in the name of Jesus immediately to angel culpa my pops tan or both Aziza now there is it open up their winter and begin to fight the principalities if you pray thought of your angels will dispense in this house come and explore come they yoked up the devil huh yeah yeah yeah yeah praise Him praise Him praise Him praise Him and I'm not just up here talking I came to the prayer meeting to the camp meeting is just to give you my testimony not to be philosophical not to be deep just to tell you that five years ago you wouldn't want me to lay my hands on you [Applause] you must understand that phrase is that's crazy things in the spirit realm Judah means prayed but there's nine definitions to Judah and one of the definitions that you demean and open-palm at the throne of your enemy and the more you crave God the palm becomes a fist it means that praise is designed to choke the hell out of what's been choking the hell out of you if you praise off you choke the devil right now how many want to choke that booger [Applause] I'm not just up here talking I'm going to give you my testimony I won't have to know that your stuff is coming back your stuff is coming back everything the devil took from you is coming back that's 30 percent in membership that you see them empty chairs in your church that's over the money is coming back television is oh yes sir it's coming back this is the announcement he had that you to be here you're angels are being reassigned to you right now I reminded of a story of an English manor Englishman told the story that one night in London England in the summer months they were enjoying a wonderful wonderful evening is normally cloudy over there all the time and so they were enjoying this wonderful evening and he's taken in the night air and he's not paying attention to way he's walking so he falls into an open manhole he sprains his ankle and rips open his back house he cries out of his calamity and the story goes that a priest comes by and sees them in there and says is anybody in they says yes I've fallen into this digit to this hole and and my ankle is strung I believe in my back is bleeding can you help me the priest stands back and write some a prayer and drops it in the hole how screams the second time the story goes the doctor comes by someone down a yep I sprained my ankle my back is bleeding a priest gave me a prayer that doesn't work but I know you're gonna help me sir the doctor runs to his car gets his black bag comes back and write some of the prescription and drops it in the hole he says boy I got a prayer that doesn't work in a prescription I can't get filled how screams the third time the story goes that a friend comes by and recognizes his voice is that too dynamic he said yes me but buddy I know you're gonna help me my ankle is sprung my back is bleeding and a priest gave me a prayer that doesn't work in the doctor gave me a prescription I can't get filled but I know you're gonna help you give me a ladder or a rope or something buddy backed up and jump down in the hole would he say just the crazy special needs person what's wrong with you he said I told you that my ankle was sprung in my back was bleeding and I had a press that wouldn't work in a prescription I can't get Phil but he looked at him says unique wise I've been down here before and I know my way out of it and I want you to know tonight that I did down here before and I know my way out of this and I come to tell you that night that you coming out forget your neighbors they all neighbor you coming out I was ahead of witness in the business you're coming out you know Sophia's destroyed right now no spirits are leading you right now open up your mouth and give Donna brain is this place get apply [Music] the last the last camp meeting I preached that was like nine months before my breakdown this can't meet and I come back to say I'm back now and no weapon formed against me can prosper and because I knew how to praise I'm giving here no dirty stories on me ray will release a regimen of angels that will hide you in a secret place [Applause] it'll hide you in a secret place for many of you understand of my voice while I was preaching I could hear that spirit those demons of Rhea diction resurfacing banned people from your past coming just don't have the victory you're supposed to have and we tend to get into church and preach now in a way that deliverance no longer flows while I was preaching I could smell crack and taste cocaine I know it's in here tonight I know there are those of you tonight that today is the beginning of the rest of your life and your time has come for miracle and for breakthrough I refuse to be religious another day in my life I'm going to count to eight that's the number of new beginnings and at eight every one of you who's been struggling come to the end of your rope one prayer this altar is going to reassign your angels and you're gonna walk in victory [Applause] with those hands in Basildon your time has come your time has come your time your time your time has come 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [Music] those of you that are watching by television ain't no need to worry what the night is gonna bring it'll be all over [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] your brand [Applause] nobody has to touch you the Holy Ghost is go and do what the Holy Ghost going to do right now watch it happen watch it happen softly I'm hearing babies cry I mean babies cry that's the that's the sound of abortions and demons visiting you in your sleep and you can't get free from the torment of it but tonight you're going to get free [Applause] [Music] Lord eyes meet you today meeting with Maya stretch widel glory avi only ladies [Music] what I need you today Lord I need money with my [Music] lordy you're the only way come on come on away [Music] the Lord asked you [Music] with my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] stretch your hands to this altar take it from the preacher [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you from the bridge [Applause] take it from the breech of the night that God will come and get you where you are and restore your life back and I don't want the ritual of altars to take place in this room right now I want you to do what I did and that's reach up to God and then some of you at home watching right now tonight is your date with destiny today is the beginning of the rest of your life get on your knees right where you are and tell the Lord I can't wait till tomorrow I leave you today come into my life purge me cleanse me forgive me of my sins what we are experiencing here you can experience right there right now devil you are a life I command you to take your hands off of God's property I find you with the name of Jesus loose your own he was wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities and the chastisement of our peace was upon him and by His stripes we are healed i decree it and declare it and I sing it over your life right now now open up your mouth and give God a praise out of your spirit Wow [Music] grayza come on equation come on equation come out of places come on equation come on come on come on come on in wait I by heaven I 565 spirit of the sixes applies for gorgeous outside homosexuality as signed and I mind that I find it so hold open up out and let's find the name of Jesus I dare you to pray three now some of us freaked out now now now now now fella he's gotta open up some outrageous open up the mountain breeze get it all back tonight get all back give it all that all that all that all that all that all that all that all that the curse broke it down south now get us back now to get it back down to get it back to get back to get exact you get it back you will not divert to declare the glory of God action from the clutches of the blizzard now Oh No hahaha come on open up your mouth display them in the building why about I feel the Holy Ghost here again again son of a gun now well [Music] just rotated this way spirit of witchcraft broken off for you today in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus the spirit of will walk in victory and in the name of Allah open up your mouth and razor close enough your house is razor open up your mountain ranges open up your mouth and praises there's a witchcraft broken over your life son crawl broke is over your life somebody's upon the Lord in this place really listen to me come out of the spirit and hear what I got to tell you what's your name Jeremy Jeremy come out of the spirit hear what I don't say to the queue tonight because you're leaving here absolutely totally free tonight if I say anything to you that's wrong off you embarrass me good that's how powerful this word is I see you in the spirit seven years old nine years old 13 years old fighting off those footprints that walks in the night [Applause] today get back everything the devil story and loose from the ghost of regulation-free that's your fault not your fault not your boat not all somebody praising go home I feel the Holy Ghost in here somebody open em to have been lazy halleluyah halleluyah you yourseif here at world Harvest I don't do a little play on the word your seeds here at world Harvest goddess sent you here for germination process so he can use you to harvest the world I'm telling you and it's jacked up folks like us would give things and callings on the inside that people have robbed from us what's your name hmm today is the beginning of the rest of your life [Applause] Kamisha listen to me I was in prison in records Island prison I know a lot about spirits and that monkey that's been riding your back is off tonight you're in control of it now and you're gonna have victory after tonight Lucia celebrate in the name of Jesus somebody left the Lord in this place open up your mouth unless the Lord in this list open up your mouth unless the Lord in this place [Music] my time is up time is up my time is up but time is on your side and the reason why your life is jacked up and continues to remain jacked up is because you're not supposed to be living your life for your children's mistakes tonight's the night if you hear what I'm saying you take your life back [Music] because there's a healing taking place in your body right now but you got to let go 22 and 25 and embrace the maturity that God has placed in your spirit you will have victory I'm gonna see you a year from now you won't look like me miracle is taking place in your life right that's right and the crown of the head for the soul of Athena all you have to do is receive it that God is going to do it in Jesus name Amen [Music] I came to the camp-meeting give my testimony and to repent to you in public and if God would do it for me he'll do the same thing for you I don't want anyone leaving I need five minutes of your time you can go back to your seat I want every leader every preacher remand of God in this room to bow your heads in here what I want to say to you Thank You pastor parsley thank you thank you thank you curse is broken what's your name I promise you Robin I promise you I'm trying to hold myself together promise you this second time is going to work which is his vows not chakra Taba which hit about I'm not talking to everyone but I'm talking to a few pastors and leaders who the enemy has really really messed with your church your ministry and your economy that supernaturally recovery is about to hit you and you're not going to give to be seen but you definitely need to be seen giving I want to see the hands of those of you who the enemy has really really attacked your money your finances whose here hands it's really tactic let me see the hands of those that were real givers and the enemy attacked your finances because he wanted to stop something well do your hand like this but he hadn't been able to stop it I'm talking to you tonight he blesses thirty sixty and a hundredfold and will talk to you just like that there are thirty leaders thirty pastors thirty businessmen in this room tonight the see that you're going to sow is in the life of world harvesters I saw people delivered from homosexuality at the altar I saw people delivered from the purse the guilt folks that just can't walk in freedom because religion has made them believe that God can't do it I believe that was one of the reasons why I went through what I went through because God could trust me to tell the truth about it he just can trust me I don't like anybody holding anything over my head if I did it I did it if I didn't I didn't thank you Jesus there are 30 businessmen 30 men of God 30 women of God 30 businessmen in this room tonight every heavy burden that rests upon the shoulders of the man of God to pull off a meeting like this which costs hundreds tens of hundreds of thousands of dollars tonight you're going to carry this anointing back to your homes you're gonna carry this anointing back to your church in obedience leaders 30 60 and 100 that's how God bless there are 30 of you in here tonight I want you to put your hands on your substance and your sowing a seed of $1,000 an uncommon seed of $1,000 even if you have the right to check standing up here get up and start moving right this moment right this moment like this more like this man like this man get it stay in lighting it right this man right this home right this smoke 30 of you right this way 30 of you light this look my god he's speaking for 30 and you right this month no tricks no gimmicks no games no playing with your head right this moment you ain't moving quick enough get that scene get it to start walking get it start walking get in someone get it start walking get it start walking somebody clap those hands and let go get it get it it's over the devil is a liar the devil is a liar there will be a mighty release in this room clap those hands they're coming they're coming they're coming they're coming I'm waiting on you get it even if you have to write your seat Wow get it start walking get it start walking listen to me listen to me I don't want to confuse you but I'm going to obey God there are five pastors in this room tonight five pastors in this room tonight your ministry is four years behind the television all the things that you're supposed to do your seed challenge tonight is 2014 dollars I want those five passengers to come and stand here with me we're going to touch and agree and what happened for me in ministry is about to happen to you in your ministry it's going to turn there five of you in the I hear so clearly you have no fear in buying for wearing a $2,000 suit but you don't so at that level you need to start sewing at that level there are five of you that God is going to turn things for I'm waiting on you where are you you might have you already even be up here and have to void the check turn it into that 2014 dollars watch God do strange things for you I wait longer I'm waiting I'm waiting I'm waiting I'm waiting on this is your season of turnaround this is your season of turnaround this is your season of turnaround this is your season of turnaround I'm a reduce disturb devil you are a liar we can't continue to struggle like this in the name of Jesus where's those bastards where's those factors where those leaders where are you in the name of Jesus five you come stand right here in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus there goes one clap those hands there goes to fat goes area there goes three three come - right there - other they do of Aqaba the struggles over man the God the struggle is over the struggle is over the struggle is over editing tough the struggle is over the struggle is over the mighty clap though they have to struggle is over discover look over the struggle is over the struggle is over you're one of them you're one of them you're one of them you're one of them you're one of them one other one more clap those days I know God is speaking to me in this world right now that's about the same way I stood on that street corner and work for the devil that's how I stand on the altar and work for God the devil is a liar and everything in this house is going to be met and that cancellation is in your immediate future but you got to release it you got to release it you got a release and you got to release it you got to release it did you did you hear me say if you hear me say five years behind your me say that do you hear me say five years by your you say that right do you know what that means you know what that means for the desire the stuff that is in your heart to do the stuff that you want to do say something to you the folks who walked over you who stepped who stepped on you the folks that you served and bless and got jealous of you so they couldn't bless you back their hearts changed you had to deal with the devil is a liar the devil is a liar five minutes behind they're gonna look up OOP and there you are and it asked the question how did you get on the throne you'll be able to lift your hands and say I ceded my way there and I don't owe nobody nothin different you didn't believe that I could get there this is your year of doors opening up for you in the name of Jesus and God's gonna send people he's going to send people to serve you the way that you serve and the enemy doesn't like it so you'd be very very careful that the hurt and the pain that you have experienced doesn't manifest over the people that God is sending to you because man I promise you one year from now debt cancellation it's gonna happen [Music] it's what happening it's what happened all right I went 300 of you in this room to bow your heads right now 300 of you in this room right now and this is your walk on the water see I want you to put your hands on your substance your checkbooks and I want you to write accede to God for $300 and I want you to march down here like you are a Gideon's army I want you to march down here and look the devil in the faces they I'm using this to turn things for me after the promise I promise you I'm never wrong when I give a word because I don't be trying to find one only deliver what God say your days have been looked over and passed over them it's now over turn to your neighbor and say there's $300 on every roll in this church start working it out start working it out start working it out start working it out hit that C and start walking now in the name of Jesus get that seed and start walking now in the name of Jesus if two of you have to do it if three of you have to do it we're gonna make this happen in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus get that seed get that team get that seed and start walking right now get that seed get that seed somebody bless the Lord in this place get that see if FC saves your neighbor I got 150 you got 150 let's walk together we're going to destroy this show three of you I've got 100 apiece come on let's all walk together in the necklace there's three hundred dollars on every role in every role in this church get it make it happen get that seat get that seed get that seed of 300 and start walking somebody bless the Lord in this place let them let them [Music] this man right here is sowing a seed tonight of 10,000 that's the frost element I want to say this this is what I want to say and I'm not being funny or anything like that these folks go to places and go to conferences and raise money and sow seed and give money to ministries without a cause they stand up and they shout it out proudly they don't win souls they don't feed the hungry they do nothing and then you come to this meeting where the anointing is and where we're digging Wells purifying water putting clothes on children's backs and you sit there tonight this should be a stampede of people running saying I'm giving 10,000 I'm given 5,000 I'm giving 2,000 and we're struggling to get 300 the devil is a liar he's a liar he's a liar so let's pray the spirit of nibbles away from here to know I believe did you really really like this in Greek mythology the poverty God name is nibbles he's depicted as a rat with a rat's tail his two front feet are human hands is too high in our human feet and he has the face of a man he enters into a hole into the house through a crack ho and then he stands up as a physical man his name is nibbles because he eats out everything in the house the home the marriage the children and once he has got his belly filled with your prosperity with your legacy he goes back into the form of being a rat and then he leaves infectious droppings so that that house never prospers again and slithers through the hole and goes on to another place it's a rat spirit and I cursed that spirit in this room tonight in the name of and I command you to stand in faith what's your name huh Alice how you doing Alice you say great Alice I feel you pulling on my spirit you're sewing tonight Alice why yes why are you sewing plan for breakthrough in your finances it's done right now in the name of Jesus over and above in Jesus name I'm waiting on you I'm waiting on you I'm waiting on you I'm waiting on you here they come I'm waiting on you I'm waiting on you I'm waiting on you I'm soaring for my children I'm sorry for prison bars to open up I'm throwing for miracles I'm sowing I'm sowing get up start walking right now get up and start walking clap those hands clap those hands let's let the Lord let's let the Lord in this place yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah get up come on in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus we cursed that spirit and we release miracles financial miracles in this place time is on outside I got so caught up in the message I didn't get to the clocks but time is on your side I want everyone else in this room to put your hands on a $30 see
Channel: Jason Lands
Views: 47,093
Rating: 4.6768403 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 43sec (6103 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2017
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